November 2014 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 142 Volume 18 Issue 11 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 801 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBIA, TN 38401 Heard on High Heard on High, the newsletter of First Presbyterian Church, published monthly by First Presbyterian Church, 801 South High Street Sometimes we all look at the world critically, and it’s hard to snap out of it. It can be good to look in the mirror for issues that need to be corrected before you leave the house: do your socks match, is your nose hair too long, did you miss a spot shaving? Sometimes I look at our house the same way: I need to cut the grass, it’s time for a fresh coat of paint, and how did all the toys get in the front yard? It could go without saying that this kind of criticism is important, but if you want to live a joy filled life then you need to know when to turn it off. If you look at your children or grandchildren the same way you look at yourself in the mirror (his clothes are too dirty, she runs in the house, and why are her grades so low) he or she may never know how proud you are that she can say the Pledge of Allegiance, tie her shoes, and be kind to her friends. If you look at your house and are only mindful of what you don’t have than Walmart will love you for it and so will the credit card companies, but you will so easily lose sight of what you do have. And if you always look at yourself the way you do when you are about to leave the house, looking closely in the mirror to see what still needs to be fixed, you risk failing to see yourself the way God does, as a child of God, chosen and precious. We all look at ourselves, our church, and our community critically, but take time this Thanksgiving to be thankful for who you are and for all that is great about our church and our community. If you do you will realize that we have much to be thankful for. Joe RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 801 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBIA, TN 38401 Giving Thanks Save your change! November 30th is our 5th Sunday offering for the hungry in Maury County. 12 1 Memorials Worship with Bethel AME Last November we were invited to a joint worship service at Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church. This year we are returning the invitation, inviting the congregation of Bethel AME to worship at First Presbyterian Church, on Sunday, November 23rd at 5:00 PM. Their pastor, Rev Trent Ogilvie, will preach and their choir will sing. We will all eat together in Fellowship Hall at 6:00 PM. This will be the perfect start to your Thanksgiving. Our Fall Festival was held on Sunday, October 26 at Woodland Park. Our Chili Cook-Off winners were 1st Place-Argie Satterwhite, 2nd Place-Jeff Baxter, and 3rd Place-Nicole Stallcup. Thank you to our judges; Marcy Lay, Edie Sutter, and David Locke. Our costume contest winners were 1st place-The Allred Family(Dressed as Alice in Wonderland, The Mad Hatter and the Rabbit), 2nd PlaceHattie Hedrick(“Hattini” the Magician), and 3rd Place-MJ Stallcup (Olaf from Frozen). Thank you to our costume judges: Patty Ridley, Cindy Baxter, and Cleo Mayfield. We would also like to thank the Fellowship Committee, led by Bill Handy, John & Joan Jackson, and Sue Dunnebacke for all of their hard work and our hot dog cooks: Andrew Hickman and John Hill. Thank you to our Youth Fellowship Committee chair, Lisa Hargrove and our youth for making, setting up, and running the games for our children. The Christian Education Committee will be hosting a Safe Sanctuary Training Event on Sunday, November 9th at 3:30. Our church has adopted certain policies and procedures to provide a safe sanctuary for our children and youth. We are required by our insurance carrier and the Presbytery to provide training for staff and volunteers who supervise children and youth in the prevention of child abuse. Those of you who are currently working with children and youth or our Timesharers program will receive a letter in the mail reminding you of the date and time. If you are a teenager that volunteers in the church nursery or provides childcare for church events, or if you would like to do so in the future, you are required to attend as well. The meeting will last less than one hour and we will meet in the Fellowship Hall. In memory of Margaret Von Siegel (mother of Carey Powers) by: Dr. Ralph & Donna Barr, Kay Curtis. In memory of Bill Sutter by: Rick & Kathy Day, Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Barr, Kay Curtis, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Duncan, Mr. & Mrs. Waymon Hickman, Mr. & Mrs. Campbell Ridley, Jr., Joe & Carroll Kilgore, R. Daniel Sutter, Partners and Staff of Morrison & Smith, LLP., Mr. & Mrs. Tom Patton, Mr. & Mrs. John Cotham, Mr & Mrs. Patrick Flynn. In memory of Beth Dubois (sister of Lynne Hendrickson) by: Jack & Cindy Baxter. In memory of Marsie Alderson (mother of Lynne Hendrickson) by: Mr. & Mrs. Tom Patton. A First-Class Success A group dedicated to helping couples succeed in their second or third marriage will be starting at Maury Hills Church this month. Whether you have been remarried for many years or are just deciding if…this 5 week class may help you find answers. Eddie & Sue Miller, who believe God can take a broken road and make it straight, are leading this group from their own experience with compassion, humor and honesty. Maury Hills Church, Wednesday November 5, 6:30pm. Contact [email protected] 2 11 Advent Begins November 30 Devotionals will be available November 9 Adults/Prepare ye the Way-In the midst of these troubled and unsettled times in our world