Volume 211 Our Pastor’s Monthly Message Rev. Dr. Russell C. Hildebrandt Senior Pastor Dear Fellow Redeemed, Rev. Dr. David B. Joeckel Pastor Emeritus Let me illustrate the difference between the Law and the Gospel. Imagine you arrived to tour a 100 story building. Would you want to take the stairs or the elevator to the top of the building? Well you might say, it would depend on the age of the individual. Then imagine that you would have to get to the top of this building each day of your life. Would you take the stairs or elevator? Dr. Serena Pace, D.C.E. Family & Student Minister Micah Raebel Minister of Music SERVANTS THIS MONTH Elders on Duty: 8:30 AM - Eric Rathjen 11:00 AM - Mike Curtis Usher Captain: 8:30 AM - Jim Schmidt 11:00 AM - David Swille Lector: 8:30 AM - Joel Peterson INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 Pastor’s Message 2 Welcome and Thank Yous 3 Grow & Know 4 Attendance/Homebound 5 Sabir Bashir @ UTA 6 UTA@LSC Article 7 Small Group Listing 8 Small Groups/SmileAmazon 9 Senior Saints (55+) 10 Memorials/Piecemakers 11 Piecemaker Shopping List 12 Go Rangers! Come with us! 13 GLS Saints 14 God’s Grip On Grace 15 Family & Children’s Ministry -18 19 Chronicles/Texas CEF 20 Church Directory 21 Birthdays/Anniversaries 22 March Calendar March 2015 The Law is the stairs to the top of the building and the top of the building is where God lives. To meet with God each day you would have to climb the stairs to be in his presence. The Gospel is the elevator and the elevator is Jesus who takes us into the presence of our heavenly Father daily. St. Paul illustrates the stairs (Law) and elevator (Gospel) in these words from Romans 10:5-13: Moses writes this about the righteousness that is by the law: “The person who does these things will live by them.” But the righteousness that is by faith says: “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’” (that is, to bring Christ down) “or ‘Who will descend into the deep?’” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile - the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Good Friday is the day Jesus climbed the steps, once and for all, to fulfill the righteous acts that we could not do and Easter is the day the elevator went to the top to show God’s love to all. It is my prayer that the journey of Lent leads you to the elevator of forgiveness and new life in Jesus. May you see the Law as God’s communication of his perfection and the Gospel as his means of coming into his presence as a forgiven, redeemed child of God! May the Lord always bless and keep you in his grace. Pastor Hildebrandt 1 WELCOME TO THE GRACE NEWSLETTER! Welcome visitors! If you are a first time or returning guest to our church, please take a moment to stop by the Connection Corner to fill out a Guest Card and receive your FREE gift! We hope you will come to worship with us again soon! Our church’s vision is one of bringing the hope of Christ to our community, and we are so glad that you chose to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with us! We appreciate your presence and hope you will celebrate the Lord’s Day with us often. Current members: We welcome your input on this newsletter format and encourage you to submit articles relevant to the ministries at Grace, our membership, or any news connected with your neighborhoods and/or community outreach services. Our newsletter deadline is the 15th of each month. This newsletter is an excellent forum to keep us connected and prayerful of each other, our friends, family and our community. God bless each of you this month and always! Which would you Choose? Debbie Hall , Publications editor email: [email protected] A very very special THANK YOU! To all volunteers who helped in February’s events and to those who are helping with the Lenten Dinners, whether it be cooking, serving, or cleaning up, THANK YOU!! You are invaluable in the service of our Lord and we appreciate you so much! PRAISE GOD!! We are so very thankful for the Dedication Services on Sunday. It was a day of great joy for us and for our family. Our mutual prayer is that our Lord will grant His strength for us all as we work together in making this Field a place of joyfully sharing the Gospel with the children and parents of our community. We also want to thank the Lord for Pastor Hildebrandt and our Board of Directors in their leadership in planning and developing our Athletic Field!!! Pastor and Judy Joeckel Getting to know our business neighbors and community! We need volunteers to be trained to visit the local businesses on the corner of Park Row and Cooper during the month of March and ask three questions to see how we can better connect to our community an our community to us. Training will begin on Saturday, March 7th from 1-2 PM in the Fireside Room and then we will go out and survey our neighbors. Please sign up on the board by the flower chart. HERE IS ANOTHER WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE! At the end of March our partnership with the Central YMCA will actively begin with ITTYBITTY sports. What is that? Children, ages 3-6, along with their parents, will be on our Field for six Saturdays beginning March 28th learning the basics of soccer and baseball. This will be led by YMCA leaders. We are now inviting our members to help as volunteers. The Training Meeting has been rescheduled to Saturday, March 7th at 10:00 