St. Mary’s Church 62 Warren Street, Glens Falls, New York 12801 Telephone: 792-0989 • Fax: 792-0251 Parish Mission Statement We, as Parishioners of St. Mary’s, commit ourselves through our baptismal vows to spread the word of Christ. We shall endeavor to recognize the needs of those within and beyond our Christian community by providing them with hospitality and treating them with respect. We shall share our time, talents and resources to nurture the needs of our parish through programs that guide and educate our Christian family. Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, we shall continue to build the kingdom of God through prayer, faith and love. Sacrament of Baptism: Parish Personnel Sat. or Sun. during or after Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation: Rev. Joseph Manerowski (ext. 20) Pastor Saturdays 3:00 - 3:45 PM Deacon F. David Powers (ext. 35) Deacon Associate Sacrament of Matrimony: For adequate preparation arrangements should be made at least six months Susan DelSignore (ext. 13) Pastoral Associate for Liturgy/Music prior to the desired date. Jo Kaczmarek (ext. 15) Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation St. Mary's/St. Alphonsus Regional Catholic School: Maria Polidore (ext. 21) Pastoral Associate for Youth Ministry Pre-School thru Grade 8 - 792-3178 Catherine DeSantis (ext. 25) Secretary / Webmaster Glens Falls Hospital Chaplain Kathryn Fowler, Principal Dave Mattes / Bill Englert (ext. 10) Maintenance Sister Donna Irvine, S.S.N.D.(926-3532) Robin Mattes (ext. 10) Parish & Cemetery Office Manager Parish & Cemetery Ann McCoy (ext. 30) Administrator for Finances 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Office Hours: (Closed 12-1 PM) Joan Grishkot and Mark Bulmer Trustees Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:15 AM Mon., Wed. & Fri.: 8:05 AM Tuesday & Thursday: 12:10 PM March 8, 2015 Monday A Lent of Opportunity (Continued from last week) Fast from hostility; Feast on non-resistance. Fast from bitterness; Feast on forgiveness. Fast from self-concern; Feast on compassion for others. Fast from personal anxiety; Feast on eternal truth. Fast from discouragement; Feast on hope. Fast from facts that depress; Feast on verities that uplift. Fast from lethargy; Feast on enthusiasm. Fast from suspicion; Feast on truth. Fast from thoughts that weaken; Feast on promises that inspire. Fast from shadows of sorrow; Feast on the sunlight of serenity. Fast from idle gossip; Feast on purposeful silence. Fast from problems that overwhelm; Feast on prayer that sustains. Fast from consumerism/materialism; Feast on simplicity. Fast from sexual excess; Feast on chaste living. Fast from distractions; Feast on prayer. Fast from pride; Feast on humility. A Lenten Prayer Lord, Let everything I do this day and in this season of Lent come from you, be inspired by you. I long to be closer to you. Help me to remember that nothing is important in my life unless it glorifies you in some way. It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day of my life and keep saying, “Tomorrow, I will spend more time in prayer,” but now my longing meets your love and I want to do it now. Help me to rely on you for help. The prayer asks you that I reach perfection. Please, Lord, remind me that “perfection” isn’t the crazy, “successful” way I try to live my life, but a perfection of my most authentic, real self. My “perfection” might be holding my many flaws in my open hands, asking you to help me accept them. Heal me, Lord, and help me to find you in the darkness of my life. Let me reach out in this darkness and feel your hand and love there to guide me. Amen. March 9 – Saint Frances of Rome, Religious 8:05 a.m. +Albert, Frank, Victor & Thomas Angelo Bequest +Jane M. Donovan by (Daughter) Mary K. Donovan Tuesday March 10 – Lenten Weekday 12:10 p.m. +Piebrino Giovannone by Joyce Clairmont Personal Intention by Alecia Steele Wednesday March 11 – Lenten Weekday 8:05 a.m. +Isabelle W. Nevens (2nd Anniversary) by Cindy & Frank Hogan & Family +Gerry Bodette by Jim & Elaine Kane Thursday March 12 – Lenten Weekday 12:10 p.m. +Jeremiah Donovan by Family +Joe Pezzulo by Joe & Marianne Tocci Friday March 13 – Lenten Wkday/ABSTINENCE 8:05 a.m. +Wayne Brownell by Family +Joseph & Adeline A. Draxl - Bequest Saturday March 14 – Vigil: Fourth Sunday