8 Conference guide: Programme 4–6pm Early registration and welcome drinks Main reception Pick up your badge and delegate bag in advance and meet your colleagues over drinks 4pm and 6pm > Harrogate walking tours Please meet tour guide outside entrance 1 of the HIC Pre-booked delegates only Thursday 12 March 2015 8–9.30am Registration, coffee and exhibition Hall D 8.15–9.15am Breakfast workshop Queen’s Suite 1 > Mentoring and the delivery of high-quality clinical care – a practical introduction Facilitators: Dr Chris James, Withybush General Hospital; Jennifer Sabendran, RCP Pre-booked delegates only RCP annual conference 12–13 March 2015 9.30–10.35am Opening plenary session Auditorium Chair: Professor Jane Dacre, president, RCP (PRCP) 9.30am > President’s welcome address Professor Jane Dacre, president, RCP (PRCP) 9.45am > The role of inspection in developing new models and improving services Professor Sir Mike Richards, Care Quality Commission 10.10am > Hot topic in health: What is a financially, socially and environmentally sustainable hospital? Dr David Pencheon, Sustainable Development Unit 10.35–11am Coffee and exhibition Hall D Queen’s Suite 5 > Big conversation: The RCP overseas – an overview of RCP international projects An introduction to the structure of the RCP’s international work, our network of international advisers and a run-through of the RCP’s key current and recent pieces of work overseas. Mairi McConnochie, RCP; Dr Steve Jones, RCP and Newcastle University @RCPLondon Wednesday 11 March 2015 Medicine 2015: Delivering the future hospital 11am–12.30pm A1 (Clinical) A2 (Health services and policy) A3 (Research and academic) Concurrent sessions A Auditorium Queen’s Suite 1 Latest updates from respiratory medicine, renal medicine and cardiology Updates and latest developments from the specialties (for nonspecialists) Chair: Dr Gerrard Phillips, RCP > Respiratory medicine update Professor Martyn Partridge, Imperial College London > From acute kidney injury to kidney transplantation Dr Andrew Lewington, Leeds NHS Foundation Trust > Cardiology update Professor Clifford Garratt, British Cardiovascular Society A4 (Education and training) A5 (Short papers) Queen’s Suite 2 Queen’s Suite 4 Queen’s Suite 3 Person-centred care – where does this fit into the future NHS? Integrating research and healthcare in the future hospital Education and training – what does the future hold? Policy and process Chair: Dr Nick Lewis-Barned, RCP Chair: Professor John Wass, RCP Chair: Professor David Black, JRCPTB >W hat does person-centred care mean to patients? Suzie Shepherd, Patient and Carer Network, RCP > Patients’ and the public’s understanding of the place of research in healthcare Dr Janet Wisely, Health Research Authority > Modernising geriatric care: establishing an acute frailty unit Dr Abigail Atkins, Royal Bolton Hospital >P erson-centred care: from ideas to action Adrian Sieff, Health Foundation >W hat does this mean for health professionals? Dr Nick Lewis-Barned, RCP >W hat needs to change to make this easier? Dr Alf Collins, Health Foundation > Panel discussion > A room with a view – looking across health services with the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) Professor Jackie Cassell, Scientific Advisory Committee to CPRD, and Swale CCG > The research-ready electronic medical record in the future hospital Professor John Williams, Swansea University and RCP > Clinical informatics and data linkage to enable seamless research in the future hospital Dr Charles Gutteridge, Barts Health NHS Trust > Update on Shape of Training Dr Vicky Osgood, General Medical Council > Post-CCT fellowships / credentialing – JRCPTB, experience and the next steps Dr Tim Battcock, RCP > How many physicians do we currently need to train? Dr Harriet Gordon, RCP Medical Workforce Unit > The trainee’s perspective Dr Abigail Moore, RCP > Panel discussion Chair: Dr Andrew Goddard, RCP > Clinical excellence scorecard Professor Anupam Sibal, Apollo Hospitals, India > Changing ward culture to prevent inpatient falls Julie Windsor, NHS England and Debbie Sutton, Portsmouth NHS Trust > BleepPod – using smartphone technology to streamline