NMRA Tracker 3.16 3/16/2015 Here are all of the bills I am tracking on your behalf, sorted by latest action. Bills with out action will sort at the top of the page. Latest Action: HB0011 No SUNDAY & CHRISTMAS DAY ALCOHOL SALES Scheduled: McCamley, Bill No in: House Pre-filed Legislation [3] HRPAC/HBEC-HRPAC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Tabled Synopsis: House Bill 11 (HB 11) removes the restrictions on selling alcohol on Sundays and Christmas. The bill provides consistent hours of operations for alcohol sellers. HB0013 No STATE CHILDREN'S SONG Scheduled: McCamley, Bill No in: House Pre-filed Legislation [3] HRPAC/HGEIC-HRPAC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Low Tabled Synopsis: House Bill 13 (HB 13) states that the the words and music of "Green Chile", written by Melanie Humphreys be declared the official state children's song. HB0020 No RAISE MINIMUM WAGE Scheduled: Varela, Luciano "Lucky" No in: House Pre-filed Legislation [3] HRPAC/HBEC-HRPAC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Oppose Priority: Tabled HRPAC Synopsis: House Bill 20 (HB 20) raises the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour, and provides for the minimum wage to be increased in accordance to the consumer price index. HB0114 No NO FALSE STATEMENTS TO ENVIRONMENT DEPT. Scheduled: Egolf, Brian F. No in: House Pre-filed Legislation [3] HRPAC/HEENC-HRPAC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 114 (HB 114) relates to the Department of Environment (DOE); adds new material to the Environmental Improvement Act focused on prohibiting false statements to the Department of Environment (DOE); new material on penalties up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) is also added, as well as a waiver of penalties under specific circumstances. The term “person regulated by the department (DOE)” is defined. HB0138 No INCREASE MINIMUM WAGE Scheduled: Garcia, Miguel P. No in: House Pre-filed Legislation [3] HRPAC/HBEC-HRPAC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Oppose Priority: Tabled HRPAC Synopsis: House Bill 138 (HB 138) makes yearly increases to the minimum wage, with cost of living increases: $8.40 in 2016, $9.20 in 2017 and $10.10 in 2018. Tipped employees must be paid a wage equal to 40 percent of the minimum wage. Created by LegisTrax 1 3/16/2015 HB0158 No GROSS RECEIPTS RATE & DEDUCTIONS Scheduled: McCamley, Bill No in: [3] HRPAC/HWMC-HRPAC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 158 (HB 158) amends the Tax Code by reducing the gross receipts tax rate by one-tenth and repeals several sections of the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act that provide certain exemptions and deductions. HB0180 No MINIMUM WAGE ACT EMPLOYEE DEFINITIONS Scheduled: Maez, Stephanie No in: [3] HRPAC/HBEC-HRPAC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Oppose Priority: High Tabled HRPAC Synopsis: House Bill 180 (HB 180) amends the definition of "employee" in the Minimum Wage Act to include certain persons eighteen years of age or younger. HB0186 No PESTICIDE APPLICATION NOTICES No Scheduled: McQueen, Matthew in: [3] HEENC/HGEIC-HEENC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 186 (HB 186) relates to the environment, provides for public notification of applications, makes and amendment. HB0227 No COMBINE CULTURAL AFFAIRS & TOURISM DEPTS. Scheduled: No Little, Rick [3] HGEIC/House Appropriations & Finance Committee-HGEIC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. in: Position: Oppose Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 227 (HB 227) relates to executive reorganization. Enacts the Cultural Affairs and Tourism Department Act; combines the Cultural Affairs and Tourism Departments. Provides for the transfer of functions, money, appropriations, property, contractual obligations and statutory references. Amends, repeals, and enacts sections of the NMSA 1978. HB0246 No SMALL BUSINESS & RESTAURANT GROSS RECEIPTS Scheduled: No Adkins, David [4] HWMC/House Appropriations & Finance Committee-HWMC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. in: Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 246 (HB 246) provides a deduction from gross receipts for retail sales by a business and for food sales by a restaurant if the business or restaurant has an average revenue of less than one million dollars. HB0279 No REDUCE CORPORATE INCOME TAX RATE Scheduled: No Strickler, James R.J. [5] HWMC/HBEC/House Appropriations & Finance Committee-HWMC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: in: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 279 (HB 279) incrementally reduces the Corporate Income Tax Rate for incomes over $500,000, to 4.9 percent in 2018. Created by LegisTrax 2 3/16/2015 HB0292 No ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS ACT No Scheduled: Nunez, Andy in: [5] HGEIC/House Judiciary Committee-HGEIC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 292 (HB 292) enacts the Administrative Hearings Office Act, providing for independent hearing officers, creating a hearing office separate from the Taxation and Revenue Department for administrative hearings, providing for powers, duties and procedures, transferring functions, personnel, appropriations, money, property, contractual obligations and statutory references and rules. The bill repeals Section 7-1-24.