Dear Applicant, We want to thank you for your interest in the 2015-2016 ASUU Executive Branch position. The University of Utah has one of the largest and most influential student governments in the nation, and we want every student to feel that they have an active role within the student association. We are looking for innovative and dedicated students who are willing to share their talents in the service of the entire student body. We would like an Executive Cabinet that helps achieve our administrative goals of Integrating students with one another and University traditions, Informing the student body of financial, legislative, and administrative happenings, and improving the Campus Climate. In return, we promise you a memorable college experience that will help you grow your as an individual and a student leader. As we encourage everyone interested to apply, we want to stress the commitment of being a member of the Executive Cabinet. We hope that you take the time to learn about the different positions available and the time commitments associated with those positions in order to best determine where you would have the most interest. Please read through the attached descriptions, and if you have any questions about a specific board or position, we would encourage you to contact the current director. In addition, we will be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have. We are very excited about the coming year and look forward to your application and the contributions you will bring. Thank you again for your interest in ASUU. Sincerely, Ambra Jackson – President Elect Anthony Fratto – Vice President Elect Devin Price – Senior Class President Elect Positions Available in the Executive Branch Executive Cabinet Directors: Directors are responsible for all programs, events, and meetings that pertain to their respective boards. They delegate tasks to their Associate Directors and Managers/Assistant Managers (for CEB) and see that the vision of the board is executed. Directors are also members of Executive Cabinet and will be required to attend regular meetings and trainings held by ASUU and are accountable to the ASUU President and Chief of Staff. Directors must submit weekly reports of their board’s progress and will be the board’s spokesperson when working with other Directors. - Expected time commitment for a Director position is 20-24 hours per week. Associate Directors (ADs): ADs are responsible for assisting Directors in the organization and fulfillment of their board’s mission. ADs may be assigned to manage specific assignments, events, and board members. Associate Directors report to the specific board Director and are required to attend regular board meetings, all board events, and trainings held by ASUU. - Expected time commitment for an Associate Director position is 5-8 hours per week. CEB Managers: Managers are assigned to a specific area within the Campus Events Board (i.e. Concerts, Films, Speakers, or Special Events) and are responsible for all programming efforts within assigned area. Managers report directly to the Campus Events Board Director and are required to attend regular board meetings, all board events and trainings held by ASUU. - Expected time commitment for a Manager position is 8-10 hours per week. CEB Assistant Managers: Assistant Managers are responsible for assisting Managers in the organization and fulfillment of their board’s (CEB) mission. Assistant Managers may be assigned to manage specific assignments, events, and board members. Assistant Managers report to the specific area Manager and are required to attend regular board meetings, all board events, and trainings held by ASUU. - Expected time commitment for an Assistant Managers position is 4-6 hours per week. 2015-2016 ASUU Executive Branch Application The Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU) is committed to increasing student involvement at the University of Utah through student clubs and organizations, university committees and within the student government. If you are interested in serving as an Executive Cabinet Director, Associate Director, Manager, or Assistant Manager of the 2015-2016 ASUU Administration, please complete the form below and return it to the ASUU Office (UNION 234) by 5:00pm Wednesday April 1st , 2015. Name: ______________________________________ Student ID#: ____________________________________ Local Address: ________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________ Anticipated Graduation Date: _________ GPA _________ Class (circle one): FRSH / SOPH / JUNR / SENR / GRAD Major: _________ Total Credit Hours: ______ What 3 boards are you interested in joining (in order of preference)? _________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I am interested in (circle all that apply): Executive Cabinet Director / Manager / Associate Director / Assistant Manager Please attach your responses to the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Please include a Resume and Letter(s) of Recommendation. Director applications – TWO letters needed. All other applications – ONE letter needed. 1. List and describe your experiences and/or organizational involvement on and off campus. (Include your position in the organization, responsibilities, time commitment, and length of service) 2. Describe some of your strengths, talents, and skills gained from your experiences and relate them to how you would be a successful and effective student leader in ASUU. 3. Keeping in mind the time requirements for each position, please describe how you will be able to fulfill this expectation and list any other time commitments you have during the 2015–2016 academic year. 4. List the specific position(s) you are interested in and, after reviewing the platforms for the 2015-2016 administration, please describe how your board will achieve our administration’s goals: Integrate, Inform, and improve Campus Climate. Also, if the position you are interested in has an extra set of questions at the end of the description, please address those as well. Please confirm that you have read the following statements by initialing to the left of each clause: _______ I acknowledge that all the information contained within is correct to the best of my knowledge, and grant the ASUU Staff permission to verify that the contained information is accurate, and meets minimum requirements. _______ I understand that in order to be eligible for a position on the ASUU Executive Cabinet, and to maintain my position, I must be a matriculated student with a cumulative grade point average no less than a 2.5 at the University of Utah. _______ I understand that I will be expected to attend certain meetings throughout the year and a MANDATORY TRAINING. I agree to adjust my schedule to be present at all meetings as my position dictates. _______ I understand that compensation for my tenure with ASUU is