AM. Keith and Lydia Massie are leading in gathering volunteers. Sign up today by calling or texting Lydia at 682.551.6628 or on the bulletin board sign-up sheet. Thank you so much!! 2 Once you’ve seen God at work, there’s no turning back. Prepare to be transformed. . .to see the world through new eyes. To experience God every day! Watch for “God Sightings” in your life this week! We Are Joining Jesus On His Mission! ► Adult Sunday Morning Bible Studies Breakfast Club Parent Class Led by the Elmers - Grace West, Room 111 “Study of Jeremiah“ Led by Jim Runzheimer - Music Room “The Light Has Come” Led by Joel Peterson - Library NEW LifeLight Bible Studies for February 2015 March 2 1 & 2 Chronicles, Session 1 March 9 NO CLASS (Spring Break Holiday) March 16 1 & 2 Chronicles, Session 2 March 23 1 & 2 Chronicles, Session 3 March 30 1 & 2 Chronicles, Session 4 These will be the last studies this season: 1st & 2nd Chronicles. We continue with 2 classes shown below: Monday Morning Class (for all ladies) -- meets 9:30 - 11:15 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Our lecturer is Cherry Coffman. We will have occasional luncheons throughout the year to enjoy each other’s company and renew friendships. Monday Evening Class (for all adults) -- meets 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in our school at Grace West. Pastor Emeritus Dr. David Joeckel is our lecturer. A light meal is served at each evening class. Child care will be available for both classes upon request. Everyone is encouraged to be in "THE WORD" and to enroll in these exciting studies. All are welcomed, members, non-members, friends, neighbors and the community. No previous Bible study experience is needed! Lutheran Student Center @ UTA at 7:30—10:30 PM On Tuesdays 3 DON’T FORGET US THIS YEAR! In the office, we’d love to keep up with your news! Please let us know if things are changing for you, whether it be an address, a new phone number, email or family updates, mark your attendance card so we can update our records! There’s also a comments section on the back; we’d invite you to let us know what you are thinking about the service, about the church, or things you like or don’t like...we are open to suggestions! Use the front of a card (middle area) to indicate changes in your personal information. If you bring a guest, welcome them to fill out their information on a separate card as well. Once you fill out the card, please send them to the center aisle during the service. This helps us to help you so we look forward to seeing those updates! Thank you! Visits, phone calls, cards and letters! Emma Colburn 1712 Glynn Oaks Arlington, TX 76010 Terry Coomes 1115 San Juan Ct. Arlington, TX 76012 Dottie Engel 2500 Woodside Dr. Apt 1304 Arlington 76016 Billie Froehlich 220 South Fork Dr. Hudson Oaks, Texas 76087 817-275-3703 Marshall & Gladys Moran 1406 Montclair Arlington, TX. 76015 817-277-4047 Shirley Palmer 810 Harmon Terrace Arlington, TX. 76010 817-446-3545 Sherri Sterling 2808 Claremont Drive Mansfield, TX 76063 682-717-4625 Arnold Petsche 704 Santo Cova Ct. Ft. Worth 76126 817-275-4724 Al & Joyce Schultz 2029 Woodhaven Dr. Arlington, TX. 76010 817-797-8083 817-733-6713 Marilyn Singer 2006 Iron Horse Ct. Arlington 76017 817-465-3205 817-477-9606 Joshua Smith 2609 Chatham Ct. Grand Prairie, TX. 75052 817-917-9423 817-560-3332 Nancy Turnbough Grand Prairie Healthcare Center, 820 Small St. Grand Prairie, TX. 75050 817-307-5904 Gladys Golden Castle Rock Assisted Living, 5519 S Collins #104, Arlington, TX 76018 817-999-6618 Linda Rawe Horizon Bay, 2500 Woodside Dr, #1112 Arlington, TX. 76016 817-451-1127 Sylvia Irwin 727 Brentford Place, #102 Arlington, TX. 76006 Jo & Lew Schmidt 2915 S Fielder Arlington, TX. 76015 682-478-7670 Judy Wendland Heritage Oaks, 1112 Gibbins Rd, Rm 613, Arlington, TX. 76011 817-274-2584 817-375-0585 4 News from the Lutheran Student Center JOINING JESUS ON HIS MISSION Happy New Year! My name is Sabir Bashir and I have been called to serve as the director and pastor of the Lutheran Student Center. We are located in the heart of the University of Texas Arlington where God is using us to be a blessing to many students. To many students from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Korea, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Mexico, Africa and many Arab nations, this Student Center is a home far away from home, This student center is ripe and ready for Mission work and we are already building relationships sharing the love of Jesus Christ through words and actions among the Hindu, Muslim, and Christian students. LINCNT (Lutheran Inter-city Network Coalition, North Texas) provides the strategic leadership for a ministry outreach from the UTA - LSC with the goal to launch a new faith community that transforms lives! Visit www.lincnt.org to know how God is doing some great and wonderful things in the community. PRAYER REQUESTS: 1. Monday night Bible study on “Jesus in the light of Quran and Bible, 2. Organizing of an International Cricket Team, 3. To start a ministry among the Spanish speaking community. We hope that this Quarterly Newsletter will bring churches, communities, and individuals into a closer partnership with what God is doing at UTA through this ministry. Any kind of regular or one-time financial contribution to support the running of this ministry can be done by sending a donation to