The Beacon Cherry Hills Village, Colorado 80113 303-758-2820 Volume 29, Issue 3 Lent and Holy Week Worship +Join us for worship each Wednesday in Lent at noon and 6:30 p.m.+ (A soup lunch in Fellowship hall follows the noon worship; soup and pizza are available prior to the evening service from 5:00 - 6:15 p.m.) +Palm Sunday, March 29: 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.+ +Maundy Thursday, April 2: noon & 7:00 p.m.+ (Holy Communion & Foot Washing at both services; 1st Communion at 7:00 p.m.) +Good Friday, April 3: noon & 7:00 p.m.+ +Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 4: 6:30 p.m.+ (at Epiphany Lutheran Church, 790 S. Corona St., Denver) +Easter Sunday, April 5: 6:00, 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.+ Bethany Member Clergy Meet church is being born. It may not be the church we expect or want…God’s promises always arrive with surprises in them. The form of the new world and the new church is not in our hands. What is in our hands is the chance to respond to God’s call. We put our skills and our wills to the task of discerning the opportunity points, the places and times for change effort, and to add our gifts to God’s church in this time of change. How God uses our gifts we cannot predict. (Loren Mead - to start asking new questions. Better answers to the same old questions about the church will not get us through the tumultuous times in which we live. This is a time for out-of-the-box thinking. Old questions keep us in the box. New questions invite us to move outside. Mark Your Calendars - Palm Sunday, March 29 Bethany Youth Pancake Brunch (See details on page 3) ...and beyond the best of our past. A new In an article written for the February 2nd issue of the Alban Weekly, Jeffrey D. Jones writes: It’s time The meeting provided a time to update the group on the interim ministry being accomplished at Bethany during these in-between times. Surely Bethany is blessed to have in the congregation the shared experience and leadership gifts of each of these pastors. Help support the youth summer mission trips! Moving into God’s Future… The Once and Future Church). On Monday, February 9, fourteen clergy who are Bethany members or current interim pastors at Bethany met for worship, followed by conversation and a delicious lunch prepared by our own Chris Charron. Those in attendance were (front row): John Thorstensen, Bob Vogel, Ben Bartell, Laurie Jeddeloh, Kevin Cho; (back row): Russ Britton, Jan Erickson-Pearson, Debra Engquist, Paul Svingen, Carl Hansen, Ann Brock, Dave Brock, Arnie Voigt and Pastoral Intern Stefanie FauthLemke. 7:30 a.m.-Noon in the Fellowship Hall March/April 2015 Bonfils Blood Drive Great Hall 8:00 a.m. - Noon See page 6 for details on how you can sign up. In her book The Great Emergence, Phyllis Tickle talks about the need for today’s church to have a rummage sale so we can rid ourselves of all those practices, beliefs and ways of being and doing church that are no longer effective and rather get in the way of being the church we are called to be for this new and too chaotic world. “Many centuries old questions in the church need to be put in that rummage sale” Jones writes, “and they need to be replaced with new questions that lead us into new ways of being, and doing – ways that are attuned to the time in which we live.” And so I ask, can we, in faith, in these particular transition times, ask anything less than the most culturally-sensitive, historically- (Continued on page 7) Bethany Lutheran Church 4500 E. Hampden Avenue Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113 Bethany Lutheran Church Periodical March/April 2 The Beacon Jason’s Journal An Open House Invitation Even though I have been here a couple of months, I still feel like the new guy on campus. I have enjoyed getting to know many of you in this short time, but I still feel like there are many names and faces that I am still trying to put together. I also know that you might have plenty of questions for me…like who is this Jason guy? Where did he come from? Why is he in youth ministry? What are his hopes and dreams for Bethany? I get it, it’s probably time to push past the small talk and get to know one another. So that’s why I would like to invite you to several meet-and-greet opportunities through the month of March, so that we all might get better acquainted. A few gracious families have agreed to host these events and I am really hoping that you can attend and that we might spend an evening together. Please find a date and location that works for you and join us! Sunday March 1st 5:30pm-7:30pm at Oss Family Residence Sunday March 8th 5:30pm-7:30pm at Mortinsen Family Residence Sunday March 15th 5:30pm-7:30pm at Wiggans Family Residence Please RSVP to Janice Lyon by email at [email protected] or by phone at 303-639-4345. I am looking forward to our time together! ~Jason, Faith Formation Minister of Youth - Middle & High School First Communion Faith Milestone For students in 3rd grade or older Two part instruction: Part 1 Sunday, March 1, 2-5:30 p.m. Part 2 Sunday, March 8, 9-11:00 a.m. Participation in the Lord’s Supper is an important Faith Milestone. Instruction in the sacrament ensures that young people have a basic understanding and appreciation of the gifts God gives through Holy Communion. First Communion instruction is a family event. Parents are expected to attend the instruction with their child for an opportunity to share this significant faith experience. At Bethany Lutheran Church, it is our practice to celebrate this milestone in the 3rd grade. If your child is older but has not yet taken their first communion, they are welcome to participate. Registration forms can be found at the Welcome Center in the Narthex. Please contact Janice in the church office at 303-758-2820 or [email protected] if you have additional questions or to register. Celebration of First Communion is at the Maundy Thursday worship service at 7:00 p.m. on April 2nd. Look for the Bethany Café! The Bethany Café coffee cart, run by the youth of our congregation, helps offset the cost of mission trips and supports the youth scholarship account. You’ll find it outside the Great Hall on Sunday mornings. Stop by and enjoy a cup of joe and share in fellowship with your church family and friends. Thank you for your support of Bethany Youth Ministries! Please join us for… Journey to the Cross Story Walk Sunday, March 8, 9 - 10:30 a.m. Journey to the Cross is our annual dramatic telling of the Passion Week story, in which groups of children (and adults) move through six stations to hear parts of the story. Through scenery, props, lighting, music and costumes, Journey to the Cross creates a sense of being in a different time and place that allows the Passion story to come alive. Each storyteller presents a brief, firsthand account of a person who encountered Jesus, demonstrating what that person may have been thinking and feeling as a witness of his life, death and resurrection. The story walk takes about 30 minutes. Groups begin at 10 minute intervals, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and concluding at 10:30 a.m. Don’t Forget to Sign Up! Intern Stefanie is offering a three week course talking about