*T?*t?8Hffi*^ NATIONAL ESIINEIL FOR LAW REPORTING LIBRARY THE KENYA GAZETTE l\rlllished hy ,\uthority of the Repuhlic of Kenya {Rcgrrtrrctl lrr ir Ncrr \pal)cr lt the (i-P O t \/ol. CXVII-No.25 NI\IROIII, l3th lVlarch. 2015 C()NTENTS (;,\zlI l-li N()'r I('1,.s l lic kcrrr ir Ilri'tl* .\i t . I' \( it 5 \PP1r1t11111.'1q1 'l'lre I like \arrlslra Irtt.tr rslt.r \l.rrr.ta-crnorL t() l]o.uLl 5.16- 5-16 Tlrc Ithlre l--rriinrc \lrrragr'rlrcnl .\.1 '\P[)()llltr]rcllt ol 'l'lrr' ( crrtIrl lrc Nrrrs.^: llr ] lla|k ol Kcrrra \( t --RL'\()(at()r] of Ol tlc!'r .,ir,l ltcJr\lrafr()r) Acl -lsstte ol 'l ire l.;rrr,l -5.t6 -. ,\.t 5.r8-54e 5.+9,550 .55(). .s5 R!'c,\(crcd anti Practrsrng Vllrrers. ctc v Cirrtrnr _55 5 l'he lrlc.trrrt. ,Act--Appourhncnt ol RL-lilnrir! ()lllccr DL-put\ RL'turnns Ofllccr. ctc flrc' Kenl a Mcrlrcal Practrtrone Appr t'i ctl Irrstrttrtrurrs rrr s6_5 Phl rrcal Plarrnrrrg DL'vcl(rpilrctll Phil \ l-rl . 2-1 and 25 il P,\( 'fltc Nutrorral Youth Ernplorrrcnt Autholfy Btll. ll.1 t()15 The Hrghe'r Educatlon Loans Board (Anrendrncut) llrll. lo I 5 t .ls 55e thc SUPPLENI},i'i'I No. 24 559.56{) \ttrttL, Iilllt. )015 Part The Envtronmental Man.rgcrnent artd Co<rnlrnatron ActEnv rr orrnreotll Imp.rct Asscrsrre'nt Shrdy Reporl\ ! -i (St.llc Furrtl) t\(t!tttttttl lrrr'rr/r/r llrIIt. lllI5 5.59 rs arrd Denrrst\ \ct - Act-(irnrplctrrrr ol l StTPPI-IiSII,;N't No. )7 Pru-aprtrlessronals C()nstrtutron and Rules of the LTnlon. etc Thc 23-'l-he PLrblrc Frnartcc Nlartirgt'nrerrt Ollle en HoLtsc Ntrltqasc Scltente -s5s thc 2015 lLcsrste'rs Tlrc I-abour Relatron: Act-Arrerrdrnent o1 P,\( it- t,.s56 5.s9 (irnlrrruatron ol Ilntrrc. I c Str 1rytlt ttt t' tt I l,F(r,\t- No |t('E No .rrrtl lot l,lcc'nces Tlrt \'.'tcr rrrarl Surgetns arrd Vcterrnarl 22 I I-lrc kcirla Irrlorrratron itntl (irrtrrtruttrcutr()lr\ r\(t \.t SLIPPI,EMEN'I No. rssrrn- Frrc'l Cost ('har ge. r'lt 11,,r,, 5(r7-5(rR Rcltrl:tltotts- l0 Ol'llcc'rs E\Jr)In:ltr('n Il\'\Ull\ 11 Chanqe of Narncs l.cgt \ lttt lrrr;rrrrr l\rblre Serrrrc Corrrmrrsron'-Adnrnistratrve \1lPl 5(r-l 5(r7 Prrvrsurtirl 53G-.s,ili .\cl- -s63 [.ors of Polrcrcr 536 - et( l'he' Iincl-ur Rcgulalor Shate ('r'ttrllc.rtc Rrrer ixrntr Lior'cnrrtrer)t\ N()trrc\ l'hc Valuers ol 516 l. t ,\ppolrirncrrt oi Rctunnt),9 ( ('llrllLlrlc\. ( zo Iitrrrrl N{lrrt,rse rrtcnI Conlnrttce l.r\r'il(i lJut(.ru I ['te P,\(;F 562 I)os cl trl' Allonrcl [-oss \ l)l \ )il ltil)tt rl ('()n\trtue nL) Price Sh.60 5-59 PA(;E Thc Cltncr'r Ptt'r'cntton 560 561 Brll. l0 I 5 rnrl Control (Amcndnrenl) 37 Is: s THE KENYA GAZETTE 536 l3th March, 2015 (b) monitor compliance with the laws and regulstiofls goveming the environrnent of the lake and its cetchncnt ih colhboratiofl CoRRICENDA IN Cazette Notrce No. 14444 of 2O12, antend the expression printed as "CAUSE No. 301 oF 2010" to re.rd "CAUSE No. 301 oF with the relevant Ministries: (r') develop rnd adapt aEd execute a Trust or other instrumont to receive financial resources from within or outside Kenya to finance the rmplementation of programmes. for whrch the board shall be fully accountable for ptopet and prudent mahagement and for the loss of which it shall be liable; 2012". IN Oazette Notice No. I 050 of 20 I 5, Cause No. 36 of 2015, umcnd the exprcssion pritrted as "who died 6t Kihara, on 28th December, 199l" to read "who died at Kenyana National Hospital in Kenya, on 28th May, 2012" where it appers. (r/) collaborate wrth all stakeholelers, rncluding research institutions. and promote their active partrciprtion in Imarisha Naivasha Programme rvithin the lake and rts cdtchment, and (e) perform any other tasks as requested by the lnter-Ministerial GAZE|TE NOTICE NO. I55E Commrttee. THE KENYA ROADS ACT 2. (Cap.40El (b) Andres lN EXERCISE of the powers conferrcd by sectron 45 of the Ken!'e Roads Act, the Cabinet Secretary appoints- (c,l Riparian (fl Anft Wenyorke. representing the Communrty Forest Associations; (.g) Raphael lkrba, representing the fisheries'seetor; to (i) Jrm Mwengr. repres€nting the toutism tndustry; i) (/l Enock Kiminta. repfcrcflting pestoralrsts; ( provide thc Ptincipal Secrctlry. Stit€ D€pdrtrheht of Environment and Neturcl Resourcest (1, the Chref Etecutive Officer of the Kenya Wrtat Toweru Agencyi Reference: (/) Identify factors rcrponsible for traffic congertion 2. Recommend cofrective mesrures. 3. Categorize implementation of corective actionr the Mcmbcr of the eouflty Erecutive Committer responrible for the envitonment ifl the County Governmcnt of Nrkuru; of the County Ex€cutive Committee rcsponsible for the cnvironment in thc County Governncnt of Nrroki (rr,, the Member into- (a) immedlate; (r,, thc Mefiber of the Couhty Ereeutive Commfttee rcrpodsibl€ for the environment ih the Courtty Oovernnrnt of Nyandaruri Short term; (e) Medium. (rr) r reprcrcntctive of the Kenyr \ilildlife Service; rnd Prepare cost estirnater for each coneetive rnealures. (p, a iepre$ntrtive of thc Ewaso Ng'lro South Development Authority. Draw implementrtion matrii with clef,r tim€lineB apportioning 3. recponsibilitier to vatious institutions. consider desirablei Monitor the impact of interventtonr. (r/ mry cruse such rtudier or rcsdrches to bc undcnaken as rnay inform the boatd of its mcndstc; Authoriti€s on implemenution of the above. DBted the 2nd (c, m8y eo-opt such indivrdusls March,20l5, M. S. M. KAMAU. Cablnet Seuetdry The boerd, for the p0ryox of thc p€rformrflc€ of itr fuflctionr-- (al shrll meet rt sueh plrcer end such tifles rs the Eoard rhell Ovcrree the implementation ofthc intdrventions identified sbove. E. Advice the Ministty of Trunrport ard lnfrastrueturc and Road es h ntry d€em cpprqnhtei End hrEreh€g of the law td thG Cflbinct Seereury fof Enviruflm€flt, Wrt€r rnd Netutal Rerouteer. (d) rhall rBpoft fur Transprt and l4frastucture. rny s.riour 4. The bolrd mly rcBulrt€ it! own pftredures urd mry irsue guidelines wlth Elpect to the oderly eonduet of its ptueeedings, quorurn for the trarlsection of itr business and other tclatcd matt€rs. GAzErrENdTIcENo. IJ59 THE LAKE NAIVASHA IMARISHA MANAGEMENT EOARD lT lS notified for the general information of the pubhc thet the Cabinet Secretary for Environment. Water and Natural Resourees has appointed a board to be known as the Lake Naivasha Irttarisha Management Board, whose aim is to restore Lake l{aivasha and its crtchment. The termr of refetence of the board shall be 5. The Secfcttriet of the boerd chrll bc based at the Ministry of Environment, Water and Nrtural Resoureer. APPOINTMENT l. the [.ake Naivasha (e) Joseph Kariuki, representing the Lake Naivsasha Growers Groupl February, 201J. Mafirn Eshiwani; and Michael Githinji, admlnistrative rnd logistical Bupport. 6. 7. Resouree Association; to be members of the the Taskforce on Desongesioh of Traffie in Nairobi City, fot a period of three (3) months, with effect from 9th 4. 5. Paul Ruoya. representing the Catchment ldYater (rl) Sarah Hrggins, rcpresentrng Ceorge Wanjau. Edward Mwamburi, Jacqueline Cithinji. Jamcs Ng'ang'a (Eng,), J, N. Maina (Eng.). (r) Society Users' Assosiations: Pius T. Barasa. l. ole Koisamou. representing Civil Organisattons; Mohamed Abdullahi. Michael M. Njonge (Eng.). James N. Oatitu (Eng.). David Mutonyi (Eng.). Michael Fest. Colin Rtdding, oJ of- (.r) Cyrus Karrngithi. representrng the Naivasha Industries and Busrness Community, who shrll be the Chairperson; AppornrMrrur Terns The board shall comprise to- (a) develop a programme ("lmarirha Natvasha Programme") to coordinate activities of various players engaged in the conservation of the lake and its eatchment, and for thrt purpose to review and approve projects; 6. The term of the board shall be fop a pertod df thrce. 7. There shall be an Inter-Ministcrial Committ€e which rhrll eornpfise of- (a) The Prlncipal Seueury, Stre Deprnment of Environment rnd Nattrrsl Resoutces; (E) One representrtive ea€h (i) (ii) (tii) from- the National Treasury the Minlstty of Devolutiort atld Planning the Ministry of Agtie ultute, Livcatock dnd Firhe rics; I { (iv) 537 THE KENYA GAZETTE l3th March,2015 of the Ministry East African Affairs, Commerce and Tourism ScHEDULE Name (v) (vi) the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum; (vii) the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development. Effectirc Date Nevada Forcx Bureau the Mlnistry of Healthl and The Inter-Ministerial Committee ofBureau Limited 3 I st December, 201 5 Dated the 29th December.2014. NJUGUNA NDUNG'U, shall- Governor, Centrul Bank of Kenya. (a,l provide policy and technical guidance to the boaral (b) facilitate the implementatron of t}le Imarisha Naivasha Programme; GAZEI-TE NoTIcE lo (c) co-ordinate actions required by the Government resolve matters brought to the committee by the board; and - THENURSESACT (Cap.257) (r/) undertake any other tasks that nray be assigned by the Cabrnet Secretary for Environmeut, Water and Natural Resources. The lnter-Ministerial Committee shall report to the No. I 562 THE NURSES (NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS TO THE Cabinet COUNCIL) REGULATIONS Secretary for Environment. Water and Natural Resources. - (L.N.4t of20t2) Dated the 3rd March, 2015. - JUDI W.WAKHUNGU, Cabinet Secretovl,for Enironmenl, ll/ater and Nalural Resources. APPoI NTM ENT oF A REI-URNING OFFICER lN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by regulation 5 of the Nurses (Nominations and Elections to the Council) Regulations. 2012. the Nursing Council of Kenya appoints- GAzEnE NOTICE No. I560 THE PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT ACT (No. 18 oJ . 2012) THE PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT (UWEZO FUND) REGULATIONS, 20 I4 DANIEL M. YUMBYA to bc the Retumin! Officer for the election of elected members to the Board of the Nursing Council of Kenya. Dated the lOrh March.20l5. (L.N.2l oJ20t4) EDNA C. TALLAM. Registrar, Nursing Council of Kenya. APPoINTMENT oF CoNSTITUENCY UwEzo FUND MANAcEMENT COMMITTEES lN EXERCISE of powem conferred by section I 5 (5) of the Public Finance Management (Uwezo Fund) Regulations, 2014 the Cabinet Secretary. Ministry of Devolution and Planning gazettes the following members of Constituency Uwezo 'Fund Committees in various constituencies as outlined belorv for a period of three (3) years, with effect from lTth February, 2O1 5. GAzEmENoTICENo. I563 . ( No. 3 David Mutuku WHEREAS Mary Wambui Mwangi, Member Member Member Secretary Ex oficio Member Member Member Member Member Member of PO. Box 222409lN, Kiambu in the Rcpublic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of lind known as L.R. No. 7918/280. situate in Isiolo Township in lsiolo District, by virtue of a grant registered as I,R. 5165/1, and whercas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said grant has been lost, notice is given that afte.r the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date hereoi I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been rcceived within that pcriod. . Datcd thc l3th March. 201 5. Mcmber Cathorine Mutunga Danlewis Mwavu Brenda Munyao oJ2Ot2) ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE KITUI RURAL CONSTITUENCY Sub-County Commissioner or re'presentative Sub-Courity Development Offi cer or representative Sub-County Accountant National Government representative Ministry responsible for Youth and Women CDF Fund Account Manager Faith Munyinyi Wambua Kakanza Martha Kiema THELANDREGISTRATIONACT B. F. ATIENO, Re gistrar oJ Title s, Na MR/6992579 irobi. - Dated the 27th February,2015. ANNEWAIGURU, GAZETTENoTIcENo. I564 Cabinet Secretary.for Devolution and Plonning. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) GAZETTE NoTIcE No. I56I IssUE oF A PRovISIoNAL CERTIFICATE THE CENTRAL BANK OF KENYA ACT (Cop.49t) THE CENTRAL BANK OF KENYA (FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS) REGULATIONS, 2OO7 (L. N.62 of2OOTl REVoCATIoN oF A FOREX BUREAU LIcENcE IT IS notified for information of the general public that in exercise of the powers conferred by regulation 6'(2) of the Central Bank of Kenya (Foreign Exchange Business) Regulations. 2007, the Central Bank of Kenya revokes the licencc of the Forex Bureau specified in the first column of tho Schedule, with effect from the respcctive date spocified in tho rccond column of the Schedule. \ \ . ' WHEREAS Kulsum Abdulali Tejpar, of P.O. Box 30668, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 12596164, situate in the city of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, by virtue of a certificate of title registered as I.R. 210838/1. and whereas sufficicnt evidence has been adduced to shoiv that the said certificate of title has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hercof. I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided-that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the l3th March. 2015. C. N. MR/6992868 Re gis tra KITUYI. r of Title s, Na i robi. 538 THE KENYA GAZETTE l3th March,2015 I.R. 142856/1, and whereas stifficient evidence has been adduced to GMEITENCTncENo. I565 show that the said grant has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objcction has been received within that period. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Wo.3 of20l2) IssuE oF A PRovlsrqNAL CERT|FtCATE WHEREAS Yogi Properties Limited, a limitcd liability company, incorporated in Kenya, of P.O. Box 44542401W, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of Flat No. 3 erectcd dn all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 2}gll499O/l}, situatc in thc city of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, by virtue of a lease registcred as I.R. 106370/1, and whereas sufficient evidence hap been adduced to show that the said lease has been lost, notice is given that after thc expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been rcccived within that period. Dated the l3th March, 2015. C. N. KITUYI, Re gistrar oJ Ti tle s, Nairo b i. MR/6992858 GAzEmENorrcENo. 1566 ' TI{E LAND RECISTRATION ACT Dated the l3th March,2015. C. N. KITUYI, of Title s, Nairobi. Rc gistrar MR/6992899 CezE-rre N6TrcE No. I569 . THELANDREGISTRATIONACT (No. 3 - of20l2) - IssUE oF A PRoVISIoNAL CERTIFICATE WHEREAS (t) Jane Wanjiku Gateri, (2) Fraciah Muthoni Maina, (3) Moses Ndegwa Maina and (4) of the Esbon- Macharia Maina, as (deceased), all of P.O. Box 473, Murang'a in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors lessee of that land known as L.R. No. 209144011361,, situate in city of 'Nairobi, by virtue of the lease registered as l.R. administrators estate of Maina Kung'u 2281811, and whercas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said lease has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional (No.3 of2otZ) IssUE oF A PR.ovIsIoNAL CERTTFIcATE WHEREAS Dakanc Abdullahi Ali, of P.O. Box 16089, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 209119822, situate in the ciry of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, by virtue of a lease registered as I.R. 100536/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show certificate of title provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the l3th March,2015. C. N. KITUYI, , Registrar of niles, Nairobi. MR/6992950 that thc said lease hes bcen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional ccrtificetc of title provided that no objection has been received within GAZETTENoTICENo. I57O thet period. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2ot2) Dated the l3th March,2015. C. N. KITUYI, Rcgistrar of Title s, Nairo bi. MN6992715 ISsUE oF A PRovISIoNAL CERTIFICATE WHEREAS Grevillea Grove Villas Limited, GAzErrENsncENo. 1567 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT of a (No.3 of2ol2) ' Issi-rE oF A PRovlsroNAL CERTIRCATE WHEREIiS Farook Ahmed Walimohamed, of P.O, Box 18760, , Nrhobi in thc Republic of Kcnye, is registcrcd as proprietor lessce of :., ' all that Apertmcnt No. 805 on all that piece of land known as L.R.. No. 2091161K, situaoe in thc city of Neirobi in the Nairobi Area, by virtue of r leasc rcgistcrcd as I.R. 135596/1, and whereas sufficient evidence ,has been adduced to show that the said lease has been lost, notice is glvcn that eftcr thc etpirrtion of sixty (60) days fmm thc datc hercof, I shell issuc e p.rovisional ccrtificate of title provided that no objection hes bccn rdccivcd within that period. ccrtificate of title registered as I.R. 43469/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the sairl certificate of title has been lost, notice is givcn that aftcr the expiration of sixty (60) days from thc date hcrcof, I shall issuc a provisionel ertificate of title provided that no objection has been reccived within thrt period. Datcd the l3th March,2015. B. F. ATIENO, of Titlcs, Nairob Re gistrar MRt6992727 i GAZETTENONCENO. I57I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Dated thc l3th Merch,2015. (No.3 ofZotZ) C, N. KITUYI, of Title s, N airobi. Re gistrar MR/69929?9 of P.O. Box 2234- 30100, Eldoret in the Republic of Kcnya, is registcred as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No, 7l5Elfi7 (orig no. 7l58n8,l2), situate in the city of Nairobi in the Nairobi Arta, by virtue WHEREAS George Robert Okoth Oloo, of P.O. Box 3311, Kisumu in the R.cpublic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 9341186, situate in Maseno Township in Kisumu District, by virtue of a grant registercd as I.R. 4714t1, and whereas suffrcient evidcnce has been adduced to show GAZETTENgIIcENo. I56E THE LAND REGISIRATION ACT (No.3 ofAolT) IssUE oF A KovISIoNAL CERTFTCATE WHEREAS Pcres Anyango Kallomtro, as Trustee IssUE oF A PRovISIoNAL CERTTFICATE of (l) Kevin Omondi Kallombo (l/2 undivided share) and (2) Japheth Billy Kallombo (l/2 utrdivided share), both of P.O. Box 19624-{[.202, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, are registcred as proprietors lessees of thet land known as L.R. No. 337/2360, situate in the Mavoko Municipality in Mrichakos District, by virtue of a grant registered as that the said grant has bcen lost, notice is given that after thc cipiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional cenificate of title provided that no objection has been rcceiv€d within that period. Dated the l3th March,2015. MRt6992829 B. F. ATENO, of Title s, Nairobi. Re gistrar / I l3th M'arch, 2015 t I GAzErrE NcrncE No. 572 GAzErrE NsncE No. 1576 1 (No.3 - ol20tz) . Issue op n PnovIsloNAL CERTIFICATE WHEREAS Karari Wambugu Gitumbi, as the administrator of the estate of Daudi Wambugu Gitumbi (deceased), of P.O. Box 36610400, Nanyuki in the Republic of Kenya, is rcgistered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 2787lllx, situate in the Nanyuki Township in Nyeri District, by virtue of a grant r€gistered as I.R. 3128/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said grant has been lost, notice is given that ifter the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereoi I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been received within that period (No.3 of20l2) ISSUE oF A PRoVISIoNAL CERTIFICATE WHEREAS Abdulkarim Shamshudin Esmail, of P.O. Box 8l19280100, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in frechold interest of that land known as No. MN/I/2203, situate within Mombasa Municipality in Monibasa District, by virtue of a certificate of freehold registered as C.R. 14686/1, and whereas sufFlcicnt evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate of frcehold has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a proviSional certificate oftitle provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the l3th March,20l5. Dated the l3th March,20l5. B. F. ATIENO, Re gistrar of Title s, Nairob MPJ6992699 S. i MRt6992706 K. MWANGI; Registrar of Titles, Mombasa GAzEmENc[lcENo. 1577 GAZETTENoTICENo. I573 THE LAND REGISTRATTON ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Ot2) (No.3 ol2ol2) IssUE oF A PRoVISIoNAL CERTIFICATE ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE WHEREAS (l) Kungu Kimani and (2) Martha Njeri Kibebe, as administrators of the estate of Makobu Kimani (deceased), both of P.O. Box 36, Githunguri in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors lessees of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 209ll45ll5, situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a cenificate of title registered as LR. 16681/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate of title has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratibn of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been received within that period. Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in leasehold interest of *nt land known as No. MN/VI0156, situate within Mombasa Municipality in lVlombasa'District, by virtue of a certificate of freehold registered as C.R. 342llll, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said ccrtificate of freehold has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been received within Dated the l3th March,2015. B- F. ATIENO, MRt6992525 Re g istrar of Ti tle s, Nairob i. GAzE-rrE NcnlcE No. I 574 - WHEREAS Phyllis Mumbi' Kinyanjui, of P.O. Box 99785, that period. Dated ihe l3th March, 2015. D. J. SAFARI, Registrar of Titles, Mombasa. MW6992752 GAzErrENsrrcENo. 1578 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT . THELANDRECISTRATIONACT (No.3 of20l2) (No.3 oJ2O12) IssUE oF A PRovISIoNAL CERTIFIcATE ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS AMul Malik, of P.O. Box 47227-ml(li, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprii:tor lessee of that land known as L.R. No. 1870/V/180, situate in the city of Nairobi, by vinue of a certificale of title rcgistered as LR. 365'16ll, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate of title has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shal{ issue a provisional certificate of title provided that ho obj€ction has been received within that period. WHEREAS Kamunu Kabari (ID/7138903), of P.O. Box 3b81, Eldoret in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land cont4ining 0.58 hectarc or thereabouts, siruate in the district of Uasin Gishu, registered under title No. Tarakwa,/Lainguse Block 5 (Rukuini)/I56, and whereas sufficient evideace has been edduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date hereoi I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the l3th March,2015. B. F. ATIENO, Registiar of Titles, Nairobi. MRt6992532 GAzEmENcrrrcENo. 