LINC North Texas with “Lutheran Student Center” in the memo line. Mail it to PO Box 702863, Dallas, TX 75370. All donations are tax exempt. “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” (Matthew 9:37) “Many thanks with lots of love and gratitude to Pastor Hildebrandt, staff and church for their love, care and support towards my seminary education and their blessings on my Ordination last Sunday, February 15, 2015. Grace Lutheran is a family to us and we surely experience their love and grace in our lives. Thank you Pastor Hildebrandt for standing beside me as a shepherd, a mentor, an elder brother with a fatherly attitude. Mrs. Hildebrandt, Patsy just loved those huge bunch of roses. Many thanks to all those who blessed us with their presence and also to those who could not make it but blessed us with their prayers. To the Church, you cannot imagine what a blessing you all are to lives in a very special way. This surely is a church which is filled with love and care without any self interest. I continue to thank God for you in my prayers. Sabir Nazir Bashir Director/Pastor Lutheran Student Center @University of Texas, Arlington Cell: 214-770-9656 Email: [email protected] Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and Love your neighbor as yourself. (Luke 10:27) 5 Lutheran Student Ministries @ UTA 311 College St. Arlington, TX 76010 Pastor Sabir Bashir Email: [email protected] Ph: 214-770-9653 Our present ministries are: Monday noon lunch and devotions, Tuesday night Spaghetti Bible Study, & Friday Biryani fun night. During the year we have special programs for Easter, Fall Fest, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. This provides us the opportunity to share the love of Christ with many believing and non-believing students. MONDAY NOON LUNCH: Volunteers help run this program. UTA students come over for lunch during their break in between classes. They also get to hear some Christian music and a short devotion/Prayer. We are presently blessed with between 60 - 70 students! TUESDAY NIGHT SPAGHETTI BIBLE STUDY: This Bible study group is a mixture of Chinese, Korean, Indian, and Bangladeshi students. A vegetarian and a non-vegetarian dinner is served followed by a proper Bible Study. Hindu and Muslim students participate in reading the Bible and attending the Bible Study. FRIDAY BIRYANI FUN NIGHT: 100 - 150 students attend this program. Most of them are Hindu, then Muslim, then Christian students. Biryani is an Asian rice dish cooked with chicken and vegetables mixed with Biryani spice. We do a short praise and worship with a short devotion. Students hang around for games and other activities. 6 All are welcome to attend! B2 Small Group We are a group of young adults with children who meet one Friday a month. For more information, please contact Lindsay Ali at 817.296.6416. Blessings Group We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 PM in various homes. This group welcomes couples and singles. No child care provided. Contact Sid and Mary Jo Cook at 817-457-1198 for more information. Brews & Bibles (Not currently meeting) We meet every Monday at 7:00 PM at various locations. Calling ALL young adults 21-30 (single, engaged or married)! Led by Micah Raebel, Chelsey Masterson and Jen Rukavina. For information, call Micah at 219.613.6343. Cross Training Coffee Club CALLING ALL MEN!! What: Men’s Coffee Time @ Mochalux Coffee Where: 1101 Bardin Rd., Arlington, TX. 76018 When: Every 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM Why: Bible Study, Coffee & Bond of Brothers Contact: Scott Pinnow 817.714.0936 email: [email protected] Empty Nesters We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 7:30 PM in the Fireside Room. This group is for mature singles or couples who enjoy mutual support, Bible study, prayer, fellowship and mission opportunities. For more information, call Nancy Grieser at 817.467.7212 or Susan White at 972.979.2188. Golf Group Led by Robert Matthys. For more information, please call Robert at 817.860.8641. This is a SUMMER ONLY interest group. Hankins’ Group We meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7:00 PM in various homes. This group is for retired couples and individuals who care for and support each other while enjoying Bible study, fellowship and outreach. Contact Wayne Hankins at 817.375.3922. Hertel TLC Group We meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM in various homes. This group meets for Bible study, prayer, fellowship and support of each other. They also serve dinner at the Arlington Life Shelter once or twice a year, provide Christmas for a family in need, and provide refreshments for SOULedOut Students as needed. Singles and couples welcome. Contact Donna Hertel at 817.277.6984 for more information. Hunting & Fishing Group Led by Eric Rathjen. For more information, please call Eric at 817.860.2460. This interest group is still forming! Mama’s and Papa’s Group We meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays at 7:00 PM in the Fireside Room and Gym. This group is focused on a relationship with the Lord and each other. They study curriculums that question our struggles and point us back to God. For more information, contact Uvonne Duppstadt at 817.261.9726. 