of Lent 4:00 p.m. +Joseph Romeo by Carol Brownell +Noranne Mulcahy by Carol Brownell +Mary Fiore by Bea & Family +Anthony Labita by Mark & Maria Polidore Sunday March 15 – Fourth Sunday of Lent 7:30 a.m. +Deceased members of the O’Brien Family & Friends by Family +Michael Gazzillo by Barb & Lew Varney +Jim Baker by Ed & Susan Kelly +Leo Thomas Powers by St. Mary’s Parishioners 9:00 a.m. (Living) People of St. Mary’s Parish 11:15 a.m. +Joseph A. Pezzulo by Sandy & Family +Linda Lee Bartlett by Maria & Mark Polidore +Rose Marie Walters by Vince & Mary Palacino +Cynthia Miller Bradway by Maria & Mark Polidore Eucharist Ministers needed for 4 p.m. and 11:15 a.m. Masses and also for the homebound. Please let Deacon Dave know if you can help. THE WEEK AHEAD Sun 8 No Faith Formation Classes Mon 9 Contemplative Prayer Group, 9 a.m. AA, 8 p.m. Tue 10 Pastoral Council, 7 p.m. Wed 11 Rosary Cenacle, 12:05 p.m. Family Faith Formation, 7-8 p.m. Deanery Reconciliation Service, 7 p.m. at Our Lady of the Annunciation Church (Qsby) Thu 12 Women’s Study Group, 10:30 a.m. (Meeting Room) Fri 13 Food Pantry, 9 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Rosary, Novena, and Chaplet of Divine Mercy, 2:30 p.m.-3:15 p.m. Stations of the Cross, 5:30 p.m. NA, 7:30 p.m. Sun 15 Faith Formation Classes, 10-11 a.m. Second Collection-Catholic Relief Services Your weekly contributions to the general collection support the day-to-day operating expenses of the parish, including faith formation, liturgy, maintaining our facilities and personnel. Feb. 28th-March 1st See next week’s bulletin. To request a copy of your 2014 Contribution Statement please call Cathy 792-0989 ext. 25. Final Payments on 2014 Bishop’s Appeal A Gift of God’s Love Especially for You ! We invite you to join us—your Jesuit family in Mass and in Thanksgiving on Tuesday, March 10th at 2 PM at the Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs in Fultonville, NY. The Table of the “Lord Mass” will be held in the Visitors Center (heated) in Celebration of a Very Special “Guest” and Check Presentation for the Shrine. Mr. Carl A. Anderson --The Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus will be making a Special Visit to the Shrine to present a check for $500,000 for major repairs and upgrades to the Shrine addition...the Capital District Knights and the New York State Knights of Columbus will also be presenting a check to the Shrine. Mr. Anderson is the Chief Executive officer and chairman of the board of the world’s largest Catholic Family fraternal service organization, which has more than 2 million members. The Check presentation by Mr. Anderson will take place after the 2 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass. Because of people like you --the Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs is “Alive and Well” with Hope and Promise for the next generations of Catholics to view the Apostolic History of the 4 Saints that are associated with these Holy Grounds including St. Kateri Tekakwitha. You are asked to join us as a Guest of Father George Belgarde, S.J.—Shrine Director and Guardian and by Joey Caruso, Fund Raising Chair for the 2015 Capital Building Fund Drive. What a beautiful way to start this Easter Season with a new and fresh beginning of our rich Apostolic Catholic Faith and History at the Shrine of Lady of Martyrs! Please arrive by 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday March seating. If you have questions; please call Joey Caruso at (518)573-7074 or [email protected] The 2014 Bishop’s Appeal will be finalized and “closed out” on March 16, 2015, so that the Bishop’s Office can begin planning for the 2015 Bishop’s Appeal Campaign which will begin in April. There is still time to make a one time contribution. To ensure that the church is credited with your gift for the 2014 campaign, please send your final payment in before March 16th. If you have alr eady made your final payment, we thank you. Total received/pledged as of 1/15/15 is $100,804.74 or 79 % of our assessment $128,880.00. Church Attendance Feb. 28th –March 1st See next week’s bulletin. St. Mary’s Food Pantry Special thanks to all who donate food to our pantry. This week the pantry could use: Tuna, Spaghetti O’s, Vegetables, Evaporated Milk, Instant Oatmeal Deanery Lenten Reconciliation Services March 