h ehEntertainers T MEAL IDEAS HEALTHY SNACKS ENTERTAINING Dried Fruit Recipe Booklet 1 Love Fruit ! Fruit Love Delicious and nutritious, dried fruits have always been a cooking favourite and our recipe booklet is packed with mouth-watering recipes to tempt your taste buds. But did you know that dried fruits have benefits that extend far beyond the kitchen? Dried fruits are concentrated packages of nutrition, rich in fibre, potassium, and other essential nutrients. High in energy and low in fat, dried fruit makes a healthy, convenient snack. Recent studies have shown that dried fruit is also high in antioxidants and offers many of the same health benefits as fresh fruit. Unlike their seasonal fresh counterparts, your favourite dried fruits are always available enabling you to easily get your daily fruit fix. Dried fruits are a quick and convenient way to add delicious fruit to your favourite recipes and, unlike fresh fruit, they can add texture to your cooking without going soft and mushy. Dried fruit is a terrific ingredient to keep in the cupboard for when there is no fresh fruit in the house. Strawberry pancakes, mango smoothies or salads and sundaes studded with tasty dried fruit can easily appear on the table. No peeling and no slicing - Fruit for Life premium apple rings are a perfect fruit to reconstitute and can substitute fresh apple in pies and crumbles or simply 2 Our Fruit for Life product range is available from the Dried Fruit section of all major supermarkets and many independant specialty stores throughout Australia. stew and serve with ice cream. When you need to reconstitute dried fruit for cooking use equal parts liquid and fruit. Recipes calling for fruit in sauces - compotes, or toppings should use twice as much liquid as fruit. Fruit will reconstitute faster in hot liquid or when simmered but if you prefer not to cook or heat fruit, it can be soaked for several hours or overnight in cold water. Use a tightly sealed container that can be shaken or turned over, helping to mix the fruit and water. To reconstitute dried fruit more quickly in cold water, dice it into smaller pieces. Diced fruit will usually only take two or three hours whereas whole pieces of fruit should be allowed to soak overnight. Storage - Our delicious gourmet fruits are carefully packed to ensure the utmost quality. Once the pack is opened ideally store in an airtight container in the refrigerator or in a cool dry place. Our Exotic fruits can be stored in their re-sealable bag. Over time fruit such as figs and sultanas may get a white substance on the surface. This is the natural sugar in the fruit which has risen to the surface and crystallised. Sugaring will be dissolved during cooking, by steaming, brief microwave exposure or can be rinsed off with hot running water. 3 Super Berries Baking and Snacking Berries are often described as “super foods,” with research showing that in their raw form they are among the fruits highest in antioxidant content and that they are excellent sources of several phytochemicals. Regardless of the research there is absolutely no doubt that a handful of berries are a delicious, healthy energy boost, easily eaten as a convenient snack or simply add them to many of your regular meals. Try sprinkling a few berries on cereal, yoghurt, salads and rice, add to smoothies or your favourite baking recipes. Fruit for Life Goji Berries can be soaked in boiling water to make a refreshing cup of tea. Produced from premium quality apples, Fruit for Life Apple Rings are plump and flavoursome, making an ideal snack. With no peeling, coring or cutting required, Fruit for Life Apple Rings are a great ingredient to keep in the cupboard for crumbles, cakes, muffins and pies. Dried Figs Figs have one of the highest calcium contents and are a great source of fibre and all round nourishment. For individuals who cannot tolerate other sources of calcium, figs are a great tasty alternative. We have to remember the importance of our calcium intake: • from a growing baby • a breast feeding mum • those torrid teenage years • to mid life crisis • ageing and bone deterioration Calcium intake should range from 1000-1500mg depending upon your age. Women over the age of 30 require 1200-1500mg daily as bone mass is either lost or maintained until menopause. Some easy ways to increase your family’s calcium intake: • With breakfast, have a fig, open and place a roasted almond in the middle - crunchy and nutritious! • A little sweetness after that evening meal – a couple of dried figs with a cube of cheese. 