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2012, Chapter 27, Section 7.) The bill also creates a private right to request the Secretary of Taxation and Revenue to promulgate, amend or repeal a department rule and creates a private right to appeal to the Court of Appeals a rule promulgated by the Secretary or the Secretary’s denial of a request to promulgate, amend or repeal a rule. HB0347 No LOCAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FUND Scheduled: Maez, Stephanie [7] HBEC/HWMC/House Appropriations & Finance Committee-HBEC No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. in: Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 347 (HB 347) creates the Local Business Opportunity Fund (Fund) whose funds can be appropriated for economic development projects of small resident businesses. The bill appropriates $5,000,000 from the general fund to the Fund for use in Fiscal Year 2016 and subsequent years. HB0360 No INCREASE MINIMUM WAGE & ANNUAL INCREASES No Scheduled: Roybal Caballero, Patricia in: [7] HRPAC/HBEC-HRPAC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 360 (HB 360) increases the minimum wage incrementally to $15.00 per hour by 2018, after which the minimum wage will increase according to increases in the cost of living. The bill removes any minimum wage disparity for tipped employees. HB0461 No FOOD SERVICE SANITATION EXEMPTIONS No Scheduled: Larrañaga, Larry A. in: [11] HAWC/HHC-HAWC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 461 (HB 461) relates to food safety; enacts a new section of the Food Service Sanitation Act exempting certain organizations from provision of that act, if providing food to the general-public on six or fewer occasions during a calendar year. Effective July 1, 2015; provides definitions. HB0495 No CORPORATE TAX FOR PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS Scheduled: No Roybal Caballero, Patricia [13] HBEC/HWMC/House Appropriations & Finance Committee-HBEC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. in: Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 495 (HB 495) creates the Corporate Low Wage Tax, whose proceeds go to the newly created Preschool Program Fund. HB0498 No STATE PREEMPTION OF WAGE & LEAVE LAWS No Scheduled: Gentry, Nate in: [13] HRPAC/HBEC-HRPAC NMRA Created by LegisTrax NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: 3 3/16/2015 Synopsis: House Bill 498 (HB 498) proposes that state and federal law preempt laws of political subdivisions of the state which pertain to minimum wages and employee leave, but grandfathers in local laws which were in existence on January 1, 2015. HB0507 No NM CHILE ADVERTISING ACT EXEMPTIONS No Scheduled: Salazar, Nick L. in: [15] HAWC/HBEC-HAWC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 507 (HB 507) relates to agriculture, making an exemption to the New Mexico Chilie Advertising Act. HB0538 No BABY CHANGING STATIONS IN PUBLIC RESTROOMS No Scheduled: Romero, Andres in: [15] HRPAC/House Judiciary Committee-HRPAC NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 538 (HB 538) relates to public restroom facilities; requires baby diaper changing stations be equally available to men and women in restroom facilities in a place of public accommodation; rule only applies under specific circumstances. The Construction Industries Division of the Regulation and Licensing Department will develop and adopt rules, and assess fines; fines will be credited to the Current School Fund. A private right of action for failure to comply does not apply. HJR0013 No CONSTITUTIONAL COUNTERMAND CONVENTION Scheduled: [15] House Judiciary Committee/HGEIC-House Judiciary Committee No NMRA Herrell, Yvette NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: in: Priority: Synopsis: House Joint Resolution 13 (HJR 13) requests the United States Congress call a single-issue convention of the states limited to proposing a countermand amendment to the United States Constitution pursuant