1 HOME SHOW Looking for new ideas and ways to save money on your next home improvement project? It’s all inside! Also inside find information and specials from these advertisers Bob’s TV & Home Furnishings Casebine Community Credit Union Century 21 Property Professionals Culligan-Vetter’s Inc. Floorcrafters Your Dream Home Furniture & Floors Tips for Selecting Your Home’s Exterior Color See Page 2 HP Enterprise Industrial Motors Jern Company Green Oak Development Myers Construction Reid’s Landscapes and Turf Ruhl&Ruhl Realtors SE Iowa Garage Door Specialist Sinclair Tractor Standard of Beaverdale & Beckman TV & Appliance Wiley’s Interior Furnishings Window World Wright Electric Spring Home Maintenance Checklist See Inside 2 8 Tips to Selecting Colors for Your Home’s Exterior Spring Home Maintenance Checklist Caulk the Cracks (NewsUSA) - You’ve no doubt driven down a street, seen a house, and thought, “Yikes! What were they thinking?” If the gap around a door or window is wider than a nickel, you need to reapply exterior caulk. Check window-glazing putty, too, which seals glass into the window frame. Add weatherstripping around doors, making sure that you can’t see any daylight from inside your home. You’ll save money on air conditioning and you won’t have to repeat this task in the fall. Colors can evoke a visceral response, especially on home exteriors. At once both personal and public, colors make a first impression, can accentuate attributes and soften flaws and offer a glimpse into your personality. “Homeowners can be influenced by many sources -- friends and neighbors, magazines, TV shows or the guy at the hardware store -- so you’ll need to be careful you’re not just chasing the latest trend; otherwise, your house might be the one that people end up rolling their eyes at,” says PBS home improvement expert Vicki Payne. Payne says you’ll be happy for years to come by following eight tips on selecting colors for your home’s exterior: 1. Deciding between bright and cheerful colors or deep, rich earth tones will influence all other decisions. 2. Pick colors that will blend in with your surroundings. 3. Make sure your choices in siding and trim don’t clash with materials you are not going to replace, such as roof shingles, brick, stone and tile. 4. The size and lot location of your house matter. Light colors can make a house look bigger, and dark colors can make it look smaller. 5. Landscaping will continue to grow and change colors as the seasons change, so trees, shrubs and flowering gardens need to be considered. 6. Use neutral colors to de-emphasize things such as an air conditioning unit or gutters and downspouts, and use contrasting or accent colors to highlight things such as architectural detailing, porch railings, windows and front doors. 7. Computer visualizers can give a general idea of what colors will look like, but large swatches (about 2 by 3 feet) give a truer look at what colors might actually look like on your home. (Take a look at the swatches at different times of day. The colors will look different as the intensity of the sunlight changes.) 8. Make it last. Who wants to invest thousands of dollars every few years to re-paint? An alternative is prepainted planks, but their finishes degrade just like paint. Better are cladding products that are certified and warranted to retain their color over their lifespan. Vinyl and other polymeric siding manufacturers incorporate color at the front end of production -- actually blending the pigment into the formulation. The color can’t chip, pit or peel, giving homeowners peace of mind that they won’t have to paint or repair the finish. And just like the leading paint products, vinyl siding, soffit, trim and accessories come in an enormous number of colors -- from classic lighter colors to deep barn reds, hunter and sage greens, deep blues and more. Spring Home Maintenance