ImagineNano 2015

IMAGINENANO PROGRAMS Tuesday – March 10, 2015
8:00 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:20 ImagineNano 2015 Opening Ceremony - Welcome and Introduction
09:20 - 09:35 Israel presentation - Invited country (Alon Bar (Israel Embassador) & Nava Swersky)
09:35 - 11:15 Tribute to Heini Rohrer. Pedro Miguel Echenique (DIPC, Spain) - Welcome and Introduction
(PL) Ignacio Cirac (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany); (PL) Jean-Marie Lehn (University of Strasbourg, France)
11:15 - 12:00 Poster Session - Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
Auditorium 1 Floor 4
Room 3 Floor 5
Room 4 Floor 5
12:00 - 13:40
12:00 - 13:30
12:00 - 13:30
(K) Pulickel Ajayan (Rice University, USA)
(O) Catherine Journet (University Lyon 1, France)
(O) Zhang Yanfeng (Peking University, China)
(O) Hyeon Jin Shin (Samsung Advanced Institute of
Technology, Korea)
(O) Michael Hilke (McGill University & FU Berlin, Canada)
(K) Enrico Sabbioni (ECSIN, VenetoNanotech & SIN , Italy)
(K) Roberto Rallo (URV, Spain)
(O) Jose Maria Lacave (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
(O) Roberto Rosal (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)
(K) Davide Donadio (MPI for Polymer Research, Germany)
(K) Ilari Maasilta (University of Jyvaskyla, Finland)
(K) Jouni Ahopelto (VTT, Finland)
13:30 - 15:00 Cocktail Lunch (offered by ImagineNano organizers)
Auditorium 1 Floor 4
Room 3 Floor 5
Room 4 Floor 5
15:30 - 16:45
15:00 - 16:55
15:00 - 16:45
15:00 - 16:15
Nanocellulose & Paper Industry
(K) Antonio H. Castro Neto
(National University of Singapore, Singapore)
(I) Wang Yao (HKU, Hong Kong)
(O) Stefano Dal Conte
(IFN-CNR and Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
(I) Frank Koppens (ICFO, Spain)
(K) Julian Blasco (ICMAN-CSIC, Spain)
(K) Miren P. Cajaraville (UPV/EHU, Spain)
(O) Eva Araque (ITENE, Spain)
(O) EncarnMuchas graacion Caballero Diaz (University of
Cordoba, Spain)
(O) Christian Freese (University Medical Center Mainz, Germany)
16:55 - 17:45 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
(K) Thomas Dekorsy (Universitaet Konstanz, Germany)
(K) Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres (ICN2, Spain)
(O) Jose Ramon Martinez Saavedra (ICFO, Spain)
16:45 - 17:45 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
16:15 - 17:15 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
Vip Room Floor 2
Presentation of the session - Basque Government
Department of Economic Development and
(O) Iñaki Ugarte (Basque Country Paper Cluster)
(O) Álvaro Tejado (Tecnalia Research and
(O) Gary Chinga-Carrasco (Paper and fibre
Research Institute of Norway -PFI)
16:45 - 17:15 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
Auditorium 1 Floor 4
Room 3 Floor 5
Room 4 Floor 5
Vip Room Floor 2
17:45 - 19:00
17:45 - 18:45
17:15 - 19:00
(O) Nerea Duroudier (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
(O) Nerea Garcia-Velasco (University of the Basque Country,
(O) Alba Jimeno (UPV/EHU, Spain)
(O) Ismael Rodea Palomares (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,
17:15 - 17:45
Nanocellulose & Paper Industry
(K) Pascal Ruello (Universite du Maine, France)
(O) Elodie Perros (ESPCI - CNRS - Institut Langevin, France)
(O) Iván Silveiro (ICFO- Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Spain)
