GOVERNMENT OF MEGHALAYA Phone : 0364 – 2550549 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Email : [email protected] OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL Ref: Date: 2014 www.shillongpolytechnic. in SHILLONG POLYTECHNIC :: SHILLONG No. SHP/AICTE –NEQIP/Tender-01/ADM-08/2014/114 th Dated Shillong, the 12 March 2015 NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) Sealed tenders are invited from Original Equipment Manufacturers/Authorised Dealers/reputed suppliers for supply of machineries/equipments for different Laboratories of Shillong Polytechnic to be procured under AICTE –NEQIP Project sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi, details of which are available in the tender papers. More details about this tender are available at our Tender papers may be obtained from the office of the Principal, Shillong Polytechnic, Shillong on payment of Rs.500 towards the cost of the document .The same may also be downloaded from the website, however if downloaded document is used for tender, Rs 500 should also be paid separately towards the cost of document by BC/DD in addition to EMD while applying. Sl. No. 1 Activity Date Tender Document Issue From 12/03/2015 to 10-042015(10.00A.M to 2.00 P.M. on all working days) 2. Last Date for Submission of Tender 10/ 04/ 2015 up to 2.00 PM 3. Opening of Tender (in presence of tenderer or his/her authorized representative) 10/04 /2015 at 2.30 P.M. After evaluation of technical bids, financial bids of the successful bidders will be opened . Venue of Bid Opening at : Shillong Polytechnic, Mawlai Kyntonmassar, Shillong – 793022, Meghalaya, India BID INSTRUCTION: A. Quotations will have to be submitted in TWO Bids. One of the sealed cover to be marked „TECHNICAL BID‟ AND THE OTHER TO BE MARKED „ COMMERCIAL BID‟ The address of the firm submitting the quotation and the Officer to whom the quotation is addressed must appear distinctly on both the sealed covers. Further, on a THIRD sealed cover containing the TWO bids, the following are to be written: (QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF MACHINES & EQUIPMENTS TO SHILLONG POLYTECHNIC UNDER NEQIP PROGRAM. DISCIPLINE:-CE/EE/ME/ETE/CSE (NAME OF THE DISCIPLINE FOR WHICH BID IS SUBMITTED SHOULD BE CLEARLY MENTIONED) NIT REF NO. ……………………, Dt…………..) (Out station bids will be received by registered post/speed post only till the last day of submission) B. Submission of Compliance Certificate: Duly filled and signed Compliance Certificates (as per formats at Annexure I( A & B) are must with the Technical bid. Page 1 of 25 C. Bid not transferable: The bid documents are not transferable and the seal and signature of the authorized official of the firms must appear on all the papers and envelopes submitted. D.QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS i. The Bidder should be a firm of reputation having sufficient expertise and experience with sound warranty / service support capability and authorization from manufacturers . ii. Separate bid is to be submitted for individual disciplines. eg. one for Civil, one for Electrical etc. iii. The Bidder Quoting for all the items for a discipline in the NIT will be given preference over those bidders who bid for part of the listed items for that particular discipline. iv. Bidders must be having sound financial capability to be supported by bank statement to show financial capability/transaction equivalent to bidding amount in the last financial year. Or The annual turnover of the bidder for the last three years should not be less than Rs 15 lakh and should be supported by annual Accounts duly audited by a chartered accountant v. All taxes, levies, surcharges including the customs clearance, entry tax, etc and handling freight and insurance should be paid and handled by the Tenderer. However the Institute may provide assistance in getting way bill for the equipment to be supplied. vi. The tenderer must furnish the following documents:a) A valid sales Tax and VAT registration certificate. b) Income tax and sales tax clearance certificate. c) Professional tax clearance certificate. d) Trading license issued by respective Autonomous District Council wherever applicable. e) „Performance Certificate‟ for similar nature of supply of equipments/Machinery for atleast one similar work in an organization of repute of value not less than 50 % of the quoted price in the last two financial years to be supported by work order vii. Tenderer should put signature in all the pages of this tender document with his official seal and mention his address and contact number on the same. E.NIT TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. Rates: Rates quoted in the Commercial Bid should be on DOOR DELIVERY SHILLONG POLYTECHNIC, SHILLONG basis, as per Annexure-IV 2. Bidders shall indicate their rates in clear/visible figures as well as in words and shall not alter/overwrite/make cutting in the quotation. In case of a mismatch, the rates written in words will prevail. 3. Validity of Quotation: Quoted rates must be valid for 90 days from the date of submission of bids. Page 2 of 25 4. Warranty: The quoted equipment and components must be warranted for a minimum period of one year specified against the item. 5. Literature a must: All the quotations must be supported by the printed technical leaflet/literature and the specifications mentioned in the quotation must be reflected/ supported by such printed technical leaflet/literature. The model and specifications quoted should invariably be highlighted in the leaflet/literature for easy reference. 6. After Sales Service: Vendors should clearly state the available nearest after sales service facilities in the region with their address and telephone number, without which their offers will be rejected. 7. Dealership Certificate: Dealers or Agents quoting on behalf of Manufacturer must enclose valid dealership certificate. 8. Performance certificate‟ for similar nature of supply of equipments/Machinery for at least one similar work in an organization of repute of value not less than 50 % of the quoted price in the last two financial years to be supported by work order, failing which the tender will be summarily rejected. 