MARCH 2015 UPCOMING MASSES AND EVENTS WINTER NEWSLETTER First Friday Masses—7pm @ Old St. Mary’s (Cincinnati, OH) Sunday Vespers - 3pm @ Old St. Mary’s (Cincinnati, OH) HOLY WEEK 2015 April 2 @ 8am - Tenebrae - St. Bernard's (Dayton, KY) April 2 @ 7pm - Holy Thursday - St. Bernard's (Dayton, KY) April 3 @ 8am - Tenebrae - St. Bernard's (Dayton, KY) April 3 @ 3pm - Good Friday - St. Bernard's (Dayton, KY) April 3 @ 7pm - Tenebrae - Old St. Mary’s (Cincinnati, OH) April 4 @ 8am - Tenebrae - St. Bernard's (Dayton, KY) April 4 @ 8:30pm - Holy Saturday Easter Vigil - Divine Mercy (Bellevue, KY) ST. JOSEPH March 19 “He is the patron of all and every class, not only generally, but for special reasons in each case. He is the patron of families, since he was the head of the Holy Family. He is the patron of the poor, since he voluntarily embraced and followed for all his days a life of poverty. He is the patron of the artisan, as the workshop of Nazareth testified for so many years. He is the patron of the rich who seek a better inheritance, since he held in his possession for nigh upon thirty years the true riches. He is the patron of the suffering, of travellers, of exiles, of the afflicted; he is the patron of the married, and he is the patron of virgins; he is the patron of the dying, but, above all, we might say he is the patron of priests. The priest is another Joseph. His whole office repeats and reflects him ....since it is given to the priest to be obeyed by Our Lord as Joseph was. He comes at his calling and remains in his custody to be carried where he wills and to whom he wills.” Good St. Joseph, ora pro nobis. Taken from “The Life and Glories of Saint Joseph” UNA VOCE OF GREATER CINCINNATI MARCH 2015 | WINTER NEWSLETTER Contact information: Una Voce of Greater Cincinnati is a lay-run organization dedicated to assisting the Church’s pastors in the preservation and promotion of the traditional Latin liturgy of the Catholic Church as contained in the liturgical books of 1962. Una Voce of Greater Cincinnati, Inc. is a recognized taxexempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Una Voce of Greater Cincinnati, Inc. PO Box 1 Harrison, OH 45030 Phone: 513-393-9873 E-mail: [email protected] For Membership ($20/household), please make checks out to “Una Voce of Greater Cincinnati” Board of Directors Ken Zalewski Michael Lohman Stephen Schutte Andrew Spoor Mary Lou Lynch Joanne Engel Pamela Spoor Brian Ezell Ed Miller Spiritual Advisor Fr. Valentine Young, OFM P.O. BOX 1 | CINCINNATI, OHIO 45030 | [email protected] | WW.UNAVOCECINCINNATI.ORG To the members of Una Voce and friends: It’s time for our first newsletter of 2015 and I am excited to share with you news of what Una Voce has been doing since our last update in November. First of all, I am happy to report that we raised almost $700 as part of a Christmas collection for the Latin Mass Priests in Cincinnati and Covington. The priests were all very appreciative and I want to personally thank everyone that contributed to the collection. Next, there are some infrastructure improvements that will leverage technology and help Una Voce better communicate with the Latin Mass Community. Recently, we re-designed our website and I encourage everyone to take a few minutes to visit the site. I think you will like the new design and will be able to see local Mass times, read Una Voce newsletters, see our calendar, join Una Voce, subscribe to the email list, etc. Also, we are now using a more professional email notification system which will give our communications a more polished presentation and automatically publish news events on our Facebook page. So please take a moment to friend us on Facebook or like us, and try to let other people know about Una Voce on social media. Hopefully these improvements will help you keep tabs on what Una Voce is doing and afford you plenty of advance notice for upcoming Masses and special events. There are a few items of note in terms of upcoming opportunities to assist at TLM’s in the coming weeks. As many of you know, on most Saturdays the Helper's of God's Precious Infants group organizes a Mass, benediction, and a rosary procession from Holy Name Church in Cincinnati to the Planned Parenthood facility down the road. On Saturday March 7th at 8:00am, Fr. Kyle Schnippel will be offering a Traditional Latin Mass at this event. The Mass will be hosted at: Holy Name Catholic Church 2448 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH. Una Voce is sponsoring this event and we’d love to see support at this special Mass. Finally, Holy Week Masses and events will be held in Northern Kentucky this year: Holy Thursday through Good Friday will be held at St. Bernard’s in Dayton, KY; Easter Vigil Mass will be offered at Divine Mercy in Bellevue, KY. Please see the back page for times of these and other upcoming events. To conclude, I would ask everyone to consider renewing your annual Una Voce membership or signing up for a new first-time membership. The cost is $20 per household. As Una Voce makes a fresh start at serving the Latin Mass community, we’ll need active members and funds to prepare printed materials for local Latin Masses (choir booklets, pamphlets, etc.), train local clergy in how to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to the 1962 liturgical books, and sponsor retreats and conferences. Please remember to pray for Una Voce, our mission, and for our priests