to the provisions of Article V of the United States Constitution. SB0010 No RAISE MINIMUM WAGE Scheduled: in: Sanchez, Clemente Senate Pre-filed Legislation [1] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Corporations Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support w Preemption Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 10 (SB 10) increases the minimum wage to $8.30 an hour, except that trainee employees must be paid at least $7.50 an hour during a training period that lasts no longer than six months. SB0051 No WORKERS' COMP AIR AMBULANCE FEE SCHEDULE Scheduled: in: Leavell, Carroll H. Senate Pre-filed Legislation [1] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 51 (SB 51) amends sections of the Workers’ Compensation Act that relate to intrastate air ambulance services by defining “air ambulance provider,” making them subject to utilization review, and requiring the creation of a fee schedule for such services. Created by LegisTrax 4 3/16/2015 SB0056 No UNITARY CORPORATION COMBINED TAX REPORTING Scheduled: in: Wirth, Peter Senate Pre-filed Legislation [1] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Corporations Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 56 (SB 56) amends the Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Act by requiring all unitary corporations to file combined returns. SB0057 No UNITARY CORP. RESTAURANT TAX REPORTING Scheduled: in: Wirth, Peter Senate Pre-filed Legislation [1] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Corporations Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Monitor until we hear from Chains. Synopsis: Senate Bill 57 (SB 57) amends the Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Act by requiring restaurants that are a unitary corporation to file combined returns. SB0076 No AGRITOURISM LIABILITY LIMITATIONS ACT Scheduled: in: Cotter, Lee S. Senate Pre-filed Legislation [1] Senate Conservation Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Conservation Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Support if includes restaurant in rural areas Synopsis: Senate Bill 76 (SB 76) enacts the “Agritourism Liability Limitations Act”. The Act provides immunity from liability, as well as exceptions from immunity, for agritourism professionals. The Act requires that agritourism professionals post warnings about all agritourism activities. SB0092 No EMPLOYEE PREFERENCE ACT Scheduled: in: No Rue, Sander Senate Pre-filed Legislation [3] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 92 (SB 92) prohibits discrimination in employment based on the requirement of being part of a labor union. It also prohibits automatic deductions of union fees. Violation of the "Employee Preference Act" is considered a misdemeanor. SB0093 No NO PUBLIC EMPLOYEE UNIION DUES FROM PAYROLL Scheduled: in: No Rue, Sander Senate Pre-filed Legislation [3] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 93 (SB 93) amends the Public Employee Bargaining Act by prohibiting payroll deduction of union membership dues. SB0103 No EMPLOYEE PREFERENCE Scheduled: in: No Sharer, William E. Senate Pre-filed Legislation [3] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 103 (SB 103) the "Employee Preference Act" prohibits discrimination based on being part of a union. It requires signed permission for dues to be taken out from compensation, and imposes penalties. SB0243 Created by LegisTrax EMPLOYEE PRIVACY ACT EXEMPTIONS 5 3/16/2015 No Scheduled: in: No Ortiz y Pino, Gerald [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 243 (SB 243) exempts certain employers of workers who are hired on or after June 30, 2015 from the prohibitions of the Employer Privacy Act. SB0295 No SMALL EMPLOYER HEALTH INSURANCE TRANSPARENCY Scheduled: in: Ortiz y Pino, Gerald [3] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Corporations Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 295 (SB 295) enacts a new section of the Small Group Rate and Renewability Act to provide transparency measures relating to health benefit plans covering small employers’ employees and their dependents SB0350 No INCREASE MINIMUM WAGE & INDEX TO INFLATION Scheduled: in: Campos, Pete [3] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Oppose Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 350 (SB 350) increases the minimum wage for state employees to $10.10 per hour, and requires employees of state contractors of contracts valued at $50,000 or more must be paid at least $10.10 per hour. The bill requires the minimum wage to be adjusted annually due to cost of living increases. SB0351 No DAIRY WORKERS IN MINIMUM WAGE ACT Scheduled: in: Stewart, Mimi [3] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 351 (SB 351) relates to employment, adding dairy workers to the definition of "employee" in the overtime protection section of the Minimum Wage Act. SB0432 No INCREASE MINIMUM WAGE & ANNUAL INCREASES Scheduled: in: Soules, William [5] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Corporations Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Oppose Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 432 (SB 432) increases the minimum wage to $8.80 in 2016, $10.10 in 2017, and in 2018 and subsequent years to increase pursuant to an increase in the cost of living. Tipped employees must be paid a wage equal to 50 percent of the minimum wage. SB0454 No SMALL BREWER OFF-PREMISES BEER TASTINGS Scheduled: in: Cervantes, Joseph [5] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Public Affairs Committee-Senate Corporations Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 454 (SB 454) increases the number of off-premises locations under Section 60-6A-26.1 NMSA 1978 from two to three at which a small brewer's licensee may conduct beer tastings and sales. SB 454 repeals Laws 2001, Chapter 248, Section 2, thus reconciling conflicting amendments to the same section of law. Created by LegisTrax 6 3/16/2015 SB0576 No NM CHILE ADVERTISING ACT EXEMPTIONS Scheduled: in: [6] Senate Conservation Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Conservation Committee No NMRA Martinez, Richard C. NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 576 (SB576) relates to agriculture and makes an exemption. SB0593 No IMPLEMENT LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT Scheduled: in: [9] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Corporations Committee No NMRA Campos, Pete NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: MAKING AN APPROPRIATION TO IMPLEMENT THE LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT. SB0606 No RESTRICT WORK HOURS ON SCHOOL NIGHTS Scheduled: in: Soules, William [9] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Public Affairs Committee-Senate Corporations Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 606 (SB 606) limits the hours a16 to 18 year old may be employed on the day before a school day to between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. SB0664 No EMPLOYEE PREFERENCE ACT Scheduled: in: Ingle, Stuart [10] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 664 (SB 664) prohibits public employers to require their employees to become or remain a member of a labor union or pay union dues. The bill also increases the minimum wage to $8.00 an hour, except trainee employees can be paid $7.50 an hour during a training period that lasts no longer than six months. SB0672 No CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION COMMISSION Scheduled: 3/16/2015 in: SRC 8:30 AM Cervantes, Joseph [10] Senate Rules Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Rules Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 672 (SB 672) creates an independent Constitutional Revision Commission pursuant to Article 19, Section 1 of the Constitution of New Mexico and makes an appropriation. It declares an emergency. SB0673 No ALLOW CUSTOMER WINE IN RESTAURANTS Scheduled: in: Griggs, Ron [10] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Oppose Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 673 (SB 673) allows customers to bring onto and drink their own bottle of wine at a restaurant. SJR0009 No INCREASE & INDEX MINIMUM WAGE, CA Scheduled: in: Soules, William [3] Senate Rules Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Rules Committee No NMRA Created by LegisTrax NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Oppose 7 Priority: 3/16/2015 Tipped wage is at 50% of minimum. Synopsis: Senate Joint Resolution 9 (SJR 9) proposes to amend the New Mexico Constitution by establishing a state minimum wage that will increase annually due to cost of living increases. It also regulates tipped employees, requiring them to be paid at least 50 percent of the minimum wage and that their combined wages are equal to or greater than the minimum wage. SM0086 No STUDY IMPACT OF ALCOHOL Scheduled: in: Stewart, Mimi [6] Senate Rules Committee/Senate Public Affairs Committee-Senate Rules Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Memorial 86 (SM 86) relates to alcohol abuse. Requests the Department of Health, in cooperation with other departments and committees provided for within this act, study the impact of alcohol on the economic, health and well-being of New Mexicans. Requires reporting to the Interim Legislative Health and Human Services Committee and the