Erasmus + Programme Key Action 1 learnerc and staff Dlobility for Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility Inter- i nstitutiona I agreement 2OL4-2O2L between pnogramme countries The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in all aspects related to the organisation and management of the mobili$, in particular the recognition of the credits awarded to students by the partner institution. A. Information about higher education institutions Name of the institution Contact details (emait, phone) Erasmus code Website Of the co urse (and department, where (eg・ relevant) catalogue) Inst■ utional: Assoc.PHDf.Dr.Bavram A‖ ERSOY Tel:"tiOna′ +902123832069 Y=LD=Z TECHNICAL UNIV■ RSITY E― DeDartmental: ¨ Ass.PЮiDr.Mus:鮨 nl oZ=9=K TR ISTANBU07 http:〃 〓 ´ Ettsmus Coο rdinaわ r) (IJ7戴 ′ logna.v‖ (施 めematim′ E17gheering DepaF177ent hS177」 S C00rdinator) Y=LDlZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY く Z Mathematicai En9ineering Departrnent DaVutpasa Campus′ ESEN LER‐ ISTANBUL Phone :+902123834608 Fax :+902123834590 E‐ mall:ozlsik@vi口 =nstttutional: UN=VERSITA UN=VERSITA DECL= STUDE D= FRENZE UD工 D=FIRENZ■ phonc+39 055 2757682 Fax+390552757681 DECL= I FRENZE O■ 釘 Deoartmental: Dott Vincenzo De MARCO Area Del Servizi alla Didattica o alla Ricorca - Ufficio Orientamento, Mobilita e Collaborazioni Studentesche, Piazza San Marco, 4 - SOLZL Firenze ITALIA Phone +39 O55 27578,A2 Fax3 FOrm ⅣO′ κハ1-FR-54ア メRevizyο Лttα rih″ θl.11.2θ 13メ Revl琴οηNofθ 0 +39 O55 2757681 きf[ ド υ B. Mobility numbers per academic year [Paragraph to be added, if the agreement is signed for more than one academic year: The partners commit to amend the table below in case of changes in the mobility data by no later than the end of January in the preceding academic year.l FROM EErasmus TO S″ り EErasmus code ofthe sending cOde ofthe receiving institution] institution] ed area code SEJb」 ieCt area name lrscEDI Number of student mobilitY periods Study [short cycte, 7"' , 2'o or 3'd1 Student MobilitY for Studies [tub! number of months of the studY periods or average Stυ der7ξ 解Ob″ ty for Tratteesわ riDs duration*l On:y by TR ISttANBU07 I FRENZE 01 I FRENZE 01 TR ISttANBU07 FROM TO EErasmuS EErasnnus code ofthe sending code ofthe institution] institution] 46 Computing, Mathematics, Informatics 46 Computing, Mathematics, Informatics Subject area code lSt lSt Sub」 iect area name 4*10=40 months 4*10=40 months receiving agreement Only by individual agreement Number of staff mobilitY Periods for Teaching Staff Mobility IrscED] individual [total number of Staff MobilitY for Training daYs of teaching Periods or average duration *l TR ISTANBU07 I FRENZE 01 I FRENZE 01 TR ISttANBU07 523 Computing, Mathematics, Informatics 523 Computing, Mathematics, Informatics 2*14=28 days 2*14=28 days C. Recommended language skills for The sending institution, following agreement with the receiving instituuon, is responsible language providing support to its nominated candidates so that they can have the recommended skills at the start of the study or teaching period: FOrm IVofKAl― FR54み Rev′ zソ οηttarih″ 01.11.201み RevlzyOn Aror00 Receiving Oρ tb"a■ institut:on S“ り ed area Language of Language of instruction instruction 12 IErasmus code] Recommended language of instruction levelr Student Mobility fo r Studies Staff Mobility for Teaching recommended level: Minimum recommended B1 level: 82 TR ISTANBU07 Eng lish Bl B2 I FRENZE 01 Se€ mobility section B See mobility section B See mobility section B For more detalls on the ianguage ofinstructlon recommendations′ see the course catalog ue oF each institution fLrn々 S prOvided 077ど んe RrsF page′ . D. Additional requirements TR ISTANBU07: I FRENZE 01: Universitさ deo‖ Studi di Firenze: AppHcation forms for incoming students are available in the ofF cial website:wwW unin it_ under Section:Students from Abroad/1ncoming Erasmus students There is no ofFcial application deadline in UNIFI′ but some Schoois may ask forit due to b― organizationai reasons′ so please address the Erasmus coordinator of the hosting school when nominaing your outgoing students(COntact list available at: httD:〃 WWW unin it/cmpro― V― p― 743 html) Incoming Erasmus students can attend one ltalian Language course without paying any c― a― fees′ but courses are ofFered starting from A2 ievel′ register to this course students should l‖ considettng the basic Al level as acquired To an on― line application available at: http:〃 www.unin it/itacla/ d A knowiedge of the ltalian language corresponding to Bl levelis strongiy recommended to attend courses in ltalian OfFcia‖ y no cert ication is required′ but some SChOols may ask forit′ so please address the Erasmus coordinator of the hosung SchOol(http:〃 www― V― p― 743 html)fOr further infOrmajon on ianguage certincaJon requirements when nominaing yOur outgoing students. e Student rnobility for placement purposes(SMP)iS poSSibie only upOn specinc or individual agreement(Letter of lntent)bet″ een the sending and the hosung SchO。 