7 Piecemakers This group welcomes everyone with willing hearts and hands to help make quilts and assemble kits benefitting those less fortunate. They meet every Saturday at 9:15 a.m. in the church basement. Please contact Cyndy Otto at 817.861.8208 if you can help! No experience needed! Schmidt/Alloy Group This group includes families of various ages and children/youth. They meet one Sunday per month. Please contact the Alloy’s at 817.446.1170 or Stephanie Schmidt at 817.561.6338. Women of Wisdom (WOW) We meet the 1st Friday at 7:00 PM in the Library at Grace Lutheran Church. All married or single women over 50 who would like to grow in Bible study, wisdom, summer mission opportunities, faith and friendship may contact Gwen Coy at her work number 817.640.4151. What can you do that will make Grace Lutheran Church Smile? Everyday, members of Grace purchase items through Amazon. Amazon has developed a program wherein they will donate a portion of whatever you spend to the charity of your choice. Grace Lutheran Church Arlington, Texas has already qualified as an eligible charitable organization. In order for you to direct a charitable gift (at no additional cost to you) each and every time you purchase from Amazon, all you need to do is to type Smile.Amazon.com in the URL. When Smile.Amazon comes up; you will need to log in using your current log in information or create a new account if you don’t already have one set up. Amazon will ask you to fill in the name of the charitable organization for which you want to donate. Just type in the church’s name as shown above then press enter. When Grace’s name appears, click on the accept button. After you have done this, Grace Lutheran Church should be set up as your chosen charitable entity each time you order something through Smile.Amazon. com. You can definitely smile each time you order through Smile.Amazon because with every future purchase you make, some of those dollars you spend are designated to come back to the church! (If you type in only “Amazon.com”, no gift will be designated. So remember, use Smile.Amazon in order for a charitable gift to be given!) Perhaps your employer or some of your fellow employees who utilize Amazon would be willing to add Grace Lutheran Church as its chosen charity as well. It’s definitely worth your time to ask!! 8 Attention! Senior Saints! “Don’t be alarmed!!” March 12th will feature Officer Doug Glotfelty from the Arlington Police Department! On Thursday, March 12, 2015, we will have a Speaker from the Arlington Police Department who will speak to us regarding “Senior Safety and Security”. Senior Safety and Security is about protecting yourself. It means anticipating what could happen to you, and taking steps to make sure you are protected. • • • Topics will include the following: Your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Your home and personal property. Your money and finances. & so much more! Senior Safety and Security Means Protection! THIS WILL BE AN INFORMATIVE AND LEARNING EXPERIENCE FROM THE PROFESSIONAL POLICE SAFETY OFFICERS! 9 MEMORIALS and HONORARIUMS Memorials: monetary gift given to a Grace Fund in memory of a loved one or friend. Honorarium: Monetary gift given to a Grace Fund in recognition of a loved one or friend. The following gifts have been received within the period of January 15 through February 15, 2015: Memorials Braille Center 184 Ministry: In memory of Don Nelsen Mildred Anderson & Rilla Terry, Walt & Diane Baumann, Ruth Brown, Santa George, Wayne & Ginny Hankins, Dick & Joann Jeske, Rev. David & Judy Joeckel, Carol Scheidel, Marty & Lucy Schlotte, Tommy & Delores Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sparks, Phyllis Slotter General Ministry Fund : In memory of Don Nelsen James Bean, Cherry Coffman, Sid & Mary Jo Cook, Maria Lidholm, Gary & Pat Mounce, Diane Nelsen, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nelsen, Pat Schulze, Karen Bornsen In Memory of Barbara Hibbard Sid and Mary Jo Cook Music Ministry: In Memory of Don Nelsen Frank & Barbara Pinnow, Gene & Vickie Rosentreter Pastoral Ministry: In memory of James Golden Gladys Golden, Mary Ann Schneider, Jim Golden, John Golden, Tommy & Delores Smith Thank you to all who brought things by or sent them in! Mary Moretz had two quilt tops for us JoAnn Jeske also had several quilt tops Debbie Burns had a king-fitted sheet Jeanette & Virgil Patterson had fabric Linda Johnson brought a fleece blanket and large towels Donita Spawr had stitched some lap robes and also stitched some quilts Carol Melser had cut some fabrics for lap robes Lydia Piveral had tied several quilts too! The list of our needs is important because we’ll be making up the Health Kits, Baby Kits, and Sewing Kits very soon. These get shipped to Dallas the week after Easter, so we pack the week before! We also ship soaps (new) and hope you’ve been watching the sales AND using your coupons! Thanks so much for all YOUR help! Cyndy Otto See the next page for our Care Kit needs and questions? Call me at 817-861-8208. 