LIS.tZ: The fire loss in the 17. S. In Kebrtia-callin- j: Tub Newport Journal, which baa been j for "Carlisle, tariff reform and an ry wns f24.47K.DOO, au excess of $1,000,-earl- y convention," is not satisfied with 000 over Kebuary, l&JU. ty nine'judlclal districts are made, e.x- r. It is said that the recent mine county, of the committee naming a, which will the action c',,,'veo' Jefferson Mauch -'- 2 1SD2 Stanford, Ivy., late date. Hro. Hlakely still insists plosion at Audeilues lk'lgiiim, by which iuve lour circuii juiivi. t uiiiiiiHcu is for Carlisle, but we about 150 lives were lot. was mused by is Kentucky composed of which district, that the K'th Koekcas-tle- , fear he baa not investigated much. Ken-a spiteful miner. Whitley and Wayne, I'ulaski, W. F. The bid of the Standard Oil Compa-tion- , is the only one absolutely republi- tucky is for Cleveland for the nominaj .otes Hiid Carlisle, ny for furnishing ful fi the Woild's as much as she can, though there are two or thrco oth... .. Mn. Wattrrson seems of lull to bo .. -.:..-!- . .4 Tl.!.. at present doesn't seem to have any sec- - Fair wag the lowest of thee opened Satore (ii.ii are very ciusc. uitunci, mis unable to withhtand any kind of croos the 13tb, is left us stated in our last urday and the big luit will probably ond choice. tirol The mot easnal readej will regot the contract, Mercrr, Doyle, Lincoln and Uairard run Senate decides that the repubb- member bis mnttifyinc eouise on the which roakrn it surely democratic. Of M ,. n Mm), new constitution. That was bad enough course, with the conflicting interests of cans sha not use tl.e national Hag on (10 shot (,m n , wo of ,u KnQX certainly, but bis complete and uuoon- - neirly 500 candidates forjudge and com ineir o.mois, noiwuiisiamiing mo nowi county, win found guilty of murder at (litinnnl surrender of Cleveland at the monwealth's attorney, it was haul for of the members of that party in the body. ltirtiiiifriill. ami l..a ...... i.iliiiiMt flvtil AND dictation of Tammany is even worse. the committee to please everybody, but It has been suggested that a watermelon fll imnrNonmint fn,. m', Ciaimins "11 alonij that Cleveland wn to those who are not interested except ue suusimin'u, oui m -n uii.iiiiii. ui nitThe democratic prlmatv in Ander- r..Mtilionn vitriire in ullMtttL ' a nnnn a the logic of the situation, he advocated in the success of the democracy, which """"""" resulted in the umniiialion of 1. C. . we .suggest uiai a picture ui wieir name bin nomination, but so soon as Hill is mean" the public good, their work ap ex count judge, thrust forward, ho arnsps the pears especially commendable and the eake be adopted. for sheriir, and George W. Walker, the dent and throws him overboard, with Legislature could hardly do better than present inciimbtit, circuit clerk. Rough on Rats even a clearer conscience than lie assur- to adopt the report a a whole. .NMintor Hill returned to WashingIt is said that many of the members of ed his readers be bad when he decried ton He Sunday. gtatification the battle field in thr hottest of the tivrht Notwithstanding, the Constitution's the Legislature, are looking out for judge at bis leccptiou iu express's Stiff, artel and iacon South, the under the aiinst the constitution, with a tlai: of frantic eilorts to convince outsiders that ships and State attorneyships sidering invitations to niak another exAtlanta especially ami the State of Oeor- - new deal ordered by the constitution, tended truce flying in bis rear. Well, .Mr. through the Wet and South-- , trip guntlemen naturof