Checklist Put the Temperature on Autopilot Energy Star says that for an initial investment of $50 to $150 for a programmable thermostat, you can save about $180 annually on cooling and heating bills -- if you can live with higher indoor temperatures in summer (and cooler temperatures in winter). Set the “hold” or “vacation” feature for a constant, efficient temperature when you’re away for the weekend or on vacation. In summer, you can make those settings more tolerable if you install ceiling fans. Just remember that a ceiling fan cools people, not a room, so turn it off when you leave the room. Spring Home Maintenance Checklist Clean Out the Gutters Nature’s detritus -- decomposed leaves, twigs, and spring petals and seeds (think maple-tree “helicopters”) -- may be worse in spring than in fall. Add extensions to downspouts to carry water at least 3 to 4 feet away from your home’s foundation. You can use 4-inch corrugated plastic pipe (about $7 for 10 feet). “Keeping your home’s exterior looking fresh and timely doesn’t have to be challenging,” Payne says. (form erly partofFour Seasons Excavation and Landscaping) K yle Reid President 31 9-209-0527 kyle@ reidslandscapesandturf.co m • P ro fessio nally D esigned L andscapes • Irrigatio n • P atio s • Retaining W alls • L igh ting • Sno w Rem o val • F ertilizing • W eed Co ntro l • Aerating • Grading • Seeding • So dding • M o w ing Ca ll or em a il K yle or Rya n for a ll you r spring a nd su m m er la ndsca ping a nd tu rfneeds. 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Bu rlingto n, Io w a 526 01 319 -752-3476 e xt. 114 2115 D es M oines Ave. Burlington,Iow a 52601 485 W estBurlington Ave. Burlington,IA 52601 3 19 -75 2 -3 4 76 3 19 -75 2 -8 74 5 Voice Response 1-800-861-5457 w w w .casebine.com EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 416312 Alicia Siefken 572-5266 Bob Heberer 572-4350 Ta m m y Sta rkeyHopkin s 457-1290 M a rjorie Horn 572-0161 Sheri John s on 750-4831 Ga ry La cha pelle 572-3365 Vickie Levin s 759-9053 Za ch O rth 759-0269 Cin d y M iller 750-2365 Sherry Reed 750-4044 Zola & Ron Sta rkey 750-5300 Gw en W ixon 750-1179 Bria n W u n d erlich 750-4108 Bria n Hopkin s 457-0044 Ja d e Lotzow 671-3184 Kelli Lu n d g ren 750-0703 1313 N . R oosevelt B u rlin gton 319-753-6000 w w w .century21.com C 21Prop Pro@ aol.com L icensed in IA & IL 416551 5 HOME SHOW Planning for a Flowerbed Spring Home Maintenance Checklist More ideas to make your home the best it can be! See Page 8 More inside Inspect the AC Call a technician to tune up your cooling system to manufacturer-rated efficiency -- so you won’t sweat the first hot weekend with an out-of-commission air conditioner. Note: Dirty filters make your air conditioner work harder, increasing energy costs and possibly damaging your equipment. Check them monthly and replace as needed, or at least every three months. Spruce Up Your Hom e forSpring FL OORIN G L IQUIDA TORS A Big Store in a Sm allTow n Bo b ’s TV & H o m e F u rn is h in g s C arpeting – C ustom D rapes – A ppliances W in d o w Co verin gs : Ro m a n S ha d es , W o o d Blin d s , Tra c S ha d es , W o ven W o o d s , Cu s to m Dra pes FREE ES TIM ATES & IN S TAL L ATION M A D E IN TH E US A S AVE U P TO on H a rd w ood - Ove r 250 ,0 0 0 S q u a re Fe e t In S toc k 3/4 S olid H a rd w ood Floorin g S ta rtin g a t $ 3 29 Ove r 125,0 0 0 S /F In S toc k P rofe s s ion a l In s ta lla tion S /F Ava ila b le B e s t P ric e s ! La m in a te Floorin g B e s t S e le c tion ! S ta rtin g a t 79 ¢ Ove r 50 ,0 0 0 S /F In S toc k S /F Lu xu ry Vin yl Tile & P la n k S ta rtin g a t L ea ther Po w er Reclin in g S o fa 1 $ 33 S /F Ove r 35,0 0 0 S /F In S toc k Ce ra m ic Floor Tile W e Offer Flo o r Co verin g a n d In s ta lla tio n . V in yl, L a m in a te, Ca rpet & Ad u ra . Free Es tim a tes 12x12 13x13 16x16 18 x18 20 x20 B e s t S e rvic e ! S a ve u p to 70 % Ove r 30 ,0 0 0 S /F In S toc k FL OORIN G L IQUIDA TORS 121 N orth Broadw ay Stronghurst,IL 61480 512 2n d S tre e t • Fort M a d is on , IA • 319-372-1234 3 09.924.1 81 1 416667 H ours:M on.