CLERGY Administrator Rev. Joe Kim, OFM Conv. Associate Rev. Carlos Morales OFM Conv. Deacon Rev. Mr. Scott Palmer Friars in Residence Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Rev. Peter Mallin, OFM Conv. Rev. Allen Ramirez, OFM Conv. PARISH INFORMATION 244 Prospect Avenue Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Phone: (310) 372-7077 Fax: (310) 798-4051 Offices Located on the Corner of Prospect Ave. and Massey St. Office Hours Monday-Friday: 8:00am—4:00pm Saturday 9am—1pm Sunday: 9am— 1pm SCHOOL INFORMATION Principal April Beuder 320 Massey Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Phone: (310) 372-7486 PARISH CONTACTS Coordinator of Religious Ed Ext 224 Theresa Avila Confirmation/Director Religious Ed Ext 226 Tom Baumann Hispanic Ministry Ext.222 Fr. Carlos Morales Spanish Baptisms (310) 349-9609 Bookkeeper Ext.227 Robin Bosmajian Parish Secretary Ext.221 Jodi Scully Music Director Ext.223 Bobbi Lynn Lambert OLG Webmaster [email protected] Raciel Diaz Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers [email protected] Mass Schedule Sunday: 7:00AM, 8:00AM (Spanish), 9:45AM, 11:30AM, 6:30PM Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM Weekdays: 8:00AM ~ Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday 4:00PM—7:00PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 9:00AM—10:00AM Sacrament of Baptism ~ Baptisms are celebrated in English and Spanish. Must be registered in the church for at least 3 months Please call the Parish Office for more Information Sacrament of Marriage Contact the Parish office for information six months prior to the ceremony Anointing of the Sick Please call the Parish Office early in the case of a serious illness or before OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH Celebration of the Second Scrutiny Today at the 9:45AM Mass we join our Elect and Candidates in hearing the story of Jesus healing the man born blind. Together we welcome the light of Christ to shine on our spiritual blindness and pray for the courage to live as children of light. Let us pray that God may dispel darkness and be the light that shines in our hearts of our elect and candidates. St. Patrick Tuesday is St. Patrick’s Day – we all become Irish for one day. St. Patrick used what was ordinary – like a shamrock – to teach our Faith. May we learn from St. Patrick and live our Faith this Lent. HERMOSA BEACH, CALIFORNIA Easter Novena Remembrance If you would like to enroll a loved one living or deceased, please fill out this form and drop it in collection basket or bring to parish office This year, your donation to enroll your faithful departed loved ones will be used for Easter flowers for the church. In the past we have had parishioners donate Easter lilies in memory of people who could not celebrate Easter with us. This Novena will last for nine days and the flowers will be a visual for us for all the Easter season. PLEASE REMEMBER IN THE EASTER MASSES, THE SPECIAL INTENTIONS OF: NAME__________________________________________ ________________________________________________* Communal Penance Services (All at 7:30 PM) Monday, March 23 American Martyrs, M.B. Tuesday, March 24 St. James, R.B. Wednesday, March 25 Our Lady of Guadalupe Thursday, March 26 St Lawrence Martyr, R.B. Friday, March 27 St. Anthony, El Segundo Individual Sacrament of Penance Saturday’s 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Friday’s 7:00 PM during the Stations of the Cross (approximately one hour) Stations of the Cross Friday’s of Lent (bi-lingual) 7:00 FOOD DRIVE TODAY!! _________________________________________________ PLEASE SPECIFY LIVING OR DECEASED REQUESTED BY:_________________________________ ENVELOPE #________________OFFERING$_________ ***PLEASE CUT AND RETURN Almsgiving At Our Lady of Guadalupe Church If you picked up a Lenten Folder for your Lenten Almsgiving, please remember to turn them in to the parish office or in the collection basket before Holy Week, so we can send your donations to the Missions by Easter. Thank you for your generosity to those less fortunate!! CUARTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA PAGE 2 MARZO 15, 2015 Una reflexión del P. Carlos A las personas que queremos, las queremos con el corazón. No necesitamos razones para querer. Ni