9. Earnest Money: Refundable earnest money deposit (EMD) of Rs.10000/-(Rupees Ten thousand only)through demand draft drawn in favour of “The Principal , Shillong Polytechnic”, payable at Shillong, will have to accompany each technical Bid. The EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned after award of contract. EMD of the successful bidder will be released on submission of the Performance Bank Guarantee. Offers received without Earnest Money shall be summarily rejected. 10. Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG): The successful bidder shall furnish an unconditional PBG (as per format at Annexure II) for 10% of the Purchase Order value from a scheduled Bank of India, after receiving the purchase order. Where the PBG is obtained by a foreign bank, it shall be got confirmed by a Scheduled Indian bank and shall be governed by Indian Laws and be subject to the jurisdiction of courts at Shillong. The PBG shall guarantee that, (a) The Vendor guarantees satisfactory operation of the Equipment & components against poor workmanship, bad quality of materials used, faulty designs and poor performance. (b) The Vendor shall, at his own cost, rectify the defects/replace the items supplied, for defects identified during the period of guarantee. (c) This guarantee shall be operative from the date of installation till 60 days after the warranty period. 11. Delivery,Installation and Commissioning: a) Time Limit: delivery should be within eight weeks from the date of issue of purchase order. The installation should be completed within one week from the date of delivery and commissioning of the equipment should be done no later than two weeks from the date of delivery. b) Safe Delivery: All aspects of safe delivery shall be the exclusive responsibility of vendor. At the destination site, the package will be opened only in the presence of SHILLONG POLYTECHNIC user/representative and vendor‟s representative. The intact condition of the Page 3 of 25 c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) package and the seal/indicators for not being tempered with, shall form the basis for certifying the receipt in good condition. If during unpacking, testing, installation or commissioning of any equipment or item/component associated with an equipment or assorted accessories, inclusive of hardware and software, it is found that noncompliance of the specifications or the terms and conditions of NIT has occurred ,then the supplier is bound to replace any or all such items at his own risk and cost. After successful completion of Installation and Commissioning of the hardware/software, a 2-day continuous trial operation putting the items on optimum use shall be conducted by the Tenderer at site, during which the performance of the hardware/software shall be demonstrated for troublefree continuous operation. Detailed technical manuals, handbooks, drawings, Warranty card and Factory Quality Assurance checklist, test results and any other certifications mentioned in the Technical specifications shall be supplied along with the consignment. Supplied manuals/handbooks must cover detailed technical specifications and installation, operation, maintenance and System Safety procedures. For Experimental setups, list of experiments, details of theory, procedure and methods of taking measurements etc. should be provided in the form of hand books for each experiment that can be carried out with the machine in duplicate. The receipts for taxes paid, if any, for the supplied materials should also be submitted Insurance: The supplier is to establish „All Risk Transit Insurance‟ coverage till door delivery at Shillong Polytechnic, Shillong. Part Delivery: Acceptance of part delivery shall be a prerogative of the Principal Shillong Polytechnic,Shillong. Shillong Polytechnic reserves the right to reject any or all of the items if it does/they do not comply with the specifications during site testing, installation and commissioning stage & the firm will be responsible for replacing such rejected item(s) at its own risk and cost. All bid offers for heavy machines costing more than one lakh must be accompanied by a separate Comprehensive Maintenance rates on an annual basis to be negotiated and effective at an appropriate time, preferably after expiry of warranty/PBG period. 12. Conditional tenders not acceptable: All the terms and conditions mentioned herein must be strictly adhered to by all the vendors. Conditional tenders shall not be accepted on any ground and shall be rejected straightway. Conditions mentioned in the tender bids submitted by vendors will not be binding on SHILLONG POLYTECHNIC, SHILLONG. 13. VAT deduction at source: In case of suppliers within Meghalaya, VAT deduction at source, as per Order/ notification of the Govt. of Meghalaya will be applicable. 14. Hand written offers are liable to be rejected. 15. Late and delayed tender: Late and delayed tender will not be considered. In case any unscheduled holiday occurs on the prescribed closing/opening date the next working day shall be the prescribed date of closing/opening. Page 4 of 25 16. Payment: 100% payment within 30(thirty) days from date of delivery, installation, commissioning, acceptance and on submission of PBG. 17. Enquiry during the course of evaluation not allowed: No enquiry from the bidder(s) shall be entertained during the course of evaluation of the tender till final decision is conveyed to the successful bidder(s). However, the Purchase Committee or its authorized representative may make enquiries/seek clarification from the bidders. In such a case, the bidder must extend full co-operation. The bidders may also be asked to arrange demonstration of the offered items, in a short period of notice. 18. Principals Discretion:;The acceptance of the quotation will rest solely with the Principal, SHILLONG POLYTECHNIC, who in the interest of the Institute is not bound to accept the lowest quotation and reserves the right to himself to reject any or all the quotations received without assigning any reason thereof. 19. Force Majeure: If the performance or the obligation of either party is rendered commercially impossible by any of the events hereafter mentioned, that party shall be under no obligation to perform the agreement under order after giving notice of 15 days from the date of such an event in writing to the other party, and the events referred to are as follows: a) Any law, statute or ordinance, order action or regulations of the Government of India, b) Any kind of natural disaster, and c) Strikes, acts of the Public enemy, war, insurrections, riots, lockouts, sabotage. 