-Thurs. 9:00-6:00 P M ;Fri. 9:00-7:00 P M ;Sat. 9:00-5:00 P M ;C LO SED SU NDA Y w w w .flooringliquidators.org 56 Y ears H O UR S : M on.-Fri.8 A M -5 PM Saturday:8 A M -N oon w w w .b o b s tv a n d h o m efu rn is h in g s .co m Like us on facebook 416663 70 % Ce ra m ic -L a m in a te 6 W e H a ve W ha t You N e e d ! THE ALL-AM ERICAN LIN EUP D es ign ed , E n gin eered a n d A s s em b led in th e U .S .A . M AYTAG® OVEN M AYTAG® DISHW ASHER M AYTAG® M ICROW AVE M ET8720D S Electric Freestanding O ven W ith C onvection H eating - 6.2 C u.Ft. M D B8969SD E O ur Q uietestEver W ith Large C apacity M M V5219D H 2.1 C u.Ft.Large O ver-the-R ange M icrow ave W ith W ideglide™ Tray M AYTAG® GAS RANGE KITCHENAID® DISHW ASHER KITCHENAID® FRENCH DOOR W HIRLPOOL® REFRIGERATOR M G R8700D E G as Freestanding Range W ith C onvection O ven - 5.8 C u.Ft. K D FE104D SS 24’’6-cycle/5-option D ishw asher, PocketH andle K FXS25RYBL 24 C u.Ft.Standard-depth Four D oor Refrigerator,Architect® Series II W RX735SD BM 36-inch W ide French D oor Refrigerator - 25 C u.Ft. W HIRLPOOL® SIDE-BY-SIDE W HIRLPOOL® DISHW ASHER W HIRLPOOL® GAS RANGE W HIRLPOOL® HOOD COM BO W RS322FD AW 33-inch Side-by-S ide Refrigerator W ith LED Lighting - 21 C u.Ft. W D F760SAD W W hirlpoolG old® D ishw asher W ith Targetclean™ O ption W FG 510SO AS 5.0 C u.Ft.C apacity G as Range W ith A ccubake® W M H 53520AB 2.0 C u.Ft. M icrow ave H ood C om bination w /A uto AdaptFan T hank Y ou ! M AYTAG® REFRIGERATOR M BF2258D EH 33-inch Bottom Freezer W ith Stainless SteelH andles B ECK M AN TV & AP P L IAN CE 319-752-4448 O PEN M on.-Fri.7 a.m .-5 p.m .;Sat.8 a.m .-4 p.m . C losed Sundays for Fam ily D ay R on & Joa n n e W e th a n k Ron a n d Joa n n e Be c km a n forgivin g us th is opportun ity to c a rry on a s th e y s ta rtto e n joy re tire m e n t. 1/2 m ile N orth on Beaverdale Rd.offN ew H w y.34 Exit258 11194 Tw in Ponds D rive W estBurlington,IA 319-754-5174 800-728-5843 416364 7 A dva n ta ge Ca bin ets by B rid gew ood P rem ium C a bin ets S to p Byand See Je n n if e r o r R a c he l To d a y! Vin yl & Alu m in u m Fe n c in g • S elf-closing doors • Plyw ood construction • F ull extension d ovetail self-closing draw ers D on ’t w a ste your d ough! S hin gle s , S id in g, S hu tte rs , W in d ow s a n d D oors , Colu m n s M any Styles, Designs & Colors to Fit Your Lifestyle! Do ityours e lfor le tus a rra n ge th e in s ta lla tion . FEN C ES O F Fencing helps you w ith safety, protection and privacy D ES IG N S AL L 7014608,7014616 Ace Green Turf Law n Fertilizer 30 - 3 - 3 5 000 sq. ft. 15 ,000 sq. ft. Regular $11.99 Regular $32.99 $ 699 $1799 Vin yl D e c k s a n d R a ils S ta ir P a rts a n d R a ils M a n y Colors , S tyles & D es ign s to Fit Your L ifes tyle! Do ityours e lforle tus a rra n ge th e in s ta lla tion . Cra n e V in yl S id in g L ife tim e W a rra n ty Shingles 3 b u n d le s per s q u a re ! Highland Slate The Look of R e a l S la te a t a n Afford a b le P ric e Regular $55.56 bdl.or $166.68 per square 6 Stock Colors • Fieldstone • Tudor Brow n • Venetian Red 19 $ 99 $59.97 Per Square d le s 3 b u n u a re ! p e rsq L ife tim e W a rra n ty Shingles Standard has allthe different styles,sizes and profiles to suitany desires you have for your hom e! P a rk vie w 0 42 S id in g A high quality siding for that value conscious custom er. Cra n e b oa rd S id in g 14 Colors Available. Top ofthe line siding w ith the bestand longest w arranty.H as added insulation for energy efficiency and added strength. M a rk e t S q u a re 0 44 S id in g A prem ium siding for the quality conscious custom er. 25 Colors Available. 