4 Fruit for life Philippine Mango and Strawberries are bursting with flavour. Not only do they make a convenient snack, they are perfect for all types of cooking and baking. Try adding them to stir fries, curries, stuffing, rice or salads. Mums and Dads will love livening up baking, puddings and desserts with the tantalising tastes and colours, or adding to cereals, yoghurt, lunch boxes and cheese platters – the possibilities are endless! Fruit for Life Roasted Coconut Chips are a snacking sensation. Lightly roasted and crunchy, they are great for snacking from the pack or sprinkling on your favourite foods and taste simply irresistible! What’s New! Fruit for life Trail Mix is a delicious and lightly spiced mix of soy beans, raisins, gojis, cranberries, pumpkin seeds and cashew, lightly infused with blueberry and raspberry. Our Apple Clusters are crunchy balls of apply goodness made from diced apple pieces. They contain now artificial colours or flavours and come in plain, blackberry and strawberry. 5 Fresh Ideas with Dried Fruit Our recipe selection... • Liven up cereal, porridge or yoghurt with a sprinkle of dried fruit. 8 RicottaHotcakeswithDriedBerryMixandMascarpone 9 MedleyofSeasonalFruitswithDriedBlueberriesand YoghurtBircherMuesli • Add dried fruit to lassis or smoothies. • Keep a supply of dried fruit compote or sauce in the freezer - an icy treat for the kids or re-heat and drizzle on ice-cream or yoghurt. • Garnish desserts, cakes and cocktails. • Make an edible bracelet for you toddler! • Ideal entertainer - add a selection of dried fruits to a cheese platter. • Have a fondue party with dried fruit dippers! • Dried fruit is a nutritious replacement for lollies and lunch box snacks that are high in additives and fat. • Keep dried fruit in your bag, car glove box, your desk drawer, everywhere! It’s the perfect ‘on the go’ snack. • Impress friends and family with dried fruit gift hampers. • Always keep our handy Fruit for Life booklet in your handbag for those last minute gourmet recipe ideas! Love Fruit ! Fruit Love Delicious, healthy, full of flavour - Fruit For Life! Travelling In the car At the park At work Picnics At school Camping trips On the beach On the bus Hiking Page 10 DriedBlueberriesandRicottaBruschetta 11 BerryMixandFigChristmasPudding 12 BerryMixFlorentines 13 GojiBerryandFigEnergyBites 14 GojiBerrySlice 14 GojiBerryTea 15 GojiBerry,BloodRedOrangeandFetaSalad 16 Oat,PearandDriedBlueberriesLoaf 18 GojiBerry,GoatsCheeseandBabySpinachFrittata 19 DriedMangoandRoastedCoconutSalsa 20 DriedMangoandCoconutRiceSalad 22 PandanusPannaCottawithDriedMangoand Passionfruit 23 RoastedCoconutandLemon,HerbChickenSchnitzels 24 FreshSpringRollswithMango,PrawnandFreshGinger withDippingSauce 25 DriedMangoandAppleBars 26 ChargrilledBeefwithDriedAppleandGreenPapayaSalad 27 DriedAppleandAlmondPuddings 28 WarmChickenandFigSaladwithRocketLeavesRoasted PineNutsandLemonBalsamicVinegar 29 RoastTurkeywithDriedFigs,AlmondandLemonThyme Stuffing 30 FigJam 31 GrilledFigandWarmGoatsCheeseBruschetta 31 OvenWarmedFigsstuffedwithGoatsCheese,Basiland rolledinProsciutto 32 StickyFigPuddingwithButterscotchSauce 33 DriedFigChutney 34 Fig,GingerandPistachioNutIceCreamTerrine 35 Fig,CaramelisedOnionandFetaTarts 36 DriedStrawberriesandCreamMeltingMoments 37 DrunkenDriedStrawberryCrumble 38 StrawberryCoconutPuddingswithStrawberryCouliand CoconutAnglaise 6 39 SmokedChicken,BrieandStrawberryVinaigretteSalad 7 Ricotta Hotcakes with Dried Berry Mix & Mascarpone Medley of Seasonal Fruits with Dried Blueberries & Yoghurt 1⅓ cups ricotta ¾ cup milk 4 eggs, separated 1 cup plain flour 1 tspn baking powder pinch of salt 50g butter 4 navel oranges, segmented 2 pink grapefruits, segmented 2 kiwifruit, chunked 75g Fruit for Life Berry Mix with Sultanas 200g mascarpone 2 bananas, sliced on the diagonal maple syrup Placericotta,milkandeggyolksinamixingbowlandmixto combine.Sifttheflour,bakingpowderandsaltintoabowl. Addtothericottamixtureandmixuntiljustcombined.Place eggwhitesinacleandrybowlandbeatuntilstiffpeaksform. Foldeggwhitesthroughbatterintwobatches,withalarge metalspoon. Lightlygreasealargenon-stickfryingpanwithasmall portionofthebutteranddrop2tablespoonsofbatterper hotcakeintothepan.Cookoverlowtomediumheatfor 2minutesoruntilhotcakeshavegoldenundersides.Turn hotcakesandcookontheothersideuntilgoldenandcooked through. 