StrengthsFinder®. Sign up ASAP to reserve your place and to get the book! We’ll review Clifton’s StrengthsFinder®, take the assessment to learn our unique top 5 strengths and process how this assessment can inform our work together as the Body of Christ! The class will cost $15, which purchases a book and an access code to take the assessment. Once it is completed, you will know your top 5 strength themes. Your book will help you learn a bit about those top five themes you possess. During the class we will talk more about all the strengths and how they fit together – and how we can use them to better equip ourselves as the body of Christ. Classes will be held at the 10:30 a.m. Adult Forum on April 26, May 3 and 10. You are encouraged to attend all three sessions, as they will each have a unique topic to discuss. However, if you can’t make all three sessions, feel free to take the assessment and attend when you can. If you are unable to make any sessions, Intern Stefanie would be happy to go over the material with you any time. Please contact Stefanie at [email protected] to reserve your book/place in class. Payment must be received no later than April 13 to reserve your spot! Save the Date for Be The Blessing! Bethany’s day of service takes place on Sunday, May 31 this year. Service sites are currently being lined up. If there is a service organization you have loved working with in the past but it wasn’t part of Be the Blessing last year, please let us know about it! Feel free to share that suggestion with Sarah Hulslander at [email protected]. Watch for more information in the coming weeks! Bethany Staff Members Attend ELCA Youth Ministry Network Extravaganza in Detroit Day Camp - Save the Date! June 22-26 In partnership with Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp, start looking forward to an awesome week of faith formation as we look at Fruits of the Spirit. We will need lots of volunteer faith formers of all ages to shepherd our youngest disciples through the lessons, games, crafts, music, fun and fellowship. Look for more details and registration information soon. Contact Gayle in the church office with any questions or to volunteer, 303-758-2820 or [email protected]. From left to right: Jason Davis, Amy Janssen, Stefanie Fauth-Lemke, ELCA Bishop Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, Pastor Russ Britton and Tory Plucheck. The annual conference, held from Jan. 28 - Feb. 2, drew over 1000 adults who work with youth in ELCA churches across the country both professionally and as volunteers. It was a much anticipated opportunity for learning, renewal, collaboration and networking for those who work in youth ministry. March/April 3 The Beacon Pastorous Thoughts Confirmation Corner As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous… do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1: 5b, 6a, 9b The Cheshire Cat in the 1951 Disney movie Alice in Wonderland exchanges this dialogue with Alice: Alice: I was just wondering if you could help me find my way. Cheshire Cat: Well that depends on where you want to get to. Alice: Oh, it really doesn't matter, as long as... Cheshire Cat: Then it really doesn't matter which way you go. March 2015 Lenten Mentoring continues until Wednesday, March 25th. No Confirmation April 1st: please attend church with your family during Holy Week! April 8th we will have time to reconnect with our small groups as we begin learning more about the Lord’s Prayer. Reference: As people of God, it does matter which way we go and the manner in which we head there. Scripture itself is full of exhortation to live and dwell in God’s will. The “Cheshire challenge” then is, do you know where you intend to go and how you intend to grow? Furthermore, how ardent is your conviction around that? Conviction is inspired from somewhere. So where does your conviction come from? Is it in your own understanding or competence? Or is it rooted in the trust that God is at work in your life and the lives of others? Yes, I will hear many say, it is not entirely that simple but I fear many of us capitulate too easily to resignation. In truth, for all of us our circle of concern is much larger than our circle of influence. But our voice is a sacred gift given by God to voice our concerns, always taking into account the dignity and right of another to do so as well. So I point you to the verse from Joshua above. Where God accompanies us, we as individual believers may not always agree or understand with what the Lord unfolds before us. Where we are blessed may God guard our hearts and minds that gratitude may unfurl. Where we find spirits of frustration may we find dignified manners, not obstinate, to express what is upon our hearts. May God uphold and uplift us that we may indeed be strong and courageous as we find our way in pursuit of God’s faithful future for Bethany Lutheran. Pastor Russ Please join us for Sunday School every Sunday starting at 9:00 a.m. downstairs in the youth area. Throughout Lent we will be opening our morning with some acoustic music in the Soul Schopp. ***Reminder: There is no Sunday School on Palm Sunday, March 29th and Easter Sunday, April 5th. We invite you to worship with your family!*** On Sunday, March 15th we will be doing a day of Visioning! Please join the Faith Formation Team during the Connect! Sunday School hour at 9:00 a.m. to share what you hope the future of Bethany will be! There will be various activities to help you dream up what our future might look like. Youth Palm Sunday Pancake Brunch March 29, 7:30 a.m.-noon All profits go to support the youth on their summer mission trips. We will be serving from ! y r 7:30 a.m.– Noon g hun e m Tickets are: Co $10.00 for adults; $5.00 for kids Menu includes eggs, sausage, bacon, pancakes, fruit, juice, coffee. What is the Transition Team Doing? into Mission/Vision, Congregational Self Study, and Staffing Focus groups, wants to update you on our progress. many hours over two weeks surveying and talking with 25 current and 4 former staff of Bethany. Each interview was 30 minutes The Mission/Vision group thanks long, with 2-3 of their group listening to a staff member and keepyou for filling out your survey, ing everything confidential. either on Sunday, January 25, ould Bethany become “The They’ve had good feedback that Wednesday the 28th, or via mail. Church of the Dancing We received 600+ surveys and are has given context to Bethany’s Saints”? The answer is “no.” That now inputting your answers for programs and ministries. vision has already been taken by analysis. Also, thanks go to about Our next step, by the end of FebruSt. Gregory’s of Nyssa, an Episco- 200 of you who came to our town ary, is to complete our study of pal church in a working class hall meetings or wrote comments Bethany members’ input and in neighborhood of San Francisco. on our Narthex board. We are March we will be writing our final My husband, Morris, and I visited gratified by the large response and report to the Council and congrethe church while on vacation reare beginning to see the heart de- gation. This report will give Bethcently, but we had no idea they any’s call committee our undersires of Bethany members. would have 100 saints throughout standing of who we