1575 Dated thc l3th March,20l5. MR/6992880 GAZETTE. THELANDREGISTRATIONACT I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Triple Dam Limited, of P.O. Box '19222-m2O0, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya; is registered as pmprietor in leasehold interest of that land known as No. Group V/508/19, situate within south of Kilifi in Kilifi District, by virtue of a certificate of freehold registered as C.R. 37158/1, and whereas sufFrcient evidence has been adduccd to show that the said c'ertificate offreehold has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hercof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of ritle provided that no objection has been received within that period. WHEREAS Osienala (Friends of Lake Victoria), of Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.51 hectare or thereabouts, in the district of Kisumu, registered under tirle No. KisLmu/l.Iyalenda 'B'12384, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has becn lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. situate Dated the t3th March,20l5. Dited the l3th March,20l5. J. G. MRt6992892 ktnd Registrar,rrrr9,8Yrnooroffirl"r. Nc,IIcE No. I 579 (No.3 of20t2) \ . THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT I \ 539 THE KENYA GAZETTE I.N. WANJOHI, Registrar of Titles, Mombasa. MR/69927 r 8 NJI,RU, Land Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Districts THE KENYA GAZETTE 540 l3th March,2015- GAzErrE NorrcE No. 1584 GAzE-mENoTIcENo. I58O THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT . (No. 3 a/201 2) (No.3 of2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Lazaro Ojwang Songa, is regisrcrcd as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.57 hectare or thereabouts. situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. Kisumu/Konyt2l37. and whereas sufficient evidence has becn adduced !o show that the land title deed issucd thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the darc hereof, I shall issue a ncw title deed provided that no objection has been received wilhin that period. WHEREAS Beth Wanjiku Kariuki (1Di2027405), of P.O. Box 1917. Nakuru in Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute Dated the l3th March,20l5. ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.0450 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nakuru. registered under title No. Dundori/Lanet Block 48I.l (Nyonjoro), and whereas sufficierlt evidence has been adduied to show that the land title deed issued thereof has bepn lost. notice is given that after thc expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof. I shall issue a new title decd provided that no objection has ben received within that period. Dated the I 3th March, 20 15. I. N. NJIRU. MR/7054107 La nd R e g i s t ra GAZE-rTE NoTIcE r, K i s u mu Eos tl Wes, Disrrr'(r.s. No. I 58 I M. SUNGU. Land Registrur, Nakuru Distrid MR/6992864 GAzEmE NoflcE No. 1 585 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 of 20 I 2) ' THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) IssuE oF A NEw LnNo Trir-e Deeo ISSUE oF A WHEREAS Charles Owino Okumu, of P.O Box 23, Maseno in the Republic of Kenya. is reBistered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.64 hectare or thereabouts, in of the district Kisumu. registered under title No. Kisumu1Mareray'2385, and rvhereas sufficient -evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thcreof has been lost. notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from thc date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that p€riod. situate period. Dated the l3th March. 2015. I MRr054l07 I. N. NJIRU. Iand Registrar, Kisumu EostlWest Districts. GAZETTENOTICENo. I582 Dated the l3th March, 2015. M. SUNGU, Land Registrar, Nakuru District, MR/6992863 GAzE-rrE NorrcE No. I 586 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 of 20 I 2) (No.3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED ISSUE oF A WHEREAS Jakobo Ambofe Omware. of P.O Box 250. Maseno in thc Rcpublic of Kenya, is regisrcred as proprictor in absolutc ownership inlerest of that piece of land containing 0.06 heclare or thereabouts, situate in the diitrict of Kisumu, registered under title No. Kisumu/Marera./184. and whereas sufficient evidcncc has been adduced fo show that thc la-nd titlc decd issucd thcreof has bcen lost, notice is given that after the gxpiration of sixty (fl)) days from the date hereof, I shall'issue.a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Iand NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Samucl Zeke Taita Kimutai Ngeno (1Dr0269001), is registcred as proprietor in absolute ownership intcrest of that piece of land containing 0.042 hectarc or thereabouts, situat€ in the district of Nakuru, registcred under title No. Miti Mingi/l\4baruk Block 312646 (Barut), and whercas suflicient evidence has been adduced to show that thc land title deed issued thcrcof has,been lnst, notice is givon that after the expiration of sixty"(60) days from thc datc hercof, I shall isrue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the l3th March. 201 5. Dated the l3rh March.20l5. MRfi054t03 NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Maria Muthoni (lDl2097269l), is registered as proprietor in a6solute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.0462 hectare or thereabouts. situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No. Bahati/Kabatini Block l/7581, and whercas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title dced issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration ofsixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issuc'a new title dced provided'that no objection has becn received within that G. O. NYANGWESO, Registrar, Kisumu fusllWest Districts. . MR16992862 M. SUNGU. land Registrar, Nakuru Dl.strlct, GAzErrE NoflcE No. 587 GAzEmENoTcENo. 1583 1 . THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) , THELANDREGISTRATIONACT (No.3 a/2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED picce of lirnd containing 2.0 hectares or thereabout, situat€ in the district of Nakuru. WHEREAS [.eah Muthoni Gitonga, of P.O. Box 24, Egerton in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprictor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 4.0 hcctarcs or thoreabout. registcred under title No. Nakuru/Olongai Settlcmcnt Schcme/229, and whereas sufficient ovidcnce has been adduced to show that thc land title deed issued thereof has bcen lost, notice is given that aftcr the expiration of sixty (60) days from thc datc hcrcof. I shall issuc a ncw title deed provided that no objection has bcon rcceivcd within that period, Nakuru/RareNguriga/38, and whereas sufficient evidonco has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is givcn that after thc expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hcreof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been rcceivcd within that pcriod. WHEREAS Samuel Kiringa Kirabu (1D0562565), is registered proprietor in-absolute ownership intercst as of that fu^, in the district of Nakuru, rcgistercd under title No, Dated the l3th March.2015. Dated thc l3th March,2015. MRt6992717 situate M. V. BUNYOLI. Land Registrar, Nakuru District, M, SUNCU, MW6992860 btnd Registrar, Nakuru Disffict. I / CAzErrENorflcENo. I588 GAzEmE NsflcE No. 1 592 THE LAND RECISTRATION ACT (No..3 12012) THE LAND.RECISTRATION ACT . IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED (l) Virginia Waringa Kirnachia (lD/1814680). (2) Jackson Nganga Kimachia (lDl9'114634\ and (3) Esther Murugi Kimachia (1D17817526), are registered as proprietors in' absolute orvnership interest of that piece of land eontaining 0.20 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. Muguga/Kanyariri/663, and rvhereal; sufficient evidencc has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, hotice is given that after (he expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been received within that period. WHEREAS 541 THE KENYA GAZETTE l3th March. 2015 (No.3 ry'2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Esther Wairimu Nganga (1D0984E83). MR/699269! P.O. Box Kiambu. registcred under title No. Dagoretti/Mutuini/756, and rvhereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has bcen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from ihe date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the l3th March, 2015. . Dated the l3th March,20l5. K. G. NDEGWA, Larul Registrar, Kiambu District. of 31652{n60. Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya. is registered as pnrprietqr in absolute orvnership interest of that piece of land containing 0.ll hcctare or thercaburts, situate in the district of W.N.MUGURO, lnnd Registrar, Kiambu District. MR/6992812 GAzErrE NoflcE No. 1 593 GAZE"MENOTICENO. I5E9 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND RECISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED 75437{n100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprictor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.49 hectare or thereabouts. situate in the district of Kiambu, registercd under title No. Githunguri/Gathangari/2384, and Kiambu, registered under title No. Kiambaa/Ruakal5523, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce rs given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objectiorr has been received within that period. whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new titlc deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Datcd the l3th March,2015. K. G. NDEGWA, Iand Registrar, Kiambu District. MRl6992714 W. N. MUGURO, Iand Registrar, Kiambu Disirict MRJ6992769 GAzEmE NoflcE No. 1594 GAzEmENoTICENo. I59O THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No' 3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEW LANDTITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Ceorge Ngure Kariuki (ID/1912829), ot P.O. Box 11376, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.255 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. Kiambaa.iRuaka/888, and whereas sufficlent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued ttrereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereoi I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. WHEREAS George Thuku Mbagi (ID/10671410), of P.O. Box 193, Kikuyu in thc Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.134 hectare or thcrcabouts, situate in the district of Kiambu, registercd under litle No. Dagoretti/Iho9otoll624, and whereas sufficient evidence has bccn adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has bcen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days fromthc date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objcction has been received within that period. Dated the l3th March,20l5. GAzE-rrE NcrrcE Dated the I 3th March, 20 15. K. G. NDEGWA, Land Registrar, Kiambu District. MRt6992774 No. l59l MR/699296E , W.N.MUGURO. land Registrar, Kiamhu District GAzErrE NoncE No. 595 1 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 a/2012) (No.3 of2Ol2) ISSUE oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED IssUE oF NEw LAND TITLE DEEDS WHEREAS Alex Kamweru Njung'e, of P.O. Box 81H090O, Kiambu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in WHEREAS Pqter Njenga Kariuki. of P.O. Box 8, Ngecha in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of those pieces of land, situate in the district of Limuru, registered under titles Nos. LimuruNgechallE44,ThigioNguirubi/9 I 2 and Limuru/NgechalT.220, and whereas sulficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deeds issued thereofhas been lost, notice is given that after the expiration ofsixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new title deeds provided that no objection has been received within that period. absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.038 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kiambu, registered urlder title No. Ndumberi/Riabaii5688, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced'to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the l3th March,2015. MR/699285 \ WHEREAS Zzchary Mukuha Macharia (ID/88130O4), of P.O. Box WHEREAS Scolastica Wanjiku Muchiri (ID/4554404), of P.O. Box 49413, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.1298 hectare or thereabouts. situate in the district of Dated the l3th March, 2015. \ IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED r Dated the K. G. NDECWA, Land Registrar, Kiambu District l3th March, 201 5. .F. MN6992679 AKINYI, Lond Registrar, Kiambu District. THEKENYA GAZETTE 542 GAZETTENSTICENo. I596 13th March, 2015 GAzEmENoTIcENo. 1600 . THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THELANDREGISTRATIONACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No. 3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Ramance Miyonga Onyang"o (IDi7300783), ISSUE OF A NEW is regisered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.10 hectarc or.thereabouts, situate in the district of Homa Bay, registered under title No. Kanyarnwa/K./Kwamol2l94, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the eipiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title dced ptovided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the l3th March.20l5. GAzEmENOTICENo. I597 .. of P.O. Box 337, Machakos the Republic of Kenya, is registered as prcprietor in absolute ownership interest of thaF piece of land containing 0.8256 hectare or thereabouts, sitllat€ in thc district of Machakos, registered under title No. Ati River/Athi River Block U1673, md whereas- sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that ihe land title deed issued thercof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a ncw title decd provided that no objection has been received within that period. MRt6992949 I-and GAZETTE NcrrIcE , THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT G. M. NJOROGE, gistrar, lrlachakoS District. THELANDREGISTRATIONACT (No. 3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED of P.O. Box 24, Kajiado in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 49.376 hectares or thereabout, situat€ in the district of Kajiado, rcgistered- under title No. Kjd/Kaputiei{entrall942, and whereas sufficient evidcnce has been adduced to show that thc land title deed issued thereof has becn lost, rrctice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date I shall issue a new'titlsdeed provided that no objection has becn received within that period. hefeof, ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS John Mwangi Njuguna (lDl36r'9102\. of P.O. Box 578-20117, Naivasha in the Republlc of Kenyil is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of ihat piece of land containing l.0l hectarcs or thcr€about, situate in the district of Naivasha, registercd under tirle No. Kijabe/Kijabe Block I/i395, and whereas suffrcient evidence has bcen adduced to show that the rand title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that aftir the expiration ofsixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall issue-a new title deed provided that no objection has bcen received within that period. Dated the I 3th March. 2015. ktnd MR/6992708 Re No. I 60I (No. 3 a/2012) WHEREAS Lrkutuk Karli, LANDTITLE DEED Francis Mutisya Kaloki, Dated the l3th March,2015. V. K. LAMU, ktnd Registrar, Homa Bay District MRt6992926 in Wfffnees D. M. KYULE, Registrar, Kajiado District, Dated the l3th March,2015. R. K. MRJ6992569 Land MARITIM, Re gistrar, Naiva sha Disrrict. GAzEmENoflcENo. 1598 THE LAND REGISTRAfION ACT GAzE.rrE NOTICE No. I 602 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 a/2012) (No.3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Kavutha Mbiti (ID/10095784), of P.O. Box 30586, Nairobi in thc Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.097 hectarp or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kajiado, registered unde-r title IrI,o. Kjd/Kaputiei-Nodh/6247, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the lard title deed issudd thercof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title dced provided that no objection has been received within that period. Datid the l3th March,2015. land MRJ6992792' Re D. M. KYULE, gistrar, Kajiaclo District. ISSUE oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED WHEREAS Mathew Chege Kamanda (lDl250'15292),of P.O. Box 39219-m623, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.4020 hectare or thereabouts, situate ifl th€ district of Naivasha, registercd under title No. GilgiliGilgil Block ll18756 (Kekopey), and whereas zufficient eviderrce has bcen adduced to shorv that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, noticc is given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date h6reof, I shall issrrc a new title deed provi&d that no objection has been received withhr that period. Dated the l3th March,2015. J. M. MWAIJRA Land Registrar, Naivasha Distric t, MR/6992817 GAzErrENorlcENo. 1599 . THELANDREGISTRATIONACT GAZETTENOTtcENO. I603 (No.3 of20t2) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ' WHEREeS Joseph Ondicho Nyambare (lD/9970314), of P.o. Box Kisii in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in of land situate in the district of Kisii Central, registered under title No. West Kitutullr{wakibagendi/2555, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date horeof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been receivcd within that period. 612, ahsolute ownership interest of that piece Dated the I 3th March. 2015. R. KAMBAGA, ktnd Registrar, Kisii District. S. MRt6992925 ol20l2) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Njoki Gathayo (deceased), is rcgistercd as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of thet piecc of land situate in the district of Naivasha, registered undcr title No. Naivasha/Mwichiringiri_ Block 4/359, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title de€d issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the cxpiration of sixty (60) days from the dete hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provifu that no objection has becn received within that period. Dated the l3th March, 2015. , MR/69S2510 Land Re I. M. MWAUR.A, gistrar, Naivas ha Di strict. / I l3th March,2015 543 THE KET{YA GAZETTE GAzErrE NoflcE No. 608 GAZETTENoTIcENo. I604 1 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of?fr|Z) (No.3 of2ol2\ ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Harrison Wachira Kimata (ID/20516614)" of P.O. Box 430-20318, N. Kinangop in the Rcpublic of Kenya, is registerod as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that picc€ of land containing 0.0352 hectare or thercabouts, situate rn the district of Nyandarua, registcred under title No. Nya.iKitiril4954, and whercas sqfficient evidercc has becn adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has becn lost, notice is given that aftcr the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall,issuc a new titlc- deed provided that no objection has bcen rcceived within that period, ' Re grctrar, bccn rcccivcd within that period. W. KARANJA, F. M. Nyandarual Samburu Districts- GAzEmENoTIcENo. 1605 GAzEmEN(rncENo. 1609 THE LAND IiEGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) ISSUE oF A (No.3 o/2012) NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Samuel Kamau Walrumbi (ID/5783518), of P.O. Box 694-20177, Naivasha in the Republie of Kcnya. is registered as proprietor in ,absolutc ownership interest of that piece of land containing'0.69 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nyandarua, registercd under title No. Nya/Karati/2133, and whercas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land tide deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within ihar period. sixty (60) days from the date hereof, - Dated the l3th JVlarch, 20 1 5. N. G. CATHAIYA, Innd Re gistrar, Nyanda rua/ Santbu ru Di str ic ts. Itnd MRJ6992893 F. M. MUTHUI, Registrar, Kitui Dirtrict. GAzEmENorrcENo. 16l0 GAzEmENcrncENo. l606 THE LAND RBGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No.3 of 2ot2) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED lssuE oF A NEw WHEREAS Rufus Kinyanjui.Thuo (ID/22781511), of P,O. Box 39, Kabazi in the Republic of Kenya, is registcred as proprietor in absolute ownership intercst of that piece of land containing O.N2 hectare or thercabouts, situetc in the district of Nyardarua. registered under title No. Nya/Sabugo14,1[,4,and wherea$ sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land titlc deed issucd thercof has been lost, notice is given that after thc cxpiration/of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof. I shall issue a new titlc deed provided ftat 4o ob|:ction has been received within that period. N.G. GATHAIYA, or thcrpabout situate in the district of Mbeerc" rcgirtorcd undcr titlc No. Nthawa/Siakagol07, and whcreas sufficidrf cvidencc has bcen adiltced !o show that thp lard tith drcd ir$rd ficmof hes bcen lost, noticc is givon that after thc expiration of sixty (60) days from thc drtp hcrpof, I shall issue a nerv tide deod pmvidcd thot no objection has bcen received within that period. Darcd thc l3th March.20l5. GAzE'rrE NcnrcE No. I 607 N. K. NYAGA, Land Registrar, Mbeere Dislrlct. I|lW6992717 GAzsrrENorrcENo. 16l THELANDREGISTRATIONACT ' Deeo hcctares , Innd Registrar, Nyandarua!samburu Districts. ItlRt6992722 LrNotrue WHEREAS Gcrald Njeru Simba (ID/2004113O)" of P.O. Box 41003, Mombasa in the Rcpublic of Kenya, is registercd as proprietor in absolute ownenhip interest of that piece of 'land conaining 1.6 Dated the l3th March,2015. . IssUE oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED WHEREAS Mutisya Ilcli Musau, of P.O. Box 1661, Kitui in the Republic'of Kcnya, is registered as proprietor in absolurc ownerahip interest of that piece of land situate in the district of Kitui, rcgistered undcr title No. Mutonguni/I(lauwl4074, and whercas sumcient evidcnce has bcen adduccd to show that thc land title dced issucd thereof has bcen lost. notice is given that after the cxpiratioo of sixty (60) days from the datc hermf, I shall issue a new title dee.d provided that no oblrtion has bcen received witlrin that period. Dated the I 3th March. 