10 Please take me with you the next time you shop! Personal Care Kits: 1 – Dark color bath sized towels (52” X 27”) 2 – Bath sized bar soaps (4 -5 oz) in original wrappers 1 – Adult size toothbrushes in original packaging 1 – Sturdy comb 1 – Metal nail clippers with file Baby Care Kits: (sizes from 0 – 24 months) 2 – Lightweight cotton T-shirts 2 – Long or short sleeved gowns or sleepers without feet 2 – Receiving blankets, (medium weight cotton or flannel), Crocheted or knitted blanket up to 52” square 4 – Cloth diapers, flat or refolded 1 – Jacket, sweater or sweatshirt with hood (or include a baby cap) 2 – Pair of socks 1 – Dark colored hand towel 2 – Bath sized soap (4 – 5 oz) in original wrapping 2 – Diaper pins or large safety pins 1 – Adult T-shirts (med – XXX LG to cut for diapers) any color Fabric Kits: 2 – Pieces of cotton or cotton blend fabrics: 2¼ yds. of 60” wide Or 3 yds. of 44” wide Or 4 yds. of 36” wide 2 – Thread;. Matching or neutral colored general purpose 250-300 yard spool – 1 for each fabric Soaps: Any new wrapped bar soap is needed. Especially bath sizes. 11 Take Me Out to the Ball Game . . . on Tailgate Sunday! You are invited to join the fun as the 11:00am “late worship service” moves to Globe Life Park on Sunday, May 17 for worship, hot dogs and hamburgers, and seats to see the Texas Rangers take on the Cleveland Indians at 2 pm! Game tickets are only $16 each (such a deal!). Ticket reservations will be available until May 3 through the church and school offices or sign up after worship in the narthex. (We have reserved some tickets on the first base side, upper level, from home plate to first base.) A shuttle will be available between the Grace campus and the ballpark. You are invited to help with several aspects of the event, volunteers are needed. We need people to assist us getting things to and from the ballpark for worship as well as set up and take down. We will have games for kids, so we will need some organizers. Find your spot and sign up to volunteer, too! We are hoping this will be a great outreach to your friends, family and neighbors. So don’t forget to invite everyone you know! Come and join in because it’s gonna be fun! 12 Grace Lutheran School News March, 2015 Spring Break is March 9-13. Older 3's through 8th Grade will make our annual trip to see Theatre Arlington's Youth Production on Tuesday, March 18. This year's show is Disney's The Little Mermaid, Jr., presented at UTA's Texas Hall. Our school will be hosting a Kindergarten Roundup on March 3 at 6:30pm. Later, a GLS Welcome Night will be held on March 24 for all prospective students and their families. Please be sure to tell your families, friends, and neighbors about these events and the ministry of education our church provides through Grace Lutheran School. Legacy Lane The PTL fundraiser this year is Legacy Lane, a plaza located in front of the Family Life Center. This will be a place where church members and guests may congregate and socialize before and after worship. Legacy Lane will be decorated with commemorative bricks, which can be engraved with your name; or the names of family members; or words of encouragement for our church and school; or whatever words you may choose to honor or remember loved ones. There is more information, and order forms, available in the school offices. All proceeds will be used by the PTL to benefit the school ministry as we inspire children to pursue academics in a godly way. Thank you for your support! The Spring Book Fair, with the theme “Under the Sea,” will take place March 25-30. 13 Our goal is to raise $25,000 to scholarship those who do not have funds to attend Grace Lutheran School or Concordia University! Entry Deadline: April 23rd Cost: $125 per person “Early Birdie Special” - $400 per team When registered by April 19th March Madness Meal Deal Cost: $25 per person March 15th - 31st ► Sponsors Needed: $100 - $10,000 ► Not a golfer? Join us for a delicious Italian Buffet Dinner & Auction - $30 per person! ► Bid early & often for fabulous trips, jewelry, lots of unique items on your phone or computer with the Qtego bidding system! ► Seniors 65+ use Seniors Tees Register online: www.glcsonline.org or Call 817.274.1626 14 FAMILY and STUDENT MINISTRY Sunday Morning NURSERY MINISTRY (8:30 & 11a.m.) For children 3 and younger Donations Wanted: ∗ $419.95 Living Room Set (5-piece Set, includes sofa, chair, table/book display) ∗ $270.95 Mobile Shelf Storage Unit ∗ $100 Four chairs ∗ $500 (up to) For a child-friendly mural around the entrance to the Nursery If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact Amy Laird, Nursery Coordinator, at: 817-812-8900 or [email protected]. NO CHILDREN’S BIBLE STUDIES MARCH 8 FOR SPRING BREAK!! KIDS’ POWER HOUR (9:45-10:45 a.m.) For children in Preschool - Grade 4 At KPH, we want our children to experience the love of Jesus through high impact discipleship that teaches kids to know and love God with their whole person: heart, soul, mind and strength! Three Year Olds - Kindergarten meet in Room 110 (GLS) with the Laird’s. Grades 1-4 meet in Room 111 (GLS) with Ms. Shelley S. TWEENS’ BIBLE STUDY (9:45-10:45 a.m.) For preteens in Grades 5 & 6 We explore key biblical truths and scriptural moments all with the goal of helping tweens live Jesus-centered lives as they discover what the Bible is all about. We meet in Meeting Room 3 across from the gym (top right) with Mrs. Lydia M. and Mrs. Sherry B. LIFEGROUP CONFIRMATION MINISTRY (9:45-10:45 a.m.) For youth in Grades 7 & 8 Our goal is to build up our 7th and 8th grade students in the Christian faith while equipping parents to serve as their child’s primary faith facilitator. Jr. High youth not attending Youth Quake, MARCH 1, may combine with high school in the Youth Shed. NO BIBLE STUDY MARCH 8 FOR SPRING BREAK! We meet in Meeting Room 4 across from the gym (top left) with Pastor Hildebrandt. 