are as a faith The Self Study group has talked history, painted in dancing poswith groups and individuals work- community at Bethany and where tures around the upper walls of the Spirit is leading us. their sanctuary. We were there be- ing in a wide variety of ministries cause we had read of their commu- at Bethany. Their report is that we So, if it were up to me, I’d have a have wonderful ministries but peo- lot more dancing of the saints at nity food distribution every Friple are not aware of their existence Bethany, but I can hear most of day, done from and around their you saying, “But we are children altar. (Google them and watch the and integration with other programs within the church. This has of the Lutheran Pietists and have video of truckloads of food being led them to conclude that the Min- never done dancing in church!” handed out among their neighistry Council groups – Worship Give thanks that Bethany’s future bors.) What we learned was how and Celebration, Teaching and is not up to me; it’s up to the Spirit one church has a vision of who Learning, Community and Care, of Jesus Christ to guide each of us they are and what their mission is and Service and Witness – are key individually and as members of to their fellow San Franciscans. to how Bethany can gather various His body at Bethany. And let’s Vision and mission are also what programs together to work in sync continue to trust that Spirit. you and I, as Bethany members, with the overall mission of the Respectfully submitted, are discerning as we prepare to church. Gretchen Hack call a lead pastor. To that end, the Finally, the Staffing group spent Bethany Transition Team, divided C 2016 Luther Germany Tour Initial Interest Session Sunday, March 22, 10:30 a.m. Room 210 The exciting possibility of putting together a Germany trip began when Pastor Russ had to forego the opportunity this past January to attend a Reformation themed tour in order to complete his studies to be eligible for call. Assuredly, the right decision was made and he delights in his service of Bethany! In a few conversations where the possibility of a Bethany Germany Luther Sites Tour was proposed it was well received! The current itinerary being considered includes Wittenberg, Leipzig, Eisenach, Erfurt, Worms, Augsburg, Mainz and Munich with other possibilities too. The ten years prior to 2017 have an intentional German tourism focus on the Reformation so why not 2017 itself? The answer would be that the experience would be the same but at a lesser cost. So, if you are interested, please feel free to attend the interest session or at least send an email to Pastor Russ if you have questions. The timeline as understood at present would likely be deposits this summer 2015 for a June 2016 trip. Let’s go tread where Martin Luther trod! March/April 4 The Beacon feet of mere mortals. Because of that, I always thought that if you're going to become something approaching what defines a 'good' As we continue Christian, one should start with our Lenten journey and head into that deep humility that comes with servanthood.” I wholeheartedly Holy Week this agree. Humility and Servanthood; month, I hope they define Christianity. Jesus bemany of you have grabbed the Lenten Devotional (based on J.S. came glorified through His sufferBach’s St. John Passion) which has ing and humility. been available since Ash Wednes- In the modern society where selfday. promotion and advocacy are strongly encouraged and selfAn agnostic friend once told me, “ my days as a much more seri- entitlement is commonly accepted, ous Christian than I am today, the we easily forget about the core values of true Christianity. I heard a most powerful image of Jesus came for me in that fateful evening theologian say PR is about 90% when he washed the feet of the dis- being what you say you are and ciples. God incarnate washing the 10% modestly talking about it. Kim’s Korner Let us focus on Jesus Christ, not on ourselves. His name alone must be lifted and praised through all of our endeavors. I, as a musician, strive to achieve that goal in my music making process. My beloved Chancel Choir has been working so diligently and faithfully since last August, and we will be worshipping through J.S. Bach’s masterpiece on Palm Sunday, March 29th at 4:00 p.m. Join us and experience God’s abundant grace and mercy expressed through His only Son who came, suffered and was crucified to save us. Peace to all, James March 1 Choir Off March 8, 10:30 a.m. Meinem Jesum lass ich nicht, Max Reger March 15, 10:30 a.m. Christus factus est, Bruckner Give Me Jesus, Larry Fleming SATB 9:00 a.m. (Bach Lecture; James) March 22, 9:00 a.m. Amazing Grace, Parker/Shaw SATB March 28, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. St. John Passion Rehearsal March 29, Palm Sunday, 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. Ride on, King Jesus, Larry Fleming 4:00 p.m. St. John Passion Project Sanctuary Project Sanctuary is a non-profit organization that provides six-day therapeutic retreats for military families at no cost to them. Retreat activities include recreation along with education on marriage and financial skills by trained facilitators. It is an opportunity for families to reconnect. This organization relies heavily on volunteers in order to serve those who have served our country. Operation One Nation (OON), Bethany’s military ministry team, supports Project Sanctuary. Several of the members of OON have volunteered there as well. Larry and Vicky Daub have been part of 27 of these retreats. They began in January 2012 as kitchen volunteers. They are now responsible for teaching Healthy Marriage at many of the retreats. The Daubs can attest that being part of a Project Sanctuary retreat is a rewarding experience that will not soon be forgotten. Bev VanKirk, her daughter-in-law and granddaughters volunteered at a retreat last year. The girls want to go back again. They report the most amazing thing about these retreats is the number of wonderful people you meet. The families who attend have a wonderful time and open up to each other. Project Sanctuary hosts retreats in Colorado every month this year. If My daughter and I volunteered at you are looking for a volunteer opportunity that will assist famia retreat a couple of years ago. lies, please consider giving your The experience was one of the most rewarding volunteer oppor- time to this group. You can voluntunities we’ve ever had. The trans- teer for the entire retreat, a weekend, or a day. Ninety percent of formation of families who apthose military families who have peared uncomfortable with each attended a retreat are still together. other into families laughing toVisit for gether, not only among themmore information, Contact Janet selves, but with the entire group was heartwarming and affirming. Mortinsen at 303-300-3317 or We will never forget our time at a [email protected] with questions. retreat. Make It and Take It Snacks March is National Nutrition Month. The emphasis this year is to “make it and take it”. The Health & Wellness Cabinet will be hosting a table in the Narthex on Sunday, March 22 to offer healthy snack samples and ideas. Just as you may pack a lunch, if you take time to prepare snacks ahead of time it is easier to make better choices. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time or be complicated and it can even save money. Please stop by the table for some treats and ideas. Healthy Singles Workshop B ethany is hosting a “Healthy Singles Workshop” on Saturday, March 28 from 9:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. This workshop is geared for those 18 years and older who are single and/or engaged to help prepare and improve relationships. Vicky and Larry Daub, hosts of previous healthy marriage workshops, will be the facilitators. The seminar is supported by federal funds from the Colorado Healthy Marriage Project. As such, there is no fee for the seminar, lunch is provided and childcare will be available (also at no charge). We hope you will come to learn about secrets of creating healthy relationships. Sign up at or call 720488-8888. For further questions, please contact Janet Mortinsen at [email protected] or call 303-300-3317. President’s Perspective… As noted in last month’s article, both the Congregation Council and Ministry Council have identified six focus areas for 2015, as shown on the graphic to the right. For this month, we explore the focus area labeled Service & Outreach. Over the past several years Bethany has intentionally increased her emphasis in areas of justice and social awareness. Clearly, Be the Blessing Sunday represents our congregation’s commitment to serving the wider community – not just through donations, but in following the ELCA’s theme of God’s Work – Our Hands. This year plans are well underway for Be the Blessing Sunday on May 31. Even as the Bethany Fund – Bethany’s sole operating budget – is facing significant shortfalls this year due to falling contributions, our congregation responds with enthusiasm to calls for diapers for DenUM, food supplies and money for Metro CareRing, and backpacks for needy school children, among other worthy causes. We are a congregation blessed to be a blessing to others. The time is ripe for a new approach. Within the Ministry Council, the representatives for Service & Witness – Justin March and David Nesslage for 2015 – have oversight for all of Bethany’s outreach ministries. This year, the hope is to bring all of these ministries together with the formation of a Service & Outreach Ministry Team, allowing for better coordination among our justice and social outreach ministry efforts. Imagine in each month of the year when one or two particular ministries can be held up for special attention; when educational programs can be made available to encourage a greater understanding of the need; when volunteer timeslots While our outreach ministries have can be advertised, coordinated, and grown, our ability to coordinate and filled; when matching grants can be organize the disparate calls for sup- created to encourage increased givport has not kept pace. Peruse the ing. All of this is possible. worship bulletin on any given Sunday morning or Wednesday evening Over the past two months, converand you will often take note of sev- sations have already begun with eral ministry opportunities. Some- Bethany’s key benevolence ministries – the Benevolence Ministry times it can be daunting to determine which of these important min- Team, Global Missions Ministry istries is worthy of our time and (Continued on page 7) treasure – and why. March/April The Beacon to check for the development of a new skin cancer. The best time to do this exam is after a shower or bath. Check your skin in a room by James M. Swinehart, M.D. with plenty of light. Use a fullSkin cancer is the length mirror and a hand-held mirmost common type ror. It is best to begin by learning of cancer in the where your birthmarks, moles, and United States. Ulother marks are and their usual look traviolet rays from and feel. Check for anything new: the sun are the main a new mole (that looks different cause of skin canfrom your other moles), a new red cer. UV damage Dr. Swinehart or darker color flaky patch that may can also cause wrinbe a little raised, a new fleshkles or blotches on the skin. The colored firm bump, a change in the good news? Skin cancer can be size, shape, color, or feel of a mole, prevented. a sore that does not heal. What is skin cancer? Check yourself from head to toe. There are three major types of skin Look at your face, neck, ears, and cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squascalp. You may want to use a comb mous cell carcinoma, malignant or a blow dryer to move your hair melanoma. Basal cell carcinomas so that you can see better. You also and squamous cell carcinomas are may want to have a relative or the two most common kinds of skin friend check through your hair. It cancer. They are both also called may be hard to check your scalp by non-melanoma skin cancer. The yourself. Look at the front and back most dangerous kind of skin cancer of your body in the mirror. Then, is called melanoma. raise your arms and look at your Skin cancer can almost always be left and right sides. Bend your elcured when it is found and treated bows. Look carefully at your finearly. That is why it is a good idea gernail, palms, forearms (including to check your skin regularly for the undersides) and upper arms. new growths (like moles or lumps) Examine the back, front, and sides or changes in old growths. Tell of your legs. Also look around your your doctor or nurse right away if genital area and between your butyou find a change. tocks. Sit and closely examine your feet, including your toenails, your What causes skin cancer? Ultraviolet radiation from the sun is soles, and the spaces between your the main cause of skin cancer. UV toes. Skin Cancer Can Be Prevented radiation can also come from tanning booths or sunlamps. It takes decades to develop; most skin cancers are from sunlight exposure during childhood. By checking your skin regularly, you will learn what is normal for you. It may be helpful to record the dates of your skin exams and to write notes about the way your skin looks. If you doctor has taken phoAnyone can get skin cancer. The risk is highest for people with white tos of your skin, you can compare or light-colored skin with freckles, your skin to the photos to help check for changes. If you find anyblond or red hair, blue or green eyes. You are at higher risk for the thing unusual, see your doctor. most dangerous form of skin cancer MOHS surgery (named after pio(melanoma) if you have unusual neering Dermatologist Fred Mohs moles, a large number of moles from Wisconsin) is the current (more than 50), or a family history standard of card for treatment of of melanoma. skin cancer by a dermatologist. Why do I need to protect my skin With this technique, frozen sections are used to trace the cancer out mifrom the sun? croscopically, layer by layer, until Protecting your skin from the sun today, may help prevent skin can- clear margins are obtained. With the MOHS technique, a cure rate of cer later in life. Most skin cancer appears after age 50, but skin dam- 97% to 98% can often be obtained. The frozen tissue is cut with a large age from the sun can start during machine called a cryostat. MOHS childhood. surgery, as well as the subsequent Staying out of the sun and using