Publication List of Philipp Grohs Theses [1] P. Grohs (2010). Approximation Theory in Manifolds. Habilitation Thesis, TU Graz. Available from habil.pdf. [2] P. Grohs (2007). Smoothness analysis of nonlinear Subdivison Schemes on regular Grids. Ph.D. thesis, TU Wien. Available from http://www.sam. Books [3] S. Dahlke, F. DeMari, P. Grohs, and D. Labate. Harmonic and Applied Analysis – From Groups to Signals. Springer (2014), to appear. Preprints [4] S. Etter, P. Grohs, and A. Obermeier, FFRT – a fast finite ridgelet transform for radiative transport. Submitted. Available as SAM Report 2014-11, ETH Z¨ urich, reports/reports_final/reports2014/2014-11.pdf. [5] E. Fonn, P. Grohs, and R. Hiptmair, Polar spectral scheme for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation. Available as SAM Report, ETH Z¨ urich, reports2014/2014-13.pdf. [6] P. Grohs, S. Keiper, G. Kutyniok, and M. Schaefer, α-molecules. Forthcoming. Available soon as SAM Report, ETH Z¨ urich, http://www. [7] P. Grohs, S. Keiper, G. Kutyniok, and M. Schaefer, Cartoon approximation with α-curvelets. Submitted. Available as SAM Report 201407, ETH Z¨ urich, final/reports2014/2014-07.pdf. [8] P. Grohs, Z. Kereta, and U. Wiesmann, A shearlet-based fast thresholded Landweber algorithm for deconvolution. Submitted. Preprint available from 1 [9] P. Grohs, M. Sprecher, and T. Yu, Scattered manifold-valued data approximation. Submitted. Preprint available from http://www.sam.math. [10] P. Grohs and S. Hosseini, ε-subgradient algorithms for locally Lipschitz functions on Riemannian manifolds. Submitted. Available as SAM Report 2013-49, ETH Z¨ urich, reports/reports_final/reports2013/2013-49.pdf. [11] P. Grohs and M. Sprecher, Projection-based quasiinterpolation in manifolds. Submitted. Available as SAM Report 2013-23, ETH Z¨ urich, reports2013/2013-23.pdf. [12] P. Grohs and C. Schwab, Sparse twisted tensor frame discretizations of parametric transport equations. Available as SAM Report 201141, ETH Z¨ urich, final/reports2011/2011-41.pdf. [13] P. Grohs, On the maxima of cardinal refinable functions. Preprint available from Journal Publications [14] E. Fonn, P. Grohs, and R. Hiptmair, Hyperbolic cross approximation for the spatially homogenous Boltzmann equation. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. In press. Preprint available from http://www.sam.math. [15] P. Grohs, Wolfowitz’s theorem and convergence of consensus algorithms in hadamard spaces. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. In press. Preprint available from files/wolfowitz.pdf. [16] P. Grohs, H. Hardering, and O. Sander, Optimal a priori discretization error bounds for geodesic finite elements. Foundations of Computational Mathematics. Accepted subject to minor revision. Available as SAM Report 2013-16, ETH Z¨ urich, reports/reports_final/reports2013/2013-16.pdf. [17] P. Grohs and G. Kutyniok, Parabolic molecules. Foundations of Computational Mathematics. In Press. DOI: s10208-013-9170-z. [18] P. Grohs and S. Vigogna, Intrinsic localization of anisotropic frames II: α-molecules. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications. Accepted subject to revision. Preprint available from http://www.sam.math.ethz. ch/~pgrohs/files/loc2.pdf. [19] P. Grohs, Bandlimited shearlet-type frames with nice duals. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 243, (2013), 139 – 151. DOI: 2 [20] P. Grohs, Geometric multiscale decompositions of dynamic low-rank matrices. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 30, (2013), 805–826. DOI: [21] P. Grohs, Intrinsic localization of anisotropic frames. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 35, (2013), 264–283. DOI: http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.acha.2012.09.003. [22] P. Grohs, Quasiinterpolation for Riemannian data. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 33, (2013), 849–874. DOI: 1093/imanum/drs026. [23] P. Grohs, Refinable functions for dilation families. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 38, (2013), 531–561. DOI: 1007/s10444-011-9248-6. [24] P. Grohs, Ridgelet-type frame decompositions for Sobolev spaces related to linear transport. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 18, (2012), 309–325. DOI: [25] P. Grohs, Tree approximation with anisotropic decompositions. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 33, (2012), 44–57. DOI: http: // [26] P. Grohs and J. Wallner, Definability and stability of multiscale decompositions for manifold-valued data. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 349(5), (2012), 1648–1664. DOI: jfranklin.2011.02.010. [27] M. Skopenkov, H. Pottmann, and P. Grohs, Ruled Laguerre minimal surfaces. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 272(1), (2012), 646–674. DOI: http: // [28] P. Grohs, Continuous Shearlet Frames and Resolution of the Wavefront Set. Monatshefte f¨ ur Mathematik, 164(4), (2011), 393–426. DOI: http: // [29] P. Grohs, Continuous shearlet tight frames. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 17(3), (2011), 506–518. DOI: 1007/s00041-010-9149-y. [30] N. Dyn, P. Grohs, and J. Wallner, Approximation order of interpolatory nonlinear subdivision schemes. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 233(7), (2010), 1697–1703. DOI: 1016/ [31] P. Grohs, Approximation order from stability of nonlinear subdivision schemes. Journal of Approximation Theory, 162, (2010), 1085–1094. DOI: [32] P. Grohs, A general proximity analysis of nonlinear subdivision schemes. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 42, (2010), 729–750. DOI: http: // 3 [33] P. Grohs, Stability of manifold-valued subdivision schemes and multiscale transformations. Constructive Approximation, 32, (2010), 569–596. DOI: [34] H. Pottmann, P. Grohs, and B. Blaschitz, Edge offset meshes in Laguerre geometry. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 33, (2010), 45–73. DOI: [35] P. Grohs, Smoothness equivalence properties of univariate subdivision schemes and their projection analogues. Numerische Mathematik, 113(2), (2009), 163–180. DOI: s00211-009-0231-9. [36] P. Grohs, Smoothness of interpolatory multivariate subdivision in Lie groups. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 29, (2009), 760–772. DOI: [37] P. Grohs and J. Wallner, Interpolatory wavelets for manifold-valued data. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 27(3), (2009), 325– 333. DOI: [38] H. Pottmann, P. Grohs, and N. Mitra, Laguerre minimal surfaces, isotropic geometry and linear elasticity. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 31, (2009), 391–419. DOI: s10444-008-9076-5. [39] P. Grohs, Smoothness analysis of subdivision schemes on regular grids by proximity. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 46(4), (2008), 2169. DOI: [40] J. Wallner, E. Navayazdani, and P. Grohs, Smoothness properties of Lie group subdivision schemes. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 6, (2007), 493–505. DOI: Refereed Conference Proceedings [41] P. Grohs, S. Keiper, G. Kutyniok, and M. Schaefer (2014). Parabolic molecules: Curvelets, shearlets and beyond. In G. Fasshauer and L. L. Schumaker (editors), Approximation Theory XIV: San Antonio 2013. Springer. Preprint available from http://www.sam.math.ethz. ch/~pgrohs/files/ParaOver.pdf. [42] P. Grohs, S. Keiper, G. Kutyniok, and M. Schaefer (2013). αmolecules: Curvelets, shearlets, ridgelets, and beyond. In Proceedings SPIE 2013. Preprint available from files/AlphaSPIE.pdf. [43] P. Grohs (2011). Tree approximation and optimal image coding with shearlets. In SampTA (Sampling Theory and Applications): Singapore 2011. Preprint available from SampTA_Grohs.pdf. 4 [44] P. Grohs (2010). Interpolating composite systems. In M. Neamtu and L. L. Schumaker (editors), Approximation Theory XIII: San Antonio 2010. Nashboro Press. DOI: 978-1-4614-0772-08. [45] P. Grohs and J. Wallner (2008). Log-exponential analogues of univariate subdivision schemes in Lie groups and their smoothness properties. In M. Neamtu and L. L. Schumaker (editors), Approximation Theory XII: San Antonio 2007, pages 181–190. Nashboro Press. Preprint available from Book Chapters [46] P. Grohs (2012). Shearlets and microlocal analysis. In Shearlets: Multiscale Analysis for Multivariate Data. Birkh¨auser Springer. DOI: http: // Others [47] P. Grohs (2012). On the structure of anisotropic frames. Oberwolfach Report 29. DOI: [48] P. Grohs (2010). Book Review: Invitation to Ergodic Theory by C. Silva (AMS 2008). Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, 211, 2009. Available from [49] P. Grohs (2010). The continuous shearlet transform: Representation formulae and microlocal analysis. Oberwolfach Report 44. DOI: http: // 5
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