those aud uaeh that and everybody ebe gia generallyjlare for Hill, the fact rebe west. Fire broke out in the hold of the wrong, but tlie people do not take to a mains that quite the leverr-- is true. ally wants a district to Milt himself. It leader who suirendeis without a Miiule Georgia is about as solid for Clevelaud as is fui ther given out that tbee aspiring steamer Guiding Star while pacing fire, and are in no humor to e.ive up .Mr. Kentucky. The. Atlanta Journal, which statesmen propose to light the report of lawrtiiiceburg, Ind.. and Mrs. Uelle ) go who has pretty thoroughly felt the pulse of the joint committee on redisricting, Shudiug-r- , oi Cincinnati, a puMngiM, Cleveland because a man never did like him and who is cjad of the State, has this pointed pointer' which has jut been completed, aud en- lied from a spasm brought on b fright. HIGG-DSTS- . the chance to .say some tiling about him Thousands of patriotic cituens greeted deavor to lick it into such shape as will The damage was hilling. Near Gainesville, Va Lee IItIlin that have lone rankled in his bosom. Grover Cle eland with tremendous en- subserve their own privato ami peisonnl "We admire .Mr. Watterson'.s wonderful thusiasm when he tried to slip through intereMs. Iest these excellent gentle- and Joepb Dyer, the inurdeiers of the Candidate Hill, men, whose services the State could ill iinsee iitmm, wcnMRKpn iroin otltcers genius and greatly love him personally, Atlanta unobserved. and we write these lines moie in sorrow after weeks of advertising, spent nn hour afford to lose, may fall into an gly pit. bv a mob and lynchi-d- . Thev weie t. 1.71,1,, i,a,j ht. than In anger, but it is the put of a and a half in this city this morning. Not we quote fir their benefit .the following ,,HV,. bt,,. um, A: friend to warn a friend of dancer. Let twodo.en people gatlw.ed to gaze upon clause of our lately adopted oonsiitu- -l ,.urt.,ia Mjiy proceedings. A gang of negro-'Mr. Watterson starch his backbone or him and not a cheer was raised. Atlanta tiou: were recentlv Ant l.iHiuIn Cennijr ioimIi n.l ,xHi tin- - hiixl.omc--t hi thcupml Imi ol WALL I'AI'I r ec. .). A nietiiDer, who lias a ..a,,.,!,. ,,vin,. rr.nn h. .l....,.,!.,......,. he may not be put at the bead of Ken- is a Cleveland tow u an Georgia is a .if. t. J in ih ivple.l tunrl K ninety . meas-i,, anv in ,.,!' on isrKiiKBr sosi. ri:i atk or ptnliiiK tucky's delegUion to the National Con Cleveland SMt " WW" ",e'1,,,llu'" t,,e w,ia ore or bill proved At A. E. GIBBONS', DANVILLE, KY. ol tlie "P1'1' hole seven surren In contravention vention. " Assembly, hiim.i. iiisilosk j General the ,.. II t .'.r,f .iVtlN-.M . low ,rt,i.i v. disgraceful of confirmation . Thk VVMN'tSltrs. PMVIS. the hrl...- repeated insertion that the demothk Kt r in the liou-- e of which ho is a dered themselves and agreed to go to the Imuw in ih i ! Oinr own wnrl . .ilw 4 I" Ictiriic r xJ r ' m lr in brut of foi Woods Judge a nomination (vttirf circuit iwid 8H u.i. not vutk TiitKEO.v member e without trial, thinking it n e.ti rn. . crats cannot win the presidency without 4I a m! expulsion. dug-gejudgeship, pain upon mau who Indiana 0. the , ,H,M.r t((t New York, Concieman Hieckiuiidjie, llt Ue H0W his judicial ermine in the du-- t for Get your Combinations Complete and S we Money. Hnther proceedmgs will be watched .Thc Cm.,llMfl (,uUlti(.u ,llhlirek,n who is not scared at every little noise , . bow ma-- ' advantage, accomplished was political with bv toascertnui he no says has wood, lie beats in the urn lMailVir liedw ,iK'iiiiiiii mi .1 strict party vofoin the Senate aud only nyof tbes. anih, tious geutl-mTllt, ll(li,,illir MiM)e t Ux1i:t,U doubt that they can and easy euomjb. nl personal interest in this mca- , gh fJ bliif(i, He snys that with Cleveland we can car- two majority. The proof was overwhelm- close tbeir . , . . vol.