1/Department. f For the implementation of stafF training mobility(STT)a letter Of invitation′ issued by a contact person in UNIFI′ is required g Students and staff with disabilities may ask in advance inforlnation on ava‖ able supports at:cesod@unif t(WWW・ CediS unin.■ ) E. Calendar ■.App‖ cations/info‖ :lation on nonlinated students must reach the receiving institution by: Spring term* Receiving institution Autumn termx IErasmus code] lmonthl [mOnth] TR ISTANBU07 Online Application Period 156 May-15h July Online Application Period 156 october-156 December l For an easier and consistent understanding oflanguage requirements,use ofthe Common European Framework of Reference for Languages(CEFR)に recOmmended′ see http:〃 europass cedefop eumpa eu/en/reSOu rces/eurOpean languatteleveisく efr Form ⅣO:κ Aι FRづ 4乙 RevlZyο ″ T● ″力″011■ 20ユ み RevlzyO″ ″οiaa I FRENZE 01 There is no officia I deadline but please address the Erasmus Coordinator (http://www.unifi.itlcmpro-v-p-743.html) of the hosting school when nominating your students to UNlFl, because terms may be set for organizational reasons. http;//www.un if i.itlvp-729-incomins-eIa smus-students.html http;//www.unif i.itlcmpro-v-p-9tl88.html 2. The receiving institution will send its decision within [4] weeks. 3. A Transcript of Records will be issued by the receiving institution no later than [4] weeks after the assessment period has finished at the receiving HEl. [ft should normally not exceed five weeks according to the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education guidelinesl 4. Termination of the agreement is up to the involved institutions to agree on the procedure for modifying or terminating the inter' institutional agreement. However, in the event of unilateral termination, a notice of at least one academic year should be given. This means that a unilateral decision to discontinue the exchanges notified to the other pafty by 7 September 20XX wi only take effect as of 1 September 20XX+1, The termination clauses must include the following disclaimer: "Neither the European Commission nor the National Agencies can be held responsible in @se of a conflict."l [It F. Information 1. Gradino svstems of the institutions TR ISTAilBUOT: http :// I FRENZE 01: UNIFI adopts a system compatible with ECTS. The grading system ranges from 0 to 30, with 18 as passing grade. A "cum laude" may be added to the highest grade (30) as a mention of special distinction. Under this frame work each School adopts its own conversion tables. UNIFI is currently working on the introduction of the ECTS system. 2. Visa The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance, when required, in securing visas for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the followinq contact points and information sources: fnstitution lErasmus code] Contact details (email, Phone) Handbook - Useful lnformation 3. Insurance the senOing and receiving institutions will provide assistance In obtaining insurance for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. The receiving institution will inform mobile participants of cases in which insurance cover is not automatically provided. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sources: 4 Form No:KAL-F R-547; Revizyon Totihi:01.7 1.2073; Revizyon No:00 fnstitution [Erasmus Contact code] TR ISTANBU07 details Website for information (email, phone) incoming @yild I FRENZE 01 http ://www.sek.eov.trlwps/oorta l/en ?CSRT=1575857 74492069U749 http ://www.u n ins-erasmusstudents.html- Handbook - Useful lnformation 4, HousinE The receiving institution will guide incoming mobile participants in finding accommodation, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the following persons and information sources: Institution [Erasmus Contact code] TR ISTANBU07 details Website for information (email, phone) incoming @yild stud ents/acco mmodation I FRENZE 01 http ://www.u n ifi.itlvp-729-incom ins-erasmusstudents.html- Handbook - Useful lnformation G. SIGNATURES OF THE INSπ TUT=ONS(legal representatives) Institution EErasmus code] YTLDTZ TECHNTCd\+1' AssocoPrOf.Dr.Bavram Ali 丁R ERSOY ISTANBU07 ′ nsど ′ ttrtronα ′ frasaυ s G00rdわ ator I FRENZE 01 25鵬 か3 「 ⅥL[ ふ \ VEF 9r″ ・ to D■ GL」 1∫ギUD=:1口 品 E∴ 泉 “ よる Prof. Anna Nozzoli Vice-Rector 'Scanned signatures are accepted 5 Form No:KAL-FR-547; Revizyon Tarihi:07.77.2013; Revizyon No:00 ハ l TEcHヘ CALで , 〕 ITY L ノノ ぽ 蜂
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