Hard Candy Variations Effects of Corn Syrup Lab 1 OVERVIEW Hard candy is made of a mixture of sucrose and corn syrup, cooked to high temperature to remove moisture, and cooled rapidly to form a sugar glass. The properties of the sugar mixture depend on the type and level of corn syrup added. In this lab, we will prepare different mixtures of sugar and corn syrup to evaluate the effects of formulation (reducing sugars) and process conditions (cook temperature) on color development and moisture uptake. OBJECTIVES (1) To illustrate the effects of different types of corn syrups on color and water uptake in hard candies. (2) To illustrate the effects of different ratios of sucrose to corn syrup on color and water uptake in hard candies. (3) To illustrate the effects of cook temperature on color and water uptake in hard candies. BACKGROUND Corn syrups are added to sucrose in manufacture of hard candies primarily to prevent graining (controlling sucrose nucleation and growth). The type and amount of corn syrup used can affect sweetness, texture, color development and moisture uptake (hygroscopicity) of the final product. By balancing these effects, the candy maker can produce a high quality product with the desired characteristics. Commercial corn syrups have different properties depending on the manufacturing process. The most important properties include the DE (dextrose equivalent) value, specific saccharide composition and viscosity. Each of these is related to the other since it is the molecular composition that determines both DE and viscosity. One of the most important characteristics of corn syrup is the DE (Dextrose Equivalent). DE is a measure of reducing power of a product calculated as glucose and expressed as percent of total dry substance. The DE value gives an average of all the reducing sugar ends of the molecules in the corn syrup but does not give an indication of the range of saccharide composition. The concentrations of the different saccharides (monosaccharides through oligosaccharides) may be very important for a specific application since each molecule has different behavior in the sugar matrix. For example, the short chain molecules (primarily glucose) are responsible for the hygroscopicity of corn syrup. Viscosity of corn syrup is another important characteristic, dependent on molecular composition. Long-chain molecules enhance viscosity more than short-chain molecules, so typically a high conversion corn syrup (e.g., 62 DE) is significantly less viscous than a low conversion (e.g., 36 DE) corn syrup. In general, viscosity of corn syrup decreases as DE increases. The saccharide profile is always about the same for a given DE as long as the conversion process is defined (i.e. acid converted, acid-enzyme converted, enzyme-enzyme converted). The DE of a corn syrup can be calculated from its component parts. The weight percent composition of each component saccharide is multiplied times the specific DE of that component and the DE contributions of each component are summed to give the final DE of the corn syrup. An example of a DE calculation is shown in Table 1. For mixtures of sucrose (nonreducing) and corn syrup, the total reducing sugars (%) can be calculated simply as the product of the weight fraction of corn syrup and its DE. For example, a mixture of 50/50 (% dry basis) sucrose and 42 DE corn syrup would give a total reducing sugar content of (0.50 times 42 = 21%). Note that corn syrup as used in the industry is about 80% solids and 20% water (43 Baume’) so if the sucrose to corn syrup ratio is given on a wet basis, as is often done in 1 industry, then the dry solids percentages must be calculated before the percentage of reducing sugars can be found. Total reducing sugars in a hard candy affects color, equilibrium relative humidity (ERH), sweetness and shelf life. Reducing sugar content depends on the type of corn syrup used and the level of corn syrup in the formulation. However, inversion of sucrose into glucose and fructose during cooking (temperature, time and pH dependent) can cause a significant increase in reducing sugar content in a hard candy. That is, inversion occurs more rapidly at higher temperatures and low pH, so the longer an acidified candy is held at high temperature, the less sucrose (and more glucose and fructose) will be present in the final candy. Definitions Corn starch Corn syrup Baume' DE ERH Hygroscopicity polymeric molecules of glucose found in corn a sweetener made by hydrolysis of corn starch (sometimes called glucose syrup) scale for hydrometer readings (measures specific gravity or density) Dextrose Equivalent: measure of reducing power Equilibrium Relative Humidity: the RH of air at which a product neither picks up or loses moisture Capacity of a material to pick up moisture from surrounding air APPARATUS Copper cooking kettles or electric skillets Gas burner Stirring spoon 8 oz. glass jars Aluminum pans for weighing Balance PROCEDURES The 27 formulations shown on the attached Table 2 have been pre-weighed for you in the copper kettles (or electric skillets). In addition to the sweeteners, approximately one part of water per two parts of dry sugar is added in order to dissolve the sugar. All batches have the same total weight so that cooking times should be constant, but record the time from when