N A T ION A L INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KURUKSHETRA- 1361 19 No.Acad/f 5llD3l ." Notification Dated:4.3.2O15 lL* The MHRDvide letterNo. 17-212q14-TS.l dated 18.2.2015 and No. 17-212014-TS.l dated 2.3.2015has revisedthe emoluments(stipend)for the studentsstudying in various programmesof Master of Technology(M.Tech). The emolumentsfor M.TechGATE qualifiedscholarsis revisedfrom Rs. 8000/per monthto Rs. 124001per monthw.e.f.1.12.2014. *. All HODs/Coordinators of Schools are requested to claim the rrJ:i,{ revisedemoluments as above. Me All NoticeBoards Copyto :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All HODs/Coordinators of Schoolsfor informationand necessaryaction. Dean(Academic)for information. Dean(SW)for information. DeputyRegistrar(Accounts). SeniorSecretaryto Registrarfor informationof the Registrar. SeniorSecretaryto Directorfor kind informationof the Director. F.r{o.17-2l2Ot4-T8.1 Government of India Ministry of HumanResourceDevelopment Departmentof Higher Education Technical"Section-l Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi Datedthe 2ndMarch.2OI5 To, The Chairman, AICTE The Directors, IITs (As per standard list) The Directors, IIITs (as per standard list) The Director, IISc, Bangalore The Directors, IISERs(as per standard list) The Directors, NITs (asper standg.rdlist) ! The,Director,NITIE, Mumbai The Director, ISM, Dhanbad The Director, NERIST,Nirjuli, Arunachal pradesh The Director, SLIET,longowal The Director, I$IFFT,Ranchi The Directors, NITTRs(as per standard list) The Directors,SPAs{asper standardlist} ...; , nF I llre^r^r ]r vvsv) . li H-\", L-JU L, gS th- ri hu rJ "*F) s*ri-eci: Eer'isicn oi rates oi Fir.D. Schoiarsnip ii: AICTD funcied ano Centraiiy Funded Technicai institutions under the ldinistrt, of Human R.esourceDevelopment Sir/Madam, in partial modification of the order of even number dated 18.02.2015 and in pursuance of the DST's order No.sR/s9 lz-ag/2012 dated 2r.1o.2o14 on the subject mentioned above, paragraph 2,7 & g of the order dated 18.02.2015are modified to tle extent indicated below: S.No. Qualifying Degree Revised Emoiuments (Per Month) 0 1 . JJrflroR RESXISRC$ FEr.r,oI[ unrl: Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science with NET/GATE Qualification or Graduate Degree in Professional Course with NET/GATE Qualification or Post Graduate Degree in Professional Courses. 02. spsrgB BESJ,aRCH rELrdIp_(sBFl JRF Qualification with research experience. two years Rs.25,OOOI- Rs.28,OOOIof Contd.,.2/- 2 2' The revised rates of fellowship/assistantship will be effective from 01.10.2014 in respect of Ph.D. students, as per order issued by DST and at.n.2014 in respect of ME/M.Tech/MS/M.Des. sttrdents as per order issued by the UGC. 3' The additional cost on account qf this revision may be met by the individual Institutes from out of their' existing budgetary grant without any additionality in the current financial year, 2Ot4-15. During the next financial yeff, 2015-16, the expenditure will be met, as first charge, out of the sanctioned allocations to the lnstitutions by the Departrnent of Higher Education. , 4. Other terms & conditions of the order dated 18.O2.2O15witl remain . "*iisame' 5. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their ID Note No. I4^2/2OiS-Elil A dated 42.43.2a15, and in consultation with iF Division of the Derrartment. Yours faithfully, -\*-** \:---* (Alok Mishra) Director Tei:23381058 Copy to: 1. Department of Expend.iture [(Shri Ashok Kumar, under secretary (E.III(A)Jw.r.t. their ID Note No.14-2/2015/E.Ur dated 02.03.2015 2. Department of science & Technolory pr. R. Brakaspathy, scientistG) in pursuance of the oM No,sR/s9/z-o9/2012 datld21.10.20t4. 