telecommunications in a healthcare setting Dr Chris Rajkumar, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust > Efficacy of stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: a way of improvement Dr Suleman Aktaa, Bradford Royal Infirmary 9 Conference guide: Programme #Medicine2015 > The use of focus groups for improving communication with relatives on acute medical wards: an open-ended tool for quality improvement Dr Bryony Hopkinshaw, Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Dr Hannah Gallagher, Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 10 Conference guide: Programme Lunch and exhibition Hall D 12.55–1.25pm Lunchtime satellite session Queen’s Suite 4 > Clinical transformation enabled by health IT – the strategy to achieve clinical and financial excellence in healthcare Dr Giulio Bognolo, Cerner 1.30–2.25pm Plenary session Auditorium Chair: Professor Jane Dacre, PRCP 1.30pm > The future of healthcare The Rt Hon Andy Burnham MP, shadow secretary of state for health 2pm > Future directions for the NHS Simon Stevens, NHS England 2.25–2.30pm Move between sessions @RCPLondon 12.30–1.30pm Sponsored by principal partner, Cerner RCP annual conference 12–13 March 2015 Medicine 2015: Delivering the future hospital 2.30–4pm B1 (Clinical) B2 (Health services and policy) B3 (Research and academic) B4 (Education and training) B5 (Short papers) Concurrent sessions B Auditorium Queen’s Suite 2 Queen’s Suite 1 Queen’s Suite 4 Queen’s Suite 3 Improving patient safety in the future hospital End-of-life care Utilising hospital-based expertise to deliver excellence in care in the community Shaping a flexible workforce for the future hospital Learning and development Chair: Dr Anita Donley, RCP > Harm from medicines Dr Jamie Coleman, University of Birmingham > Alcohol and the future hospital – working across specialties to reduce harm Dr Kieran Moriarty, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust > Patient safety initiative Dr Chris Streather, Health Innovation Network, South London Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) > NHS England patient safety Professor Maxine Power, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust Chair: Professor Linda Luxon, RCP > National care of the dying audit – how do NHS hospitals do? Professor John Ellershaw, University of Liverpool > What is ‘patient- and family-centred care’ and how does it improve the experience of dying? Dr Jocelyn Cornwell, The Point of Care Foundation > Debate: ‘All patients who choose to die at home should be able to die at home’ Proposer: Dr Bill Noble, Marie Curie Cancer Care Opposer: Dr David Brooks, Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland Chair: Dr Jim Bonham, Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust > Discharge bundles in respiratory disease – enabling patients to take the benefits of hospital care home with them Dr Sarah Elkin, Imperial College NHS Trust > Hospital expertise for management of common disease in the community – epilepsy Professor Philip Smith, University of Cardiff > Role of assistive technologies and telehealth in outreach of hospital-based expertise into the community Professor Mark Hawley, University of Sheffield >T he future of telemedicine technologies to enable outreach of hospital-based expertise into the community Dr Carolyn Charman, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital > Panel discussion > Shape of Training Dr Harriet Gordon, RCP > Physician associates Professor Peter Kopelman, St George’s University of London and RCP > Flexible workforce Dr Belinda Stanley, RCP Chair: Dr Emma Vaux, JRCPTB > ‘Mini-GEMs’ – Short, focused e-learning videos in geriatric medicine Dr James Fisher, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust > Male and female faculty members’ perceptions of organisational culture in academic medicine at 26 representative US academic health centres: implications for delivering the future hospital Dr Linda Pololi, Brandeis University, USA > Developing the first UK integrated respiratory registrar role in an inner city integrated care organisation Dr Melissa Heightman, Whittington Health > Learning to make a difference: facilitating improvements in care by enabling core medical trainees to develop skills in quality improvement Dr Emma Vaux, JRCPTB > Moving from reactive to proactive patient safety training in the future hospital: making learning a normal part of the working day Dr Sam Murray, Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust > ‘Unblocking flow constraints’ within a medical directorate at a large acute NHS trust Dr Chris Whale, Derby Hospitals NHS Trust 11 Conference guide: Programme #Medicine2015 >P atients’ views on centralisation of specialist services and telehealth Alison Wilson, MPS Society, Northern Ireland Chair: Dr Peter Belfield, RCP 12 Conference guide: Programme Tea, exhibition and attended posters session Hall D and Queen’s Suite foyer Queen’s Suite 5 > Big conversation: The RCP strategy 2015–2020 An introduction to the new RCP strategy 2015–2020, including an exploration of the five strategic themes, our vision, mission and values. Patricia Wright, RCP 4.25–5.55pm C1 (Clinical) C2 (Health services and policy) C3 (Research and academic) C4 (Education and training) C5 (Hot topic) Concurrent sessions C Auditorium Queen’s Suite 4 Queen’s Suite 3 Queen’s Suite 2 Queen’s Suite 1 Latest updates from gastroenterology, dermatology and rheumatology The NHS – a guided tour Genomics and next-generation sequencing Professionalism – core principles Achieving continuity of care for complex patients – practical and values fundamental to the examples of how to do it future hospital Updates and latest developments from the specialties (for nonspecialists), Chair: Professor Linda Luxon, RCP > NICE work – the futurity of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding Dr Ian Forgacs, British Society of Gastroenterology > Psoriasis – far more than a ‘simple’ skin disease Professor Christopher Griffiths, University of Manchester RCP annual conference 12–13 March 2015 > Rheumatology in the emergency room Professor Simon Bowman, British Society for Rheumatology Chair: Dr Andrew Goddard, RCP > An overview of the new NHS structure Candice Imison, Nuffield Trust > Commissioning: how the money flows Dr Amanda Doyle, NHS Clinical Commissioners > Clinical involvement in the new NHS Dr David Levy, NHSE Midlands and East > Understanding and learning from complaints Dame Julie Mellor, Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Chair: Professor Ajit Lalvani, Imperial College London > Deciphering developmental disorders Dr Matthew Hurles, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute > Understanding clinical phenotype by linking genome to phenome Dr Trevor Cole, Birmingham Women’s NHS Foundation Trust > Pharmacogenetics and personalised medicine in routine NHS practice Professor Bill Newman, Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine > The 100,000 Genomes Project Professor Mark Caulfield, Genomics England @RCPLondon 4–4.25pm Interactive workshop aiming to help delegates identify their own areas of professionalism that are relevant to the future hospital, and how these could be developed. Chair: Dr Anita Donley, RCP > An integrated diabetes service in Derby – a new partnership between primary and secondary care Dr Rustam Rea, Oxford UniverFacilitators: Winnie Wade, RCP, and sity Hospitals NHS Trust and Professor Tim Wilkinson, University Dr Kyran Farrell, GP, Derbyshire of Otago, New Zealand > Extended role of GP cardiology Dr Jonathan Shribman, GP, Northamptonshire, and Dr David Sprigings, Northampton General Hospital > Integrated Community Ageing Team, Whittington Health – an example of collaborative care for care home residents and the older population in Islington Dr Philly O’Riordan, specialist GP in geriatrics, and Dr Ruth Law, consultant geriatrician Medicine 2015: Delivering the future hospital 5.55–6pm Move between rooms 6–6.30pm Ministerial address Auditorium Chair: Professor Jane Dacre, PRCP > Ministerial address: The future of healthcare The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, secretary of state for health > Closing comments – day one Professor Jane Dacre, PRCP 6.30–7.15pm RCP welcome reception in the exhibition Hall D #Medicine2015 13 Conference guide: Programme 