Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 HOLY FAMILY PARISH 17 Fordham Avenue Hicksville, NY 11801 516-938-3846 † FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 15, 2014 Welcome to Holy Family Parish! If you are a new, or current parishioner and have not yet registered, please call the Parish Center to obtain and complete a census form . PARISH CENTER HOURS Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm and 7pm-9pm Friday 9am-4pm Saturday: 10am-6pm Sunday : 10am-1pm MASS SCHEDULE Monday-Friday 7:00 and 9:00am Saturday 9am and 5pm-Anticipated Sunday Mass Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12 Noon and 5:00pm Holy Day Masses* 5:00pm-Anticipated Mass of Holy Day Holy Day 7:00am, 9:00am,7:30pm *(Check bulletin for changes) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION- is celebrated every Saturday from 4pm to 4:45pm in the Church or by appointment with a priest. SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION- Baptism is celebrated on the first (1st) and third (3rd) Sunday of the month at 2:00pm. Please call the Parish Center to make an appointment for the necessary interview. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA)- is the process of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) into the Body of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church for all those who are not baptized. If interested, please contact the Parish Center. Baptized non–Catholics and Adult Catholics who have not been confirmed are invited to contact the parish offices for information on this process. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE- Marriages must be arranged with the parish no later than six months in advance of your desired date. Please call the Parish Center to set an appointment. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK- celebrates the desire and truth of Jesus’ healing touch and His desire that we might have life and have it to the full. It is offered to anyone who is seriously sick, about to undergo surgery and/or suffering the effects of advanced age. It is celebrated weekly at the 9:00am Saturday Mass. Emergency sick calls will be responded to as soon as possible by the priest on duty. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION- Monday through Friday 7:30am until 8:45 am. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA—is celebrated on Saturday morning at 8:45am. 1 HOLY FAMILY PARISH March 15, 2015 Pray for Our Deceased MASS SCHEDULE Mary P. Lozarto Christina N. O’Kane SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Lent 7:30 am Pawel Oleksiak 9:00 am Erika Kiraly 10:30 am Parishioners of Holy Family 12:00 pm Edward McHugh 5:00 pm Regina McCormack MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2015 7:00 am 9:00 am Joseph P. Catera 12:00 pm Michael Scheff Family Mass 10:30 every Sunday On the first and third Sunday of the month, our children are invited to join the priest around the altar for a special homily directed to them and our Children’s Choir leads our worship in song. On the second and fourth Sunday children in 1st through 5th grade are invited to leave the church to participate in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word . TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2015 Saint Patrick, Bishop 7:00 am Daniel Duggan 9:00 am Mrs. Grace & Sister Theresa McHugh 12:00 pm John Muller Sacrificial Offerings Altar Breads for Week of March 16, 2015 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 2015 Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 7:00 am 9:00 am 12:00 pm THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 2015 Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:00 am 9:00 am John Julio 12:00 pm Tara Maloney FRIDAY MARCH 20, 2015 7:00 am John & Linda Dombroski 9:00 am Marion Gilbert 12:00 pm Richard Vaccaro SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 2015 9:00 am Teresita Manalastas 5:00 pm Marilyn Durka SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent 7:30 am Parishioners of Holy Family 9:00 am Clare Smyth 15th Anniversary 10:30 am Marion Gilbert 12:00 pm Janina Vargas Joseph White 5:00 pm Deceased Members of the Conway & Lovaglio Families In Loving Memory of: John & Linda Dombroski By: Dolores Gold Mass Intentions for 2015 Available Mass intentions and Mass cards for Masses celebrated here at Holy Family can be obtained at the Parish Center office or you may contact the office by phone or email to request a Mass intention. This practice invites us into a deeper celebration of the Eucharist by uniting our sacrifice with that of Christ. It also helps compensate the church’s minister for his work. While Mass intentions are most often offered for the deceased, they are also offered for the living, who are sick, marking a special occasion like a birthday or anniversary or for spiritual well being. Returning Catholics Prayer Dear Lord, may our hearts and minds be nourished by your sustaining love, may our words and actions be guided by your ever present grace, That all who seek to know you; encounter you here, That all who seek to serve you; be welcomed to the vineyard That all who seek to love you; know that they are loved. That all who seek to return to their Catholic faith may be welcomed and received. 