your batch starts to boil to when it reaches the desired temperature. Stir the formula slowly as it heats. When the sugar is completely dissolved, it is no longer necessary to stir. Keep the flame (or electric setting) rather low when temperature is between 230 and 250°F because there will be moderate foaming. After foaming has subsided, the gas fire (or electric setting) can be increased slightly. However, we want to keep the cooking rate as constant as possible for all cooks so that the cooking times are constant and are not a factor in color comparisons. Shut the flame off at the required final temperature and quickly fill the two metal weigh boats about half full by using the wooden spoon. Be careful to control the amount of syrup in each weigh boat. Then carry the kettle to the cooling table and pour it out. With a knife, score several one-inch squares that will be used for moisture uptake tests. When the candy is cool, break off enough squares to fill an 8 oz. jar identified with your code number. Note that the syrup is still losing water while it is held at high temperature even though the flame is not on and the syrup is not boiling. So be as quick as possible (while still being safe) once your syrup has reached the desired temperature. Cautionary note. Sugar syrup at 300°F is extremely hot and therefore, extremely dangerous. If you get any of it on you, it will burn you severely before you get a chance to wash it off. Always use gloves 2 when handling hot surfaces, never touch a hot sugar syrup with your hands and be careful not to allow the syrup to spill when you carry the kettle to the table. Be very, very careful! Record the weight of one of the aluminum weigh boats (use an empty weigh boat to tare the scale). Place these samples in the oven at elevated temperature and humidity. Tomorrow morning weigh your sample again (remember to tare the scale again with an empty pan). Calculate the percent moisture pickup (see below) and report the results in the appropriate column in Table 2. Please let me know if you can not weigh your sample during this time period and we’ll make other arrangements for you. Percent moisture pickup can be calculated as follows: % moisture pickup = {(Wf - Wi)/ Wi}x 100 where Wf is the final weight and Wi is initial weight of sample. The second weigh boat will be used to measure color with the Hunter colorimeter. Each sample will be placed on the stand and the L,a, b values recorded at three points on the disk. The average of the three readings should be recorded in Table 2. These samples will also be used to measure water content (Karl Fisher titration) and Tg (differential scanning calorimeter). You need to calculate the percentage of reducing sugars in each formulation. The remainder of Table 2 will be filled out in the follow-up class period based on data obtained from each of the other students. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Once all the data has been compiled, you need to analyze the results. This data set provides numerous comparisons and correlations that demonstrate the principles discussed in class. Some example of analyses/correlations for you to consider include: 1. What factors affect Tg? 2. What factors affect water content? 3. What factors affect color development? 4. What factors affect water sorption? 5. What other connections can you make? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS 1. What would be effect of using more or less water in the sugar mixture before boiling? 2. If you were to use high fructose corn syrup (basically a 97 DE corn syrup in which some of the glucose is enzymatically converted to fructose) to make a hard candy, what would you predict would happen to color and moisture uptake and why. 3 3. Was your hard candy sticky after the moisture sorption test? What factors do you think affect stickiness of hard candies? Which ones would you predict would be most sticky and which would be least sticky? Why? Table 1. Determination of dextrose equivalent (DE) from corn syrup composition. Example provided for acid-converted 42 DE corn syrup as provided by ADM (see corn syrup specification sheets). Composition1 (weight %) Observed2 DE Contribution3 To DE Monosaccharides 20 100.0 20.0 Disaccharides 14 58.0 8.12 Trisaccharides 12 39.5 4.74 Tetrasaccharides 9 29.8 2.68 Pentasaccharides 8 24.2 1.94 Hexasaccharides 7 20.8 1.46 Hepta and higher 30 10.2 3.06 Total 100 Component 42.04 Composition given in specification sheet DE of pure individual component, based on experimental measurement (courtesy of ADM) 3 Product of composition (in weight fraction) times observed DE of component 4 Sum total of all contributions to DE 1 2 4 Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Composition Sucrose/Corn Syrup (%dry basis) 70/30 36 DE 70/30 36 DE 70/30 36 DE 70/30 42 DE 70/30 42 DE 70/30 42 DE 70/30 62 DE 70/30 62 DE 70/30 62 DE 70/30 36 DE 70/30 36 DE 70/30 42 DE 70/30 42 DE 70/30 62 DE 70/30 62 DE 70/30 36 DE* 70/30 36 DE* 70/30 62 DE* 70/30 62 DE* 50/50 42 DE 50/50 42 DE 50/50 42 DE 30/70 42 DE 30/70 42 DE 30/70 42 DE 100 Sucrose 100 Total Invert 100 Maltitol Syrup Cook Temperature (°F) Cook Time (min.) Reducing Sugars (% dry basis) 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 289 305 Final H2O (measured %) 10.8 10.8 10.8 12.6 12.6 12.