Erasmus + Programme Key Action 1 ,,nn*Ei,tl'iJ#"ffi'*'.ffJ3."..iX,"0,,., Inter-i nstitutiona I agreement 2O14-2O2O between programme countries The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They commlt to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in all aspects related to the organisation and management of the mobility, in particular the recognition of the credits awarded to students by the partner institutlon. A. Information about higher education institutions Name of the institution Erasmus code Website Contact details (email, phone) (and department, where (eg・ Of the course relevant) cata:ogue) Institutional: Y=LD=Z TECHN=CAL UN=V■ RSITY Assoc.Prof.Dr.Bayram Ali ERSOY (In stitu ti o n a I E ra s m u s Co o rd ina to r) Tel: +90 212 3a3 2069 E-mail : [email protected] DeDartmentaI: Ass.Pro■ Dr.M● s:Om 0215=K TR ISTANBU07 (lFaめ ematlca′ 勧 クheettg /www bo htt● ノ logna vildiz edu Depamment 助 smus Coordlraめ r) YILD=Z TECHN=CAL UNrVERSITY Mathematical Engineering Department Davutpasa Campus,ESEN LER‐ ISTANBUL Phone :+902123834608 Fax :+902123834590 E‐ InsL■ utional: MART=R LUTHER UNIVERSIW HALL■ htto://www.inte MARπ N LUTHER UN=VERSITY HALLE‐ W=爾 ENBERG Mrs,AnFla KO釘OV tional office/ institu● onal Coo「 dinator D HALLE 01 Phone:+4'3455521383 E― mail:Erasm us@uni‐ ha‖ e de DeDaFtmental: Prof.Dr.Wo:fZ=MMERMANN htto:// rmatikuni- Institute OF Connputer Science,Faculty OF Natural Sdences 3 Maltin Luther university Ha‖ e‐ ‖° m¨ nbe"′ o黙 WIπ ENB■ RG l濯 halle.del 'Ma武 Phone:+49345552■ 712F窓 :+493455,27"31 E― mai■ 2imme‖ Oinformauk un「 ha‖ eぬ け kn", lissensur af, * m ic''l,l FthL lik 06099 Ha‖ e(Siale) Form No:KAL-FR-547; Revizyon Torihi:07.1 1.2073; Revizyon No:O0 B. Mobility numbers per academic year [Paragraph to be added, if the agreement is signed for more than one academic year: The partners commit to amend the table below in case of changes in the mobility data by no later than the end of January in the preceding academic year.l FROM TO [Erasmus code of the sending institutionl [Erasmus code of the receiving S″ り ed area code S“ り ect area name IrscED] Stu」 y Number of student mobility periods Ishort Student Mobility Student for Studies Mobility for Traineeships ftotat number of cycte, , 2"o or tnl 7o institutionl months of the study periods or average duration*l D HALLE 01 110 ま “ 同 1 3 2 一 TR ISTANBU07 Computer Sciences 3■ 12‐ 3*12=36 months 3*12=36 months 110 Computer Sciences FROM TO Subject code area IT"#L"" rrscEDl ",.,T:TA sending receiving institutionl “ 日 一 3 2 TR ISTANBU07 Subiect area name ement ぽ individual ::│::雰 II奎 agreement Number of staff mobility periods staff Mobility for Teaching institutionl individual Only by 1 , D HALLE 01 On:y by 36 months staff MobilitY for Training [total number of days of teachinq periods or average duration *l TR ISTAN BU07 D HALLE 01 110 Computer 2*28=56 days 1*28=28 days to be connrmed to be confirmed 2*28= 56 days to be confirmed 1*28= 28 days to be confirmed Sciences D HALヒ E01 TR ISTANBUOフ 110 Computer Sc,ences C. Recommended language skills The sending institution. following agreement with the receiving institution, is responsible for providing support to its nominated candidates so that they can have the recommended language skills at the sta rt of the study or teaching period: Form No:KAL-FR-547; Revizyon Torihi:O1.11.2O1i; Revizyon No:o0 Rece:v:ng institution optわ "a″ SIJり eaF atea Language of Language of instruction instruction t2 IErasmus code] Recommended language of instruction tevetl Student Mob‖ ity Staff Mobility for Teaching for Studies ″′ n″ "υ " recOmmended leに ′ Minimum recommended εユ level: 82 Bl B2 German German or English : TR ISTANBU07 English D HALLE 01 German Eng‖ sh 82 B2 recommended recommended For more details on the language of instrucuon recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution [Links provided on the first page]. D. Additional requirements TR ISTANBUOT: D HALLE 01 r Although MLU Halle-Wittenberg (D HALLEo1) has infrastructures to host students and staff with disabil,ties (accommodation, classroom access, etc.), depending on the nature of the disability, we would stronqly advise to provide as much information ahead of time in order for our International Office Staff to inform the student/staff of the feasibility of the mobility. E. Calendar 1. Applications/information on nominated students must reach the receiving institution by: Receiving institution Autumn term* Spring term* IErasmus code] [mOnth] [mOnth] TR ISTANBU07 15h May-15s July Application Period 15b october-15h December D HALLE 01 On‖ ne AppHcation Pe● od Academic Calender lth October-31th March Nominations to be reached ApplicatiOns to be reached lい May 15th May Online Application Period 1s April-306 September 16 Nowember 15b Nowember 2, The receiving instituUon will send its decision within [4] weeks. 