Day 1 12-3-2015 (11.00 am to 1.00 pm) Venue: 5th Floor Admin block Track 1 Chair Members 1. Cloud based intelligent transport system Dr. Geetha.S 2. Cloud Architecture for the Logistics Business Dr. Nandhini 3. Exporting files into cloud using gestures, in hand held devices-An intelligent attempt. 4. An Innovative App with for Location Finding with Augmented Reality using CLOUD. 5. An Efficient Job Scheduling in Isometric HPCLOUD using ZBLA Optimization 6. Intelligent Vehicle Monitoring Using Global Positioning System and CloudComputing 7. Enhanced Cloud performance by predictions 8. Hybrid Cloud for Educational Sector 9. Era of Cloud Computing: A New Insight To Hybrid Cloud 10. Framework for Platform Agnostic Enterprise Application Development Supporting Multiple Clouds 11. Analysis of the effectiveness in image compression for Cloud Storage for various image formats Track 2 Chair Members Dr. Subbulakshmi Dr. Asha 1.Towards a Middleware for Resource sharing in Collaboration of Pervasive Computing 2. A Secure and Light Weight Authentication Service in Hadoop using One Time Pad 3. Fuzzy based intrusion detection systems in MANET 4. DDoS Attack Detection using Fast Entropy Approach on Flow- Based Network Traffic 5. An optimistic approach for data retrieval in vehicular adhoc networks 6. Unique Sense: Smart Computing Prototype 7. Brain Image Classification using Learning Machine Approach and Brain Structure Analysis. 8. Preserving Data Confidentiality using MultiCloud Architecture 9.Design and Analysis of a Vacation Model for Two-Phase Queueing System with Gated Service 10. Comparison Study on Non-Delay Tolerant Routing Protocols in Vehicular Networks 11. Video content reterival using histogram clustering technique Track 3 Chair Members Dr. S. Justus Dr. L.Jeganathan 1.Detection and Prevention system towards the truth of convergence on decision using Aumann agreement theorem 2.Tool Wear Condition Prediction Using Vibration Signals in HighSpeed Machining (HSM) of Titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) Alloy 3. Person counting system using efv segmentation and fuzzy logic 4.Rendering-as-a-Service: Comparison Taxonomy and 5.An Enhanced DACHE model for the MapReduce Environment 6.Machine Learning Approach to the Prediction of Surface Roughnessusing Statistical Features of Vibration Signal Acquired in Turning 7.Minimize Search Time through Gender Classification from Multimodal Biometrics 8.Use of Machine Learning Algorithms for Weld Quality Monitoring using Acoustic Signature 9.Towards a multi-level upper ontology/ foundation ontology framework as background knowledge for ontology matching problem 10.An Efficient Association Rule Based Clustering of XML Documents 11. Modifying security policies towards BYOD 12-3-2015 (1.00 pm to 4.00 pm) Venue: 5th Floor Admin block Track 4 Chair Members Dr.G.Bharadwaja Kumar Dr.S.P. Syed Ibrahim 1. Novel Read Algorithms for Improving the Performance of Big Data Storage Systems 2. Survey on Software Project Risks and Big Data Analytics 3. Big Data and Hadoop-A Study in Security Perspective 4. Health monitoring system by computing using big Data analytics prognotive 5. Online Interactive Data Mining Tool 6. Adaptive Utility-based Anonymization Model: Performance Evaluation on Big Data Sets 7. Monitoring Driver Head Postures to Control risks of Accidents 8. Flexible and Scalable Privacy Preservation in Big Data: A Survey 9. Impact of Big Data Analytics on Banking Sector: Learning for Indian Banks 10. Analysis and Design of Selenium WebDriver Automation Testing Framework 11. Survey on Programming Models and Environments for Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing that defends Big Data Track 5 Chair Members Dr. N. Maheswari Dr. V. Pattabiraman 1. Ontology based Public Healthcare System in Internet of Things (IoT) 2. The k-modes algorithm with entropy based similarity coefficient 3. Conversation of Sign Language to Speech with Human Gestures 4.Conceptual Graph Representation Framework for ICD-10 5. Experiencing company’s popularity and finding correlation between companies in various countries using Facebook’s insight data 6. Versatile and Economical Acquisition Setup for Dorsa Palm Vein Authentication 7. E3: Effective Emoticon Extractor for Behavior Analysis from Social Media 8. IPTV Software Process and Workflow 9. Review On Cloud Computing Application In P2P Video Streaming 10. ITTS: Intelligent Transport and Tourism System 11. Towards an analysis of data accountability and auditing for secure cloud data storage Track 6 Chair Members Dr.Jagadeesh Kannan Dr.RentaChintala Bhargavi 1. Segmentation of Tumors from Ultrasound Images with PAORGB 2. Survey on background modeling and foreground detection for real time video surveillance 3. A novel approach for replica synchronization in hadoop distributed file systems 4. Reducing Semantic Gap in Video Retrieval with Fusion: A survey 5.Variant of COBWEB Clustering for Privacy Preservation in Cloud DB Querying 6. A new soft-computing approach for cancer images - Literature survey 7. An Extended Trust Management Scheme for Location Based Real-Time Service Composition in secure cloud computing 8. Survey on the Key Management for securing the Cloud 9. Building an Authentication and Quality of Query Services in the Cloud 10.Cloud Based Big Data Analytics Framework for Face Recognition in Social Networks using Machine Learning 11. Virtualizing Electrical Appliances and Gadgets Input with Human Gestures Day 2 13-3-2015 (11.00 am to 1.00 pm) Venue: 5th Floor Admin block Track 1 Chair Members Paper List Dr.A.Nayeemulla Khan 1. Cloud based fuzzy healthcare system Dr. V.Viswanathan 2.Securing Algorithm Multi-Cloud using Secret Sharing 3.Allocation-Aware Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Multi-Cloud Systems 4. Designing a Cloud based Framework for HealthCare System and applying Clustering techniques for Region Wise Diagnosis 5.Cloud Computing and Inter-Clouds Topologies and Research Issues - Types, 6. Switch Bandwidth Congestion Prediction in Cloud Environment 7. Capacity predictor with varying pricing scheme and interoperability decision in a bursting situation for cloud computing environment 8. Distributed cloud brokerage: solution to real world service provisioning problems 9. Open platform cloud infrastructure model with enhanced virtualization. 