14 Conference guide: Programme 8–9.25am Registration, coffee and exhibition Main reception and Hall D 8–9am Breakfast workshop Queen’s Suite 1 > Successful leadership of clinical teams Facilitators: Dr Alistair Thomson, Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Michael Page, RCP Pre-booked delegates only 9.25–10.30am Plenary session Auditorium Chair: Professor John Wass, RCP 9.25am > Presentation of research poster prizes Professor Jane Dacre, PRCP 9.40am > The state of healthcare – the RCP’s perspective Professor Jane Dacre, PRCP 10am > The patient perspective Rt Hon Ann Clwyd MP 10.30–11am Coffee and exhibition Hall D Queen’s Suite 5 > Big conversation: Invited Service Reviews An overview of what invited service reviews (ISR) are, how they are carried out and how they link with clinical and professional standards, including a discussion of what the future holds for ISRs. Dr Peter Belfield, RCP @RCPLondon Friday 13 March 2015 RCP annual conference 12–13 March 2015 Medicine 2015: Delivering the future hospital 11am–12.30pm D1 (Clinical) D2 (Health services and policy) D3 (Research and academic) Concurrent sessions D Auditorium Queen’s Suite 4 Queen’s Suite 3 Acute care of older people Life as a consultant – things can only get better What can the future hospital learn from military medicine? Chair: Professor David Black, JRCPTB > The clinical challenge of assessing older people in urgent care settings Professor David Oliver, British Geriatrics Society > Assessing older people in the emergency department Professor Suzanne Mason, University of Sheffield > Older patients on the acute medical unit Dr Mark Holland, Society for Acute Medicine > Safe routes home and thinking ahead Dr Richard Wong, University Hospitals of Leicester Chair: Professor Timothy Evans, Royal Brompton Hospital > Harassment and bullying Dr Deepak Jain, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust > Supporting second victims of adverse events Professor Rebecca Lawton, Bradford Institute for Health Research > Hospital staff and wellbeing Dr Juline Smit, Wirral University Teaching Hospital > Making the NHS a better employer Miles Scott, St George’s Hospital, London > Panel discussion D4 (Education and training) D5 (Short papers) Queen’s Suite 1 Queen’s Suite 2 15 Conference guide: Programme #Medicine2015 Service improvement Interactive workshop: Learning to make a difference – a Chair: Professor Jane Dacre practical approach to improving >A cute kidney injury: an audit Chair: Col Duncan Wilson, Royal patient care to assess the clinical impact Centre for Defence Medicine Chair: Dr Emma Vaux, JRCPTB of NICE guidelines in routine > Introduction – lessons from 12 hospital practice > Introduction to Learning to years in Afghanistan Dr Maria Wilczynska, University Make a Difference Col Patrick Connor Hospital of Wales Dr Emma Vaux, JRCPTB > What you need to know about > Bringing outpatient cardiol> World café rounds chemical and biological terogy into the community: an (3 x 20 minute rounds) rorism alternative to hospital-based Facilitators: Dr Emma Vaux, Lt Col Andrew Johnston and clinics JPCPTB; Dr Ann Tweddel, Lt Col Alastair Moore Dr John Caplin, Spire Hull and Consultant QI lead; Dr Sam East Riding Hospital > Exertional heat illness – Alimam, Trainee QI lead > Toward the triple aim: clinical management and implementing a hospitalist > 1 How to get started: lessons from research co-management model for how to generate ideas Major Michael Stacey orthopaedic surgical patients for improvement in an academic medical centre > 2 How to get started: Professor David Martin, Lahey putting an idea into action Hospital and Medical Centre, USA > HomeFirst – an integrated > 3 Measurement of improvecommunity-based admission ment changes: avoidance project: data from how and what to measure 1,370 patients referred to the > Conclusion and film service Dr Emma Vaux, JPCPTB Dr Clifford Lisk, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust >T he RCP toolkit for out-ofhours handover improves weekend handover: notes from a district general hospital Dr Christina Fontaine, Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust > Telehealth: a trial