repair, is performed as an outpasun screen may also help prevent tient procedure under local anesthewrinkles, blotches or spots on your sia. It is possible to do it all in one skin and other damage caused by day. the sun. You can take steps today to Those occupations that work in the protect your skin. Use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher, espe- sun all day, such as farmers, should watch their skin and make an apcially after 10:00 a.m. and before pointment if they want it looked at. 3:00 p.m., or cover up with long sleeves and a hat. Check your skin For more information, please conregularly for changes. tact me at (303)744-1202 or 950 East Harvard Avenue or visit with How to check your skin. Your doctor or nurse may suggest me on Sunday morning at Bethany. that you do a regular skin self-exam 5 Operation One Nation Volunteer of the Year 2014 Ronald Swanson When you work with a volunteer group you never know what you’re going to get in terms of a response. Will the person attend meetings? Will the person contribute to ideas and work set forth by the group in order for it to accomplish goals and objectives? Does the person see relevance to those meetings and the ministry set forth in them to stay the course and offer up their time, talents and even treasure? With all those questions the response, when it comes to Ronald Swanson’s actions, both in words and deeds, is a resounding “Yes”! Ronald is the Operation One Nation Volunteer of the Year for 2014. The Operation One Nation Team selects that volunteer by secret ballot because so many of the group is deserving of recognition for individual contributions toward its mission and ministry. This year the secret ballots were not even cast. One of our Team nominated Ronald and everyone agreed that he stood out as the person to be named Volunteer of the Year for 2014. So, what makes Ronald such a valuable member of the Team? First, he is faithful! He never misses a meeting unless health or work demands draw him away. Ronald sees the practical aspects of performing our ministry and he knows where he fits in to be “at the ready” to do his part. Moreover, Ronald is not ashamed to remind us all of his source of strength and value system when it comes to his health and the health and well-being of our veterans, military members and their families. He gives all glory to God for his recovery from health trials and he demonstrates that same faith in what Operation One Nation is trying to do to relieve the pain and pangs of war that threaten the health and welfare of so many brave warriors. Ronald is compelled to be in solidarity with those who serve to do whatever he is able to make their road easier and their burdens lighter. Ronald enjoys working behind the scenes, yet, when it comes to doing important work that takes time, energy and talent, he is always available to help. His contributions to advancing the Operation One Nation cause at Rocky Mountain Synod Assemblies is but one example. His recent work with the Pikes Peak Support Group of over 40 helping agencies up and down the Front Range corridor is another. His lead in managing details for our Veterans’ Appreciation Dinner last November is but another example where Ronald’s light shined before us all. His advocacy of Healing Touch at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Greeley took the whole Team aback with his eloquent witness and heartfelt belief about what a Healing Touch ministry at Bethany and other ELCA churches might do to bring relief to others, just as he experienced relief from a Healing Touch therapy session at Bethany. Ronald extends his volunteer time to so many other aspects in the life of Bethany congregation. He has been a sacristan for over 22 years. He has been a lector for many years. He minds the Bethany Welcome Desk. He has been a Boy Scout leader for decades. He is an active member of the Men of Bethany group and has participated in many Bible Study groups, retreat opportunities and other gatherings where hospitality is offered. He is usually in the middle, always offering a hand. All of these activities and more come from his upbringing in Rockford, IL, at the hands and guidance of his parents. It comes from an evergrowing and abiding faith in God and it comes from his individual contributions to the defense of our nation over more than 21 years of honorable service to country -- as a Security Service noncommissioned officer and as a Chaplain’s Assistant. He experienced first-hand why deployments to posts overseas are necessary and what cooperation among peace-loving nations can do to further the common goal of peace on earth. So, when you see Ronald in action around Bethany, thank him for all he has done to add to the richness of our hospitality, healing and overall worship experience. Thank him for the volunteer example he has set and for the belief system he shares such that we all can find that same abiding faith he has in our Creator. Ronald has found his place in our church community and in our world. Much of that place and space involves his personal desire to bring faith, hope and joy to others. We view his contributions to Operation One Nation to be noteworthy and as a Team, we are delighted to recognize Ronald Swanson as our Volunteer of the Year. Congratulations and thank you, Ronald, for all you do! March/April 6 A The Beacon Our Dynamic Connection ll of us, as individuals, live a more fulfilling life through the connections we make on a daily basis. Our relationships with other people prosper through the various groups we belong to, committees we join, social contacts we have and activities we engage in. The Festival of Faith and the Arts I have been involved with the Bethany Foundation, Stewardship Ministry, ushering and have taught Adult Faith Formation classes with my wife Deborah. She is currently a Stephen Minister, has taught Sunday School and is a member of Lois Circle. Our involvement with these activities has been very meaningful to us. The more connected we feel at church, the more we benefit as members. Say "hello", meet someone new, join a ministry team or make a visitor feel welConnecting with others is a great come. Let's "shake it up" and venway for members of Bethany to ture out of our comfort zone to energize our church and inspire connect with people - the us to be a vibrant congregation. Church. As a vibrant congrega"Connect with Each Other'' tion, we are more likely to finanwhether you are an usher, circle cially support our church with member, choir member, teacher our gifts. A fabulous Pastoral or volunteer. YOU have an opCandidate won't be able to turn portunity to connect. Bethany Bethany down! offers congregational members unlimited associations. We "just Scott Scholbe Stewardship Ministry Team need to do it"! These relationships provide each of us with opportunities for personal growth and foster a satisfying sense of belonging. Bonfils Blood Drive at Bethany See the full schedule of Festival events online at Friday, March 6 & Saturday, March 7, 7:30 p.m. Colorado Choir, Kelly Parmenter, Conductor; “Bach, Brahms and Beyond”. Among the works presented will be Bach's motet The Spirit Also Helpeth Us, Brahms' motet Oh Savior Throw the Heavens Wide and some