Burwood Girls High School Queen Street Croydon NSW 2132 P +61 2 9747 3355 F +61 2 9744 2797 Centre of Excellence [email protected] http://web3.burwoodg-h.schools.nsw.edu.au 9 March 2015 Dear Parents/Carers, Year 12 STARR Day will take place on Monday 16 March 2015 in the School Hall. Students will be participating in a range of activities designed to promote healthy living and thinking in the HSC and beyond. They will be participating in a physical activity, information and activities on nutrition and health including a Q and A with a health nurse. Students will also be participating in sessions related to life after the HSC including advice on educational opportunities, and preparing for employment. This is a normal school day and attendance is compulsory. A BBQ lunch will be provided. Students wear full school uniform to school and bring tights, mid-length shorts or yoga pants with a loose t-shirt or shirt, sneakers or jogging shoes, for exercise (midriff tops and hot pants will not be allowed). Also bring pens/pencils and your device (laptops, iPads, smart books etc). The cost is $10.00 per student, to be paid to the front office by 2:00 pm, Thursday 12 March (online by 6pm Wed 11 March). Please bring CORRECT MONEY. Please note: You will be required to sign up for the day groups and a fitness session. Sign up sheets will be posted on the Year 12 noticeboard (PDHPE) until Thursday lunchtime. Ensure that this is done, or you will be put into groups. Please complete the permission slip below and return it to Ms Caltabiano or Ms Yongsiri by Thursday 12 March. There will be boxes outside the PDHPE and Visual Arts staffrooms. If you have any questions regarding the day please contact the school on 9747 3355. Yours sincerely A. Yongsiri Year 12 Advisor M. Caltabiano Year 12 Advisor Voulla Kalogeropoulos Head Teacher Wellbeing Return permission slip to Ms Caltabiano or Ms Yongsiri by Thursday 12 March 2015 and payment to the front office by 2:00 pm, Thursday 12 March 2015. Please bring CORRECT MONEY when paying. (Online payments due 6pm Wed 11 March. NB: the office is closed for payments on Friday 13 March.) I give permission for _______________________________________________ of Year 12 to attend the Year 12 STARR Day at the school on Monday 16 March 2015 involving outside presenters, at a cost of $10.00. I understand this is an important part of the curriculum and attendance is compulsory. Signed (parent/carer):______________________________________ Date:____________ Parent’s daytime contact no.:________________________________ Please list any medical issues we need to be aware of in relation to this activity: ____________________________________________________________________ Parent payments may be made in person or over the phone (9747 3355 ext.114) 8:30am-2:00pm, OR online by 6:00pm Wednesday 11 March: http://web3.burwoodg-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/parent-online-payment. I have made an online payment. My receipt number is: ________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY Receipt Code 055-011
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