11 7 p.m. OLA, Queensbury 19 7 p.m. St. Mary's Glens Falls 24 11 a.m. Sacred Heart, Lake George, (Soup lunch to follow) 24 6 p.m. O.L. Hope, Whitehall 26 7 p.m. Holy Mother and Child, Corinth 30 6:30 p.m. St. Isaac Jogues, Chestertown Sta ons of the Cross Fridays 5:30 PM Led by: 3/13 Contemporary Group 3/20 Youth Group 3/27 Staff Easter Flowers – Those who wish to have loved ones remembered during Easter with a special memorial may make a donation toward our lovely Easter plants in memory of loved ones. All donations may be put in the collection basket or mailed to the Rectory (Attn: Robin). The names of loved ones will be printed in the Easter bulletin. The deadline is Monday, March 30th. PLEASE PRINT. Name of Loved One__________________________ Given by __________________________________ Phone_________________ Amt. Donated _________ Please make checks payable to St. Mary’s Church. Holy Thursday April 2 7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper Church is open until 10 PM for your visitation to Jesus at the Altar of Repose Good Friday April 3 Ecumenical Walk - The Way of the Cross Begins at noon at the gazebo near public library 7:00 PM Liturgical Presentation of the Lord’s Passion Annual Collection for the Holy Land. Please be generous. Holy Saturday April 4 12:00 PM Blessing of Easter Food 8:00 PM Great Easter Vigil Easter Sunday April 5 Masses: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 12:00 PM WHY DO WE FAST DURING LENT? Ever prepare for a special dinner by eating a light lunch or skipping it all together? The idea was to make room for your favorite foods. That’s the basic idea behind fasting during Lent. The penance we do during this season helps us create more room in our lives for God. Giving something up for Lent doesn’t have to be about food. You can “fast” from anything that you treasure but don’t really need. Fasting creates an inner hunger that can take you in one of two directions. It can eliminate the desire for the thing you have given up thus making more room for God. Or it can create a stronger desire for what you gave up. So when you finally return to it, you appreciate it all the more. Please keep these loved ones in your prayers: Diana Antos, Amy Austin, Richard Bannin, Julie Bensko, Jerry Bolton, Mary Butler, Val Choppa, Vince & Shirley DeSantis, Sarah DelSignore, Joseph DeSantis, Gretta DeSantis, Rev. Donald Doyle, Pat Doyle, Emily Elder, Eleanor Elliott, Rev. Joseph Gough, Jed Ida, June Jeckel, Brian Langdon, Joanne Levack, Kay Levack, Don McLean, Joan McLean, Marjorie McCormack, Robert Ney, Barbara & Jim Nichols, Jack Potasky, Kim Seeger, Kimmi Santagata, Charlene Shaw, Joan Wieler, William Wieler. Please keep these priests in your prayers: Sunday, March 8 Monday, March 9 Bishop Howard Hubbard Rev. Mario Julian OFM V. Rev. Thomas Berardi Tuesday, March 10 Rev. Reginald Reddy OFM Rev. James O’Neill Wednesday, Mar. 11 Rev. Paul Guido OFM Rev. Alfred Lamanna Thursday, March 12 Rev. John Provost Rev. David Jones MM Friday, March 13 Rev. David Noone Rev. L. Edward Deimeke Saturday, March 14 Rev. Russell Murray OFM Rev. Tony Childs Sunday, March 15 Rev. Anthony Ligato Rev. Robert DeLeon CSC New!! Hospitality Committee St Mary’s is looking to form a Hospitality Committee. This committee will be in charge of serving refreshments at special parish events. This is a fun committee and promotes community within our parish. If you are interested in helping, please contact Catherine DeSantis at the Rectory, 792-0989 Ext. 25. Coordinator Needed We are seeking a parishioner who would be willing to coordinate matching up those in the parish who have no means of transportation to attend liturgies with a parishioner willing to pick up and drop off that person. The coordinator would set this up on a weekly basis. If you are willing to coordinate this effort, call Catherine DeSantis at the Rectory 792-0989 Ext. 25. Saturday, April 4th 8:00 p.m. We might think of candles and light more during the Advent season than during Lent, due to Advent wreaths, candles in windows, and the light of a star. But the real focus on light, as seen in this week’s Gospel, is during Lent, when we prepare for Easter and Jesus’ triumphant rising from the dead. It is in this game-changing event that the light of Christ destroys the power of darkness. If you have never