March 12, 2015 The Seekers Sunday school class is just finishing up a series titled “The Great Ends of the Church”. They found it informative and formative and wanted to share with everyone. Here is a summary by Dottie Gough and Joyce Blocker. Grace and Peace, Mary WHAT ARE THE GREAT ENDS OF THE CHURCH By Dottie Gough and Joyce Blocker For the past several weeks, the Seekers Sunday School class has been studying The Great Ends of the Church by Joseph D. Small. The reason for this study was to help us understand what the Great Ends of the Church are and how to apply them to our personal and communal faith. Organizations develop mission statements to communicate their purposes. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Fellowship Presbyterian Church are no exception. For more than a half century, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has included its mission statement (The Great Ends Of The Church) into the Book of Order (F-1.0304). The great ends of the church are not a typical mission statement. Instead of setting out an idealized description of who we are, it challenges us by telling us who we are to be. The great ends set before us six purposes of the church that express who and what the church is called to be and how the church is called to act. They are not included in the Book of Order as taken-for-granted assumptions about ourselves, but as the calling of each congregation, every presbytery and the whole General Assembly and all its agencies. The great ends of the church are: the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind; the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God; the maintenance of divine worship; the preservation of the truth; the promotion of social righteousness; and the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world. One of the things the class did was to discuss how the mission statement of Fellowship Presbyterian Church reflected the great ends of the church. For those of you unfamiliar with this mission statement, it is found in the bulletin each Sunday and is as follows: “The mission of Fellowship Presbyterian Church is to glorify God, make disciples and serve our neighbors.” The consensus of the class was that while the mission statement is not reflective of all six great ends, the church as a whole embodies the great ends in many ways including: Continued p.2 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Biblically-based and Christ-centered worship Celebration of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper that bring us closer to Christ Inspiring music that glorifies God A welcoming church for visitors Programs and activities that support adults and youth within the congregation Mission projects, including monetary support, that reach out to the entire community This list is not inclusive of everything that Fellowship Presbyterian Church is but it provides an overview of how this church interconnects with the great ends of the church. This doesn’t mean that Fellowship should settle for the status quo. The great ends of the church offer a comprehensive check-up and a way of analyzing the church’s faith and life honestly. They also set out fundamental commitments for which the church exists and toward which it should strive. The great ends of the church present us with a unified vision of the church’s purpose, and each of the six aims presents us with a sharp challenge concerning the ways we shape church life: “Proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind” has no room for glib, generalized references to the gospel. This great end specifies that the gospel of Christ’s life, death and resurrection is good news about the salvation of humankind. Furthermore, we are challenged to proclaim this gospel, not merely believe it. “Shelter, nurture and spiritual fellowship of the children of God” goes beyond comfortable congregational life to encompass all of God’s children. Some need shelter from the dangers of violence or unemployment, most need nurture in the faith, and all need fellowship in the Spirit far beyond Sunday coffee hours. “Maintenance of divine worship” takes us beyond debates over worship styles—“traditional” or “contemporary”—to the realization that worship is not about us, but about our praise of the one God— Father, Son and Holy Spirit—and our obedience to God’s Word. “Preservation of the truth” means we are not at liberty to believe whatever we wish to believe, but the truth about God and ourselves must be taught, believed, lived and sustained. “Promotion of social righteousness” makes clear that engaging God’s justice in both church and society is not an optional feature of Christian faith and life, much less an unwelcome intrusion into “spiritual” religion. “Exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world” compels