Huisstijl G3W

Terms of reference
External evaluation of TWHA's program
in the West Bank and Jerusalem
between 2010 and 2015
[email protected]
tel. +32 (0)2 209 23 65
53 Chaussée de Haecht I B-1210 Bruxelles
BE15 0010 4517 8030 I BIC: GEBABEBB
1. Introduction and context
1.1 Presentation of THWA and its strategy of intervention
Third World Health Aid (TWHA) is a Belgian NGO defending the right to health and
sovereign development. We support partner organizations in the Democratic Republic
of Congo, the Philippines and Palestine to defend this right.
We do not limit ourselves to defending the right of individuals to be healthy or not to
be sick. In the spirit of Alma Ata 1 we support our partners so that every person can
enjoy within his community a total well-being whether physical, psychological or
material. Our goal is for the Palestinians, the Philippines, the Congolese, have
access to medicines as well as efficient health infrastructures. But above all that they
can enjoy healthy and decent living conditions: safe and decent housing, decent
working conditions, opportunities for individual and collective development,...
Indeed, the provision of care is not enough when people continue to suffer from
poverty, oppression, war and occupation.
TWHA's partners are well embedded in the local communities. This presence is
important but it is not an end in itself. Above all it allows our partners to provide
leadership to organize individuals so that they can defend their right to a decent life.
Women in the Philippines, the inhabitants of Kinshasa, the youth in Palestine, all of
them become actors of their own well-being. They really take their health and future
into their own hands.
TWHA sets out different strategic objectives contributing to the mission of the
1.1TWHA is a centre of expertise on movement-building, the right to health and
sovereign development within a context of North-South solidarity.
1.2 TWHA has an impact on policy (Belgian and European) relevant to the right to
health in our target countries.
1.3In the South, TWHA strengthens the social movement for the right to health in
the target countries and internationally
1.4TWHA guarantees the continuous improvement of performance and stability and
is recognized as a reference for progressives in Belgium.
TWHA does not intervene in the South directly but supports local partners engaged in
activities contributing to its objectives. Our efforts are focused on building the
capacity of these partners so they can increase their impact and influence in their
environment. This approach is consistent with our vision to contribute to people and
communities taking their destiny into their own hands. Within this strategy we use
three (main) tools: funding, capability-building and political solidarity:
1In 1978, under the auspices of the World Health Organisation 137 countries gathered in the
city of Alma Ata Kazakhstan. Their ambition was to enable all individuals to access an
acceptable level of health, no later than 2000. Their work resulted in the Alma-Ata
Declaration. This text, both ambitious and revolutionary, advocates urgent action based on the
promotion of primary health care and community mobilization.
[email protected]
tel. +32 (0)2 209 23 65
53 Chaussée de Haecht I B-1210 Bruxelles
BE15 0010 4517 8030 I BIC: GEBABEBB
•Funding: giving partners in the South the opportunity to lead and sustain their
own development programs. With funding from partners, local governments and
NGOs, partners are able to offer services to local people's movements.
•Capability-building: the core tool for our core partners reinforcing organisational
capabilities of partners based on a needs-based assessment of the partners and
potentially the broader social movement. 4 main routes are currently used: direct
capability-building, capability-building through networking, capability-building
through interaction with other TWHA partners, and capability-building organized
by the partners themselves
•Political support: contributing to the realization of common political objectives
through campaigning, advocacy, lobbying, sending volunteers/interns, etc. It often
involves activities that go beyond the classic division into "North" and "South",
because activities here have components and extensions in both directions.
We also back the political battles of our partners through our activities in Belgium and
our international networking activities such as with the worldwide People’s Health
The expertise gathered in this process is put at the service of the movement for
international solidarity in the North. At that level, the Intal and ICS solidarity
movements are our privileged partners. In the North, along with the social
movements, we hope to mobilize people to turn Belgian and European policy against
exploitation and repression and in favor of the right to health in the South.
1.2 TWHA’s program in Palestine and the context of the evaluation
In Palestine, we attempt to contribute to the rejuvenation the Palestinian social
movement to make it more representative for the needs and interests of the majority
of the population, and to unite the Palestine social organizations on a human rightsbased agenda to make them more efficient in their demands.