la madre quiere al hijo por razones, ni los novios se quieren por razones, ni marido y mujer se quieren por razones. Y si se quisiera hacer una lista de razones lógicas de ese amor, al fin la última razón verdadera de ese amor quedaría en el misterio. Y cuando para mantener un amor es necesario andar hurgando para buscar razones, ese amor está empezando a morir bajo las cenizas. El amor es ilógico, supera todo raciocinio, abarca a toda la persona y embarca en la aventura de amar a toda esa persona. Hoy, de camino hacia la Semana Santa se hace un examen de nuestro amor a Dios. Enfrentándonos con el amor ilógico del Señor a nosotros, ¿no necesitamos nosotros demasiadas razones para amar al Señor? ¿Toma su amor todo nuestro ser? ¿Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con toda tu mente y con todo tu ser? “Tanto amó Dios al mundo que entregó a su Hijo único” Envía lo que mas quiere para que vaya a nuestra búsqueda, para que traiga del país extranjero al hijo pródigo, para que salve entre espinos y barrancos a la oveja perdida, aún a sabiendas de que ese Hijo único va a perder su vida en la búsqueda, pero que nos a va encontrar a cada de uno de nosotros. ¿Hay amor más ciego? ¿Más cerrado a razones lógicas? Como nos decía san Pablo el domingo pasado: esta es la grandiosa necedad o estupidez de nuestro Dios. Esa necedad que supera todo saber y todo entender humanos. Que el Señor nos ha amado a nosotros más que más que a Si mismo. “Nadie tiene mayor amor que el que da la vida por sus amigos. Cuando éramos pecadores, es decir, cuando éramos enemigos de Dios, Dios nos da lo que constituye su propia vida, que es su mismo Hijo, a sabiendas de que lo va a perder. Si viéramos este proceder en una persona amiga nuestra, diríamos que es un loco, un estúpido… Y esa es la grandiosa e ininteligible estupidez de nuestro Dios, que no cabe en cabeza humana. “Tanto amó Dios al mundo…” Para el Señor no somos multitud. No somos rebaño. Él conoce a cada una de sus ovejas y las llama por su nombre. No somos un número de Documento Nacional de Identidad. Somos TÚ y YO. - La luz y la verdad. Frente a las "tinieblas", que se presentan aquí como una personificación del mal, se alza la "luz" que es el mismo Hijo de Dios en persona. La venida de la "luz" al mundo denuncia la existencia de las "tinieblas" y, aunque el hijo de Dios no viene a juzgar a nadie, su presencia establece inevitablemente un juicio. La "luz" -y, por lo tanto, la proclamación del evangelio- cuestiona a los hombres y les obliga a decidir entre la fe y la salvación, o la incredulidad y la perdición. Muchos se deciden por la incredulidad, porque sus obras no son buenas. Se habla aquí de "hacer la verdad". Para Juan la verdad, lo mismo que la mentira, no son dos teorías opuestas, sino dos modos contradictorios de vivir. Los que obran perversamente se oponen a la verdad con la mentira de su vida y esconden sus malas obras huyendo de la luz. En cambio, los que hacen la verdad buscan la luz, para que se vean sus obras buenas. Hagamos que nuestra vida se llene de buenas obras. Bendi- El Servicio Penitencial comienza a las 7:30PM Lunes, 23 de Marzo can Martyrs Martes, 24 de Marzo Ameri- St. James Miércoles, 25 de Marzo OLG (en nuestra parroquia) Jueves, 26 de Marzo St. Lawrence Viernes, 27 de Marzo St. Anthony Tema, sobre la cuaresma y vida spiritual =18 marzo. Tema de preparacion a la Semana Santa con el Padre Pedro Lopez, especialista en liturgia y biblia. 7:00 pm en el Templo. Para todos los que deseen llegar, es unbuen charlista. =22 marzo , despues de misa de 8:00 am desayuno, Deliciosas gorditas, puede encargarlas ya. FOURTH SUNDAYOF LENT PAGE 3 MARCH 15 2015 Guadalupe Fiesta 2015 We really need all of Our Lady of Guadalupe to participate in this fund raiser to make it successful. You do not have to be a parent of the school to volunteer to help. The dates for the Fiesta are April 17th, 18th and 19th. There are many ways to help. If you cannot volunteer physically to work at the Fiesta, perhaps you can help support the Fiesta through a Silent Auction donation. Some ideas are: Help create a travel weekend with credit card or frequent flier miles toward a resort hotel or airline tickets, access to a family cabin, condo or timeshare, sports car rental for the weekend, limo