ST. DOMINIC'S CATHOLIC CHURCH NEWSLETTER 8th MARCH 2015 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT - psalter week 3 FR. PADDY CANNON - [email protected] – 8686 1634 Confessions: Saturday 9.45 am - 10.15 am & 5.15 pm - 5.45 pm 7th March SATURDAY 8th March SUNDAY (St. John of God) 6.00 pm 9.00 am 11.00 am First Holy Communion Class 9.30 2.00 pm 5.00 pm 9th March MONDAY 9.15 am 10th March TUESDAY 11th March WEDNESDAY 9.15 am 7.00 pm 12th March THURSDAY 13th March FRIDAY 9.15 am 7.00 pm 7.30 pm 9.15 am 6.00 pm 9.00 am 14th March SATURDAY 15th March SUNDAY 11.00 am 5.00 pm Pro Populo Michael McHale’s Welfare (Leonie Beardall) Rosanna Jones R.I.P. (1st Anniversary) (Lisa & Nadia Corsini) Filipino Community Mass Michael McHale’s Intentions Maria Carman Manche R.I.P. (Anniversary) (Maria Angela & Andre) Molly Frost R.I.P. (Birthday) (Leonie Beardall) Rosanna Jones R.I.P. (1st Anniversary) (Okogho Family) Harry Searle R.I.P. (Anniversary) (Derek Searle) Connie Cronin R.I.P. (Norma Byde) Michael Boyd R.I.P. (His Family) STATIONS OF THE CROSS Welfare of Winnie Cheng (Francis Lam) Fr. Gabriel McCarthy R.I.P. (John O’Shea) Mrs Ita McGuiness & Kathleen Morley R.I.P. (Sean Cunningham & Family) Cecilia & John Campbell R.I.P. (Dominic & Collette Campbell & Family) Pro Populo COLLECTION TOTAL LAST SUNDAY: £937.69. Thank you for your generosity Any items for newsletter please email: [email protected] Parish Website: SICK: Debbie Middlecoat, Catherine Lloyd, Reg Legro, Maria Ma Thamby, Bill Cumber, Conny Morrissey, Tamara Coelho, Florencs Withers, Caroline Bridge, Doreen Clarke, Sofia Jones, Mary Kelly, Brenda Sweeney, Sally Haddad, Michael Knight, Stella Hamilton, Tom Brophy, Helen Roache, Brian Manning, Joan Collins, Jim McNulty, Irene Ozkaya, Olga Middlecoat, Oscar Leow. ANNIVERSARY: Mary Gormley, Delia O’shea, Peter Dunne, Jessie Arthur, Dave Davies, Thomas Testa, Auguste Bellot, Margherita Grosse, David Nott, Elsie Flavin, Barry Searle, William McGannan, Norah Turner, Darren Johnston, Heather Fonseca, Jim McCay, Caroline Wales, Horace Skipper. May they all Rest in Peace. GENERAL ELECTION: The Bishops have written a joint letter to all Catholics encouraging our participation in the election and offering some key questions and issues for discussion from the perspective of faith. The letters are available in the Narthex, please take one. LENT: We are now in the third week of lent, this is a spiritual season preparing for renewing of Baptism vows at Easter. It is a time of Grace don’t waste it, spend some time coming to daily Mass, or our Wednesday evening Rosary and Benediction or Stations of the Cross on Fridays. Or join us for the Penitential Service on 26th March @ 7.00 pm or by helping others or by giving us some items of food or drink or by giving alms. We at St. Dominic’s offer plenty of opportunities to help you along your journey. I look forward to seeing you. Fr. Paddy. OCTOGENARIAN: Today Michael McHale will be 40 years of age for the second time. After the 5.00 pm Mass there will be food and drink served in the Narthex. All welcome. Michael. JUSTICE & PEACE GROUP: Meet every 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Parish Room @ 7.00 pm. Everyone welcome to come along! The breakfast to mark Fairtrade Fortnight has had to be rescheduled so will not take place on March 8th but please watch this space. This year it is twenty years since the Fairtrade mark was launched so the impact of Fairtrade is being celebrated. However there is a way to go: although 78% of the UK public recognise the Fairtrade mark only 1.2% of cocoa and less than 10% of tea is traded globally on Fairtrade terms. Please take action. Buy only Fairtrade goods for consumption at parish events and try to buy for yourself, every week, at