and bishops. Wishing you a fruitful Lenten season, Ken Zalewski President, Una Voce of Greater Cincinnati MARCH 2015 WINTER NEWSLETTER MARCH 2015 Musical Notes A Year of Many “Firsts” at Sacred Heart Church Last year was the 25th anniversary of the re-establishment of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) to the Cincinnati area. It was also the 20th anniversary of when the Mass was moved from St. Monica's to Sacred Heart in Camp Washington. Looking back at 2014, we had four major first events: Fr. Fernandes, Dean of the local seminary and son of the parish, became the administrator of Sacred Heart, while maintaining his previous position at the seminary. This transition to an Archdiocesan administrator ends over 100 years of the Scalabrinis ministering to the people of the Archdiocese. Fr. Joseph Heffernan, FSSP, offered Solemn High Mass on Pentecost Sunday. Along with the parishioners, over forty relatives of his that live in the area were in attendance. Born and raised in the Philadelphia area, he is currently stationed in Seattle, Washington with Fr. Saguto, who, in the past, celebrated Mass at Sacred Heart once a month for us for over a year, . Fr. Michael Flick, FSSP, a Cincinnati native who attended Our Lady of Visitation grade school and Elder High School, offered Solemn Mass the Sunday after Pentecost. He was attended to by the Knights of Columbus in full regalia, followed by a lunch in the Auditorium. Fr. Flick was ordained with Fr. Heffernen on May 31, 2014, after having served for 7 years in the Air Force. He is currently stationed in Harrisburg, PA at St. Lawrence Chapel. Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Auxilary Bishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis Minnesota and friend of Fr. Fernandes, offered a Pontifical Low Mass in the Extraordinary Form on November 23 and was assisted by Fr. Fernandes and Msgr. Frank Lane. The most notable difference at a Pontifical Mass is that the preparatory prayers and vesting before Mass, and thanksgiving prayers and un-vesting after Mass, takes place publically in the church. The prayers are quite long, which creates quite a challenge for the choir to fill that time with sacred music! Pictures of the Mass can been seen on Sacred Heart’s web site. We wish Fr. Fernades God's Blessings on his new assignment, and hope for Bishop Cozzens, Fr. Flick, and Fr. Heffernan, to grace us with their presence again soon! by Joanne Engel We have gained momentum in the holy season of Lent, now. The music to complement the more somber tones of the liturgy reminds us, not only of Our Lord’s passion and death, but of our own part in His suffering by our sinfulness. There are no “Alleluias” in either the Propers or the hymns we sing. Instead of a Gradual and an Alleluia verse, we have a Gradual and a Tract. by Michael Lohman WINTER NEWSLETTER At the beginning of Lent, the Propers of the Mass focus on psalm verses which reminds us that the Lord has sent His angels for our protection and sustenance. Proceeding to the second Sunday, we have psalms that put us in the position of reminding God of His promises to us for protection and help. By the third Sunday we are begging God for His help and His strength. Suddenly, on the fourth Sunday we have a change in mood. We are rejoicing because when we put our trust in the Lord we are rewarded. We feel the imminence of our salvation through the redemptive acts of the Savior. We join with the tribes of Israel and sing about being safe in the Holy City of Jerusalem. The next week is Passion Sunday. We are again begging the Lord for help. This time we speak of the enemies who surround us and beg for deliverance from their hands. Still, we praise the Lord in the Offertory verse, and beg Him to remember His word. Hope springs forward in the Communion Antiphon, when reference is made to the Eucharist. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday filled with Hosannas and glorification before Mass, which gives us a taste of the sublime salvation in store for us. Within the Mass, however, the emphasis is on the suffering and the feeling of abandonment that Christ felt on the Cross. We plead once more for mercy and deliverance. We ask that the cup pass, but only if it be God’s will. Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday are filled with joy. The Paschal Candle, and the Holy Water are blessed with great ceremony. Then we renew our Baptismal Vows. We once again are singing beautiful Alleluias because the Lord is risen! He is risen indeed! TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS TIMES Sunday 7:30am - St. Bernard’s (Dayton, KY) 7:30am - Ss. Philomena/Cecilia (Oak Forest, IN) 8:00am - Holy Family (Dayton, OH) 9:15am - All Saints (Walton, KY) 10:30am - Holy Family (Dayton, OH) 10:30am - Ss. Philomena/Cecilia (Oak Forest, IN) 11:30am - Sacred Heart Church (Cincinnati, OH) Please visit for additional Mass info and special events. Monday - Friday: 6:30am - St. Bernard’s (Dayton, KY) 7:15am - Old St. Mary’s (Cincinnati, OH) 7:15am - Holy Family (Dayton, OH) Call for times - Ss. Philomena/Cecilia (Brookville, IN) *First Friday* 7:00pm - Old St. Mary’s (Cincinnati, OH) Saturday 6:30am - St. Bernard’s (Dayton, KY) 6:45am - Old St. Mary’s (Cincinnati, OH) 9:00am - Holy Family (Dayton, OH) Call for times - Ss. Philomena/Cecilia (Oak Forest, IN) 9:00am – Holy Family (Dayton, OH)
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