20. Applicable Law: (a) The contract shall be governed by the laws and procedures established by Govt. of India and subject to exclusive jurisdiction of Competent Court and Forum in Shillong/Mehghalaya. (b) Any dispute arising out of this purchase shall be referred to The Principal, Shillong Polytechnic, Shillong and if either of the parties hereto is dissatisfied with the decision, the dispute shall be referred to the decision of an Arbitrator based in Shillong, who should be acceptable to both the parties, to be appointed by the Principal , Shillong Polytechnic, Shillong. The decision of such Arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties. Sd/Principal, & CPC, AICTE-NEQIP Project Shillong Polytechnic,Shillong Page 5 of 25 Encl.: ANNEXURE-I, ANNEXURE-V ANNEXURE-II, ANNEXURE-III, ANNEXURE-IV & Annexure –I A. COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE FOR NIT TERMS (To be enclosed in the Technical bid) Sl. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 NIT Terms and Conditions Cost of bid document paid Qualification requirement agreed and respective certificates enclosed Validity of quoted rate for 90 days agreed All documents as per para vi of qualifying requirements enclosed EMD submitted (appropriate certificate enclosed) PBG term agreed Payment term agreed Delivery ,Installation,Commissioning terms agreed Warranty period agreed CMC terms agreed Literature: Printed Literature provided Dealership / distributorship certificate (in case of dealers/agents) provided Sales Service: address,phone no etc, of after Sales Service centre in India (for imported goods)/ in the region provided Applicable law terms agreed All pages of tender document signed with official seal, address and contact no Yes/No Signature with Seal:..……………. Vendor: M/s……………………… B. COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE FOR SPECIFICATIONS (One for each item must to be enclosed in the Technical bid) Item Sl. No. Specifications as per Annexure-V Quoted Item Specs.* Complied (Yes/No) Signature with Seal:..……………. Vendor: M/s……………………… * Vendor must quote the parameter specification of the quoted product in this column and not just copy the specification from the tender call document. Failure to do so will lead to rejection of the tender. Page 6 of 25 Annexure -II PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE To: SHILLONG POLYTECHNIC Mawlai Kyntonmassar, Shillong - 793022 Meghalaya, India WHEREAS ................................................................... (Name of Supplier) hereinafter called "the Supplier" has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No................. dated,......... 20... to supply...................... ................................................. (Description of Goods and Services) hereinafter called "the order". AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said order that the Supplier shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with the Supplier's performance obligations in accordance with the order. AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Supplier a Guarantee: THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the Supplier, up to a total of ................................... ........................................ (Amount of the Guarantee in Words and Figures) and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the Supplier to be in default under the order and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limit of ................................ (Amount of Guarantee) as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein. This guarantee is valid until the of...................20...... Signature and Seal of Guarantors ................................ ................................ ................................ Date......................20.... Address:........................ ................................ ................................ All correspondence with reference to this guarantee shall be made at the following address: The Principal , Shillong Polytechnic, Shillong, Meghalaya Page 7 of 25 Annexure -III MANUFACTURERS' AUTHORIZATION FORM No. Dated __________ SHILLONG POLYTECHNIC Mawlai Kyntonmassar, Shillong - 793022 Meghalaya, India Dear Sir, We…………………………………………………………………. who are established and reputable manufacturers of ……………………………………………………………………having factories at-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(address of factory) do hereby certify that……………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………(Name of the Authorised Dealer)is our authorized dealer to quote against your tender enquiry no ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. No other Company other than ……………………………………….........................................(Name of the Authorised Dealer) is authorised to quote of our products against this Tender Enquiry No………………………………………………….. Yours faithfully, (Name) (Name of manufacturers) Page 8 of 25 Annexure –IV COMMERCIAL BID PRICE STRUCTURE Tender No:Name of Item : Name of Manufacturer : Model No. : Sl No Particulars Basic Price per Unit i) Excise Duty (if any) (Mention percentage of Excise Duty) ii) iii) iv) v) vi). vii) viii) ix) Amount in INR Sales Tax / VAT Rs. (Specify rate at which S.T. / VAT Claimed) Packing & Forwarding Charges (Including loading and unloading) Freight Charges Insurance Charges Rs Installation / Trial/ Commissioning charges Other changes if any (Please specify) CMC charges for two years after expiry of normal warranty. Total Price (i to ix) x) Rs. Sr. No Description of Goods Price per Unit (all inclusive) Indian or Foreign If Indian State Where Manufactured. 