- thereon and ,m , of them oodh for many how high unfit that ing the wad lire, ry Massachusetts Connecticut, l.hode ex- subsequently then, of many president owed but position, a bow the him aie tM. oM. ,Mirw, Island, Ne Hampbire, New .Jersey, ' Indiana, Iowa. Wisconsin, Montana debt and iiinstod on this way of cancel llllMtMl AiH(spaUhlromNinn.rtijri ibat Oncol Uic .uifi-o- t ami most c.imulctr '.oiks oi Men , am I ..K.m.rlk.V Al .!. liver iiiand Michii.Mii. which with the lu4 votes ling it. Judge woods will, lioveer. go l"V.ll USUI ill tl... vi a ,u..l niaitiiu MFWSY NOTES. OiiMten integrih to bio bem on a iloud with the Glen Marv, Teim , J. W. Kdwtmla, ron from the Solid South will elect him with ides he thinks the ty and the action of the president and LM votes to spare, bellow fever continues to rase 111 ductor, was almost iiistmitly killed. Ha of mm tied and lived chances good to eairy Illinois. The his paitisans will put a ulot on judi-ia- l Kio Janeiro. Nearly S00 death- - in a fort, was :',1 purity that will not soon he effaced.' "ight. congressman may be a little too sanguine braktiHien weie at Sunierst. engine on the Philaih Iphia and ;!ko hurt. Au but we submit that the sutiution in not ICvcr broii-jit!ti I i4 Mil 01 t!i ) mtv A .imi Will I' Thk people of Texas have expressed Heading road holds the reeord.She made j fcueh as to put Cleveland out oi the New York at a The found inweMr (. themselves so unanimously for Mills for ansotUil st uk ol Mstom M.u!i m as 11 ' pair 01 ilwmond en rings, ,i a mile in :'.0 seconds. ijuestiou or make it at all necessary to Senator ir ( dhi- Mr. Culbeit.son, who laid that At Argillite,Ch.irlesUrunipwas6hot, ,llomi rt,j p,.arl eMrriiie- -, a diamond call on him to withdraw from the con- aside thecommeice commission to make three times bv bis wife and fatally wound-- brac-let text. If Mi. Watterson. will excuse the the race, has withdrawn from and mut iliamoud ling, total the contest ed. She was jealous. jikM, neatly bid undei the porous bluntness of .1 soldier, may we not with- and Mr. Chilton will likely do value likewise. The appropriation to build n public plater on th back of a man, who was Kor both Indies out olIeiiBO and in conclusion, bej; leavo The election occurs .md gentle iihmi. ( .til and examine our Mock hcli IC and it isnioie building at Richmond has U'en received to mutest that be keep on his ehut. than probable that before the Ectting of there. It will be lt.0xlC() feet and will trying to keep from piying the duty. purchasing your hpnng (toods They were Tub accusation by the esteemed edi- the sun Roger . Mills, whom the House cost STo.UOO. The Casey lepublicans rrlved to tor of the Lebanon Enterprise that the rejected, will have made his calling sure The Iowa republicans selected au condemn Albert eott. collector of the ft to become a chief corner stone in the n no lees esteemed editor of the Mt. delegition to the National r,tb district, In evoking the commissions uniiistiucted Signal had appropriated an editori highest deliberative bodv in the woild Harrison's ad- - of good and true lepublicans without convention, but endor-e- d al from his columns, unly changing the .CO TO. ministration. cause or trial In ordir to put men in Tin: most surprising case known to ob name