1½ cups Fruit for Life Dried Blueberries 150ml Grand Marnier or liqueur of choice SoakDriedBlueberriesinGrandMarnier Arrangetossedfruitsequallyamongst4prettyglassdishes. Placeagenerousdollopofyoghurtoneachandgarnishwith asprinkleofroastedslitheredalmondsandpistachios. For a delicious twist SprinklewithFruitforLife RoastedCoconutChips To serve Transfertoaplateandquicklyassemblewithother ingredients.Sliceonebananalengthwaysontoaplate; stack3hotcakesontopwithadollopofmascarponeand BerryMix.Drizzlewithmaplesyrup. Serves 6-8 8 9 Berry Mix and Fig Christmas Pudding Bircher Muesli 2 cups rolled oats 1 cup Fruit for Life Berry Mix with Sultanas 1 cup apple juice/orange juice 1⅓ cup skim milk 1 cup yoghurt ⅓ cup slithered roasted almonds 1 apple, grated 1 tbsn honey Placeoatsandapplejuiceinabowlandmix.Addmilk, yogurt,¾oftheBerryMix,almonds,gratedapplemixand coverovernight. Serveinabowl,withadollopofyoghurt,drizzlewithhoney andsprinkletheremainingBerryMixontop. Dried Blueberries & Ricotta Bruschetta 4 slices Sourdough, toasted 100g ricotta 1 bunch rhubarb 35g Fruit for Life Dried Blueberries 1 orange juiced honey Onathicksliceofwarmsourdoughtoastorbrioche,spread alayerofricotta.Topwithshortlengthsofrhubarbthathave beensimmeredinorangejuiceanddriedblueberriesuntil soft.Drizzlethetopgenerouslywithhoney. Serves 4 10 450g Fruit for Life Berry Mix 125g Fruit for Life Premium Quality Dried Figs, chopped ½ cup dark rum or brandy 120g butter, softened ½ cup brown sugar 2 large eggs 1 tbsn golden syrup 1 cup plain flour 1 tspn mixed spice ½ tspn cinnamon ½ tspn nutmeg 1 small apple, peeled and grated Mixdriedfruitswithrumorbrandyandsoakovernight. Creambutterandsugar.Addeggsgradually,beatingwell andaddthegoldensyrupwiththesecondegg.Mixsifteddry ingredientsintobuttermixture.Addthedriedfruitandapple, stirringuntilcombined. Linethebaseofa1½litrebasinwithacircleofbakingpaper andgreasebowlwell.Spoonthepuddingmixtureintothe basinandfirmlypushdownwiththebackofaspoonto removeairbubbles. Coverthepuddingwithacircleofbakingpaper.Sealthebowl withtwolayersofplasticwrap.(Apuddingtincanalsobe used.) Placeintoalargesaucepanandfillhalfwayupthesideof bowlwithboilingwaterthensealthesaucepanwithalid. Simmerfor3½hours. Removefromsaucepanandallowtostandfor5minutes.Run aknifearoundtheedgeofpuddingandinvertontoaplate. Servehotwithcustard,brandysauceoricecream.Puddingcan bepreparedinadvanceandreheatedonChristmasDay. Serves 10 11 Berry Mix Florentines Goji Berry and Fig Energy Bites 150g Fruit for Life Berry Mix with Sultanas 2 cups cornflakes 1 cup shredded coconut 200g good quality milk or dark chocolate 100g Fruit for Life Goji Berries 375g Fruit for Life Premium Quality Figs 50g pepitas 1 cup flaked almonds 395ml condensed milk Placeallingredientsexceptforthechocolateintoalarge bowlandgentlymixtogetheruntilalldryingredientsare coatedwiththecondensedmilk. Placespoonfulsofthemixtureontoalinedbakingtrayand flattenslightlycreatingacircle.Foruniformcirclesplacean eggringorcookiecutteronthetrayandpressspoonfulsofthe mixtureintothering.Gentlyflattenandremoveringtocreate eachflorentine. Bakeinapreheatedoven160°Cfor15minsoruntillightly browned.Removefromovenandallowtocoolcompletely onthebakingtray.Meltthechocolateandspreadoverthe bottomofeachflorentine.Placethemonafreshlylined bakingtrayandrefrigerateuntilset. Makes 12 50g macadamia nuts 50g whole almonds 20g sesame seeds 20g linseeds 2 tbsn honey Placefigs,macadamianuts,almonds,sesameseedsand linseedinafoodprocessorandpulseuntilcombinedintoa stickymixture.Donotoverprocessorthenutswillturnintoa paste.AddtheGojiBerries,honeyandpepitasandmixthrough withyourhands.Pressmixtureintoalamingtontraylinedwith bakingpaperandflattenwiththepalmofyourhand. Usingametalspatulacarefullypushtheenddownthrough themixturedividingitintosquares.Donotdragthespatula throughthemixture.Refrigerateuntilfirm. Optional: Dipthebottomofeachsquareinmeltedchocolate orcarob.Thiswillhelpkeepthesquaresfirmlytogetherand tastesdelicious. Makes 24 Variation TrysubstitutingtheGoji BerrieswithourBerryMix. FruitforLifeTrailMixwith goji,cranberriesandsoy beanscouldalsobeadded. Gift Idea Individually wrapped florentines make an inexpensive and impressive gift. 12 13 Goji Berry, Blood Red Orange and Feta Salad 60g Fruit for Life Goji Berries ½ cucumber, sliced 1 blood red orange cut into segments 10 mint leaves 50g feta cheese 2 tbsn olive oil 1 bag mesclun