Today’s message: WEEKLY SCHEDULE SIMPLE CHURCH Acts 2:42-47 I. Sunday Sunday School 9:15 am Morning Worship 10:30 am Wednesday H2O 4 pm Bible Study/Choir 6:45 pm The Simplicity of the New Testament Church ROTATING MINISTRIES II. III. Making the Simple Complex January 11 Leigh Scott Renee BonneCarrere Jenn Nasser Emily & Seth Parker January 18 Michele Burns Nursery I Sarah Turner (0-12 mos.) Jenny Chandler Nursery II Farrah & Madison (12-24 mos.) Scott Communion/sick Joey Musick Marty Stamps Meditation Gerald Cooper Tommy Musick Deacon/Week Seth Parker Glenn Schirmer Communion Preparation for January: Jack & Sarah Turner Baptism Team for January: Bonnie Pate Bethany Christian Church 2868 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy., Carrollton, Georgia 30116 2868 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy. 770-834-1927 Carrollton, GA 30116 770-834-1927 January 11, 2015 Simple Church “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42 The Benefits of Church Simplicity Staff: Mike Wood, Senior Minister Neil Weathington, Music Minister Jenn Nasser, Youth Director Musicians & Technicians Joey Musick (piano); Debbie Bailey (organ); Zachary Lancaster, Drew Scott, Jonathan Brown, Anthony Johnson (guitar); Kerry Cooper (bass); Jacob Orbeck (drums); Amy Dickerson, Katie Davison (vocals); Lynn Weathington, Glen Schirmer, Kevin Watson, Adam Musick, Russell Bennett, Phillip Brown, Jacob Butler (sound/ lighting/video) Mike Wood Senior Minister ANNOUNCEMENTS WELCOME VISITORS! We are glad you chose to worship with us today. Please fill out a visitor’s card from the pew and place it in the offering plate so we will have a record of your visit. Assisted hearing devices are also available. Parents are welcome to take advantage of our nursery facilities and graded worship through middle school. (See a greeter for directions.) WEDNESDAY NIGHT ACTIVITIES continue this week. H2O meets at 4 p.m., followed by [gloh] Worship for youth at 6:45 p.m. We have a new Bible Study for adults (taught by Mike Wood), the “Story Behind the Song” class, and Children’s Bible Study, all meeting in the FLC at 6:45 p.m. Adult Choir Practice is in the sanctuary. AN ELDER’S MEETING will be held today, at 1 p.m. in the Gathering Room. A “RELAY FOR LIFE” informational lunch will be held immediately following the service this morning. If you would like to be a part of Bethany’s Relay for Life team, and help plan and participate in the activities, please join us for chili and soup in the Family Life Center today. Cindy Harris is our chairperson again this year, and you may contact her if you have questions. THE TURNER SMALL GROUP will resume its meetings today, at 5 p.m., at the home of Jack and Sarah Turner. They invite anyone interested to come and be a part of their group. Check with the Turners if you need more information. THE YOUTH BAKING MINISTRY will meet this Tuesday, January 13, from 6-7:30 p.m. in the FLC kitchen. See Jenn Nasser for more information. THE “BACKPACK PROGRAM” is sponsored by the Messenger’s Class, to provide food items for children at risk in our community. We furnish 10 bags each week to Sandhill Elementary. If you’d like to help by providing individual readyto-eat items (pudding/jello/fruit cups, cheese crackers, poptarts, grits, oatmeal, juice boxes, cereal cups/bars, etc.), you may either bring these items to the church office, or leave them in the Messenger’s Classroom in the FLC. THE COMMUNION PREPARATION LIST for 2015 is available in the foyer for volunteers to help prepare communion on Sunday morning. BETHANY IS INVITED to join in celebrating the wedding of Jennifer Bridges and Brian Scott on Saturday, February 28, at 1:30 p.m., here at Bethany. A reception will follow. Please RSVP to 770-846-6601. THE MESSENGER’S CLASS has a trip planned to the Top of the River restaurant in Anniston