2 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 ...from Father Gerard Do I indeed derive any pleasure from the death of the wicked? says the Lord GOD. Do I not rather rejoice when he turns from his evil way that he may live? -Ez 18:23 A few weeks ago I was on retreat and I read these words at daily mass and I had a strange thought. What if the Saddam Hussein's, Bin Laden's and the Hitler's of the world saw the error of their ways, underwent a conversion, admitted they were wrong and asked forgiveness? Would that have been more powerful then ending their evil with their deaths? Crazy right? Impossible. You get crazy thoughts on retreat. Surely it is hard for us to see this as possible, but can you understand why the Lord says the rejoicing comes not from the death of the wicked but in their conversion? God cares about souls first and foremost so there is no joy for God in lost souls. But think, too, of the power that conversion would have had in these men. They had power to do great evil, think of the power their conversion would have held. Through evil, they had great influence. Would their power be as great if they were as passionate in their conversion? I know -crazy thoughts. I desire the destruction of evil in my life and the world in which we live, but is that evil truly abolished by force or the grace of conversion? During Lent, we discipline ourselves so that we might be changed, that we might turn away from what is sinful not because we drive it out by force, but because through our Lenten journey we encounter the merciful love of God who gave his only Son. Christ comes not to destroy us or the evil within, but to change us through mercy. We all struggle with forgiveness. How can I forgive the one who hurt me so much? Firstly, we forgive so that the evil which has been done to me no longer dominates me. More importantly, we forgive so that mercy may prompt conversion. We go through the discipline of Lent so that we might know mercy and be transformed by that mercy. Transformed, we understand the power of mercy, the power to save a soul rather than lose it. The power to not perpetuate death but dissolve its power. During these remaining weeks of Lent, I pray that you might have a greater awareness of what is possible through you because of the mercy of the Father and the Son. Peace, 3 St. Joseph’s Day Hospitality Join us in celebrating the Solemnity of Saint Joseph with pastries and coffee after the 9:00 a.m. mass on Thursday, March 19th HOLY FAMILY PARISH March 15, 2015 HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL “we make a difference one child at a time” Children learn what they live Holy Family School is proud of the fact that we adhere to our tagline: “making a difference, one child at a time”. The faculty, staff, and administration take very seriously the trust parents, grandparents and guardians place in us when they choose to send their child to our school. We are keenly aware of the fact that children learn more from what they see than what they hear, and therefore it is a priority for all the adults employed at our school to model behaviors that are in line with our faith. ADORATION AND LENTEN SOUP SUPPER March 19th at 6pm in the Church followed by a simple soup and bread supper in the school cafeteria. Join us.. Rsvp … [email protected] 4 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION This Week in Religious Ed… Visit to the O’Dea Center: Level 4: March 23-March 25. Students will learn about how Holy Family Parish cares about the needs of others. Easter Recess: April 1-8. Classes Resume April 13. Good Friday Stations of the Cross: April 3 at 12noon. All Level 8 students are expected to attend this service. Gospel: John 3:14-21 In teaching Nicodemus, Jesus uses a familiar story from the Old Testament (Numbers 21:4-9) about Moses. When Moses lifted up a bronze snake in the desert for all to see, those who had been bitten by snakes were healed. Jesus says that he too must be lifted up so that all might have eternal life through him. He will be lifted up on the cross. But he will also be lifted up in his resurrection and in his ascension to the Father. Whoever looks at him in faith will receive eternal life. Followers of Jesus recognize him as the light that came into the world. They live truthfully in the light, unlike those who choose the darkness and do evil deeds. Picture the entire world today as a patient in a doctor's office. What might the doctor say is wrong with the world's health? List some of the problems Jesus might point out and name some of the ways the followers of Jesus can be healers in our world. How do members of your family, school community, and parish show that they are living in the light? What can we do to help others choose to live truthfully in the light? Holy Family Religious Ed Program 2 @HFRE The late Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said, “It