3. PS to Honble HRM/ps ro Honbre Mos{RsK}/ps to Honble Mos(uK) to-Secretary* (HE)"/PPS.-ro-AS(TB)/"ppS-tb-US$Ftf'*"* _PPS, !, Di1(TC)/Dir(Management)/Dir(TE)/Dir(NrTs) I 6. /.IF Division, MHRD \r webmaster, CMIS, MHRD for uploading the order on Ministry,s website. iqdl( F.NO.r7-2/2Or4-TS.I : (iovernment of India Minislry of Human Resource Developmetrt DePartment of Higher Education Technical Section-I Shastri Bhavan, New Deihi Dated the l"BtirFebruarY,2015 'li:. :.#*-r Thc The The The The The The The The The The The The i-l.L,jcci: Chairman, AICTE Directors, JITs (As per standarcl list) Directors, IIITs (a*sper standard lisi) Director, IISc, Bangalore Directors, IISERs (as'per standard,list) Directors, NJTs,{asper standard 1i8t) Director, NiTiE, Mumbai Director, ISM, Dhanbad Director, NERIST, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh Director, $LIET, Longowal Director, NIFF*t',Remchi Directors, NITTRs (as per standard list) Directors, SPAs {as per standard list'} ,iclcia:-::,:l:r r:, .t'lCTE ii::iiicri a:rci Jci:iir:ill'' F,e'isil;i: c1 :e-',.cs cf Pi:.i oi Humai: Resoul"ce uncie:: tjre l{inisr$' Irr:ncled Technicai lnslimtions DeveloPmeu*" $ir/Madarn, With referencet6 the ietter No.25-212010-TS.lIdated 30'09'2010 on the the revise to decided been has abo\re, it cited suliject Scir"oiarship/Fe1lorx,ship/Assistantshipin AICTE approved and Centra1ll' Funcled Technical institutions-under the Ministry of Human Resr:nrce Derrelopmctlt,eLs qivcn below::. For ph,D. programmes {Junior Research irellow (JRF)/Senior Rescarch Felk:w {SRF) Degree Qua1i.I-ving (lraduate tn Degree Professional Courses {BElB.Tech/ M. Sc equivalent) with valid GATE Score above off prescribed cut the NET level/ Qualification ExisLing Em<;luments /n,'"r rnnnfhl 16,A00/(For 1ot& 2"a t:*) Revised Emoluments (Per l\4onth) 25,OOAl- 18,000/(Upto 5t'Year) 18,000/Post G'raduate Degree in (For 1st and 2n,i Year) Professional Courses 20,aool(ME/ M,Tech. or equivalent) (For 3"4 & 4m Year) years research, of tnto with ext)enence Contcl..2/ - z 2 : 2.1 For M.E. / M.Tech/ MS/ M'Des S.No. Qualifying Degree Existing Emoluments (per month) nnln.r.chlBS/B.Des \ 8,ooo7- & 2ndYear) and and GATE/ GPAT qualified Both l.ut $rh{sar of Dual Degree Frogrammesl (Per Month) L2,4OAl" lst & 2nd Year) and Stt'Year of Dual DegreeProgrammes) the performance of the Fellow atter The concerned Institution should review 2.3 of bommitiee constituted by the Head n*i"* trx,' years Ut.o'ugh"il-.fpropri.t*. may slab after 2 years of researeh experience the lnstjtution. ftre feu"*-lrip in the bv the Review cornmittee' after *;;;f"l ;;i;id;d "**"***"tt applicable to other Government ancl such revision in rates would also be z.a tv nritn and uGC. However, no salary Governrnent AideJ Institution, iutta.a grantoranyothersalarygrant*o',r*begiventoanyoftheinstitutesfor" ilxplementing the Scheme' of sr'udentsiilcludiirg drose iir rrccii'" Sponsoreciar-rdSelf-FinancedCategcry 2.4 would not be eiigible foi of a',r, .ther ui*iiur tusistantshipT*"i.of*uf,iplfeliowship scheme' Furth*r:' the t'"a"l assista'tship/scholarship/fe11ow*ftif in" l::l--d Lhe would be prr:vided tci the schqlars cn assista-ntship/scholarship/fellowship lronr p.J""ribed cut-off 1evel.f].'fech. GraduateE; basis ol GATE scores above t1.* c*tilp':ci hc also wuulcl score of B or above (on scale ot 10) l.he ll'fs getting ";GPtwithout having tr: appear in GATE' to tfi. ou-ui*tunluhip is exemptecl from ihe parl'ment of fhe stipencl of research feliow/associate 2.5 Income Tax Act' 1961' income r.uxr.rcl"JSlction iO(16) of the 3. $ervice Conditions: Ms/lr,{.Deswill not be eiltiiled DA. and ccA: JRFs, SRFs ancl h4.E./M.Techi 3.1 tr: these allowances' 3 . 