lettuce ½ lemon ¼ red onion, sliced Goji Berry Slice 75g Fruit for Life Goji Berries ½ cup shredded coconut ½ cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 cup gluten free flour 1½ cups rolled oats 125g butter ¼ cup golden syrup ½ tspn bicarbonate soda 1 tbsn boiling water Placemescalinlettuceinabowlandtossthroughtheblood redorangesegments,spanishonions,cucumberandmint. Placeonaservingplateandtopwithcrumbledfetaandgoji berries.Drizzlewitholiveoilandfreshlysqueezedlemon juice.Whenentertainingincreasetheingredientquantities andserveinasaladbowl. Serves 1 CombineGojiBerries,coconut,sugar,flourandoatsinalarge mixingbowl.Meltbutterwithgoldensyrupuntilbubbling. Mixbicarbsodaandwatertogether.Addtothebutter mixturewhichwillfroth.Pourintodriedingredientsandstir untilcombined.Pressintoagreasedslicetrayandbakeina preheatedoven120°Cfor20minutesoruntilgolden.Cool andthencutintoslices. Makes 12 Goji Berry Tea Replace tea or coffee with a ‘caffeine free’ cup of revitalising Goji Berry tea. SimplysoakahandfulofFruitforLifeDriedGojiBerriesina cupofboilingwater.Enjoywithahandfulofenergisingdried fruitsfromtheFruitforLiferange. 14 15 Oat, Pear & Dried Blueberries Loaf Topping 25g rolled oats 55g brown sugar 2 tbsn plain flour 25g chilled butter, cut into small pieces Cake 100g rolled oats 375ml boiling water 150g unsalted butter, diced 115g brown sugar 55g caster sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon natural vanilla extract 185g plain flour pinch of salt 1 tspn baking powder 60g Fruit for Life Dried Blueberries 2 ripe pears, peeled, cored and diced Preheatovento180°C.Tomakethetopping,placeallthe ingredientsintoabowlandrubthebutterintothemixturewith yourfingertipsuntilwellincorporatedandsmallclumpsform. Tomakethecake,placetheoatsintoabowlandpouroverthe boilingwater.Stirandleavetocooluntillukewarm.Cream thebutterandsugarinabowluntilpaleandcreamy.Add theeggs,oneatatime,beatingwellaftereachaddition.Mix inthevanilla.Sifttheflour,saltandbakingpowderintothe bowl.Drainanyexcesswaterofftheoats.Addtheoatstothe mixtureandfoldtocombine.Spreadtwo-thirdsofthemixture intoagreasedornon-stick19x11cmloaftin.Sprinklewith thepearsanddriedblueberries,topwiththeremainingcake batterthensprinklethetoppingoverevenly. Bakefor1hour10minutes,oruntilaskewerinsertedintothe centreofthecakecomesoutclean.Turnoutontoa platebeforequicklytransferringtoawirerack withthetoppingfacingupwards.Leaveto coolslightlybeforecutting. 16 Bakefor1hour10minutes,oruntilaskewerinsertedinto thecentreofthecakecomesoutclean.Turnoutontoa platebeforequicklytransferringtoawirerackwiththe toppingfacingupwards.Leavetocoolslightlybefore cutting.Serveinsliceswithbutter. Makes 8 – 10 slices 17 Goji Berry, Goats Cheese & Baby Spinach Frittata 50g Fruit for Life Goji Berries ¼ cup pouring cream 50g goats cheese ½ red onion, sliced thinly 50g baby spinach ½ tspn dried mixed herbs 50g pine nuts ½ tspn crushed garlic 9 eggs pinch of salt Sautéonion,garlicandherbsinanoiledomelettepanonthe stovetop.Whiskegg,creamandsalttogetherandaddtothe pan.Stironmediumheatuntilitstartstoset.Stirthrough spinachuntilwiltedthenturnheatoff.Crumblegoatscheese, pinenutsandgojiberriesontop. Finishinalowoven130°Cforaround7-10minutes.Coolin thepanandthenslice.Servewithafreshsalad. Serves 6 18 Dried Mango & Roasted Coconut Salsa 75g Fruit for Life Dried Mango peeled and diced 2 red onions diced 2 spring onions sliced diagonally 1 fresh red chilli, seeded and slithered ¼ cup fresh mint leaves, shredded 2 tbsn fresh lime juice 2 tbsn olive oil Salt & pepper 40g Fruit for Life roasted coconut chips Fresh coriander to garnish Tossalltheingredientstogether Servewithhotsmokedtroutfillet&afreshlimewedge Serves 4 Summer Sensation Alighthealthydishthat isperfectforaluncheon. Followwithadelicious MedleyofSeasonal FruitswithDried Blueberries&Yoghurt 19 Dried Mango and Coconut Rice Salad 100g jasmine rice (or basmati) 1 tspn unsalted butter 130ml water 20g Thai basil 150g Camargue red rice 1 red pepper, thinly sliced 10g mint leaves, roughly chopped 10g coriander leaves, roughly chopped 2 spring onions, thinly sliced 1 fresh red chilli, de-seeded and finely chopped grated zest and juice of 1 lemon 50g Fruit for Life Dried Mango Slices, finely sliced 60g roasted salted peanuts, roughly broken up 50g Fruit for Life Roasted Coconut Chips 2 tbsn ground nut oil 25g crisp-fried shallots (home-made or bought) salt Cooktherice.Placethejasminericeandbutterinasmall