is easy to find truth; it is hard to face it, and harder still to follow it.” WHY DO CATHOLICS CONFESS THEIR SINS TO A PRIEST RATHER THAN GOING DIRECTLY TO GOD? Minute Answers .. Well, the quick answer is because that’s the way God wants us to do it. In James 5:16, God, through Sacred Scripture, commands us to “confess our sins to one another.” Notice, Scripture does not say confess your sins straight to God and only to God…it says confess your sins to one another. In Matthew, chapter 9, verse 6, Jesus tells us that He was given authority on earth to forgive sins. And then Scripture proceeds to tell us, in verse 8, that this authority was given to “men”…plural. In John 20, verses 21-23, what is the 1st thing Jesus says to the gathered disciples on the night of His resurrection? “Jesus said to them, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.'” How did the Father send Jesus? Well, we just saw in Mt 9 that the Father sent Jesus with the authority on earth to forgive sins. Now, Jesus sends out His disciples as the Father has sent Him…so, what authority must Jesus be sending His disciples out with? The authority on earth to forgive sins. And, just in case they didn’t get it, verses 22-23 say this, “And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.'” Why would Jesus give the Apostles the power to forgive or to retain sins if He wasn’t expecting folks to confess their sins to them? And how could they forgive or retain sins if no one was confessing their sins to them? The Bible tells us to confess our sins to one another. It also tells us that God gave men the authority on Earth to forgive sins. Jesus sends out His disciples with the authority on earth to forgive sins. When Catholics confess our sins to a priest, we are simply following the plan laid down by Jesus Christ. He forgives sins through the priest…it is God’s power, but He exercises that power through the ministry of the priest. 5 HOLY FAMILY PARISH March 15, 2015 YOUTH HOLY FAMILY CYO TOMMY O MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Holy Family CYO has created a scholarship to honor the memory of Tommy Orlando. Tommy, who died tragically in 12/08, was a long time coach at Holy Family CYO and also coached youth sports for several other organizations in Hicksville. Holy Family CYO awards two $1000 scholarships annually to applicants who meet the following criteria: APPLICANT MUST : -be a graduating high school senior -be enrolled in an accredited college or university -have a high school GPA of 80 or higher -have substantial community service experience during their high school career-as determined by the selection committee -have been a member of Holy Family CYO for a minimum of 2 years Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation from a high school teacher or guidance officer and proof of their high school GPA. Applicants also must submit an activity sheet which details their community service experiences during high school. A cover letter should accompany the required documentation and should describe the applicant’s participation in Holy Family CYO, including years of participation and sports played. At the time the scholarship selections are made students may be requested to show proof of enrollment in an accredited college or university. All documentation should be mailed to: Ed Hebron 2 Mitchell Ct Hicksville NY 11801. Documentation must be received by March 17, 2015. Hicksville High School students should submit their application to the Hicksville High School guidance office by the deadline shown in the HHS Directory of Local Scholarships booklet. Scholarship winners will be selected by Holy Family CYO. For more information regarding the scholarship, please contact Ed Hebron at 516-822-5096 or [email protected]. 6 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY OFFICE HOURS : MONDAY to THURSDAY - 10:30am to 2:45pm Thurs. Evening by appointment – call 938-3846x322 Home Care Aides/ Companions – From time to time the parish Social Ministry/Outreach Office receives requests from parishioners looking to hire someone to care for themselves or for their elderly parents. Calls come in weekly requesting this type of assistance. If you are qualified or interested in doing something like this please call Sister Carol at 938-3846x331. Tax Information – Please check the bulletin board (above the food bin in the gathering space) for information for applying for free income tax preparation and a little know program called Earned Income Credit and Child Tax Credit. Income guidelines are listed on the flyers to help determine if you qualify for either program. Homebound Parishioners – If you know of a parishioner who cannot regularly attend Mass of Sundays and would like to receive Holy Communion at home, please contact Sister Carol at 938-3846x331. Rides to Church – The Parish Social Ministry Office has received several requests for rides to church from parishioners who are not able to drive any more. These parishioners are eager to accommodate your usual Mass schedule time. If anyone can