2015. MR/6992807 MUTflUI, land Registrar, Kitui District. MR/69928t0 THE LAND REGISTR.ATION ACT . ir Dated the l3th March, 2015. J, land of Kcnya. iB rtgistcred as pmprietor in absolutc owncrchip interest of that piece of land contrining 5.2 hcciarcs or thcrcabout. situatc in thc district of Kilui, regist€red under tith l{o. Nzambani/Kyanika/518, and whereas sufficient evidencc has been adduccd to show that the land title deed issued thereof has bocn lost, noticc is given that aftrr the expiration ofsixty (60) days from the dat€ hcreof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objcction has the Rcpublic Darcd thc l3tlr March,20l5. MN6992772 WHEREAS Oncrmus Wambua Nthenge, of P.O. Box 155, Kitui I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 of20l2\ (No.3 of 2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED WHEREAS Jacob Muasa Muscmbi (1D13696207), of P.O. Box 86, Thika in the Republic of Kenya, is rtgistered as proprietor in absolute ownership intelcst of that piece of land containing 0.80zl0 hcctare or thereabouts. situate rn thc district of Thika, registered under titlc No. Kakuzi/Kirimiri Block 8/1(M5. and whereas sufficient evidencc has been adduced to show that the land titlc deed issued thcreof has bcen lost, notice is given that aftcr the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed providcd that no objection has bcen received within that pcriod. Dated the I 3th March. 201 5. W. KARIUKI. Land Re gi srrar, Th ika D istric TssUE oF ^ NEw L^ND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Hassan Mulwolo Shikonjio, is rcgistcrcd as proprictor absolute owncrship intcrcst of that piece of land containing 3.1 hectares or thercabut. situatc in the district of Kakamcga, regielertd in under title No. NAvanga/Maftngu/1904. and whercas sufficicnt evidencc has been adduced to show that the laod title dccd issued thereof has been lost, notlce is given that aftrr the expiration of sixty (60) dayS from the date hereof, I shall issue a new titlc dced pmvided that no objection has been received within that pcriod. Darcd thc I 3th March, 201 5. S, MR/6992855 ! \ \ t. MW6992687 Lnnd Re J. M. FUNDIA, gistrar, Kakame ga District. 544 l3th March,2015 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAzEmENoflcENo. l6l2 GAzEmENoTIcENo. I6I6 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No. 3 o/201 2) ISSUE oF A NEW ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Joseph Asutsi Nyangweso, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.6.38 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kakamega, registered under title No. Butsotso/Shikoti/180O2, and rvhereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the I 3th March, 201 5. LANDTITLE DEED WHEREAS Danson Gathendu Nyamu (lD/2900130).,of P.O. Box 1395, Kerugoya in the Republic of Kenya. is registered as proprietor in absolute orvnership interest of that piece of land containing 1.795 hectares or thereabout, srtuate in the district of Kirinyaga, registered under title No. Kirinyaga,/Marurumo/550, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a nerv litle deed provided that no objection has been received rvithin that period. Dated the l3th March.20l5. J. M. FUNDIA, Itntl MR/6992E84 Re gi stro r, Kukone ga Di strict. C. W. NJACI, kntd Registrar, Kirinyaga Dir;lrict. MR/6254930 GAZEmENoTICENo. I6I7 GMETrENoncENo. l613 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. (No.3 a/2012) i ofl}l)) . IssUE oF NEw LAND TITI-E DEEDS ISSUE oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED WHEREAS Mathilda Awinja Nanjeso, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate in the district of Kakamega, registered under title No. Kakamega/Lugaril1626, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notiee is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has 'been received within that period. WHEREAS Eman Kamunya Kithaka (1Di0254341), of P.O. Box 22. Kerugoya in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as pmprietor in absolute ownership interest of those irieces of land contrining 4.2, 1.62,0.10 and 0.10 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kirinyaga, registered under title Nos. Kirinyaga lGathigiriril2S7 , Inoi/Kamonilo/1,{o0, l4o3 and 1404, respectively, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deeds issued thereof have been lost, notice-is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof. I shall issue new title deeds provided that no objection has been received'within that period. Dated the I 3th March, 201 5. J. M. FUNDIA, La nd Regis t ro r, Ka kamega D is u' ict. MR/6992955 Dated the l3th March, 2015. J. K. MUTHEE. Land MR/6992693 Re gistrur, Kirinyaga District. GAzErrENcnrcENo. l614 THE LAND RECISTRATION ACT . GAzE'mENorcENo. 16l8 THE LAND RECISTRATTON ACT (No.3 of2ol2) , (No. 3 o/2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Sammy Wesonga Vo Japheth Lando Khwatenge, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 10.9 hecures or thereabout, situate in the district of Kakamega, registered under title No. N/Kabras/Luandetl/2743, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof hes been lost, notice is given that after the expiration ofsixty (50) days from the date hereof, I shall issug a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the I 3th March, 201 5. J. M. FUNDIA, MN6992520 . Lo n d Regis t rar, Kskamega D ist r ic t. GAzErrENoTIcENo. I6I5 ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Eunice Mukami Muchiri (1Di9271529), of P.O. Box 50, Kenrgoya in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership intercst of that piece of land containing 0.05 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kirinyaga, registered under title No. Inoi/Kiaga/1565, and whereas sufficient evidehce has been adduc6d to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received rvithin that period. 'Dated the l3th March,2015. J. K. MUTFIEE, Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District. MRt6992693 GAzEmENoflcENo. l619 . THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of 2Ot2) ISSUB oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED WHEREAS Salesio Mbogo Jeremiah, of P.O. Box 67, Runyenjes in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolrrte ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.86 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Embu, registered under title No. KagaariAVeru/5139, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is givcn that after the expiration of'sixty (6O) days from the date hercof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. . THELANDREGISTRATIONACT (No.3 ol2Ol2) ISSUEOFANEWLANDTITLEDEED WHEREAS Michael Kiania Mwangi (lD/I898038), of P.O, Box 61, Naivasha in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0:201 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Naivasha, registered under title No. Naivasha./Maraigushu Block 6/91I (Highland), and whereas sulficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration ofsixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the l3th March,2015. M. W. KARIUKI, n,,R/6992730 ltnd Registrur, Embu District Dated the l3th March, 201 5. R. K. MR/69926t9 MARITIM, La nd Regis tra r, N a ivas h a D istr ict. / / 545 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13ft March,2Ol5 GAzsmENol]cENo. 1624 GAZETTENoTIcENo. 1620 TI{E LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) (No. 3 a/2012) . ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Kasarani No. 4 Mathare Dancers, of P.O. Box 219, Gilgil in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.80 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the dishict of Naivasha, registered under title No. GilgiUGilgil Block 1/5573, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed iSsued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the dape hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Datcd the l3th March, 2015. ISSUE oF A NEw LA-ND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Maya Yawa Nyamawi (1D16412082), of P.O. Box 93. Mtwapa in the Republic of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor tn absolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate rn the district of Kilifi, registered under title No. KilifiiMtwapallT36, and Dated the l3th March. 2015. M. S CHINYAKA, Kilif Distt'ict MR/6992870 J. M. MWAURA, whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is grven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provided that no objection has been recerved within that period. Land Registrar, Land Registrar, Naivas ha District. MR/6992639 GAzErrENoTIcENo. I625 . THELANDREGISTRATION GAzE.mENoTIcENo. 162I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) . ISSUEoFNEwLANDTITLEDEEDS . ACT (No.3 of2012) WHEREAS Samucl Muchiri Mwangi ODnn$57), of P.O. Box 10838-'m100, Naimbi in the Republic of Kenya, is reglstered as proprieior in absolute ownership interest of those pieces of land containing 0,205 and 0.41 hectare or thcrca6outs, situate in the district of Kirinyaga, registered under title Nos. Kabare/Gachigi/I146 and I 172, respectively, and whercas sufficient cvidence has been adduced to show that the land title deeds issucd thereof have been lost, notice is given that after thc expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new title deeds provided that no objection has been received within that period. RECoNSTRUCTIoN oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Ved Vrat Ramrakha, of P.O. Box 4777740100, Thika in the Republic of Kenya. is registered proprretor lessee of that piece of land known as L.R. No. 2141371 (orig. No. 2l4ll9lll2), situate in the city of Narrobr, registered in N 43 Foho ,lO4 File GLA 13486, and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and whEreas efforts made to locate the said land register have failcd, notice rs grven that after the expration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof. the property register shall be reconstructed urder the provisions of sebtion 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the l3th March. 2015. W. M. MUIGAI. Dated tho l3th March,2015, MN6992',r6 J. K. MUTHEE. Land Regislrar, Natrobt land Registrar, Kiilnyaga District. MR/6992836 GAzEmENoTICENo. I626 GAZEITENoTIcENo, 1622 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ' (No.3 of2o12) (No,3 of20l2) RECoNSTRUCTIoN oF LoST oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Grace Aum'a Nyakiti (IDil87l594), of P.o. Box 73135-00200, Nelrobi in thc Rcpublic of Kcnya, is registcred as propfletor in obsolute ownership intercst of that picce of land coatalntng 0,13 hectare or thcrcabouts, situate in thc district of Migori, reglEtercd undcr title No, Kamagambo/Kabuoroz883, and whereas sufficlent evidenco has been adduced to show that the land title deed irruod thereof har bpen lost, notice is givcn hat aftcr the expiration of rixty (60) days from the dat! horcof, I shall issue a ncw title deed provided thet no objection has been received within that period. Datod the !3th March,2015. land MRt6992782 of P.O. Box 1037-00618, Nairobi in the Republic ofKenya, is registered proprietor of an estate in fee simple of that prece of land known as L.R. No. l35ll/128. situate in the city ofNairobi, by virtue of a conveyance registered in Vol. N57 Folio 359, and whereas the land iegister in respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and whereas efforts made to locatg WHEREAS Mary Nyambura Kimani Kamakiru, ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED N. O. OTIENO. Registrar, Migori District. the said land register have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the propeny regist€r shall be reconstructed under the provisions of section 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no objection has been recerved within that period. Dated the-l3th March. 2015. W. M. MUIGAI, MR/6992853 Land Registrar, Natro br GAzErrENorrcENo. 1627 G^zErtE NorcE No. 623 1 . THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT 0'i (No.3 ol2012) o.3 of 2ol2\ RiToNSTRUCTIoN oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHREAS Rabar Ojwang, of P,O, Box 5, Mudhiero in the Ropublie of Kenya, Is rcgistcred as proprietor in absolute ownership intere[t of that ploce of lrnd containing 1.0 hectare or"thereabouts, tltuatg in thg distriat of Ugenya, registered under title No. S. Ugenya/Yiro/1207, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land titlc deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issuo a new titlo doed provided that no objection has been rsoetvod wlthln that period. Dated tho l3th March, 2015. MR/6992684 \ \ THELANDREGISTRATIONACT Iaid P. A. NYANJA, Re gistrar, IJ genyal U gunja Di stric ts. of P.O. Box 139, Meru in the Republic of Kenya, is registered proprietor of an estate rn fee srmple of that piece of land known as L.R. No. 330/507, situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a conveyance registered in Vol. N24 Folio 264, and whereas the land register in respect thereof rs lost or destroyed, and whereas efforts made to locate the said land regrster have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of.sixty (60) days from the date WHEREAS Kirimi M'Muna, hereof, the property register shall be reconstructed under the provisrons of section 33 (5) of the Act, provrded that no oblection has been received within that period. Dated the l3th March,2015. MR 054ll I W- M. MLNGAI, Regts n'ar, Nairobt. Land THE KENYA GAZETTE 546 GMETTE No,II(.E No I628 land register providcd that no objection hes been reccivod period. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT F. M. RECoNS IRI]C.IIoN oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER . WHEREAS Srnron Munyr Theun, P.O. Box 994, Nyahururu in the Repubhc of Kenya. ls reglstered proprietor lessee of that piece of land known as L R No. 16111ll2l5. situate in the city of Narrobi, by vinue of an assignrnent regrstered rn N 3 [ Foho 431419811, and whereas the land regrster in respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and whereas efforts made to locate the sard land regriter have failed, notice rs given that of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, the property register shall be reconstructed under the provisions of section 33 (5) of the Act. provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the l3rh March.20l5. P. M. NG'ANG'A, Land Regtstrar, Nairobi. MR/6992910 yifth thet Dated the l.3th March,2015. (No.3 of201?) after the exprration 13flrllilrrch,2015 NYAK{JNDI, Land Regbtrar, Thika District. MR/6992889 GAzE'mENo[cENo. 1632 TtM LAND RECISTRAfiON ACT (No.3 ' I,oss oF ofNl2) GREEN CARD6 WHEREAS John Boro Kariuki is rcgistcred as propricror of those pieces of land containing 0O5l and 0.051 hcctrre or th€mbouts, known as Kiambaa/Thimbiguzl33l? end 3353, situatc in the dilhict of . Kiambu, and whercas sufEcient evideRcc hes bccn adduccd to show that the green cards issued tlrereof are lost and efforts to tsace trprn in the office have failed, dotice is giv€n that efter the expiration of sixty (60) days from-$e date hercof, provided that no valid objection has been received within thar period, I shrll issue nerv grcen cerds. Dated the 13th March,2015. GAZETTENOTICENo. I629 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT W. N. MUGURO, Land Rcgistrar, Kiambu Dlstrict. l\4R16992697 tNo.3 of2012) RECONS IRUC'|iON oF I-oST OR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS (l) ManJit Singh Dhadialla and (2) Satnam Kaur Dhadralla, both of P.O. Box 2l 362-O0505, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, are regrsterecl proprietors of an estate in fel simple of that prece of larrd known as L.R No 2951/286 (orry 295115314), situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a conveyance registered in voluine N 57 Folio 300, and tvhereas the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and whereas efforts made to locate the said land register have farled, notice rs grven that after the expration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof. the property iegrster shall be reconstructed under the provisrons of section 33 (5) of the Act. provided that no objection has been rccerved withln that period Dated the I 3th March. 20 t 5 G. M. MUYANGA, Land Regtstrar, Nairobi. MW6992728 GAZETTE NoTICE No 1630 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) LosS oF LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Jacrnta Kathumbi Karugu. of p.O. Box 178, Narumoru GAZETTENoTIcENO. 1633 TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ol2) REGISTRATION OF I}ISIRUMENT WHEREAS Etizabcth Nduta (deceased), of P.O. Box 10124, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya" is registercd e6 prpp.i*or of rtnt piece of land known as Dagorefii/IileithakrAlt, situ* i.r ftc diti€t of Nairobi, and whereas the High Court at Nairobi in succcssion ccusc No. 306 of 2013, has issucd grant of letters of edministrrtion and certificate of, confirmation of grant in favour of ( I ) NFri Ngoru and (2) Jacinta Wanjin: Ndungu, both of P.O. Bor 79021, Nrfurobi.' and. whereas the said court has executed an application to bc registcrcd as proprietor by transmission of R.L. 19 in respcct of thc seid picc! of land, and whereas the land titlc decd has becn rcported missing or bst, notice is given that after the expintion of sixry (60) days from thr drtc hereof, provided no valid. ob!rction has been rcccivcd wi$in tret period, I intend to dispelse witl fre prodrction of the said hd litlc deed and proceed with the application to bc &gistarcd rs goprietorby trans'mission R.L. 19 in favour of both (l) Njeri Ngoru urd (2) Jecinte Wanjiru Ndungu, and upon such registration thc land title docd issrM earlier to the said Elizabeth Ndua(deceased), shall be deerncd to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 13th March,2015. n. i<. in the Republic of Kenya, ts reglstered as proprietor of that piece of land' situate ln the drstrict of Kwale, registered under title No. I0/RJ6992824 Kwale/Msambrveni 'A'11692, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adducecl to shorv that the green card rs lost and efforts to trace it in the office has farled, notlce is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall open a new register provided no GAZETTENOTICENO, 1634 RporstunoN oF C. K NG'ETICH, l,and Registrar, Kwale D$ttict. No, I631 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT . Nairo hi. (No.3 of2$t2) Dated the l3th March.20l5. GAZEI-I'ENoTICE rcrrrcu, Re gistar, THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT objection has-been received wrthin that period. MF.t6'742403 Land (No.3 of2012) OPENING OF A NEw REGISTER WHEREAS Mrchael Wathromo Gitiba (lD/4877489), of P.O. Box 3280,-Thika in the Republic of Kenya, is registered, as proprietor in absolute ownershrp rnterest of that piece of land situate in the district of Thika, registered under title No. Ruiru/Kiu Block 212614, and, whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the green card rssued thereof lras been lost, notice is given that after the expiration ofsr-rty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall open a new INSTRUM ENT WHEREAS Mehtab Khan s/o Diwan Ali, as rcpresentetive oi Shamson bin Ahmed (deceased), is registercd as.proprictq in frechold of that piece of land containing 2.80 acres or thcrcabout" known as Mombasa./Mainland South/Block IV97, situetc wihin Mordb$r Municipality in Mombasa District, and whereas the grcen card is missing/tom, and whereas the High Court in Mombasa videSuccession Cause No. 107 of2006 has vcsted the saidaarcel ofland to Fuad Mohameil Rawel, who has executcd -a dced of indcmnity in favour of the Govemmen! notice is givar that after the cxpintion of fourteen (14) days from dle datc hercof, providod no valid objection has been received within thet period, I intcnd to diryarse with thc registration of the said instrument of indemnity and rcco[struct tle register for the purposes of the registration of the insrument of transfer by way of kansmission presented in the registry. Datod the l3th March,2015. MR/6992E50 - J. G. WANJOHI, Laad Rcgtslr'clr, l{o ab as a. / / s THE KENYA GAZETIE l3th March,2015 GAzEmE NoncE No. 1635 GAZETTENoTIcENo. 1638 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol20t2) (No. 3 REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUM ENT WHEREAS Reuben Mwathi Wangome (dcceased), is registered of as of lrnd oontrining 0.046 hectte or thcrcrborts,,known ro Krmen/Mru Summit Block l/440, siturtc in thc dirtict of Nrrkunr, rnd whcrca! Hrnnah Wrirlmu Mwrthi ic thc ultimatc bcncficiary, rnd whcrcrc thc hnd titlc docd hu bccn rcportcd missing or lost, noticc is given that after the cxpiration pf sixty (60) days from the date hereof, providcd no valid objection has been received within that period, I shall dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the registration of the death certificate of the deceased herein and issue a new title deed to the beneficiary thereof, and upon such registration the land tide deed proprietor that piecc issued earlier shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dat€d rhe 13th March,2015. M. SI.INGU, Land Regktrar, Nakuru District. MR/6992859 of2\t2) WfmXnAS Ireri Kanake (deceased), of Embu in the Republic of Kcnya, is registered as proprietor of thaf piece of land containing 16 hcctercs or thcreabout, siilatc in thc district of Embu, and whcrcas thc High Court in succcssion causc No. 570 of 2013, has ordcrcd thrt thc said piecc of land bc registered in the namc of Julia Igandu Ireri (1D10719942), and whereas all efforts made to recover the land title deed issued in respect of the said piece of land by the land registrar have failed, notice is given that after the expiratron of thirty (30) days from the date htreoi provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with registration of the said grant d6cument and issue a land title deed to the said Julia Igandu Ireri (IDlO7l9942), and upon such registration the land tide deed issued earlier,to the said keri Kanake (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 13th March,2015. GAzErTENqncENo. 1636 J, - (No. 3'of2or2) GAzErrENoTIcENo. 1639 REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Njoroge Karari (deccased), is registered as proprietor thereabout, known as KabeteA.