Since 1997, TWHA has worked in partnership with the Health Work Committees (HWC)
on the development of preventive health care programs in schools in East Jerusalem.
In 2007, TWHA and HWC took stock of the experience and results achieved by the
school health program, as well as the experience of the community center that HWC
has established in 1999 in the Old City of Jerusalem. An important conclusion drawn
from this review is that the potential of the Palestinian youth to play an active role in
society has been too long neglected. To remedy this, HWC and TWHA decided to move
from a service-oriented, bottom-up approach to a rights approach.
A three-year program (2008-2010) was then formulated with the aim of starting the
building of a movement for the right to health in Jerusalem. This program was meant
as an extension of the school health committees program, which had shown a good
potential, as every year, hundreds of students took on responsibility in their school.
Some of them had become active in the Nidal Center, the HWC community center in
the old city center of Jerusalem. The program aimed to use this potential to build a
network of youth in order to increase the sustainability of the program and to embed
it in Jerusalem's civil society. This 2008-2010 program of TWHA and HWC was a
[email protected]
tel. +32 (0)2 209 23 65
53 Chaussée de Haecht I B-1210 Bruxelles
BE15 0010 4517 8030 I BIC: GEBABEBB
transitional program, in which the focus was moved away from school health towards
a broader approach with youth for the right to health.
The 2011-2013 program builded on these activities and aimed to reinforce the building
of this movement. The specific objective of this program was formulated as follow:
Policy makers and youth in East Jerusalem, Hebron and Bethlehem are mobilized for
the right to health.
Third World Health Aid’s specific objective for the 2014-2016 period is now formulated
as: “Youth in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza play an active role in the Palestinian
social movement to promote the right to health, and particularly the following social
determinants of health:
• psycho-social wellbeing through an increased conscience of national and
social identity
• social cohesion through community participation
• strengthening the autonomy through participation in decision making
This evaluation would specifically cover the 2 successive programs 2011-2013 and
2014-2016 co-financed by DGD (Belgian federal development cooperation agency)
implemented by TWHA and its partner HWC in Jerusalem and the West Bank.
2. Scope and purpose of the evaluation
As TWHA prepares to draft and submit a new (five-year) programme co-financed by
DGD, we want to look at a number of key aspects of our strategy and role especially in
regard to some of our stronger partners, as it is the case in Palestine. This evaluation
should evaluate and assess the progress and achievements of THWA’s programs in
Palestine (Jerusalem and the West Bank) between 2011 and the end of 2015, and
provide recommendations to guide the conception of our next program.
The evaluation should serve amongst others the following purposes:
– help take decisions concerning the preparation of our next program;
– learn lessons about the best and most efficient strategy for TWHA to support its
partners in order to reach the desired changes.
– assist TWHA in capitalizing on and using its expertise in capacity building.
The main users of the evaluation will be TWHA, as well as its partners. The evaluation
will also be accountable to the DGD.
3. Expected results
On basis of the answers to the questions below, the evaluator should draw conclusions
and propose recommendations in order to reinforce the quality and sustainability of
present and next programs. We expect the evaluator to qualify the added value TWHA
presents to our partner and to the youth movement, with a special focus on our action
on capacity building.
- Relevance:
• With regard to the theory of change of the program in Palestine, is the strategy
used in this program effective in contributing to desired changes?
[email protected]
tel. +32 (0)2 209 23 65
53 Chaussée de Haecht I B-1210 Bruxelles
BE15 0010 4517 8030 I BIC: GEBABEBB
- Coherence:
• Assess to what extent our partner feel they are part of and contributing to the
entire program, as opposed to merely its respective country programme.
- Effectiveness:
• Is the capacity building approach of TWHA effective to reinforce the partner
and to bring about change?
- Efficiency:
• Assess if the invested means are proportional and relevant to the desired
- Impact:
• What concrete changes produced by the program can be observed at the level
of our partner and the youth movement in Palestine? Identify the mechanisms
that helped to reach these changes (positive factors, good practices,...) or the
eventual obstacles. What lessons can be learned?