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 10.8 10.8 12.6 12.6 18.6 18.6 10.8 10.8 18.6 18.6 21.0 21.0 21.0 29.4 29.4 29.4 0 100 0 Table 2. Hard candy compositions and data sheet. * Milk solids added to promote mailard browning 5 Color Moisture Pickup (g/100 g candy) Texture comments RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The intent of this lab was to provide an introduction to the most important aspects of sugar confectionery – the properties of sugar syrups. The 27 formulations were designed to provide quite a range of different compositions and process conditions to give differences in color development, moisture content, moisture uptake and glass transition temperature (Tg). Several replicate conditions were included to note the variability from batch to batch. From the data collected from the entire class (Table 2 above), numerous connections and interactions that demonstrate the physico-chemical principles of cooking sugar syrups can be made. A good lab report would fully develop these connections along with an explanation of the scientific principles involved. Places where the data deviate from expected trends should be noted and reasons for these deviations suggested. Variability between duplicates: Comparing first the cook time, not surprisingly there were probably some differences between the replicate samples. Cook time was a function of the gas flame height and since that was not controlled between groups, it’s not a surprise if the time to reach cook temperature varied between duplicates. These differences in cook times will have caused differences in the amount of sugar hydrolyzed (inverted) during cooking. Thus, differences in cook time lead to differences in color development. If cook temperature and cooling time (time from reaching cook temperature to solidification on the table) were exactly the same in replicate samples, we would expect moisture content to be the same. However, moisture changes continue to occur as long as the syrup is held at elevated temperatures and since each person was more or less quick about pouring samples and solidifying the mass, we observe differences in moisture content. These differences in moisture content lead to differences in Tg and moisture sorption. Thus, even though these samples were duplicate formulations, the differences in process conditions led to differences in physical properties. This is an important point to recognize – the end result in your candy will often be due to slight deviations in process conditions. Initial moisture content: In general, the moisture content of the candies after solidification should be related to the boiling point elevation for that composition. At the designated cook temperature, the amount of water remaining is governed by this boiling point elevation. Since boiling point is determined by the number and molecular weight of the sweeteners, those formulations with more and smaller molecules should have a higher boiling point for a given weight of sweetener added. Thus, we would expect that higher DE formulations (more smaller molecules) would have more water remaining, for a given cook temperature, than lower DE formulations (more larger molecules). Also, we would expect that a lower cook temperature would leave more water remaining, so the formulations cooked to lower temperature should have higher moisture content. Another trend we would expect to see is that identical formulations cooked to different temperatures would have different initial water content. Furthermore, the formulation with all invert sugar should have the highest water content. This formulation had the highest level of low molecular weight sugars and was cooked only to low temperature, both factors that led to the high water content. Color development: Color in cooked sugar syrups comes from a combination of Maillard browning, the reaction between reducing sugars and amine (protein) compounds, and caramelization. Important factors that affect color development include the amount of reducing sugars present, the presence of amine compounds, the cook time and temperature. In general, formulations with high levels of reducing sugars 6 that are cooked for a long time at elevated temperatures would be expected to have the brownest color. Note that corn syrup has very little protein, but does have small amounts of amine compounds, which are sufficient to promote Maillard browning. In these experiments, the brown color is indicated by the L value obtained from the Hunter colorimeter, with lower L values indicating more brown color. For a given cook temperature, we would expect the L value to decrease as the amount of reducing sugars increased and cook time increased. When there is variability in replicates it is probably due to the differences in cook time. Formulations cooked to lower temperature would be expected to have less color. Glass transition temperature: The temperature at which the liquid syrup turns into a solid glassy matrix is the glass transition temperature (Tg), in this case measured by calorimetry. The two main factors that affect Tg are molecular weight of the sugars in the syrup and the final water content. In general, the more smaller molecular weight materials and the higher the water content, the lower Tg. In this experimental data set, both average molecular weight and