fulfill this request to drive someone to Mass on weekends please contact Sister Carol at 938-3846x331. Food Pantry Needs There are some items needed for the pantry as we begin this calendar year. “Thank you” to the families who have so faithfully supported the pantry with very generous donations of food and household items. Your assistance continues to be greatly appreciated. canned meat canned fruit canned corn tissues toothbrushes/paste bottled juice cooking oil pasta sauce deodorant laundry detergent mayonnaise cereal canned tomatoes hair conditioner dish detergent COME VISIT THE THRIFT SHOP. We are open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 11am-3pm Michael’s Angels During Lent the children have made a special effort in sharing love and kindness toward others. This past week, Michael's Angels focused on the pillar of almsgiving by using their time, talent, and treasure to help others. Saturday morning, March 7, 6 adult members and 9 children made another trek down to NYC. Nearly 70 men and woman were eagerly waiting for us to bring some hot breakfast and other items of warm clothing and personal hygiene. One man, wearing only a t-shirt, got the first winter coat that morning. As we were packing up to leave a gentleman whom we recognized from previous runs serenaded us with his songs. It was heartwarming to see one homeless man sharing his hygiene kit with a lady who didn't receive one. Sunday, March 8, some of Michael’s Angels went to Mass, decorated the halls, and shared ice cream with the residents at A Holly Patterson. Later that same day two families were able to distribute food to 10 men and 2 women living at Hicksville train station. Michael's Angels would like the parishioners of Holy Family to know that with their help/ donations over 100 winter coats have been distributed to those in need. All but 8 were personally hand delivered to the homeless in NYC, Hicksville, and Patchogue this past winter. May God continue to bless you all for your wonderful assistance. Please contact Mrs. McNicholas at 516-993-2381 for any questions or donations. Thank you all for sharing your love, kindness and support to this ministry. 7 HOLY FAMILY PARISH March 15, 2015 ADULT FAITH FORMATION Lent- A Time to remember those less fortunate “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matt. 25:40) In this passage from Matthew’s Gospel, we are reminded about our service of those least one’s among us. As Catholic Christians we are indeed called to help the poor, the sick, the elderly, and those in prison just to name a few. We are all confronted in our daily lives with those who do not have as much as we have. This gospel passage reminds each of us that we must help those in need, it is our duty as Christians. During the Lenten season we are reminded about the importance of Almsgiving, we are called to take a deeper look at what we can do for others. This is not just a Lenten practice but one we should be engaged in throughout the year. Throughout the year as a parish community we help the poor through our parish outreach food pantry. It is through your generous support that our parish can help so many people who are in need. During Lent we as a parish community are participating in Operation Rice Bowl, which is the way the US Church helps to fight poverty here at home and around the world. During this Lent, let each of us take a look at our service of those who are in need among us. God Bless, Fr. Frank Liturgical Minister Training TRAINING FOR EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: required for all those who are beginning as Ministers. Session "A" is required of ALL NEW Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. In addition to Session “A”, Session "B" is required of those who wish to minister in hospitals, nursing homes or homebound. Session "A" must be attended prior to Session "B". TIMES AND PLACES FOR MINISTRY TRAINING Nassau: Kellenberg High School, Uniondale EM "A" Session and Lectors April 18, 2015; 9 AM-1PM "B" session for Extraordinary Ministers May 16, 2015; 9 AM-1PM Suffolk: McGann Mercy High School, Riverhead EM "A" Session and Lectors April 25, 2015; 9 AM- 1PM “B" Session for Extraordinary Ministers May 9, 2015; 9 AM- 1PM Weekday Evening: St. Elizabeth, Melville EM “A” Session and Lectors Weds, May 6, 2015; 7:00-10 PM Session "B" - Weds, May 20, 2015; 7:00-10 PM ————————————————————— Mail or drop off this registration in the parish office I wish to register for (please circle) Extraordinary Minister / Lector Training Circle each of the trainings you wish to attend Kellenberg High School, Uniondale Saturday, April 18, 2015 Saturday, May 16, 2015 (EM session B) McGann Mercy High School, Riverhead Saturday, April 25, 2015 Saturday, May 9, 2015 (EM session B) St. Elizabeth, Melville Wednesday, May 6th Wednesday, May 20th (EM session B) Readings for the Week of March 15, 2015 Sunday: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23/Eph 2:4-10/Jn 3:14-21 Monday: Is 