10. Enhanced quality of service in visualizing the malaria data using cloud computing 11. Cloud based search engine Track 2 Chair Members Dr. R. Ganesan Dr.AsnathVicty Phamila 1. Intrusion detection model using integrated clustering and decision trees 2. An insight on reputation based incentive scheme and throughput feedback routing in manet’s 3. Urban green cover assessment and site analysis in chennai, tamil nadu - a remote sensing and gis approach 4. Network flow with fuzzy arc lengths using haar ranking 5. Two factor authentications for secured login in support of effective information preservation and network security 6. Enhanced hybrid framework of reliability analysis for safety critical network infrastructure 7. Homomorphic encryption based data security on federated cloud computing 8. Automated Message Filtering System in Online Social Network 9.Big data security issues based on quantum cryptography and privacy with authentication for mobile data center 10. Towards the development of a framework for socially responsible software by analyzing social media big data on cloud through ontological engineering 11. Semantic Retrieval of Spatial Objects on Location Based Services for Everyday Essentials Track 3 Chair Members Dr P Nithyanandam Dr.J.Priyadarshini 1.Content Based Image Retrieval Using Color Strings Comparison 2.Feature Selection of Gene Expression Data for Cancer Classification: A Review 3. Hybrid Fuzzy-Ontology Design using FCA based Clustering for Information Retrieval in Semantic Web 4.Performance Improvement of Map Reduce Framework in Heterogeneous Context using Reinforcement Learning 5. Community contributed photos' attributes based intelligent travel recommendation system 6. Penalty-based page rank algorithm 7. Effect of big data characteristics on securityleveraging existing security mechanisms for protection 8. Towards greater customer experience: role of network parameters on key business drivers 9. Knowledge based architecture design for user customize application environment structure model 10. Design and analysis of a non linear optimization inventory model for uncertain quantity 11. Heterogeneous Information Management Using Ontology Mapping 13-3-2015 (1.00 pm to 4.00 pm) Venue: 5th Floor Admin block Track 4 Chair Members 1. Advertisement Posting based on Consumer Behavior Dr. Janaki Meena 2. A Novel Feature Selection Technique for Improved Survivability Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Dr. R. Parvathi 3.Survey on Molecular Cryptographic Network DNA (MCND) Using Big Data 4. A Survey Of Big Data Analytics in Healthcare and Government 5. An enterprise oriented view on the cloud integration approaches – hybrid cloud and big data 6. Dynamic Preclusion of Encroachment in Hadoop Distributed File System 7. Predictive Methodology for Diabetic Data Analysis in Big Data 8. Banking on big data: a case study 9. Big data analysis based on mathematical model: a comprehensive survey 10. Radial basis function neural network for software engineering measures – a survey 11. Keyword Prediction with ARM on Bibliographic RDF Data Track 5 Chair Members Dr.L.M.Jenila Livingston Dr. B. Saleena 1. Automated Menu Planning Algorithm for Children: Food Recommendation by Dietary Management System using ID3 for Indian Food Database 2. Analytical Hierarchy Process to Recommend an Ice Cream to a Diabetic Patient based on Sugar Content in it. 3.Cluster Based Outlier Detection Algorithm For Healthcare Data 4. Improving the Enhanced Recommended System Using Bayesian Approximation Method and Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain 5. Reachability Based Web Page Ranking Using Wavelets 6. Unstructured Data Analysis on Big Data using Map Reduce 7. uclust – a new algorithm for clustering unstructured data 8. Evaluating metrics at class and method level for java programs using knowledge based systems 9. A study of factors which influence recruiters for choosing a particular management institute 10. Reverse logistic: a tool for a successful business 11. Progonosis and modelling of breast cancer and its growth novel naive bayes Track 6 Chair Members Dr. Vishnu Priya Dr.B. Rajesh Kanna 1. Performance and Quality Assessment of Similarity Measures in Collaborative Filtering Using Mahout 2. RNA secondary structure prediction on an ad-hoc peer-to-peer network infrastructure 3. On Uniform Traffic Pattern of Symmetric Midimew Connected Mesh Network 4. Seasons: a scalable 4-tier cloud architecture for handling heterogeneity of mobile devices in live multimedia streaming 5. Electronic medical records using nfc technology 6. Analysis of "air-moving on schedule" big data based on crisp-dm methodology 7. Requirements’ prioritization – from the perspective of small and medium scale enterprises (smes) 8. An efficient and fast brain ct image classification using hybrid technique 9. A Novel Approach to Address Interoperability Concern in Cloud Computing 10. An in-depth analysis and study of Load balancing techniques in the cloud computing environment 11. Cloud Testing Tools and Its Challenges: A Comparative Study
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