today, the prophet Isaiah prepares the way for Christ with messages of comfort and joy. In these daily devotions for Advent, seminary professor and Isaiah expert Andrew Bartelt takes us through the readings of Isaiah often used during this season to find triumphant news that Christ is coming to fulfill God’s plan of salvation for all nations, and for all history. Youth/It’s Advent-ageous! Christ's coming is solely for our advantage. He comes to save! He comes to serve! He comes to steer us back to our heavenly home. That's more than advantageous, it's ADVENT-ageous! This devotion is for the teens, tweens and college-aged members of our congregation to spread that advantageous news in audacious, outrageous, courageous, vivacious and contagious ways this season and each gracious new day! Children/Guess Who’s Coming for Christmas! Advent is a season of expectation. In fact the word Advent means "to come." We're waiting for something—or someone—to arrive this Christmas. Can you guess who that might be? As Christmas Day approaches, children will read names and clues that will help them learn the identity of the One who truly comes at Christmas. Family/Prepare Him Room-Like the rest of us, families make their way toward Christmas in a world that is already celebrating, if not the coming of Christ, at least the season of parties and gift-giving. How do we keep a focus on Jesus and the Incarnation amid the busy-ness of getting ready for December 25? Author Amy Welborn offers families simple ways to find the gospel message in what is going on all around them, even in preparations that can get hectic at times. These brief but pointed devotions will keep a family centered on what is most important not only at this time of the year, but every day. 10 “Jonah” “(Jonah) prayed to the Lord and said, “O Lord! Is not this what I said while I was still in my own country? That is why I fled to Tarshish at the beginning; for I knew that you are a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, and ready to relent from punishing.” -Jonah 4:2 The book of Jonah is made up of four very short chapters with a total of forty-eight verses. Yet, in this brief book, there is a storm at sea, the conversion of the sailors, a miraculous rescue, a song of praise, the repentance of Israel’s archenemy, and intense dialogue between God and Jonah, Israel’s most reluctant prophet. Throughout the story, Jonah, the supposed model of faithfulness, continues to do the opposite of what God wants him to do, while those who were outsiders to the faith-the sailors on the boat and the people of Nineveh-offer the true example of what it means to be faithful. The story serves to remind us, not only of God’s endless grace and mercy, but also of what can happen when we try to make assumptions about who is and who is not deserving of God’s love. This is a three week rotation that begins November 9. We will study the story using Art, Games, and Discovery. Thanks to Dawn Taylor, Alicia Maddox, and Jennifer Richardson for volunteering to teach our last rotation “The Great Dinner,” and to our shepherds Cindy Baxter, Eva Crichton, Patty Ridley, and Pat Smith. We still need volunteers for Unit 4: “Advent-Mary’s Song” we have the Art and Game workshops that need to be filled. The dates are Nov. 30, December 7 & 14. If you would like to volunteer for one of these workshops, or need more information, please contact Susie Baxter at [email protected] or call the office at 388-1985. 3 Bible Studies This fall the Presbyterian Women’s Circles will be studying “Reconciling Paul.” We have two active circles, one circle meets on the second Monday of the month at 10:00 AM in the church Fellowship Hall and at various members’ homes. The second circle meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. If you would like more information about our circles, please contact Mary Jane Miles at 987-2597 for the second Monday circle and Cathy McDonald at 380-5290 for the third Tuesday circle. All women of the church are welcomed. Study books are available in the church office. Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinners November 5, 12 & 19 Dinner is served from 5:30 -6:15 pm We look forward to seeing all of you for food, fun, fellowship and Bible study. We are excited to announce this year that our meals will be catered by Farmers Family Restaurant. The fellowship committee is working very hard to have a diverse menu for all to enjoy. Prices will remain the same this year. Please include your payments in advance when you make monthly reservations. For weekly reservations you may still pay in person on Wednesdays. Family Name:________________________________ Number of Children 10 & under: __________ $4.00 each Number of People 11 & up: _______________ $7.00 each $20 Family Maximum Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary Study of 2 Corinthians, by Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty. In the nine lessons of Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary Study of 2 Corinthians, Elizabeth invites us all to ask whether or not we understand Paul’s writings clearly and to read this letter afresh in light of the issues we face today. I Monthly Reservations I would like reservations on November 5, 12,19 for Wednesday Dinner: Yes ___ No ___ Or Weekly Reservations Call the church office by noon on Monday to make your reservation. Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday several men of First Presbyterian Church meet at 6:00 AM in the conference room adjoining the MRH cafeteria for Bible Study. This committed group just finished a study of Revelation and started a new book on September 9th. This study meets early so that those with busy schedules can still start their day off on the right foot. Please join us as together we’ll read A Chorus of Witnesses, a collection of some of the greatest sermons of the 20th Century edited by Dr. Tom Long, who will be our Spiritual Renewal Speaker in February 2015. 