water content varied with the formulations and cook process. One indicator of average molecular weight is the amount of reducing sugars present. In general, the higher the reducing sugar, the more smaller molecules are present and the lower the average molecular weight. Thus, we would expect a decrease in Tg with an increase in reducing sugars (lower average molecular weight). The second factor that affects Tg is water content. There is a decrease in Tg with increasing water content. Moisture sorption: The hygroscopicity, or propensity to pick up moisture from the environment, of a sugar glass depends primarily on the composition. It is well known that smaller molecules (like glucose and fructose) are more hygroscopic than larger molecules, even sucrose and especially the larger glucose polymers. Thus, we might expect a relationship between moisture sorption and reducing sugar content of our formulations. Moisture sorption may also be a function of water content since the ability of a glass to pick up moisture depends on how easily the molecules move around and make room for the water to penetrate the glassy matrix. Since Tg depends on both chemical composition and water content in much the same way as moisture sorption, it is interesting to explore the relationship between sorption and Tg. In a general sense, formulations that lead to lower Tg, either through addition of lower molecular weight components or by adding water, result in more rapid moisture sorption. Other results: Some of the formulations were made in electric skillets instead of being heated in the copper kettles over open flame. Does the source of heat have any effect on the results? One formulation was made with all sucrose. Without the addition of corn syrup or invert sugar, there was nothing to inhibit the crystallization of sucrose and this formulation was seen to grain by the time it was poured onto the table. Another formulation was made with all invert sugar, a system that will not crystallize but will also not form a glass at room temperature. This system was still an amorphous fluid upon cooling on the table. Improvement of experiment: The primary uncontrolled variable in this experiment was the cook time. Some method of controlling heating to minimize variations in cooking times would be beneficial for reducing the 7 variability in physical properties. Perhaps cooking all formulations in electric skillets with predetermined settings would minimize such differences. 8 Corn Syrup & Sugars in Hard Candy Hard Candy Lab 1 Discussion Allan Buck Archer Daniels Midland Co. Resident Course in Confectionery Technology Effects to be Observed • Effect of DE of Corn Syrup – Color, hygroscopicity, texture, flavor • Effect of cook temperature – Color, hygroscopicity, water content • Effect of reducing sugars in formula – Color, hygroscopicity, texture, sweetness Resident Course in Confectionery Technology Experimental Design Ingredients Percent (dry basis) Reducing Cook Temperature Sugars Theoretical Moisture Sucrose 26 DE 65% 35% 305º F 10.0% 3.4% Sucrose 42 DE 65% 35% 305º F 14.7% 3.4% Sucrose 62 DE 65% 35% 305º F 21.7% 3.4% 0.1% Monosodium Glutamate added to each formula Resident Course in Confectionery Technology Effect of DE on Hard Candy Color 26 DE 42 DE 62 DE 0.1% 0.1%MSG MSGadded addedto toenhance enhancecolor colorresponse response Resident Course in Confectionery Technology Effect of Protein on Browning Sugar, corn syrup and evaporated milk 25 min (225°F) 40 min (246°F) 50 min (248°F) Resident Course in Confectionery Technology Sugar and corn syrup only 60 min (250°F) Caramelization O H OH OH HO O OH H HO H H OH HC H 2O H H OH H OH H OH H OH H OH H OH OH D - g lu c o s e OH lo w p H H CH 3 H H CH CHO O 2 - fu r fu ra l H 3C CH O CH O 3 HO O a c e to l p y ru v a ld e h y d e O OH HO CHO O H 3C 3 d ia c e ty l H HMF O O 3 OH 3 -d e o x y -D - g lu c o s e OH HO OH g ly c e r a ld e h y d e HO d ih y d ro x y a c e to n e O Resident Course in Confectionery Technology OH Maillard Browning O RNH HOHC H O H HO H H O H H O H H O H 3C HO O H NH O H 2 a m in o a c id o r p ro te in H H O H H O H O H O H D -g lu c o s e D -g lu c o s y la m in e R R NH NH O HO R N O H H HO H H H O H H O H H O H H O H O H HO O H H H O H H O H O H O H A m a d o ri R e a rra n g e m e n t O 2 -fu rfu ra l O O HOC H H 2N CH lo w p H H H H O H H O H + 5 HM F 3 p y ru v a ld e h y d e O H 3 -d e o x y -D -g lu c o s o n e d ia c e ty l a c e to l B r o w n in g P ig m e n ts Resident Course in Confectionery Technology H 2O Functional Use and Degree of Conversion Function Low DE High DE Body Agent Prevent Crystallization Viscosity Foam Stabilization Browning Reaction Sweetness Hygroscopicity Humectancy Resident Course in Confectionery Technology Relative Sweetness of Nutritive Sweeteners* 36 DE CSU 42 DE CSU 62 DE CSU 42% HFCS 55% HFCS Lactose Dextrose Fructose Sucrose 35-40 45-50 60-70 100 100-110 40 70-80 150-170 100 *Handbook of Sugars, 1980 Resident Course in Confectionery Technology Properties of Hard Candy as a Function of Sugar/Corn Syrup Ratio 100% Sucrose Super saturated Very sweet 100% Corn Syrup Highly concentrated Low sweetness High flavor release Low machinability Low flavor release High machinability Resident Course in Confectionery Technology
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