4 Form for Evaluation of Modification or Realignment Request {2015, version 1.1} underthe GAA 2015 This form should be used for Modification or Realignment Requests 't .- .-l Version 1.1 O. EVALUANOH & ]USfi FICATIOf'I ASSET PRESERVAflOH (ROAOSI 32a. Existing Surfaee Type {from REIA} 32h. Roughness {lRl} {frorn RBIA} 32c, ftnCOI{D (from RSIAf AS$ET PRESERVATTOI{ IBRIDGES] 32d. General Eridge Type {from BMSI 32e, Bridge Needs Batio {8NR} {from BMSI iIETIiIOBK DEVELOPT''ENT 3tf. txlsting Surface Type {from / ROAD UPGRADING RBIA} orqY-e,! 329. Volurne Capacity Ratio [VCR] {from RBIA} 3lh. Endorsement of Regional Developmeat Courrcil {nOC} 32.i Feasibility and Other Technical Sfudles for Sridges FLOOD COHTROL , 32i. Froject lmpact Analysis , 3?k. Master Plan i 33. JUSTIFICATION carriaBewa'i' thk at 6'70m Mociification is sought due to decrease in project length. This is because of the design requirements of 0-28m Y-Ot .1:tt gutter, and curb concrete structu.es, masonry rtone pccp course, subbase shoulders at both sides,0.35m Aegregate : o.tsm thk at 1.s0m wide i Jer safety devices to ensure road safety for com*rt"rr. The location of the project is along a mountainous section requiring : ;;.";;; , massive earthworks. ENo gfts PHOTOS $JBMITTED 35. 36.DATE: [V g. tlslzgtl ng$fW AI{DI*F, FEOVA!, Ll5l20t5 REVIEWEO: DesiSn Division DATE: / INDORSED APPSOVES: il5l2015 DATE: .,,'." nlcEUOrSIhlG$ol{ Secretary of Depafiment of Public Workl and ttiShweys
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