Mercedes College Newsletter Vol. 41 Number 3 / Week 6 Term One / 12 Mar 2015 Key Dates Principal’s Report Friday 13 March Year 11 River Cruise Swim Camp until Saturday 14 March Mother / Daughter Camp until Sunday 15 March I definitely felt this unity and strong sense of community last Thursday evening at the Family Mass and my commissioning. A number of people commented on the supportive atmosphere and the fact that everyone who attended wanted to be there. I thank all students, family members and staff who attended. It was a wonderful opportunity to pray together as a community and to connect with the Mercy sisters who were able to be with us. We were fortunate to also have Mrs Mary Retel, a Director with the Mercy Education Limited Board present at the Mass. Our challenge as a College community is to come together when possible to worship and to recognise that it is an important part of our faith journey. I am thankful to the P & F for providing the food on the evening and encouraging people to gather in Catherine’s Garden after Mass. Saturday 14 March MESA All Years Reunion 4.30pm Thursday 19 March Year 8 Mercedes / Trinity Picnic at Trinity Year 7 Parent Information night - 6pm Friday 20 - 22 March Young Mercies Retreat Monday 23 March Year 12 Drama Performance Evening Wednesday 25 March MESA Meeting - 6.15pm As a College educating young women it was very special to attend the International Women’s Day Breakfast held on Monday in the Hall. We were fortunate to hear from two former Mercedes students. The Honourable Liza Harvey, MLA, Minister for Police, Road Safety, Training and Workforce Development and Women’s Interests spoke about significant women who have made a difference to the world and the need to continue to advocate for women’s rights in countries where they are still marginalised. The importance of a good education was also emphasised. The second speaker was Steph Audino, WA Fashion Designer, who recently featured her classic romanticism label on an international runway at the New York Fashion Week. Steph spoke of the many challenges she has faced starting her fashion business and the importance of family and a positive approach to life. The breakfast finished with a power-point presentation of former students and their achievements. It was inspirational to see the great influence so many young women have on the community and to know that they were educated at Mercedes. It is hard to believe that we are half way through Term 1. One of my favourite experiences to date was attending the swimming carnival a few weeks ago and seeing the joy expressed by the girls as they sang and danced throughout the day. The students were so carefree and full of life. It is very important to me that the girls are happy and well cared for at the College. As I have morning tea with Year 12 students in small groups I have Insight from Catherine McAuley: ‘The blessing of unity still dwells among us – and oh what a blessing – it should make all things else pass into nothing…This is the true spirit of Mercy – flowing on us.’ Mrs Fraser with guest speaker The Hon Liza Harvey MLA, Deputy Principal Liania Strutt and Sisters of Mercy at this years International Women's Day Breakfast. Mercedes College Newsletter Vol. 41 Number 3 / Week 6 Term One / 12 Mar 2015 Mission Team's Musings “I invite you to make a place in your heart…respecting the God-given rights of everyone to have access to adequate food”. (Pope Francis) Project Compassion's 2015 theme, "Food for Life", throws a spotlight on global food issues, focusing on the ways in which Caritas Australia is empowering the world’s poorest people to establish sustainable food sources for life, that relieve them of the fear of hunger and allow them to develop new, improved income streams for a better future. been struck by their positive comments about being at the College and the support they receive from staff and peers. It has been a very successful start to the year. Best wishes Kerrie Fraser Principal In this season of Lent, Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion appeal provides us with an opportunity to take action and bring compassion to others. As a result of our action and contribution more people will have hope for a life without hunger. During each of the six weeks of Lent, we meet the face of Christ in families people from Fiji, Niger, Nepal, Peru, Indonesia and Australia. Their stories humble and inspire us, and show how our contributions to Project Compassion help people build better lives for themselves, their families and their communities. Ms Rosa Speranza Deputy Principal, Faith & Mission Principal Kerrie Fraser at the recent Commissioning Mass. Friday 24 April 2015 / 6.45am The Service and Justice Ministry are planning to host a Dawn Service for ANZAC Day. We are wondering if we might have any returned service men or women in our community, who would be willing to come to the Dawn