Legislative Finance Committee, before November 15, 2015. Latest Action: 7654 SB0463 No DISTRIBUTION FOR ALCOHOL DETOX & TREATMENT Scheduled: in: [5] Senate Indian Affairs Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Indian Affairs Committee [6] DP-Senate Finance Committee [33] DNP-CS/DP [39] ref Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Judiciary Committee No Munoz, George K. NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 463 (SB 463) amends the Local DWI Grant Program Act by amending the county population size and appropriation for alcohol detoxification and treatment facilities. Latest Action: Do Not Pass Committee Substitute Without Recommendation HB0037 No PREGNANT WORKER ACCOMMODATION ACT Scheduled: in: House Pre-filed Legislation [3] HHC/HBEC/HRPAC-HHC [5] DP/a-HBEC [13] DNP-CS/w/o rec-HRPAC Chasey, Gail No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: HBECS for House Bill 37 relates to employment and pregnancy. Enacts the Pregnant Worker Accommodation Act, prohibiting discrimination in employment based on pregnancy, childbirth or related serious medical conditions; and requires employers make reasonable accommodation of an employee's or job applicant's pregnancy condition. Prohibits retaliation for an employee's or job applicant's assertion of a claim pursuant to the Pregnant Worker Accommodation Act; and provides grievance procedures and penalties. Latest Action: Do Pass HB0204 No LIQUOR EXCISE TAX DISTRIBUTIONS Scheduled: in: Trujillo, Carl [3] HWMC [7] DP [9] PASSED/H (61-0) [15] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee [39] DP-Senate Finance Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 204 (HB 204) relates to taxation and the Liquor Excise Tax. Clarifies the distribution of the Liquor Excise Tax; repeals “Laws 2014, Chapter 54, Section 1”. HB0215 No DWI GRANT FUND SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT No Trujillo, Jim R. Scheduled: in: [3] HSCAC/HWMC-HSCAC [15] DP-HWMC Created by LegisTrax 8 3/16/2015 NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 215 (HB 215) amends sections of the New Mexico Statutes Annotated (NMSA) 1978 to provide for substance abuse treatment under the Local DWI Grant Fund Program. HB0216 No ASSIGNMENT OF FILM PRODUCTION TAX CREDITS Scheduled: in: Trujillo, Jim R. [3] HBEC/HWMC-HBEC [15] DNP-CS/DP-HWMC [25] DP [28] PASSED/H (62-0) [27] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [39] DP-Senate Finance Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 216 (HB 216) provides for the assignment of film production tax credits. HB0217 No DATA BREACH NOTIFICATION ACT Scheduled: 3/16/2015 in: SJC 1:30 PM No Rehm, William "Bill" R. [3] HBEC/House Judiciary Committee-HBEC [7] DNP-CS/DP-House Judiciary Committee [11] DP [15] PASSED/H (66-0) [20] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [30] DPSenate Judiciary Committee NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 217 (HB 217) enacts the “Data Breach Notification Act” (Act) as a consumer protection measure that provides rights for persons who are affected by a security breach involving their personal identifying information, and imposes duties on merchant service providers who are handle personal identifying information. HB0238 No WORKERS' COMP BENEFITS & INTOXICATION Scheduled: in: No Roch, Dennis J. [4] House Judiciary Committee [5] DP/a - ref HBEC-HBEC [11] DP/a [15] PASSED/H (64-2) [22] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [39] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 238 (HB 238) provides that compensation benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act are to be reduced by the degree to which an employee was intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol and/or a drug. HB0286 No SINGLE SALES FACTOR FOR CORPORATE INCOME Scheduled: in: James, Conrad [5] HBEC/HWMC/House Appropriations & Finance Committee-HBEC [11] DP-HWMC No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 286 (HB 286) phases in the use of a single sales factor by a headquarters operation in apportioning corporate income to the state. HB0305 No ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COOPERATIVE MARKETING Scheduled: in: Martinez, W. Ken [5] HBEC/House Appropriations & Finance Committee-HBEC [21] DP-House Appropriations & Finance Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 305 (HB 305) makes an appropriation to the Economic Development Department for expenditure in Fiscal Year 2016 for a cooperative marketing program that provides matching funds to local economic development organizations to increase business recruitment in those organizations' regions. Created by LegisTrax 9 3/16/2015 