saucepanandplaceonamediumheat.Addalittlesalt,the waterandhalftheThaibasil(keeptheleavesattachedto thestalk).Bringtotheboil,thencoverandcookonaslow simmerfor15-20minutes.Removeanddiscardthebasil. Spreadoutthericeonaflattraytocooldown. Cooktheredriceinplentyofboilingwater(asyouwould cookpastabutwithnosalt)for20minutes,oruntilitis cookedthrough.Drainandspreadonatraytocooldown. Pickofftheleavesoftheremainingbasilandchopthemup roughly.Placetheminalargemixingbowl.Addthejasmine andredricetogetherwithalltheremainingingredients, apartfromtheshallots,andstirjusttomix.Tasteandadjust theseasoning.Transferthesaladintoservingbowlsand garnishwithcrisp-friedshallots,ifyoulike. Serves 4 Camargue Red Riceis arelativelynewvariety ofricecultivatedin thewetlandsofthe Camargueregionof southernFrance.Its distinctiveredcolour willlivenupyoursalads, whileitsnuttyflavour andfirm,chewytexture alsoaddgoodbite. Itisashort-grainedand unmilledvarietyofrice andisthereforequite sticky.Thericehasnot beenpolishedandthe outerbranlayersare leftintact,whichiswhy ithasanunusualred colour. Variation Experiment withthedifferentrice varietiesavailablefrom yourlocalgrowers marketorsupermarket. 20 21 Pandanus Panna Cotta with Dried Mango and Passionfruit Roasted Coconut and Lemon, Herb Chicken Schnitzels 4 tspn gelatine powder 250ml (1 cup) milk 70g caster sugar 1 pandanus leaf, tied in a knot ½ vanilla bean, split lengthways 8 chicken tenderloins, trimmed ⅓ cup plain flour 2 eggs ½ cup fresh wholemeal bread crumbs ½ cup crushed Fruit for Life Roasted Coconut Chips 1 lemon, rind finely grated 400ml single cream Topping 70g Fruit for Life Dried Mango Slices, thinly sliced 250g passionfruit pulp (8 passionfruit) mint leaves Place3tablespoonsofwaterintoasmallbowlandsprinkleon thegelatineevenly.Leavethegelatinetospongeandswell. Putthemilk,sugar,pandanusleafandvanillabeaninasmall saucepan.Bringtoaverygentlesimmerfor10minutes toinfusetheflavours,butbecarefulnottoboilthemilk. Removefromtheheatandleavetoinfuseforanother10 minutes.Discardthepandanusleaf. Addthespongedliquidtothemilkandstiruntilcompletely dissolved.Strainthewarmmilkintoabowlthroughafinesieve andrefrigerateuntilhalfset.Whipthecreamuntilsoftpeaks form.Gentlyfoldthewhippedcreamintothemilkmixtureand pourintosix125mlramekins.Refrigerateuntilset. CombinethefinelyslicedDriedMangoandpassionfruitand mixwell. To serve Brieflydipthebaseoftheramekinsintowarmwater,and thenturnthepannacottaoutontoindividualservingplates. Drizzlewiththedriedmangoandpassionfruit.Garnishwitha mintleaf. ½ cup flat-leaf parsley leaves, finely chopped ¼ cup sage leaves, finely chopped 2 tbsn butter extra-light olive oil, for frying salt and pepper lemon wedges Preheatoverto130°C.Placechickenbetween2sheetsof plasticwrapandpoundwithameatmalletorrollingpin until4mmthick.Combineflour,salt,pepperonalargeplate. Lightlywhiskeggsinashallowdish.Combinetheroasted coconutchips,breadcrumbs,lemonrind,parsleyandsagein aseparateshallowdish. Lightlycoatthechickenintheseasonedflour,shakingoff excess.Dipineggthencoatinbreadcrumbcoconutmixture, pressingcrumbsonwithfingertipstosecure. Place1tablespoonbutterinalargefryingpan.Pouroilinto panuntil1cmdeep.Heatovermedium-highheatuntilhot. Cookschnitzels,inbatches,for2to3minuteseachsideor untilgolden.Drainonpapertowel. Pleaseonabakingtrayinoventokeepwarmwhilecooking remainingschnitzels. Serves 4 Serves 8 22 23 Fresh Spring Rolls with Mango, Prawn and Fresh Ginger with Dipping Sauce 150g Fruit for Life Dried Mangoes, soaked until soft 12 cooked prawns peeled and sliced in half 12 rice paper sheets 1 small cucumber cut in sticks ½ punnet snow pea sprouts 2 cups cooked vermicelli noodles 1 tbsn ginger, shredded 1½ tspn fish sauce ½ cup Vietnamese mint or mint ½ cup coriander Dipping Sauce 1 cup coconut milk 2 tbsn sweet chilli sauce 2 tspn fish sauce Combinevermicellinoodles,coriander,Vietnamesemint,fish sauceandfreshginger.Placericepaperinwarmwaterone atatime.Whensoft(10sec)takeout,putonflatsurface, laymangoslice,twoprawnhalves,cucumberstick,noodle mixtureandfoursnowpeasproutsinthemiddle,halfwayup thericepaper.Foldrightsideover,thenfoldbottomupand roll. Dipping Sauce:Mixingredientstogether,placeindipping bowls.Arrangefreshspringrollsonservingplateoverlapping withdippingsauceinabowl. Serves 4 Dried Mango and Apple Bars 150g Fruit for Life Dried Philippine Mango 100g Fruit for Life Dried Apple Rings 2 passionfruit, halved 2 tablespoons lemon juice Coating 200g dark