ST.MARK CHURCH VIENNA, VIRGINIA 22181 Sacrament of Penance LENT is a season of preparation and penance toward the joy of Jesus’s Resurrection at EASTER. As well as almsgiving and fasting, the Lord challenges us to pray as part of our return to the good graces of God. The Sacrament of PENANCE is the formal way through which we as community pray for and with each of us in that return to God, and, of course, the Sacrament of PENANCE is our personal way through which each of us turns from our sins by Confession, Contrition, Amendment, and Penance to be reconciled to God and to one another. Throughout the Metropolitan area, every parish offers the Sacrament at an extra time on Wednesday evenings when “The Light Is ON for You”. And next Sunday, we as parish community offer the Sacrament in the Parish PENANCE Service, at 7:00pm, with nine priests available as Confessors for us, we pray for and with each of us to receive the forgiveness of God and the support of our church family. Please come—”there is more joy in heaven over one repentant sinner, than over the ninety-nine who have no need to repent”. Catholic Relief Services—Thank You! Thank you for your generous support of the Catholic Relief Services Second Collection last week-end. Through your generosity, families will be reunited, valuable skills will be taught to those seeking a better life, and vital humanitarian needs will be met. Please visit (search “Catholic Relief Services Collection”) to learn how your donations make a difference and “Help Jesus in Disguise”. Paying Off the Mortgage: Exciting News! You contributed $38,696 towards Debt Reduction in February— and that check went to the Diocese this week. That check will reduce our Mortgage to about $390,200! Right now our amortization schedule shows the mortgage being paid off in May 2016; BUT, if we all pull together and everyone gives just a little bit more each month, we really can pay this mortgage off in time for our 50th Anniversary celebration. Let’s do it. Let’s Pay Off the Mortgage! The members of the Vision and Mission Committee have been asked to craft a Vision and Mission Statement for ST. MARK Parish as a part of our 50th Anniversary Celebration. We believe it’s vital to solicit the thoughts of parish members regarding this important task since this Vision will guide us as we enter our next 50 years. We invite you to contribute your thoughts on what the Vision and Mission statements should include by visiting the website to offer your comments. Upcoming M&M Events: Mar. 24: Carlyle House tour and Gatsby's Tavern in Alexandria for lunch. Apr. 1: After 9:15 Mass Coffee Social Apr. 15: Pot Luck Lunch and speaker (TBA). M&M=Maturing Matters - The 55+ Group of ST. MARK Church—For more information please contact: Barbara Walsh at 703-620-9314 or [email protected] or Anne Shea 703-938-9049 or [email protected]. MARCH 22, 2015 R.C.I.A.—Third Scrutiny This Sunday, at the 11:45am Mass, we celebrate the Third Scrutiny with the R.C.I.A. Elect. As with the past two Scrutinies, we pray for the Elect, who would turn from all that is weak and sinful, with the Lord’s help and grace, and who would seek blessing and strength from the Lord in all that is strong and good. Please continue to pray for the Elect, and the Candidates, as they journey to the EASTER Vigil—and please continue to make LENT your own journey of preparation and penance, to the joy of Jesus’s Resurrection. Religious Freedom—Please pray for our country; and with our right to worship, please pray for those countries who do not respect and protect the faith of their citizens, and the citizens themselves. Religious Education (RE) Announcements Spirit Teams for 7th Graders: We are still in need of a few Spirit Team leaders! Spirit Teams are a necessary part of CONFIRMATION preparation at ST. MARK, replacing the service hour component. Contact Ana Lisa Pinon if you are interested in serving as a leader. Our Training meeting will be on March 24 at 7:30pm in the Music room (CFC 131). 