17 Colors Available. Ge t You r N e w Ga ra ge P a c k a ge P ic k e d Ou t For S p rin g! Certainteed Ow ens Corning Landm ark Duration Regular $29.99 • 15 Stock Colors Buyn b e fo re o w th p ric e e in c re a s e! 2599 $ bdl. $83.97 Per Square Regular $31.99 • 11 Stock Colors 2599 $ $83.97 Per Square bdl. B U Y NO W TO LO CK TH E P R ICE AND W E W ILL D ELIVER W H EN Y O U AR E R EAD Y ! Inclu des: P re-bu iltw a llsectio ns a nd fa cto ry m a de tru sses,2 w indo w s,a lu m inu m o verha ng o n 2 sides,w hite vinylsiding,O SB exterio r w a lls,16” o n center stu ds,insu la ted w a lk do o r,steelga ra ge do o r w ith w ea ther strip, trea ted bo tto m pla tes,rea l1/2” cdx ro o f w ith 15# felta nd 25 yea r 3 ta b shingles. of Bea verda le 24'x24' N o C on crete N o Labor $4,545 24 x 24 or L arger P ackages receive F ree D elivery w ithin 30 m iles of B urlin gton .Y our choice of an y size or style available. 24'x24' W ith Labor B uilt O n Y our S lab $7,145 24'x24' W ith Labor & C on crete W e do it all $9,695 416367 8 Flowerbed Factors By Tresa Erickson You love flowers, and lucky for you, you have a nice lawn with plenty of room for flowerbeds. You have some idea of the flowers you would like to grow, but your selections will depend upon a host of other factors. One of the first factors you will have to consider is when you want the flowerbeds to bloom. Spring, summer, fall or year-round? While a flowerbed that blooms throughout the year would be ideal, it won’t be easy to attain, especially if you are a beginner, live in an area with harsh winters, travel a lot or change residences throughout the year. Choose a season when you will be around to care for the flowerbeds and appreciate the fruits of your labor and select flowers that grow during that season. Along with the season, you will also have to consider the site conditions. Where will the flowerbeds be located? Does each site receive full sun, partial sun or no sun at all? Does the soil drain properly? What is the soil pH? The answers to these questions will dictate Spring Home Maintenance Checklist Pressure Wash Your Home Spring-clean your home’s exterior to remove accumulated dirt, mold, stains and the like from the siding, deck, sidewalks, driveway and garage floor, fences, and lawn furniture. You can rent a pressure washer or hire help, depending on the amount and type of crud. the types of flowers you can grow. While you may envision rows and rows of tulips in front of your cottage during the early spring, the soil conditions there might not warrant it. The characteristics of the flowers themselves will also have bearing in your decision. Some flowers require more space than others. If you have a fairly small bed, you will need to select flowers that spread little, whereas if you have a rather large bed, you might be able to choose a wider variety of flowers, including some that take up a great deal of space. Height, color and texture should be considered as well. Flowerbeds usually feature flowers of varying heights, often with the shorter species in front where they can be seen. Colors and texture may vary but should complement each other and the landscape. Soft pink blooms might look out of place in front of a rough, red cedar plank fence. When you are choosing species for your flowerbeds, take the surroundings into consideration and do your homework. Know what flowers grow best when, where and with what. Read everything you can about flowerbed design and go shopping armed with the right information. The more you know, the better choices you will make and the better your flowerbeds will look. And remember, things change. The flowerbeds you create today may not look like the ones you create 10 years from now. Prepare for your flowerbeds to evolve as your gardening skills improve. Sprin g isju sta rou n d the corn er. Ca lltod a yto ha ve you ra ircon d ition erchecked ! 