chocolate, chopped ½ teaspoon vegetable oil Lineaslicetraywithbakingpaper. Placedriedmango,apple,passionfruitpulpandlemonjuice inafoodprocessor.Processuntiljustsmooth.Pressmixture firmlyintopreparedpan.Placeinthefreezer,covered,for1 houroruntilsliceisfirm. Usingasharpknife,carefullycutthesliceinto16rectangular pieces.Placeonpreparedtray. Coating:Placechocolateandoilinaheatproof,microwavesafebowl.Microwaveonmediumfor1½to2minutes, stirringevery30secondswithametalspoon,oruntilmelted andsmooth. Coatthebottomofeachbarwithchocolateandplaceona traylinedwithbakingpaper. Spoontheremainingchocolateintoasnap-lockbag.Snipoff 1cornerandpipechocolateoverslice.Refrigerateuntilfirm. Makes 16 Freezebars, individually wrappedin gladwrap. Placeinlunch boxesas required. 24 25 Chargrilled Beef with Dried Apple and Green Papaya Salad 4 beef rump steaks or sirloin steaks, trimmed 1 tablespoon peanut oil Dressing 2 garlic cloves, peeled 1 long red chilli, deseeded and chopped (not hot) 1½ tbsn shaved palm sugar 3 tbsn lime juice 2 tbsn fish sauce Salad ½ green papaya, peeled, deseeded and finely julienned 4 cherry tomatoes, quartered 1 small handful mint leaves 1 small handful Thai basil leaves 1 small handful coriander leaves 70g Fruit for Life Dried Apple Rings, slithered 1 tbsn ground roasted peanuts Heatachargrillpanorbarbecuehotplateovermedium-high heat.Addtheoil,thencookthebeeffor2-3minutesoneach sideoruntilcookedtomedium.Restfor5mins,thenslice thinly. Tomakedressing,useamortarandpestletopoundthegarlic andchillitogether.Workinthesugar,limejuiceandfish sauce,poundinguntilthesugardissolves.Putallthesalad ingredientsinalargebowl,addthedressingandtosswell. Dried Apple and Almond Puddings 150g unsalted butter 150g caster sugar 18 Fruit for Life Dried Apple Rings 1 tspn natural vanilla extract Batter 175g unsalted butter, cubed 175g caster sugar 3 eggs 100g almond meal 100g plain flour 2 tspn baking powder 1 tspn cinnamon Preheattheovento180°C.Placeasaucepanoveramedium tohighheatandaddthebutterandsugar.Stiruntilthe butterismeltedandthesugardissolved.Addtheapple ringsandvanillaandcookfor10minutes,oruntilsoftand caramelised. Tomakethebatter,creamthebutterandsugaruntilpale andcreamy.Addtheeggs,oneatatime,stirringuntilwell combined.Foldinthealmondmeal,flour,bakingpowder andcinnamonandmixuntilcombined. Lightlygreaseandlinesix250mlovenprooframekins. Arrangethecaramelizedappleringsonthebottom.Divide thebatterevenlybetweentheramekinsandsmoothover withthebackofaspoon.Cookforabout25minutesoruntil lightlygolden. Runaknifearoundtheedgeofeachramekintheninvertonto aservingdish. Toserve Servewithcream. Assembleslicesofbeefindividuallyplated,toppedwithanext ofsalad,thensprinklewithgroundpeanuts. Serves 6 Serves 4 26 27 Warm Chicken & Fig Salad with Rocket Leaves Roasted Pine Nuts & Lemon Balsamic Vinegar 10 Fruit for Life Dried Figs, sliced ½ fresh lemon 2 chicken breasts, sliced 2 cloves garlic, sliced ¼ cup olive oil ½ cup roasted pine nuts ½ spanish onion, sliced 100g baby rocket leaves ½ cucumber, sliced salt and pepper Vinegar ⅓ cup balsamic ⅓ cup olive oil 1 tspn brown sugar 2 garlic cloves zest of half a lemon Vinegar: Combineallingredientsinsaucepanoveralowheat andinfusefor5minutes,coolandrefrigerate. Marinatechicken,garlicandoliveoilfor1hour.Roastpine nutsinovenuntillightlybrowned.Placerocketleaves,onions, cucumberinabowlanddrizzlewithlemonbalsamicvinegar. Roast Turkey with Dried Figs, Almond and Lemon Thyme Stuffing 15 whole Fruit for Life Figs, sliced 1 large turkey approximately 3.5 kilos 2 cloves garlic, sliced 2 cups jasmine rice, cooked ⅓ cup shredded almonds 1 small bunch fresh thyme zest from 1 lemon 1 medium onion, diced 1 apple, diced 1 egg salt and pepper 1 tbsn olive oil Combinealltheingredientstogethertomakethestuffing. Place¾ofthestuffinginsidetheturkey,placetheremainder underthebreastoftheturkey.Rubtheturkeywithoil,salt andpepper. Coverwithfoilandcookinapreheatedovenat180°Cfor 2hours.Removefoilandcookforafurther1houroruntil cooked.Testwithskeweruntilclearjuicesappear. Serves 6 Panfrymarinatedchickenuntilcookedthrough.Addslicedfigs attheend,enoughtowarm.Placerocketonservingplates, warmchicken,figsandpinenuts.Squeezefreshlemonoverthe top. Serves 4 Dessert Idea Followwithour indulgentChristmas Puddingrecipe usingFruitforLife BerryMix 28 29 Fig Jam 375g Fruit for Life Dried Figs 1 lemon zest 200g white sugar Slicedriedfiginhalf,removingthestem,andsoakinwater