4 Please make reservations to assist us in planning with the caterer. You can make dinner reservations by completing this form and dropping it in the offering plate or by calling the church office by noon on Mondays and making a verbal reservation. We look forward to fellowship time with you all! The Fellowship Committee 9 Youth Ministry Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinners November 5 –Fried Chicken, Green Beans, Mac & Cheese, Roll/ Cornbread and Dessert November 12 - Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Pinto Beans, Okra, Rolls/Cornbread and Dessert. November 19 - Spaghetti/Lasagna, Salad, Rolls and Dessert November 26 - No Wonderful Wednesday Dinner Children’s Sabbath On Sunday, November 9, the children of our church will be leading the liturgy in our 10:30 worship service. Our youngsters in graders 2-5 will serve as leaders and readers of the liturgy, ushers and as acolytes. Our Young Musicians Choir will lead in the choral music for the day as well. We look forward to their participation as our worship leaders as they share their gifts on behalf of all of us. October was a great month for youth ministry! Be sure to stop by and see the pictures of our youth having a great time at the Hay Ride, Fall Festival, and Project Joy. The youth of First Presbyterian have several exciting mission projects planned for the month of November. This month we will be helping with more construction at the Boy’s and Girl’s Club, planning for the annual Rake and Run! project, and polishing the pews in the sanctuary while praying for members of our church. In addition to these projects, there are other opportunities for our youth to participate in mission projects and get service hours. November 21st and 28th we need volunteers to help serve at The People’s Table, serving begins at 10:30 a.m. This year, we will host the joint service with Bethel AME Church on Sunday, November 23 @ 5 p.m. and need youth to be servers for the meal. If you can help, please be at the church by 5:30. If you can help with any of these 3 service opportunities, please see Dakota to sign up. Thanks to Jeff, Susie and Jillian Baxter for taking the collection of clothes to Priest Lake on October 12th. Thanks to Bonnie Adams, Jillian Baxter, Frank Dale, Rev. Joe Evans, Kyle Hanners, and Elijah Hedrick for going to Project Joy and distributing the clothes, blankets and school bags on October 24th & 25th. Senior Adult Ministry Monday, November 17, our Senior Adult Ministry will meet for our regular monthly fellowship lunch and program. This month, we are asking that participants bring either soup or sandwiches, etc…. (or dessert!) for our meal together. We will convene at 11:30 in Fellowship Hall. The theme for our brief program will be Thanksgiving. All are invited. 8 Acolytes for November November 2- Branham & Louis Maddox November 9 - Ava & Christian Corbin November 16 - Ava & Christian Corbin November 23 - Sydney King & Zane Hargrove November 30 - Grey Corbin & Will Franks 5 The Bridge Club will meet at 1:00 P.M. on November 24th at the church. From your Deacons The Boys and Girls Club has announced the annual Mule Town Revue to be held Thursday evening, November 13 at Cherry Theater. Tickets are $25 and may be purchased by calling Sharon at 490-9401, or stopping by the club at 210 W 8th Street. Proceeds from the fun-filled musical event benefit Boys and Girls Club, and CASA. The Men’s Bible Study will meet at 6:00 A.M. at MRMC on November 11th. Reach Out and Help A School! McDowell Elementary School is in need for daytime volunteers. You can help any weekday during school hours by tutoring or reading to students. For more information please contact Leigh Jones at [email protected]. The Second Monday Women’s Circle will meet November 10th at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The new book will be Reconciling Paul, A Contemporary Study of 2nd Corinthians. Bring a sandwich and join us for lunch. First Presbyterian Church is responsible for facilitating the People's Table during the month of November. Volunteers will be needed to cook, serve, and clean-up. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the church office or Bill Handy at 381-4856. The Third Tuesday Women’s Circle will meet on November 18th at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Also note that our annual Community Thanksgiving Meal held on Thanksgiving Day is fast approaching. Sign up sheets will be visible in the Gathering Space behind the sanctuary soon. We will be looking for volunteers to help with setup, serving, clean up and possible deliveries. WANTED: USED VEHICLE AND HOPE As “an extension” of the ministry being conducted at the Maury County Jail, I am searching for a vehicle donation. One of our three GED graduates was released in late May and has been steadily employed since then. In order to improve her employment prospects she requires transportation; she currently walks to work 6 days a week for her 6:30 am shift. Through the Maury United Ministries program a vehicle could be donated on a tax-deductible basis, tuned-up, and given to this young woman (age 23). It would be a life changer for her. If you’d like to learn more, please contact Mary Khim at 615.294.8040 or [email protected] Please consider how you might volunteer or be of service with one of these projects. 6 7
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