ride and dinner at a five-star restaurant, ski tickets, hotel stays. Or how about autographed sports stuff, wine or liquor baskets, handmade items or services, gas cards, theme park passes, spa gift certificates. The list is God’s Word Today Such rich fare is offered to us this day from the table of God’s word. The first reading chronicles both the punishment and the great mercy shown by God to the people who “added infidelity to infidelity.” Saint Paul calls this God one “who is rich in mercy.” The greatest merciful act shown by our God is beautifully proclaimed in today’s Gospel: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.” As the word of God is proclaimed today, let us be thankful to God for the gift of the Lord Jesus, who came into this world not to condemn, but to save. endless, and of course no donation is too small and we would appreciate any donation you can make. Please take a moment and see how you can contribute. If you cannot help with the Silent Auction there is always FIESTA RAF- FLE TICKETS, WHICH ARE NOW AVAILABLE!!! For only $50 you have a chance to win $5000. Special offer: Purchase 5 tickets and get 1 free or buy 10 tickets and get 3 free. For more information on the raffle, please call the parish office. If you would like to volunteer to help at the Fiesta, please call the parish office and we will get you in touch with the correct person or you can sign up online. Just go to our webpage: click on event tab at the top of the page, then click Fiesta 2015. Signup links are near the bottom of the Fiesta Page. Also if you are purchasing raffle tickets using PayPal raffle tickets are under the heading of FIESTA CLUB TICKETS As one community of Our Lady of Guadalupe, lets make Fiesta 2015 a memorable one!!! And remember, the Fiesta benefits the entire parish!!! FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Stewardship at OLG ENVELOPE & PLATE TOTAL 3/8/15 AVERAGE PARISH PAY TOTAL COLLECTION 3/8/15 PAGE 4 $7,412.77 $3,220.00 $10,632.00 The blind man was willing to let Jesus minister to him and willingly did all Jesus asked of him. The Pharisees were more resistant to His message, spending their time and energy to disprove the miracle. Which am I more like, the man born blind or the Pharisees? Parish Pay (Automated Giving) We invite you and your family to include our parish in your monthly budget and to help in managing the fiscal responsibilities of our faith community through your enrollment in the ParishPay program. What is Parish Pay? It is an alternative means of support for Our Lady of Guadalupe. In lieu of weekly collections, the ParishPay program can collect monthly contributions from your checking, savings, or credit card account. There is NO cost to you . How do I sign up? z Sign up directly on the ParishPay website at z Sign up via the ParishPay link on the OLG website at (the Pay and eContributions links are on the left menu bar); or Call 1-866-PARISH-1 Which payment methods are accepted? Automated transfers from your checking or savings accounts or major credit cards (American Express, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover) may be used to make monthly contributions. MARCH 15 2015 Liturgical Ministers Schedule March 21, 2015 Eucharistic Minister LectorsAltarServers 5:00PM Bob Chiota Kyle Parato Jim Burschinger Laurie Paolozzi Jacob A Terri Burschinger MasonParato Betty Hacker Sophia Byrne Jill Graves 7:00AM Quinn Merritt Ken Harrell Danny Augusto Daniel Villa Warren Flynn Tommy Fraker Ron Alpine 9:45 MarioPalacio JonGalvez WarrenBinder Joe Warwick JonathanRiddick AudreyBinder NoahRiddick John Parato Steve Magoffin Rick Binder Victoria Price Silvia Contreras 11:30AM Vicki Lee David Lee Joyce Armijo Marie Jensen Susan Salazar OLG School News Thank You OLG School says thank you for helping our Growing Readers through your donations of gently-read books and Book Fair purchases. Your generosity will help us fill our classroom libraries. Thank you! Catholic Relief Services Collection “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40). Today, we are reminded that Jesus identified himself with our poorest brothers and sisters. The Catholic Relief Services Collection serves Jesus in the victims of human trafficking, in those who suffer from unjust laws, and