been to an Easter Vigil, why not plan on attending this year? The theme of light is so prevalent, with processional candles everywhere and the new Paschal candle being lit for the first time. The candle is then plunged into the baptismal font before it is used for sacraments, breaking into the darkness of our sin. Through these waters, men and women will be washed clean and the darkness they were born into will exist no more. Their blindness of original sin will be healed and they will not only be able to see, they will be new creations in Christ. This Lent, before it is all over, spend time in prayer and use a candle to focus. Reflect on your life and determine what areas you need the light of Christ to shine. Then when Easter comes, know that the One who is the light is shining brighter than ever so that that you may be in darkness no more. Jesus answered and said to her, "If you knew the gift of God and who is saying to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked him and he would have given you living water." - John 4:10 Readings for the Week of March 8, 2015 Sunday: Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17/1 Cor 1:22-25/Jn 2:13-25 Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15b/Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43/Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9/Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Jer 7:23-28/Lk 11:14-23 Friday: Hos 14:2-10/Mk 12:28-34 Saturday: Hos 6:1-6/Lk 18:9-14 Next Sunday: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23/Eph 2:4-10/Jn 3:14-21 Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl This Lent our parish is participating in CRS Rice Bowl, a faith-in-action program that helps families experience Lenten spirituality by living in solidarity with people in need around the world. Bowls are available at the church entrances. Here are three simple ways to bring Lent to life in your home: * Place your CRS Rice Bowl in a prominent place in your home and use it to collect your Lenten sacrifices. * Read the Lenten calendar reflections each day as a family. * Visit to find videos and family activities, or take Lent outside of the bowl and download the CRS Rice Bowl app on your iOS or Android device. Faith Formation Faith Formation K-6: March 15, 22, 29 (no classes Mar. 8) Family Faith Formation: March 11th 7-8 p.m. Jo Kaczmarek Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation We will be collecting Rice Bowls on Holy Thursday. If you can not bring them on Thursday, April 2nd you may drop them off at the Rectory during regular business hours. Please do not leave them at church, other than on Holy Thursday. “Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty." --Pope Francis Sexual Abuse is a sin and a crime. The Diocese of Albany urges all who suspect sexual abuse of a minor by a member of the clergy, church employee or volunteer, to report this to a local law enforcement agency or District Attorney’s office. Additional information for reporting may be found at ReportSexualAbuse. You may also contact the Diocesan Assistance Coordinator, Theresa Rodrigues, at (518) 453-6646 or [email protected] High School aged youth are invited to participate in ‘A Spring Break Retreat’ offered by our Diocese, April 9-11th at Silver Bay YMCA on Lake George. Cost $225.00 includes room, meals and materials. Contact Maria Polidore for more details, 792-0989. Maria Polidore Pastoral Associate for Youth Ministry Take a stand for life A focused, 40-day, round-the-clock prayer vigil is being held outside Planned Parenthood and Open Arms Pregnancy Center on Warren Street until March 29th. Stop by anytime. We pray that, with God’s help, this will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in our city — and beyond. Please visit for more details. A Married Couple's Lenten Reflection: Fast from self-concern and feast on spousal love. March 21-22nd Call:518-279-3243 or Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a weekend getaway that helps married couples rediscover themselves as individuals and as a couple. The Meeting Place at Cherry Street 30 PROGRESS BOULEVARD QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 28-30 Cherry St. Glens Falls, NY 12801 T: 518-745-1820 • Ext. 209 • F: 518-745-7736 George D. 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