The Witness The Monthly Newsletter of Southern Baptist Church December 2014 Volume 18 Number 12 New Members 2014 FALL Steve & Mandy Reiff Makynna, Coleman, Easton A group went to the Salvation Army F E S T I V A L PAGE 2 THE WITNESS VOLUME 18 NUMBER 12 From Pastor Glenn… It is hard to believe that I am writing an article for December! This year has truly gone by fast! As I look back I am amazed at all the Lord has accomplished and continue to see Him do. We have added many new families this year and just a couple of weeks ago I was noticing how many children were in our service on Sunday morning. God has blessed us with new children and youth in Sunday School and many new adults in Bible Study. I am thankful for the many teachers and workers who prepare and minister to our church family. God is using so many to reach and minister to the body of Christ. As we enter this Christmas Season we have a great opportunity to share with those we contact the love of Christ and the true meaning of Christmas. A friendly smile, a warm handshake, or a hug goes a long way to encourage others. You will meet many at the stores who have that “Ba Humbug” attitude. Make sure you notice those who may really be hurting during this season and share the Love of Christ with them. Don’t forget our Christmas Eve service on the 24th at 5:00 pm. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us. Let us truly celebrate the real reason for the season. God bless you all and Happy Thanksgiving, too! Pastor Glenn me Night d Ga Fellowship an wship vening of fello e is th d n e tt a Come t need to play o n o d u o (y s g is on and game n-filled evenin fu t x e n e h T 0 pm. games). er 12th at 6:0 d your b m e c e D y, a d Fri ert an snack or dess a g n ri b e s e whole a Ple are. Bring th h s to e m a g favorite nd a fun-filled a ip h s w o ll fe family for evening. EMAIL PR AYER CHA I Wednesd ay, Decem ber 24th at 5:00 p Christma m. s Eve Ser vice with Commun There wil ion. l not be a Christma s Day ser vice. MUGS N To join the n ew email pra yer group at blank email First Baptist to Prayerfbw please send c-subscribe@ a yahoogroup s. com When you g et a reply bac k follow the only at the b link and join ottom. You the email list do not have have a yaho to join Yaho o ID. After y o o r have to ou join you email with g will receive uidelines. a confirmatio n We have First Baptist Church mugs for sale. Buy one and give one. Cost is $5. Cost covers your mug and one for a guest. Get yours today! PAGE 3 THE WITNESS VOLUME 18 NUMBER 12 Women on Mission The Women on Mission meet in the Fellowship Hall at 12:00 for a potluck luncheon. President, Pam Newman opened the meeting at 12:30 with prayer and read the Watchword from Luke 8:34. Else Crites presented the program on the necessity of daily faithful prayer. She reported from an article in the Mission Mosaic magazine and shared her life experiences on faithful prayers. She used Judges 6 and 12 as part of her program. Gideon could not believe God would use him and wanted God to give him a sign. Do we look for signs? Else asked for discussion on this subject. She asked for prayers for our Missionaries and especially for Missionaries in Hawaii. Our Random Act of Kindness for December will be to take cookies and a note of appreciation to our clinic. We will also bring bags of fruit for the Awana program. We will continue to help with the youth ministry by providing meals as needed. The next meeting will be December 11th at the home of Carol Hanks. A Christmas brunch will be provided at 10:00 am. Respectively Submitted Carol Hanks, Secretary BLANKET DRIVE Help benefit others with blankets, comforters, bed spreads, sleeping bags, and quilts...anything to keep someone warm!! New or gently used. Clean and folded. Bring them to the church by December 14th. Contact Jackie Kolbusz for more information. ay, on Sund t e g d u b e vote on iscuss th 0 pm and We will d :0 6 t a h er 7t r 14th. Decemb Decembe Family Meal 1st Wednesday Night of each Month Serving dinner at 5:45 pm Bible Studies starts at 6:30 pm Starts in January 7th, 2015 Kings Men: Men’s Ministry “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17) The men have begun our study in the book of Proverbs. John Potts is leading this study. Please join us each Wednesday at 6:30 pm for our look into God's word. PAGE 4 THE WITNESS VOLUME 18 NUMBER 12 Bible Study Opportunities TUESDAY’S Lead By: Nancy North Start Date/Time: January 6th at 9:30 am at her home Study: “Living with Discernment in the End Times” by Kay Arthur, David Lawson, and Bob Vereen Lead By: Dave North Start Date/Time: Current study at 9:30 am at his home Study: The book of Galatians WEDNESDAY’S Lead By: Various Leaders (a Co-Ed study) Start Date/Time: January 7th at 6:30 pm at church Study: “Culture Shock” by Chip Ingram THURSDAY’S Lead By: Sara Shields Start Date/Time: December 4th at 6:30 pm at church Study: “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp PLEASE CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE TO REGISTER!! Heart to Heart Women’s Ministry Merry Christmas from Heart to Heart Two thousand years ago in Bethlehem, a star shone brightly over a stable, and the world received a very important gift. That is when Jesus first came to earth to walk among us and save us from our sin. It was, is, and always will be the greatest gift we will ever receive. And that is what we celebrate every Christmas. There was incredible joy available to us with the birth of the Christ child. Join us and keep Christ in Christmas throughout this blessed