643 E. M t. Plea sa n tS t. W estBu rlin gto n 319-754-4085 C ustom D esigned H om es U sing C om p uter A id ed D esign jern shea tin g @ a o l.co m • w w w .jern shea tin g .co m 416685 N ever An O vertim e C harge!! H om e Furn iture an d W hite’s Floor C overin g C on tin uin g the T rad ition s as Your D ream H om e Furn iture an d Floors W ith over 100 years in the furn iture an d floorin g in d ustry, w e can help you turn Your H om e in to Your D ream . S top in a n d see L ee F ran klin , P en n y R au en bu ehler or H eather L eichty 319-986-2294 M on d a y-T hursd a y 10-6, Frid a y 10-5 a n d Sa turd a y 10-3 204 W .W ashin gton St.,SW C orn er ofSquare M t.Pleasan t,IA 319-385-2925 or 1-800-491-6840 415964 W e can help you d esign & build your d ream hom e around your fam ily. C allus to sign up for our H om e B uild ing sem inar. 2011 H ighway 218,M oun t Pleasan t IA 416632 9 HOME SHOW Give Your Kitchen a New Look See Page 11 More ideas to make your home the best it can be! Spring Home Maintenance Checklist More inside Wash the Windows It’s only when the windows are clean and the spring sun shines in that you’ll realize how dirty they were. And don’t forget the screens. Before washing the glass, clean out the sills and window tracks with a soft brush or vacuum attachment. Pour a small amount of water into the sill to ensure that weep holes, which drain rainwater to the exterior, aren’t clogged up. If the water doesn’t exit, use a piece of thin wire to gently clear the hole. TRADE-IN AN D GET 100 OFF $ W HEN YOU PURCHASE A QUALIFYIN G M 18 FUEL™ KIT And trade in a 14.4V or greater professional grade cordless toolw ith 2 or m ore batteries O FFE R V A L ID TH RO U G H A P RIL 30, 2015 See branch associate for details M 18 FUEL™ - PART OF THE M 18™ SYSTEM OF OVER 70 TOOLS. 1511 M ountPleasantSt. Burlington,IA 52601 319-752-4917 416454 10 Am erica ’s La rg est W in d ow R epla cem en t Com pa n y N ow Serving Sou thea st Iow a & W est Centra l Illinois W in d ow s D oors S hu tters T rim G u tters In su la ted S id in g Free In H o m e Estim a tes 2406 W . K im b erly R d . D a ven port,IA W in dow W orldofD a ven port.com 563-323-731 3 416730 R ed uce cost’s w ith m aintenance and energy efficient system s C ALL TO D Vi AY M a d i ew F o rt s o S u b d n ’s F irst i 3 0 P l visio n in u s Y ea rs 416664 G reen O a k D evelopm entis a new subdivision being developed in F ortM a dison,loca ted a t33rd S treeta nd B luff R oa d. W e focus on custom ,energy -efficienthom es w ith m odern open floor pla ns. W ith a ra nge of floor pla ns,from sla b to single or tw o story ba sem enthom es,a nd options for custom er-picked finishes,y ou’re sure to find a hom e tha tis perfectfor y ou. G ive us a ca lltoda y ! 11 Spring Home Maintenance Checklist Repair Sidewalks and Driveways Fix any breakdown in concrete or asphalt before it worsens. You can patch or fill surface cracks, chips or flaking in concrete yourself using cement-repair products. For deeper cracks, settling or sunken concrete, or frost heaves (when moisture beneath the concrete has frozen and jacked up the slab), call a pro, whether a handyman or a concrete contractor. Asphalt is harder to work with, so call a pro. To increase the longevity of your driveway, have asphalt resealed every two to five years, depending on climate and wear patterns, and have concrete resealed every one to three years (you can probably do the concrete job yourself). Give Your Kitchen a New Look With a Lighting Update (NewsUSA) - A simple, inexpensive lighting update can completely transform your kitchen from dull to dynamite. look, lighting does not always get the attention it deserves. According to Dross, this is to the detriment of home design. According to the American Lighting Association (ALA), good lighting design makes kitchens more functional, as well as more enjoyable, relaxing and