HB0307 No TOURISM MARKETING & PROMOTION Scheduled: in: [5] HBEC/House Appropriations & Finance Committee-HBEC [21] DP-House Appropriations & Finance Committee No NMRA Martinez, W. Ken NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 307 (HB 307) makes an appropriation to the Tourism Department for expenditure in Fiscal Year 2016 to expand marketing and promotion of New Mexico as a tourist destination. HB0316 No PROFESSIONAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Scheduled: in: Martinez, W. Ken [5] HRPAC/HBEC/House Appropriations & Finance Committee-HRPAC [11] DP-HBEC [28] DP-House Appropriations & Finance Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 316 (HB 316) makes an appropriation to the Tourism Department for expenditure in Fiscal Year 2016 for hosting a tournament of a professional golfers' association, contingent on the receipt of at least one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) given for that purpose and received from sources other than the state. HB0335 No LIQUOR CONTROL TASTING PERMIT VIOLATIONS Scheduled: 3/16/2015 in: SJC 1:30 PM Trujillo, Jim R. [7] HRPAC/House Judiciary Committee-HRPAC [11] DP-House Judiciary Committee [21] DP [24] PASSED/H (57-0) [25] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [30] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 335 (HB 335) creates discretionary penalties for tasting permit violations. HB0355 No INCREASE DWI PENALTIES Scheduled: in: Montoya, Rodney [7] HSCAC/House Judiciary Committee-HSCAC [21] DP-House Judiciary Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 355 (HB 355) relates to driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs: increasing penalties HB0414 No STATEWIDE FOOD INFRASTRUCTURE Scheduled: in: Rodella, Debbie A. [9] HBEC/House Appropriations & Finance Committee-HBEC [31] DP-House Appropriations & Finance Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 414 (HB 414) makes an appropriation to the Economic Development Department for expenditure in Fiscal Year 2016 and subsequent fiscal years to support agricultural and food entrepreneurs in creation of a statewide food infrastructure to connect rural producers to consumers. HB0488 No AGRITOURISM LIMITED LIABILITY Scheduled: in: Ezzell, Candy Spence [13] HAWC/House Judiciary Committee-HAWC [27] DP-House Judiciary Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 488 (HB 488) creates the "Agritourism Limited Liability Act" which provides liability, if notice is posted, for agritourism professionals for injury or death stemming from agritourism activities. Created by LegisTrax 10 3/16/2015 HB0550 No PROHIBIT SALE OF POWDERED ALCOHOL Scheduled: in: Lundstrom, Patricia A. [15] HHC/House Judiciary Committee-HHC [33] DP-House Judiciary Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 550 (HB 550) relates to public health and alcohol; enacts a new section under “Offenses” Chapter 60, Article 7A NMSA 1978, prohibiting the use, sale, offer or possession of powdered alcohol; prohibits the use of powdered alcohol to prepare alcoholic beverages for sale, by those licensed to sell alcohol beverages; provides penalties and fines; declares an emergency. SB0032 No LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT ENTITIES Scheduled: in: Padilla, Michael Senate Pre-filed Legislation [1] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Corporations Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee [5] DP-Senate Corporations Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 32 (SB 32) allows retail businesses and retail businesses in any size of a municipality to be considered a qualified entity under the Local Economic Development Act. SB0071 No LOCAL ELECTIONS FOR NM-PRODUCED LIQUOR SALES Scheduled: in: No Soules, William Senate Pre-filed Legislation [1] Senate Rules Committee/Senate Corporations Committee-Senate Rules Committee [6] DP-Senate Corporations Committee NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 71 (SB 71) allows a local option district to hold an election to permit those with a restaurant license to sell distilled spirits that were produced in New Mexico, in addition to beer and wine. SB0164 No JOB TRAINING Scheduled: in: Papen, Mary Kay Senate Pre-filed Legislation [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [22] DP-Senate Finance Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 164 (SB 164) makes an appropriation from the General Fund to the Development Training Fund for expenditure in Fiscal Year 2016 and subsequent fiscal years for a development training program providing classroom and in-plant training to furnish qualified human resources for certain new or expanding industries