(O) Guillermo Acuna (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
(K) Albert Schliesser (Copenhagen University, Denmark)
(I) Andras Kis (EPFL, Switzerland)
(O) Elena del Corro (J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical
Chemistry of the ASCR, v.v.i., Czech Republic)
(O) Guy Le Lay (Aix-Marseille University, France)
(O) Evangelia Xenogiannopoulou (Institute of Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology, National Center for Scientific Research
(O) Michel Schenker (OMYA)
IMAGINENANO PROGRAMS Wednesday – March 11, 2015
Auditorium 1 Floor 4th
Room 3 Floor 5
09:00 - 10:30
09:00 - 11:00
nanoSafety & EHS Advance
(I) Alberto Morpurgo (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
(O) John Wallbank (Lancaster University, United Kingdom)
(O) Adrian Balan (CEA -Licsen, France)
(O) Jens Baringhaus (Leibniz Universität, Institut für
Festkörperphysik, Germany)
(O) Enrique Diez (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)
(I) Barbaros Ozyilmaz (NUS, Singapore)
Introduction to the session and Basque nanotechnology industrial
context - Basque Government
(O) Iñaki Tellechea (SPRI, Spain)
Basque industrial experience and EHS needs
(O) Iñigo Charola (GRAPHENEA, Spain)
(O) María Blazquez (INKOA, Spain)
(O) Ángel Hernán (SISTEPLANT, Spain)
EHS solutions for the Basque Country’s nanotechnology industry
(O) Amaia Martínez (nanoBasque Agency – SPRI, Spain)
(O) Yolanda de Miguel (TECNALIA-EHS Advance, Spain)
11:30 - 13:45
Parallel workshop 1: Applications of Graphene-based
Materials - Auditorium 2 Floor 4th
Parallel workshop 2: Materials & Devices Characterization
Auditorium 1 Floor 4th
Parallel workshop 3: Theory & Simulation - Room 1B Floor 5th
Parallel workshop 5: Standardization - Room 1A Floor 5th
Please check the programs book for detailed schedule
(K) Gabby Sarusi (Ben-Gurion University,
(O) Kirsi Tappura (VTT Tech. Res.
Centre of Finland, Finland)
(O) Christos Tserkezis (DIPCr and
Centro de Fisica de Materiales CSICUPV/EHU, Spain)
(K) Paolo Vavassori (CIC nanoGUNE,
(O) Antonio Garcia-Martin (IMMCNM/CSIC, Spain)
(O) Kristof Lodewijks (Chalmers
University of Technology, Sweden)
(O) Francesco Pineider (University of
Florence & INSTM, Italy)
10:30 - 11:00 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
11:00 - 11:30 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
11:00 - 12:00
Room 3 Floor 5
EHS solutions for the Basque Country’s nanotechnology industry
(O) Jesús López de Ipiña (TECNALIA-EHS Advance, Spain)
(O) Luis Madariaga (Gaiker-IK-4-EHS Advance, Spain)
(O) Borja Coto (IK4-Tekniker-EHS Advance, Spain)
Integration of EHS aspects in business management for Basque companies
(O) Mario Calderón (AENOR, Spain)
Basque Institute of Occupational Health and Safety’s view of NMs and
closure of the session
(O) Izaskun Urien (OSALAN, Spain)
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch
Room 4 Floor 5
09:00 - 11:15
09: 00 - 11:15
09:00 - 11:30
Industrial session coorganised with SECPHO
nanoSafety & EHS Advance
This session takes place during NanoSpain Toxicology
Solutions & Applications
for Nanomaterials
Luz Ruiz (Alava
Gerald Kada (Keysight)
Roger Artigas
Roshan Shetty &
Forrest Weesner
(Anasys Instruments)
(O) Guillermo Antorrena Pardo
(INA/LMA - Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
(O) David Talavera (CTECHnano, Spain)
(O) Ander de Bustos (Simune, Spain)
