Adopt-A-Grandparent In Ukraine Here’s your chance to make a difference for a needy senior citizen in Ukraine who is struggling to survive. Adopt-A-Grandparent today! For only $20.00 a month or $240 per year, you can ensure that a senior citizen has fresh food and sufficient heat for an entire month! The United Ukrainian American Relief Committee (UUARC) has initiated a Program entitled “Adopt-AGrandparent" - it offers financial assistance to the weak, ill, and poverty-stricken senior citizens who are often a forgotten and neglected part of the Ukrainian population. The UUARC receives lists from local churches, clinics and other social service organizations in Ukraine of elderly people who desperately need help to supplement their inadequate pensions, which are so meager, that most live well below the poverty level. Once their living situations are confirmed by UUARC directors in Ukraine, they are assigned a sponsor in the United States. Among the needy are retired scientists, artists and teachers, former dissidents who have returned from the gulags of Siberia to empty homes and decimated families, as well as invalids and individuals that the government has deemed ineligible for pensions. By adopting a grandparent for just $20.00 a month ($240.00 per year or $0.66 per day), you can double the monthly income of these struggling people and greatly improve their lives. Upon request, the UUARC can provide sponsors with the name and address of the person, or couple that they are sponsoring, so that they can maintain contact with them. Don’t these seniors, who have endured war, famine and Soviet occupation deserve to live their golden years with dignity? Make a difference for a senior in Ukraine today! Adopt a Grandparent! Please make checks (donations are tax-deductible) payable to “UUARC” and send to: 1206 Cottman Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 For more information please call (215) 728-1630 or email [email protected]
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