Szotq f z1 Erasmus *Action Programme Key 1 *,,n*?3lll3J:'"i,iT:"'J"Jxti?1-"o,,,., f nter-i nstitutiona I agreemen t 2O14-2OL7 between programme countries The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in all aspects related to the organisation and management of the mobility, in particular the recognition of the credits awarded to students by the partner lnstltution. A. Information about higher education institutions Erasmus code Contact details (emait, phone) Website (e9・ Of the course catalogue) ¨ Assoc,PrOf.Dr.Bavram A:I ERSOY a′ Frasmus C● ● rdfrlato→ CInSututr● ● Tel:+902123832069 Y=LD=Z E― TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY http:〃 www o質 na v‖ bol d"edu 望 DeDartmental: Ass.Pro■ Dr.M● slttm 021slK TR ISTANBU07 (Matrlemat7‐ ′Engineerrag Depaament Frasmus C● ● 湖nato→ YELD工 Z TECHN=CAL UNWERSITY Mathematical Engineering Department Davutpasa Campus′ ESENLER-lSTANBUL Phone :+9o2123834608 Fax :+902123834590 E‐ ma‖ : Instltutlona:: HALMSTAD UNIVERSITY Rebecca Rosenberg HALMSTAD UN工 VERSITY Intematlona1 0fFlce 3ox 823 SE‐ 301 S HALMSTA O■ 18 Haimstad‐ 5 en.html SWEDEN Phone:+4635167100F● κ +4635148533 DeDartmenta:: Jorgen cARLSSON Halmstad univers:ty,Sch∞ 10f inforrnatlon Science,Computer and Electncal Englnee‖ ng,PO Box 823 Se‐ 301 18 Halmstad― SWEDEN Phone :+46 35 167123 FaX :+4635216724 E― ma‖ :Jorgen Ca‖ ssonの Course catalogue link: http://www.h academics/ex change 1 Form lVO訳 ■1-FR 54み Re′ "0● Tarfhf:01.11.201■ Re口i2ソOa lVo,θ θ B. Mobility numbers per acadbmic year [Paragraph to be added, if the agreement is signed for more than one academic year: The partnerc commit to amend the table below in case of changes than the end of January in the preceding academic year.l FROM EErasmus To EErasmus code ofthe sending lode ofthe receiving institution] Institution] S″ b」 iect area code sJり ecr st“dy area ″ame [ISCED] in the mobility data by no later Number Of student mob:lity cycle rs■ o″ sttrdettι cycre/1St Student Mob‖ ity ι fOr Studies ttο b〃 ′ /for ′2'd or 3"J ftota′ nυ ttber οf Tra′ neesわ rips 用O17詢 り s Ofabe sど υσ/ ρerrο ds οr average duratro17*′ Informatlon TR ISTANBU07 S HALMSTA 01 061 and lSt Communlcati on Technologies S HALMSTA 01 Information TR ISTANBU07 061 13t 5*10=50 months 2*10=20 months and EErasmus To EErasmus code ofthe sending code ofthe receivlng institution] institution] Subject area code S“ b」 iect area″ ame agreement Number of staff mobilaty periods for Teaching Staff Mobility lrscEDl Oniy by :ndividua: Communicati on Technologies FROM Only by lndlvldual agreement Staff Mobility for Training [total number of days of teaching periods or average duration *l tnlormation and TR ISTANBU07 S HALMSTA 01 S HALMSTA 01 TR ISTAN8U07 061 061 CommunlcaUon Technologies lnrorrnagon ano Communlcatlon Technologies Mln.2 days plus 2 persons min.2 traveltime and min. days p:us trave: 8 hours of teachlng ume traveltime and mln. 2 persons min. 2 days plus travel time 8 hours of teachlng 2 Form No:KAL-FR-547; Revizyon Torihi :07.7 7,20t3; Revlzyon No:00 SECTIONsC-F: . For S HALMSTAO1: See Webbpage htto:// For Partner: See Appendix Appendix I f: C. Recommended language skills The sending institutlon, following agreement with the receiving lnstitution, is responsible for providing support to lts nomlnated candldates so that they can have the recommended language skills at the start of the study or teachlng period: Receiving Optional: Language institution Subject of area instruction lErasmus codel L Language of instruction z Recommended:anguage of instruction ievei・ Student Mobi!ity Staff Mobility for Studies for Teaching Minimum recommended level: 82 TR ISTANBU07 English B2 Bl │ For more details on the language of lnstruction recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution [Links provided on the first page]. D. Additional requirements TR ISTANBUOT3 E. Galendar 1. Applications/informatlon on nominated students must reach the receiving institution by: Receiving institution Autumn term* Spring term* IErasmus code] [mOnth] lmonthl TR ISTANBU07 Onllne Appllcation Period 15th May-156 July 15th October‐ 15th December On‖ ne Application Period 2. The receiving institutlon wlll send its decision within [4] weeks. 3. A Transcript of Records will be lssued by the recelving institution no later than [4] weeks after the assessment period has finished at the receivlng HEI. flt should normally not exceed five weeks according to the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education guidelinesl 4, Termination of the agreement [It is up to the involved institutions to agree on the procedure for modifying or terminating the inter-institutional agreement. However, in the event of unilateral termlnation, a notlce of at least one academic year should be glven. Thls means that a unilateral decision to discontinue the exchanges notified to the other party by 7 September 2OXX will only take effect as of 1 September 2OXX+1. The termination clauses must include the following disclaimer: "Neither the European Commission nor the National Agencies can be held responslble in case of a conflict,"l l For an easier and consistent understanding oflanguage requirements′ use ofthe Common European Framework of Reference for Languages{CEFR)ヽ recOmmended,sec httoプ /europass cedefop europa eu/en/resources/eurOpean‐ languatte levels― cefr 3 FOrnl lVOlat_FRづ Re口i″0● Tc″ 力″01.11.201■ ReVi4Zyon fV0100 `考 F. Information 1. Grading systems of the institutions TRISTANBUOT: . ndex. php?r=institution/sradi ne 2. Visa The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance, when required, in securing visas for i.ncoming and outbound mobile particlpants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Chafter for Higher Educatlon. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sources: Institution [Erasmus Contact details code] (email, phone) 3. Insurance The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance in obtaining insurance for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasrnus Charter for Higher Education. The receiving institution will inform mobile participants of cases in which insurance cover is not automatically provided. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact polnts and information sources: Institution [Erasmus code] (email, Phone) incoming@yildiz, TR ISTANBU07 4。 Website for informataon Contact details httpプ /ノ wps/pottal/en? C HouSInQ The receiving lnstitution will gulde incornlng mob‖ e parヒ :cipants in finding accommodation′ according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Hlgher Educatlon。 Informauon and assistance can be provided by the fo‖ owing persons and:nforma■ on sources: Institution [Erasmus Website for information Contact details code] (email, Phone) [email protected] TR ISTANBU07 GE SIGNATURES OF THE INSTITUT=ONS Institution w'ame, http://www. r=i nfoforstude nts/accommodation legal function Date Signature2 [Erasmus code] Assoc.PrOf.Dr.Bavram A::ERSOY ′ nsrtυ l:。rla′ Erosmus Coordinctor TR ISTANBU07 ド1,1(:ど University director 針 S HALMSTA 01 ︶ ︱ lIじ r l l よ lnger M. Johansson ☆ ^。 191′ レ OrFfl Un'vers, 2 scanned signatures are accepted 4 Form ⅣO′ KAl‐ FR‐ 54z′ Revizソ on Ta″ h′ :01。 11.2013′ Revizソ on No′ θ0
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