Service and give a short address to those gathered. Please contact Taylor Lloyd at [email protected], Taylor and Ruby (Service and Justice Ministry) 2 Mercedes College Newsletter Vol. 41 Number 3 / Week 6 Term One / 12 Mar 2015 Faith and Mission Faith and Mission - Ms Rosa Speranza This year, in keeping with the spirit of Lent we are asking homerooms to collect a $5 donation from each student using the homeroom donation boxes. We are not asking homerooms to conduct individual fundraising events. The exception to this will be our year 7 cohort, as fundraising forms part of their Mercy Service Learning requirement. I would however ask Year 7 homeroom teachers to consider alternatives to cake stalls etc. You might like to do a fundraising activity that offers a service such as shoe shining or car washing. You may like to set up a ‘refugee camp’ where students buy a bowl of rice for lunch. Activities such as this also have the additional value of educating students about poverty. At the end of Lent on Wednesday 1 April, we will be holding a single whole school fundraising event – “The Stomp” – with an 80’s theme. Last year this event alone made up our 2014 contribution of $5000. It would be nice to increase this amount for 2015, so we propose to once again seek a $5 donation to Caritas from each student and ask students to come to the event with gold coins for the many games, competitions, lolly bag & juice box sales during The Stomp. Donations to Caritas for this purpose can begin as soon as homeroom teachers wish to collect and record contributions. In keeping with the 2015 Caritas theme of “Food for Life” students were given a challenge this week to collect 500 kilos of nonperishable food items and deposit at the St Joseph’s Tower. Ms Lendich and Ms Speranza were locked away in the Tower and would not be released until the food had been deposited. It was great success with the student reaching 520 kilos by 11.30 am. As we travel through Lent towards the Resurrection, may we, the Mercedes College Community, support Project Compassion so that alongside Caritas Australia, MercyWorks and communities living in poverty, we can help to build a more humane world, where all can live life to the full. Pastoral Care News Years 7/8 Learning Community Year 7 - Mrs Dhana Pitman The Year 7 students were involved in Enlightened Education last week. They took part in workshops designed around the program The Butterfly Effect. The workshops included activities centred on reconnecting with ourselves and our core values and beliefs, to help us remember just how truly special we are. We also explored managing time, organisation, relaxation and the all important necessary skills to make safe, important decisions about friendships. Your daughters are to be commended on their beautiful behaviour and willingness to participate in all the activities. Please make note of two important dates coming up: Thursday 19 March (6pm)-Information Evening. Please get RSVP forms back asap. Tuesday 31 March (straight after school)- Year 7 Mercedes/Trinity Picnic at Mercedes. Letter will be going home shortly. Year 9/10 Learning Community Year 9 - Mrs Sherrin Adams It was gratifying that so many parents attended the recent Youth Focus presentation; it was a great opportunity for you to hear an excellent talk about the important topic of Mental Health. The girls responded very positively to their presentation, which I hope has given them the skills to look after themselves and also not be afraid to ask for help if they feel the need for assistance. It is very important that parents do talk to their daughters about the issues that were raised. Youth Focus has an excellent website and I encourage parents who were not at the presentation to access this site. In Pastoral Care we are continuing our Flourish activities – to tie in with our whole school approach to Positive Education. The girls have received a letter this week concerning the two Reflection Days to be held in Week 8. It is important that signed permission slips are returned by the due date, as catering must be finalised. 3 Mercedes College Newsletter Vol. 41 Number 3 / Week 6 Term One / 12 Mar 2015 Congratulations to the many students who are managing to successfully combine their academic pursuits with involvement in the many activities that are taking place at the College. The Year 9s certainly are being kept busy. Yr 10 Reflection Day - Isobella Brun On Thursday 26 and 27 February, the Year 10s were invited out on a two day reflection. Our group of nearly 170 students were split in half and were sent to two different locations. The first location for our reflection day was as Osborne Park. The second location was at Perth's Zoo in South Perth. On this particular day we were privileged to hear from some very compassionate and dedicated volunteers who strive for a better life within our community, whether it be for our people or our