St Michael & All Angels The week ahead: 9th November—15th November 2014 Wed 12th 6.30 pm 7.30 pm Junior Choir Practice Full Choir Practice Choir Vestry Choir Vestry 10.00 am 10.30-4.00 11.00 am 1.00 pm 7.30 pm 8.00 pm Toddler Group Sewing session Holy Communion Service Toddler Group Bell ringing Homegroup St Michael’s 12 Ryles Park Road Savage Chapel, St Michael’s St Michael’s Bell Tower 58 Bishopton Drive Fri 14th 9.10 am Contemplative Prayer Savage Chapel, St Michael’s Sat 15th 10.30 am 10.30 am Saturday Prayer Meeting Art Class Savage Chapel, St Michael’s St Michael’s Youth Centre Thurs 13th Next week’s services (16th November: The 2nd Sunday before Advent) 9.30 am Storytelling Service 11.00 am Holy Communion Electronic version of church notice sheet If you wish to be included in the list of those who receive the church notice sheet electronically each week, please email Lynne Spedding at [email protected] There is also a separate email list for the 9.30 Storytelling Service, used to share notices, events and other 9.30 service related topics. To join this list, email Mike Brown [email protected] Please remember these activities in your prayers this week. For more information about any of them, please speak to one of the wardens who should be able to help you. The Collect for Remembrance Sunday God, our refuge and strength, bring near the day when wars shall cease and poverty and pain shall end, that earth may know the peace of heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord. Macclesfield Team Ministry Our Purpose To journey inward and upward to God, whom we know in Jesus, To journey outward to other people and to all creation. Welcome If you are visiting, we hope you feel at home. A welcome card is available near the entrance or from a sides-person. If you are new, please complete one and hand it to a sides-person, so that we can keep in touch. Sunday 9th November 2014 9.30 Storytelling Service Leader Storyteller Story Songs Gerri Rosie Jesus heals two daughters Be still Everything is yours, Lord Roots Leader Ruth Roots passage Matthew 25:1-13 Adult Leader Lynne (theme: Remembrance) 10.45 Morning Prayer Leader/Speaker Lynne Spedding Bible Readings Psalm 46 John 15:12-13 & Revelation 21:2-4 Refreshments are served between the 9.30 and 11.00 services and after the 11.00 service, and also after our monthly Choral Evensong. We are a Fairtrade Church committed to using only Fairtrade tea & coffee. Induction loop: St Michael’s is fitted with an induction loop; please speak to a Warden if you need assistance with this. Large Print: We have a limited number of hymn books and notice sheets in large print format. If you would like one of these, please ask a sides-person. Sermons preached by Graham are available online at Remembrance Sunday Hymns MP 498 O God our help MP 281 I lift my eyes Song Book 40 Through the night I vow to thee my country MP 735 We rest on thee 6.30 Choral Evensong Leader/Speaker Bible readings Hymns MP 73 MP 122 Graham Turner Micah 4.1-5 Ephesians 6.10-18, 23-24 Christ is made the sure foundation Eternal father strong to save Only remembered Gluten-free wafers are available at all Communion services at this church. If you require these, please say “gluten-free” when you come up for communion. A children's area is available in the Legh Chapel (on RH side as you come into the church) which is for children, under supervision, during services and at other times. There are bags with books and toys for small children . Please look out for people who may like to use these packs and may not know about them. Roots: Our young people’s groups in the 9.30 and 11.00am services are known as “Roots”. The young people leave and return to the main service at given points. Key Events and Notices Homegroup Thursday 13 Nov: 8.00 pm at 58 Bishopton Drive Second Sunday Discussion Group This will be on the third Sunday this month! That's 16th November, beginning about 5 minutes after the end of the 11.00am service in the Savage Chapel, and finishing by 1.00pm. This is an opportunity to discuss the sermon and readings in more detail, sharing insights, ideas and concerns. All welcome. Feel free to bring your drink and a biscuit. Notices The deadline for submitting notices for the Sunday notice sheet has now reverted to 12 noon the preceding WEDNESDAY. Christmas Lunch Friday, 12th December 12.15 pm 2.00 pm: an invitation to join with others for a festive lunch with all the trimmings, entertainment and carol singing. The cost is £10.00 per head. Please put your names on the list at back of church: tickets are available from members of the Social Committee or the church office. For further information contact Vicky Darlington: 428215 Treacle Market: 30th November As usual the church will be open serving afternoon teas - if anyone can help either by baking cakes/biscuits, serving in the kitchen or stewarding even if it is