dependent upon my board’s goals, assigned tasks, office hours, and timely submissions of weekly reports. _______ I understand that I will be asked to disclose any foreseeable future plans that may compromise my position in ASUU. _______ I understand that if selected to hold a position within ASUU, that this appointment will not be made official until confirmed by the ASUU Senate. Signature of Applicant: Date: Remember to sign up for an interview with a member of the ASUU Office Staff (Janzell) when you turn in your application. Thank you for your interest in ASUU! 2015-2016 Executive Cabinet Boards / Position Descriptions Academic Affairs Board (1 Director, 2 ADs): The purpose of the Academic Affairs Board is to coordinate and represent students in all academic matters, with an emphasis on academic advising and success. The board will work extensively in training and facilitating Student Advisory Committees, appointing students to university committees, facilitating the Student Choice Award, and coordinating all aspects of Geek Week. The Director will serve as an Ex-officio member of the ASUU Student Senate who is required to attend all monthly ASUU Student Senate and Academic Meetings. What type of improvements or changes will you make with the Academic Affairs Board to enrich the academic experiences of the students at the University of Utah? Please place an emphasis on how you would ensure that a larger number of students sit on University Committees. Assembly Vice-Chair (1 Position): **YOU NEED TO BE AN ELECTED ASSEMBLY REPRESENTATIVE to apply for this position. The Assembly Vice-Chair is appointed by the Assembly Chair (ASUU Vice President). This individual chairs the Rules Committee, serves as the Chair of General Assembly in the absence of the Chair, and assists the Chair in coordinating General Assembly matters. This person will serve as a liaison to the Executive Branch and attends regularly scheduled Executive Cabinet meetings. Campus Events Board (1 Director, 2 ADs, 4 Managers, 4 Assistant Managers): The Campus Events Board (CEB) is ASUU’s source for major event programming. The board oversees programming in four areas: Concerts, Films, Speakers, and Special Events. CEB collaborates with other entities, including but not restricted to student groups, campus offices, and academic entities to provide an array of educational, social, and enriching programs and events on campus. CEB is also responsible for creating innovative ideas to increase student participation and collaboration with ASUU. What type of events would you implement through the Campus Events Board to achieve the goal of enhancing notoriety and increasing student participation and collaboration with ASUU? Campus Relations Board (1 Director, 2 ADs): The Campus Relations Board serves as the link and contact to ASUU for all groups and organizations both large and small on campus. The board will be the source of information for all groups to retrieve and gain access to ASUU resources. In addition to coordinating the Campus Forum multiple times each semester, the board will collect information to continually update the ASUU Calendar and roster of registered student groups. The board will act as the liaison between student groups and ASUU. This board will also be dedicated to working with satellite campuses across the state and reaching out to students of these campus locations. A large role of this board is tabling at many events to spread the word about ASUU, involvement opportunities, and resources. In summer 2015, this board will have an active presence at the first-year orientation programs. What is your availability this summer? Please explain how you will staff the ASUU table during this intense summer program. Campus Traditions Board (1 AD): This position will also be the Senior Class Vice President. The Campus Traditions Board is our newest board that is directed by the elected Senior Class President. This board will have a Senior Class Vice President who will serve as an Associate Director (AD). The Sr. Class VP must meet the requirements that the Sr. Class President needs to meet which is to be a matriculated student in good standing, have completed 90 credit hours, and have at least a 2.7 cumulative GPA. This new board will be charged with fully developing all of the many great Campus Traditions the U has to offer and look at incorporating new traditions on behalf of the student body. Some of the Campus Traditions that already exist and will be dealt with by this board are: Homecoming, Game on the Green, General Commencement, Senior Class Gift and Link, and work with the Alumni Association and the Student Alumni Board. Lastly, they are to engage and collaborate in programming and events as they find fit to promote a sense of tradition and community on campus. What type of traditions do you think need to be implemented on campus that is inclusive of all students? 2015-2016 Executive Cabinet Boards / Position Descriptions continued Community Service Board (1 Director, 1 AD): The Community Service Board will be responsible for utilizing the resources of ASUU to effectively examine and implement community service projects /initiatives on campus. The board will collaborate extensively with the Lowell Bennion Community Service Center to promote involvement and awareness of community service projects on and off campus. What community service(s) would you like to see ASUU and the Community Service Board push for this academic year? Deputy Chief of Staff (1 Position): This position may be available, pending Chief of Staff appointment. This versatile individual will work primarily with the Chief of Staff in coordinating Executive Cabinet. They will also collaborate with the Office Staff and the Presidency on different initiatives and tasks. The DCOS will assist to see that Executive Cabinet maintains strong communication amongst each other and that individual Directors are being supported. The DCOS will be in charge of updating all calendars within ASUU and help the Legislative Advisor with updating legislation online. This position will also oversee the Red Pages – a student planner that comes out annually. Diversity Board (1 Director, 2 ADs): The Diversity Board is responsible for helping create a safe environment on campus and within ASUU where people from all backgrounds feel comfortable and represented. By providing resources that meet the various needs of diverse populations, the board will acknowledge and work to end oppression and inequality through microaggressions on campus. The board will collaborate closely with other campus agencies and organizations designed to help meet the needs of all types of students while encouraging respect and acceptance. The board will also provide programs and resources that educate and promote inclusiveness, social justice, diversity, and ability on campus. What is your understanding of