to fit, seemslikely toproveacausns has snow been storm severe late The places bidding, that would their do his stetric. is reported from Xortb Hang, belli. The usually amiable editor of the X. D. Mrs. Joseph N'iler commenced very sevens on cattle in Colorado and an,l earnestly ask that said Scott be Mt. Vernon paper is feeling his angry businessjlast 1 It is estimated that at least moved from ollice. Tuesihn by being delivered passions rise, but discreetly calls for a 000 perished. have Gen. D.111 Sickles, who lost a leg for of a boy. The next day another came, fuller diagram before proceeding to hurl Bradley, for instructed JeMiinine the Tnion in the battle of Gettvsbuiu. the third put in an appearance Thurs at the Lebanon man the terrible words: day and Friday Gentry, Denny and Feland for delegates, ;,, u,., tjIMli L0,ltfM.r,.,.t fought for the was fourth added the to "Lord Angus, thou bast lied." We hope "Model Grocery" for ,8t Caus.', met him M .Ulanta at the the list. This is the last we have beard at large and for Burnani and Collier for that this ultimatum will biing as quick trnm her and for aught we delegitis district Socle banuuet the Hibernian of tv and know the . . . . aud as complete an apology as that from 1 ,M ,,"''w"fn,'r ot ajjriiMiiiure e? lrtd ,uite a lov,- - feast. They hugge I business may be still going on. The litChili to the L'nited States. Hrer. Smith tl,H peach i,,ul -- Heh other like t,,e l,a,,,lU?e timateh l" boys, while the ter so far as reported weigh L:t pounds, js a bad man, in fact a genuine black andweieall alive and kickin at last IIl'mm ,r0'3 '" Tex,u a,,,ne' ',,,M l U" "tber guests went wild with enthusiasm. avenger, and l!ro. Hetberington ht-.llllii 011z.ini, ai ?i,.Nf,uuu. McRlcs is now a 1iemocr.1l ami Ming accounts. better do the proper thing if he knows After beheading IMH persons thepuh- - street a republican Whkv M. Dougoweau, a director in a licexi'cutionerat 1'aris is going to retire when he is well off. ... e Paris bank, was detected iu crookednets from the biisinefs. i.ot to lecture, like Thk good results Or. Appleman Is Thk State Kxecutive Committeo has which caused the institution to fail for H his treatm-- ut iu many cas,s iu Hoes is hoped hangman, ties; it Knglish fixed May ".'otb as the date and Louis.'3,000,000, be committed suicide. This SiuiHiiiMiiia show tin- - acreage of Kan-- i this vicinity are the best evidence of hl ville as the place for the convention to is the proper course under such circumsas winter wheat in U'J counties a 1,417,-- "kill and ability. The doctor is a spec-no- o select dek'gatea to the national demo- stances, but it will not become popular m, 5n..ronM i.f 100 000 aerea over last IH t. and devotes all of his time and at- cratic convention. The county conven- here. A skip to Canada, with the booyear. Conditions van from good to tention to his specialties and has thcte-tions are to be held May II at the fore become proficient He invites nil dle will continue to be the fashion till jjnit The basis of rep- - some of the rascals am ring down and with Im nllheted chrome to consult i .ise died at has just who Grover, Arael rexeiitatiou is one for every 200 votes given the punishment they deserve. ' Beaver Dam, Wis., aged 37, was remark- '"'" Large and IVc-- h Stoik of east for Gov. Brown and one for every tact that he was tapped ol0( Sena ron I'aukkk wants toj know with able tom the fraction over 100. This will make the times for dropsy and 4,SX) pounds of wa- Stale convention consist of 717 delegates the rest of us anxious mortals, if Dick ' ter