environment. Representatives from the Salvation Army and the Catholic Aged Care Organisation shared their views on important social issues such homelessness and the way in which we treat our elderly population. It's hard to believe that there are almost 10,000 people sleeping out on the streets of Australia every night. Alongside these organisations, we heard from a few of Perth Zoo's docents. These people give up their time to volunteer at the zoo to look after some incredible animals. This experience taught us about volunteering and how we should go about completing our Mercy Service Learning journals. It was a great success! Year 11/12 Learning Community Year 12 - Mrs Bernadette Dell The Year group have been working through the first assessments in many subjects so stress levels are starting to rise. Homeroom teachers have introduced some stress management techniques in recent Pastoral Care periods but it is also worth revisiting some of the ideas from last year. The ANU run a free online program called Mood Gym that many people have found helpful and the girls were introduced to the program last year. We also practised breathing techniques last year. These can be revised through online sources such as We have had a number of important events over the last couple of weeks and many girls had the opportunity to show their leadership skills and their generosity. At the rescheduled Opening Mass and Commissioning Ceremony, it was wonderful to see our girls taking on so many roles that assisted in making the celebration a beautiful experience for the congregation. During the week, Rachel McKenna and Ellie Narducci represented the College at a forum exploring careers for women in the resources sector and Natasha Bengura and Imogen Brierley-Hay attended the International Women’s Day breakfast. All these girls were wonderful ambassadors for the College and gained a great deal from listening to such inspiring speakers. Curriculum News Habits of Mind Quote "I've never made a mistake. I've only learned from experience." Thomas A. Edison Academic News - Mrs Liana Strutt, Deputy Principal, Academic Services SEQTA, Interim Reports and Triangular Meetings Teachers are now in the process of collecting task and tests results for Interim Reports which are due to be delivered to parents via SEQTA on Wednesday 1 April. These reports will inform your conversations with teachers at the Triangular Meetings to be held at the school on Monday 20 April. The meetings will start at 12.00pm and conclude at 8.00pm. These meetings will be ten minutes in length and will be booked through the Parent Teacher Online (PTO) Booking system. Letters will be sent home in the week commencing Monday March 23 detailing access to PTO and SEQTA. I welcome your queries via email to [email protected] or phoning 9323 1379. General News Enrolments INTERVIEWS FOR ENROLMENTS FOR YEAR 7 – 2017 are being conducted this term for sisters of current and past Mercedes students. If you have forgotten to enrol your younger daughter, please contact Mrs Julie Lamb on 9323 1340. An application form can be downloaded from the College Website. 4 Mercedes College Newsletter Vol. 41 Number 3 / Week 6 Term One / 12 Mar 2015 2014 Secondary Assistance Scheme The Western Australian Department of Education provides an allowance to assist eligible families with secondary schooling costs. Please read the Secondary Assistance Scheme general information flier for further information and eligibility criteria. The application closing date for applications this year is Thursday 2 April 2015 and must be completed at the College (Accounts Department) during Term 1 only. The Arts - Mrs Kathleen Cocks, HOLA The Arts AUDITIONS SWEET CHARITY Auditions for Sweet Charity, our 2015 musical will be held in week 7 on Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 March, 3.30-6.00pm in the OPAC. Auditions are open to girls in Year 7-11. Girls only need to attend one day and must work around their commitments to other College events. They may not miss sports training, music rehearsals or DramaDance rehearsals to audition. A singing callback audition will be held on Friday 20 March. Please note this is a musical. We are searching for girls who can act, dance and sing. Less confident singers who are willing to sing in a chorus group are welcome to audition, but lead roles are all characters who sing solos, and dance solos. As this is a musical, the expected standard of singing and dance ability is very high. An audition pack is available from the PAC and the letter, audition form and audition script can also be downloaded here. Girls, please ensure you read the letter carefully. Only audition if you are available for all rehearsals (listed in letter), including July school holiday rehearsals. GOOD LUCK!!!!! Music - Ms Claire Glendinning, Director of Music Choral Weekend Thank you to all of the girls for their hard work during rehearsals