PRODUCTS/SERVICES catalogue REVISED EDITION 2 014 1 Page 1 Assorted Coffee table designs We make products as per your specifications , offering a wide range of modern designs to choose from Elliptical coffee table Coffee table queens/ straight leg Laminated table—ksh 15,000 Laminated table 16 Inch= ksh 9, 0000/8000 Cypress coffee table - 8,000 Laminated table 20 Inch 10,000/9000 Square shade table– 4,500 Laminated Coffee table set— 23,000 Shade chairs—2,500 Laminated table—ksh 9,000 Shade chairs– 1,000 Laminated coffee stool- 3,500 2 Page 2 Dining tables and chairs 4’ X 6’ Oval With Queen’s leg 11,000.00 4’ x 8’ Oval With Queen’s leg 13,000.00 3’ X 6’ 4’ X 6’ With four straight stands “ Diameter 5’ Round With Queen’s leg 7,000.00 9,000.00 11,000.00 Dinning Chairs With Queen’s legs velvet Price 3,500.00 With Queen’s legs & rexin 3,000.00 Page 3 Quality Beds We produce high quality long lasting beds from treated hard / soft wood thus assuring our customers maximum value for their money Bed Decker bed Size 3’ X 6’ 3.5’ X 6’ 4’ X 6’ 4’ X 6’ 5’ X 6’ 6’ x 6’ 3’ X 6’ 3.5’ X 6’ 3.5” x 6 Design With spindles With spindles With solid headboard solid headboard with cabinet With solid headboard With solid headboard With spindles With spindles With side drawers Price 4,500.00 5,500.00 7,000.00 10,000 8,500.00 10,000.00 9,000.00 11,000.00 18,000 4 Page 4 Doors/ frames / curtain boxes Panel Doors Design Price Plain with 1” Panels 8,500.00 Plain with moulded Panel 9,500.00 6 solid Real panels 11,000.00 9 solid Real curved top panels 12,500.00 10 panel door 13,500 Price Batten door 3,500.00 T-door 5,000.00 Price Door frames STD 4” x 2” ordinary 1300.00 4” x 2” with fan light 1,600.00 6” x 2” ordinary 2,400.00 6” x 2” with fan light 2,900.00 8” x 2” with side moulding 3,500.00 8” x 2” with fan light 4,000.00 10” x 2” ordinary 5,000.00 Curtain boxes 3’ – 4’ With moulded front of 6”x1” 700.00 5’- 6’ “ 950.00 7’ – 8’ “ 1,400.00 Page 5 Bamboo Furniture Items skillfully done by our experienced staff to ensure quality and durability. Product Curtain Blind Laminated coffee table Cost 2,500 per square metre 10,000 Book shelf Two seater without cushions Fruit bowl 6,500 6,000 1,500 TV cabinet 16,000 Gazebo (fully fitted) 66,000 6 Page 6 Fancy Items We offer a wide range of laminated fancy items from assorted wood species thus providing you with top notch products No. Item Size 1 Sugar dish Small 6” 350.00 2 Sugar dish Medium 7” 450.00 3 Sugar dish Large 8” 500.00 4 Round laminated Tray Small 1,600.00 5 Round laminated Tray Large 1,700.00 6 Rectangular laminated Tray Small 10” 1000.00 7 Rectangular laminated Tray Medium 12’ 1200.00 8 Rectangular laminated Tray Large 14” 1400.00 9 Fruit bowl Small 8” 600.00 10 Fruit bowl Medium 10” 1000.00 11 Fruit bowl Wine cup Large 12” 1,100.00 12 Wine cup Small 300.00 13 Wine cup Large 400.00 14 African Stool 2,500.00 15 Walking Stick 2,000.00 16 Walking Stick (with name) 2,200.00 17 Candle stick Small 4” 150.00 18 Candle stick Medium 6” 200.00 19 Candle stick Large 8” 250.00 Page 7 Price We also offer a wide range of timber-based services to the public as below SERVICES No. Particular size Charge (Ksh) 1. Planning / Thicknessing soft wood below 6” wide 1 foot 5.00 2. 3. Planning / Thicknessing soft wood above 6” wide Planning / Thicknessing hard wood below 6” 1 foot 1 foot 5.00 5.00 4. Planning! Thicknessing hard wood above 6” wide 1 foot 7.00 5. Splitting soft wood 2” and below 1 foot 5.00 6. 7. 