taken from him. and give Lincoln only ix, the lowest Tate's securities secured. In other re-i (! friends Cleveland's i Mrs. over number she has had for years, owing to words In- - h;iH presented a resolution she is now perfectly well, but port that asking Boyle if will democrats his bondsmen have paid all or the Onion Sets, 1', V.,- , ;.. K..1I. MI kinds of package to be. I.ijtle Ruth any part of hi- - tealiugs, and if not why paler than hhe'used have 3, Mercer 7, Casey, Garrard, Iv.'iL'i'i: .. seeds; and happy 1'r.rl.llsn heaity. healthy, a is , beaut niilimr llms .. . .. ... ' w, j, ..iii.jk.i-.I not. The resolution is pertinent ami urtH)i J IOCS and r.... and Whitley 4 each, and Rockcatle It. Mattocks. timely. Let the legislature adopt it with big violet eye. lit Llliott, a brothel of W. J. ; At the rate our 'J3,000 sildiers co,t, it and biing out the truth, no matter who j Collars, Hames, .Collar i'ails, Trace Chains, Hrullcs, H.dteis, Mc. liott, the Columbus, Ohio, editor, who is is liguied that the pension .tppropiiutiou or what party it bin is. serving a life term for the murder of A. called for this year by Commissioner . .. & rv . M .!.... years for his i mis iiiiiuiuiiooga Itauin, .?M7,(X)0,000, would maintain a .M'ws entiorsea tin C. Osborne, was given ' standing army of ') 1:5,000, men. The admirable suggeMtion of the Louisville participation iu the row. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Cox, of Cal- whole system ot pensions is a irnud and limes that Col .hunt- -. A. MclCenie be lioun county, V. Va , have just become, an unju-- t tax on the honest people of the made one of the delegates to the at the of 01 and 07 veins respective-- ' provide wellicratie National Convention from the It is enough to t To for the and pavs clever 2uiniue !' tllt isents of twin boys. ThN is' a lot ol camp followers and sutlei-- Jim" Mime hiiudxome and deserved com their third pair of twins. Hand Saws, Hames, Fran. Schneider, who inurdeied the expen-- e of the people is an oner- plimeiits. lie is a uiatchlet-- orator. and Key Saws, Hole Horse Shoes, strangled was to! ous ami shameful burden that ought not is sound to the core on Clttveland. Let e ght gills in Vienna, Axes, Ilatchct.s, I lorse wife, clnieidor'.s 01 us Fridav. have him. Shoe Nails, 'ileatb tbure Af... Hm lr'cr la itir to be longer permitted IIilIiikI ol .itI nil.ii IfUicni'Z I Iaimncrs, ,. K Suec. Irr !. r!.,i..u u ..miI'IIiii I.:... s.i. Horse llruslies, -" " '" " t ,,l'iOiieiit ISr,' ft ""V Sk.v itok tin I. plHile.l the South that Co i.. W. (). JticAin.K has over 000 in iiracos, Whs, U t lli,!M. piu m K co . otl' with life imprisonment. Curry.Combs, theel-ctor.- il in- W al1 iirtrl, New delegate-ari t laigc, vote of New Voik will be for votes Drawing Kniv.,., structed moie' The new mining tow n of Creede, Hotf r,.i liters, than enough to secure his election. The! east for the demociatic Spirit Levels, Colorado, which bnb grown inside of a Hog Huwg, Garrard statesman is very close to tboj nominee this fall.. It may, but if Hill vein from a few cabins to a population of Planes, Mattocks, T2TOTT DOXT'T Steel Traps, popular heart of the rank and tile of bis can prevent it, it will not if Cleveland 0,000, is turning out bullion to the exShovels, Spades, Mouse Traps 'h" party, which makes him a hard man. to is the nominee. A great majority of the tent of p'rolit a day. Forks, Hay Knives, Sand I'aner. democrats believe he any kind win of to he knifed starls head, wbeu him in -- Christian J. Sieveis, who was piesiTrace Chains, JICSSIC WIvAKKN Lap