at the Choral Weekend. It was a very busy (but rewarding) two days, filled with lots of new music and lots of note learning! I think the girls came away having made new friends across all year groups. Particular highlights were the mini-concert from the House Choirs on Saturday afternoon and the Mercedes/ Trinity Chorale rehearsals on Saturday evening. Thank you to the parents for assisting with meal preparation and to Mr Oliff, Mr Waterhouse, Mrs Cocks, Mrs Knapp, Ms Lawson and the House Leaders for their help throughout the weekend – it would not have been a success without your help! Mt Gambier Jazz Tour There will be some extra rehearsals scheduled for the Jazz Band and Jazz Ensemble, with the Mount Gambier Generations in Jazz Festival only 7 weeks away! More detailed information will be emailed to families by early next week. Diary Dates Please check these dates each fortnight for information regarding performances and extra rehearsals. Friday 27 March Final House Choir rehearsal (dress rehearsal) after school 3.30 - 5 Sunday 29 March Trinity Quarry Concert, rehearsal during the day and performance at night (Wind Orchestra, String Orchestra, Chorale) Monday 30 March Drama, Dance and Choir festival – rehearsals during the day, performance commences in the evening at Perth Concert Hall Sunday 3 May Mercedes College Fete Sunday 17 May Open Day soloists required, please see Ms Glendinning if you are interested in performing. Big Science Competition - Ms Alicia Sharpe The Big Science Competition is organised by Australian Science Innovations, a non-profit organisation committed to providing high quality science extension programs that inspire, challenge and raise the aspirations of students in science. In 2015, we will be providing an opportunity for you’re daughter to challenge themselves in the Big Science Competition. The 50-minute international competition tests student’s critical-thinking and problem-solving skills as well as their science knowledge and is open to students of all abilities at two different levels - Junior (Years 7 and 8) and Intermediate (Years 9 and 10). Each student who takes part will receive a certificate as well as detailed feedback on their performance in the competition. They also go into the draw to win hundreds of iTune and movie vouchers. The Big Science Competition will be conducted on Wednesday 20 May and costs $7.00 to enter. A letter and permission slip should have gone home with your daughter from her Science teacher this week. For more information regarding the Big Science Competition please visit ACC Inclusive Sport Bowling Carnival - Marli van der Merwe On Friday 6 March students from Inclusive Education participated in the ACC Inclusive Sports Bowling Carnival at AMF Bowls in Morley. Students played in teams with students from other Catholic Schools, which enabled them to socialise with their peers in a fun environment. The Inclusive Sports Program is run by the Associated Catholic Colleges of WA in the aim of providing students with a disability equitable access to sporting and recreational opportunities. Students attend these sporting events on a regular basis. We look forward to the Swimming Carnival in Claremont on Monday 30 March. 5 Mercedes College Newsletter Vol. 41 Number 3 / Week 6 Term One / 12 Mar 2015 International Women’s Day Events IWD Breakfast Monday 9 March - Natasha Bengura - (Year 12) UN Women's National Committee hosted a Breakfast on Thursday 5 March and Imogen Brierley-Hay and I were fortunate to attend. Panelists included Mele Maualaivao, the Country Programme Coordinator of the UN Women; Carmen Lawrence, professorial fellow at the University of UWA and former Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women and Yasmin Abdel Mageid, founder of Youth Beyond Borders. This group of exceptional women spoke loudly and proudly about the changes in roles of women over time and addressed some of the negative issues still prominent in society, such as domestic abuse and how to combat discrimination in the workforce. The following day, Rachel McKenna and Ellie Narducci attended the CME Women in Resources Awards, which recognises individuals and organisations working to build a world-class industry which provides attractive career opportunities and enhances the recognition and participation of women in the resources sector. They enjoyed a lovely breakfast followed by a seminar which featured inspiring stories of women who have great achievements in the resources industry. This event provided fascinating insights into the careers that women can carve in an area that is still seen as a male-domain. IT - Mr Paul Reid Director of Learning Technology. Please ensure your daughter’s iPad is kept in a protective case. A number of students are not keeping their iPad in a protective case and these have been noticed as having cracked screens. It is essential that the case is kept on at all times