overnighttosoften. Placethefigsandlemonzestinasaucepanandcoverwith water.Cookoveramediumheatfor3hours,makingsure thereisalwaysenoughwatertocoverfigs.Addsugarand turnuptohigh,stirringcontinuouslyforabout10minutesor untilsugarhascompletelydissolved. Turnjamdowntolowheat.Placeaspoonfulofjamona plateandplaceinthefridgetosetandtesttheconsistency. Whenthetestjamiscool,itshouldnotmovearound theplate.Ifitisstilltoorunny,placebackonmedium heatstirringcontinuously.Keeptestinguntilyougetthe consistencyyouprefer.Pourintosterilisedjars,whilestillhot andseal. Makes 800g Cheese Platter Favourite Figjamistheperfect accompanimentfor sharpcheeses. Spiceyourjamupwith cinnamonandcloves Grilled Fig and Warm Goats Cheese Bruschetta 8 Fruit for Life Dried Figs thinly sliced 150g goats cheese balsamic vinegar 1 ciabatta loaf 50g mesclun lettuce Cutciabattainslicesabout1cmthickandtoast.Butter ciabattawithgoatscheeseandplacefigsontop. Grilltowarm.Placemescalinlettuceinthemiddleofa servingplate.Arrangebruschetta,thendrizzlebalsamicover thebruschettaandmesclunlettucetoserve. Makes 9 Slices Oven Warmed Figs stuffed with Goats Cheese, Basil and rolled in Prosciutto 6 Fruit for Life Dried Figs, sliced in half 70g goats cheese 100g prosciutto, sliced 12 basil leaves salt and pepper Coverslicedfigwithoneteaspoonofgoatscheese,onebasil leafandrollthinlyslicedprosciuttoaround.SaltandPepper. Placeinawarmovenat150°Cforaround10minutesoruntil cheeseissoft.Servedrizzledwithbalsamicvinegar. Serves 12 30 31 Sticky Fig Pudding with Butterscotch Sauce Dried Fig Chutney 375g Fruit for Life Dried Figs 1 tbsn mustard seeds 180g Fruit for Life Dried Figs ½ tspn bicarbonate soda ¾ cup caster sugar 125g butter, room temp. 2 eggs 1¾ cups self raising flour 6 tomatoes, chopped ¼ tspn cayenne pepper 4 peeled apples, sliced 6 garlic cloves, sliced 3 onions, chopped 1 tbsn ground ginger ¼ tspn cloves 2½ cups cider vinegar 2 bay leaves 2⅓ cups brown sugar ½ tspn vanilla essence Butterscotch Sauce 100g butter ½ cup cream ½ cup brown sugar Coverdriedfigswithwater.Boiluntilfigsaresoft,takeoff heatandaddthebicarbsodaandstir.Setaside.Cream butterandcastersugarthengentlybeatintheeggs.Add flour,vanillaessencethenthefigs.Pourmixtureintoaloaf tin,cut6figsinhalfandplaceacrossthetopoftheloaf.Bake at180°Cfor40minutes. Butterscotch Sauce: Combinebutterandsugar.Cookuntil sugardissolvesthenaddcream.Cuttwoslicesofpudding arrangeonservingplateandpourbutterscotchsauceover andtopwithcreamoricecream. 2 tbsn salt Cutfigsinquartersandsoakovernight.Drainfigsandplace allingredientsinalargeheavybasedpotonmediumheat. Boilfor1houruntilthechutneyhasthickened.Pourinto sterilisedjarsandrefrigerate. Serveonhandcutbreadwithshavedham,swisscheeseand rocketoraddtoyourfavouritesandwich. Makes 1 litre Serves 8 Reheat individual servingsofleftover puddingandsauce inthemicrowave foraquickand easydessert. 32 33 Fig, Ginger and Pistachio Nut Ice Cream Terrine Fig, Caramelised Onion and Feta Tarts 5 Fruit for Life Dried Figs, sliced ½ cup water 900ml thickened cream 24 Fruit for Life Dried Figs Caramelised Onion 100g crumbled feta cheese 4 medium onions 3 sheets puff pastry 2 tbsn olive oil 100gm pistachio nuts 1 cup sugar 2 tspn ground ginger Bottom Layer - Fig Ice Cream CombineFigsandwaterinsmallpot.Simmerfor20minutes. Add¼cupsugar,cookuntildissolved,don’tboil.ProcessFigs untilsmooth,add300mlcream,blendtogether.Thenpour intoloaftinandfreezeuntilalmosthard.Chopupandblend again.Placebackintoaloaftin,linedwithgreaseproofpaper, makingsurethetopisflat. Second Layer - Ginger Ice Cream Place300mlcreamandtherestofthesugarinsmallpot, simmeruntilsugarhasdissolved.Don’tboil.Takeoffthe heat,addtherestofthecream,processandfreezeinanother loaftinuntilalmosthardened.Halftheicecreamintotwo portionsof300ml.Refreezeonehalf;addthegroundginger tothe2ndhalf,process.Spreadgingericecreamoverthefig icecreamandrefreeze. Top Layer - Pistachio Ice Cream Whenthesecondlayerofgingericecreamhasset,blendthe remainingicecreamwithhalfthepistachionuts.Pourover thegingericecreamandsprinkletherestofthepistachio nutsontop.Coverwithplasticwrapandfreezeuntilset.Use hotknifewhenslicingyourserves. Serves 12 4 tspn balsamic vinegar Peelandfinelysliceonions.Heatoilinamediumsaucepan overmediumheat.Addonionsandbalsamicvinegarand stirtocoatonion.Cookfor10minutesstirringoccasionally ensuringthattheonionsaren’tstickingorcolouringtoo quickly.Coverandreduceheattolow.Cookforabout40 minutes,stirringeveryfewminutesandcontinuouslycheck