{yathuna/17, situate in the district of Kiambu, and whereas the chief magistrate's court at Kiambu in succession cause No. 61 of 20 1 1, has issued grant of letters of administration to Mary Wambui Njoroge, and whereas the land titl€ deed issued earlier to the said Njoroge Karari (deceased) has been reported missing or lost, notiie is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense with thc production of the said land title deed and proceed with registration of the said instrument of R.L. 19 and R.L. 7, and upon such registration the land title deed issued eartier to the said Njoroge Karari (deceasid), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT {No.3 of2O12) of that piece of land containing 1.9 acres or effect. Dated the 13th March,2014. W. N. MUGI]RO, MN6992%4 Land Registrar, Kiambu District, . REGISTRATIoNoFINSTRUMENT WHEREAS Wambudo Rachar Okoyo (deceased), of Yala in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of that piece oi land known as East CemA.{yamninial767, situate in the distnct of !.iaya, and whereas the High court at Kisumu in succession cause No. .: i'2 of 20l2has ordered that the said piece of land be registeied in the .rame of Jared Ogolla Wambudo, and whereas all efforts made to reco!, r the land title deed issued by the land registrar have farled, notice is ',rven that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hc,r:of, provided no valid objection has been received within that perir.rl, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the registration of the said grant document and iss -: a trtle deed to the said Jared Ogolla Wambudo, and upon rrcl registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Wamb Io Rachar Okoyo (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. GAzErrE NoTCE No. 1 637 Dated the 13th March, 2015. TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT . M. MUNGUTI, Land Registrar, Embu District. lvlI..l69927Oz THE LAND REGISTRAfiON ACT P, (No.3 of20l2) A. OWEYA, Land Registrar, Siaya Drstrict. l'/II.16992832 REGISTRATIoN oF NSTRUMENT WHEREAS Robert Othieno Obonyo (try 653507), of P.O. Boi r ,nya, is registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as I iadoKitengelalZll94, and whereas the High Court at Nairobi, has or red that the said piece of land be transferred to Margaret Nabwire Ot ga (ID/16059623), of P.O. Box 582il0200, Nairobi, and whereas L Executive officer of GAzE-nENoTIcENo 1640 582il)0200, Nairobi in the Republic of the court has in to an order of the said couft executed a transfer of the said piece of land in favour of Margaret Nabwire Obenga (ID/16059623), of P.O. Box 5825i|02O0, Nairobi, and whereas all efforts made to compel the registered proprietor to surender the title deed issued in respect of the said piece of land to the land registrar have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the registration of the said instrument of transfer and issue a tifle deed to the said Margaret Nabwire Obenga (ID/16059623), nd upon subh registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Robert Othieno Obonyo (ID/6653507), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. pursuance Dated thc 13th March,2015. I\ J.M.WAMBUA, MR/6992835 land Registrar, Kajiado District. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) REGISTRA.IoN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Julius Kalaine M: Lariama 0Di7406198), is registered ofthat piece of land known as KjdiOlchoro Onyore/1244, containing 0.81 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district ofKajiado North, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed was fraudently acquired, and whereas all efforts made to compel the registered proprietor to surrender the said land title deed for cancellation have failed, notice is given that after the expiration ofthirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period. I intend td dispense with the production of the said land title deed and issue a new title deed to the rightful owner Margaret Wairimu Wainaina, and upon this publication the land title deed issued earlier shall be deemed to have as proprietor been cancelled and ofno effect. Dated the l3th March, 2015. R. K. MW6992667 KALAMA, Land Regtstrar, Kajiado North District. THEKENYA GAZETTE 548 GAZETTENOTICENo. 164I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ot2) RECISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Francis Boke, of P.O. Box 5, Isebania rn the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of that piece of land containing 1.5 hectares or thereabout, known as Bukira/Buhirimonono/408, situate in the drstrict of Kuria, and whereas the chref magistrate's court at Kehancha in Succession Cause No. 22 of 2012, has issued grant of letters of administration to John Adikd Kerama and confirmed him as the sole beneficiary of the said plot, and whereas the land title deed issued earlier to the said Francis Boke has been reported missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to proceed with registration of the said instrument of R.L. l9 and R.L. 7 and issue a new title deed to the said John Adika Kerama, and upon such registration the land trtle deed issued earlier to the sard Francis Boke, shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Mario Callisaro 63 0.002 o.002 64 0.001 7l 0.015 89 0.01I 90 92 MN/V14693 MN1V14692 0.004 0.014 MN/VI4751 MN/VI3833 MNA/I1025 0.012 0.023 0.006 62 0.0150.001 Manamina Said Ahmed Changamwe Deputy County Commissioner's Office at 9.30 a.rh. on Wednesday, 29th April, 2015 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.012 0.013 0.075 MN/VI1O25 MN/VI3O68 MN/VI3O67 MN/VI2362 MNA/I2363 MN/VI33O1 Dated the l3th March, 2015. L. MOCHACHE, Land Regrstrar, Kuria District. MRt6992797 GAzE'rrE Norrce No. I 642 . MN/VI MN/VI MN/VI MN/VI MNA/I MNA/I MN/VI 13th March,2015 THELANDACT MN/VI2365 MN/VI2366 MN/VI2334 CONSTRUCTION OF PORT REITZ ROAD/ MOI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ROAD (CI IO) 0.r88 0.014 0.007 MNNI3447 0.001 MN/VI832/R o.o52 MN/VIl097/4 MN/VIt070 0.015 0.015 0.036 MN/VIIO43 MN/VI2439 (No.6 of2ot2) Laila Virani Akasha Abdalla Ibrahim o.o44 Changamwe Deputy County Commissioner's Office at 9.30 a,m. on Thursday, 30th April, 2015 Addendum to Gazette Notice No.405 and 406 of24th January,2014. MN/VI2438 IN PURSUANCE of section 162 (2) ot the Land Act, 2012, Land Acqursrtion Act (Cap 295) section 9 (l) and further to Gazette Notice No. 405 and 406 of 24th January, 2014, the Natronal Land Commrssion intehds to acqurre land parcels given below on behalf of Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) for the Construction of Port Reitz Road/ Moi Inteinational Airport Road (C I l0) in the County of Mombasa. Inqurries for hearing of claims to compensation by people interested in the land to be acquired shall be held on the dates and places shown here below. ScHEDULE Changamwe Deputy County Commissioner's Office at 9.30 a.m. on Monday, 27 th April, 20 I 5 Registered Owner MN/VV3746 MN/VV3747 MN/VV3748 Rainv Days Limited Adroit Developers Limited Drnnadiac I MN/VI/I03I MN/VVI I60 Charles Mensa Karisithu MNNVI I86/R MN/VII542 Shamsa Sheikh Mohammed 0.124 0.072 0.068 0.014 0.005 - 0.009 MN/VI 174 MN/VI 175 MN/VI 176 0.013 MN/V 0.021 0.01I 0.005 Changamwe Deputy County Commissioner's Office at 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 28th April, 20 1 5 0.008 0.006 & Farid Farai Bukheit MN/VII16t Omar Saleh Sherman 0.031 0.034 Dodwell And Comoanv Marie Kathleen Hine & Hcnry Rous 0.0s0 0.016 Hine MN/VI3834 MN/VI2851 MN/VI2850 MNA/I1042 MNTVBITO MNA/I1030 0.030 0.002 0.003 Africa Bel Air Enterprises Company Limited Dhanial Prooerties Limited 0.032 0.009 0.002 Changamwe Deputy County Commissioner's Office at.9.30 a,m. on Monday, 4th May, 2015 0.021 0.013 0.004 Abdul Wadoe Haidera and Mohammed 0.018 Abdalla Saleh Said Nasser Said,Fauz Faraj Bukheit 0.014 0.01I 173. MN/VIl185 o.ol 96 o.o23 MN/VI1178 o.t24 Mahadi Enerev Limited MN/V 95 MN/V 94 MN/V 93 MN/V 72 MN/VI2507 MN/VI24B9 MN/VII24O o.o47 177 o.o24 MNA/I of WAKF MN/VI 543 MN/VI 544 MN/VI 551 0.039 0.001 Mohammed Sheikh Mohammed Fahima Sheikh Mohammed MNil/It MNA/t3489 MN/VIIO24 MN/VIIO72 Jacoueline Naomi Narumivu Kahome Posta Entemrises Limited 0.o22 Mohammed Sheikh M. Bajuny as Trustees MN/VI4I57 MN/VIIOIT MN/VI4I84 MN/VI4I83 To Acquire Parcel No. Acadamrr MN/V1283O 0.002 MN/V MN/V MN/V MNA/ Ibrahim Humza Mohammed 0.087 0.035 0.009 0.012 24t 238 Bonfide Clearins & Forwardins Ltd 204 0.01 I 0.003 t203 MN/V lo2'7 MN/VI2394 MN/VI2700 o.062 0.001 Omar Saleh Said 0.152 0.006 0.009 Changamwe Deputy County Commissioner's-Office at 9,30 a.m, on Tuesday, 5th May,2015 MN/VI27OI 0.010 MNA/12702 MN/VI27O8 0.0t I MN/VI27O9 Hosea Nderi Karithi 0.008 0.009 I/ 549 THE KENYA GAZETTE t3th March, 2015 MN/VI2710 MNA/I2711 MNA/Ir055 MNA/It088 Kazaro Chepkaitanv Arap Chebii MN/VIIO89 Seventh.Day Adventist Church (Ea) Mohtilal Meehii Malie 0.008 0.009 0.036 0.014 0.013 MN/VI1090 MN/VI2547lR MNA/I2869 MN/VI4804 MN/VI382I Bhaswani Dayalal 0.022 0.t33 0 019 0.089 0.071 MNNI3820 Limited MN/VI4926 0.035 MN/V13889 MNA/14927 0.022 MNA/I3789 MN/VI4928 MN/VI1041 0.038 0.094 MNNI3828 0.002 0.033 0.025 0.o22 MN/Vr4804 0.126 MNA/I4t08 0.007 MN/VIIO54 Akamba Handicraft Industry CoOnerefive Abdul Kadirtahlil l6 MN/VI2554 o.024 MN/VII096 0.1 MNNI2698 Changamwe Deputy County Commissioner's Office at 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday, 6th May, 2015 MNA/II187 0.069 0.049 0.047 MN^/12699 MNA/I21IlR o.134 MNA/I2394 MN/VIl02? MN/VI1237 MNTVI1236 Omar Saleh Said Price Nathaniel Paul Marine Properties Limited MN/VI399I MN/VI2527 MN/VI2626 MNA/I1522 IVINA/I1521 0.031 Sea Waves Intemational Limited Shamsa Sheikh Mohammed Mohammed Sheikh M. Bajuny Mohammed Sheikh Mohammed Fahima Sheikh Mohammed as Trustees of WAKF Shamsa Sheikh Mohammed Mohammed Sheikh M. Bajuny Mohammed Sheikh Mohammed Fahima Sheikh Mohammed as Trustees MNNII5O2 0.152 0.067 0.094 o.123 0.1 48 0.040 l8 0.004 Changamwe Deputy Commissioner'.s Office at 9.30 a.m. on Monday, I lth May; 2015 MN/VI MN^/I4107 MNA/I Unsurveved I o.209 0.016 0.114 unsurveyed 2 o.o24 0.023 MNA/I3930 MN/VI3929 MNA/I MNA/I MN/VI32l6 0.o29 Unsurveyed 3 0.041 0.080 o.o44 MN/VIIO37 Every person interested in the affected, land is required to deliver to the National Land Commission on or before the day of inquiry a written claim to compensation, copy of Identity Card (ID), Personal 0.031 of WAKF Shamsa Sheikh Mohammed 0.0 Ngomo Multipurpose Co-operafi ve Societv Identification No. (PIN), land ownership documents and Bank account details. Commlssion offices are in Arthi House, 3rd Floor, Room 305, Nairobi and Mombasa County Lands Registry. MN6992759 C ha MOHAMMAD A. SWAZURI, Innd Commis sion. irma n, N a tional 0.026 Mohammed Sheikh M. Bajuny MN/VIl50l MN/VI15OO Mohammed Sheikh Mohammed Fahima Sheikh Mohammed as Trustees of WAKF Shamsa Sheikh Mohammed Mohammed Sheikh M. Bajuny Mohammed Sheikh Mohammed Fahima Sheikh Mohammed as Trustees of WAKF Shamsa Sheikh Mohammed Mohammed Sheikh M. Bajuny Mohammed Sheikh Mohammed Fahima Sheikh Mohammed as Trustees GAZE"TTENOTICENO. THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA 0.016 (No. 449 MNA/r3459 MN/VI3I25 MNA/r3792 MN/VI3629 MN /12537 MNNI2536 MN/VI2535 MN/VI2534 MNA/I3373 MNA/r2533 Monica Wamaitha Kihara & Cicilia Wansari Kihara ol20t2) TAITA TAVETA COL]NTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REvTEw AND RE.CoNSTITUTION OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Article 179 (2) (b) ot the Constitution as read with sections 30 (D (4, @L (i), 3l (d) and 35 of the County Governments Act, 2012, I, John Mtuta Mruttu (Eng.) Thursday, Tth May,2015 4U r'1 0.014 of WAKF 499 479 478 THECOUNTYGOVERNMENTSACT - Chapgamwe Deputy County Commissioner's Office at 9.30 a.m. on MN/VI MNA/ MNA/I MN/VI MN/VI I@3 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 I 0.0 0 o.o24 0.130 0.038 o.o4'7 0.001 Ahmedah Mohamed Kassam Noorani 0.004 0.006 Ali Rashid Munsi & Robert Kuduku 0.006 0.009 Governor of Taita Taveta County, do revrew and re-constitute the County Executive Committee as follows: SCHEDULE Name PortJolio Mary Ndiga Kibuka Linet Mosa Mavu Flora Maghanga Mtuweta Deputy Govemor/Lands and Mrnrng Alexander Kubo Mwangeka Administration and Devolution Trade and Community Affairs Tounsm, Environment and Natural Stephen Mring'a Masamo Water and Irrigation Jemimah Kambe Tuja Education and Libraries Vincent Mwandima Masawi Joseph Mwakima Mbogho Finance and Planning Infrastructure and Public Works Harrison Ben Mrombo Mghana Elijah Mwamidi Mwandoe Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Industrialization, Energy, Research and ICT Gifton H. Mkaya Health Services Resources o.o22 Changamwe Deputy County Commissioner's Office. at 9.30 a.m. on Friday, 8th May,2015 MN/VII124 o_l86 MN/VI1091 Marianthi Augustis & Mabel Ashbee o.o47 Murray Dickinson Dated the l2th February,2015 rldRt6992123 JOHN M. MRUTTU, Governor, Taitu TAvetut County- THE KENYA GAZETTE 550 Third GAZETTENoTICENo. 1644 l3th March,2015 Sessi-on Fourth Part Tuesday, l5th Septemberto Tuesday aftemoon, _Wednesday Thursday, 3rd Deccmber, 2015 Moming and Afternoon, Thursday aftemoon THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF KISUMU CALENDAR OFTHE COTJNTY ASSEMBLY 2015 NOTICE is given for general information that pursuant to Standing Order No. 25 of the County Assembly Standing Orders, and by a resolution made on 4th March, 2015, the County Assembly approved the calendar for the Assembly (regular sessions) for 2Ol5 as set out in PARTII RECESS Third Session, First Part Friday, 3rd April, 2015 Short Recess ScHEDULE Monday, !o Monday, Third Session, Second Part PART I: SITTINGS Friday, 5th June, 2015 l5th lune, 2015 Short Recess Thrrd Session, First Part Period Third Session, Third Part Days Tuesday, -l0th February to Tuesday afternoon, August, 2Ol5 to Third Session, Fourth Part aftemoon Friday, Long Recess 4th December, 2015 to Monday, 8th February, 2016 Tuesday aftemoon, Thursday,4thJune,20l5 Morning and l4th Monday, 14th September, 2015 Third Sessron, Second Part to Friday, l,ong Recess Wednesday Thursday Thursday,2ndApril,2015 morning and aftemoon, Tuesday, 16th June to l4th April,2015 the Schedule Wednesday Aftemoon, Thursday Dated the loth March,2015. OWENELIUD-OruOK, Afternoon. MR/7054105 Clcrk, County Assembly of Kisumu. GAZETTENoTCENo. 1645 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISION . ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER, 2OI4 RESULTS {T IS notifred November,20l4. for general information that the followrng twenty (20) candidates passed the Administrative Officers examination held in Index No. Surname AO/00000o13 William Ngochila Ole Kakimon Korir Charles Kiprono 200713il20 Were Anganga Rashid Nyaberi Evans 2008000494 2007002281 Abdullahi Hassan Osman Koech Nimrod Cheruiyot 201Cp,O5264 Thuo Margaret Kanuthu Opati Grace Nasimiyu Webr Khisa Ongaga Kissinger Peter Nzioki.Philomener Nduku 20 1000s638 Jackson Lekonon 2008030091 A0/00000116 AO/00000r 35 A0/00000202 A0/00000238 A0/00000239 A0/0000027s A0/00000285 40/00000294 A0/00000317 40/00000343 Mini stry I State 1992048612 201WO621O. ' AO/00000349 Oluoko Ludy Adhiambo A0/00000353 A0/00000367 A0/00000377 A0/00000378 A0/00000389 A0/00000392 A0/00000408 A0/00000410 Ololtuaa Mrchael Oltureshi Wilson Mwangr K. 2010005670 20070722'76 2010017237 2010006286 Wanyonyi Joseph Simiyu 20tmo6294 Mohamed Yussuf Abdi John Michael Nzaluo 2010006545 2009066930 200%66867 Ratemo Amenya Jared Onguso Joyce Nyabonyi Kimatu Benson Mwangangi 201mo5662 The followrng sixteen (16) candidates failed to attarn a paper(s) shown against therr names. Index No. Surname AO/00000142 AO/00000183 A0/00000357 A0/00000382 A0/00000403 Imbanga Sheilla Monekwa Oruma Moses Magilu Mario Bonaya Golicha Yesse Mule Edward Sarah Chebet Dhidha Twahaa Maro Nthiga Pius Njeru Chege George Wakiama AO/00000409 Kuria Edwin Kongo A0/00000412 A0/00000093 A0/0000041I Mbugua Ithau Sophia Wakape Rebecca Mutenyo Cheruiyot Kibet Daniel Kirui Anthony Kipngeno A0/00000207 40/00000208 AO/00000340 AO/00000102 AO/00000106 A0/00000342 A0/00000350 Ogada Isaiah Oduor Mong'are Jane Moraa Lwangu Pius Ondachi 200m79690 201m07355 20r0005688 D epaififlent Interior Co-ordination of National Govemment Interior Co-ordination of National Govemment Interior Co-ordination of National Government Interior Co-ordination of National Govemment Interior Co-ordination of National Govemment Interior Co-ordination of Nationd Government Interior Co'ordination of National Government Inte rior Co-ordination of Natidnal Government Interior Cd-ordination of National Government Interior Co-ordination of National Govemrnent Interior Co-ordination of National Government East African Affairs Commerce and Tourism Interior Co-ordination of National Govomrnent Interior Co-ordination of National Govemment Interior Co-ordination of National Govemmelt Interior Co-ordination of National Govemment Interior Co-ordination of National Government Interior Co-ordination gf Nationat Government Interior Co-ordination of National Government Interior Co-ordination of National Govemmont full pass in the Administrativc Officers examination. They are rcquired to re-Jit the 2007003075 201Cn,06422 20 100 l 8893 2010005484 201$06579 200700281'7 2009066914 2009066825 2fr1Cn,O5492 198 l l414l 5 200800t327 2010006456 2007000556 200700n94 201Cp,06/64 mo7063463 Mini s try / S tate D ep artme nt Remarks Interior Interior Intenor Interior Interior RI Co-ordination of National Governmont Co-ordination of National Government Co-ordination of Nationel Government Co-ordination of National Governmcnt Co-ordination of Natiohlal Government Sports Culture and Arts Interior Co-ordination of National Govemment lnterior Co-ordination of National Govemment Interior Co-ordination Of National Govemmcnt Sports Culture and Arts Interior Co-ordination of National Government Interior Co-ordination of Natlonal Government Interior Co-ordination of National Govemment Interior Co-ordination of Nationcl Govcrnment Interior Co-ordination of National Govcrnment Interior Co-ordination of National Govemment R1 RI RI RI R,I Rl RI RI RI, 2, 3, 4, Rl,3,4 R1,3,4 RI,4 Rl,4 Rl,4 R4 5 55r THE KENYA GAZETTE l3th Mareh,2015 KEY Paper Code Subjcct Rl - IOI [.aw, R2 R3 Governrncnt Organization, Functions and Practice. Management Practice In Govcmment. Managernent of Public Finance and Procurement. Socio-Economic Dcvelopment and Entrepreneurship. Regional and Intemational Co-operation. Effcctivc Commun ication. - 102 - 103 R.4- l(N R5 R6 R7 - 105 106 I07 ALICE A. OTWALA. Setrela11, PubIn Sr'rru r' ('ornrttts.riort G^zErrENo[cENo' 1646 THEVALUERSACT (Cap.532) REGISTEREDANDPRACTSINGVALUERS - IN ACCORDANCE with scctions 8 and22 of thc Valuers Act, it is notified for.the general informatron that the followrng Registered valucrs, liccnscd topractiec valuation in the ycar 2015: P.O. Box l072zt-002100. Nairobi are BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK P,O. Box 30599-00100, Nairobi BA {Land Econ) Hons. MISK BSc. (E.Man) FRICS. MISK BSc. (E.Man) FRICS. MISK BSc. (E.Man) AARICS. MISK Box 7073 l-0O4O0. Nairobi Box 50918-O0100. Nairobi Hons. MSC. MBA. Phd MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. Msc Finance. MIS Bor 61551. Nairobi BA BA BA BA 169-00517, Nairobi Econ) Hons. MISK Econ) Hons. MISK Econ) Hons. MISK Econ) Hons. MISK LandEcon)HonsMA(Plannrns )MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, NIISK Econ) Hons, MISK BA (I-and Econi Hons MISK B.A (Land Econ) Hons, M A (val and prupcrtv Managentent) (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land Econ) Econ) Econ) Econ) Econ) BA{l.and Econ) BA (Land Econ) BA (Land Econ) BA BA BA BA P.O. Box 4399G40100, Nairobi (Land (Land (Land (Land Hons. MISK Hons. Hons. Hons. Hons. Hons. Hons. Hons, MISK MISK MISK MISK MSc . MISK MISK N{ISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK P.O. Box 43499{)0 100. Nairobi P.O. Box 3326{010O. Nairobi P.O. Box 3?l l-O0100. Nairob.i \ \ BA (Land Econt Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK B.A (LaniJ Econ) H.ons. IvI A (val &property management), 552 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th March,2015 Name Address Qualificatiois Kahuthu Grthinii Kakai W. L. Edward P.O. Box l83lJ[2fi)- Nairobr P.O. Box 1034JX)517. Nairobi P.O. Box 90104-30100. Mombasa P.O. Box 46990. Nairobi BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA Kaloki F. Kitavi Kamhu Job Nduneu Kamau H. Mwansr Kamau G. Lemmv Kamrta Muhia James Kanyi Cvrus Kariuki Kanyari I. Gathoni Kanvansi E. Ovoo Kanvugo Peter W. Karago Humphrev Karaso R- Wairrmu Karania E. Nirhia Karania J- Niore Karanra Peter Marna Karania S. Macharia Karimr Jov Kariuki Charles Mursai Kariuki N. P. Francrs Kariuki Catherine Kariukr C. David Karori J. Njoroge Kater K. Steohen Kaunda Juma Peter Kavivva Bernard W. Keriasek C. S. (Dr) Khaemba Anthonv W. Khaemba Henrv W. Khaova Pius Isaiah Kiambi Richard Munvua Kiama C Masavu Kibire Kiptoo Gilbert Kiboko N. Stanley Kibuchi Daniel Muriuki' Kibui S. Micheal Kisunda J. Robert Kisen R. Kimutai Kihoro J. Wachira Kiliru Georee Dan Kilonzo Charles Mutavi Kimani B. Koer Kimani K. Charles Kimathi Francis Kahure Kimcnihi N Mrrrndp Kimeu Nicodemus Kvalo Kimeu Peter Kitaka Kinvua A. Niiru Kinvua J. Fredrrck P.O. Box 768G{0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 499-{051 I, Onsata Ronsai P.O. Box 17147-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 341. Thika P.O. Box 72199{0100 Nairobi P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.(). P.O. Box 7524{0200. Nairobi Box Box Box Box 3207-{0506, Nairobi 15719-O0100, Nairobl 15719-O0100, Nairobi 10205-O0100, Nairobi tlox lOl(12{)OIOO- Nairohi Box 43077401ff). Nairobi P.O. Box 67366{0200- Nairobi P.O. Box 108. Embu P.O. Box I 25 I 7-20 100. Nakuru P.O. Box 4009-302fi). Kitale P.O. Box 64108-00620. Nairobi P.O. Box 59426-{0200. Nairobi P.O. Box 597, Kikuyu P.O. Box 2667-3O100 Eldoret P.O. Box 61551-ff200. Nairobi RA Il anrl }|h^nl P.O. Box 47478-{0100, Nairobi P.O. Box 79457, Nairobi P.O. Box 40228. Nairobi P.O. Box 3220-80100, Mombasa P.O. Box 128lut-20100, Nakuru P.O. Box 22061-O0100, Narrobi P.O. Box 43848J)OlOO. Nairobi P.O. Box 50996. Nairobi P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. Box 50-563. Nairobi Box 3398-3Ol0O. Eldoret Box 28707-O0100, Nairobi Box 41591-80100. Mombasa F.O. Box 10205-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 21735-O0505, Nairobi P.O. Box 6736G{0200. Nairobi P.O. Box 57584-O0200, Nairobi P.O- Box 2950940100- Nairohi P.O. Box 200-00200, Nairobi P.O. Box 67366. Nairobi P.O. Box 17501-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 72233-O0200. Nairobi P.O. Box 21425-O0100, Nairobi P.O- Box lO|O65J)OIOO- Naimbi P.O. Box 2O78-m2O2- KNH. Nairobi P.O. Box 43356-00800. Mombasa P.O Box 72233-{0200. Nairobi P.O. Box 30197. Nairobi P.O. Box 3557-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 1627u1-O0100, Nairobi P.O. Box 3970-40100. Kisumu P. O. Box 42765, Nairobi P.O. Box 45733, Nairobi I-unao W- Edsar Macharia Nioki Eunice Machua D. Kamau Madende O. Luke Masiri G. Karimi Masiri K. Enid Jov Maina S. Waweru Maina Chese P.O. Box 7669-00200, Nairobi P.O. Box 67959, NaLobi P.O- Box 67366 {X)100. Nairobi P.O. Box 45733-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 662-40100. Kisumu P.O. Box 7669-00200. Nairobi P.O. Box 19815-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 14815-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 9034.