7th Grade Parent Meeting / First Year CONFIRMATION Preparation: April 15 at 7:30pm in the Cassidy Activities Center we will be holding a meeting for the 7th grade parents and the first year preparation for CONFIRMATION Candidates. RE Schedule – Holy Week & EASTER: RE classes will not meet this week (Holy Week—March 29/30/31) or EASTER Week (March—April 5/6/7). Classes resume the following week (April 12/13/14). Adult CONFIRMATION: On Pentecost, May 24 the Sacrament of CONFIRMATION will be celebrated at the Cathedral of ST. THOMAS MORE in Arlington for adults who have not been Confirmed. Preparation is required and classes will begin in April. For more information contact Mickey Edwards at 703-938-1948 or [email protected]. Do you like to travel? Fr. Paul Grankauskas will be the Chaplain on a trip to Italy and Switzerland Oct. 29-Nov. 10, 2015. If you are interested in taking this trip please contact Jean in the Parish Office for more details. ST. MARK Catholic School News: Are you considering ST. MARK School, or do you know someone who is? Several classes are already full and others have just a few spaces left. A Kindergarten Information Session will be held on Thursday, March 26, at 7:30pm. If you have registered for Kindergarten next year, or would like to learn more about our program, please join us for an evening with Teachers and Administrators. We do have a few spaces left in Kindergarten, so please join us! If you’d like more information on admissions, please contact Ms. Tierney at 703-766-3441 or [email protected]. FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT TODAY’S READINGS Readings (11:45 Mass): Ezekiel 37:12-14; Psalm 130; Romans 8:8-11; John 11:1-45 Readings (all other Masses): Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 51; Hebrews 5:7-9; John 12:20-33 This Sunday the Third Scrutiny will be celebrated at the 11:45 Mass for the R.C.I.A. Elect. This week’s Scrutiny focuses on Lazarus in the tomb. We must all acknowledge that there are “dead” places within us. A hurt that never healed, a relationship which has gone numb from years of conflict, a long-held belief that we are not talented or gifted or that we are a failure… These are just some examples. Jesus longs to shout into our graves, as He shouted into Lazarus’: “Come out!” The Scrutinies give us the chance to ask Him. If we haven’t yet, there are still two more weeks before EASTER to go back to the Scripture stories of the Woman at the Well, the Man Born Blind, and Lazarus in the Tomb—to ask Jesus to do for us what He did for them. Through the Lord’s action, we will receive healing and grace, and be able to approach the waters of baptism with our Elect at our EASTER Vigil on 50th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT SERIES continues with two concerts in March: Saturday, March 21, 8:00pm in Church Schubert’s “Die Winterreise” with Darryl Yoder, bass -baritone, and Yooni Lee, piano Sunday, March 22, 4:00pm in Church Christopher Schmitt, piano All are invited! Concerts are free and open to the public. Freewill donations will be taken up. Please pray for all parishioners who are homebound and in nursing homes. Please remember to pray for those in our parish who are ill: Charlene Merrill, Milton Smithman, Karen Kuchta, Nur Gangji, Kathy Froelke, Carol Palmucci, Gina McCloskey, Faye Morin, and Betty Fulton. Please pray for the following deployed service people who have ties to our parish: CDR Tom Donovan, Cpl Zachary A.Cooper, Sgt Jasmine Daniel, QM2 Waters Eric, Sgt Joshua Wyant, Cpl Derek W. Raines, LCpl Christian D. Wilkins, Cpl Rafael De La Torre, MGySgt William McClelland, Cpl Austin Evans, and LTJG John Duffner. MASSES FOR THE WEEK Daily Readings Mass Intentions Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19- Monday, March 23, 2015 30, 33-62; Ps 23; Jn St. Turibius 8:1-11 9:15am †Cara Lynn Golias 7:30pm †Elizabeth Denchfield Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102; Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Jn 8:21-30 9:15am A Special Intention Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps Wednesday, March 25, 2015 40; Lk 1:26-38 Annunciation of the Lord 9:15am †Ron Leoni STATIONS OF THE CROSS are celebrated every Friday evening during LENT in the Church, 7:30pm. All are invited. Gen 17:3-9; Ps 105; Thursday, March 26, 2015 Jn 8:51-59 9:15am †Febe Valdellon MASS TIME CHANGE FOR HOLY WEEK: On Palm Sunday and EASTER Sunday, the Sunday Mass schedule will be as follows: 8:00, 10:00 and 12:00 noon. The Outdoor Procession for Palm Sunday will take place at the Noon Mass only, and will begin with the Blessing of Palms in the Cassidy Activities Center. Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18; Friday, March 27, 2015 Jn 10:31-42 6:15am †Betty McCarthy OUR LENTEN COMMUNAL PENANCE SERVICE will be on Palm Sunday evening, March 29, at 7:00pm in the Church. SCHEDULE FOR TRIDUUM 2015 Holy Thursday, April 2: Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7:30pm Good Friday, April 3: Stations of the Cross, Noon Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, 3:00pm Living Stations 7:30 p.m. Holy Saturday, April 4: EASTER Vigil, 8:30p.m. EASTER Sunday, April 5: Masses at 8:00, 10:00, and Noon 9:15am †Marjorie Eilertsen Ez 37:21-28; Jer Saturday, March 28, 2015 31:10d; Jn 11:45-56 8:00am †Jack Marshall 5:30pm †Raynauldo Mendizabal Mk 11:1-10; Is 50:4- Sunday, March 29, 2015 7; Ps 22; Phil 2:6-11; Palm Sunday Mk 14:1—15:47 8:15am People of the Parish 10:00am †Helen Bogarde 11:45am †Walter J. Butler, Sr. Dominican Retreat April 24-26, 2015: Weekend Retreat for Women - For All That Has Been – Thanks! For All That Will Be – Yes! Directed by Fr. John Petrikovic, OFM, CAP. Time: Friday 7:15pm–Sunday 3:00pm. For further information and reservations, call Dominican Retreat at 703356-4243 or check our website at ST.MARK CHURCH VIENNA, VIRGINIA 22181 Matthew 25 FamilyPASS (Vienna/Oakton Based Family Services for low income residents) All purpose cleaners (409/Pine Sol) Sanitary Napkins Baby Diapers in Larger sizes Sponges Dishwashing Soap & Liquid Laundry Detergent Paper Towels Toilet Paper All-Purpose Cleaner Windex Canned Meat and Tuna Soups Canned Vegetables Beans Peanut Butter and Jelly Juice Cereals, hot and cold Rice Canned fruit Baby Food Pasta Sauce Pasta Please check expiration dates before donating items. Thank You! God, are you sure that you are calling me to do this? Do you have a Service project idea that can help others in our parish community or in areas outside our parish boundaries? ST. MARK has been reaching out to those in need since its founding in 1965. Many of our existing Service Ministries started with an idea, a good leader and willing volunteers (Thanksgiving Clothing Drive, English as a Second Language, McDowell Co. Furniture Collection, College Moms, etc.). Please contact Bill Grossman at 703-938-1936, or [email protected]. HELP FIGHT HUNGER IN NORTHERN VIRGINIA: An Empty Bowls Fundraiser for the benefit of hunger relief in Northern Virginia will be hosted by the Giving Circle of HOPE on Friday, April 10 from 5:30 to 8:00pm at Floris United Methodist Church, 13600 Frying Pan Road, Herndon. Local ceramic artists are donating 500 bowls that are individually designed and created just for the Empty Bowls fundraisers. All proceeds will be donated to Food for Others, the largest distributor of free food in Northern Virginia. All are welcome to come together around a simple meal of soup, bread and dessert. For a donation of $25 for adults and $15 for children under 12, each guest chooses a bowl to take home with them as a reminder that there are always Empty Bowls in the world. Ticket information is available at the Information Desk in the Narthex or you may contact the Empty Bowls hotline 703-665-9334 or e-mail emptybowls Welcome all new parishioners! The Newcomers’ Luncheon is scheduled for April 19 at 1:00pm following the 11:45 Mass. It will be held in the Cassidy Activities Center. Invitations will be coming to you in the mail-so SAVE THE DATE! Any new parishioners who were unable to make the Fall 2014 luncheon are cordially invited-we just ask that you RSVP so that appropriate accommodations are made. Please RSVP by April 16, 2015 to Fran Smith at (703) 9381429 or by e-mail [email protected]. Children are most welcome! We look forward to welcoming you officially to ST. MARK! MARCH 22, 2015 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Please join us this Thursday , March 26 for the last day of prayer and witness for ST. MARK at the abortion