micro-aggressions and how would you work to improve our campus climate? Elections Registrar (1 Position*): The Elections Registrar is responsible for administrating the 2016-2017 ASUU election process. The duties of the Elections Registrar include but aren’t limited to recruiting campaigns, promoting voting, ensuring that voting is available to all students and investigating violations of election code. *Note: In the fall, as determined by the Elections Registrar, an Assistant Elections Registrar may be hired. An election committee, prosecutor for elections and a financial auditor will also be needed in the spring semester and there will be a separate application for these positions. Finance Board (1 Director, 2 ADs): The Finance Board oversees and helps administer the ASUU budget. The board will approve all expenditures and advise the ASUU Senate and General Assembly on the distribution of student funds. The accurate and insightful management of this board can play a major role in securing funding for all of ASUU’s activities. Precision in accounting as well as wisdom, foresight, and creativity are important characteristics for members of this board. First Year Council (2 Advisors): The First Year Council (FYC) Advisors will work closely together in selecting, supervising, and motivating the First Year Council. Advisors will connect FYC to ASUU and campus. In addition to working with this group of students, FYC Advisors will work with other first year students to gain knowledge about improving their first year experience through involvement with ASUU and other student organizations. Government Relations Board (1 Director, 1 AD): The Government Relations Board leads the effort of lobbying the state legislature in the interest of the students of the University of Utah and higher education in general. The board is responsible for educating and mobilizing the student body in their lobbying efforts and in raising political awareness on campus. In addition, this board will have a focus on voter registration and education of the political process. What current local, state, and federal government issue(s) would you want to focus on with the Government Relations Board this academic year? Marketing Board (1 Director, up to 6 ADs): The Marketing Board is responsible for the design, execution, and help in distribution of all ASUU programs, services, and events. The board also provides marketing services for all student groups on campus. The board should plan and implement non-traditional marketing campaigns to effectively communicate and inform all students of events. Effective members will need to be punctual, reliable, and creative in this challenging undertaking of informing the entire student body of the programs, events, and services provided by ASUU. ADs needed are: 3 graphic designers (1 specifically for student groups), 1 videographer, 1 social media, and 1 distribution. How would you increase the effectiveness of outreaching to students about ASUU events through the Marketing Board? 2015-2016 Executive Cabinet Boards / Position Descriptions continued Rock the U (1 Director, 3 ADs): The Rock the U (RTU) Board is in charge of the Rock the U Dance Marathon, which is the University of Utah’s largest student run philanthropy. This program is a campus event that empowers and unites students of the University of Utah with the surrounding community to fight against cancer by providing financial support to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation. The board works to recruit dancers, secure sponsors, collaborate with other boards, and raise funds in preparation for this event. In the 2014-2015 year, the RTU board revamped the event and are hosting it at the Jon M. Huntsman Center. How will you improve attendance and student dancer fundraising, and corporate and community support, while maintaining its primary goal to support Huntsman Cancer Foundation and the fight against cancer? Student Advocacy (1 Director, 2 ADs): The Student Advocacy Office is dedicated to providing a service to students by supporting their interests, bringing about an awareness of their rights, and acting as a resource for their concerns. The office is staffed entirely by informed and trained student advocates who listen to student concerns and inform them of their rights and can direct them to a community organization or legal counsel for further assistance as needed. Student Immersion and Outreach Board (1 Director, up to 2 ADs): The Student Immersion and Outreach Board will be focused on helping to meet the needs of students who are one or more of the following: 25 years of age or older, married/domestic partners, have children, are pursuing a graduate degree, are international students, are veterans. The board will work to provide programs and resources that help make non-traditional student life easier and more enjoyable. What type of efforts would you contribute to this board in order to become a liaison between ASUU and these students? Student Services Board (1 Director, 2 ADs): The Student Services board provides and advocates for services that benefit students with an emphasis and focus on career development, student discounts and tutoring. The board will work closely with career services, restaurants around the community, ASUU tutoring center and other organizations to work on enhancing the University of Utah experience for students. The director is in charge of delegating and meeting with these organizations to achieve these goals. They will work hard to improve and increase collaboration with career services to expand opportunities for jobs and internships. What are your ideas about improving this board and giving it more of an identity? Sustainability Board (1 Director, 2 ADs): The Sustainability Board will be responsible for not only promoting but educating students on the campus sustainability program. The board will collaborate closely with the Office of Sustainability and the different environmentally focused student groups. This board will also be charged with the task of investigating the possibility and potentiality of expanding sustainability efforts on campus, including recycling vending machines and promoting/increasing public transportation. This board will also be a leader in collaborative and lobbying efforts towards clean air at the University and State level. In addition, this board will be in charge of continuing the efforts of the Recycle Rice-Eccles program and the Recycle Huntsman program. Recycle Rice-Eccles is a large program that continues to grow, however, Recycle Huntsman did not happen this past year. What are your thoughts about this and some ideas you may have to improve or revamp both programs to make it a success? Note: Senate Chair (1 Position): This Executive Cabinet member will be elected by the senate from its membership.
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