(K) Marc Chaigneau (HORIBA, France)
(O) Ido Winer (Tortech Nano Fibers, Israel)
(O) Begoña Galindo (AIMPLAS, Spain)
(O) Pilar de Miguel (CDTI, Spain)
(O) Andres Ubierna (INNVIERTE, Spain)
(O) Case studies: Graphenea, PRAXIS PHARMACEUTICAL
11:15 - 11:45 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
Vip Room Floor 2
11:30 - 12:00 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
11:45 - 13:30
12:00 - 13:15
Industrial session co-organised with SECPHO
(O) Antxon Santamaría (Polymat)
(O) Bartolomé Simonet (Carbures)
(O) Antonio León (IEDISA)
(O) Sonia Florez (TECNALIA)
X-ray Tomography
Antonio Martínez (ZEISS)
3D X-Ray tomography applications
Antonio Casares (ZEISS)
Antonio Martínez (ZEISS)
Vip Room Floor 2
Round table
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch
13:00 - 15:00 Lunch
15:00 - 16:15
Room 3 Floor 5
Room 4 Floor 5
15:00 - 17:00
Parallel workshop 1: Applications of Graphene-based
Materials- Auditorium 2 Floor 4th
Parallel workshop 2: Materials & Devices Characterization
15:00 - 16:15
15:00 - 16:15
Tech Transfer & Opportunities for International
(O) Maidá Domat (ITENE, Spain)
(O) Blanca Suarez Merino (Fundación GAIKER, Spain)
(O) Celina Vaquero (TECNALIA, Spain)
(K) Joaquin De Lapuente (Universidad de Barcelona, Spain)
(K) Yury Rakovich (Centro de Fisica de Materiales CSICUPV/EHU, Spain)
(K) Uri Banin (The Hebrew University, Israel)
(O) Ladislav Kavan (J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry,
Czech Republic)
Auditorium 1 Floor 4th
Parallel workshop 3: Theory & Simulation - Room 1B Floor 5th
Parallel workshop 4: Worldwide Graphene Initiatives,
Funding and Priorities - Room 1A Floor 5th
Please check the programs book for detailed schedule
16:15 - 17:15 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
16:10 - 17:15 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
Vip Room Floor 2
(K) Nava Swersky Sofer (ICA, Israel)
(O) Dana Gavish-Fridman (Yissum, Israel)
(K) Victor Acinas (CCAN, Ireland)
(O) Laura Toledo (Fundación Argentina de
Nanotecnología, Argentina)
(O) Yolanda de Miguel (TECNALIA, Spain)
(O) Jiri Fusek (Czech Invest, Czech Republic)
16:15 - 17:15 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
17:00 - 17:30 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
17:15 - 19:00
Room 3 Floor 5
Room 4 Floor 5
17:30 - 18:30
Parallel workshop 1: Applications of Graphene-based
Materials- Auditorium 2 Floor 4th
Parallel workshop 2: Materials & Devices Characterization
17:15 - 18:00
17:15 - 18:45
Tech Transfer & Opportunities for International
Auditorium 1 Floor 4th
(O) Vânia Vilas (INL, Portugal)
(K) Jose M. Navas (INIA, Spain)
Parallel workshop 3: Theory & Simulation - Room 1B Floor 5th
Parallel workshop 4: Worldwide Graphene Initiatives, Funding
and Priorities - Room 1A Floor 5th
Concluding Remarks
(O) Alejandro Martinez (Universitat Politècnica de València,
(K) Juan Carlos Cuevas (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid,
(O) Victor Fernandez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
(K) Sebastian Volz (Ecole Centrale Paris-CNRS, France)
Vip Room Floor 2
(K) Consuelo Espejo Rodriguez (OEPM, Spain)
(K) Javier Maira (CSIC, Spain)
Please check the programs book for detailed schedule
21:00 ImagineNano Dinner (Free Transfer: Meeting Point Bilbao Exhibition Centre (BEC) at 20:30) - Only included in the following passes: Global, Graphene and PPM