+-80100. Mombasa MISK Hons.MISK Hons. MISK Hons. MISK Hons. MISK Hons. MISK Hsns, MISK Hons. Hons, Hons. Hons. HonsHons. Hons. Hons. MISK MISK MISK MISK MISK MISK MISK Hons- MISK Hons. MISK Hons. MA MISK Hons. MISK Hons, MA(Val & property Management) BA BA BA BA BA MISI' BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA Kithinii N. James Kowuor O.N. Collins Koros G. Krorotich Kundhi Teia S. Lloyd J. R. Morris Lineuli M. Godfrev BA BA Hons. MISK Hons. MISK Hons. MISK Econ) Econ) Econ) Econ) 0and Econ) (Land Econ) 0and Econ) (Land Econ) (Land Econ) (t and Econ) (Land Econ) (Land Econ) (Land Econ) (Land Econ) (Land Econ) (t-and Econ) (Land Econ) (Land Econ) (Land Econ) (Land Econ) (Land Econ) (Land Econ) P.O. Box 73744. Nairobi P.O. Box 81215. Mombasa P.O. Box 10169. Nairobi P.O Box 1397-O0217, Nairobi P.O Box 21494-{0100, Nairobi P.O. Box 61551-O0200, Nairobi Konr David Kipkirui BA Hons. MISK (Land (Land (Land (Land P.O. Box -5921l{)0200 Nairobi Kiraeu James Kirathe B. Wansari Kilavr Muenr Joyce Kithaka Gitonga Jacob Kithinir I.- L- Karesi Kiotoo V. Kibet Kivunira Herman K. Koech K. Peter Konvimbih T. Mbov6 (Dr.) BA BA (I:nd Fron) BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA H^ns M\. Ml\K fl-andEcon) Hons. MAL Dev.Phd.MISK fl,and Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons MSc Ola). MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK [and Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons, MISK Gand Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons, MISK [:nd Econ) Hons- MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons, MISK [-and Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MSc (Ula) MISK (t-and Econ) Hons- MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK RA f l ,nrl F.6n) H^n< MIiiK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Fron) Hons. MISK BA(t and Econ) Hons. Msc.(Ula) MA BA [.and Econ) Hons. MISK fi.A). MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA 0and Econ) Hons. MISK B.A Gand Econ) Hons. MISK B.A (Land Econ) Hons, MISK B.A (Land Econ) Hons, MISK FRICS^ MISK FRICS. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA fi-and Econ)Hons. MISK BA (I-and Econ) Hons. MISK BA fl-and Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK BA (Land.Econ) Hons, MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK I J I THE KENYA GAZETTE l3th March,2015 553 Name Address Qualifications Maina Dennis Gichaneo Maina G. D. Ruhara Makana S- Mosonpo Makau Steohen Ndce Makena M. Stella Makathimo Mwenda K. P.O. Box 23217-O0604. Nairobi P.O Box 56072-O0200, Nairobi P.O. Box 2OO{)0521 Embakasi P.O. Box 39773-O0623. Nairobi P.O. Box 1672-10l0O Nveri P.O. Box 96921{0100. Nairobr Makumbi M. Lucv Maneeli A. Mutua P,O.Box 35330-00200. Nairobi P.O.Box 43077-O0100. Nairobi Masika D.Wambua Masika K. Muema Masika M. Gresory P.O. Box 45733-{0100, Nairobi P.O. Box 42333-{0100, Nairobi P.O Box 1553-{0200, Nairobi BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA Mati D. Muthomi Matr lloniel fl P.O .Box 61551-O0200, Nairobi P.O. Box 51127-O0100, Nairobi Matu S. Waweru Matrrmhi I( Pqul P.O Masvuki C. Wanza Mbae Gataka Castv Mbindah E. ChristoDher Mbinda C. Samuel Jr. Mbithi N. Elizabeth P.O .Box 50846-{0100. Nairobi Mboso A.Kamau Mbote Pauline Nieri. Mbueua J. Kariuki Mbueua Mdnsai Mbusua J. Waithira Mbusua J. Kenvaniui Mbusua M. Kinvaniui Mbusua K. Nellv Mbunpu M. Edwin Mburu Fidelis Kamwana Mburu Jane Wania Box 105140-O0l0l, Nairobi Pf) Rni I lRl?iOlOO P.O.Box 826{)0521. Nairobi P.O. Box 56188{)0200. Nairobi P.O. Box 21722-O0500. Nairobi P.O. Box 72233-O0200. Nairobi P.O .Box 15468-00100, Nairobi P.O. Box 13823-O0100, Nairobi P.O. Box 4686, Eldoret P.O. Box 47478-O0100, Nairobi P () R^Y a57??JYl'l{Yl Nrir hi P.O. Box 1222- Nvahururu P.O .Box l4l9JX)902 Kikuvu P.O .Box 16062-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box l0l l6-801fi). Nairobi P.O. Box 30089-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 4076-O0100. Nairobi Mburu K. Stephen Mbulo Kennedy Kaunda Metoh.E. Kiochumba P.O Box 1615. Meru Miswi C. Kanai Mitito foseoh Ouma P.O. Box 45733. Nairobi Miresi Maurice Ochiens P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. Miriti Kananu Jane Mokua Douplas Muturi Lvdia Wansari Muanse M. Gideon Muchiri W. Lawrence Mubhira M. Mwansi Muchunku M. Consolata Muchiri S. Waniiru Muendo R Kirrmo Musaa D.M. Muso Harry Fredrick Muswe A. Muchiri Muhia M. Wambui. Muiru David Niorose Muiruri G. Beattah Muiruri H. Gitu Muiruri Simon Maina Muiruri M. Muneai Mukhwana Thomas Mukhonso J. Wvcliffe Mukira E. Macharia Mulwa J. Muia. Munvi J. Munene Munvinse C Asnes Mrrnuhi L Salome Muoka D. Mulwa Mureei N. Nellv Muriithi J. Mwai Muriei W. Jovce Murimi Alister Mutusi Murimi K. Eliud Muritu M. Edward Muroki K- Vincent Mururu K.James Musau M.Ezekiel Musau Muthama M. James Ncirnhi P.O. Bbx 47408-O0100, Nairobi P 6 Rnv 7R?5-?O1OO Flrlnrat P.O. Box 67959402fi). Nairobi Box 50292{1fi)- Nairobi Box I 537640 l00.'Nairobi Box 4303-20100- Nakuru Box 44344. Nairobi Box l392zl-20100. Nakunr Box 371 l-O0l00t Nairobi Box 10421-O0200. Nairobi Box 62636. Nairobi Box 3148-{0200, Nairobi Box 9577-O0100, Nairobi Box 9420 -{0100, Nairobi P.O. Box 61551 , Nairobi P.C). Box 160156-{OlO0- Nairohi P.O. Box 62034. Nairobi P.O. Box 61551{)02fi). Nairobi P.O Box 643 10-00620. Nairobi P.O. Box 1897-00502. Karen P'o. Box 6599-01000. Thika P.O. Box 21094{0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 87509-80100. Mombasa P.O. Box 86984{0100, Mombasa P.O. Box lO2O5 - OOIOO- Nairobi P.O. Box 200{0200. Nairobi P.O. Box 12545{1fi). Nairobi P.O. Box 40228. Nairobi P.O. Box 28853-{0200. Nairobi P.O. Box 67959-{0100. Nairobi P.O Box 45733-{0200. Nairobi P.O. Box 1029z16-00101, Nairobi P.O Box 58624-O0200. Nairobi P.O. Box 42093 00100. Nairobi P.O. Box 3557{0100. Nairobr P.O. Box 28707-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 70731, Nairobi P.O. Box 67488-O0200. Nairobi P.O. Box 49453, Nairobi P.O Box 49453-O0100, Nairobi (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land Econ) Hons. MISK Econ) Hons. MISK Econ) Hons, MISK Econ) Hons. MISK Econ) Hons. MISK Econ) Hons M.A MISK Gand Econ) Hons M.A MISK (Land Econ) Hons M.A. (val&orooertv mst) MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BSc (Land Manaeement) MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK BA (Land Fcon) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK B.A (Land Econ) Hons. MISK B.A (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MBA. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK BA 0and Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA [.and Econ) Hons. MISK BA fl-and Econ) Hons. MISK BA fl.and Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons- MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK BA ([:nd Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (l,and Econ) Hons, MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK BA (I:nd Fron) Hons- MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land ELon) Hons MISK BA [and Econ) Hons MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. Msc (Ula) .MISK BA (Land Econ) Horis. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA fl-and Econ) Hons. MA. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MA(Plannins) MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK B.A (Land Econ) Hons M.A (Val & prop. management), MISK BA (Land BA (Land BA (Land BA (Land BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK EconlHons. MISK Econ) Econ) Econ) BA (Land Econ) BA (Land Econ) BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK Hons. MISK Hons. MISK Hons, MISK Hons MSc,, (Ula) MISK Hons, MISK 554 THE KENYA GAZETTE l3th March,2015 Name Address Qualifications Muse Boniface K.W. Musumba H. Okwako P.O. Box 4009. Kitale P.O Bbx 35790-O0100. Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA Gand Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK Mus$ii P. Musyoki fO. Musyoki Joseph.Mutuku Musvoki S- Nthanz-e 24146{0502, Nairobi Box 87514-8OIOO- Mombasa P.O. Box 0100-3896. Nairobi P.O. Box I 165-10400. Nanvuki P.O. Box 45733{)010O. Nairobi P.O. Box 10205-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 1663-4Ol0O. Kisumu P.O.Box l0 1929-{0101. Nairobi P.O. Box 73976-O02O0. Nairobi P.O. Box 21975-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 1025-O0100, Nairobi P.O. Box 39773, Nairobi P.O. Box 14815-00100, Nairobi P.O- Box I 7l OO. Nairobi P.O. Box 10169-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 51399{)0fi0. Nairobi P.O. Box 10158-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 74620-O0200. Nairobi P.O. Box 455. Athi River P.O. Bo>1 39'7 7 3-O0623. Nairobi P.O. Box 8712-{0300. Nairobi P.O. Box I 1777 -{0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 81300-80100, Mombasa P.O Box 88451-8O100, Mombasa P.O. Box 160166-O0100, Nairobi P.O- Box IO82OJ[IO0- Narrob P.O Box 4741 . Thika P.O. Box 579{517. Nairobi P.O. Box 43077-001fi). Nairobi P.O. Box 148J5-O0100. Nairobi P.O Box 105139-{0101. Nairobi P.O. Box 6830-30100. Eldoret P.O. Box 43848-O0100. Nairobi P.O Box 1870-{0606. Nairobr P O. Box 70731-00400. Nairobi Muthoka Johnson Kitemanse Muihurania Joseoh M. Mutisva T. Mutua Mutunsa V.Itumbi Mutua J. Muuo Mutua K. Jacinta Mutusi Gidraoh K. Muvoti F. Babs Mwamburi M.Matilda Mwanoi Maina Mwanei P. G. Edwin Mwansi Peter Githinii Mwansi Samu6l Mwanpi Charles Macharia Mwansi M. Solomon Mwaniki J. B. Kiamba Mwinzi J. Kitua Mwinzi M. Dominic Mwobobia Dickson K. Mwoneela M. Munvoki (Dr.) Naimisha Shah Ndambu A. Kitondo Ndege N. Nicholas Nderitu Francis W'aweru Ndeti Zachariah M. Ndua Tonv Wanvutu Ndunsu D. Kamande Ndunsu J. G. Kaberere Nsaruiva Charles Niensa NEetich K. David Nsiei M. Clement Nsotho Gathu Paul Neusi P, E. Niathi Nsusi W- James Nsusi Peter Gitau Nsusi P. Munsa Niehia Timfhv Nbhia Lilian Nieri Niihia Samuel Mwansi Niihia Catherine Wairimu Nioeu Munvua Githaiea Nionde S. Ndunsu Nioroge J. Mwaura Nioroee G. Niihia Nioroee A. Kimani Niorose S. Niihia Box 45733, Nairobi P.O. Box P-C). P.O .Box 297 241 Off\ - Thika P.O. Box 336. Murans'a P.O. Box 154684O100. Nairobi P.O. Box 10205-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 14903-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 67959-O0100. Nairobi Box 56899-O0200. Nairobi Box 33037-O0600, Nairobi P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. Box 208321-.O0100, Nairobi Box 971-00217, Limuru P.() Box 43499-{X}l(X)- Nairohi P-O. Box 64989{)0620. Nairobi P.O. Box 1700. Thika Nir:rose W.Rachael Niue Gicovi Niiru Njuguna H. Kimani P.O .Box 10205-O0100. Nairobi P.O.Box I 408-0O 100. Nairobi P.O. Box 40656{0100. Nairobi Njuguna K. Paul Njuguna Leah Wambur Niusuna M. Muriithi Niusuna W. Kimani Nkonce Didacus Nvaca Nvakora N. Aeina Nyakwaye Musa Nvaniui C. Kabura Nyansova N. Philemon Nyimbae A. Caroline Nvatuka M. Dan Nyoike N. Isaac Nvororo Caroline Nkirote Nzau B. Mutinda Nzioka Frank Nzomo P.OP.O. P.O. P.O. Nzioki Nickv Nzioki Robert Strkva P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. Nzomo Patrick Somba Obutu Linus Joseph Box 40228401tX). Narrobi Box 36540241- Kitensela Box 10602{0100. Nairobi Box 13075-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 9577-00100. Nairobr P.O. Box 59696, Nairobi P.O. Box l40l,|.{0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 69875-O04OO, Nairobi P.O .Box 3063-00200, Nairobi P-O. Box 70731-{X)400. Nairobi P.O .Box l4 I 70-{X}10O. Nairobi P.O .Box 81-O0300, Nairobi P-O- Box 19815{OlOO. Nairohi. P.O. Box 3ff)89. Nairobi P.O. Box 9481-fi)1fi). Ndirobr Box Box Box Box 371 l-00100. Nairobi 70097. Nairobi 61551-OO20O, Nairobi ' 2404. Kakameea BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA (hnd Hons- MISK Hons. MA (PIn)MISK Hons. MISK Hons. MISK Hons. MISK (I-andEcon) Hons- MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. M.A(HousineAdm) MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons- MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK (t and Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econ) Hons MSc.(Ula). MISK (t and Econ) Hons. MISK (Land Econi Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK B.A (Land Econ) Hons. MISK B.A (Land Econ) Hons. MISK B.A (Land Econs) Hoirs, MISK BA (I-and Fron) Hons- MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land ticon) Hons- MISK BA (Land Econl Hons. MISK BA (Land Ecotr) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) llons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Eeon) Hons. MRICS. FCIATb F.I.S.K. ([-and (t-and (Land (Land Fcon) Econ) Econ) Econ) Econ) l BA 0,and Econ) Hons, MISK BA ft:nd Econ) Hons- MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA fl-and Econ) Hrms MISK BA (I,and Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Eeon) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MA MISK BA Gand EconlHons. Msc(Rea[ Esate),MRICS MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA {Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Iend Fron) Hons- MISK BA 0and Fron) Hons, MISK BA (t and Eeon) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hohs. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hsns LLB,LLM (Nbi) EMBA,MCIATb MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Edon) Hons. MISX BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK Bd (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (I-and Econl Hons- MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons MSc.. (Ula) MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK i THE KENYA GAZETTE, 13th March,2015 Name f)nhieno R flnv Odiembo Samuel Otieno Odonso Philio Kabita Oduor A. Jennifer' Oduor E. Edwin Oeeto M. Jovcelvn Oiuok O. Philmon Oindo M Joash Okal Ruth Ochieng Okoth M. Omollo Oketch Francis Ochieng Okumu Regrnald i l' I I I I i I I I I l I I Okwiri Paul Aloo Olonde V. Otieno Prof.C)lrma W. H. Asembo Oluoch A. Florence Ombati J. Nvamweva Omenso Steohen Odhrambo Ominde B. H. Ellias Omoke Justine Oyaei Omondi Godfrey Omoro Waiir Cyprian Omulo D.Odhiambo Onyanso O. Felix Onvango D.Ochang C)nswae Wvcliff C)nseri Davrd Onsonse O. Wvcliff Onsuko B. Joash Oriko Daniel Odera Orumov Joseph P Orwa Simon Oruka Otietlde Castro Otundo Rael Otunga O. Martin Dr. C)undo W. C)irambo C)wino C)chrel Nicholas Owuor D. Abila Dr.Owrtr Abiero K'Akumu Parsaloi T. Sarunr Ragalo Battholomew O. Reriani J. Grtonsa Riuneu K. Cvorian Roberson Dunn C P Rono K. Geoffrev Rono K Simeon Ruoarel Seeta J Ruitha James Wagema Ruthuaso M Kunsu Ruto K.B. David Rwinso C. Karibe Prof.Saad Saleh Jahva Samoei Abraham Kiolasat SaruniW. Anne Shake R. Haron Prof.Svasea P. Maurice Terer Boniface K Thoso R. Wansur Thuo Kabura Mercv Toroitich L. Kiorono Waburi Geoffrev Gatunsu Wagura C. Ndiritu Wahome K. Peter Waieanio G Cheee Waithaka W. Marsaret Wakaba K. Grace Wamae P. Mainp Wamae S. B. Mureithi. Wambua Paul Wambusu Jaclnta Waniau W. Eric Waniohi W. Marv Waniohi K. Francrs Waniiku Neanea 555 Address Qualifications P.O. Box 21879-O0100. Narrobr P.O. Box 40228. Nairobi P.O. Box 1563 Kisumu P.O. Box 50291-O0100. Nairobi P O. Box 87907-80100 Mombasa P.O.Box 7606-{0 100, Narrobi P.O.Box 48209-001 00. Nairobi P.O. Box 66283-O0800. Narrobi P.O. Box 1403440100, Narrob PO Box 29509{OIOO- Nairob P.O. Box 10396-O0100. Nairob P.O. Box 42093{)0100. Nairob P r! Rny 6qq6r N4if^hl Econ) Hons. MISK Econ) Hons. MISK Econ) Hons. MISK Econ) Hons. MISK Econ) Hons Msc Plannine MISK Econ) Hons M.A MISK Econ) Hons M.A MISK Econ) Hons. MISK Econ) Hons, MISK BA Econ) Hons, MISK BA Econ) Hons. MISK BA Econ Hons. MISK BA Econ Hons. MISK BA Econ Hons. Msc Real Estate Glassow. MISK BA Econ Hons. Phd. MISK BA Econ Hons. MISK BA Econ Hons. MISK BA Econ Hons. MISK BA Econ Hons, MISK BA Econ Hons, MISK BA Econ Hons, MISK BA (I:nd Econ HonsVISK BA (Land Econ Hons MISK BA ([:nd Econ) Hons MISK BA (Land Econ HonsMISK BA (Land Econ Hons MISK BA (I-and Econ Hons MISK BA (Land Econ Hons MISK BA (Land Econ Hons MISK BA (Land Econ Hons MSC (Ula). MISK BA (Land Econ Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ Hons. MISK B.A (Land Econ) Hons, MISK. BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK B-A (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. M.A- (l-end Dev'ot) .PhD MISK BA (Land Econ Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ Hons. MISK tsA (I-and Econ Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ Hons. MISK BA -and Econ Hons. MISK BA (LE) Hons Msc(BS) MISK. (Vems) HSC. FISK BSC. (E. Man) FRICS. MSK BA (Land Econ Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ Hons, MISK BA Land Econ Hons- MISK BA (Land Econ Hons. MISK BA (I-and Econ)Hons. MISK Postsrad. Dio Plannins. PhD. Frics MISI BA Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA Land Econ ) Hons. FRICS. MISK BA Land Econ) Hons. ACIARB. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK. BA Land Econ) Hons. MISK. BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK. BA {Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons, MISK BA Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA Land F-con) Hons, MISK BA Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA Land Econ) Hons. MSc (Ula) MISK BA Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK P.O. Box 40 126-80 100 Mombasa P.O. Box 30197. Nairobi P.O.Box 2I 324-00100. Narrobr P.O Box 84317-80100. Mombasa P.O. Box 40228, Narrobr P.O. Box 1261, Bungoma P.O.Box 30 I 2 1-{01 00, Nairobi P.O. Box 8539-.0020O, Narrobi .().Rox'15076-{}Ol(X). Narro} P.O.Box 7525-00200. Nairobi P.O. Box 17080 - 00100, Nairobi P.O-Box 76'l 64-00508. Nairobi P.O.Box 40228-00 I 00. Narrobr P.O.Box 40656-{01 00. Narrobr P.O.Box 30257-00 I 00. Nairobi P.O.Box 30257-00 I 00. Nairobi' P.O. Box 50981-{0200. Nairobi P.O. Box I I 8 I 2-00100. Nairobi P.O Box 17100-00100. Nairobi P.O. Box 87496, Mombasa P.O. Box 1U88. Kisii P.O. Box 86984-80100. Mombasa P.O Box 2 1 800-O0400. Nairobi P.O. Box 4472-00200. N robr P.O. Box 617140200. N robr P.O .Box l91l-00200. N robi P.O. Box 13538. Nairobr P.O. Box 40228. Narrobr P.O. Box 5-{0621. Villase Market PO. Box l93l-00100. Nairobi P.O Box 49542. Narrobi P.O. Box 3-557{100. Nairobi P O. Rox 30271 - Nairohi P O. Box 4288240100. Nairobi P.O. Box 221l{808. Nairobr P.O. Box 67368-O0200, Nairobi P.O Box 6245--00100. Nairobi P.O Box 7. Sasana P.O Box 14687-O0800. Nairobi P.O. Box 39773-O062.1. Narrobi P.O Box 50823-{0100. Nairobi PO. Box 67959-{0200. Nairobr Box 30197. Nairobi P.O Bor 79482, Nairobi P. O. P.O. Box 40827-O0l0O. Narrohr P.O Box 38894-{0623. Parklands P.O Box 7707-30100. Eldoret P.O. Box 37760-{2fi). Narrobr P.O. Box 4396-00100. Narrobr P.O. Bor ,32ii5-00100, Narrobr P.O. Box 14815-O0100, Narrobr P.O. Box 66264{0800, Nairobi P.O. Box 6633 l-{0800. Narrobi P.O. Box 10304-00400, Nairobi. P.O. Box 55924. Narrobi. P.O. Box 4351-1. 