15 HIGH SCHOOL BIBLE STUDY (9:45-10:45 a.m.) For youth in Grades 9-12 What do you believe? What does the Bible tell us? How do we live it out? Join us for authentic discussion! We will have a Bible study for High School youth not attending Youth Quake, MARCH 1, in the Youth Shed with Keith Massie and Gary Folks. NO BIBLE STUDY MARCH 8 FOR SPRING BREAK! YOUNG ADULT BIBLE STUDY If you are interested in leading a study for young adults 18-20 something, please let Serena know. What a great opportunity for young people to join together to dig into Scripture and explore God’s relevance in their lives! If you would like to lead and plug into this material from your college campus or elsewhere (your apartment community/neighborhood) as an extension of our church, please speak with Serena and she will get you set up to do so. Special Events A FAMILY EVENT for all ages: Sunday, March 8, $10 Ft. Worth Convention Center A great way to start Spring Break if you’re staying home! Teens may attend without parents (but parents ARE certainly invited!!!). We will need drivers and an early team (leaving at 3p to buy tickets.) Doors open at 5p and tickets are on a first come basis. Concert is from 6-10p. Tickets are not sold in advance and only cash and checks are accepted. You will want to bring extra money to buy food and souvenirs, as well as to chip in a few dollars for parking. Artists include: Jeremy Camp, Francesca Battistelli, Family Force 5, Skillet, Building 429, New Song, For King & Country, Veridia, Blanca and About a Mile with speaker Tony Nolan. It will be crazy loud and tons of fun! http://2015.jamtour.com/shows/ft-worth-tx PLEASE LET SERENA KNOW HOW MANY FROM YOUR FAMILY WILL BE ATTENDING ASAP (NO LATER THAN MARCH 6! 16 A BIG Thanks to our Volunteers and Supporters of “A Royal Party” Daddy Daughter Dance” last month. Fun was had by all! If you were a royal couple who attended, we are so glad you joined us and hope you will attend next year’s royal event, Feb. 6, 2016! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is JUNE 22 - 26, 2 0 1 5! JR. HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 7-12) Dallas YOUTH QUAKE ZONE (Feb 27-March 1) Crowne Plaza Dallas. Pray for our 15 participants: Cole B., Anna B., Sherry B., Dara C., Scott C., Edward E., Jacob H., Serena P., Melinda P., Jake R., Jay S., Tommy S., Andrew S., Marcus W. and Holly W. Pray when they return from this transformational weekend that they stay encouraged to stay strong in their faith and that they see themselves as an important part of the church of today! HIGH SCHOOL March 15 Bible Study at Schmidt’s, 4:30-6:30 p.m.; Bring a nut-free dessert or snack to share AND a friend or two! 2015 Graduating Seniors, please send post-graduation plans and a photo to Serena as soon as you can. The Senior Banquet is May 31 at 12:30 p.m. 17 YOUNG ADULTS (18-20somethings) GLORYBOUND YOUNG ADULT VOLUNTEERS - Young adults 19-25 years old and at least one year out of high school may download information to volunteer for Glorybound (July 16-19, 2015) at: http://gloryboundtexas.org/#section=yavs. CAN-DO Summer Mission Trip June 14-19, 2015, Creekside Christian Retreat in Mexia, TX Participants will be involved in a VBS tailored for children with special needs. There is an opportunity to help build out a new greenhouse. General maintenance and light construction as needed - need to build a fenced playground area with picnic tables for the younger children. There also is a need for gardening work and some animal care. Space is limited. Contact Serena if you are interested. _______________________________________________ God’s joy to you all in Jesus! Serena Pace, DMin, DCE Family Life & Student Minister [email protected] 817-274-1626, X 114 Julie Tembrock Family Life & Student Ministry Administrative Assistant [email protected] or 817-274-1626, x113. EYEGLASS MINISTRY (MOST) at Grace Keep those eyeglasses coming!!! Please support the eyeglass ministry by putting your used eyeglasses, and those of your friends and family, in the marked basket on the round table in the narthex. The glasses are cleaned and checked and then sent with short- term mission teams to various countries where they are provided to individuals needing vision correc tion. The “re-cycled” eyeglasses help in reaching those who have yet to hear the Good News of God’s love and saving grace. Your used eyeglasses really do matter and can make a difference in people’s lives in more ways than one! Grace continues to package and send our collected glasses to MOST Ministries for distribution at eyeglass clinics in various countries around the world. 