in those who need pastoral care and humanitarian assistance across the globe. Through your support with today’s Collection, you help Jesus in disguise. Please be generous. Rasa Vasiliauskas P.Fontanetta Mike DelRose BrianaPerez JosephMejia Scrip for Easter Don’t forget to purchase Scrip for all your Easter goodies: for baskets, brunches and outfits. OLG has scrip available for See’s, Target, CVS, Macy’s, and a variety of restaurants to suit every budget. You can purchase scrip weekly at the school office during school hours, or if you need something special, please call the school office FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT PAGE 5 St. Patricks DayParade Come and support Our Lady of Guadalupe School at Hermosa Beach’s Annual St. Patricks Day Parade, Saturday March 14th at 11AM. Parade route starts at Valley Drive and Pier Avenue and goes down Pier Ave to Hermosa Avenue. Show your OLG GREEN SPIRIT!!!! New Online Messages from Fr. Joe Fr. Joe will soon be sending weekly messages via email. If you’re interested in receiving these emails, simply go to and use the link to sign up, confirm your email address, and check your inbox every week for new content from our Parish Administrator. Be assured that we will never sell, rent, or distribute your email address. Ministry Fair Coming to Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Saturday & Sunday March 28 & 29 Representatives of over all of our ministries will be in the parish hall after all the Masses with information and Sign-up Sheets. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church has been blessed with the harvest of many ministries. Look into your heart and consider becoming one of the laborers of our harvest. For more information, please call the parish office a (310) 372-7077 Then he said to his disciples, “the harvest is abundant but the laborers are few: so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38 The weekend of March 28-29 is an excellent opportunity to learn, get more involved and to share what you do to serve God and OLG. Don't miss it! SB 128 would legalize physician-assisted suicide in CA. Pope Francis reminds us, "The biblical commandment to honor our parents reminds us in a broader sense of our duty to honor all elderly people." Take action now to protect the elderly and those with disabilities. Visit: to learn more, contact your legislator, and get involved. MARCH 15 2015 Mass Intentions for the Week SATURDAY, March 14, 2015 5:00PM Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Guadalupe ( Guerrera Family) SUNDAY, March 15, 2015 7:00AM Amada Ornelas (Sabina Ornelas) 8:00AM =Juan Jose Gonzalez (Family) 9:45AM Int of Our Parishioners 11:30AM Int. of Emilia Brenes 6:30PM MONDAY, March 16 2015 8:00AM =Kenneth Kellner M.D. (Family) TUESDAY, March 17, 2015 8:00AM =Carmen Rosillo WEDNESDAY, March 18, 2015 8:00AM =Shawn Sullivan (Rausch Family) THURSDAY, March 19, 2015 8:00AM Special Intentions of Diane Young FRIDAY, March 20, 2015 8:00AM SATURDAY, March 21 2015 8:00AM PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT BE AT OUR CELEBRATIONS WITH US Carmen Santiyan, Vickie Lopez, Maria Enriquez, Dolores Molina, Marianne Kainz, Lorraine Kennedy, Ruby Bejarano, Jimmy Arena, Phillip Hameson, Vanessa Quinteros, Julian Zawlocki, Christian Nagasugi, Don Dosman, Arianna Carrione, Pat Kidwell, Ramon Ortiz, Kenneth Hahn, Matt West, Tony De Castro, Dolores Mansanto, Bobby Burt,, Anne Harris, Odilia Alvizures, Yvonne Dahle, George Anderson, Barbara Malina, Marie HoơmanDemarse, Christopher Cruz, Gail Romero, Jerry Fox, Steven Gonzales, Ruth & Hector Minera, Joe D’Agostino, Shirley Erickson, Madeline Arnold, Hank Arnold, Donna English, Angie Hegedus, Martha Zavala, Blaine Price, John Gannon, Carlotta Carrillo, Andre Farias, Rosario Ruiz, Del & Christine Orozco, George Tumanjon, Bob Park Sr., Phyllis Spearman, Mary Ann Hayden, Mary Cueto, Bernardo Rosero, Carlos Huante, Cathy Omatsu, Miguel Salazar, Cal & Nieves Gonzales, Francis Fernando, Armando Byrne, Paige Garnica, Jenny Garnica, Elvira Orellana, Vicky Dunigan, Bill Hallett, Michael Villatoro, Juanita Wilmarth, Rose Reyes DON’T FORGET TO PURCHASE YOUR RAFFLE TICKET!!!! AVAILABLE AT THE PARISH OFFICE OR ASK FR. JOE
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