only for an hour, please could you sign up on the list at the back of church - many thanks. Remembrance Display There will be an exhibition and memorial to the 569 named people on the brass war memorial plaque on the south wall at St Michael’s, Monday 10th - Saturday 15th Nov., 10.00 am - 2.00 pm Safeguarding St Michael’s takes safeguarding / child protection very seriously. We commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of all, especially children, young people and vulnerable adults. Please remain vigilant and let somebody know if have any concerns about safeguarding issues (anonymously if you wish). Contacts are: Ellen Brown, Paul Spedding (Parish Safeguarding Advisers), Sue Reid (Parish Safeguarding Administrator), and Pauline Butterfield (Diocesan Advisor – [email protected], 01928 718834 extension 221) Contemplative Prayer The monthly Sunday meeting of this group takes place next Sunday(16th Nov) at 56 Fence Avenue, when we will hear about the Society of Friends’ (Quaker) tradition of silence and contemplation. Youth Group Youth@stmichael’s/@allsaints will not be meeting today (9th), and on 16th will be at All Saints at the usual time. India Direct – special Christmas Card/Gift St Michael’s supports two children’s homes in India run by India Direct. Please help to give one of the children a great Christmas by buying a Christmas card which comes with a stamped-addressed envelope. You sign the card, post it and that’s it. Each card costs £10 but this also pays for a present for the child, a new outfit and their special Christmas dinner – great value for your £10! Please see Paul Spedding to buy a card ([email protected] Tel: Macc 614819). You must post your card(s) by 3rd December to ensure delivery on time. Please also gift-aid the amount if you can - forms available. Sewing Sessions Next session: Thursday 13th November. Drop in any time 10.304.00. 12 Ryles Park Road (Chris Wightman’s home). Tel:428443 New Choir Screens The choir are very pleased now to be using four choir screens, payment for which will be partly from choir funds and partly from donations. If anyone wishes to help with the purchase of the screens, please see Karen Gedd (organist/ choir director) or Sheena Smith, choir treasurer. Winter Hope Accommodation in Macclesfield (WHAM) Many of you will have heard David Wightman speak about the initiative of churches in Macclesfield to set up a winter Nightshelter for homeless people. There is a clear and urgent need to stop people dying on the streets of Macclesfield this winter, due to lack of accommodation or the inability to access it. The biggest problem is at the weekends when Council assistance is difficult to access. Each weekend, a different church will offer a hot evening meal, a camp bed and a light breakfast to adult males, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening. St Michael’s weekends are 26th-28th December and 23rd-25th January. Saturday’s meal will be served at Elim Church (Treehouse). Help is needed from volunteers in a number of ways: Evening: 7.30-10.30 (approx): to sign guests in, serve meal and “host” Overnight supervision 10.30pm -7am (one at least to be awake!) Morning: 7am-9am approx: serve light breakfast, tidy & clean. Monday morning: we are looking for people who are willing to be advocates assisting our guests to access local housing organisations, who will come to the venue. At St Michael’s it would be great if someone would volunteer to oversee & coordinate the provision of food (not necessarily to actually be there on the night to serve it). We need volunteers every weekend in December through to the end of February, and there will be an overall volunteer coordinator, although we are not able to publicise their details yet, so if you would like to offer your time, please contact Rachel Mayers (01625 420716 or [email protected]) and your details will be passed on. For any more information, please contact Rachel, or David Wightman. Deadline for contributions to the notice sheet:12 noon the preceding Wednesday. E-mail: [email protected] or hand in to the Team Office. Thank you. To contact us: Revd. Graham Turner 01625 426110 (Team Rector) Revd David Wightman 07770 785188 (Town Centre Minister) Geri Tetzlaff 01625 618510 (Curate) Sue Reid 07798 921265 (Clergy PA) 01625 421984 Emma Kingdom 01625 421984 (Church Coordinator ) Team Printing 01625 421984 [email protected] Day off: Monday web page: [email protected] Working days: Wednesday - Friday and Sunday [email protected] Day off: Friday [email protected] Working days: Tues, Wed & Fri, 9.00 am to 3.00 pm [email protected] Working days: Mon-Fri, 10.00 am to 1.00 pm [email protected] Printing in office Thursday mornings Team Ministry Office (24hr answer phone) 01625 421984 [email protected] St Michael's Church, The Market Place, Macclesfield SK10 1HW Website:
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