01 . Signature and Seal of the Bidder Page 9 of 25 Annexure –V LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, SHILLONG POLYTECHNIC, AICTE-NEQIP PROJECT PHASE-I Technical Specifications Sl No Specifications 1. Universal Testing Machine Computerised, Capacity, 600Kn Universal Testing Machine Computerised, Capacity, 600 Kn , Loading accuracy as high as ± 1% of the indicating value • Strain measurement at variable speed to cover a wide range of materials adjustable by the manual control valve. • High reading accuracy and rugged design of digital display. • Simple control to facilitate ease of operation. • Fully enclosed and protected load measuring system. • Robust load frame with extremely rigid construction. • Large effective clearance between columns enable testing of standard specimen as well as structures. • Motor driven threaded columns for UP/DOWN movement of lower crosshead for quick change overo f specimen, grips and attachment. Wide range of standard and special accessories including load stabilizer (Optional). are controlled for precision, accuracy and reliable calibration during every stage of manufacturing. The machines are calibrated in accordance with BS:1610 and IS standards. UTM comply with grade A of BS 1610 : 1964 and grade 1 of IS : 1828 - 1991. An accuracy of ± 1% is guaranteed from 20% of the load range selected to full load. Below 20% of the selected range the maximum permissible error is 0.2% of the full load reading Calibration process accreditated by NABL (National Accreditation Board for Laboratory) in compression only. Suitable for operation on 220 V, 50 Hz, single phase, AC supply. Resolution- 0.01 kN, Max Clearance for tensile test- 50 - 700mm, Max Clearance for Compression test- 0 - 700mm, Clearance between Columns- 500mm, Ram Stroke- 200mm, Straining/piston speed at no load- 0 - 150mm, For Tension Test Clamping jaws for round specimens- 10 - 25mm,25 - 40mm,40-50mm. Clamping jaws for flat specimens thickness Flat specimen width- 0 - 15mm,15 - 30mm, 65mm. For Transverse Test:Table with the adjustable rollers Width of rollers,Diameter of rollers,Max clearance between Supports,Radius of punch tops160mm,30mm,500mm,12mm,16mm. Data sampling rate- 50 sample/sec, Calibration counts- 20000 counts, Crosshead geared motor- 0.5HP, Power pack motor- 2.5HP, Dimension (approx)- L 2030mm,W - 750mm,H - 2180mm. Weight (approx)-2500kg. Complete with clamping jaws for above round specimen,compression plates,transverse test arrangements and also clamping jaws for flat specimens 2. Accessories/ attachments to the UTM (a) Electronic extensometer strain gauge type with 2.5mm extension and gauge length 25 and 50mm (b) Flexural Test attachment Page 10 of 25 Sl No 3 Drying oven Specifications Construction: Double walled in construction. Inner is made of S.S. and outer is made from CRCA sheet. Nonhygroscopic glass-fiber insulation provided in between the two walls to prevent heat loss during operation. A double walled insulated door is hung on heavy duty hinges and close by chrome- plated Roller Bolt catches Adjustable ventilators with thermometer tabulator are provided at the top for controlling air cycle. Finish: The exterior of the oven is finished in moisture proof and heat-resistant spray paint. Shelves: Wire mesh removable trays with adjustable positions. Heating: Agrade Heating Elements made from best quality NickelChromium wire supported on refractory bases on Asbestos sheet are fitted at the bottom of the working chamber. Temperature Control: Temperature is controlled by an Imported Thermostat from 50 0 C to 250 0 C with an accuracy of ±1 -2 0 C Control Panel: The control Panel houses the Thermostat, 3-stage Rotary Switch for low, medium and high wattage, main switch, indicating neon lamps etc. Supplied complete with mains cord with safety plug. Suitable to operate on 230Volts, S.P., 50 cycles, AC Mains Chamber Size: 24 " x 24 " x 24 " Optional accessories: (i) Motorized Air Blower with duct for Forced Air Circulation (ii) ISO-9001 Approved Digital Temperature Controller Page 11 of 25 LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, SHILLONG POLYTECHNIC, AICTE-NEQIP PROJECT PHASE-I Technical Specifications Sl No Item Specifications 1. 3 Phase Sq. cage Induction Motor 3 HP / 415 V / 1440 RPM / TEFC / 50 Hz. / Star or Delta Connected / Three Phase Sq. Cage Induction Motor with Mechanical Loading arrangement with heat suppression technique mounted on Rail 2 ACCESSORIES Control Panel consisting TPN MCB, DOL Starter, AC Ammeter 1 No, AC Voltmeter 1 No., 3 Ph. / 2 For machine E / 415 V Digital wattmeter with external aux. at sl.1 supply, Power factor meter, all other indicators, terminals and switches required. 3 Three phase alternator coupled with d.c. motor 3 HP / 220 V / 1500 RPM / Shunt Wound DC Motor coupled to 2 KVA / 415 V / 3 Phase / 1500 RPM / 50 Hz. / Four Pole / Rotor Wound / Stator Excited/ Separately excited / Manually Regulated Salient Pole Alternator with base and couplings.Mounted on Rail. 4 ACCESSORIES for machine at sl 3. 1. Control Panel consisting MCB, 3 point Starter, 25 A DC Ammeter 1 No., 2 A DC Ammeter 2 Nos., 500 V AC Voltmeter 1 No., 5 A AC Ammeter 1 No., Field Rheostat ( External) 1 No., Separate excitation unit for Alternator, all other indicators, terminals and switches required. 2. Synchronizing Panel for synchronizations of two Alternator set or Alternator with Mains. Consisting of voltmeter – 1 No., Frequency meter– 1 No., lamp Board bank for Lamp Method, Phase Sequence Meter – 1 No., Synchroscope – 1 No, necessary switches, fuses & indicators. (without facia) 5 Auto Transformer 1 phase / air cooled / 50 hz. / with sheet metal enclosure Input : 1 Phase / 230 V / 50 Hz. / AC Output : 1 Phase / 0 – 250 V / 5 A AC Page 12 of 25 Sl No Item Specifications 6 Auto Transformer 1 phase / air cooled / 50 hz. / with sheet metal enclosure Input : 1 Phase / 230 V / 50 Hz. / AC Output : 1 Phase / 0 – 250 V / 10 A AC 7 Auto Transformer 1 phase / air cooled / 50 hz. / with sheet metal enclosure Input : 1 Phase / 230 V / 50 Hz. / AC Output : 1 Phase / 0 – 250 V / 15 A AC 8 DC Thyristor Controlled Regulated Power Supply with close loop feed back and Isolation Transformer. With regulation +/- 2.5 % . Input : 3 Phase / 415 V / 50 Hz. / AC Supply Out Put : Variable D.C. upto 230V,Current- DC – 60 A(max) 9 Analog Tachometer Dial and pointer type.Speed ranging from 010000 r.p.m 10 MI Wattmeter 11 Wire wound rheostat Potential coil rating 75,15,300V Current coil rating 2.5,5,10A with Bakelite back cover.Accuracy +/- 2.5% 230 V,100 ohms,2.3 A 12 Wire wound rheostat 230 V,200 ohms,1.6 A Page 13 of 25 LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, SHILLONG POLYTECHNIC, AICTE-NEQIP PROJECT PHASE-I Technical Specifications Sl. Name of Equipment No. 1. Reynolds Apparatus Specification 2. Pneumatic Trainer 3. Absorption System Refrigeration Vapour Test Rig Tube – Acrylic, Dye