least one thing which is fairly traded. As always, thank you for prayerful and practical support. FILIPINO COMMUNITY MASS: Held every second Sunday of the month @ 2.00 pm followed by light snacks and drinks in the Narthex. ST. DOMINIC'S CREATIVITY GROUP: Meet every Thursday from 10.00 am - 12 Noon. For more information please contact: [email protected] PARISH EVENT - SENIOR CITIZEN'S PARTY 2015: Saturday 9th May @ Regina Coeli Primary School, Pampisford Road, South Croydon. We can get into the hall at 2.15 pm so the party will start @ 3.30 pm and finish at approximately 6.00 pm. There will be a meeting on MONDAY 23rd MARCH @ 8.00 pm IN THE NARTHEX to discuss further. Please come along if you can help in any way. If you can’t make the meeting but would still like to help please either email me at: [email protected] or telephone 8657 2271 (if I’m not in please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you). Thanking you all in anticipation. Elaine Carson. ST. DOMINIC’S 100 CLUB: January: £10 Norma Byde (#46) - £5 Rosemary McLuskey (#77). February: £10 Michael McHale (#56) - £5 Michael Muldoon (#23). March: £10 Rosemary McLuskey (#37) - £5 Gail Tully-Fernando (#33). Congratulations to all winners. Elaine & Tom Carson. CROYDON UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL: There will be Mass in Croydon University Hospital every MONDAY during Lent at 12 Noon. GOOD FRIDAY WALK OF WITNESS: An appeal has been made for participants in the dramatic representation of the crucifixion outside the Whitgift Almshouses at about 12.00 noon on Good Friday. It is quite a commitment as there are rehearsals. For more information please contact Toni Suffolk on 07786935554 or email: [email protected]. Stewards are also required as well as people to hand out leaflets, if this would be of interest please let me know. Thank you. WAYS INTO PRAYER: Join us for a morning of prayer, quiet and meditation as we explore “Deserts and Living Water” at Sanderstead Methodist Church, Limpsfield Road, CR2 9DA on Saturday 21st March from 10.00 am – 1.00 pm. Coffee or tea will be served from 9.30 am. For more information please contact: Elaine Leck on 8651 0007 or email: [email protected] LITTLE BIG SILENCE WEEKEND: From Friday 13th March – Sunday 15th March @ House of Prayer, 35 Seymour Road, East Molesey, Surrey, KT8 0PB. The House of Prayer will be running a silent residential retreat weekend for people to come and have a little taster! The retreat will be led by the House of Prayer Retreat team. Arrive on Friday in time for supper @ 7.00 pm and leave on Sunday @ 4.00 pm. Cost: £140 – advanced booking essential. Please contact them on: 8941 2313 or email: [email protected] to reserve your place. BISHOP CHALLONER SCHOOL CATHOLIC INDEPENDENT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS & BOYS 3-18 YRS: 228 Bromley Road, Shortlands, Kent, BR2 0BS. Required for September and possibly earlier Teacher of Religious Studies (Maternity Cover). For an application pack please download the documents: or phone: 8460 3546 or email: [email protected] CVs unaccompanied by a completed application form will not be accepted. Closing date for applications: Wednesday 11th March by 1.00 pm. FAMILIAS (The Association for Catholic Marriage & Family Life Ministry): Will be giving a seminar entitled “We need to talk about young suicide” as suicide is a leading cause of death among young people. It will be held at Vaughan House next door to Westminster Cathedral on Thursday 19th March from 10.30 am – 3.30 pm. This seminar is aimed at the clergy and laity involved in pastoral ministry with the youth. To book (essential) please telephone: 7931 6064 or email [email protected] The cost is £10 including lunch.
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