and is one that offers significant protection to the four corners of the iPad. Experience tells us that by investing in a suitable cover may mean you will save yourself a lot of unnecessary frustration and money in the instance of an unfortunate incident. Congratulations IT Angels for 2015 At the beginning of the year, all students were invited to apply to become an IT Angel. Each homeroom has an IT Angel to assist staff and colleagues in their use of IT in the classroom. In addition to the twenty-five 2014 IT Angels who renominated, fifty new students applied. These are students who felt they were confident in using technology and enjoyed helping others. In our regular meetings, we will continue to discuss the role of being a good digital citizen and to share ideas on solutions and strategies to help solve the problems in learning with technology. The presentations to homerooms give the IT Angels a chance to learn more about the technology we 6 Mercedes College Newsletter Vol. 41 Number 3 / Week 6 Term One / 12 Mar 2015 have on offer at Mercedes and develop leadership skills. 2015 IT Angels and Deputy IT Angels: Olivia Mannion, Isabella Harrison, Ehlana Olivieri, Ellen VanBeek, Breah Milford, Rachael Stevenson, Olivia Pedretti, Mackenzie Peattie, Alexia DAlesio, Tahlia Hands, Georgia Comerford, Lauren Johnston, Lilla Anderson, Sarah Patman, Tiana Casey, Alysha D’Souza, Ariana Pesce, Elysia Douglas, Rhiannon Blair, Jasmine Mander, Stefeni Little, Anson Mahindra, Claudia Todaro, Putri Sunarko, Olivia Bozich, Grace Naser-Newing, Kate De La Cruz, Roisin Nash, Stephanie Bogado, Madeleine Kruize, Denica Beale, Paris Fabriziani, Isabella Vidotto, Amelia Ikin, Stephanie Kerrigan, Asha Falk, Rachel Buckley, Alicia Jong, Caitlin Girando, Alisha Newton, Alana Lim, Katya Caltabiano, Grace Chilcott, Shayla Flendt, Kayla Dawson, Lily Graves, Zoe Monastra, Ella Dobbie, Ragini Sabharwal, Olivia Readings, Tess Bowers, Rhiannon Blair, Georgina Versteeg, Gaby Ortiz, Paige Anderson and Diandra Moore. Congratulations also to Millie Akin (Year 12) and Maddie Kruize (Year 11) on becoming the Head IT Angel and Deputy Head IT Angel respectively. Millie and Maddie say the best part about being an IT Angel is the great feeling you get helping others, accessing the latest technology, as well as being able to become closer to girls of other year groups through their common interest. Many teachers have expressed their gratitude for having the IT Angels in class to help them and their peers. Year 11 & 12 Careers Newsletters - Cheryl Alach Year 11 & 12 Careers Newsletter please click HERE Student News Vanessa Tenaglia who is a member of the SM Cheer & Dance Starz Elite Team, Following the success at the 2014 Asia Pacific International Championships In Brisbane September last year. The Team and Year 10 Student will compete at the IASF Cheer Worlds in Florida, USA April This is a prestigious event in the dance and cheer industry comprising over 90 countries and over 10,000 athletes. Good Luck Vanessa. Congratulations to Year 12 student, Jemma Green who has been named in the Womens State U/18 team Hockey Team. Victoria Square Alumni MESA All Years Reunion Saturday 14 March 2015 / Catherine's Garden. Followed by Drinks and Nibbles at the Grovsnor Hotel. Please RSVP to [email protected] Parents & Friends Notice of change to PFFWA Constitution The Parents and Friends Federation of Western Australia is proposing a minor change to their Constitution to alter the number of required general meetings each year from eight (8) to 4 (four). This change will be voted on at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 27 May. Rationale for change: 1. The ability to communicate with Councillors between face-to-face meetings has become increasingly easier and more convenient 2. Councillors tend to be active on other committees within their school and community and one less meeting per term makes it easier for them to contribute to their other commitments. 3. It assists both in time away from home and meeting the cost of travel for country-based Councillors 4. It still provides the ability to have more meetings should they be required A detailed notice of the change can be accessed on our website, Should you have any queries, please contact Shelley Hill, PFFWA Executive Officer on 9271 5909 or [email protected] 7 Mercedes College Newsletter Vol. 41 Number 3 / Week 6 Term One / 12 Mar 2015 9271 5909 103 Wood St, Inglewood, WA Mercedes College Footy Tipping Comp Hurry time is running out for you to register for this year’s Mercedes College comp. Registrations are due in by 27 March 2015. You can register online at or contact Steven Vinciullo 0418 928 186 or [email protected] or Brad Kirwan Ward 0403 108 134 or [email protected] Friends of Mercedes DOMs Year 12 Dinner – Dean Davidson A few of our Year 12 girls were spoilt recently when they attended the first Dads and Year 12 Daughters dinner