Vessel – Material Stainless Steel, Suitable capacity, Capillary Tube – Material Copper/Stainless steel, Constant Head Water Tank : Capacity 25ltrs, MOC SS Water Circulation : FHP Pump, Flow measurement : using measuring cylinder, Sump Tank: 50ltrs capacity, Stop watch – Electronic, Control Panel : on/off switch, Mains indicator, etc. Double acting cylinder, single acting cylinder, air supply manifold, flow control valve, quick exhaust valve, TConnectors, quick connectors, mounting plates Refrigeration System: Cooling capacity – 1000Watts per Hrs Condenser – Natural Convection Type Refrigerant – Water, Ammonia & Hydrogen Controls & Indicators : Temperature indication – Multi channel LED digital temperature indicator. Supply : 220 – 240 Volts, 50Hz, 1phase. Input Power – 45W Electrical System : Operating switches – Main switch & Rotary type switches for compressor & Heater. Energy meters – Provided for compressor. Construction: Material – Panel : 1.2 mm thick CRCA. Outer finish – Powder coating. 4. 4 -Stroke 1 Cylinder Petrol Engine (Actual Cut Section Model) All parts in aluminum alloy. Ignition is shown by means of miniature valve. Carburetor and fuel supply are sectioned. Model is with crane handle for manual operation. Mounted on polished wooden base with printed diagram. 5. Orsat Gas Analysis Apparatus Leveling bottles, 100ml, gas burette with outer jacket, three absorption pipettes maniflold with glass stop cocks in wooden case with sliding doors. 6. Calipers 7. Surface plate 8. Angle plate Outside caliper(with &without spring), inside calipers(with & without spring) Hermaphrodite, Transfer caliper- alloy steel 100X100 mm – CI 150X150 mm -glass 125(L)X75(B)X100(H) mm –CI 9. V - Block 10. Straight edges Two opposite side faces have V – grooves and other two have slots - CI Steel or CI, Rectangular section Page 14 of 25 Sl. Name of Equipment No. 11. Micrometer Specification 12. Vernier caliper 13. Slip gauges Out, inside, screw thread, depth gauge(50 to 75mm – Alloy steel Grade A – 0 – 125mm Vernier height gaug – 0 to 200mm Vernier depth gauge Rectangular blocks 14. Dial indicator Grade A or Grade B – plunger Type 15. Comparators 16. Universal Vernier Bevel Protractor Mechanical comparator –Reed type mechanical comparator Electrical Comparator – Strain gauge Electrical comparator Mechanical Bevel Protractor – Grade A & B Optical Bevel Protractor 17. CNC soft ware For programming lathe & milling machine for multiple users. Page 15 of 25 LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, SHILLONG POLYTECHNIC, AICTE-NEQIP PROJECT PHASE-I Technical Specifications SL No 1. i) Description Electrical & Electronic System Trainer Specifications (A)Built in Power Supply DC Supply : 5V / 1A. & ± 12V, 500mA. 0 to 15V DC (Variable), 100 mA (Isolated), 0 to 30V DC (Variable), 100 mA (Isolated), AC Supply : 12-0-12V AC,150 mA. Short circuit Protected. (B) Built in Function Generator O/p Waveform : Sine, Triangle & TTL O/Ps Output Frequency : 1 Hz to 1MHz in 6 ranges, with amplitude & frequency control pots. O/P Voltage 20Vp-p max. Modulation I/P : AM : - I/P voltage 5V (100% modulation) O/P - For 0V (min), + 5V (max.) - 5V (Phase reversal of O/P) FM : I/P voltage ± 400mV ( 50% modulation) Clock Generator : 10 MHz TTL clock. Data Switches : (10 No.) & bi-colour LED status indicators 10X2 Nos, for High/Low indication. Pulser switches : (2 Nos.) with four debounced outputs - 2No. BNC to 2 channel banana adapter - 2No. Logic probe to detect High/Low level pulses upto 1MHz, with bi-colour LEDs to indicate status. 2 / 4 digit 7 segment display with BCD to 7 segment decoder. Onboard DPMs : (A) DC volt : 2V/200V - 1No. (B) DC current : 2mA/200mA - 1No. (C) DC Volts/Current : 20V/200mA - 1No. (A) AC Current : 1 AMP - 1No. (B) AC Voltage : 15V - 1No. Onboard speaker : 8 Ohms, 0.5 Watt (1No.) Onboard POTS : 1K - 1No., 1M - 1No. Experiment Panels DC, AC & Wave Shaping Circuit Experiment Panel Specifications DC: Resistance, current and voltage measurements, Loading of Potentiometer, Ohm's law, Power DC circuits, Series, parallel and mixed circuits, Kirchoff's law, Superposition theorem, Thevenin's & Norton's theorems, Reciprocity, Compensation, Tellegen, Millman theorems & Maximum Power transfer theorem, Voltage distribution of capacitors in series & parallel, total capacitance of capacitors in series and parallel, charging and discharging of capacitor through resistance & time constant, Wheatstone's Bridge, 2 Port Network Y, Z,h, ABCD Parameters & Star Delta Network,T&Pi attenuators AC :AC Voltage & Current Measurements - R-L series, R-C series, R-L-C series circuit (Series Resonance). R - L parallel, R-C parallel, R-L-C parallel(Parallel Resonance), Active, Reactive power & power factor(Vector Diagram), average & RMS Value measurement. Wave Shaping: Differentiator, Integrator, Clipping, Clamping, Passive filters LC / RC, LPF/HPF Page 16 of 25 SL No ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) 2. Description Semiconductor & Power Semiconductor Devices Experiment Panel Specifications Characteristics of following devices : Silicon diode, Semiconductor Testing using Multimeter, Germanium diode, zener diode, LED, diac, bipolar transistor (NPN, PNP), Field Effect Transistor (FET), MOSFET, IGBT, UJT, Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR),Triac, Optocoupler, Band Gap Energy Calculations Thermistor, V-I Characteristics on CRO of SCR, Triac, Transistor as a Switch &MOSFETas a Switch. Transistor Amplifier Experiment Panel Specifications Differential amplifier, 2 stage R-C coupled amplifier,Transformer coupled amplifier, common source FET amplifier, common drain FET amplifier (source follower) Push pull amplifier, Complementary symmetry amplifier Class-D amplifier Oscillator & Multivibrator Experiment Panel Specifications Hartley oscillator, Colpitts oscillator, Crystal oscillator, Clapp oscillator, Blocking oscillator, Astable multivibrator, Monostable multivibrator, Bistable multivibrator, Twin T Oscillator, RF tuned oscillator, Miller ramp generator. Operational Amplifier Circuit Experiment panel Specifications Inverting amplifier, Non-inverting amplifier, Summing amplifier, Difference amplifier, Integrater circuit, Differentiator circuit, Precession rectifier: Half wave & full -wave, Voltage to current converter, Current to voltage converter opamplifier