thattheyarenotburning. Whiletheonioniscookingcut24tartsizedcirclesofpuff pastry.Pressthecirclesintopattycaketins.Whentheonion iscookedplaceaspoonfulineachpastrybaseandcover withcrumbledfeta.Topeachtartwithadriedfig.Bakeina moderateovenforabout10minutesoruntilthepastrypuffs aroundtheedgesandbrownsslightly. Makes 24 Variationtrydicingyour figsorslicinginhalfto makesmallertarts 34 35 Dried Strawberries and Cream Melting Moments 50g Fruit for Life Dried Strawberries, sliced Icing ½ cup icing sugar, sifted 50g Fruit for Life Dried Strawberries, sliced 250g butter room temp. 90g butter ½ cup cornflour 200g icing sugar 1½ cups plain flour ⅓ cup thickened cream Ruballingredientsexcludingstrawberrieswithyourfingers. Whenmixtureiswellcombined,addthinlyslicedstrawberries androllintoballsthesizeofatencentpiece.Placeona greasedtray,flattenwiththebackofafork.Shouldmake around36balls,18meltingmoments.Bakeinpreheated oven160°Cfor20minutes. Icing: Mixbutter,icingsugar,creamandslicedstrawberries. Whenmeltingmomentsarecool,spreadshortbreadwith icingmixtureandsandwichbiscuitstogether.Dustwithicing sugar. Makes 18 Drunken Dried Strawberry Crumble 250g Fruit for Life Dried Strawberries ½ cup shredded coconut 1 lemon zest Anglaise ½ nip alcohol of choice 100g butter, chopped ⅓ cup brown sugar ⅓ cup plain flour ⅓ cup oats ½ cup shredded almonds 2 cups thickened cream ⅓ cup caster sugar 4 egg yolks 1 tspn vanilla essence Placestrawberriesandlemonzestinjustenoughwaterto coverstrawberries.Poachonlowheat,forabout15minsor untilsoftandaddalcohol.Setaside. Crumblebutter,flourandbrownsugartogether.Addoats, coconutandalmonds.Bakeinovenat180°Cuntilgolden brown.Whencool,breakupwithyourfingers. Anglaise: Combinecream,castersugar,eggyolksandvanilla essenceintoasmallpot.Stiruntilanglaisecoversthebackof thespoon.Inaglass,layerwarmedstrawberries,anglaise andcrumble. Serves 4 36 37 Strawberry Coconut Puddings with Strawberry Couli and Coconut Anglaise 100g Fruit for Life Dried Strawberries 250g butter room temp. 1 cup coconut cream 100g shredded coconut 330g caster sugar 2 eggs 300g self raising flour Strawberry Couli 100g Fruit for Life Dried Strawberries 220g caster sugar ½ cup water Coconut Anglaise 1 cup coconut cream 1 egg yolk 2 tbsn caster sugar Creambutter,eggs,castersugar,coconutcreamthenadd flour,shreddedcoconutanddriedstrawberries.Bakein individualpuddingmouldsat160°Cfor40minutes. Strawberry Couli: Placeallingredientsinasmallpoton mediumheat,allowsugartodissolve,thensetaside. Coconut Anglaise:Warmcoconutcreamonstove,addegg yolkandsugar.Stiruntilcoversthebackofawoodenspoon. Arrangethepuddingsinthemiddleofaservingplate.Drizzle coulioveroneside,anglaiseontheothersideandsprinkle withtoastedcoconutshreds. Serves 12 Smoked Chicken, Brie and Dried Strawberry Vinaigrette Salad 100g Fruit for Life Dried Strawberries 200g Brie 1 lemon zest 375g smoked chicken 1 red onion, sliced 100g mescalin lettuce Strawberry Vinaigrette 100g Fruit for Life Dried Strawberries 1 cup olive oil 2 cups white wine vinegar 1 tpsn seeded mustard salt and pepper to taste Strawberry Vinaigrette Placedriedstrawberriesandwhitewinevinegarinsmallpot andleaveovernighttoinfuse.Boilthemixtureandreduce liquidbyhalf.Coolandthendrainthemixturekeepingonly thevinegar.Combinemustard,oil,saltandpepperwiththe vinegar. Assemble Salad Placedriedstrawberriesinasmallpotwithjustenoughwater tocover.Boiluntilsoftforaround15minutes.Alternatively soakstrawberriesovernight.SlicesmokedchickenandBrie. Combinemescalinlettuce,onions,lemonzestanddressin halfofthestrawberryvinaigrette.Placeonaservingplate, thenfan3slicesofsmokedchickenand3slicesofBriearound thesalad.Placestrawberriesontopofsaladanddrizzle remainingstrawberryvinaigretteoverthetop. Serves 4 GarnishwithFruit forLifeRoasted CoconutChips 38 39 About Us FMP Marketing Pty Ltd is a family owned Australian company which has been involved in the importation and distribution of dried fruits and fresh coconuts since 1980. Our company always strives to add diversity and interest to the dried fruit market by ensuring we maintain an interesting and unique range. FMP Marketing also distributes fresh mature coconuts and drinking coconuts, under our Jungle Produce brand, plus bulk fruits, to all major supermarkets and market agents. For further information visit www.fmpmarketing.com.au Write to us: PO Box 421, Mosman NSW 2088 Consumer information: 02 9960 4762 40
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