18 Chronicles of a Seminarian March Edition We hope this letter finds you doing well under God’s grace and power as you continue to live under the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, our Lord. I get to go to Israel! I recently was chosen to be part of a select group to travel to Israel this coming summer right after class ends in the spring. Due to generous giving by “friends of the seminary,” the students going with me get to go for $1000 plus lunches for our total cost. Some of my best friends from seminary were able to go last year and have strongly encouraged me to go. Not only will we get to see the sights, but Drs. Zelt and Saleska will be leading us through Scripture (mostly the Gospel of John – my favorite!) in demonstrating how Jesus used the Land to teach his people. I’m really excited! Now is the time to get my passport, listen to my friends as to what to pack, and start the homework for this class: 40 pages of maps that will take about 30 hours to complete. (This is on top of finishing up papers!) However, classes are coming to a close for this quarter and are going well. I am looking forward to next quarter when I will only be enrolled in two classes (my last ones left!) while auditing another two – or three. It is somewhat surreal being on this side of things when I can count down my campus life in weeks. But it sure has been a blessing with wonderful new friends, wise and patient professors, and members of our field work churches. On the family side, we’re in the season of birthdays for our family. Both Kate and I have recently celebrated another year of life while Sam and Sarah will have their birthdays coming up in the next coming months. We’ve had fun celebrating and want to thank you for your thoughts and prayers for the members of our family. We always love hearing from you. Christ’s Peace, John Werner The Texas District Church Extension Fund (TexasCEF) is an investment opportunity that benefits you and the Lutheran Church. Invest in the Texas District Church Extension Fund and receive a return on your investment. More information as well as investment applications can also be found on the Texas CEF website: www.texascef.org. You can also call the CEF at 888-951-1233 for assistance. In addition, Sandra Pecard (817-308-2061), the Grace congregation representative, can help with getting any information you may need. HERE ARE THE CURRENT RATES Investment Type Rate APY Flex Savings (deposit and withdrawal at any time without penalty) Fixed-Rate Term Note - 1 year 0.5% 0.5% 0.75% 0.75% Fixed-Rate Term Note - 3 years 1.25% 1.26% Fixed-Rate Term Note - 5 years 1.75% 1.76% Floating-Rate Term Note - 1 year 0.25% 0.25% Floating-Rate Term Note - 3 years 1.00% 1.00% Floating-Rate Term Note - 5 years 1.75% 1.76% 19 WE HAVE A NEW PHONE SYSTEM! Please note our new extensions which are available! Phone calls received between 6 PM to 7 AM will automatically go into a general mailbox where you will have the option to select a specific extension. Any calls in the general mailbox will be returned as soon as possible. Rev. Dr. Russell C. Hildebrandt, Senior Pastor 817.274.1626 X103 - office 817.475.8853 - cell [email protected] Rev. Dr. David B. Joeckel, Pastor Emeritus 817.265.6146 - home 817.688.0454 - cell [email protected] Dr. Serena Pace, DCE (Family & Student Minister) 817.274.1626 X114 [email protected] Julie Tembrock (Family & Student Ministry Assistant) 817.274.1626 X113 [email protected] Lou Anne Hoffman (Church Office Manager) 817.274.1626 X100 [email protected] Debbie Hall (Publications Editor/Office Assistant) 817.274.1626 X101 [email protected] Sharon Folks (Business Manager) 817.274.1626 X104 [email protected] Steve Stigler (Dir. of School Ministries) 817.274.1654 [email protected] Elizabeth Ott (School Business Manager) 817.275.5131 X106 [email protected] Sherry Burgdorf (Dir. of Preschool Ministries) 817.275.5131 X107 [email protected] Mark Oxner (Media Room) 817.274.1626 X110 [email protected] Stan Taber (Homebound Visitation) 817.274.1626 X100 [email protected] Scott Cunningham (Facilities Manager) 817.274.1626 X112 [email protected] Micah Raebel (Dir. of Music & Worship Arts) 817.274.1626 X115 [email protected] We are located at: 210 W. Park Row, Arlington, TX. 76010 Hours of operation: Monday-Thursday 9 AM to 5:00 PM Phone: 817.274.1626 Fax: 817.861.0193 Website: www.glcsonline.org or www.grace.lc Church Email: [email protected] Newsletter Publications: [email protected] GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH ELDERS AND THEIR ASSIGNED MEMBERS Eric Rathjen A-B Greg Roe I-L S Hank Jacobs C-E Mike Curtis M-O Keith Mangels T-Z Jim Schmidt F-H Stan Taber P-R Head Elder Joe Masterson The Grace Newsletter is printed monthly. Articles are welcome to be published if submitted by the15th of each month no later than 5:00 PM. Articles concerning our congregation may be emailed to the publications address above or written/typed and brought to the Church Office. 20 3/4 Dean & Nancy Mickelson 3/10 Nathaniel & Jessica Pipkin 3/13 Kenneth & Janet Flagg 3/16 Severt & Ellen Nielsen 3/16 Paul & Julie Palermo 3/19 Charles & Jane Schneeberger Other March events of interest: ► Lenten Dinners & Services: Dinner at 6:00 PM in Gym ~ Services at 7:00 PM ● March 4th ● March 18th ● March 11th ● March 25th ► “Songs Along the Way” Lenten Devotions are in the upper level of the Narthex - pick up your copy today! ► March 8th - Daylight Savings Time begins! ► March 9th-13th - Spring Break ► March 29th - Palm Sunday Come and join us! 