IMAGINENANO PROGRAMS Thursday – March 12, 2015
Luxua Floor 3
09:00 - 11:15
09:00 - 11:00
09:00 - 11:30
(K) Alke Fink (University of Fribourg,
(K) Fabian Blank (University of Bern,
(K) Miguel A. Correa-Duarte (Universidad de
Vigo, Spain)
(K) Jesus Martinez de la Fuente (ICMA, Spain)
(K) Matthias Driess (Technische Universitat,
(K) Roie Yerushalmi (The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Israel)
(K) Giulia Licini (University of Padova, Italy)
(K) Tomas Torres (Universidad Autonoma de
Madrid, Spain)
(K) Joao Rocha (CICECO/University of Aveiro,
(K) Javier Garcia de Abajo (ICFO, Spain)
(O) Fausto Dapuzzo (Univ. of Rome "Sapienza", Italy)
(O) Peter Gnauck (Carl ZEISS Microscopy, Germany)
(O) Joel Cox (The Institute of Photonic Sciences,
(O) Fernando López-Tejeira (Univ. de Zaragoza,
(O) Marc Barbry (CFM-MPC, Centro Mixto CSICUPV/EHU , Spain)
(O) Sandra de Vega Esteban (The Institute of Photonic
Sciences, Spain)
(O) Paulo Sarriugarte (CIC nanoGUNE, Spain)
Auditorium 1 Floor 4
Parallel Workshop PhD Students: Track B
Auditorium 2 Floor 4
Parallel Workshop PhD Students: Track C
Room 1 Atrium
Please check the programs book for detailed
In parallel is taking place at the Industrial Forum the
Session: Graphene Commercialization
11:15 - 13:00 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
11:00 - 13:00 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
11:30 - 13:00 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
Room 4 Floor 5
11:15 - 13:00 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
Graphene Commercialization
(I) Khasha Ghaffarzadeh
(IDTechEx, UK)
(I) Ania Servant
(NGI-University of Manchester,
(I) Chun-Yun Sung (Lockheed
Martin, USA)
(I) Karl S. Coleman (Durham
University & Applied Graphene
Materials, UK)
11:15 - 12:00 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
Vip Room Floor 2
Graphene Commercialization
Auditorium 1 Floor 4
Room 1B Floor 5
15:00 - 16:25
15:00 - 16:30
16:25 - 17:30 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
16:30 - 17:00 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
15:00 - 16:30
(K) Serge Ravaine (University of Bordeaux,
(O) Laida Cano (University of the Basque
Country (UPV/EHU), Spain)
(O) Erlantz Lizundia (University of the Basque
Country (UPV/EHU), Spain)
(O) Felix Zamora (Universidad Autónoma De
Madrid, Spain)
(O) Zhongfu Zhou (Aberystwyth University,
United Kingdom)
16:30 - 17:30 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
(K) Nicola Marzari (EPFL, Switzerland)
(O) Pavel Dorozhkin (NT-MDT, Russia)
(O) Antonio Consoli (Instituto de Ciencia de
Materiales de Madrid, Spain)
(O) André Costa Moreira Espinha (Instituto de
Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Spain)
(O) Denise Montesdeoca Cárdenes (Instituto
de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Spain)
16:30 - 17:00 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
Auditorium 1 Floor 4
Room 1B Floor 5
Room 1A Floor 5
Room 4 Floor 5
17:30 - 19:00
17:00 - 19:15
17:30 - 19:00
17:00 - 19:15
(I) Jun Lou (Rice University, USA)
(O) Oleksandr Ivasenko
(KU Leuven- University of Leuven, Belgium)
(O) Jérôme Lagoute
(MPQ, Université Paris Diderot, France)
(I) Andrea C. Ferrari
(Cambridge Graphene Centre, UK)
(K) Ofra Benny (The Hebrew University, Israel)
(O) Francisco Javier Meseguer (CSIC, Spain)