with acute medical patients Dr John Smith, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust 16 Conference guide: Programme Lunch and exhibition Hall D 12.55-1.25pm Queen’s Suite 4 > Lunchtime satellite session – What does the RCP do for me? Panel session with senior college officers Chair: Professor Jane Dacre, PRCP. Panel: Professor Jane Dace, PRCP; Dr Andrew Goddard, registrar; Professor Linda Luxon, treasurer; Professor John Wass, academic vice president; Dr Gerrard Phillips, education and training vice president 1.30–3pm E1 (Clinical) E2 (Health services and policy) E3 (Research and academic) E4 (Education and training) E5 (Hot topic) Concurrent sessions E Auditorium Queen’s Suite 1 Queen’s Suite 3 Queen’s Suite 2 Queen’s Suite 4 The future patient Chair: John Oldham, patient > Patients as partners – the challenge of collaborative care Suzie Shepherd, Patient and Carer Network, RCP > Working with patients as partners in diabetes: implications of the Year of Care programme Dr Nick Lewis-Barned, RCP > Working with patients as partners in haemodialysis: implications of the Shared Haemodialysis Care programme Tania Barnes, Jane Beaumont, and Dr Martin Wilkie, Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust > MyDay – developing an electronic personalised schedule of events for inpatients Lorraine Simmonds and Jo Phillips, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust > Protecting the atypical patient Dr Fiona Wood, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trusts > Panel discussion Making the most of the IT revolution Research for trainees and new consultants The role of clinical methods and exams in clinical practice Ambulatory emergency care (AEC) Chair: Dr Peter Belfield, RCP Chair: Professor John Wass, RCP Chair: Dr Gerrard Phillips Chair: Dr Andrew Goddard, RCP >E valuation and ongoing development of the assessment of clinical skills in MRCP(UK) PACES Dr Graeme Dewhurst, RCP > What will we do when we have no beds? How AEC can reduce dependence on hospital beds Dr Vincent Connolly, Ambulatory Emergency Care Delivery Network > Using information to improve > I ntroduction to research Professor Steve Smye, Leeds healthcare Teaching Hospitals NHS Dr Bob Young, Salford Royal Trust and National Institute Foundation NHS Trust for Health Research Clinical > Clinical practice and Research Network clinical informatics in the >G etting research funding NHS of the future Professor Wendy Baird, NIHR Professor Jonathan Kay, NHS Research Design Service for England Yorkshire and the Humber >W here are we with >G etting involved in research telehealth? as a new consultant Professor Jeremy Wyatt, Leeds Dr Jane Minton, Leeds Teaching Institute of Health Sciences Hospitals > How can it help with integration? Dr Giulio Bognolo, Cerner >D ebate: ‘This house believes clinical methods are outmoded and should be replaced with more accurate technological solutions’ Proposer: Professor Trudie Roberts, Leeds Institute of Medical Education and RCP Opposer: Dr Andrew Elder, RCP @RCPLondon RCP annual conference 12–13 March 2015 12.30–1.30pm > AEC pioneers lead a ‘social movement’ for change – how the AEC network helps clinical teams adopt the AEC model to reduce overnight admissions to hospital Carolyn Robertson, Ambulatory Emergency Care Delivery Network > The Whittington case study – an integrated model of AEC Dr Clarissa Murdoch, The Whittington Hospital > Milton Keynes – developing AEC in 6 weeks Dr Chris Lindesay, Milton Keynes Hospital > Panel discussion Medicine 2015: Delivering the future hospital 3–3.10pm Comfort break and move between rooms 3.10–4.35pm Closing plenary Auditorium Chairs: Professor Jane Dacre, PRCP and Professor John Wass, RCP 3.10pm > Announcement of member awards 2016 Professor Jane Dacre, PRCP 3.20pm > Realising the vision – RCP Future Hospital development sites: their story so far Dr Mark Temple, RCP 3.45pm > Leadership and team performance under extreme pressure Dr Ed Coats, doctor and Antarctica adventurer 4.30pm > President’s closing comments Professor Jane Dacre, PRCP 4.35pm Close #Medicine2015 17 Conference guide: Programme
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