Rings, Repair Links, 16S.S, when be was elected governor bv a prize at its bestowal. Hardware, dent of the Sievers-CaisoNice line A Cutlery. Rope, Twine, Dog Collars. ' 17,000 plurality and Mr. Cleveland Jim Company, of Louisville, until it went Keep thr nirrm the hc.t Jul biKt.t wii t r A cosrKMi'OHAKY remarks that Mr. the State. into Jituidation a week ago, is said to be Fancy Goods, Fruits, McKIXTOTETT Cleveland lecently went South to. hunt i.'O.OOO or iliO.OOO short in bis accounts Tiiuisb is nouo of thu I'oater llannel- lucks, ami that Senator Hill seems to Candies Nuts, Cigars bavegone on a wild goose chase. Kxact- - mouthed Irish sentiment about that ex- - with the linn. Anil ' o in the uly IV Gov. Brown has called a specia ly. Hill's self assertive candidacy does cellent piper, the Oweiishorn Impiirn'. for a not tako with people who think the It celebrated "St.. Patrick's Day m tne election in the 10th districtlate Mr. Ken to succeed the jireaidcucy is not to be sought after the Morning" by printing its edition in green, That he alio Icrep. thr chcipei sin ol Kendall, a son of the de- dall. Joiah though is nothing ollice. theie coustable'a green a ii of about 1UAII l manner T. W Williams and Lisle C. W. ceased. contents, or clever about Casey. ivlitor .TTT Thk prohibitionists becoming disguht-- , : are the aspirants. ed utthefailurrtof St. Loui.s tosub.-crib- e All the Cleveland mon aud new spa- Mrs. J. W. Attaway, of Texarkana, mil llut lie ex lunje fi;ct ulil.'., il' kind. the funds necessary to defray the ex- - pcisseem to have given up the contest Arkmsas, gave birth to four gill babies. l soihU for tie lUcuii, Lard, Ituller, I'ltUoe-- , , etc hii h lor he have 'since the Lexington Press ha "boldly" The mother is lil years old aud weighs pjy the peuseofthe national NEATJLY ANSI PROMPTLY DONE. out for Hill. It is a very bold act, P.'O pounds and thh father is 1'il years chungcd theplace of meeting to Cincin-Jcom- e Market Prices. "All work warranted, l'ine Watches a Specialty. unli, where the beer is of better ijuality. indeed, but tbuu the Press is a very bold' old and weighs ISO. The babies are all Oooil. deieted anywlnre in the city nd Ids ilii-'- y :!0. mp and O tnaile to HowIhimI. jiaper. I will take old gold or silver in The dale is June Mont and healthy exchange for Semi-Week- InteriorJournsl' ly I J ex-ve- rv t WALTON. 1 , 1 NEW : STOCK, - , j 1 j , - .'"'.. i ! t- I THE , ex-pres- i- f LATEST : Soft STYLES. : 1 Crushes, Wat-ttrsonm- ri-- All Sizes and Shapes. e M'HOBERTS f 1 1 lm m l WANTED. Five Thousand Ladies Geiitlcmaii from i;t I L. & Stanford s 11 11 1 ! eili-tor'f- NN - '"' ''" l j F ... . work-hous- d .,, u - - -- iht-sbi- i, ! .... en I JUST RECEIVED, I lJe I Hs" - - CJIjKfHXM- -- n'. m-h- t x- 1 , 1 1 I I ( 1 to-da- y , l. I W. E. PERKINS, Crab Orchard. ' Vei-no- 1 A , A. A. 10,-- j WARREN'S I 1 -' 1ft. N. Y. Seed f ! 1 .. ...... " La ml re th's ami Ferry's Garden Smtx in Jhdh also and Puvku and Jtakes. I get-th- fn j Potatoes, Red and White Onion Sets, 1 J ie.s-pecti- ; court-house- stay-at-hom- GARDEN SEED P0YAL i e JUST RECEIVED. - -- ., n-- i Cl.-v...- H.-..-I iu .! I Kl-- I FARHXS j ! . HAHDXJJT, I j I des-rvii- ig Stute-at-lai- sup-poi- j Demo-countr- v. POWDER ge at -- s SHELF HARDWARE. Absolutely Pure i I I I ,ii KITOC I. n BROS. A"- -. .1 -- Con-gressm- DOKTT FORGET ,N- staple Groceries, 7l Aim Provisions, , pow-wo- w, Highest ROBT. FENZEL K, WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY REPAIRING -'- goods I d ' vA ?' .5 4 I
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