at the Pan Pacific Hotel on Saturday 28 February. The girls were treated to pre-dinner drinks (soft of course) in Catherine’s Garden before making their way down to hotel, where they were spoiled by the hotel staff. The atmosphere amongst the girls and the Dads was great. At the end of the night we (the girls and the Dads) all agreed that we would catch up in 12 months at the same place for a "Post Year 12 Dinner." Mums only Annual Breakfast at Miss Mauds In its second year, the mums only breakfast, initiated by the MOM Group was very successful with over 40 mums attending. It was a lovely mix of year 7 – 12 mums who sat down to a lovely smorgasbord breakfast at Miss Mauds in Perth on Sunday 8 March. Thank you to all those who attended and we hope next year will grow in numbers. Thank you MOMs for another lovely event. Thank You to Parents Year 10 Reflection Days - Thank you to Carolyn Cheng, Rosie O’Donovan, Nicole O’Rourke, Viginia Miltrup, Deb D’Costa, Lidia Messina, Kathryn Goodwin & Sara MacMillan who assisted with the Year 10 reflection days on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 March either at the Zoo or YMT Osborne Park. Your help and support at these events ensures the success of these events. The staff and students really appreciate it. Thank you again. Family Mass P & F Sausage Sizzle - Thank you to Paul Jervis, Mal Harris, Agatha Manel, Marina Hayward, Louise Comiskey & Marie Short for all their help in the setup, preparation, hosting and clean up last week with the Sausage Sizzle. It was a great way to welcome new families to the school and get existing families together at a social event. Without the help and support from parents, events like the sausage sizzle cannot take place. On behalf of the P & F and the College, thank you! International Women’s Day Breakfast This year’s IWD Breakfast was a sellout! An event like this is threefold and we cannot go without acknowledging the parents who assisted at this event. It was truly an amazing team effort! An event like this cannot take place or be successful without the help, support and encouragement from the Mercedes College parents who generously give up their time to assist. Sunday Setup - Thank you to the parents who gave up their Sunday afternoon – Gabrielle and Frank Metcalf, Joanne Tarleton and her daughter Medbh Flanagan (7.3), Michelle Alder, Marisa Tilli, Christina Bormolini, Wanda and Angelo Armenti and Carolyn Skinner. Also, thank you to the wonderful Prefects, Lauren Brambilla, Ellie Narducci, Ruby Martin, Mary Harris, Rachel McKenna, Caylee Wallis and Aimee Carbery who also came in on Sunday to assist. Monday Morning - It was a very early start at 5.30am for some parents who came in to assist with the final setup before guests arrived. Thank you to Paula Dunn, Veronica Pantos, Louise Comiskey, Annmarie Harris and Agatha Manel who assisted with setup and hosting of the event. Cleanup and Packup - What an amazing team! Many hands, laughter and company made this daunting task, fun and “enjoyable” which was accomplished in record time!! Another huge thank you to Anne Cornish, Agatha Manel, Yoshiko Collins, Jo Bush, Jenni Greville, Sarah Kelleher, Rita Rocca, Gina Romeo, Annemarie Harris, Jo McCluskey, Ann-marie Murray, Louise Comiskey, Audrey Princi and friends. Wednesday Shop Front, Frank Manel, Nichole O’Rouke and Louise Comiskey. 8 Mercedes College Newsletter Vol. 41 Number 3 / Week 6 Term One / 12 Mar 2015 Noticeboard Academic Task Force - WACE Help Weekend Classes, Year 11 - 12 Master Classes and Year 7 - 10 Saturday Classes. For more information email [email protected] visit 2015 Netball Registration please click HERE for more information. Learn to Swim and Squad Coaching ; We are now taking enrolments for Term 1 2015. Sessions are conducted at the Coady Sports Centre's indoor 25m pool. Lessons are led by qualified AUSTSWIM teachers and the lesson curriculum is Royal Life Saving certified. For Term 1 enrolments or to book an assessment session please contact Courtney on 0403 953 317 or email [email protected] The Coolbinia Bombers Junior Girls (9 – 12 years) and Youth Girls (13-18) teams are looking for girls who would like to learn and play AFL football. The club is the leader in girls football in our district having girls football programs from ages 5 through to 18 year olds since 2006. Playing AFL Football you can; Have fun with your friends, Socialise and meet new friends, Be able to execute the physical aspects of the game Get fit and stay healthy Challenge yourself and improve your AFL skills Provide a sense of belonging as a member of a team. Games are played on Sunday mornings (10.30 am to 11.45 am) starting 12 April. Cost :Youth girls $ 140, Junior girls $ 120 This includes a free Club Hoodie, Club Shorts and socks For more information please contact Shaun Email [email protected] Ph 0407 427 079
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