characteristics, Instrumentation amplifier, Schmitt trigger,Comparator, Sign Changer, Offset Null, Peak detector, Clipping circuit, Clamping circuits (DC restorer),Waveform Generator Power Semiconductor Application Experiment Panel Specifications Triac lamp dimmer,AC fan regulator, SCR/DIAC operated light sensitive switch using LDR, SCR/DIAC operated temperature sensitive switch using thermistor, UJT relaxation oscillator, Half and full wave (Phase shift controlled) rectifier using SCR,Timer using SCR & UJT Switch Mode Power Supply Experiment Panel Specifications SMPS (TV), To study Crow bar protection circuit JFET, MOSFET & IGBT Experiment Panel Specifications MOSFET :Drain characteristics of MOSFET, MOSFET Amplifier, MOSFET Switch JFET :Characteristics of JFET, JFET amplifier, JFET crystal oscillator, Phase shift osc. Using FET, Phase splitter using FET, FET Analog switch. IGBT :Characteristics of IGBT, IGBT as switch SENSOR TRAINER KIT Specifications Built in power supply : DC supply +/-12V, 500mA, Variable 7V TO 14V@3Amp. Built in function generator O/P waveform –sine , triangular & square , TTL O/P freq. 1Hz to 200KHz in ranges with amplitude & freq. control pots, o/p voltage 10Vpp. On board measurement DC voltmeter 2V/20V( 1 No) & LED BAR graph with 10 LED indicator to display 0-2.5 or 0-4V input. Page 17 of 25 SL No i) ii) Description Built in power supply : DC supply +/-12V, 500mA, Variable 7V TO 14V@3Amp. Built in function generator O/P waveform –sine , triangular & square , TTL O/P freq. 1Hz to 200KHz in ranges with amplitude & freq. control pots, o/p voltage 10Vpp. On board measurement DC voltmeter 2V/20V( 1 No) & LED BAR graph with 10 LED indicator to display 0-2.5 or 0-4V input. Experiment Panels Strain Gauge Transducers Specifications Piezo resistive transducer for strain measurement Micrometer 0-20mm( Accuracy 0.01mm)for strain generation Strain gauges mounted on cantilever in half & full Wheatstone bridge and instrumentation amplifier with Zero & span adjustment for calibration Experiments on Gauge factor determination, Strain indicator, and Displacement measurement using Strain Gauges. Displacement Sensing Transducers Specifications Micrometer : 0-20mm ( Accuracy 0.01mm) Precision phase sensitive rectifier Measurement frequency of 1 KHz sine Signal conditioning circuit with zero and span adjustment for calibration of variac sensor output voltage 0-2.5V or suitable for DPM. Zero & span adjustment for calibration of following transducers i) Resistive linear transducer 0-20mm ii) Capacitive linear transducer 0-20mm iii) Inductive linear transducer 0-20mm iv) LVDT transducer : 0-20mm or (-10 to +10mm) iii) Speed Sensing Transducers Specifications 12V DC motor with speed varying from 0-4000 rpm & rotating slotted wheel having 8 slots Individual signal conditioning circuit with programmable threshold comparator F to V Convertor with span & zero amplifier 6 Nos . of Speed tranducers : 1) Magnetic pick up, 2) Photo reflective 3) Photo interruptive 4) Inductive pickup with 5) Stroboscope envelop detector 6) Hall sensor iv) Sound sensing transducers Distance measurement using ultra sound sensor Specifications 40KHz gated oscillator to generate Ultrasonic sound waves V to I function block to convert voltage O/P in to 4 to 20m A current loop. Sound Sensors: i) Ultrasonic Distance Measurement. ii) Dynamic microphone as Sound/Audio sensor. Page 18 of 25 SL No v) vi) vii) 3. Description Light Sensing Transducers Specifications Incandescent lamp with variable intensity 5 Nos. of Light sensors : 1) Photo diode with I to V convertor 2) Photo transistor with I to V converter 3) Photo resistor/LDR with R to V converter using constant current source 4) Photovoltaic cell/Solar cell 5) Opto coupler , Laser diode, Infrared LED, Red LED Temperature Sensing Transducers Specifications Instrumentation Amplifier to amplify thermocouple signals Built in heat bar/ mini oven driven by Power Amplifier of sufficient wattage Temp . selection up to 95 degree C in 5 ranges with ON/ OFF closed loop control. Temp sensors :-i) Thermocouple J with room temp. calibration pot. ii) Thermocouple K with room temp. calibration pot iii) Thermister ( 100K) , iv) PT 100, v) IC sensor ( AD 590) vi) Bimetallic switch Vibration sensor and airflow sensor Specifications Vibration ( accelerometer) sensor i) Operation Range : Audio frequency ( 2KHz-3.5KHz) ii) Power Amplifier : 1W capacity as a vibration generator, iii) Piezo electric sensor iv) Determination of acceleration ( accelerometer), velocity , displacement components Air flow sensor ( Hot wire Anemometer) : i) Preheated thermistor =100 ohm ii) DC fan (12V , 1 ½ ”) to generate variable airflow in a mini wind tunnel with manual outlet control, iii) Bridge amplifier to O/P 0= 2V at various temperatures (Fan Speed). COMMUNICATION SYSTEM TRAINER Specifications FM ( Wireless ) Transmitter Carrier : Tunable from 88 MHz to108MHz with built in FM VCO I/P Frequency : Audio range Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna 2nd IF I/P, 2nd IF O/P , Speaker & Audio amplifier, AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm / 0.5 W Controls ( Manually) : Settable 88 MHz to 108 MHz. Waveform Gen : Function Generator I/P : AM(std)-I/P volt -±5V, 0V-No Modulation AM (DSBSC)-I/P volt . 0-9.8 Vpp, o/p volt. 0-2.7 FM I/P volt. 400 Mv(±50% modulation) ASK-I/P upto 500 Hz, ±5V Square wave FSK-I/P up to 500Hz ,±4.5V Square wave Waveform : SINE/TRG/TTL/CMOS ( settable) O/p Freq : 1Hz to 1MHz in 6ranges O/p volt : 0-20Vpp max(sine/ TRG)@100 KHz. Controls : Freq & Amplitude control pots AM ( Wireless ) Page 19 of 25 SL No i) a) b) c) ii) Description Transmitter : 500KHz to 1.5MHz Carrier I/P Amplitude : 5Vpp I/P Frequency : Carrier modulated I/P (audio range) Power O/P : 50 to 100 mW Receiver : External 5 BS5 to connect to antenna IF I/P, IF O/P , Speaker & Audio amplifier AM/FM Select switch, L/S impedance 8 ohm / 0.5 W Controls ( Manually) : Gain control Settable from 0 to 4.5V Waveform Gen : Audio Oscillator I/P :Selection Of Sine / Square/ Traingle Waveform : SINE/TRG/SQUARE O/p Freq : 50Hz to 5KHz O/p volt : Sine 0-2 Vpp, Square 0-9 Vpp TRGO-3Vpp Controls : Freq & Amplitude control pots Fibre Optics Transmitter : TTL BW-64 KHz , Analog BW- Audio, Uses Red LED Emitter I/P Frequency : Modulated I/P ( audio) Receiver : Detector ( tr=8µS) Sepearte BS5 Socket for Digital , AC Coupled & TTL ops Antenna/Transmission: 1m plastic fiber cable, CRT-1.492, NA-0.5, 660nm, step index, terminated with SMA connector. Controls ( Manually) : Transmitter bias Control Waveform Gen : Sync, Sine Wave Gen I/P : 32 KHz TTL I/P to Generate 4 nos . of sync sine O/p Waveform : SINE O/p Freq : 250/500/1000/2000 Hz O/p volt : 0-10 Vpp Controls : Freq & Amplitude control pots Power supply : 5V / 1A, ± 12V/500mA, 0 to 15V DC (Variable)/100 mA, 0 to 30V DC (Variable)/100 mA Mic with Pre-Amp : Hand held Electret / dynamic microphone with preamplifier for audio range Audio Amplifier Variable Gain upto 20 for Audio range, Built in Loudspeaker – 8 ohm/500mW / earphone Pink Noise Gen. Frequency response of filter for audio range Buffer/AC amplifier NIV gain amplifier 2 Nos, Gain- 0-20, Non sinusoidal Signal Generator cum INV buffer BNC TO Banana Converts 1 BNC Socket to 2 Banana Sockets (4mm). BW Filter [LPF] 4 Nos - 2 pole/4 pole butter worth filter cutoff freq 3.4 KHz Audio range PRBS Switch settable for on/off fix 15 bit Pseudo Random Binary Sequence generator Experimental Panels Fiber optic/laser Experiment Panel: Should include all essential accessories line NA apparatus, coupling loss apparatus, FO cable 1m & 5m etc High speed digital link (B.W.=2MHz) with 1m FO cable Fiber optic tool kit Glass FO emitter detector module 1 channel sampling & Reconstruction, 4 channel TDM/PAM & PPM, PWM, PFM Experiment Panel Specifications Crystal Freq.-10 MHz Switched faults : - 4 Nos. Page 20 of 25 SL No iii) Description 1 channel Sampling/ Reconstruction & 4 Channel TDM/PAM & demodulation: a) Modulator : Analog i/p channel: - 4 Nos, 10 Vpp, Bipolar. Settable Sampling Freq. (1of 7) : 64 / 32 / 16 / 8 / 4 / 2 / 1 KHz With Settable Duty Cycle 10-90 % in decade steps. b) De-Modulator : Clock Regeneration using PLL, LPF, 1/2/3 Wire Communications PWM / PPM a) Modulator : I/P freq Audio range (Sine) @ 0-8 Vpp , Carrier Freq - 64KHz (TRG) @ 8 Vpp O/P TTL. b) De-Modulator : LPF, PPM is converted into PWM then Demodulated. PFM a) Modulator : Center Freq ( 64KHz / TTL ) from Function Generator is FM modulated by audio signal generating PFM pulse train. b) De-Modulator : PLL Detector followed by LPF Carrier modulation / Demodulation Experiment Panel Specifications iv) Carrier Sine wave-500KHz, 250KHz(0° phase) & 250KHz(90° phase) with settable amplitude 0 to 2Vpp. 4 MHz Crystal Stabilized Clock. On board Unipolar to Bi polar Converter, Data Squaring. Carrier Modulation Techniques ASK, FSK, PSK & QPSK. Carrier De-Modulation Techniques ASK (Rectifier Detector), FSK (Phase Lock Loop Detector), PSK (Squaring loop Detector) and QPSK (Fourth power loop detector). Low Pass Filter 2 Nos with Cut off Frequency 340KHz. 2 channel Pulse Code Modulation [PCM]/ Demodulation with frame and bit Error detectation and Synchronization & Correction Experiment Panel Specifications Switched faults: - 4 Nos. + 2 No Switches for bit error simulation 1 & 2 Ch TDM / PCM Mod - Demod: - 1/2/3 Wire Communications Modulator : Analog i/p : - 2 Nos, 10 Vpp , onboard Two adjustable variable DC source, Sampling Freq. 16KHz per Channel for Fast mode & 0.106 Hz per Channel for Slow Mode, use of PRBS to generate frame marker useful to establish sync. in receiver during 1/2 wire communications b) De-Modulator : Synchronization is established by using Pseudo Random Binary Sequence, Clock Regeneration using PLL. c) Frame & bit Error Detection :Use of PRBS for synchronization. Selectable Even, Odd parity (Binary cyclic) & Hamming (Linear Block code) d) Error Correction :Single or Double Data bit error correction using Hamming code. Page 21 of 25 SL No v) Description Delta, Adapting, Sigma delta, modulation & demodulation Expt. Panel Specifications vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Consisting of Voltage comparator, differential amplifier, TTL to Bipolar Converter. Switched faults. (4 Nos.) Delta, adaptive delta (CVSD), sigma modulation & demodulation, Adaptive control circuits 2Nos. each, provides 2 bit binary code, used to control gain of an integrator for adaptive delta modulation. Companding : Using compressor and expander function blocks . AM Modulation & Demodulation Expt. Panel Specifications: Consisting of 3 Nos. modulators, Ceramic BPF, envelope - diode detector, product detector. Built in LPF for standalone application. Switched faults - 4 Nos. Modulator: Balanced modulator (DSB SC) - 2Nos. and DSB - TC -1 No., SSB - SC - 1No. Demodulator: Envelope detector-1 No., Product detector -1 No. Frequency division multiplexing with 2 Nos. of DSB-SCAM channels. FM Modulation & Demodulation Exp. Panel Specifications: Switched faults: - 8 Nos. Modulator : (With center freq. 455 KHz). Reactance Modulator, Varactor Modulator with center frequency adjustment, Phase modulator using varactor, Armstrong Modulator using PLL. Demodulator : Detuned resonant circuit detector, Quadrature detector, Foster-Seeley discriminator, Ratio detector, Phase-locked loop detector & determination of capture and lock range, Phase Demodulator using quadrature detector. Pre-emphasis & De-emphasis Block for flat frequency response. Superhet AM-FM Receiver cum FDM demod Expt. Panel Specifications AM demodulator - Diode Detector for DSB. Switched faults -16 Nos. Synthesized Super-heterodyne Receiver - AM receiver cum tuner (450 to 1450KHz), FM receiver cum tunner (88 to 108MHz) Data formatting / Reformatting Expt. Panel Specifications Data Formatting and Reformatting Option NRZ (L), NRZ (M), Polar RZ (AMI) & NRZ, Bipolar RZ & NRZ, Bi-phase Manchester, Bi-phase Mark, Differential Encoded Dibit (For use with QPSK).] -8 Nos. of encoders & 3 Nos. of bit decoders & 1 No. of dibit decoders. Bi phase Clock Recovery - By using Phase Lock Loop (PLL) with center frequency 250KHz & 32KHz selectable. Fourier analysis & Synthesis Expt. Panel Specifications Fundamental frequency 1KHz Analysis by Splitting 1KHz square wave into fundamental sin and 9 harmonics including DC component if any. Synthesis of 10 above components to generate original signal. Display frequency components on CRO using spectrum display controller Page 22 of 25 SL No xiii) xiv) xv) xvii) xviii) Description in external trigger mode. Study of filters (LPF, HPF, BPF) and display characteristics curve on CRO (XY Mode) using FM sweep display. DPCM/ADPCM Modulation Trainer Specifications Operation mode : Switch selectable - DPCM OR ADPCM Number of data bits in data frame switch selectable 3/4/5 bits. On-board Clock source @ 660 KHz (a) Modulator Function Blocks (b) Demodulator Function Blocks 16 QAM Modulation / Demodulation Trainer Specifications On-board Clock source @ 1.2 MHz (a) Modulator Function Blocks (b) Demodulator Function Blocks 4 channel CDMA Modulation / Demodulation Trainer Specifications On-board Clock source @1. 