suitable for entertaining. “Lighting is as important a design element as wall coverings, flooring and countertops,” says Dross. “It can make an average kitchen look great and elevate a fabulous design to perfection. Need to increase the visual size of a room without tearing down a wall? Add lighting above the cabinets and at the toe-kick space. “Good lighting is vitally important in kitchens,” says Jeff Dross, corporate director for education and industry trends for Kichler Lighting. “Perhaps more work in the home is done in the kitchen area than any other room, and having improper lighting would be tantamount to candles in a warehouse or flashlights on a factory floor. “Food preparation is a vital, though sometimes tedious, task performed virtually every day,” Dross continues. “Cooking in a poorly illuminated space only increases the drudgery and the danger. Good lighting adds to the overall space, and increases the pleasure in using said space.” The very fact that kitchens are spaces where people spend a lot of time makes them valuable areas when reselling a home, as well. For this reason, many experts agree kitchen renovations are among the best ways to boost the value of your home. Along with bathrooms, kitchens are an integral part of the home to virtually everyone. SPring Home Maintenance Checklist Prepare to Mow A dull lawn mower blade doesn’t slice, but instead tears grass, leaving it vulnerable to disease, sun damage and insects. A blade typically needs sharpening once or twice a year, or more often depending on how big your yard is, how frequently you mow and the type of grass you have. You should also tune up your lawn mower after every 25 hours of use to increase its efficiency and reduce polluting emissions. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to change the spark plug(s), oil and oil filter (or clean it). “The importance of good, high lumen output for task (under-cabinet) lighting cannot be over emphasized,” Dross adds. “Wall-mounted cabinets create shadows on countertop work surfaces. The only way to alleviate those shadows (and the accompanying dark spots on the cutting board) is with under-cabinet lighting.” Another factor to keep in mind relates to energy usage, and by extension, your power bill. The U.S. Department of Energy reports that American consumers use electricity for lighting the kitchen more than any other room in the house. So, to save electricity costs, invest in energy-efficient lighting in the kitchen. Spring Home Maintenance Checklist Check Your Deck Resealing is always a good idea to protect the wood. But more important, before you invite the clan for a reunion, make sure your deck can handle the load. At a minimum, test several areas of the deck for decay, especially those that tend to stay damp. Two signs: The wood is soft and spongy, and it doesn’t splinter if you poke it with an ice pick or screwdriver. To see the most up-to-date fixtures and shades, and to consult with a professionally trained lighting expert, visit your local ALA-member retailer, or go online to americanlightingassoc.com. Unfortunately, when it comes time to updating kitchens with a new The Search ALL properties for sale in Burlington and the surrounding area on RuhlHomes.com. way to buy sell and Find out what a home sold for by accessing details on recently SOLD properties. Search on the go with , our real estate app, available for Apple and Android. real estate. Receive detailed reports about homes for sale and current market trends! These tools, and more, are free to you. Act now to take advantage of all Ruhl&Ruhl has to offer by becoming a client today! RuhlHomes.com 319-752-9933 Talk to an experienced Realtor® to get a free home review! Maureen Behne 759-1704 Wendy Corzatt (309) 221-9720 Lyle Rosson 759-0893 Jodi Furnald 759-7712 Joyce Roth 759-8254 403 S. 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