us to examine the character of our individual and corporate Christian life. When the world looks at us, what does it see? Does what it see reflect God’s new Way in the world, or does it simply mirror the way things already are in the world? Dr. Small sums up this study with the following: “Our task…is to imagine ways the church— especially this congregation—can move toward a deeper, more comprehensive fulfillment of its reason for being. Another task before us is to see ourselves, active participants in God’s purposes, sharing life together in the congregation, the presbytery and the denomination. Our ultimate task is to persevere in working toward each of the great ends rather than abandoning them as we move on to another topic.” 2 Dear Friends, Presbyterian Research Services is inviting you to join a list of potential Presbyterian Panelists! Since 1973, church leaders have turned to the Presbyterian Panel to learn more about the beliefs and practices of Presbyterians. By joining this list, you will be added to a group of people who are willing to fill out occasional surveys that help Presbyterian entities, congregations, and others make informed decisions and reach their goals. All surveys will be available in English, Spanish, and Korean. It is important that the group of panelists we select represents Presbyterians as a whole. If you are interested in serving on the Presbyterian Panel, please answer the following demographic questions to help Research Services select a representative sample of Presbyterians: Click here If you are selected to become a Presbyterian Panelist, we will send you a welcome letter with further details. If you are not selected right away, we'll keep you on our list of potential Panelists for the future. You can unsubscribe from this list at any time. If you have any questions, please contact Research Services at (800) 728-7228 ext. 2040, or email us at [email protected]. Blessings, Joelle Kopacz Panel Administrator Presbyterian Research Services 3 The Challenges of Everest Psst…..Get your climbing gear ready…. …...Mt. Everest is in our future! Yes, VBS is scheduled for July 13-17. It’s not too soon to put it on your calendar and decide where you would like to help! Registration forms will be available in March! Lent, Holy Week and Easter Wednesdays in Lent: Dinner and program 6:15-7:00 PM Maundy Thursday, April 2nd 6:00 PM Good Friday, April 3rd 6:00 PM Easter, April 5th: 7:00 AM and 10:30 AM Wednesday nights in Lent have been a blessing to all who have participated. We enjoy a light supper and fellowship time, then discuss a Lenten hymn with the choir section leaders singing the hymn for us (first)! Sign up for supper in the fellowship hall and plan now to join us! This week’s hymn is “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” (#223). JOIN US! 6:15-700 Gentle Hatha Yoga Class March 17th at 5:30 March 19th at 10am Monday * Wednesday * Friday at 10:00 am March 16th * 18th * 20th Beginner’s Pilates Class PW’sAnnual Gathering is at Faith Presbyterian Church this Saturday, March 14 at 10am. All women of our church are invited . March 19th at 1:30 4 J A N U A R Y YO U T H Important Dates: NO YOUTH 3/ 15 MOVIE NIGHT (5PM) 3/ YOUTH (5PM) 3/ NO YOUTH (EASTER) 4/ YOUTH 4/ (5PM) 12 YOUTH 4/ (5PM) 19 NO YOUTH 4/ 22 29 5 26 2 0 1 5 N E W S Breaking Ground This weekend the youth and I began considering one of the most fun tasks we’ve been given as a group: creating a space (or two) in this church that is designed with youth in mind. We toured the old youth room, where the new youth room will be, and the attached outdoor area. We took inventory of what equipment we’d tributing something like to keep, what to the new youth needs to be replaced, room. and talked about things that need to be new additions. The youth have some great ideas and can’t wait to get started! Soon we will be putting together an Amazon wishlist that will be posted “Sow for yourselves righteousto the church webness; reap steadfast love; site for anyone who break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek the is interested in con- Lord.” Hosea 10:12 Food For Thought: Isaiah 43: 18-19 Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Calling all Volunteers! Anyone who is interested in volunteering with our youth programs is welcomed and encouraged to do so. Currently our biggest needs are folks to provide snack suppers and volunteers 5 to be the other adult on the premises during Sunday night youth activites. Sign up sheets for both are posted in the fellowship hall. Keep an eye on this section for any upcoming volunteer op- portunities. Justin’s email: [email protected] MARCH USHERS Ken Wilson Captain Glenda Wilson Rodney Weisman Donna Weisman POWER POINT 3/1 Jerry Smith 3/8 