Assess to what extent the capacity building of the partners has resulted in
concrete changes in the youth movement?
Are there unintended (positive or negative) effects?
- Gender:
Is gender sufficiently taken into account in our program? How could we
improve this aspect in our actions?
4. Methodology/approach
In a first phase of 8 days, the evaluator will begin with a preparatory analysis
of the documentation, interviews with the staff of TWHA (mail or skype
interviews) and preparation of the field mission.
In a second phase of 10 days, the evaluator will collect data on the field
through interviews, focus group, meetings with the main stakeholders.
The data will be gathered from a maximum of directly concerned stakeholders
– main stakelholders: HWC and the youth network (Tawasul Youth Network);
– secondary stakeholders: local actors which have an impact on the 3 social
determinants of health, public institutions, civil society organizations (Civic
Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem, OPGAI - Occupied Palestine
and Golan Heights Advocacy Initiative, ... )
At the end of the field mission, the evaluator will meet with the partner in
order to restitute the first findings;
Afterwards, the evaluator will have 6 days for the processing of the
information, eventually skype interviews to complete the data, redaction of
the report. This draft report will be sent to TWHA and HWC who will have 1
week to send their remarks to the evaluator.
Finaly, the evaluator will have 1 day to add the eventual observations to the
final report.
The evaluator is responsible of the content of the final report.
[email protected]
tel. +32 (0)2 209 23 65
53 Chaussée de Haecht I B-1210 Bruxelles
BE15 0010 4517 8030 I BIC: GEBABEBB
5. Required expertise
Some criterias have been fixed for the choice of the evaluator:
The candidates must be independent of the project and of the different
Significant experience required in the field of evaluation of international
Excellent analytical and report writing skills;
Good understanding of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and its consequences on
the living conditions of the youth and the right to health in Palestine;
Very good facilitation and communication skills;
Respect of cultural and gender sensitivity issues;
Interest in public health questions;
Fluency in English (native - level writing skills);
Speaking and understanding Arabic is an important asset;
6. Reporting
Evaluation report in English (between 30 and 45 pages plus annexes) that include the
following main sections:
– Table of contents
– Abbreviations list
– Executive summary of maximum 4 pages (that can be used as a stand - alone
– Brief on General context of the Palestinian situation focusing on the
consequences of the occupation for the youth, the right to health and the
social movement in Palestine.
– Introduction that include the objectives of the evaluation, methodologies and
techniques used and limitations of the evaluation, where relevant.
– Presentation of the evaluation analysis and findings, covering the evaluation
criterias (Coherence; Relevance; Effectiveness; Efficiency; Impact; and
Gender) clearly showing response to the evaluation questions included in this
– Lessons learnt
– Conclusions and recommendations with a clear relationship between them.
– Report annexes
The evaluator should strive to present results as simply and clearly as possible so that
each reader can easily understand the evaluation process and its results.
7. Indicative planning
Documentation review
Interview with M3M staff
[email protected]
tel. +32 (0)2 209 23 65
53 Chaussée de Haecht I B-1210 Bruxelles
BE15 0010 4517 8030 I BIC: GEBABEBB
Due date
8 days
September 2015
Preparation of the field
Field mission
10 days
First half of october
Draft report
6 days
23 octobre 2015
Final report
1 day
2 novembre 2015
8. Bibliography
- logical frameworks of the project
- description of the project
- narrative and financial reports of the project
- Theory of Change map
9. Process for evaluator's selection
Candidates should submit their proposal by 15 April at the latest.
Tenders should be sent by e-mail and include:
– Technical offer that include the basic methodology and evaluation plan, and
timeframe (3 pages max);
– Financial offer that covers all major anticipated costs (fees, travel,
accommodation, transportation, eventual translation, etc);
– A CV detailing relevant skills and experience of the evaluator (no more than 3
pages); and
– One sample of a relevant previous evaluation.
Contact: [email protected]
[email protected]
tel. +32 (0)2 209 23 65
53 Chaussée de Haecht I B-1210 Bruxelles
BE15 0010 4517 8030 I BIC: GEBABEBB