8. Splitting soft wood above 2” thick Splitting hard wood below 2” thick Splitting hard wood above 2” thick 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 5.00 6.00 6.00 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Sawing soft wood Sawing hard wood Mitre/chamfer Tenon Mortising Mortising Mortising Curving using band saw 1 B/foot 1 B/foot 1 inch 1 joint 2” and below 2”- 4” Above 4” 1 foot 10.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Groving Groving Groving Moulding Rebate soft wood Rebate hard wood Curving coffee table queens leg Turning bed legs Arctrave Skirting Cornice T&G 3mm /ft 4- 6mm/ft 6 -10mm/ft 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 set 1 set 2” and above 3” and above 3” and above 3” and above 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 10.00 60.00 80.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 1 hour 1 hour 450.00 250.00 TIMBER DRYING /TREATMENT SERVICES 1. 2. Drying using big Kiln Drying using small Kiln 8 Page 8 Muguga conference centre ACCOMMODATION RATE Bed & breakfast 1,800.00 Half board 2,800.00 Full board 4,300.00 MEALS Tea & snacks Buffet Rate 250.00 1,000.00 CONFERENCE HALLS Hall Auditorium Capacity 200 Rate per day 10,000.00 Bamboo 30 4,000.00 Cedar 20 3,600.00 Ebony Hire of projector 15 3,000.00 3,000.00 GROUNDS Photo / video shoots Wedding reception Rate per day 3,000.00 10,000.00 9 KITUI conference centre ACCOMMODATION RATE VITEX 900.00 ACCACIA 1,600.00 TERMINALIA 1,600.00 OSYRIS 1,600.00 SENNA 1,600.00 MEALS RATE Tea & snacks 200.00 Buffet 500.00 10 Tree SEED Species Acacia abyssinica Acacia brevispica Acacia drepanolobium Acacia elatior Acacia gerrardii Acacia horrida Acacia kirkii Acacia lahai Acacia mangium Acacia mearnsii Acacia melanoxolyn Acacia mellifera Acacia nilotica Acacia nubica Acacia polyacantha Acacia reficiens Acacia Senegal Acacia seyal Acacia sieberiana Acacia tortilis Acacia xanthopholea Acacia zanzibarica Acokanthera schimperi Acrocarpus fraxinifolius Adansonia digitata Adenanthera pavonina Afzelia quanzensis Albizia coriaria Albizia grandibracteata Albizia gummifera Albizia lebbeck Albizia lophantha Albizia procera Price per Kilogram Local (Kshs) Export ($ (US) 1200 40 1000 40 1500 40 2000 50 1500 40 1000 40 1500 50 1000 40 4000 100 1000 40 1000 50 2000 50 1000 40 800 40 2000 40 800 50 2000 40 2000 40 1500 50 2000 40 3500 70 800 50 1500 50 2500 50 1000 40 3500 40 2000 50 3000 40 3500 50 3500 50 3000 40 11 2000 40 2000 40 Allophylus abyssinicus 1200 40 Araucaria angustifolia 1500 20 Araucaria cunninghamii 2000 50 Atriplex numularia 600 40 Azanza garckeana 1500 40 Balanites aegyptiaca 1000 50 Balanites orbicularis 1000 30 Balanites wilsoniana 600 40 Berchemia discolor 2000 40 Bischofia javanica 2500 70 Brachychiton acerifolium 3000 50 Brachylaena huillensis 5000 100 Brachystegia speciformis 1000 40 Caesalpinia volkensii 3500 50 Calliandra calothyrsus 3000 70 Callistemon citrinus 4000 100 Callistemon lanceolatus 4000 100 Callistemon viminalis 3000 100 Callitris robusta 1000 100 Calodendrum capense 1500 40 Casearia battiscombe 3500 60 Casuarina equisetifolia 5000 100 Casuarina jughuniana 5000 100 Celtis africana 3500 70 Chorisia speciosa 2000 60 Chorisia ventricosa 2000 60 Combretum schumannii 800 40 Combretum zeyheri 800 30 Commiphora baluensis 4000 50 Conocorpus lancifolius 1000 60 Cordeuxia edulis 3000 100 Cordia africana 2000 50 Cordia monoica 2500 60 Cordia sinensis 2000 40 Craibia brownii 1000 30 Croton macrostachyus 2000 40 Croton megalocarpus 1000 40 Cryptomeria japonica 2000 150 12 Cupressus lusitanica 5000 150 Cupressus