2 l l o u s e R e n t A l l o w a n c e ( } I R A } : . A l l r e saccommodat"ion e a r c h f e l l c l wherever wsand ptf"ia*1 hostel M.tr./M.T*"f-rlvrs}-rvr.n**_ *1v be provided-by*the-tnstitut'e will 'n'ot ayqri-abLe-4$d-ffi-ose ceslding-ii]'-ec"cpimodation- of. hostel accommodation is not provision be eligibie for drawing HRA. T/h";;;; SRF as pe-r Central Government no::ms JRF' to pnssible, FIna may f,e allowed tirey ar-e wbrking' The felbwship arn'oun1" applicabtre in trreiitylru""tio".wlrer" the HRA' ,ir*y U.t taken as basic for calculating beneflts: The JRFs, SRFs and Leave and other entitlernent 3'3 of ;Jt for casual_leave. Participation of anv M"E./M.Tecrr/rvr3rrvr;; .;- "ugibl; India or abroad will be treat.ed t_i:esecategories in any scientific ""*J/Goor."?lpl1 M.'&./M'Tech/MS/M'Des for Jnf'/Shpl i{r} ,D'ty,. The ira*rel entiflernen;;" India will continue to be same as pa:.rticipation in scientific events/workshops in e a r l i e r , i . e ' 2 f l d A c b y r a i . l . M a t e r n i t y L e a v e - a s p eto rGovernrnentcflnclia *n'ia be available female candidat'es in all in.struction* iu*,r"i-rioX tirr,reto ti*" categories Contcl...l3/.. Wq,wi,{ *n*-sr*-,^"*\>" ; 3 : - and Leave Travel Concessions: .JRFs and 3.4 Bonus M.E,/M.Tech/MS/M.Des will not be entitled to-theseallowances' SRFs irncl 3.5 Retirement Senefits: .JRFs,SRFs and M.E./M.Tech/MS/M.Des r"villnot be entitied to these benefits. PublicstionlPatent: The results of JRF/SRf/M.8./M.1'ech/ MS/M,Des 4. r:esearch work may bC published in standar:d referred journals at the di'scretion of ttre Fellow or his Guide, It should be ensured by the Fellou'that the assista:rce provided by the funding agency of Covernment of India is acknowledged in all such publications. i for pursuing 'hlgher degtees: Students selecfed as Encourageffient 5. JRfT.gRp ma51'5*,encouragedto'register,for hi$er degrees and the tujtion fees,to nndertake these studies'may be reimb,ursed to the sfudents from the contingency grant sanctioned under the project grant, if required ' 6" t Oo-Iigations of JRF/$RF: til bl' the discinlinary regulaiions of'the host He/She sha1l be gorre;"neci iiij ?i:': .iLFi SR.Fillt'.=-.fi,i1."'11s;'1 1iiS1i''i.Le. 1i1ii-<i s3tt: e. cit",.:,;lc'c, t:onscllidated relro:t of ihe resea;-ch i.'orl; cicnc dr-r:'i:igthe eutt:'e j,iefiilci ol' tht: oi' Fellowship on c;ompietion of tire te nure/resignarion Felkiwship at the eanliest. 's:i ., ""':.1,i instii-. :: ',i-h-*a i-,:. iS ri,C:'i',irg. ?. Date of Effect: The revision in emolurnents corre$ into t)1.Q2.2015 for all categories of JRF/SRF1M.E. lM.'teclnl MS/M.Des. effect lrom The addilional cost on accollnt of this revision maSzSs met by the individua.l B. jr: insl.itutes from out of their existing budgetaqz grant without any additioualitl, tlre current financjal year, 2Ol4-15. During the uext finanr:iarl)/ear:,20J5-J6, the cxirenditure on this account, irra), be capped at the current -vear's level ancl aiso r,'iihin the given allocation, urilhout anl' additionalit.v. This issues with the concurrence of the Department of Expencliture, *. Ntirristryof Finance vide their ID Note No.33l97l20 1S/E.III(A) datecl Yours faithfullv, {A1okMishra) Director Tel:23381058 Cop_yto: 2. 3. 4. 5. {1. Departnlent of Sxpenditi-rre[(Shri Ashok Kumar, UnclerSecretary{E.iIl(A)]rrith referenceto the ID Note No,33197/2015lE.IIi{A) dated Departrxerlt of $eience& Technotogi iDr. R. Brakaspath5,,Scientist-G)in pursuance of fie OM No.SRlS9/Z-0912012dat*d 21.10.2014. PS to Hon?:leHRMr PPS{,r:Secretary{FIB)/PPSto AS{TE)/PPSto .IS&,FA Dir (TC)/ Dir(Management)/ Di r(TB)/ Djr{NITs) Wel:master, CMIS, MHR'D for uploading the orcier on Ministry's r.r'ebsite. I Wful-ot\v
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