NMRA Tracker 3.17 3/17/2015 Here are bills I am tracking on your behalf that have a date scheduled in committee or on a floor calendar. Scheduled on: 3/17/2015 HB0030 No SPAC ALCOHOL SALES TO INTERLOCK LICENSEES Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: SPAC 1:30 PM Egolf, Brian F. House Pre-filed Legislation [3] HSCAC/House Judiciary Committee-HSCAC [6] DP/a-House Judiciary Committee [10] DNP-CS/DP [12] PASSED/H (45-3) [15] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Neutral Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 30 (HB 30) aims to prohibit the possessor of an ignition interlock from purchasing alcohol, and require ignition interlock licenses and certain identification cards to indicate when and for whom the purchase of beverages is prohibited. HB0326 No LODGERS' TAX AUDITS Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: HWMC Gonzales, Roberto "Bobby" J. [7] HGEIC/HBEC/HWMC-HGEIC [28] DP-HBEC [33] DP/a-HWMC No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: 11:00 AM Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 326 (HB 326) amends portions of the Lodgers' Tax Act (Act) to allow municipalities to choose a vendor to audit for compliance with the Act, bring an action to enforce the Act, removes the ability of the attorney general/district attorney/vendor to enforce the Act, amends penalties of the Act, and amends the composition of the lodgers' tax advisory board. HB0488 No AGRITOURISM LIMITED LIABILITY Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: HCal Ezzell, Candy Spence [13] HAWC/House Judiciary Committee-HAWC [27] DP-House Judiciary Committee [39] DP Updated NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: 2:00 PM Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 488 (HB 488) creates the "Agritourism Limited Liability Act" which provides liability, if notice is posted, for agritourism professionals for injury or death stemming from agritourism activities. HM0002 No PARENTAL PAID-LEAVE WORKING GROUP Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: HCAL 2:00 PM Chasey, Gail House Pre-filed Legislation [3] nt prntd-nt ref com-tbld [4] w/drn-prntd-ref- HHC/HBEC-HHC [23] DNP-CS/DP-HBEC [35] DP/a No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Oppose Priority: Synopsis: House Memorial 2 (HM 2), proposes a memorial requesting the University of New Mexico’s Bureau of Business and Economic Research to convene a parental, paid-leave working group to make findings and develop recommendations for the establishment of a publicly managed Parenting Workers’ Leave Fund to the Legislative Health and Human Services Committee. HM0038 No STUDY MINIMUM RETAIL UNIT PRICE FOR ALCOHOL Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: HCAL McQueen, Matthew [5] HSCAC/House Judiciary Committee-HSCAC [23] w/drn-House Judiciary Committee [36] DP No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: 2:00 PM Priority: Synopsis: House Memorial 38 (HM 38) requests a study by the Department of Health of the possible public safety, economic and health benefits of establishing a minimum retail price for alcoholic beverages based on the alcohol content. HM0049 Created by LegisTrax COOPERATIVE BUSINESS ECONOMY TASK FORCE 1 3/17/2015 No No Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: HCAL Martinez, Javier 2:00 PM [7] HBEC [35] DP NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Memorial 49 (HM 49) recognizes the significant benefits of cooperative and employee-owned business and proposes a task force to study methods to foster growth for cooperatives in New Mexico's. SB0233 No TEMPORARY DISABILITY BENEFIT CHANGES Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: SCal 10:00 AM Woods, Pat [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [5] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee [10] DP No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 233 (SB 233) relates to insurance amending the workers’ compensation act and the New Mexico Occupational Disease Disablement Law to change temporary disability benefits, providing for lifetime maximum period. Makes certain periods of disability of mental impairment the same as the period for physical injury. Names the Department of Workforce Solutions as responsible for certain wage computations. . SB0241 No CERTAIN LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER LIMITS Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: HBEC 8:00 AM No Griego, Phil A. [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [4] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee [10] DP [22] PASSED/S (28-10) [25] HRPAC/HBEC-HRPAC [36] DP-HBEC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 241 (SB 241) removes two requirements relating to the transfer of dispenser's and retailer's licenses originally issued prior to July 1, 1981. SB0296 No EMPLOYER RECORDS & WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS COSTS Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: SCal 10:00 AM Rue, Sander [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [5] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee [22] DP No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 296 (SB 296) extends the time an employer must keep employee information to three years, and exempts the Director from having to pay court costs and filing fees. SB0300 No ALCOHOL SALES AT MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSES Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: HJC 11:00 AM No Candelaria, Jacob [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [5] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee [9] DP [20] fl/a- PASSED/S (40-0) [23] HRPAC/House Judiciary Committee-HRPAC [36] DP-House Judiciary Committee NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 300 (SB 300) relates to liquor control and Municipal Gold Courses. Declares a Municipal Golf Course may sell beer, wine and distilled spirits. A governmental entity that sells alcoholic beverages directly or indirectly through a lessee at a governmental facility that is a food service facility in a “state museum” may only sell beer and wine. “Governmental Facility" does not include tennis facilities. SB0346 No TAX REFORM Updated Created by LegisTrax Sharer, William E. Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: SCal 2 10:00 AM 3/17/2015 [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [10] DP/a-Senate Finance Committee [40] w/drn NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 346 (B 346) is a tax reform bill which, generally, amends, removes or repeals certain provisions of tax law, and establishes new tax rates. Specifically, this bill establishes a flat income tax rate of 2.5 percent. SB0471 No BREWER FACILITY ALTERNATING PROPRIETORSHIP Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: HBEC 8:00 AM Sapien, John M. [5] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Corporations Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee [25] DP-Senate Corporations Committee [30] DP [33] PASSED/S (41-0) [38] HBEC No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 471 (SB 471) allows an alternating proprietorship to be established so that the manufacturing facilities and equipment of one small brewer's licensee can be used by another. SB0565 No LIMIT FILM PRODUCTION TAX CREDIT Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: HBEC 8:00 AM [6] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [25] DNP-CS/DP-Senate Finance Committee [33] DP [39] PASSED/S (35-0) [38] HBEC No NMRA Payne, William H. NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 565 (SB 565) makes several changes relating to the film production tax credit, including limiting the types of expenditures that may be applicable for additional credit, excluding payments to certain artists from the tax credit, and reducing the credit maximums and types of expenditures paid to nonresident industry crew or performing artist. SB0672 No CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION COMMISSION Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: SRC 9:00 AM Cervantes, Joseph [10] Senate Rules Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Rules Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 672 (SB 672) creates an independent Constitutional Revision Commission pursuant to Article 19, Section 1 of the Constitution of New Mexico and makes an appropriation. It declares an emergency. SM0086 No STUDY IMPACT OF ALCOHOL Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: SRC No Stewart, Mimi [6] Senate Rules Committee/Senate Public Affairs Committee-Senate Rules Committee NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: 9:00 AM Priority: Synopsis: Senate Memorial 86 (SM 86) relates to alcohol abuse. Requests the Department of Health, in cooperation with other departments and committees provided for within this act, study the impact of alcohol on the economic, health and well-being of New Mexicans. Requires reporting to the Interim Legislative Health and Human Services Committee and the Legislative Finance Committee, before November 15, 2015. Created by LegisTrax 3 3/17/2015
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