65:17-21/Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12/Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15/Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16/Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22/ Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20/Jn 7:40-53 Next Sunday: Jer 31:31-34/Heb 5:7-9/Jn 12:20-33 Name__________________________________ Phone _________________________________ Email __________________________________ 8 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 STEWARDSHIP ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE Saturday , MARCH 21, 2015 5:00 pm J. Entermann, M. Losqualdro, S. Martin Sunday, MARCH 22, 2015 7:30 am Jillian Lambert, Jordan Lambert, J.Lambert 9:00 am A. Lopez, C. Lopez, I. Scuderi 1 0:30 am J. Colonna, J. Colwell, A. Dacosta 12:00 pm G.Gagliano, M. Loscalzo, N. Tomanelli 5:00 pm B. Bono, A. Albanese, M. Buonpastore This year’s appeal has begun go to CatholicMinistries or call 516-379-5210- ext. 210 The Holy Family Hicksville Knights of Columbus Council 11227 “Tree of Life” - supports ongoing capital In Service to One –In Service to All The Man Who Stands With Us Never Stands Alone We are looking for men to join us in promoting the spiritual, social and charitable welfare of the Council and our Parish. Are you interested in helping those in need, serving the parish and community, and Living out Faith through Charity? All Practical Catholic Men over the age of 18 are welcome. Contact Grand Knight Don Cardone for additional details : 516 – 644-5898 or via email at :[email protected] projects of our parish facilities This Lent our parish is participating in CRS Rice Bowl, a faith-in-action program that helps families experience Lenten spirituality by living in solidarity with people in need around the world. "Rice Bowls" are available in the church. Visit to find videos and family activities, or take Lent outside of the bowl and download the CRS Rice Bowl app on your iOS or Android device. Memorials Dedications Thanksgivings Organization and Group Remembrances Donation : “Leaves” $250 “Small Foundation Stones” $500 “Large Foundation Stones” $1,000 We pray for the sick. Rosemary Ciorciari Alberta Zero Riley June Perna Thomas Manaskie Edith Grimmer Dot Desimone Kaitlin Rose Murphy Peggy O’Connell Tom Murphy Trudy Hanke Nora Chomicz Dolores Decanio Ana M. Gomez Javier Giraldo Kathy McKerlie Catherine Fucci Mickey Jimenez Dorothy Freen Richard Vaccaro Mary Kramer Monica Molina We would like to send a get well and or encouragement card to parishioners and their friends and families, as well as coordinate with Fr. Gerard and Parish Social Ministry .Please send in your requests or call the Parish Center, ext. 302 if you have any questions. Please include: Name of the person :__________________________ Person /relationship making this request: _______________ Your phone # ________________ Their address: _______________________________ Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who make a conscious effort to simplify their lives by reprioritizing and getting back to basics. Weekly Collection 3/7-3/8/15 *funds needed to meet weekly budget Year-to-date Surplus/(Deficit) Second Collection – Religious Education $ 15,025 $14,629 ($3,964) $2,752 If you chose to support a special collection please remember to be consistent with your weekly offering. And … Please support your parish every week. Thank you! 9 HOLY FAMILY PARISH March 15, 2015 HOLY FAMILY ANNUAL St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance Saturday, March 21, 2015 7pm-11pm $40 Per Person Featuring the Kitty Kelly Band Ticket Includes Dinner/ Beer/Wine/Soda Reserve a table of 10 now! Please return this form with payment to the Parish Center by March 16, 2015 NAME_____________________ _________# OF TICKETS AMT. ECLOSED $_________ Haleigh Kristine Craft I Baptize You.. Elizabeth Theresa Anna Teelan Isabella Rose Mars Michael John Cimetta Joseph Liam Matz Adam Skoda Dee Julia Palma-Waters This spring, couples that have been married 50 years or more will be honored at liturgies on Sunday, April 19th at the Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr in Sayville and on Sunday, April 26th at the Church of Maria Regina in Seaford. Registration forms and complete instructions can be obtained at the Parish Center. Registration must be receive by the Office of Worship by April 6th for the April 19th Liturgy and by April 13th for the April 26th Liturgy. There will be additional celebrations in the fall for those who may find that more convenient. If you have any questions you may call 516-678-5000, extension 207. 10 "The Rosary is a school for learning true Christian perfection." Pope John XXIII Has it been a long Time since you have said the Rosary? Come join us to pray the Rosary! The Rosary is a great way to connect with God and one another. Rosary beads and instructions on how to pray the Rosary will be provided. Light refreshments will be served. Date: Second Saturday of the month Time: 11AM in the Church Come Alone Or Bring A Friend- All Are Welcome To Attend! Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 THE OFFICE FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN/YOUNG PEOPLE: We are all responsible for the safety of children and vulnerable adults:. If you suspect mistreatment of a child or vulnerable adult by a member of the Clergy, Church Employee or Volunteer—Phone the Hotline to make report—516-5949063. All appropriate steps will be taken to protect the reputation and privacy of those involved: the person making the complaint, the victim and the accused. For more information on the Charter for the Protection of Children/Young people, visit the Diocesan Website and click on Protecting God’s Children Tab. WANTED: Catholic men to become a member of “The Sign of the Cross” Knights of Columbus Council. We are the “ONLY” Dear/Hearing Impaired K of C Council in the World. We meet the first and third Monday of every month in Hicksville. For more information contact, John Passarella, Grand Knight @[email protected] or call 1-516-9978347 Widows, Widowers, Divorced and Single Catholics of LI Our 39th Year Tuesday, March 24, 2015 @8:00pm. The meeting is held every fourth Tuesday at St. Francis de Chantal School 1309 Wantagh Ave. Wantagh, NY Please bring proof of single status to join—refreshments after meeting. For more information call Barbara McCaffrey 516-798-2858. All Youth Are Invited to attend A Night of Prayer, Reflection and Song, with Steve Angrisano Live St. John the Baptist Diocesan HS 1170 Montauk Hwy., West Islip Tuesday, March 31, 2015 @ 7:30 pm For more information: Richard Costa 631-5878000, ext. 116 [email protected] Are You Looking for a Rewarding Job as a Home Health Aide? LI-CAN in partnership with VNSNY and Partners in Care are looking for eligible candidates for a free 3-week training course leading to state certification. They will also offer a free 6-day PCA, CAN upgrade training course leading to state HHA certification or a free 1-day refresher course for previously certified HHAs. VSNY and Partners in Care “Open House” information as well as many dates, locations and times for candidate eligibility interviews are posted on the Church entrance bulletin boards. Contact Sister Carol (938-3846 x 331) or check the bulletin board in the gathering space for further information. Part-Time Job Opportunity at Catholic Charities – Diocese of RVC Part-time Driver – Meals on Wheels Program, Freeport, LI (19 hrs./ wk. – Need flexible availability from 9 am – 2 pm, Mon. – Fri.) We are seeking an experienced delivery driver who is familiar with South Nassau routes to deliver meals to homebound seniors while monitoring and reporting any changes in their physical, emotional or mental status. HS/GED and a valid NYS Driver’s License required. Our ideal candidate will have at least 2 years’ experience as a delivery driver and demonstrated knowledge of vehicle maintenance. Solid communication, organizational and client service skills are needed. Email resume and cover letter of interest to: [email protected] or fax to: 516.733.7038 Are you or someone you know having family or interpersonal problems due to drinking ALCOHOL and/or using DRUGS? CATHOLIC CHARITIES / Talbot House, a Chemical Dependence Crisis Center, located in Bohemia provides withdrawal and stabilization services on a voluntary basis to males and females over the age of 18, who are seeking to stop and/or withdraw from alcohol and/or other drug use. The medical and clinical staff at Talbot House will assess the kind of care the person needs, to begin his/her journey in recovery. For more information, please call: 631-589-4144. Talbot House staff is available 24/7. Each call is confidential. Talbot House is a NO fee for service program. 11 LENTEN DAY OF PRAYER AT THE SEMINARY Rev. Patrick J. Griffin, CM will present will present a Lenten Day of Prayer at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, 440 West Neck Rd in Huntington, on Sunday, March 22 from 9:30-3om. The theme is “Walking with God:. Program includes conferences, lunch, opportunity for confession and Mass. Donation $30 reservations required 631.423.0483 ex 102 or [email protected]. A prayer to share the vision… With grateful hearts and filled with the Holy Spirit, we pray for wisdom, guidance and insight, O Lord. Because you have blessed us with abundant gifts we have been built into a community of service a community seeking knowledge a community of prayer a community of faithful stewards. Enlighten our minds, that we may know your will Enflame our souls, that we may grow in passion for you and your Church Embolden us with the courage we need to step forth to work in the vineyard of our parish Bless our parish community with joy and generosity so we may share in the building of your kingdom. HOLY FAMILY PARISH March 15, 2015 Lenten Supper and Adoration During the season of Lent we have been walking the path of fasting. The practice of “giving something up,” is not to senselessly deprive ourselves of something good – but to be in solidarity with those who are truly hungry and to increase our appreciation that all good gifts come from God. Parishioners of all ages are invited to join us again as we gather for our second EUCHARISTIC ADORATION & SOUP SUPPER Thursday, March 19th @ 6:00 p.m. We begin in the church to feast on the Lord in a half hour of prayer followed by a simple meal of bread and soup together in the cafeteria. PLEASE SIGN UP AFTER MASS TODAY . 