clinic on Lee highway in Falls Church during this Lenten season. Please consider making this sacrifice for the families in crisis pregnancies. The sacrifice of your witness and prayers could easily save a life and really make a difference. Deacon John will join us on March 26 at 10am to pray and witness. Please sign up in the Narthex to pray for one hour at the clinic or call Martha Maturi Piescik at 703-9389658 or [email protected] for details. Registration for English & Citizenship Instruction at ST. MARK: English as a Second Language (ESL) Program for adults will conduct registration for the spring term on Tuesday, April 7 and Thursday, April 9 at 7:00pm. There are seven proficiency levels, from Beginner 1 to Advanced 2. All students must be registered and tested. The cost is $25 (cash only) for the 9-week term. Citizenship instruction is also available to students who have attained at least an intermediate English proficiency level. Optional English conversation and writing classes (7:00pm-7:45pm) are also offered to registered intermediate and advanced students for an additional $10 (cash). All classes will take place on the second floor of the ST. MARK Christian Formation Center, and meet on Tuesday and Thursday evenings beginning Tuesday, April 14. For further information, interested students may contact (703) 626-3585 or (703) 620-0592 (English or Spanish); (703) 505-0123 or (571) 393-8544 (Korean); or (703) 879-7296 or (703) 678-7466 (Chinese); email [email protected]; or visit the Web site at Calling all Catholic Business Executives! The Catholic Business Network of Northern Virginia is planning to hold a series of small group executive roundtables in Northern Virginia starting spring 2015. Our facilitated lunch time discussions will center on business ethics and management questions and how papal encyclicals have addressed those issues. If you are interested in networking with other Catholic corporate executives and sharing faith-based solutions to your most pressing business issues, please contact Richard Fanelli, President of the Catholic Business Network of NOVA at [email protected], or call 703-563-0379. Seating will be limited. Counseling Corner: Offering helpful thoughts and resources for emotional and spiritual health. “Anyone who proposes to do good must not expect people to roll stones out of his way, but must accept his lot calmly, even if they roll a few more upon it.” --Albert Schweitzer (1875–1965),Nobel Peace Prize winner Ellen Murphy, LCSW ST. MARK Counseling Center (703) 281-9671 [email protected] FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT High School Events Sunday FUEL Nights resume Upcoming Youth Events April 12th at 7 - 8:30 pm in the Youth Room Please pray for our CONFIRMATION youth on their retreat this weekend ! The annual High School Spring Retreat is coming up in April...Friday, April 17-19th at Camp St. Charles in Maryland. We will be joining forces with 3 other parishes for this dynamic, spiritual and fun retreat weekend! Cost is only $95 which includes bus transportation, lodging, meals, giveaways, materials and more...Registration form is available online! The deadline to register is Monday, April 13th! Register now before the spots are gone! ST. MARK Youth Ministry will host a concert celebrating fifty years of CONFIRMATION on Friday, March 27 at 8:15pm in the Cassidy Activities Center. The concert will feature the band, The Restless, with Val and Rocco Repetski, of this parish. All (both youth and non-youth) are invited. Please RSVP to [email protected]. Visit us at Please fill out a registration form for the 2014-15 school year! Sunday, March 22 NO Sunday FUEL night - Boys CONFIRMATION Weekend Monday, March 23 Girls’ CLC in Youth Room at 7:30 pm Wednesday, March 25 Boys’ CLC in Youth Room at 7:30 pm Thursday, March 26 WorkCamp Meeting in Cassidy Activities Center 7 pm Friday, March 27 6:15 am Mass & Breakfast Jr. High Youth meet in Gym 6:30 - 8 pm Saturday, March 28 WorkCamp Mulch Delivery Day 8 am - 4 pm For more information contact Kevin Flores / Eric McDade at 703-938-5656 or [email protected] / [email protected]
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