lighter literature. For ticket information, visit or or call 303-892-5922. Friday, March 13 & Saturday, March 14, 7:30 p.m. Cherry Creek Chorale, Brian Patrick Leatherman, Director; “Exploring the American Songbook: Standards & Spirituals”. Along with special guests, the University of Denver’s Lamont Jazz Orchestra, a new concert series is inaugurated highlighting the most influential and enduringly popular American songs and spirituals of the 20th century. For ticket information call 303-789-5920 or visit Sunday, March 15, 7:30 p.m. Kantorei presents “Echoes: Chant and Beyond”. For centuries, chant has been a central compositional style used for meditation and spiritual gatherings. Kantorei explores this age‐old art form performing early renditions of solo line melodies as well as newer compositions that are chant‐based or chant‐infused. Visit or call 303-316-0356 for ticket information. Friday, March 20, 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, March 22, 4:00 p.m. Colorado Chorale presents “Liebeslieder Waltzes”. This Brahms work is the centerpiece of a love-themed concert. Visit or call 800-414-2251 for ticket information. Saturday, March 21, 11:30 a.m. Denver Lyric Opera Guild presents “Competition Finals”, featuring the finest young opera singers in the finals of national auditions. Free event. Saturday, March 21, 7:30 p.m. Festival of Faith and the Arts American Premiere Performance, Forrest Guittar, Conductor; “St. John Passion” – Bob Chilcott. Free event; attendees are asked to help support Metro CareRing by bringing non-perishable food and/or monetary donations. Palm Sunday, March 29 A Palm Sunday blood drive has become a tradition at Bethany and once again this year, Bonfils will be conducting a blood drive from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon in the Great Hall. Monday, March 23, 7:00 p.m. The Smoky Hill High School Choirs present their “Masterworks Concert”. Call 720-886-5300 for tickets. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact the Bonfils Appointment Center at 303-363-2300 or go to, select “Make an Appointment” and use site code 0377. There will also be a sign up sheet available at the Welcome Center on March 15 and 22. If you have questions, please contact Janet Mortinsen at 303-300-3317 or [email protected]. Remember each donation has the potential of saving the lives of 3 Colorado patients! Thursday, March 26, 7:00 p.m. The Grandview High School Choirs present their spring concert “In Concert”. Sunday, March 29, 4:00 p.m. The Bethany Chancel Choir presents J.S. Bach’s masterpiece, “St. John Passion” with soloists and chamber orchestra. When Bach first presented the St. John Passion to his church in Leipzig, Germany in 1724 he distributed the text of the work to his congregation with the request that they pray over it and prepare for the passion of Christ that would be presented during Easter week. We are also providing a devotional booklet so you can meditate on the text and use it to pray throughout this season just as Bach and his congregation did. Copies are available at the Welcome Desk in the Narthex. Free event. ST. JOHN PASSION Bob Chilcott Saturday, March 21, 7:30 p.m. The Lutheran Chorale, St. Andrews Lutheran Church Choir, with guest choristers from Colorado Symphony Chorus, Canto Deo Chamber Choir, Colorado Chorale and Cherry Creek Chorale with soloists and chamber ensemble. Forrest Guittar, Director, The Festival of Faith and the Arts, Conductor Various composers have written works entitled ST. JOHN PASSION, denoting a passion (the story of Christ’s last days), based upon the Gospel of John. Now comes this unique composition by former King’s Singer, Bob Chilcott. The passion narrative according to the Gospel of John is a Good Friday tradition. As John Harbison wrote: “The Gospel of John, apparently the last of the four to be written (after 70 A.D.) is very different from the three synoptic gospels. It presents a transcendent, mystical, philosophical Jesus, aware of the Old Testament prophecies and of his fate as a sojourner who came from above and will soon return there. According to John, Jesus warns his followers that their eventual persecution will mirror his, and that it will come from their own: “they shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” Chilcott’s rendition is unique, in that he chooses nonscriptural texts to include, and these texts are personal engagements with the story and sacrifice of Christ. As one reviewer noted, “The music in this work is at all times direct and engages the listener’s attention”. This presentation is also unique: to engage the people of Bethany and the community and is offered freely – with one request: please help support those in need in our community through non-perishable food and monetary donations for Metro CareRing. Please join us for this special event. Even if you can’t attend, please consider donating non-perishable food and/or monetary donations in the baskets outside the music area and via the Bethany Kiosk. March/April 7 The Beacon Good Coffee for a Good Cause Bethany’s Global Mission Ministry Team partners with Lutheran World Relief and Equal Exchange to support Fair Trade coffee, tea and chocolate. Find us in the Narthex on March 1 and April 12 with a variety of coffees, teas and chocolates for sale. Your support helps provide sustainability and eco friendly practices for our brothers and sisters in Central and South America, Africa and Asia. Gift Cards on Sale BECC Board members will have gift cards available in the Narthex on March 1 & 15 and April 19 (we will not have them available on Easter Sunday, April 5). Your purchase helps to support our own Bethany Early Childhood Center! You receive the dollar value of the gift card and BECC receives 5%. Thanks for your support! (Moving into God’s Future continued from page 1) informed, socially aware, and theologically authentic and futuresensitive questions than our Lutheran Confessions demand? No, we cannot…. not if we would be true to our faith and the core values that this faith (Luther) reflects. As St. Paul proclaimed, we “live and move and have our being” in Him whose holy name our baptism has blessed into and upon us…. forever. Our daily reality must reflect our core values if we are to be counted among the truly faithful. Thus, the very substance of the 41 ministry statements to which more than 600 Bethany members responded faithfully in our congregational self-study conducted as worshipful work on January 25th. “How do we send them out?” With roles and responsibilities of pastors changing, many wonder “What should the pastor do?” Might it be more important to ask, “What is our shared ministry?” When we at Bethany now focus on strategic planning, we are inclined to ask, “What is our vision and how do we implement it?” I am delighted to report that the latest discussions on Bethany’s Mission/ Vision Study Team are determined to look forward with some form of the question, “What’s God up to and how do we get on board?” As we and other congregations in this changing church respond to financial challenges, we are inclined to ask some form of, “How do we survive?” Might we instead ask “How do we serve?” How do we acknowledge and honor our members’ total