12 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 13 HOLY FAMILY PARISH March 15, 2015 Please pray for the members of our Parish Family Serving in the Armed Forces .. If you have a name of a loved one serving our country, please submit to the office, or place in the offertory basket at Mass and include their name and rank. Name AND Rank ______________________ Mailing Address _____________________________ HOLY FAMILY PARISH DIRECTORY 516-938-3846 PASTORAL STAFF Father Gerard Gentleman, Pastor [email protected] ext. 307 Father Frank Zero, Associate Pastor [email protected] Ext. 305 Father Derick Mawuli, Associate Pastor [email protected] Ext. 333 Deacon Joe McNicholas [email protected] Ext. 351 Deacon John McGonigle [email protected] Ext. 352 Sister Carol Radosti, OP, Parish Social Ministry [email protected] Ext. 331 Mrs. Maryalice Doherty, Principal, Holy Family School [email protected] Ext. 328 Mrs. Cathy Weiss, Administrator, Religious Education [email protected] Ext. 320 Mr. Ronald Land, Director of Music [email protected] Ext. 308 Mr. Steve Benner, Coordinator of Youth Ministry [email protected] Ext. 340 Mrs. Donna Mannion, Pastoral Associate for Administration [email protected] Ext. 303 HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL Mrs. Lynn Roell, Secretary Ext. 329 Mrs. Ronnie McFeeley, Nurse Ext. 332 Mrs. Patricia Hillin, Administrative Asst. Ext. 331 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM Mrs. Joan Berk Secretary [email protected] Ext. 321 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY PROGRAM Outreach Office [email protected] Ext. 322 Thrift shop Ext. 323 PARISH SUPPORT STAFF Mrs. Nancy Brown, Accountant [email protected] Ext. 316 Mrs. Tara Kammerer, Parish Secretary [email protected] Ext. 302 Mrs. Rose Perazzo, Parish and Tuition Secretary [email protected] Ext. 301 Mr. Martin Mannion, Facilities Manager Ext. 364 IN RESIDENCE Fr . MICHAEL Reid, Chaplain, Holly Patterson Ext. 342 14 Thomas J. Kilbride, Major, US Army John Patrick Kilbride III, Lt. Col., US Army Thomas C. Ludwig, Major, ,US Army Michael Tynan, Lance Cpl., US Marines Michael W. Aznaran, BM3, US Coast Guard Matthew Sweeney, Captain, US Marines Matthew Antonik, Sgt,. US Marines Rigoberto Colon “Rigo”,Major, US Marines James Colvin, 2nd Lt, US Marines, Michael Silver, Lt. Jg., US Navy Brendan Gill, St. Sgt, US Army Robert Savoldy, Spc, US Army Frederick J. Britton, Lt. Julian M. Coca A1C Air Force Devin G. Hudson, H.A., US Navy Cameron James, 1st Lt., US Army Jeremy D. Schara, STG2, US Navy Daniel Gabbard, Pvt., US Marines Rafael Garcia, Pvt, HHC 8 ENBN, Shawn R. Searle, PFC, US Army Rebecca Burgess, 2nd Lt., US Marines Thomas Likos, Spc, US Army John Patrick Orr, Tl., Jg, US Navy . Daniel Erik Rogers, Lt. Jg., US Navy Daniel Cavelli,, Cmdr., US Navy Robert T. Ludwig, Sgt., US Army Andrew Hupfer, PFC, US Army Eric Hupfer, PFC, Us Marines Patrick McCallion, PFC, US Army Michael Handwerker, 1st Lt., US Army Brendon McShea, Major, US Army Thomas Mcshea, 1st Lt, US Army Ned J. Davis, ENS, US Navy John M. Mirro, GM2, US Navy Paul J. Laughlin, Colonel, US Army Robert M. Dones, PFC, US Marines Thomas Heibert, Colonel, US Army Ryan Calabrese, Seaman, US Navy Matthew Reyes, Lcpl, US Marines Elizabeth Werns, LTC, US Army Colleen M. Patton, Lt. Jg, US Coast Guard CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER GROUP Welcomes new members. We meet each Friday morning, in the Parish Center Chapel from 11:00 to 12:30. Please contact Sophia Mundy with any questions at 516-605-0152. Funeral Homes 935-7100 125 W. Old Country Road, Hicksville, New York 11801 • Fax 935-0815 655 Old Country Road, Plainview, New York 11803 • 938-4311 Kathleen Joyce, Ph.D. Licensed Psychoanalyst Individual, Couples, Family Clinical Hypnosis 1137 Old Country Rd Plainview, NY 11803 (516) 938-0800 DONOVAN & DONOVAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wills • Personal Injury • Elder Law • Estates • Criminal • Traffic Violations 90 Newbridge Road Hicksville 938-1717 516-747-8213 Banquet Hall Available Hicksville Flowers Knights of Columbus, Levi own Serving Hicksville for 50 Years Newly renovated, 100 Person Capacity Weddings • Funerals • Fruit Baskets 10% Off With This Ad Plants • Bouquets • Flower Arrangements 18 Newbridge Rd. Hicksville (516) 735-1724 • kofclevi Just North of RR. 681-5010 S TA S I GENERAL CONTRACTING Commercial/Residential/Industrial Serving Long Island for 50+ Yrs. p 516.233.6619 • f 516-612-4145 email [email protected] Free Est. /Lic. /Ins.