80100. Mombasa P.O. Bor 457l3-O0100, Nairobi P.O Box 57427-O0200. Narrobi P0 Box I 902-O0 100. Narrobi lP-Bod2LE4r4q!4 P.O. Btrx 3(X|89. Nairobi BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land THE KENYA GAZETTE 556 l3th March,2015 Name Address Qualifications Wanvoike -l.Gachuhi Waniumbi S.W. Jim Wanviri K. Simon Wainaina Kironvo \Uarioia Maru P.O. Box 6824-{0300, Nairobi P-() .Box 3()79--6{)2(X} Meru P.O- Box 1013. Nvahururu P.O. Box 329fiH)01fi). Nairobi P.O. Box 68279402fi). Nairobi P.O. Box 45733-O0100. Nairobi P.O. Box 61551-O0200. Nairobi P.O. Box 221l-00202. Nairobr P.O. Box 1579-O0100, Nairobr P.O. BOx 100871-O0l0l. Nairobi P.O. Box 57488, Nairobi BA (Land Econ) Hons MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons. MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons MISK BA (Land Econ) Hons MISK Waruhiu S. Niorose Warui Simon Muso Wirunda Isaac Lunalo Warutere S.Maina Watahi C. Maina Wathome Kenneth Muthiani Wekesa K. Wafula ll/prc BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA P.O .Bo* 40288-O0100, Nairobi P.O. Box 2509- Kitale P.O. Box 6212-3010O. Eldoret Hp"hcf Yator K.Cheraste (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (Land (l,and Econ) Econ) Econ) Econ) Econ) Econ) Econ) (t and Econ) Hons MISK Hons. MISK Hons. MISK Hons MISK Hons. MISK Hons MISK Hons, MISK Hons, MISK I (Iand Fron) Hons^ MISK (Land Econ) Hons. MISK Dated the l0th March,2015. TERESIA KIMONDIU, MR/6992991 GAZETTE Registrar._ Nol'rcE No. I 647 THE VALUERS ACT I (Cap.532) REGISTERED VALUERS IN ACCORDANCE with section 8 of the Valuers Act, it is notified for general information that the following are registered Valuers for year 2015. Name Address Wamathai E.W Nioroee Kiviu Ruth Kimondiu Teresia Mbeshi M. Jeti Rika J. Kaeai Muso W- Consolata' Kimondiu Robert P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P.O. P-OP.O. P.O. ('le6nlHc Hnr Mmmi Charlec Kieti M. Raohael Wanvande Sarah Obongo M. Awuor Maithva Pius N. F-nhantus W. Rusethe Box Box Box Box Box Box Qualification 52435-O0200. Nairobi 1643G{0100. Nairobi 30089. Nairobi 30271-O0100. Nairobi 30271-O0100, Nairobi 3027'l{OIOO- Nairohi Box 307-00517. Nairobi Box 39773{623. Nairobi P O Ilnv IOORO Naitnhi P.O. Box 74964100. Nairobr P.O. Box 30089, Nairobi P.O. Box 59696{0200, Nairobi P.O. Box 61 l3G{0200. Nairobi P.O. Box 30188-80100, Mombasa BA hnd BA Land BA Land BA land BA land BA land BA land BA Land BA land BA l-and BA Tand BA Land BA Land BA{-and (Econ) Hons (fron) Hons (Econ )Hons Gcon Hons (Econ Hons (Econ Hons (Econ Hons (Econ Hons (Econ Hons (Econ Hons (Fcon Hnns (Econ Hons (Econ Hons (Econ Hons MISK MISK MISK MISK MISK MISK MISK MISK MISK MISK MISK M.A (Val. And ProoertvManaeemen0 MISK MISK MISK Dated the l0th March,2015, TERESIA KIMONDIU, - v1N6992991 GAZETTENOTICENo. Registrar. IA8 THE ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION SCHEDULE OF TARIFFS 20I3 FOR ELECTRICIry TARIFFS, CHARGES, PRICES AND RATES FUEL CosT CHARcE PURSUANT to clause I of Part III of the Schedule of Tariffs 201 3, notice is given that all prices fot electrical energy specified said Schedulewill beliable toafuel costchargeofplus25l cents perkWh. for allmeter readingstakeninMarch,2015. in Part II of the lnformation used to calculate the fuel cost charge. Power Station Fuel Price in February,2015 Fuel Displacemenl Charge/ Fuel Charge KSh./Kg. (Ci) February,20l5 KSh./klrh Kinevu I.Diesel Plant Kioevu II Diesel Plant (Tsavo) Kioevu III Diesel Plant Embakasi GT I Embakasi GT 2 Rabai Diesel with,steam turbine Iberafrica Diesel Iberafrica Diesel-Additional plant Thika Power Diesel Plant Thika Power Diesel Plant (with steam unit) Gulf Power Mumias Susar Comoanv Olkaria IV Steam Charee Olkaria I Unit IV and V Steam Charse 65.08 7t.12 68.5s 58.49 58.49 39.28 74.79 74.55 78.37 78.37 76.75 Varialionfrom Units in February,20l5 in January, 2015 Prices kwh. (G, Increasi//Decreqse) (4) 0-l 5 5t (10.7'7\ (l0.77) (6.81) 1.83 1.83 3.999_200 5.346.000 1022.454156 760.8893606 50.866.000 1 o.t2 3'.19-t60 0.07 0.09 0.09 8.069.210 3.017.790 (0-51 3.1I 14.7s9-000 0 0 0 I ) l.4l2.l l0 7.494.85fi 0 93.459.317 8s.436.408 THE KENYA GAZETTE t3th March,2015 Power Station Fuel Price in February,2015 Fuel Displacement Charge/ Fuel Charge Yariationfrom January,2015 KSh./Kg. (Ci) February,20l5 Prices Increase//Decrease) KSh /LWh UETCL Import I IF.TCL Imnort UETCL Export I TFTCI Fvnnrt 557 (Non-Commercial) (Commercial) /Cnmmerniql\ Emersencv Power (Muhoroni 3) Garissa Diesel (Kensen) kt|h. (Gi) (o.72\ 2.89 8.09 2.89 2.49 (Non-Commercial) Units in February,2015 in 3.1tt;180 0.04 404-570 (o.72\ (3-6 I 9.800) 0 (0.7) '76.54 fio.22\ (9.7 t ) (9.7 t ) Lamu Diesel Lodwar Diesel (Thermal) Mandera Diesel (Thermal) Marsabit Diesel (Thermal) 76.65 76.65 76.23 101.44 I 10.1 (9.05) 501 .008 (3.5 t ) 605.598 96.86 (7.34\ 33t.787 Waiir Diesel Movale Diesel (Thermal) 104.8 142.38 I 1.35) 94.48 fi2.3s1 9l (7.09) (7.03) Fliecel /AoretLnl Mpeketoni Hola (Thermal) Merti (Thermal) Habaswein (Thermal) Elwak (Thermal) Baragoi Mfansano (thermal) I nkinhnoin Eldas I -556.12 29.63 652.440 3984 209.339 264,338 20 567 94,169 44.11 55.22 2.88 64390 0 78.7 5 0 o7.52 37.96 12.82\ ( 10.52) t8-837 24-075 107.416 23.055 0 20.666 0 24.009 .81 Total units generated and purchased including hydros, excluding exports in January, 2015 (G) = 720,286,77 PTG/I 530/1 4- 463.14f 0 143.6 150.54 Rhamu 0.308.s00 1.690.093 (9.64\ 23;12 42.06 Takaba I I kWh. JOSEPH NG'ANG'A, 5 Director-General. GAZETTENoTICENo. I649 THE ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION SCHEDULE OF TARIFFS 20I3 FOR ELECTRICITY TARIFFS, CHARGES, PRICES AND RATES , FOREIGNEXCH^NGEFLUCTUATIONADJUSTMENT PURSUANTtoclause2ofPartllloftheScheduleofTariffs2013,noticeisgiven thatall prices for electrical energy specifiedinPartllof the sard Schedule will be liable to a foreign exchange fluctuation adjustment of I 7 cents per kWh. for all meter readings taken in Marih, 2015. Information used to c4lculate the Adjustment: KenGen (FZ) ' (72,048,6r Exphange Gain(Loss) r.l6) Total (ZF+ZH+IPPZ) (PPZ) KPLC (HZ) IPPs 56,882,947.59 l I 5,685,369.0s 100.519,705.48 Total Units Generated and Purchqspd Excluding exports in February 2015 (G) = 720,286,771 kWh. JOSEPH NG'ANG'A, Director-General. PTG/| 530/l 4-r s GAZETTENqTIcENo. I650 THE ENERGY RECULATORY COMMISSION SCHEDULE OF TARIFFS 20I3 FOR EI-ECTRICITY TARIFFS, PRICES, CHARGES AND RATES WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY LEVY PURSUANTtocl4use5ofPartlllpf the Sche(ule pf Tariffs 20l3,noticeisgiverl tfratall pricesfor elecfgicalenergyspecifiedinPartll(A) Bf the,said Schedule will be liable to a lryater f.eqgltpce M4nagement Authority (WRMA) fevy of plus 5 cepts per kWh. for all meter leadings takel in March, 201 5. Informatisr-l used to calculate the WRM,{ I.evy: Approved WRMA levy for energy purch4sed from hydpopower plants of capacity equal to or above HydTopower Plant Citaru Kamburu Kiambere Kindaruma Macinoa Tana Wqniii cents per KWh. Unfis Purchased in February, 2015 (krlk.) 5 t.168.000 26.467.N0 62,020,000 12.221.000 14.384.000 4.143.690 1.940.1o7 tl'? Sasana Ndula -341 0 Turkwel Goqo Sondu I mW = 5 Kenya Miriu Sanqoro 47.771.200 41 751 6.705.000 2.1 30. t 50 s58 THE KENYA GAZETTE Totel units purchased from hydropower plants with capacity equal to or above t3th March, 2015 I mW = 229,312,885 kwh. Total units generated and purchased including hydros excluding exports in February, 2015:720,286,771 kwh. Approved l6th installment of WRMA levy arrears of,KSh. 630,285,413 b'eing recovered in 36 equal installments (KSh") 17,507,928. JOSEPH NG'ANG'A, Dtrector-General. PTG/1530/14-15 GAzErrENsncENo. 165l THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA THE ELECTIONS ACT (No.24 of20llt THE ELECTIONS (GENERAL) REGULATIONS, 2OI 2 THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORAL AND BOUNDARIES COMMISSION ACT, 201 1.. RETURNING OFFICER ANDDEPUTY RETURNING OFFICER FoR THEMEMBER oFNAI,IoNAL ASSEMBLY- APPOINTMENToFTHECoNSTITUENCY KABETE CoNSTITUENCY BY-ELECIoN and' 194 (l) (4) of the Constitutio'n, section i I of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Act, 2011, section 16 (4),24,25,26,33,38 and 39 of the Elections Act, 201 I and Regulations 3 (1F(6) of the Elections (General) Regulations, the Independent Elecloral and Boundanes Commission appoints the Returning Officer and Deputy Retuming Officer named in the 6th Column of the Schedules below for purposes of the 4th May, 2015 By-electron exercise for Kabete Constituency. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Artrcle 88 (4),101 FIRST SCHEDULE County Code County Name Constituency Code Constituency Name Position Name of Officer ID, NO, o47 Nairobi 119 Kabete Retuming Officer Esther Wanjiku Wanjohi 9199318 M7 Nairobi 119 Kabete Deputy Retuning Officer Scolastica Wanjiru Maina 27631635 Dated the lOth March,2015. A. I. HASSAN, Charrperson, Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission. GAzEmENoflcENo.1652 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA ACT (No.24 of2}Il) 1 THEELECTIONS THE ELECTIONS (GENERAL) REGULATIONS, 20I2 THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORAL AND BOI.INDARIES COMMISSION ACT, 2OI1 APPOINTMENT oF THE CoNSTITUENCY RETURMNG OFFICER AND DEPUTY RETURMNG OFFICER FoR KAJIADo CoUNTY ASSEMBLY-OLooLUA WARDBY.ELECTIoN IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Article 88 (4) and 19a (l) (a) of the Constitution, section 11 of the Independend Electoral and Boundaries Act, 201 I , section l9(4), 24, 25, 26, 33, 3E and 39 of the Elections Act, 201 I and Regulations 3 ( I )-(6) of the Electicins (General) Regulations, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission appoints the Returning Officer and Deputy Rehrming-Officer named in the 6th Column of the Schedules below for purposes of the 4th May. 2015 By-election exercise for Kajiado County Assembly-Oloolua Ward. SEcoND SCHEDULE County Coile County Name Constituency Constituency Code Nme 034 Kajiado r83 Kajiado North 0914 Oloolua Returning Officer 034 Kajiado 183 Kajiado North 0914 Oloolua )eputy Returning Office Countl' County Assembly Ward Nome Assenbly Code Posttion Name oJ Offcer ' Nancy Bedi lyadi Iane ID. No. 0923575 Nyawira Hiuh I 1706355 Dated the lOth March, 2015 c h airper son. indep endent Ele rrorot ond GAZETTENoncENo. 1653 Delete:6th April,2015 and Tuesday, Tth April" 2015; Inse r t :'7 th THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA (No.24 IN Gazette Notice No. Page 394; Paragraph (0; 20 I 2 CoRRIGENDA l23l of 2015 amend and insert where appropriate the changes as specified here below: Page393; Paragraph (f); Row 3- 20 1 5 and Wednesday, Sth April, 20 I 5. appropriate the changes as specified here below: of20lt) T}IE ELECTION (GENERAL) REGULATIONS, April, IN Gazette Notice No. 1233 of 2015 amend and insert where THEELECTIONS ACT ' nuuio.lrTtlii,X;,rr. Row 3- Delete: 6th Apnl,2015 and Tuesday, Tth April,2015; Insert:7th April, 2015 and Wednesday, 8th April, 2015. Dated the 10th March.2015. A. I. HASSAN, Chairperson, Independent Electoral and Bound.aries Commission. l3th March,2015 GAZE"ITE NoTIcE 559 THE KENYA GAZETTE No. I 654 GAZETTENoTIcENo. 1656 THEKENTYA INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ACT THE MEDICAL PRACTMIONERS AND DENTISTS ACT (Cap.4lI) (Cap.2s3) APPUCATIoN FoR LICENCES APPRoVED INSTITUTIoNS NOTICE is given thu the following applicants, have pursuant to the provisions of the Kcnya lnformation and Communications Act, made application to the Communications Authority of Kenya for the grant of broadcasting licenses as appears agalnst their respective IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 22 (3) (b) of thc Medical Practitioners. and Dentists Act, the Director of Medical Services declares the institutions named in the Schedule hereunder to be approved institutions for the purposes. of that section. names below: ScHEDULE Company Business Next Options Limited, P.O. Box 51633-O0100, Nairobi Commercial Free+o-Ai Television on the Digita Terrestrial Television Platform Christ's Co-Workers Fellowship, P.O. Box 32818-O0600. Nairobi Commercial Free.to-Ai Television on the Digita Tenestrial Television Platform County Nairobi Sub-County Name of Facility Dagoretti Uthiru-Muthua Health Centre Mukinduri Dispensary Kuge Health Cenre Nyandarua Olkalou Mbifa Nyamira Kitui Mbita Nyamira South Igenaitambe Health Centre Kwa Kavoo Dispensary MwingiWest Dated the 25th February,2015. Air Christian Broadcasting Network, P.O. Box 64217-O0620, Nairobi Terrestrial Television Platform Beverly Technologies, P.O. Box 26769-00100; Natuobi NICHOLAS MIJRAGIJRI, Director oJ Medical Services. Commercial Free-to-Ai Television on the Digita GAzE'rrENoncENo. 1657 Commercial, Free+o-Ai Television on the Digita THE LABOUR RELATIONS ACT Terrestrial Television Pladorm The reason for the grant of the license is to enable the applicants to operate and provide service as indicated against their names. The grant of these licenses rnay affect public and local authorities, companies, persons or Mies of persons within the country. Any public or Iocal authoriry, company, person or body of persons desirous of making any representation on_or objection to the grant of such license as aforcsaid must do so by letter addressed to the Director-General, Communications Authority of Kenya, Waiyaki Way, P.O. Box 1,1448-O0800, Nairobi indicating the License Category on the outside of the cover enclosing it on or before expiry of thirty (30) days from the d.atc of this notice and must forward to the applicant a copy of.such representation or objection. _ (Na..la oJ2N7) AMENDMENT oF THE CoNSTITUTIoN AND RULES oFtHE UMoN NOTICE is given to all members of the Dock Workers. Union pursuant to section 21 (4) of the Labour Relations Act, that a notice of change of the Constitution of the union has been received. Any person or member intending to raise any objection against the of the Constitution of the union is required to submit in writing any objections agalnst the amendment of the constitution within twenty-one (21) days from the date hereof. The amendments arc open for scrutiny from the undersigned's office during working amendment hoursE. N. GICHEHA, Registrar of Trad.e Unions. MPJ6992779 Dated the 9th March,2015. FRANCIS W. WANGUSI, Director-General. PTG/ 1580 GAzEmENcrIlcENo. 1658 THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT (Cap.286) GAzEmENoTIcENo. 1655 THE VETERINARY SURGEONS AND VETERINARY PARAPROFESSIONALSACT , (No.29 of?Otl) CoNFIRMATToN oF ENTRIES IN THE 2OI5 KENYA VbrenINen,y Boeno REGISTERS FoR VETERINARY SURGEoNS AND VETERINARY PARAPRoFESSIoNALS PURSUANT to section 20 of the Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Paraprofessionals Act (No. 29 of 20ll), all Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Paraprofessionals registered by the Kenya Veterinary Board (KVB) are notified that the relevant rcgisters are ready for inspection to confirm the particulars as entered therein and allow for the registered persons to notify the board of any anomalies detected. This can be done at the offices of Kenya Veterinary Boald located at Veterinary Laboratories, Kabete: during normal working hours from 16th March,2015 to 30th March,2015. The registers have also been upl,oaded on KVB website - [email protected] NoTE Persons whose names will not appear in the relevant registers by 3Ist March,20l5 will be deemed not to bb registered under the Act. for Proposed Site for Al Orphans (PDP No. LMUl231/lV/1115 Educational CentreJor Mishkat a NOTICE is given that the above-mentioned development plan was on 6th March,2015, completed. The development plan relates to land situated within Mokowe. ,Copres of the part development plan have been deposited for public inspection at'the office of the County Physical Planning Offrcer, and at Ardhi House, Mokowe; CEC, Land lamu at Forest House; and Lamu Ward Administrator,-Mokowe., The copies so deposited are available for inspecti<in free of charge by all persons interested at the offices 6f the County'Physical Planning Officer, and at Ardhi House, Mokowe; CEC, Land Laqru at Forest House; and Lamu Ward Administrator, Mokowe, between the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to the above-named part development plan may send such representations or objections in writing to be received by the County Physical Planning Officer, P.O. Box 28880500, Lamu and CEC, Land, Chief Officer, within sixty (6O) days from the date of publication of this notiee and such representation or objection shall state the grounds on which it is made. Dated the l0th March,2015. Dated the l3th March,2015. . CoMPLE,I.IoN oF PART DEVEIoPMENT PLAN B. O. GODIA, Registrar, KenyaVeterinary Board. v. o. osEwE, MRt6992522 for Director of Physbal Planning THE KENYA GAZETTE 560 l3th March,2015 I Impacts relat€d to surface. water GAZETTENoTIcENo. I659 TI{E ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CO-ORDINATION ACT (No.8 . Public Health Act. oJ 1999) hazardous stored to water contamination. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED KAPESE INTEGRATED SUPPORT BASE IN TURKANA COUNTY Impacts associated operations and maintenance with . Tullow of Kenya and intemationd and implemont a preyentive and equipment used at the project sitb. Tullow gnd its contractors shall develop above proposed project. and implement a formal Emergency Response Plan (ERP) based on The Proponent (Tullow Kenya B.V) rs proposmg to an Integrated Support Base in Turkana County. anticipated risk scenarios. Tullow should ,ensure that Impacts on biodiversity their contractors excavate only those areas required by the project footprint. Tullow, through their contractors should provide biodiv-ersity offse[s wherever flora is cut down. Tullow will implement its Alien Invasive Species Plan for the project. Impacts on health safety and . Tullow and its contractors shall comply as a minimum with the requirements of MitigalionMeasures the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2007 (OSHA) and its applicable EHS . Tullow will roll out their EHS Policy for policy and management all persons working at the project site. subsidiary legislation throughout the Social Impacts Lack of formal pre-construction, operational and to be canied out within Tullow and its contractors will implement their intemal . health and the Kapese Integrated Support Base. safety management systems !o eliminate Each contractor will be required to develop a ldcal EHS management or reduce to As Low As traffic safety with . All project related traffic (construction will be managed in accordance with the Tullow's Land Transport Pohcy and its associated and operational phases) documentation, and relevant sections Social impacts associated with the project . Tullow ,will inploment a of Communipation Plan Safety' requirements shall be complied Tullow yi11 f,evelqp and implpment e formd Gfiavance \tlechanism for ftg project wirh 1imply rpsolutrqn Each contractor shall mrnimtze the size of their construction camp and providB adequate drainage around iL pommunity. fullow and its cpntractors should make 3 conscious effort to providg vocatrional training by offering technieal training pquired for various work activities to hC carried out within the Kappsg fplegr-a1g{ $upport pase. 120: Environment Management and Coordination (Water Quality) Regulations, 2006. types of wastes generated by the project shall be handled in accordance with the applicable requirements of L.N. All l2l : Environment Management orflination (Waste and CoManagement) Impacts associated wilh Corporate Social Responsrbility (C$\) . Jullow qrld irpplement should bp bespd on thematig nepds of phe local com{nunity such 4q wafef, Tullow and its contractors shall provide mandatory EHS induction training for all persons workrng at the project siteEach contractor shall provide their staff with formalized EHS training in accordance with the requirements of OSHA, EMCA and intemal company EHS policies. ls contpplggq shqlf, their resp€Ftive CqR 'gpt ,a 'rlgcial Plpgrams ip qpder tp lipense to pper4te". The CSn pfg8ram Regulations, 2006. Lack of formal EHS training for field staff and contractors all fullow and itq con6ectors shguld givq fifst priarity fp1 alf jobs to the local proJect site during its lifetime, complies of L.N. of grievances. Tullow and its contractors shall ensure th4[ al[ wastewater discharged from the requirements fpf ContinUal engagement with the oommunity. with at all times. with the formal Stakeholder Epg4go6ent Pl4n (SEP) for the project. Tullqw should develop, rpflout and implepent a documpnFd the Traffic Act. . Improper setup and operation of contractor's work area Reasonably Practic4l (ALARP) potential health and safety risks throughogt the life cycle gf the project. systern specific to their activrties at the project site. Impacts associated construction. decommissioning phases respectively. il.':'."#'l 1".r"*:.:"1':i#*'i:1 lpalth, Impacfs on herilage cultural ? q3n ita{iotl, education, e1s. {ll worken whether FOm Within ttp prpject pea gr any other part of Kenye' pr outside of it must always comply with the cultural hefit4ge of the host community. ! I .t Tullow and its contractors will develop predictive mainlenance pyogram for all the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has rcceived an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the Thc following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation in i and best practices. PURSUANT to regulation 2l of the Environmental Management and Coordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003, measures: to EHS relatcd laws regulations individual work areas a The proposed ISB is about l.3km2 in area'and will comprise a zl00 man camp and training Centre; Tullow offices; A fuel storage facility; A truck parking facility; A security camp; Upgrading the runway to accommodate large aircraft such as the Hercules L100-30 and Dash 8 Bombardier, Water supply from boreholes for work areasi storag€/yard space, segregated work sites for Tullow and contractors, office space, waste management facility and refueling facility and Site drainage for the ISB. and its contractors shall always adhere INVITATIoN oF PUBLIC CoMMEI.ITS activities I materials shall be properly avoid any sub-surface soil and ground AUTHORITY svs-t€m ' 1 I All materials including THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT EnvironmentalAnd Tullow and its contraclors shall provide ablution facilities as required by the l3th March,2015 THE KENYA GAZETTE 561 For the construction phase, Tullow and its contractors will develop a "Chance Finds Procedure" nrachines to minrmal areas. Avoid clearance or establishment of tbr any potential archaeological or paleontological fi nds. access roads along steep slopes; instead locate them perpendicular or diagonally to the slope. . (a) Director-General. NEMA. Popo Road, off Mornbasa Road. P.O. Box 67839-00200. Nairobi. Stabilise the soils (b) Priucipal Secretary. Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources. NHIF Building, Community. P.O. Box 30521. At the end of construction rvor*s: level otT the soils and facilitate vegetation (t') County Director of Errvinrnment, Turkana County. The National Environment Managernent Authority invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days irom the date of pubfication of this notice to thi to assist the Authority regeneration. Excavations along the right of rvay should only be undertakerr where it must in the decisiort be otherwise the same should be kept to a minimum: In cases rvhere the are undertaken in close proximity 10 the existing oil pipeline Z. O. OUMA. excavations .fitr Director-Genenil. Natio na I Env i ro il nrc nt Ma nuse nrc nt Aut hor ity. MR/70541 l0 reduce project construction phase is over- Nairobi. Director-General, NEMA, making process of the plan. in order to potential erosion afler then the follorving rvill be taken in considerations. All CAZETTENoTIcENo. I660 THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CO-ORDINATION ACT necessary for the construction of the Works. Ensure that equlpment are in perfect rvorkrng order and cause minimal, if Terrestrial environment (habitats, flora, and fauna) (No.8 ol 1999\ THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY any, noise/air pollution nuisance to fauna. Adopt a prop€r waste management system to avoid attracting scavenging ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF A IO" (TEN INCH) I22KM OIL PIPELINE FROM SINENDET (PS.26) TO KISUMU (PS.28) BY CHINA PETROLEUM PIPELINE BUREAU FOR animals and environmental pollution. There should be very KENYA PIPELINE COMPANY LIMITED TRAVERSING THROUGH 3 COUNTIES NAMELY; NAKURU, KERICHO AND . KISUMU vegetation removal with minimal root-stock being maintained where vegetation will be cleared outsrde the Right of way and for setting up the base camp. INVITATIoN oF PUBLIc CoMMENTS Excavations and vegetation clearing should only follow the pre-surveyed routes and that only few access rcutes PURSUANT to regulation 2l oI the Environmental Management and Coordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the should tre opened up. of fauna and gathering of edible plants by above proposed project. Hunting/trapplng and fishing The Proponent (Kenya Pipeline Company Limited) is proposing to a 10" (Ten lnch) l22KM Oil Pipeline from Sinendet (PS-26) to Kisumu (PS-2E) traversing through 3 Counties Namely; Nakuru, workers, when on and off duty, should be stricdy prohibited. This prohibition should extend to th€ purchase of these Kericho and Kisumu. ' excavations in open cut should be the minimum The proposed 10" (ten inch) pipeline construction coveru'h distance of l22kn and is intended to be tied from PS-26 and flow to PS-28. The general route of the proposed pipeline shall follow that of the existing 6 inch pipeline's Right of way with a centre displacement of about 5m to the right downstream in most of the sections. items from the indigenous population by workers. Surface and Groundwater Resources Solid and Liquid Wastes georogv and . Maintain drainage course flows during . ;:::t':::ching/excavations are onry done along the proposed pipeline route and where necessary -as per the project description. Ensure backfilling of excavations, reinstatement of disturbed ground ahd general restoration of site. . ffiT:: ffiJ:Tff"- of so,id and liquid waste throughout the project . Avoid deep excavations in areas sensitive to eroslon; Carry out construction works in the dry season. . . A waste management plan documenting gnd means of disposal, should be developed and should includc a clear waste-tracking mechanism to procedures track waste consignments from the originating location to thc final waste trbatment and disposal location. It is recommended that segregation of solid wastes at source is appropriately carried out and consideration given to re-use, recycling, or disposal as appropriate. rollout. Soils for the waste strategy, storage (including facilities and locations), handling social impacts Physiography oT water according to standards set by legislation and guidelines. meiuiures: Mitigationmeasures Sustainable sourcing contractors site camp. Waste management should be done The following ar€ the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation Environmentaland . Limit the circulation or access of heavy Hygienic sanitation and disposal of grey and black water should be covered in the waste management plan in order to protect the general health ofthe workers and the general public. Ensure that solid waste is removed from site for recycling/disposal only by NEMA-authorized waste handler. a 562 l3th March, 2015 THE KENYA GAZETTE to Fuel and other liquid storage areas should be collectcd and handled ' appropriately. Servicing of especially where carried out in a designated garage area which has regularly maintained oil (a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, P.O, Box 67839-O0200, Nairobi. drainage traps and readily available (b) Principal Secretary, Ministry Workers be trained and equipped to Limit traffic speed and movement of to vehicles as Resources, ' restrict minimize off Mornbasa Road, of Envimnment and Mineral NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521, Nairobi. (c) County Directors prevent and/or manage fuel/oil spills. the trench cross roads/paths. equipment should be spill-kits. Air quality protect employees, residents and livestock from falling into th€ trenches, of Environment, Nakuru, Kericho and' Kisumu Counties. The National Environment Menagement Authoriry invites of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the datc of publication of this notice to the members dust generation. Field vehicles, trucks and any other machinery should be regularly serviced, well maintained. and swirched off when not in use. Director-General, NEMA, making process of the plan. assist the Authority . in thc decision Z.O. OUMA, foqDirector-General, National Environmenl Manage ment Authority. MR/7054140 Use lowsulphur fuels. to EmployeeS working.in dusty conditrons must use appropriate PPE. Occupational Health safety and . All operations will lie conducted in EHS policies, international best practrces and Kenya Government requirements (as set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Public Health AcD. Job-specifrc personal equipment protective to be provided to the workers, training should be given, and their use made mandatory in designated areas. and health regulations and policies/plans must be adhered-to Health Policy, Energy Act, Public Health-Act, lrcal Govemment Act, Physical 'Planning Act, NEMA Regulations. A standby ambulance to be pmvided to takc care of emergcncies. Appropriate and well-stocked first aid kits aod firefighting equipment should be available to all crew, and specific crerv members should be trained on first aid . THELABOI.'R RELATIONS ACT .(tto. t4 oi2$l ) AMENDMENT oF THE CoNSTITUTIoN AND RULES AND CHANGE oF NAMEoF TtlE UNtoN NOTICE is given to all members of Kenya Union of Soft Stone and Wood Carving Workers, pursuant to section 27 (4) of tlre Labour Relations Act that a nolice of change of the constitution and name of the union has been received. The union intends to change its name from Kenya Union of Soft Environmental, safety administration and handling of firefighting equipment. Adcquate warnlng or cautionary signage will be posted as required. All electrical equipment shall be properly installed. groundbd Onty properly trained and authorized employees shall operate equipment or Stone and Wood Carving Workers to Carvers and Cabin Crew Union. Any person or member intending to raise any objection against either the amendment of the cbnstitution or change of name is rcquired tb submit in writing, any objections against the itated amsndments within twenty-one (21) days from thc date hereof. The amandments are opened for scrutiny from the undersigned's offices during working hours. MR/6901047 E. N, GICHEHA, RegistrarefTrode Unions. GAzEmENoTICENo. I662 IRREVOCABLE AND UNLIMITED POWER OF ATTORi{EY KNOWN all men by these presents that, I Josiah Kimotho Kimemia, of P.O. Box 217-20117, Naivasha, and holdcr of identity card No. 7151496, do constitute and appoint Stephen Kamau Kimita, holder of identity card No. 04z$zt44, of P.O. Box l5tt-.20117, Naivasha, !o be my true and lawful attorney in my namc and on my hehalf to all such acts and things herein mentioned that is to Eay; machinery. . To sell, charge by way of legal charge and or transfer percel land No. Nyandarua./Mutooyoru1429. The EPC contractor to develop a driving policy that must be adhered to and all other projcct-specific dliving policies and journey management plans to be strictly adhered to and enforced. To exccute, sign or enier into and into all such deeds, agreements and all things that may be deemcd necessary and proper for or in relation to all or any of the purposes of this unlimited and irrevocable power of attomey. Provision of an Emergency Response Plan, Evacuation Plan, Medevac Plan. unlimited. Malaria Management Plan and t communicable diseases education programme to be put in place. Security and public safety cAzErrENorrcENo. l66l compliance with KPCtts and contractor confirm that the above powcr of attorney is inevocable and In witnesseth whereof I hereto set my hands and signatures this Sth day of October.20l4-. Josiah Kimotho Kimemia in the presence Joumey management policy and monitoring to be enforced. No cooking on site and no fires other than at camp site; smoking will only be permined in designated areas; no litter will be left along the ROW or neighbouring lands; and vehicle speed will not exceed 40 km/h in I residential afeas. Barrier tapes to be placed as necessary of of- MBUGUAMBURU, Advocate. I certfy that the above-named Josiah Kimotho Kimemia, appearcd before me on th€ 8th day of Octtober,?frl4, and being identified by her national identity card No. 7151496 acknowledged the above signatures to be hers and that she freely and voluntarily cxecuted this and undcrstmd its contents. Dated the 2 I st January, 201 5. MBUCUA MBURU, MR/6992798 Advocdte l3th March,20l5 563 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAzEmE NcncE No. 1 663 GAzEmE NoncE No. 1 667 GATUNDU NYAKINYUA COMPANY LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Off,rce: P.O. Box 30362t=O0100, Nairobi Head Office: Gatundu . Loss oF PoLIcY LoSSoFSHARECERTIFICATE Share Certificaie l/r. fO:: in the name oJ Susan Policy No. Mutiso, oJ P.O. Box 2N62-N2N, Nairobi. be deemed cancelled provided that no oliection has been received within that period. - Mulandi. the abovc numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurancc Limited within thiry (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate poli'cy will be issued, and shall bc uscd as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the l3th February,2014. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head ofCustomer Service, liberty Dfe. MR/6992820 Dated the l3th February, 2015. WAKAHU MBUGUA & COMPANY, Advocates for Susan Mutiso. MRt6992548 GAzEmENoTICENo. I668 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 30362t-001fi). Nairobi GAzEmENoTICENo. I664 Loss oF PoLtcY BRMISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED Policy No.8135976 in the name and on the life of Halima Hassan (lncorporated in Kenya) Ismail. Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-001fi), Nairobi LOSS OF POLICY Policy No.160-2568 in the name and on the life of Kagema Francis Ngatia. REPORT having bcen made to this company on the loss of the above number€d policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American lnsurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactions. ' in tite name and on the life of Sebastian Munengi APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of WHEREAS Susan Mutiso, ofP.O. Box 2OO62-{[20{J, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in original share Certifi6ate No. 3033 in Gatundu Nyakinyua Company Limited. And whereas sufficient evidence has becn adduced to show that the said share certificate has been reported lost or misplaced. Notice is given that after the expiry of thrrty (3O) days from the date hereof a new share certificate will be issued the original certificate detailed abgve will 81 5 I I (X APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given th4t unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date ofthis notice, duplicatcpolicy will be issued; and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the I 3th February, 20 I 5. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head ofCustonter Service, Liberty Life. MR/6992820 Dated the l3th February, 2015. J. K. MR/6992613' MITEI, Unde rwrtlin g Mana ger, kJe. G^zEmENol'rcENo. 1669 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED - GAzEmENorrcENo. 1665 PIONEER ASSUR.ANCE COMPANY LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 303621-.{0 I00, Nairobi LoSs oF POLICY , (Incorporated in Kenya) Policy No. 8122156 in the name and on the life of John Billy l,usi Chek. I,OSS OF POLICIES Policy Nos. '1524856n524848 in the name-and on the lde Simon Chege. REPORT has been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policies, notice is givcn that unless objection is lodged to Pioneer Assurance Company Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policies will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactions. Dated th€ 23rd February,2015. TIMOTHY MI.]TUA, APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbcred policy, notiie is given that unless djcction is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date ofthii notice, duplicate policy will be issued, and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all {uture transactions. Daled the l3th February,2014. - KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head of Customer Service, Liberty Life. MR/6992820 Ufe Manager. MR/6992633 GAzE-rrENorcENo. I670 GAZETTENoTICENo. 1666 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSUR;NCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 303621-{0100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 3o364-40100, Nairobi [,OSS OF It)LICY Policy No.8159985' in the name ond on the liJe of Liam Kipkorir Rotich. APPLICATION having been made to this company on thc loss of the above numbercd policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to CfC Ufe Aisurance Limited within thirty (3O) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. LoSs oF PoLIcY Policy No. 8l 53 | 3 in the nane and on the liJe oJ Alma Britney. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless qbjection is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date ofthis notice, duplicate policy will be issued, and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactior'ls. Dared rhe I 3th February, 2014. Dated the l3th February,2014. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, MR_/6992820 I Head ofCustomer Service, I;berty LiJe. MR/6992820 Head of Customer Service, Liberty Life 564 GAzb-r-rE THE KENYA GAZETTE NqrcE No. l67l l3th March,2015 GAzEmENcnrcENo. 1675 . LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 303621-{01fi), Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box Loss oF PoLICY 'Polic't' No 8l10749 itt the 30364{Ifi), Nairobi Loss oF PoLlcEs nante und on the lile oJ Jesse Nt'unyannl Wungotu. Policy Nos.6939243,6960654 and 6960655 in the name and on the li,(e oJ Keryne Atierut Ochong. APPLICATION havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numhred policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limited ryithin thirty (30) days from the date of this notice. duplicate policy will be issued. and shall be uned as the only valid document by the company for all tuture transactions. Dated the l3th February,2014. Dated the I 3th February. 2014. - KRISTOPHERKINYANJUI, Head oJ Cuttonier Service, Liberly kfe. MW6992820 APPLICATTON having been made to this company on thc loss of the above numbercd policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to CC Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days fiom the date ofthis notice. duplicate policy will bc issued, and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. CAzE-rrE Nc[rcE No. 1672 KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, MR/699282O GAzEmE NorcE No. Heod of Custonter Service, Uberty Ule. 1676 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O, Box 303621-{01O0, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30364{01(X). Nairoti , Loss or- PoLrcY Policy No.8106079 in ilrc nune ancl on the life of Nkrtle Groc'e Wangari Gucheche. APPLICATION having been made to thiscompany on the loss of the above numhred policy. notice is given that unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assu_rance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date ofthis notice, duplicate policy will be issued, and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the l3th February,i014. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head ofCustonter Seryice, Liberty LiJe. MR/6992E20 GAZETTENoTIcENo. I673 Dated the I 3th February, 2014. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head of Customer Scrvice, Iiberty Ufe. MR/6992820 GAzEmENcnrcENo. 1677 Head Office: P.O. Box LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED 30364{100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box LossoFPolrcEs 30364{1(X), Nairobi LoSs oF PoLIcY Policy Nos.6967884.6967883 and.6967876 in the name and on the lives of ( t ) Alvin Khisa Wakaiiaka, (2) Frank Breen Waktsiaka and (3) Vanessa Nannemba Wakasiaka. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered.policy, notice i.s given that unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the datc of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. Policy No..46N915 in the name and on the life of William Gatuhi Murathe. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, noticc is given that unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days fmm the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, and shaH bc used as the only valid documcnt by thc company for all future transactions. Datcd the l3th February. 2014. Dated the l3th February, 2014. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUT. MR/6992820 hLrcY APPLICATION having becn madc b this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unlcss objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limited within thi4y (3O) days from the date of thls notice, duplicate policy will bc issued, and shill be used as the only valid docurlrent by the company for all future transactions. LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED ' Loss oF Policy No.69l4E7l in the name and on the lde of Catherine Nimwaga Mruri. Head of Custonter Service, Libei* Li,fe. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI: Head of Customer Service, kberty Life. MR/6992820 GAzEmENorrcENo. 1678 GAzErrE NqncE No. 674 1 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-00100, Nairobi Entali. . APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to CC Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the l3th February,2014. MR/6992820 KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head of Customer Service, Liberty Life. - LosS oF PoLIcY Loss oF PoLrcY Policy No. 69Q926 in the name and on the life of Jemima Simekhu 30364{1fi), Naircbi Policy No.8l3Gl3 in the name and on the lile of Michael Fini Nabibia. APPLICATION having been made to this company on thc loss of the above numbercd policy, notice is givcn that unless obiction is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice. duplicate policy will be issucd, and shall be uscd as the only valid documcnt by thc company for all future transactions. Dated the l3th February,2014. MR/6992820 KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head ofCustomer Service, Liberty Ufc. q THE KENYA GAZETTE _llL{ryh,?o'! GAzEr-rENorcENo. I679 GAZETTE NoTIiE No. I683 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYh LIMITED Hcad Office: P.O. Box 303621-401fi), Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30362T{0100, Nairobi l,oss oF PoLtcy [.oss oF PoLtcEs Policy No. 8137245 in the nane ond on the life of Brian Kipkurui Polity Nos.6967876.6967883 and 6967884 in the nante ancl on the lives of (l) Vaneua Nanuemba Wakosiaku, (2) Frank Breen Cherutich. t 565 APPLTCATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbcred policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged.to CfC Life Assurancc Limited within thifiy (30) days t'rom the date ofthis notice, duplicate policy will be issued, and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the l3th February.2014. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI. Head of Cusnnter Service, Liberty Ufe. MR/6992820 GAZET-TE NoTICE No. I680 Wakasiuka and APPLICATION having been made to this comp-any on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date ofthis notice, duplicate policy will be issued, and shall bc used as the only valkl document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 20th February. 20 15. KRISTOPHER KINYANJU]. Heud of Customer Servit'e, Libern'Life. MR/699282t GAzE'rrENoflcENo. 1684 LTBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Officc: P.O. Box 30.i64-{n 100. Nairobi LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-001fi), Nairobi l,oss oF PoLtcy Policy No.8114280 in the nante and on the lile of Clifion Brown Onmilci, , LossoFPoLtcY Policy No.8101594 in the nante ancl on the life of Aggrev Omido Musonye. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of tho above numbered policy, noticc is givcn that unless obiction is lodged to Crc Life Assurance Limitcd within thirty (30) days from rhe dnte ofthis notice, duplicate policy will be issucd. and shall be used as lhe only valid documenl by the company for all future transactions. Datod (3) Alvin Khisa Wakosiaka he l3th February, 2014. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI. Head ofCustonter Service, Libern Life. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date ofthis notice, duplicate policy will be issued, and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 20th February,2015. . MRt6992820 GAzE'mENoIcENo. 168l KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI. MRi699282 Head oJCustonter Seryice, Liberty Life. r GAZEIENoTICENo. I685 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LITE ASSI,JRANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 303621-{0 100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30362HX)|fi), Nairobi LOSS OF POLICY Policy No.8159985 in the name cud on lhe life of Uam Kipkorir Rotich. . Policy No.81ffi079 [.oss oF PoLtcy in the nante and on the life oJ Nicole Grace Wangqri Gocheche. APPLICATION having bcop made to this company on thc loss of thp above numborpd policy. notice is givon that unless objcction is lodgcd to CE Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days t'rom the dato ofthir notice, duplicate policy wilf bc issupd, and shall be used as tho only vqlid documont by the company for ell future transactions. Dated thc 20th Fobruary,.20l5. Dated the 20th Rbruary,2015. KRISTOPHER KINYAN]UI, Head of Custonter Service, bberT' Lile. MR/6992821 Appt lCAftON having been made to this company on the loss of the above numberpd policy. notice is givdn that unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice. duplicate policy will be issued. and shall be used as the only valid documenFby the company for all future transactions. G^zEr-rE NoTrcE No. I 682 KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, MR/699282 I Heocl ofCustonter Service, Liher\, 7i1". GAzErrENorrcENo. 1686 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Hsnd Offipe: P.O. Box 303621-ff1fi). Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30364{)0100, Nairobi loss oF poLlcy Loss oF PoLtcy Policy No.3588358 in tha nan€ snd on the life of PqUline Kyawav'e Mqrdtq. Polit'y No.8127153 in the nanre and on the life of Joseph Karanja Ngotgu. APPLICATION having hten medp lo thiq ppmpany pn thc loss qf thp ebove numher€d policy, notipp is giypn lhfrt unlpss qbjpction is lpdgod to CE Lifs Assurance f-imitpd within thirty (30) days fiom thP dat6 of this notipo, duplicatp polipy will pc issgpfl,4nd shall hp used as thc olly valid dopqmpnr hy fhp conpany fqr all. futurp tr4nsnplipns. APPLICATIQN [raving been made to this company on the loss of tfte apove nqmhred policy, notice is giveq that Unlesq o[jecripn is lpdged tq CfC f-ife Assurance Limited rvithin thirty (30) day{ from the date of this notipe, dpplicate pqlicy will be jssued, and shall be used as the qnly valid docur4ent by the company for all future tr4nsap;iqpq. Dated thc 20th Fpbrusry, 20 I 5. M?t6es28?l KRISTOPHPR KINYANJUI. Head alCustomer Service, Lihern* LiJe. Dated the 20th Fbruqry,2015. MB/6ee282 r KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI. Head ofCustonter Service, Liber4, Life. t3tl5 March,20l5 THE KENYA GAZETTE 566 i GAzEmE GAzErrENoncENo. l69l NorcE No. 687 1 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED UAP LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 303621-{01fi), Nairobi , Loss oF PoLrcY Policy No. 812'1615 (Incorporated in Kenya) i ..1 Head Office: P.O. Box 23842-00100, Nairobi in the name and on the life of Jacinta kinah Ngugi. . 