giving that occurs in their ministry in daily life? How do we recognize and honor the value the blessing of each person’s unique gifts for ministry and the freedom they have to use those gifts as their faith guides them? It is true. Many of the old questions were valid at one time. Some yet have a place in the new church that is being born. But if there are also new questions that are offered to form our approach to ministry in these times, then they will be those that lead us to new insights and new learning. New insights fail to When we and other congregations get put into practice because they think about God’s mission that has conflict with deeply held internal a church, our first response is likeimages of how the world works, ly some version of, “How do we images that limit us to familiar help people?” A better question ways of thinking and acting. That might be, “How do we make the is why the discipline of managing mental models – surfacing, testing, and improving our internal pictures of how the world works – promises to be a major breakthrough for building learning (congregations) organizations. (Peter Senge - The Fifth Discipline). Welcoming God’s future at reign of God more present in this time and place?” While there are no right answers, these questions can be applied to Bethany. Like other congregations with their own unique issues, we too need to live with these questions. It is only in living the questions that new ways of doBethany presumes that we embrace new learning, new questions, ing and being the Church of Jesus new insights. Let’s do it together! Christ do emerge. We can be part Here’s a menu for our pre-seating of what Phyllis Tickle, founding editor of the Religion Department perusal: of “Publishers Weekly” calls The Over the years in many congrega- Great Emergence. So dear friends, tions, and yet even more so in Why Not Emerge Together at these days of declining church Bethany? membership, the question has been, “How do we bring them in?” Pr. Paul N. Svingen Wouldn’t it be better for us to ask, Interim Senior Pastor You wipe runny noses and take care of everyone… So who’s taking care of you? Join us at MOPS! Just for moms of children from birth through kindergarten. We meet at Bethany on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, September through May. For more information contact Stephanie Davy at 303-324-5120 or [email protected]. MOMSNext at Bethany! MOMSNext is a group for mothers of school-age kids, created by MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) which has a 40-year history of ministering to moms. As mothers enter the school years, new challenges and issues arise, but the need for community and hope remains. Join us on the second Wednesday of each month in the Bethany Library from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. for a speaker and lively discussion. Bring a brown bag lunch. Every fourth Thursday we will meet in a different location in the evening for a mom's night out of fun and fellowship. For more information contact Courtney Henry at [email protected]. XYZ (Xtra Years of Zip) Are you looking for a fun way to meet new friends and connect with old ones? We are an informal group that meets each Tuesday in the Fellowship Hall for socializing, fun and food. Come by any time after 9:30 a.m. for coffee and snacks, to play games or to visit with other folks. At 11:30 a.m. we have a brief worship service followed by a hot lunch (suggested donation is $5). Here is our menu for the month of February. We would love to have you join us! 3/3: Roast turkey, mashed potatoes, salad, rolls, dessert 3/10: Lasagna, Italian sausage, salad, garlic bread, dessert 3/17: Pork roast, applesauce, mashed potatoes, salad, dessert 3/24: Pork stir-fry, rice, assorted peppers, rolls, dessert 3/31: Easter ham, scalloped potatoes, salad rolls, dessert Young at Heart Want to meet new friends or catch up with old ones? Join us on the second Friday of each month from September - June. We start around 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall to socialize before enjoying a delicious lunch, sometimes catered, sometimes potluck, followed by a program. On March 13, we will enjoy the talents of the Heritage Irish Dancers. Lunch will be a potluck so please bring a dish to share. Please join us - all are welcome! (President’s Perspective continued from page 4) Team, and the Bethany Foundation. These conversations have focused on ways in which we might work cooperatively in our disbursement of benevolence dollars. The Benevolence Ministry Team and the Global Missions Ministry Team receive dollars set aside from the Bethany Fund (as a percentage of incoming contributions) for giving – both locally and internationally. While the Bethany Foundation is a separate endowment fund, there remain opportunities for collaboration in funding certain ministry goals. The next step is to invite many other voices interested in justice and social ministry action to join the conversation. The planning for this next step is underway, which will lead to the creation of a comprehensive, unified Service & Outreach Ministry Team at Bethany. As this year’s ELCA theme rightfully proclaims – We are Church: Better Together. Glenn Truglio Congregation Council President March/April 8 The Beacon Health and Wellness “I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot.” Revelation 3:15 Cold If we were to take a vote, I think that a top ten pick for the question, “What has helped make your marriage work?” would be individual climate control devices in our vehicles. A close second would be dual controls on the electric blanket. My precious wife and I have such different reactions to whatever the environment is dishing out in terms of cold that one of us would be consistently unhappy if we had to reach a consensus on where to set the temperature. You might think of cold, as I sometimes do, as something we must just endure until warm weather returns. We all experience cold differently. Our bodies are constructed with many differences in blood flow, capillary efficiency, amount of insulating fat, and other physical factors. Researchers have determined that our perception of cold varies by age, gender, and location on the body. Our perception of cold also varies by our emotional state, level of fatigue, and even by whether we are hungry or not. Tomaz Krpic, a student of sociology, wrote in the journal Performance Research that the nerves that perceive cold are closer to the surface of our body than the receptors that allow us to perceive heat. In one sense, it allows our bodies to give us early warnings if we might be in danger from heat loss. But, he says, perception of cold also allows us to experience our body more intensely, “… the feeling of cold is one of the basic God’s Garden Zunga, Zimbabwe, Africa Zimbabwe is one of the poorest countries in the world with a population of almost 13 million, of which one million are orphans. This is the highest percentage of orphans in the world. We are privileged to know people like Davison and Yana Zhou who are committed Zimbabweans with a passion for orphans in their country. They are partnered with Vision Trust in feeding, educating, loving and disciplining thousands of children. Their