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/3 3/3 3/4 3/4 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/8 3/9 3/9 3/10 3/11 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/13 3/14 3/14 3/14 Vivian Webb Deanna Lytle Christopher Dixon Greg Roe Jackie Rubel Hank Jacobs Dal McInnis Heather Brown Eliana Peterson Aiden Toon Phil Koehn Sharon Vance Dana Huyck Art Rosse Karen Carter Mark Filippelli Susan Hungerford Cathy Taylor Griffin Roberts Daniel Stacy Christian Burgdorf Mike Livesay Susan Hoar Tara Prabhu Joe Elmers Ronald Hans Micah Raebel Carl Garcia 3/14 3/15 3/15 3/16 3/19 3/20 3/21 3/21 3/22 3/22 3/23 3/23 3/24 3/24 3/24 3/26 3/26 3/26 3/26 3/28 3/28 3/29 3/30 3/30 3/30 3/31 3/31 Christian Poole Linda Buck Jade Sepulveda Jan Runzheimer Amanda Sessums Jazzi Richardson Ruth Brown Donald Corpie Theodore Spradlin Anthony Pace Na Schmidt Meghan Lewellen Janet Brutlag Connor Spradlin Ava Long Jane Smith Bruce Leppert Chelsie Schlesinger Andrew Topping Megan Roe Jacob Braziel Greg Gostynski Deborrah Hall Brian Rukavina Tyler Halliburton Barbara Ruthart Camille Oliver Hello! I’d like to announce I am hosting an event “A BIBLICAL TOUR OF ISRAEL AND JORDAN” This will occur from October 20-30, 2015 and may be the experience of a lifetime! We will walk where Jesus actually walked! Jerusalem, Jericho, Bethlehem, Caesarea, Sea of Galilee (and more) as well as see where Moses and Israel wandered for the 40 years out in the desert! Arrangements can be made for departure at any airport. This trip is hosted by the Rev. Darold Reiner (a Retired LCMS Pastor). He is a former LWML International counselor who has led many such tours. Please contact him at 406.890.1149 or email: [email protected] if you’d like more information on this adventure! Thank you! Rev. Darold Reiner 21 8:30a & 11:00a Worship Childcare - both services 9:45a Adult Bible Studies 9:45a “Breakfast Club” 9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S. 9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study 9:45a Sr. High Bible Study 3/1 3/9 9:30a Ladies LifeLight Bible Study 12:00p UTA/LSC Pizza & Bible Study 7:00p Evening LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Brews & Bibles 3/2 Monday 3/8 12:00p UTA/LSC Pizza & Bible Study 7:00p Brews & Bibles Sunday 8:30a & 11:00a Worship Childcare - both services 9:45a Adult Bible Studies 3:30p Children/Family Winter Jam Concert - Ft. Worth 3/15 9:30a Ladies LifeLight Bible Study 12:00p UTA/LSC Pizza & Bible Study 6:30p British Club 7:00p Evening LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Brews & Bibles 3/16 No LifeLight classes - Spring Break Holiday (Begins today ends on 3/13) 8:30a & 11:00a Worship Childcare - both services 9:45a Adult Bible Studies 9:45a “Breakfast Club” 9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S. 9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study 9:45a Sr. High Bible Study 3/23 Spring Break - (No KPH, Breakfast Club, Preteens, Jr. High Confirmation or High School Bible studies) 3/22 3/30 9:30a Ladies LifeLight Bible Study 12:00p UTA/LSC Pizza & Bible Study 7:00p Evening LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Brews & Bibles 3/29 9:30a Ladies LifeLight Bible Study 12:00p UTA/LSC Pizza & Bible Study 7:00p Evening LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Brews & Bibles 8:30a & 11:00a Worship Childcare - both services 9:45a Adult Bible Studies 9:45a “Breakfast Club” 9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S. 9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study 9:45a Sr. High Bible Study 8:30a & 11:00a Worship Childcare - both services 9:45a Adult Bible Studies 9:45a “Breakfast Club” 9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S. 9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study 9:45a Sr. High Bible Study Spring Book Fair and 5th Sunday Potluck today at 12 PM!! 3/3 6:00p 6:00p 6:30p 6:30p 7:00p 7:30p 3/10 1:00p 6:00p 6:00p 7:00p 7:30p 3/17 1:00p 6:00p 6:00p 7:00p 7:00p 7:30p 3/24 Tuesday Zumba! UTA/LSC Kindergarten Roundup Grace Fellowship Ministry Blessings Group Men’s Basketball Braille After Lunch Bunch Zumba! UTA/LSC Board of Directors Mtg. Men’s Basketball Spring Break Young Seniors Braille Zumba! UTA/LS Blessings Group Cross Training Coffee Men’s Basketball St. Patrick’s Day School Open House 6:00p Zumba! 6:00p UTA/LSC 7:30p Men’s Basketball 3/31 6:00p Zumba! 7:00p UTA/LSC 7:30p Men’s Basketball 3/4 11:00a 6:00p 6:00p 7:00p 7:30p 3/11 11:00a 6:00p 6:00p 6:30p 7:00p 7:30p 3/18 11:00a 6:00p 6:00p 7:00p 7:00p 7:30p 3/25 11:00a 6:00p 6:00p 6:30p 7:00p 7:30p Wednesday Chapel Service Joybells Lenten Meal Lenten Services Sanctuary Choir Chapel Service Joybells Lenten Meal Stephen Ministry Lenten Services Sanctuary Choir Spring Break Chapel Service Joybells Lenten Meal Lenten Services Hertel TLC Group Sanctuary Choir Chapel Service Joybells Lenten Meal Stephen Ministry Lenten Services Sanctuary Choir Spring Book Fair 3/25 - 3/29 3/5 Thursday Senior Saints (55+) Praise Team Board of Elders Hankins Sm Group 9:00a Braille Alpha 6:30p Praise Team 7:00p Braille Thumbprint 3/12 12:00p 6:30p 7:00p 7:00p Spring Break 6:30p Praise Team 3/19 3/26 6:30p Praise Team 7:00p Hankins Sm Group Spring Book Fair Church Office CLOSED 5:00p UTA/LSC Biryani Night 7:00p Mama’s and Papa’s 7:00p Women of Wisdom 3/6 3/14 9:00a AAU Basketball 9:00a Altar Guild 9:15a Piecemakers 3/7 Saturday 3/13 9:00a AAU Basketball 9:00a Altar Guild 9:15a Piecemakers Friday Church Office CLOSED 5:00p UTA/LSC Biryani Night 7:00p B2 Small Group 3/20 9:00a AAU Basketball 9:00a Altar Guild 9:15a Piecemakers 3/21 Spring Break Church Office CLOSED 5:00p UTA/LSC Biryani Night 6:00p Braille WWFF 7:00p Mama’s and Papa’s 3/28 First Day of Spring 3/27 9:00a AAU Basketball 9:00a Altar Guild 9:15a Piecemakers School Campus Work Day and Spring Book Fair Church Office CLOSED 5:00p UTA/LSC Biryani Night 7:00p Empty Nesters Spring Book Fair DON”T FORGET TO TURN YOUR CLOCKS AHEAD ON MARCH 8th!! 22
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