'l LossoFPoLrcY Policy No. MU00004398 in the name of Paul Bryan Wanyonyi. APPLICATION having been made to.this'company on th6 loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. Datcd the 20th February,2015. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head of Customer Service, Liberty Life MRt6992821 APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of of the above numbered policy, the origirial having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodgcd to the contrary at the office of the company \Dithin thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. duplicate Dated the 2nd March,2015. MR/6992791 Claims LIBERTY UFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Offlrce: P.O. Box 303621-{0100. Nairobi GAzErrE NcmcE No. .1692 Head Office: P.O. Box,16143-00100, Policy No. 8129786 in the name and on thc tife of Scholla franjiku Njire. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, and shall be used as the only valid documcnt by the company for.all future transactions. Dated the 20th February,2015. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head of Customer Service, Liberty Life MR/6992821 Wcer. ICEA LION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY UMITED Loss oF PoLIcY Naipbi [-oss oF PoLrcY Policy No.Ai6NLPn33388 in the tame of NdunguJoteph Macharia. IT IS reponed to the company that the above numbered life policy is lost or stolen. Notice is given that unhss objection is lodged to the contrary at the head office of this company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a special policy will be issued to tha life assured. Dated the lSth February,2015. MUIRI YTAICHINCA, Manager, Ordinary Life Operations. MRt6992756 GAzE'rrE NorrcE No. 1689 UAP LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. GAZETTENoTIcENo. I693 (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 23842-O0100, Nairobi CORPORATE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED [,oSS oF IbLICY (Incorporated in Keiya) Policy No. MU0000.1O55 in the name of Carolyne Nyaboke Mokeira Head Office: P.O. Box 34172, Nairobi Masita. Loss oF PoLIcY' APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of duplicate of the above numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contracl Dated the 2nd March,2015 EDWARD KARANI, CUl2ll3429 in the name and on the lilc of Kevin Onyango. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issuance of Policy No. duplicate of the above numbe€d policy, the original having been reperted as lost or misplaced. Notice is given ttmt unlcss objection is lodged o the contrary et thc office of the cornpany within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will bc issged, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. Dated the 26th February 2015. Ctaims Oficer. vN6992791 JOAN NJUKI, Lile Department. MRt6992732 cAzEmE NsflcE No. 1690 UAP LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED ' . GAZETTENOTICENO. 1694 OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSI'RANCECOMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 23842-00100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box LOSSOFPOLICY Policy No. MP04354 in the name of Dominic Juma Nyang'or. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of duplicate of the above numbered policy, the driginal having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the offrce of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence 'of the contract. Dated the 2nd March,20l5. Policy No.6001808 ,h the namz of Caroline Nyambura Mathai. 'APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issuance of of the above numbercd policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is givcn that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at thc office of the company witrin thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy wil[ be lssued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract Dated the 25th February, 2015. EDWARD KARANI, MW6992791 30059-{0t00, Nairobi I-oss oF PoucY duplicatc Claims Officer. DAVIDKOIGI, MRt699276p t I I EDWARD KARANI, GAZETTENoTIcENo. I688 l Oficer, Claims. I 567 THE KENYA GAZETTE l3th March,2015 CAzsmE NoncE No. 1 695 CAZETTENOTICENO. I699 OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCECOMPANY LIMITED (lncorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30059-00100, Nairobi LoSS oF PoLICY Poticy No. fiO3346 in the name of Carol Wangui Musyoka. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the tssuance of duplicate of the above numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (3O) days frorn thc date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. CHANGEOFNAME Notice is given that by a deed poll dated 6th January, 2015, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 105O. in volume D I , Folio 251330, Flle No. MMXV, by our client, Gregory Martin Mwangi Waweru, of P.O. Box 404500200, Nairobi ln the Rcpublic of Kenya, formerly known as Martin Mwangi Waweru. formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Martin Mwangi Waweru and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Gregory Martin Mwangi Waweru, for all purposes and autlorizes and roquests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Gregory Martrn Mwangi Waweru only. Ddted the 3rd March.20l5. Dated the 25th February,20t5. DAVIDKOIGI, . MRt69927ffi Officer, Claims. NCHOGU, OMWANZA & NYASIMI, for Gregory Martin Mwangi Waweru, formerly known as Martin Mwangi Waweru. MRt6992823 Advocates GAZETTENOTICBNO. 1696 OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCECOMPANY LIMITED CAzErrENorrcENo. 1700 (Incorporated in Kenya) CHANGEOFNAME Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30059-00100, Nairobi Notice is givcn that by a deed poll dated l2th February,2015, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documcnts at Nairobi as Presentation No. 1450, in volume Dl, Folio 321416, File No. MMXV, by our client, Alice Atalya Ndonye, formerly known as Alice Nzilani Mutuku, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her former name Alice Nzilani Mutuku and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Alice Atalya Ndonye, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to dcsignate, describe and addtcss her by her assumed name Alice Atalya Ndonye [,ss oF PoLIcY Policy No.6006509 in the name of David Wanyoike Gachogu. APPLICATION has been mafle to this company for the issuance of duplicate of the above numbered policy, the original having been reportcd as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thiny (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. Dated the 25th February,2015. only, Dated the 25th February,2015. DAVID KOIGI, Oficer, Claims. MRt699276r'. MURIITHI & NDONYE, for Alice Atalyd Ndonye, MW6992802 Advocates formerly known as Alice Nzilani Mutuku. Gez6meNorrcENo. 1697. GAzE.mENoTICENo. ITOI OLb MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED CHANGEOFNAME (Incorporated in Kenya) 4lead Office: P.O. Box 30059-{0100, Nairobi [.oss oF PoLlcY Policy No.6{n0691 in the nanu of Stephen Mwangr Ngure. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issuancc of duplicete of the above numbercd policy, the original having been rcported as lost or niisplaced. Notice is given that unless obiection is lodgcd to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from thc date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. Dated fte 25th February,2015. DAVIDKOIGI, Officer,abims MN69927U Notice is given that by a deed poll dated 20th July,2012, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 1853, in volume Dl, Folio l6y30,63, File No. MMXIII, by our client, Martin Mutee Masila Uddwake, of P.O. Box 239-%136, Nzecka, Makueni in tlre Republic.of Kenya, formerly known as Martin Mutee Masila, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Martin Mutee Masila and in lieu thercof assumed and adopted the name Martin Muiee Masila Undwake, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Martin Mutec Masila Undwake only. Dated the 20th MRt6992719 luly,2ol2. C. M. ONGOTO& COMPANY, Advocatesfor Martin Mutee Masila Undwake, formerly known as Martin Mutee Masila. GAzEmENcrrcENo. 1698 OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCECOMPANY LIMITED GAzE-rrE NcnrcE No. I 702 (Incorporated in Kenya) CHANGEOFNAME Head Office: P.O. Box 30059-{0100, Nairobi Notice is given that by a deed poll dated lOth December, 2014, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 66, in volume Dl, Folio 17l?A3, File No.-IVIMXV, by our client, Hassan Mohamed Issaack, of P.O. Box 658, Isiolo in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Hassan Abdi Ali, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Hassan AMi Ali and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Hassan Mohamed Issaack, for all purposes and aothorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address him LOSS oF PoLIcY Policy N o. 37002085 in the name of C harle s Njeru Nyagah. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issuance of duplicate of the above numbered policy, the original having been rcported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this noticc, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. by his assumed name Hassan Mohamed Issaack only. YUNIS MOHAMED & COMPANY, Dated the 25th February,2015. DAVIbKOIGI, MRJ6992'163 Oficer, Claims. MRt6992733 Advocates for Hassan Mohamed Issaack, formerly known as Hassan Abdi Ali. GAzEmE l3th March,2015 THE KENYA GAZETTE 568 NorcE No. GAzEmENoTICENo. I7O7 1703 CHANGE OF NAME CHANGEOFNAME Notice is given that by a deed poll dated 29th October,2014, duly executed and registered in_the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 15, in volume Dl, Folio 261343, File No. MMXV, by our client, Jacqueline Njahira Kigwe, of P.O. Box 825-{0100. Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly knorvn as Jackline Njahrra Kigwe. formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her former name Jackline Njahira Kigle and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted tbe name Jacqueline Njahira Kigrve, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate. describe NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 4th Deccmber.20l4, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 1816, in Volume Dl. Folio 331427, File No. MMXV. by our client, Dorah Shose Spalinger, of P.O. Box 633- and address her by her assumed name Jacqueline Njahira Kigrve only. KANYI KIRUCHI & COMPANY, Atlt'ot'ates for Jttcquelme Njuhira K4pte, ]innerlr krunlt us Jctckline Njuhira Kigwe. MRt6992726 GAzEmENoTICENo. I704 in the Republic of Kenya, on behalf of Bryan Spalinger (minor). formerly known as Bryan Stephano qnd absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Bryan Stephano and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Bryan Spalinger, tbr all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all tifli€s to designate. describe and address him by his assumed name Bryan Spalinger only. N. O. SUMBA & COMPANY, Advocotes for Dorah Shose Spalinger, MR/6742 t66 ' on behulf of Bryan Spalinger (minor), Jornrcrly known as Bryan Stephano. 00600. Nairobi CAZETTE No1'rcE No. 1708 CHANCE OF NAME CHANGEOFNAME Notice is given that by a deed poll dated 22nd July,2014, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobr as NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 20th February,2015, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documcnts arNairobi as Presentation No. 1968. in Volume DI, Folio 341443, File No. MMXV. by our client, Geoffrey Gitonga Kanyugo, of P.O. Box 2l l. Mrveiga in the Republic of Kenya. on behalf of Brian Kanyugo Gitonga . (minor), formerly knorvn as Brian Kanyugo Kamau and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former'name Brian Kanyugo Kamau and in lieu thereof assumed and adoprcd the name Brian Kanyugo Gitonga for all purposes afld authorizes tnd requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address him by his Presentation No. 2481, in volume Dl, Folro 38'713612. File No. MMXIV, by our client. Esther Wamucii Mbugua, of P.O. Box 1016700200. Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya. formerly knorvn as Esther Wamucii Wathuta. formally and absolutel! renounced and abandorred the use of her former name Esther Wamucii Wathuta and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the naine Esther Wamucii Mbugua. for all purpos€s and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate. describe and address her by her assumed name Esther Wamucii IVlbugua only. Dated the 6th March. 2015. Dated rhe 23rd December. 20 I 4. NJIIRI KARIU & COMPANY, Jir Esther Wonucii Mbuguu, Ji4nerlv knoutt us Esther Wanucii Wdthukt. Adrrx'ates MR/6992709 assumcd name Brian Kanyugo Gitonga only. GAZETTENoTICENo. I7O5 C. M. KING'ORI, MR/69929 t4 Advocates for Geoffre5, Gitonga Kanyugo, on belulJ oJ Brian Kanyugo Gitonga (minor), Jbrnerll'known as Brian Kotryugo Kamau. GAzE-mENorcENo. 1709 CHANGEOFNAME CHANGE OF NAME Notice is given that by a deed poll dated 3lst December.20l4, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 1684, in volume Dl. Folio 291373, File No. MMXV. by our client, David Kanguru Thuo, of P.O. Box 7261000200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya. formerly knorvn as Danglas Kanguru Thuo, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Danglas Kanguru Thuo and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name David Kanguru Thuo. for all purposes and authorizes and requpsts all persons at all times to designate, dcscribe and address him by his assumed name David Kangury Thuo NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated l4th January, 20t5, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 1668, ln Volume Dl, Folio 33/452, File No. MMXV, by our client, Ann Wanza Olinga. of P.O Box 13772-00400, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Ann Wanza Mureithi. formally and absolutely renounced and abandonod tho usc of her former name Ann Wanza Mureithi, and in liou thcrcof assumcd and adopted the name Ann Wanza O.linga, for all purposos ard authorizes and requests all persons at all times to dosignate, dcscribo and address her by her aqsumed name Ann Wanza Olinga only. only. . Dated the I lth March, 201 5. Dated the 5th March, 201 5. ORINA RIECHI & COMPANY. Adv)cutesfor Dat'itl KonguruThuo, Jonnerlv knotttt as Dunglus Ktutguru Tltuo. ' MR/6992883 MUNYASYA & CO., Advocatesfor Ann Wanza Olinga, .formerly known as Ann Wanza Mureilhi. MR/6992989 GAZETTENoTIcENo. ITIO CHANGE OF NAME GAzEmENorcENo. l706 CHANGEOFNAME Notice is given that by a deed poll dated 4th December, 2014, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Mombasa as Presentation No. 565. in volume B-13, Folio 144618755, -File No. 1637, by me. Nuru Suleiman Khamis, of P.O. Box 89(M380100, Mombasa in the Republ-ic of Kenya, formerly known as Sofia Nuru Amry. formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of my former name Sofia Nuru Amry and in lieu thereof assumed apd adopted the name Nuru Suleiman Khamis, for all purposes and gpf[orizes pnd requests all persons at all timp$ to desigrate, deQpribe and addrEsQ me by my assurn€d nanle Nuru Qqleiman Kharnis pply. MRt6992867 NURU SUI_EIMAN K4AMlE, fonnerly krtou'n as Sofiu Nuru,tytry. NOTICE is given thqt by a dped poll dated 2lst January,2015, duly executed and pegistere{ in the Registry of Documpntr at Nairobi as Presentation No. 1214, in VolumO D3, Folio 7S/1102, File No. MMXV, by me Maimuna Mueni Muthoka Swaleh, of P.O Box 69529-00400. Nairobi in the Republio pf Keny4, formerly known as Edith Mueni Muthoka, formqlly anC qbsolqtply r€nounood and abandoned the uqe of my former names Edith Mueni Muthoka, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Maimuna Mueni Mutho$ Swaleh, for all purposes an( authorizes ap{ reqgests all pcrsons at all times to designate, descfibp and addfpss mc by my assqmpd name Maimuna Mueni Muthoka gyqleft only. Date{.tfie MR/6992989 l lth Fphruary, 2015. Mqi,nilns Meni Wrhakq Wleh, lprryerbt kndwn as Edith Mueni Mpthoka. l3th March,20l5 THE KENYA GAZETTE NOW ON SALE THE NATIONAL POVERTY ERADICATION PLAN (tege-z0ts) RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING POLICY FOR PUBLIC SERVTCE May, 2005 Price: KSh.5A0 Price: RSh.250 z0finmt SESSIONAL PAPER NO. 2 OF 2OO5 On Development of Micro and Small Enterprises for Wealth and Employment Creation for Poverty Reduction ANNEX OF ESTIMATES OT REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE OF STATE CORPORATIONS OF GOVERNMENT OF KENYA FOR THE YEAR ENDING SOTH JUNE, 2011 Price: KSh.250 PUBLIC SECTOR WORKPLACE POLICY ON HIV/AIDS Price: KSh.300 SESSIONAL PAPER NO. 9 OF ON FOREST POLICY 2OO5 Price: KSh.300 April, 20As Price: ^KSft. 300 E.GOVERNMENT STRATEGY The Strategic Framework Administrative Structure, Training Requirements and Standardi zation Framework STRATEGY FOR REVITALIZING AGRICULTURE (2004-20r4) March, 2004 Price: KSh.200 March, 2004 Price: l(S/r. 300 ECONOMIC RECOVERY STRATEGY FOR WEALTH AND EMPLOYMENT CREATION (2003-2007) Price: KSft. 500 REPORT OF THE JUDICIAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO THE GOLDENBERG AFFAIR October, 2005 Price: KSI,. 800 THE KENYA GAZETTE 570 I 3th March- 201-5 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE KENYA GAZETTE NOW ON SALE ECONOMIC SURVEY,aOII Price: KSft. I .000 THE tollowrlg Dole\ are t(n the gurdance of prcrronr subr)rtlur)! rnclusnn rn the /<-t'alrr (;d:(ile, SullPluu?Dr. cte "!()l)\ l()r The Rrnwt G./:.,Ilc eortnrn\ Notrcc\ ()1 l gcncrll n,rturc \ ir(ll (lo lr()l .rllect legrslatron They rre, thcref'rrrc. srrlrrurttcrl t() th. (i(r,'('rlr)rc'rl PnntcT drrectly THE FINANCE BILL, 2014 Price: KSh. 235 Leqttlulna Stqtltlottutr ctrttarns Rulc' ancl Ilcgulalrotrs ultrclt arc rssued by thc Cer)lral (i(,verirrncilt B(.rr,\( ()l lhr\ lltc) rllr\t b!' subrnltte(l [0 rht- (iovernrrrc'nl ['rrrltr tlrrrrrh ihc oflrce 01 the Attor ncr -(ie'ncr lrl ti) 20tll20t2 Btll Sultplrnat ESTIMATES OF RECURRENT EXPENDITURE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KENYA FOR THE YEAR ENDING 3OTH JUNE, 2OI I VOL. I (l) I 'irrltltlttrL'ttt c()utrrr. \ct\ Pr*etl hr thc Natronrl Assembly. \lrhlrtt(al lor prrblrr.,rrorhhoLrld hc prcpart'd on ore srcle'of itn A-1 slreel no nl.rllcr lr)\\ \r'rall llrr N()tr(. r\. c.rrh p.Ulc ht'rrtll nrulbr,red an<J slroukl bc tvl)c\\rrllcil \\rllr ri,)l,hl('sParrng (iDr should bt- clear. legrblc and (olltilltl tx) xll('t.ltr()r\ PJrtrcllldr illlcltr('rr shoultl be'parrl t() tlre tolk)\\,lr)g porlt\- (r) Srg[illurc nrr\l bc \uPport!-(l hv rubber-starnprng or typrng the ol lhr- \rfilift.r) tn cJpttal lettels (uu\l br'c(\r,('rt,rrrtl lrllcd lr\U{\( III I tRr)\t illt.Cot)LoFRFCtrt,\ttoNS. (l) Nlrnr\(rc\ wrll be requrred k) pay fbr the Krrrvtr (;(/.1,/rc and k) rnect the lI lt. It rs emphrsrzed that these note\ are tirr gurdance ooly. but rt rs reque\led thit pers()ns subrnrttlng copy tor publrcrtron trrst satrsty therrselres that \uch c()\t ()t advettrsrrrg EXPENDITURE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KENYA FOR YEAR ENDING 3OTH JUNE, 2O1I VOL. I Price:KS/,. 1.100 eopy rs complete rr e!er),rcspect. SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISEMENT CHARGES Wrth cff-ect tionr Ist July. 20l2. sub\cllptrol ard ildvertr\enrcnt tee lor the Kcntu ()t:afic'are as follorvs St rBs('RtPTIoN Il THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCIES AND COUNTY ASSEMBLY WARDS ORDER, 2012 Kerty-tt (ju:ette Suppl21771,11t No. l-l NI I . .. Price: KS/r. 1.000 RI t\t \tf\ . .. Hall errltrrrn. ....... .. . Quilrtc[ (illurtlr rrr lc\. Prit'e: KS/r. 250 (X) D\ (S/r ( (X) t65 00 ll30 20 (x) I 00 . .. lr O0 h{) (x) 60 ('0 ()() ()O (){) 00 oo 0(, (x) d"p"r,t,ng u r'rShr Jon r(,\, . trt ()O lii I ti il5 I Clt \R(;t s Frrll 1r.rsq. Frrll srnglc eolrrrrrn.-. . -l lrree-qrrar tcr errlurnrr THB CONSTITUTION OF KENYA (x) Itrtslrt!r 11 00 t5 o0 00 60 (() so O0 95 00 Il0 (x) l-+5 {x) Up t,r .l(r pares. .. .... Up t,r -11) pr.es. . . . Each atlclrtronal .1 pager or part thereol ,\t)\'t ri.+70 l(r.Ol0 6() .1( ) Ul' t,r ll) lr.r!cs .. Itp r,r l-1 prrucr . . Iip I(r.i] pares 0{) ().(.X)O ()0 t5 Ip to It, prrrc. 00 l(r.9.15 lX) Nt ('H,\ RGt \ -- PrR Cop\ [Jptrrllprrrcr r\ ( t.l.9l0 31.015 A.t, STATISTICAL ABSTRACT, 201 I .., .. ... ( 1\ 17.8.+O (X) l.l.9l0 00 10..:t{) 00 960 l..1ll0 6 (X) 00 anrl rdverlrsers rre' atlrrsecl to rcnrl pilln)ents by bankcrs chcquc\. p()still orders or ntoney orderr drtrvn In lavour of "Govenrrnent SLrbscrrbe'ts Pflnter For further Infonnation contact: Thc Governnrent t51t86t81 ppt I Ip to I pirge. I lp tr' I p:rgcs L)p ttr 8 pagcs Notice No. l:l of 201 2) 100. Nairobi. S r, I Prica: KSft. 880 3n840t4t (.s, .. . 1.100 128-00 CItAR(iFs Annual Subscr rptrotr (e\cludln[L postage rn Kenya). Annual Subscrrptrt)n (l[cludrng p()\tage rn Ken]'t) ... ... ., ... Arttrttrl Sttbserrplrr)il (()\cr\e4sr...... . . Half:year Subser rptlon (e\cludrng po\tagc rr Kcnva ) . . Halt-1,ear Subscflptrtrr lrncludrng F)stagc lrl Kenyil)., . ,,.-. Hrlf-year Subscrrp(r(nr (ovcrs(as). .. . Srrrglc e,rpy \\ rth()ut :upplcrncrl\... .... C .\zt r il,t) -10 Sh( iloN D Prrlrlrcatrorr rs dcsrred. The (lovernment P! rnter wrll not publrsh comrnunrcrtrr)n\ rcccrrc'd after that hour urtrl the nc'rt subsequent rssue ofthe Gazelte 201U2012 ESTIMATES OF DEVELOPNIENT Printer. P.O. Box rn rvhere nccesslry hc- rdken k) en\ure that all headrngs to N()tlces rrrd l!'fcr(rLes t0 legrsl,rtron are up to date and contorm wrth the Revlsed lirlrtr0rr 0t the l,ilvs ol Kenya k?il\t (,0:(111, 'I) -l-+. ( I ) Comnrunrcatrons tor the K(rlr.r Grr:cllc should reach the (io,,crrnrent Purter rot later than 9 a.m on Frrday of the week beftrre Price: KSft. I,100 ([-c'-ual nanre Car.'rhotrkl rrr) Price: KSlt. 1.200 Prirc:KSh. the Ar vol,. II vol-. Rrll: r I rch .rrr' ior rnlrodlrctr()r rn ,\ll "!ol)\ Pri<'c: KS/r. 1.400 VOL. cont.rrrrs Nalron.ll A\scr)lbl\ Tel. \' Rcvcnue \(anrp\ carrnot be accepted and advertrser)reIt S N. MIGWI. Ac. GtrrerDneill PnDlet . inrlrrn \\r) pr nr r\rn r)nv rrr Srrbscrrptrons chargcs rrc pard rn arlvance (r()\'r nNvuNr.pniNiEn. Nruntxl
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