Heather Kidd 3/15 Jerry Smith 3/22 Cathy Wacksman 3/29 Jim Crona WORSHIP LEADER 3/1 Frank McGoogan 3/8 Beth Burr 3/15 Dottie Gough 3/22 Jay Novak 3/29 Bill Donalson 1 Betty Shackelford 4 Hilary Passo 6 Ora May Keys 10 Donnie Stover 11 Lorrie Pippel 17 Pat Keough 17 Billy Groff 19 Sue Steward March 15 March 1 Rita Sockman Dottie Gough March 8 Hoffmann McGoogan COMMUNION PREP Jay & Cecelia Novak SERVERS Dottie Gough Jan Morphew Zana Raybon Sally Smith March 15 Jan Morphew Pat Keough March 22 PW Reception COUNTERS Cecelia Novak Linda Davis March 29 Crona Wilson Happy Birthday!! Lectionary Readings: Numbers 21:4-9 Psalm 107:1-22 Ephesians 2:1-10 John 3:14-21 23 Tom Burr 24 Paige Keating 25 Elaine Wilbur 26 Roger Sockman 28 Mike Bodin 31 Pat St. Angelo 31 Brynn Hall March 22 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 51:1-12 Psalm 119:9-16 Hebrews 5:5-10 John 12:20-33 6 Remember These in Prayer Church Family in Need of Prayer Don Powers Ruby Benoit Betty Shackelford Dal Hancock Friends of Family in Need of Prayer Virginia Panico, Nyomi and Family, Christopher Freeman Suzie Faulk (Joyce Blocker) Eugene Majors, Angel Majors, Don Pumphrey (The Burr family) Craig Pippel (Dick & Lorrie Pippel) (Kay Majors) Bill Whichard, The Zimmerman Family, Vernon Metcalf, Alyssa Williams Althea (Dawn Martz) PFC William Dean (Bill Donalson) (Doc Dean) Beverly Yerg The Dunlap Family (Jay & Cecelia Novak) (Beth Hall) Ken Howe, Jeannie Hunnewell Jean McLees (Jane Fletcher) (Donna Weisman) Dean & Hollis Vail Charlene Paulk (Marcia Petford) (Ann Burris) Trish, Virginia Stephens Virginia Pilcher (Betty Sprouse McCoy) (Rita Sockman) Agatha Kinney Kathi Bess (Cliff & Melanie Jordan) Jermaine Hall Family, Inglese Family, deKloet Family Fellowship’s YMA Renovation Teams Robert Gamble and This Child Here All Military & Their Families Domestic Violence Victims and Their Families (Becca Burr) Several Family Members, Jayce Britt, Penny McGinnis (Patty Domico) Barb Home (Dottie Gough) If you have a prayer concern or celebration, or are interested in becoming a part of this rewarding ministry, please call Jane Fletcher at 668-0976 or send an email to [email protected] Fellowship Staff Pastor …………………………...… Mary Vance E-mail: [email protected] Dir. of Christian Education ….…. Jeannie Dixon E-mail: [email protected] Financial Secretary …………...……. Sally Smith E-mail: [email protected] Music Director…………………..….. Matt Jarvis E-mail: [email protected] Youth Director……….……………….Justin Carr E-mail: [email protected] Organist/Pianist………...........…….Karey Fowler Treasurer ……………….………..Marcia Petford Fellowship Presbyterian Church, USA 3158 Shamrock St. South Tallahassee FL 32309-3325 Phone- 850-893-0617 Fax 850-668-0326 Pastor’s Cell: 850-933-5061 Church 7 March 2015 Sun 19:15-PB Prac Mon 2 10amZumba 9:30am-SS 10:00am-Choir Prac 10:30am-Worship 11:45-Bell Choir Tue 3 No Youth Group 6:30 -St.Andrews Boy Scouts 6:45-8:45 8 9:00-PB Prac 9 10am-Zumba 10 9:30am-SS 10:00am-Choir Prac 10:30am-Worship 11:30am-Deacon Mtg 11:45-Bell Choir 10am-Joy Circle Youth Group 15 9:00-PB Prac 4 10am-Zumba 3:00pm-Pilates NO Hatha Yoga 6:30 -St.Andrews Potluck supper 5:00-7:00 Wed Boy Scouts 6:45-8:45 Girl Scouts 6:00-8:00 5:30-Hatha Yoga 16 10am-Zumba 17 Boy Scouts 6:45-8:45 22 9:00-PB Prac 6:00 PB Practice 6:15-Soup Supper&Study 7:00pm-Choir Practice 6:30pm Cub Scouts 11 12 10am-Zumba 23 10am-Zumba 24 Sat 7 10:00am-PWCT CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 7:00-Capital Twirlers 1-3pm Cub Pack Meeting Time Change 13 10am-Zumba 14 PW Gathering at Faith CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 6:00 PB Practice 6:15-Soup Supper&Study 7:00 Choir Practice 6:30pm Cub Scouts 6:30pm Bridge Group 18 10am-Zumba 19 20 10am-Zumba 21 5:30-Hatha Yoga 6:00 PB Practice 6:15-Soup Supper&Study 7:00 Choir Practice 25 10am-Zumba 6pm-Discovery Square 7:00pm-Fidelity Square CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 7:00-Capital Twirlers 26 27 10am-Zumba 28 10am-Hatha Yoga 1:30pm-Pilates 7pm-Session Mtg. Boy Scouts 6:45-8:45 Girl Scouts 6:00-8:00 5:30-Hatha Yoga 6:00 PB Practice 6:15-Soup Supper&Study 7:00 Choir Practice 3010am-Zumba 31 9:30am-SS 10:00am-Choir Prac 10:30am-Worship 11:45-Bell Choir 5:00-7:00 6 10am-Zumba 10am-Hatha Yoga 1:30pm-Pilates 9:30am-SS 10:00am-Choir Prac 10:30am-Worship 11:45-Bell Choir Youth Group Passover Seder 10amStitchers Fri 10am-Hatha Yoga 1:30pm-Pilates No Youth Group 29 9:00-PB Prac 5 10am-Hatha Yoga 1:30pm-Pilates 9:30am-SS 10:00am-Choir Prac 10:30am-Worship 11:45-Bell Choir Youth Group 5:00-7:00 Movie Night Thu Boy Scouts 6:45-8:45 Girl Scouts 6:00-8:00 EPC-6:00 5:30-Hatha Yoga 8 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 7:00-Capital Twirlers 1-3pm Cub Pack Meeting
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