pyramidalis 5000 70 Dalbergia melanoxylon 1000 100 Delonix elata 4000 60 Delonix regia 1000 40 Dialium orientale 1500 40 Dichostachys cinerea 2000 50 Diospyros abyssinica 1500 40 Diospyros cornii 1500 30 Diospyros mespiliformis 2000 100 Diospyros scabra 1500 40 Dobera glabra 1000 40 Dodonea viscosa 800 40 Dombeya torrida 5000 60 Dovyalis abyssinica 4000 100 Dovyalis caffra 2000 100 Drypetes gerradii 1500 40 Ehretia cymosa 3500 50 Entada abyssinica 800 30 Erythrina abyssinica 5000 70 Erythrina burttii 3000 50 Erythrophloeum guineese 1500 30 Eucalyptus camaldulensis) 5000 200 Eucalyptus ficifolia 5000 100 Eucalyptus globulus 5000 100 Eucalyptus grandis 5000 150 Eucalyptus maculata 3500 100 Eucalyptus paniculata 4000 100 Eucalyptus regnans 5000 100 13 Eucalyptus saligna 5000 200 Eucalyptus urophylla 4000 100 Faidhebia albida 3500 70 Faurea saligna 4000 80 Flacourtia indica 2500 60 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1000 40 Gardenia volkensii 1000 40 Gmelina arborea 2000 50 Grevillea robusta 5000 105 Grewia discolor 1000 40 Grewia villosa 1000 40 Gliricidia sepium 4000 50 Gyrocarpus americanus 1200 70 Hagenia abyssinica 2500 50 Hakea saligna 5000 120 Harungana madagascariensis 2000 65 Hymenaea verrucosa 1000 40 Hyphaene compressa 500 20 Hyphaene coriacea 500 20 Jacaranda mimiosifolia 4000 60 Jatropha curcas 1000 40 Juniperus procera 2000 70 Khaya anthotheca 1500 50 Kigelia africana 2000 40 Lannea elata 1500 40 Lawsonia inermis 1500 60 Leucaena diversifolia 2000 50 Leucaena leucocephala 1500 40 Leucaena pallida 2000 70 Leucaena trichandra 2500 50 Maesopsis eminii 1000 40 Markhamia lutea 2000 70 Melia azedarach 2500 40 14 M e l i a v o l k e n s i i 6000 150 Melia volkensii (Nuts) 800 30 Milicia excelsa 5000 100 Milletia dura 2000 50 Mimusops kummel 1000 60 Moringa oleifera 1500 40 Moringa stenopetala Myrianthus holstii 3000 4000 60 60 Mystroxylon aethiopicum Newtonia buchananii 1500 3500 40 40 Newtonia hildebrandtii 3500 40 Newtonia paucijuga 1000 25 Ocotea usambarensis 5000 50 Olea capensis ssp .hochstetteri 3000 70 Olea capensis ssp .welwitchii 3500 50 Olea europaea ssp. africana 3000 50 Paramacrolobium coeruleum 1000 40 Parkinsonia aculeata 1000 60 Phoenix reclinata 1000 40 Piliostigma thonningii 800 40 Pinus caribaea 5000 100 Pinus patula 7000 200 Pinus radiata 5000 100 Pithecellobium dulce 1000 40 Podocarpus falcatus 1500 40 Polyscias fulva 4000 70 Polyscias kikuyuensis 4000 70 Premna maxima 3500 50 Pyracantha angustifolia 4000 50 Schinus molle 1500 50 Sclerocarya birrea 600 40 Senna siamea 2000 60 Senna spectabilis 1500 60 15 Sesbania grandiflora Sesbania sesban 1500 1500 40 50 Spathodea campanulata 3500 70 Strychnos henningsii 2000 40 Syncarpia laurifolia 3000 65 Tamarindus indica 2000 50 Teclea nobilis 3000 50 Tecoma stans 5000 55 Tectona grandis 1000 40 Terminali mentalis 1200 50 Terminalia brownii (Extracted) 3000 60 Terminalia brownii (fruits) 800 20 Terminalia prunoides 800 40 Terminalia spinosa 1500 40 Thevetia peruviana Tipuana tipu 800 1000 40 40 Tristinia conferta 3500 70 Vangueria madagascariensis 2500 40 Vitex keniensis 1500 50 Vitex payos 1500 40 Ximenia americana 1000 40 Zanthoxylum gilletii 1200 70 Ziziphus abyssinica 1000 40 Ziziphus mauritiana 1000 40 Ziziphus mucronata 1000 40 For more information Contact us on: Enterprise head office telephone lines: 0729058034 / 020 2365157 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Facebook page @ KEFRI Enterprises Website : 16
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