(O) Monica Fanarraga (Universidad de
Cantabria, Spain)
(O) Juan Manuel Serrano Núñez (Sesderma
Laboratories, Spain)
(O) Ana Lazaro-Carrillo (Universidad
Autonoma Madrid / IMDEA Nanociencia, Spain)
(O) Marlene Lúcio (Universidade do Minho,
(O) Eneko Axpe (University of the Basque
Country - UPV/EHU, Spain)
(O) Göknur Kara (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
(K) Rafal Klajn
(Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
(O) Rebeca Sola
(Universidad del País Vasco, Spain)
(O) David Lewis (Nanonics Imaging Ltd, Israel)
(O) Alex Bondarchuk (CIC energiGUNE, Spain)
(K) Yannick De Wilde (ESPCI Paris TechCNRS, France)
(K) Yossi Paltiel (The Hebrew University,
(K) Joao Gaspar (INL, Portugal)
(O) Jose Angel Pariente (Instituto de Ciencia
de Materiales de Madrid ICMM - CSIC, Spain)
(O) Alberto Jiménez-Solano (ICMSE, CSICUS, Spain)
(O) Peter I Belobrov (MOLPIT, Siberian
Federal University, Russia)
(I) Shyam Venkataraman
(BASF, Germany)
(I) Laurent Baraton (GDF Suez,
13:00 – 15:00 Cocktail Lunch
15:00 - 16:30
Vip Room Floor 2
Graphene Commercialization
(I) Ken Teo (Aixtron, UK)
(I) Iñigo Charola (Graphenea,
(I) Ashot Ter-Avanessov
(OCSiAL Ltd., UK)
In parallel is taking place at the Industrial Forum the
Session: Graphene Commercialization
Room 4 Floor 5
(Only for registered participants)
(K) Young Hee Lee (SKKU, South Korea)
(O) Yu Chen (East China University of Science
and Technology, China)
(O) Nicolas Decorde (Cambridge Graphene
Center, United Kingdom)
(O) Vladimir Ermolov (VTT, Finland)
(K) Javier Tamayo (IMM-CNM/CSIC, Spain)
(K) Laura Lechuga (ICN2, Spain)
(K) Avi Schroeder (Technion, Israel)
Room 1A Floor 5
15:00 - 16:30
12:00 - 13:00
(Only for registered participants)
13:00 - 15:00 Cocktail Lunch (offered by ImagineNano organizers)
Vip Room Floor 2
09:15 - 11:15
for registered participants)
Room 1A Floor 5
Parallel Workshop PhD Students: Track A
Room 1B Floor 5
Brokerage Event
09:30 - 11:15
16:30 - 17:30 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
Vip Room Floor 2
17:30 - 19:00
Brokerage Event
Concluding Remarks
(I) Karlheinz Strobl
(CVD Equipment Corporation,
(I) Kazuo Muramatsu
(Incubation Alliance, Japan)
(O) Arnaldo Galbiati
(O) Antonio Leon
(IEDISA, Spain)
(Only for registered participants)
In parallel is taking place at the Industrial Forum the
Session: Graphene Commercialization
Graphene Commercialization
MAGINENANO PROGRAMS Friday – March 13, 2015
Auditorium 1 Floor 4
Room 1B Floor 5
Room 1A Floor 5
Vip Room Floor 2
09:00 - 10:30
09:00 - 10:30
09:00 - 10:45
09:00 - 11:00
(I) Deji Akinwande (University Texas at Austin, USA)
(O) Marcos Pimenta (UFMG, Brazil)
(O) Jean-Louis
Louis Sauvajol (CNRS-University
University Montpellier 2,
(O) Jiong Zhao (SungKyunKwan Univerisity, Korea)
(O) Zhenhua Ni (Southeast University, China)
(K) Laurence Salome
(IPBS UPS/CNRS UMR 5089, France)
(O) Josu Martinez-Perdiguero
Martinez Perdiguero (CIC microGUNE, Spain)
(O) Valery Pavlov (CIC BiomaGUNE, Spain)
(O) Maria Carmen Morant-Miñana
Morant Miñana (CIC microGUNE, Spain)
(K) Mato Knez (CIC nanoGUNE, Spain)
(K) Danny Porath (The Hebrew University, Israel)
(O) Fernando Benito-Lopez
(CIC microGUNE, Spain)
(O) Lourdes Isabel Cabrera Lara (Instituto de Química, UNAM,
CCIQS, Mexico)
(O) Marketa Zukalova (J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical
Chemistry, AS CR, Czech Republic)
Nanotechnology & Health
10:30 - 11:00 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
10:45 - 11:30 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
10:30 - 11:30 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
11:30 - 13:15
Auditorium 1 Floor 4
(I) Max Lemme (University of Siegen, Germany)
(O) Madeline Diaz-Serrano
(University of Pennsylvania, United States)
(O) Maria Cristina dos Santos
(Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
(O) Omur Isil Aydin (IMEP-LAHC,
(I) Jose A. Garrido (TU München, Germany)
00 - 13:30
Shachar Richter (Tel-Aviv
Aviv University, Israel)
(K) Simon Benita (The Hebrew University, Israel)
(K) Assaf Friedler (The Hebrew University, Israel)
(O) Vicent J. Nebot Carda
(Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, Spain)
(O) Bartira Rossi-Bergmann
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
(K) Manuel Bañobre-López
Bañobre López (INL, Portugal)
- 14:45 Lunch
14:45 - 17:00
Auditorium 1 Floor 4
(I) Luigi Colombo (Texas Instruments, USA)
(O) Pablo Alonso-González
González (CIC nanoGUNE,
E, Spain)
(O) Hyo Won Kim
(Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea)
(O) Wilfrid Poirier
(Laboratoire National de métrologie et d'Essais, France)
(O) Cristina Gomez-Navarro
(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)
(O) Ling Hao
ical Laboratory, United Kingdom)
(National Physical
(I) Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku University, Japan)
Room 1B Floor 5
Room 1B Floor 5
(K) Niels Reichardt (CIC biomaGUNE, Spain)
(O) Cristina Flors (IMDEA Nanociencia, Spain)
(O) Sedef İlk (Niğde University, Turkey)
(O) Ruta Grinyte (CICbiomagune, Spain)
(O) Artur Pinto (LEPABE, Portugal)
(O) Rita Rodrigues (University of Minho, Portugal)
(O) Maite Goiriena-Goikoetxea
Goiriena Goikoetxea (Basque Center for
Materials (BCMaterials), Spain)
(O) Jose Miguel Garcia-Martin
Garcia Martin (IMM-CSIC, Spain)
(O) Darja Lisjak (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
Vip Room Floor 2
11:30 - 13:00
11:30 - 12:30
(K) Christian Albertus Nijhuis (NUS, Singapore)
(K) Davide Bonifazi (University of Namur, Belgium)
(O) Jessica Morlieras (CEA, France)
(O) Arnaud Glaria (INSA Toulouse - Laboratoire de Physique
et Chimie des Nano-Objets,
Nano Objets, France)
Nanotechnology & Health
13:00 - 14:45
45 Lunch
Room 1A Floor
14:45 - 17:15
(K) Andre Gourdon (CEMES-CNRS,
CNRS, France)
(K) Jon M. Matxain (UPV/EHU and DIPC, Spain)
(O) Seunghwan Lee (Technical University of Denmark,
(O) Jose M. De Teresa (CSIC-University
University of Zaragoza, Spain)
(O) Houman Bahmani Jalali (Istanbul Technical University,
(O) Sina Sadigh Akbari (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey)
(K) Mitsuhiro Okuda (CIC nanoGUNE, Spain)
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks
As of March 06, 2015
PL: Plenary Lecture / K:: Keynote Lecture / I:: Invited Speaker / O:: Oral Presentation
11:00 - 11:30 Poster Session
Coffee Break - Instrument Exhibition
Room 1A Floor 5
13:30 - 15:00
15:00 - 17:30
(O) Alexander Arriola (SPRI, Spain)
(O) Cristina Oyón (SPRI, Spain)
(O) Christian Sánchez Espinel (NANOIMMUNOTECH(NANOI
ASEBIO, Spain)
(O) Justin Barry (Midatech Biogune)
(O) Iraida Loinaz (IK4-Cidetec)
(O) Ángel del Pozo (Praxis Pharmaceutical, Spain)
(O) Iban Larroulet (SENSIA, Spain)
(K) Joao Gaspar (INL, Portugal)