#H2216920000 Michael Pascucci ATTORNEY AT LAW 20 Barrel Lane, Hicksville, NY 1181 516-398-8168 [email protected] Levittown Lanes Enjoy a Bowling Fun Pack, Call for Special Rates! (Inc. 2 Hrs. of Bowling, Lg. Cheese Pie, Pitcher of Soda & Rental Shoes)! Fundraisers Birthday Parties Team Parties Learn To Bowl • [email protected] 516-731-5700 • 56 Tanners Ln., Levittown BOOK ONE OF OUR BIRTHDAY PARTY PACKAGES WITH 12+ KIDS-TAKE $25. OFF YOUR FINAL BILL PERSONAL - BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL TAX-ACCOUNTING SERVICE Licensed Master Plumber KENS FAUCET & TOILET REPAIRS INC. (516) 565-0289 Helen Mary Makeup ANTHONY LOIACONO, CPA PARISHIONER Jim Langenfeld EAST VILLAGE WEDDING, PROM, FORMAL CAR CARE, INC. All Plumbing Repairs Complete Auto Repair MAKEUP & HAIR Foreign & Domestic (516) 338-5843 151 Jerusalem Ave., Levittown, NY 11756 Serving the Community Since 1990 MEMBER 516 974 9929 [email protected] (East Village Green Shopping Center) 516-731-3737 E. Meadow Diamond Drugs II For Price, Service & Convenience 397 S. Oyster Bay Rd., Plainview, NY Harvey Staub, Pharmacist/Owner 724 Old Bethpage Rd., Old Bethpage, NY 11804 516-433-6969 Lowest Rental Prices • Come In & Check Out Over 700 Guitars In Stock Free Lesson Free Music Stand! *See Store For Details With School Year Rental (516) 586-8733 Mon.-Fri. 9am to 7pm • Sat. 10am to 3pm Gluten Free & Tree Nut Free Can Do Dairy Free, Egg Free & Soy Free • All Allergies Listed Too * Special Decorating Days * Edible Logo Cookies & Specialty Designs 516-216-1719 West Village Green 1B, Hicksville 10% OFF All Orders DR. ANNAMARIA GIORDANO Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Medicine FOR ALL YOUR FEET PROBLEMS 558 OLD COUNTRY RD. PLAINVIEW 516-729-3249 475 Holy Family, Hicksville, NY (inside) UPS John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • “Hicksville’s Only Family Owned Funeral Home” Comforting families for over 85 years HICKSVILLE 47 Jerusalem Avenue (516) 931-0262 LEVITTOWN 2786 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 796-0400 ADA MODIFICATIONS LICENSED & INSURED ALPHA CARE SUPPLY ADA & ACCESSIBILITY SPECIALISTS RAMPS • STAIRLIFTS • ELEVATORS • BATHROOMS • PLATFORM LIFTS • WALK-IN BATHTUBS Visit Our Showroom: 21 Stringham Ave., Valley Stream, NY 866-291-7039 • Floral Park • 29 Atlantic Avenue New Hyde Park • 125 Hillside Avenue Williston Park • 412 Willis Avenue ANDY’S CARPENTRY LLC Family Owned Home Improvement Specialist Repairs & Remodeling No Job Too Small • Lic. & Ins. 516-735-4498 Parishioner I EXIST ASSIST 631-643-1404 Salon Boos Flowers FullRosales Service Salon For Women, Men & Children Flowers For All Occasions 420 Newbridge Rd., Hicksville, NY 11801 Weddings & Funerals Our Speciality 38 West Village Green,, Hicksville (off Newbridge Rd.) 735-2244 Contact Me (516) 622-5909 • (516) 622-5910 • [email protected] Hours: Sun. - Tues. 10 - 6 • Wed. - Fri. 10 - 9 • Sat. 8:30 to 7 10% Off to Holy Family Members NEED A BET TER L AWN SERVICE? WOODBURY STUDIO OF DANCE ARTS WITCOMB’S LANDSCAPING, INC. 516-681-2488 • HICKSVILLE 516-292-6060 All Ages • A Non-competition School $500 OFF Any Job 1012 Jerusalem Avenue 516-783-5522 [email protected] EVERY CHILD SHOULD HAVE A CHANCE TO DANCE. Lessons in Ballet, Pointe, Tap & Jazz professionally taught. Specializing in Roofing, Siding & Gutters *See Website for Details Call me for great EAST MEADOW Scott Hermann Ins Agency Inc. 2515 N. Jerusalem Rd. • E. Meadow, LI Scott Hermann, Agent coverage and savings. (516) 826-1010 WANTAGH 603 Wantagh Ave. • Wantagh, LI (516) 731-5550 Licensed & Insured and Operated over $5000 for Parishioners TO Family Owned and Operated Beth Dalton Costello Timothy J. Dalton Since 1973 Country Parkway Repairs (Formerly Country Parkway Mobil) State Emission • NY State Inspection Station • Fleet Service Brake Service • Foreign/Domestic • Engine Repairs Towing Available • Diagnostic Service Jaco TRANPORTATION INC. 42 East Carl St. Hicksville, NY 516-338-2886 • 51 Urban Ave., Westbury Serving the Holy Family Parish & Community for Over 40 Years 516-935-2277 Fax: 935-1873 90 West Nicholai Street Hicksville 516-931-3218 Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Serving the parish since 1970 Licensed Plumber • 24 Hr. Emergency Service • Parishioner 234-East Meadow Ave., East Meadow • 794-7380 QUICK EMERGENCY RESPONSE 24 HR. 7 DAYS And PHIL CEPARANO Plumbing & Heating Holidays “Building & Remodeling into the Future” Fernando Albuquerque Office 516-942-3294 Email: [email protected] Website: Darren Aronow Tel: 516-663-0970 Fax: 516-303-0066 Attorney at Law [email protected] BANKRUPTCY – STUDENT LOANS – CREDITOR HARASSMENT – FORECLOSURE DEFENSE The Law Office of Darren Aronow, P.C. 8B Commercial Street, Suite #1 • Hicksville, NY 11801 475 Holy Family, Hicksville, NY (back) UPS All Leaks Repaired • Floods Pumped Repair Or Faucets • Toilets • Sinks • Drains • Heat • Waste & Water Lines Replace Residential Specialist All Work Performed By Owner HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY HIS CUSTOMERS TRY ME ONCE YOU’LL BE IMPRESSED WITH THE SERVICE 35 Years Experience Serving All Nassau Licensed Master Plumber Serving the Holy Family No Job Too Small Parish & Community for ASK ABOUT MY 2 YEAR GUARANTEE Insured over 35 Years John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • 516-454-6557
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