3. A Transcript of Records will be issued by the receiving institution no later than [4] weeks after the assessment period has finished at the receiving HEL rlf should normally not exceed five weeks according to the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education guidelinesl 4, Termination of the agreement [It is up to the involved institutions to agree on the procedure for modifying or terminating the interinstitutional agreement. However, in the event of unilateral termination, a notice oF at least one academic year should be given. This means that a unilateral decision to discontinue the exchanges notifred to the other party by 1 September 2oXX will only take effect as of 1 september 20XX+1- The termination clauses must include the following disclaimer: "Neither the European Commission nor the National Agencies can be held responsible in case of a conflict."l F. Information l For an easier and consistent understanding oflanguage requirements,use ofthe Common European Framework of Reference for Languages(CEFR)ls reCOmmended′ see http://eurOpass cedefop euЮ pa eu/en/resOu rces/european hnguageJevet cefr FOrm Nolκ Дl― FR54み Rε ν ′ Zyο ● Tarih″Oi l11 2013メ ReVjZyο "Ⅳ ο′ 00 ■.Gradinc systems ofthe inst■ utions TR ISTANBU07: http:ノ /www.bologna.v‖た D HALLE O■ rading : Receiving institution D HAL1TO1 ECrS Geman Grade Grade VERY GOOD 1-1,5 Is given for the exceptionally independent and A excellent performance 1,5 Is given for the independent and excellent performance L,7 Is given for the excellent but A not particularly independent performance A GOOD Is given for the average performance 3 Is given for the mediocre performance, slightly below average C 2,5 ls given for the good performance, a little above average B 2 D ACCEPTABLE 4 ls given for the just acceptable performance, 4 is the passing mark indicating that the student fulfilled the goals of the class in a satisfrctory way NOT SATISFACTORY 5 Is given for the hesitant and 6 not satisfactory performance Is given for the very hesitant, very FX insufficient very unsatisfactory performance and for the completely unacceptable performance 丁RISTANBU 07 The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance, when required, in securing visas for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Chafter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sources: Fo rm N o : KAL- F R-547 ; Revizy on T o rih i : 0 7. 7 7. 20 73 ; Revi zy o n N o :00 Institution Contact details TR ISTANBU07 i ncoming @yild iz.ed Gritt EIsenkopf Tel:+49(0)3455521535 D HALLE 01 Website for information (email′ phone) [Erasmus code] gritt.eisenkopFc)internationa:.uni― ha‖ rt.aspx Visa and Residence Permlt htto ://www. international.unihalle.delinternational offlce/ betreu un gsangebote/international studenb/ einreisc aufenthaltsrecht/?lang=en 3. Insurance The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance in obtaining insurance for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. The receiving institution will inform mobile participants of cases in which insurance cover is not automatically provided. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sources: Institution [Erasmus TR ISttANBU07 (email, phone) incoming @yild iz.ed Gritt Eisenkopf D HALLE 01 Website for information Contact details code] Tel: +49 (o)34s ss 21s3s g ritt.eisen kopf@ i nte rnati http://― 7449206964749 Insurance and Health http :// unihalle. delinternational_office/betreu un gsa ngebote/i nt ernational students/versicherung/?lang=en 4. Housing The receiving institution will guide incoming mobile participants in finding accommodation, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the following persons and information sources: Institution Contact detal:s EErasmus code] (email′ phOne) TR ISTANBU07 D HALLE 01 Website for informataon incoming @yild iz.ed htto ://www.boloena.vild dex.pho?r=infofor students/acco mmodation Grltt EIsenkopf Housing Tel:+49(0)3455521535 gritt.eisenkopf(ointernati http ://www. international. uniha lle. deli nternational_office/betreu onal.uni¨ ha‖ ernational students/wohnen/?lang=sn un gsa ngebote/i nt G. SIGNATURES OF THE INSπ TUT=ONS(le7ga:representatives) Institution [■ Name, function raSmus code] Date Signaturez Assoc.PrO■ Dr.Bavranl A:iERSOY rr75Jtυ tro″ α′ frasmus CoOrdrinator ^ム TR ISTANBU07 ま ″ 一 Pro■ D HALLE 01 Dr.Wo:fZIMMERMANN Departmerltα ′ Coο rdinator θ ψ嬌 物 7・ MARTIN LUTHER UNⅣ ERSITY 「織チfl ふ翼計[[「´‖耳 :,、 1:● │」 :t'i ti 3fl♂ :'ヽ ヽわ.:■ ■ rく ヽ デ =■ │、 1■ ■■■ ■ :,lStitut filr irt,ofFn311 2 Scanned signatures are accepted Form No:KAL-FR-547; Revizyon Tarihi:07.77.2073; Revizyon No:00 00099‖ a‖ o(Seale) ・
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