June20,2OLz Towhomit mayconcern: It is with greatpleasure that I writethisletteron behalfof EmilieMinot,who waspartof our teamasan - June,2OL7l.Duringthis time, Emiliealwaysdisplayed internduringa 6 monthstay(January a very positive,friendly,and enthusiastic attitudefor all tasksthat were givento her. Shewas extremely interested in learning, andwasableto not onlycomprehend all tasksgivento her in a veryshortperiod of time;sheretainedthis learnedinformation, andwasquicklyableto workon projectsindependently. Thiswas of tremendous help to us at JUJUTHESHOWROOM, as we are a smallteam,and great responsibility was givento her almostimmediately due to the fact that her work was so impeccable rightaway. Her knowledge of the English language is verygoodand leadto a veryeasytransitionfor thisFrenchnative. Herareasof responsibility included:Dataentryof samplecollections into in-housecomputersystem, facilitating samplepullsof garmentsto be lent to fashionpress,sheevenconducted a few pressand sales appointmentswith stylistsand fashion editors, setting up showroomfor market-sales appointments,'training of new interns,merchandising of showroom, and returnsof samplecollections to designers' head-offices. We wish Emilieall the best on her future careerpath, and had offered her employmentupon completionof her academic studies.I am speaking on behalfof the entireteam when I saythat we sincerelymissher. Shouldyou requireany additionalinformation, you may contactme via e-mail: [email protected] or by phone:zLz2tg 0030ext. With bestregards, A /lrhrJlt/4 Juttafl.Kurz- Partner 135west20thstreet,suite602 newyork,newyork 10011p 212.219.0030 f 646.6027985wwwjujutheshowroom.com
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