season. With the unbelievable gift of a Savior it should be the desire of each of us to get to know Him better; to walk so close to Him that we are in His shadow. The Heart to Heart Women’s Ministry is supporting three Bible Studies for women beginning in January. There is one on Tuesday mornings, one on Wednesday evenings, and one on Thursday evenings. Watch your bulletin for more information as to the time of the study and the study that is being offered. It is the desire of H2H that each women in this valley, in this community, in this church be offered an opportunity to grow in their walk with the Lord. You are laying up treasures in your heart as you know Him to the fullest. VALI craft day is led by Terry Lee. She is having waaaaay toooo much fun by herself with these folks. Give her a call and see if you can’t get a piece of the blessings she is enjoying. Mugs and Muffins has two groups meeting on Thursday mornings. Follow the bulletin so that you will know what home is hosting the prayer time that week. It is indeed a privilege to go to the foot of the throne and pray for our country, state, community, church, and each other. Be blessed and pray! May the joy of this Christmas Season fill your heart with the realization of who Christ is in your heart! PAGE 5 THE WITNESS Happy Anniversary to... 12-2 12-5 12-10 12-15 12-18 12-20 12-23 12-26 12-27 12-28 12-29 12-29 12-31 Jim & Pat Bollin Eston & Susie Harrington Buff & Mary Honodel Larry & Freida Perry Jim & June Kilburn Mike & Sara Shields James & Jean Dennis Mikal & Betty Johansen Jim & Linda Griffin Jim & Leslie Parkes Dean & Liz VanSomeren Charles & Linda Woodard Bear & Candace McDaniel VOLUME 18 NUMBER 12 VALI Services Held the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month at 6:15 pm. We welcome anyone interested in coming, sharing and singing with our special friends! Contact Jim & Leslie Parkes at 479-790-8701. Happy Birthday to... 12-1 12-1 12-2 12-4 12-7 12-7 12-8 12-10 12-10 12-10 12-10 12-13 12-13 12-16 12-18 12-18 12-19 12-19 12-22 12-24 12-25 12-27 12-29 12-29 Judy Elkington Carrie Roth Joy Lowe Timothy Deatherage Casey Nordyke Corey Nardyke Debbra Stoering Eston Harrington Iris Supan Emanuel Weathers Dana Wyrick Anna Deatherage Kay Priestly Larry Secor Patty Pickerill Dean VanSomeren Fran Pepper Gwen Shock Maddie Vittitow Kaylan Stoering Jesus Christ Kilyn Roth Dolores Stoesser Charles Woodard FAMILY NIGHT Wednesday night schedule for men, women, and youth. Prayer meeting from 6:00-6:30 pm. Bible studies from 6:30-8:00 pm. Youth from 6:30-8:00 pm with dinner. We are planning the Thanksgiving Dinner for November 23rd. The Fellowship Hall will be decorated for autumn. We’ll have turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, gravy, and cranberry sauce. We will eat together right after church. Come join the festivities. Bring potatoes (to go with the gravy), vegetables, and desserts. Come give thanks to God with us. PAGE 6 THE WITNESS VOLUME 18 NUMBER 12 YOUTH ACTIVITIES Please continue to pray for our Youth Committee as we continue to search for God’s man for our church. Thank You! We will be going back to the Salvation Army in December to serve a meal to the homeless and distribute toys to the children in Pueblo. (Please watch for dates in the bulletin). We will be helping Ruth Mitchell at the Share Center with Thanksgiving baskets and Christmas events. Youth Christmas Party is Wednesday, December 10th at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Every Day God Encounter Wednesday’s Dinner served at 6:30 pm Bible Study from 7:00 - 8:00 pm 15 9:00A Administrative Mtg. 22 29 14 VOTE ON BUDGET 9:30A Sunday School 10:45A Worship 6:00P Children’s Musical and Jesus Birthday Party 21 9:30A Sunday School 10:45A Worship 5:00P Mission Meeting 6:00P Christmas Fellowship 28 9:30A Sunday School 10:45A Worship NO Evening Worship 30 23 16 4:00P AWANA - Musical and Jesus Birthday Party 9 4:00P AWANA - Store 2 4:00P AWANA 1 8 9:30A Fellowship Meeting 6:00P Gwen’s SS Class Party Tue Mon January 1 Church Office Closed Church Office Closed Church Office Closed Church Office Closed 31 NO Wednesday Activities 25 18 9:00A Mugs and Muffins I 9:30A Mugs and Muffins II 6:00P Cleaning of FH 6:30P Ladies Bible Study 11 9:00A Mugs and Muffins I 9:30A Mugs and Muffins II 10:00A WOM at Carol’s 6:00P Cleaning of FH 6:15P VALI Service 6:30P Ladies Bible Study 4 9:00A Mugs and Muffins I 9:30A Mugs and Muffins II 6:00P Cleaning of FH 6:15P Children’s Musical at VALI 6:30P Ladies Bible Study Thu 24 5:00P Candlelight Service 17 4:30P Women’s Ministry Team Meeting 6:00P Prayer Meeting 6:30P Bible Studies 6:30P EDGE Youth Night 10 11:00A VALI Crafts 6:00P Prayer Meeting 6:30P Bible Studies 6:30P Youth Christmas Party 3 12:00P Ministerial Alliance Meeting 6:00P Prayer Meeting 6:30P Bible Studies 6:30P EDGE Youth Night Wed Church Office Closed 26 NO SCHOOL until Jan 5th 19 12 8:00A Men’s Community Prayer Breakfast 6:00P Fellowship & Game Night 5 6:00P Monty’s SS Class Party Fri 27 20 2:00-5:00P Community Christmas Dinner 13 6:00P Larry’s SS Class Party 6 Sat Do you have something to add to the calendar? Call the church office at 783-2498. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - DECEMBER ‘14 7 9:30A Sunday School 10:45A Worship/ Communion 2:00 & 4:00P Community Choir Concert 5:00P Deacon Meeting 6:00P Called Business Mtg. Sun Offsite Fellowship Hall Sanctuary Classroom First Baptist Church 410 South 6th, P.O. Box 296 Westcliffe, CO 81252 Phone: (719) 783-2498
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