on Saturday, January 24. We’ll leave the church at 5 p.m. FOOD PANTRY DRIVE – The “Item of the Month” for our Food Pantry for January is peanut butter and jelly. There is a bin in the foyer to deposit these items. Thanks for your help, and remember if you know of someone in need, either send them our way, bring them to the pantry, or take items to them. THE WOMEN’S SHELTER item needed for December is cereal (large bags or boxes.) There is a bin for these items in the foyer. NOTE OF THANKS: “Want to thank all of the people of Bethany Christian Church that sent Christmas cards to Cecil Herrin at the VA Home. He enjoyed them, and as a family we appreciate the love and prayers for him. Keep him in your prayers. God Bless, Shirley Herrin & family” TO RECEIVE BETHANY EMAIL, send an email to [email protected]. To receive the Bethany eNewsletter on Wednesday, send an email to [email protected]. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND SERVICES and would like communion brought to you at home, please contact the church office, or the men in charge of home communion for the week. Attendance & Offerings for January 6, 2015: Attendance: 210 (Sanc.=181; Nurs=10; Kid’s Cove-19) General Fund: $7,991.75 ($1,947.75 over budget) Missions: $810 Dollar/Week: $57 Building Fund: $95 Immeasurably More: $305 (Total to date = $234,820.71) PRAYER LIST Church Family: Mike Nasser, Donnie Dowis, Ted & Susie Bear, Bob Jordan, Joey Mullins, Paul & Peggy Wilder, Gordon Gibbs, Rick Parker, Jerral Howard, Tim Brady, Buvena Turner, Maritza Schirmer, Greg Adams, Janie Ebner, Pat Alexander, Genelle Sudduth, Allen Howard, Mary Hardeman, Hollice Eason (Knute’s wife), Rita Henry, Kami Burns (missionary/MX), Debbie Smith, Priscilla Sudduth, G.W. & Barbara Cook, Hilda Daniel, Maurine Musick. Friends & family: Our nation & leaders, our troops & their families, our missionaries, family of Sarah Elizabeth Simpson, Lindsey Herndon (heart attack), Phillip Beasley (cousin of Annette Ivey, auto accident), Arthur Green (Ronnie’s dad), Don and Bertha Nutting (parents of Sylvia Suddeth), Polly Rankins (Zella Musick’s sister, lymphoma & hip replacement), Tony Boyd (son-in-law of JW & Yuvonne Pate), Marti Love Terrell (12 yr old w/brain tumor), Jimmie Gammon (Richard’s dad), LaNelle Holland, Joyce Langston (friend of Bonnie Pate), Debbie Ridley (cancer, friend of Amy Emory), Austin Bonova (grandson of Bonnie & Steve Turner), Raymond Crumbley (Tony’s dad), Joyce Dumm (sister of Louise Heartstedt), Anthony Rooks (brother of Naomi Quigley), Bobby King, Ruth Shaw (Ramona Smith’s mom), Kevin Harris, Carolyn Cook (Jan Rosson’s sister), Chuck Butler (Debby Cook’s brother), Polly Criswell, Barbara Strickland (bladder cancer), Cecil Herrin, Noah Bishop (child w/cancer), Margie Bell, Todd Logan (son of Don & Cindy Logan), Sue Curry, Sarah Nelson (Carolyn Foster’s sister), Lisa Kuntz (Dale Hilmer’s daughter), Felicity Withrow (Sylvia Suddeth’s great-niece, cancer), David Estes (friend of Gwen Strickland), Robert Hooten, Carol Samples (Sandra Crubaugh’s mom), Doris Morgan (Ronnie Morgan’s mom), Betty Turner (Jack’s mom), Yuvonne Butler, Harvey Copeland, Bill Estep, Hilda Nasser (Mike’s mother), David & Larry Griffis (Carolyn Foster’s brothers), Jack Herrin (Lisa Butler’s dad), Darren Goolsby (Roy & Glenda Gable’s son-in-law), Doug & Bobby Boatright, Butch Broome (Beth Orbeck’s dad), Sarah Stevenson (Jack Turner’s sister), Ima Jean Hurst (Tim Collins’s mom), Lydia Hoel (Bill Orbeck’s mom), Ken Fowler. CALENDAR Tuesday 8 am 6pm Double Nickels Breakfast Club at Jerry’s Country Kitchen Youth Baking Ministry in FLC kitchen Wednesday 12 noon 4 pm 6:45 pm Men’s Lunch at Zaxby’s on Bankhead H2O Bible Study for all ages, Adult Choir, [gloh] Worship Friday 12:30 pm Ladies Lunch at Moe’s on Hwy. 27 South
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