ministry began as God’s Garden under a tree in the village of Zunga and now ministers to thousands every week. and essential human sensations, giving an individual a sense of relationship with or being at one with his or her body.” Krpic concludes that this perception of cold also allows us to feel very alive and in connection with the world. Nordic cultures, particularly the Finnish, have elevated the use of the cold within which they live a good portion of the year to a fine art – they bake their bodies in a heated sauna and then emerge to indulge in a cold water plunge, cold shower, or just exposure to the cold air. The word invigorating is often used to describe the resulting sensation, a word than means “to give life and energy.” Universally, places that feature rituals of heating our bodies and then exposing them to cold are considered centers of healing, and in many cases are held to be sacred. In fact, there is an old Finnish phrase, "Saunassa ollaan kuin kirkossa,” which roughly translates to, “One should behave in the sauna as in church.” cold is still not my idea of a good time. I spend the winter doing my best to stay warm, and a nice roaring fire in the fireplace is awfully comforting. And I am mindful that there are those in our city who are cold not by choice but because of their circumstances, so I am grateful to God for the warm blessings I have. But to learn that we are equipped for cold and that cold can even have positive aspects reminds me again that God’s creation is not one sided, no matter how ready I may be for winter to end. To paraphrase Peter Benenson, founder of Amnesty International, it is better to appreciate the occasional invigoration than to curse the cold. – Peace and Health, Jack Lindsey If you have ideas to share with us or are interested in the work of the Health and Wellness Cabinet at Bethany, contact Janet Mortinsen: [email protected]. Having said all of this, I have to admit that sitting around in the Bethany partners with South Suburban Christian Church and Oasis Church in long-term support of this mission. Our partnership helped with a well last year in nearby Chasia, one of several areas ministered to by Davison and Yana. Chasia is a community of approximately 30 small villages in extreme poverty. These people do not have access to medical aid and there is no form of transportation to travel the difficult distance to get minimal care. The local people realize the need and have started to build a medical/learning center with Vision Trust. Pastors Paul Svingen Interim Senior Pastor Russ Britton Associate Pastor of Teaching and Learning Debra Engquist Interim Associate Pastor Stefanie Fauth-Lemke Pastoral Intern Administrative Staff Joel Halvorson Director of Finance & Administration Shelley Hook Accounting Supervisor Lil Filegar Accounting Assistant Sarah Hulslander Executive Assistant/Hospitality/Missional Minister Rhonda Merritt Office Manager/Communications Janice Lyon Program Assistant Gayle Newell Office Assistant Amy Janssen Office Assistant Janet Mortinsen Director of Health & Wellness Laura Romig AV Coordinator Brenda Greenwald Website Editor Mike Johnson Technology Supervisor Art Brien Building Supervisor Tom Maes, Josh Patillo, Rhonda Myers Custodians Stacie Schubert Wedding Consultant Kathy Shearer Senior Center Coordinator Chris Charron Kitchen Supervisor Programmatic Staff Natalie Dailey Faith Formation Minister of Children’s Education Jason Davis Faith Formation Minister of Youth - Middle & High School Tory Plucheck Faith Formation Minister of Youth - Confirmation Music Staff Rick Seaton Director of Music and Organist As we have discussed in other columns, God has given us many very basic tools for health, and something as simple as cold can sometimes help heal us. Cold can slow blood flow to an injury, thereby reducing pain and swelling. Cold therapy can also reduce inflammation, relieve muscle spasms, and diminish pain. Although there are many documented health benefits to heat and cold therapy, there are health conditions that preclude using them, including heart disease, diabetes, seizure disorders, and other conditions. Please consult a physician if you are not sure if heat and cold therapies are for you. Staff & Leadership James Kim Chancel Choir Director Pat Guittar Children’s Music Director Jeffrey Harms Handbell Choir Director Alex Rodasti Cherub Choir Director Mission Statement: The Bethany Lutheran Health and Wellness Cabinet works to share God’s grace and love in Jesus Christ with all people by promoting health, wholeness and healing of body, mind and spirit. donated. Our partnership is focused on providing funds for assessment of clinic needs and the costs of shipping the container. Other churches in the area have joined us, and together we can make this project successful. There is no completion date for the building in Chasia but work is in progress. Please pray for this undertaking, the workers, the people this clinic will serve and God’s will and timing of our involvement. Pray that God Project Cure, the largest donator of medical supplies in the world, shows you how you can become a will send to Zimbabwe a shipping part of this exciting mission. Concontainer of free medical supplies tact Jack Ganzar at 303-981-3986 for the cost of shipping. The con- or [email protected] for more tents of the container are valued at information. $400,000-$500,000 and all were Paula Wills WOW Coordinator Forrest Guittar, Jr. Festival of Faith and the Arts Director Zach Rodasti Youth Praise Band Director Kathy Eggleston Minister of Music Emerita Congregation Council Glenn Truglio (President) Marie Friedemann (President Elect) Koren Holden (Immediate Past President) Gwen Grace (Vice President) Dan Cable (Treasurer) Peg Kirchner (Secretary) Ministry Council Gwen Galyath, Diane Herrmann (Community & Care) Judi Burchfield, Laura Weber-Meyers (Teaching & Learning) Justin March, Dave Nesslage (Witness & Service) Garth Englund III, Kara Heilman (Worship & Celebration) Isabella Dempsey (Youth & Youth Ministries) Bethany Early Childhood Center Carrie Lapham BECC Director Bethany Early Childhood Center Board Joyce Beabout Janet Pote Jill Schladetzky Michelle Stone Kraus Natalie Talley Betty Ziemann Bethany Foundation Don Abram Ron Gusé David Laverty Paula Nelson-Marten Beth Nixon Wes Pomeroy Barbara Seaton Susan Squyer Tia Whitaker Securing Bethany’s Future The mission of the Foundation of Bethany Lutheran Church is to provide a permanent financial resource for the future enrichment of our congregation. Through this mission, we are challenged to provide additional stewardship opportunities for members, friends of Bethany and our greater community for the purpose of God’s work. For more information, direct your inquiries to the church. The Beacon (USPS001-513) is published monthly by Bethany Lutheran Church, 4500 E. Hampden Ave., Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113. (303) 758-2820; FAX (303) 758-1980; Rhonda Merritt, Editor. Periodicals postage paid at Englewood, CO. Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Beacon, Bethany Lutheran Church, 4500 E. Hampden Ave., Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113.
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