2 MHz a) Modulator Function Blocks (b) Demodulator Function Blocks Glass fiber optic cable expt. Panel Transmitter (4 nos.): 1] 1310nm Laser: Output power=5mW, Threshold current=15mA, Forward voltage=1.2V, Operating current=25mA, Center wavelength=1310nm. 2] 1550nm Laser: Output power=5mW, Threshold current=15mA, Forward voltage=1.2V, Operating current=25mA, Center wavelength=1550nm. 3]RED Laser: O/P power=5mW, Wavelength=650nm, Polarization=Linear, Lifetime=5000 hours, Class=IIIa, Range=4000 ft in darkness. 4] Red LED: Diameter=5mm, Forward voltage=2.0V, Operating current=20mA, Center wavelength=650nm, Operating temp.=-25-85º C. Receiver ( 3nos.): 1] 1310nm Photo diode : Detection Range=1100-1650nm, Rise/Fall Time=0.2ns, Monitor current=200uA/mW, Monitor dark current=200nA. 2] 1550nm Photo diode: Detection Range=1100-1650nm,, Rise/Fall Time=0.2ns, Monitor current=200uA/mW, Monitor dark current=200nA. 3] SFH213 PIN PD: Detection Range=450-900nm, Rise/Fall Time=5ns, Reverse Vol.=50V, Power Dissipation=100mW, Photo Current =135uA Glass Fiber Optic cable : Cable type= Multi Mode Simplex, Cable length= 3meter, Connector type= ST/PC, Wavelength=Broadband, Core Dia=50μm, Cladding Dia=125μm, Coating Dia=2 or 3 mm, Maximum attenuation=0.4dB/km, Insertion loss=0.3dB, Return loss=20dB, Working Temperature=-40~+800C. Functional Blocks: 4 nos. of transmitters & 3 nos. of Receivers circuit blocks. DC/TTL and Analog signals using Glass FO cable. Biasing adjustment. ACC & APC modes of operation illustrated using Red laser. Optionally plotting of LED Radiation Pattern using Goniometer interfaced through 5 pin DIN audio connector. PC-to-PC communication using RS-232 protocol using 9Pin DB connector. WDM experiment panel Specifications 2x1 Wavelength Coupler : Operating wavelength= 1310nm & 1550nm(2 ports), Port ratio= 50/50%, Bandwidth= +/-40nm, Insertion loss= <8dB, Excess Loss= <0.2dB, Cable type= Page 23 of 25 SL No 4. Description 3mm single mode, Connector type= ST/PC. WDM splitter : Operating wavelength= 1310nm & 1550nm (2 ports), Bandwidth= +/-15nm, Insertion loss= <0.2dB, Isolation= >17dB, Single mode 9/125um cable, Connector type= ST/PC Antenna System Trainer Specifications Varity of Antennas to work at 500MHz RF range, with BNC (F) connector for easy connection to RF Generator/Power meter & easy swapping using M8 screw & wing nut. Standalone as well as PC based modes of operation supported. PC based (Auto mode). • Direct interface with PC through USB cable to acquire power meter readings. Student's Workbook & Instructor's Guide. RF Signal Generator / RF-6 : • RF Frequency ranging from 10MHz to 600MHz. • +3dBm to 27dBm amplitude @ 50Ω impedance. • Display: 4 1/2 digit Red 7-segment display RF Power Meter / RFM-5M: • RF power i/p = 15dBm to 60dBm & max= 20dBm. • RF input Freq. ranging from 10MHz to 500MHz. • Display: 4 1/2 digit Red 7-segment display. Transmitting & Receiving Masts (1 no each): • Aluminium rotating table. • Stainless-steel pipe connected with rotating base table with a flexibility to mount diff. antennas. • Scale with pointer to measure angle of rotation. Stepper Driver Panel / P-25 : • Programmable stepper control with built-in power. • Stepper rotation control. • Provision of different stepping modes of operation of Stepper. Directional Coupler : • Range:50-2000MHz,Bi-direction directional coupler. • Return Loss & VSWR measurements. • Coupling factor = 10dB. • Ports with BNC Female sockets. PC based Graph Utility Software : • ONLINE or OFFLINE modes: Either fully automatic/Semi-automatic or Manual modes. • Edit Buttons For: a)Rotation angle per step b) Clock pulses per step c)Time-gap between clock pulses Antenna set • Half-wave Folded-dipole • Yagi-Uda3-element • Yagi-Uda7-element • Half-wave simple-dipole • Circular Loop • Log Periodic • Half-wave End-Fire • Broad-side array • Co-linear • Parabolic Reflector Page 24 of 25 LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, SHILLONG POLYTECHNIC, AICTE-NEQIP PROJECT PHASE-I Technical Specifications Sl No Name and specification 1 Desktop Computer a. CPU : Intel Core i3-2100, 3.1 GHz, 3 MB Cache and 1066 MHz FSB or higher. b. Chipset : Intel 6 series or better on OEM Motherboard. c. Bus Architecture : 3 PCI (PCI/ PCI Express) or more d. Memory: 8 GB 800 MHz DDR3 RAM e. Hard Disk Drive : 320 GB 7200 rpm Serial ATA HDD or higher. f. Monitor : 47 cm (18.5 inch)or larger TFT/LED Digital Colour Monitor TCO-05 certified. g. Keyboard : 104 keys h. Mouse : Optical with USB interface. i. Bays : 3 Nos. or above. j. Ports : 6 USB Ports (with at least 2 in front), 1 Serial audio ports for microphone and headphone in front. k. Cabinet : Mini Tower. l. DVD ROM Drive : 8X or better DVD ROM Drive. m. Networking facility : 10/100/1000 on board integrated Network Port with remote booting facility remote system installation, remote wake up. n. Operating System : Windows 7 Professional / win 8.1 or higher preloaded with Media and Documentation and Certificate of Authenticity. o. OS Certifications : Windows 7 OS / Windows 8.1 or higher OS p. Power Management : Screen Blanking, Hard Disk and System Idle Mode in Power On, Set up Password, Power supply SMPS Surge protected. q. Preloaded Software : Norton or McAfee or e Trust or e-Scan or Fore front or Trend Micro or PC Tool or Quick heal Antivirus 2 3 4 Modular Router: 2 WAN slots, desktop form factor chassis, IP BASE IOS Software image, 2 Fast Ethernet slots, 64-MB Flash, and 128-MB DRAM WAN Interface card ( Compatible with item at sl. no 2) 2 port Asyn/Syn serial WAN interface Card Catalyst Switch ( Manageable) : 24 Ethernet 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports Uplink: 2 Ten Gigabit Ethernet SFP+ or 2 One Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports Available PoE Power: 370 W Page 25 of 25
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