and businesses in the state. SB0168 No EXPAND TOURISM MARKETING & PROMOTION Scheduled: in: Senate Pre-filed Legislation [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [27] DP-Senate Finance Committee No NMRA Papen, Mary Kay NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 168 (SB 168) makes an appropriation to the Tourism Department for expenditure in Fiscal Year 2016 to expand marketing and promotion of New Mexico as a tourist destination. SB0233 No TEMPORARY DISABILITY BENEFIT CHANGES Scheduled: 3/16/2015 in: SCal 10:00 AM Woods, Pat [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [5] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee [10] DP No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: Created by LegisTrax 11 3/16/2015 Senate Bill 233 (SB 233) relates to insurance amending the workers’ compensation act and the New Mexico Occupational Disease Disablement Law to change temporary disability benefits, providing for lifetime maximum period. Makes certain periods of disability of mental impairment the same as the period for physical injury. Names the Department of Workforce Solutions as responsible for certain wage computations. . SB0238 No CRAFT BREWER LICENSES Scheduled: in: [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [9] DP/a-Senate Judiciary Committee [22] DNP-CS/DP [27] PASSED/S (37-0) [28] HBEC/House Judiciary Committee-HBEC [35] DP-House Judiciary Committee No Beffort, Sue Wilson NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 238 (SB 238) provides for brewers licensed pursuant to the Domestic Winery, Small Brewery and Craft Distillery Act, to hold restaurant or dispenser's or wholesaler's licenses. SB0241 No CERTAIN LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER LIMITS Scheduled: 3/17/2015 in: HBEC 8:30 AM [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [4] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee [10] DP [22] PASSED/S (28-10) [25] HRPAC/HBEC-HRPAC [36] DP-HBEC No NMRA Griego, Phil A. NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 241 (SB 241) removes two requirements relating to the transfer of dispenser's and retailer's licenses originally issued prior to July 1, 1981. SB0296 No EMPLOYER RECORDS & WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS COSTS Scheduled: 3/16/2015 in: SCal 10:00 AM Rue, Sander [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [5] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee [22] DP No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 296 (SB 296) extends the time an employer must keep employee information to three years, and exempts the Director from having to pay court costs and filing fees. SB0300 No ALCOHOL SALES AT MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSES Scheduled: in: [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [5] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee [9] DP [20] fl/a- PASSED/S (40-0) [23] HRPAC/House Judiciary Committee-HRPAC [36] DP-House Judiciary Committee No Candelaria, Jacob NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 300 (SB 300) relates to liquor control and Municipal Gold Courses. Declares a Municipal Golf Course may sell beer, wine and distilled spirits. A governmental entity that sells alcoholic beverages directly or indirectly through a lessee at a governmental facility that is a food service facility in a “state museum” may only sell beer and wine. “Governmental Facility" does not include tennis facilities. SB0553 No WORKERS' COMP BENEFITS & INTOXICATION Scheduled: 3/16/2015 in: SJC 1:30 PM [6] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [27] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee No Cervantes, Joseph NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: Created by LegisTrax 12 3/16/2015 Senate Bill 553 (SB 553) amends and repeals sections of the Workers Compensation Act to provide that wage benefits be paid in proportion to the contribution of the worker’s intoxication to the workers injury or death SB0586 No CREATE DWI AND DUI CODE & DWI FUND USES Scheduled: in: [6] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee [29] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee No NMRA Brandt, Craig NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 586 (SB 586) enacts the DUI (Driving under the influence) Act and creates the Driving Under the Influence Code and the DUI Treatment Fund. SB 586 provides for a distribution to the fund and clarifies the distribution of the liquor excise tax to other funds. SB 586 revises provisions related to penalties and monitoring devices. It recompiles certain sections of the Motor Vehicle Code and repeals other sections of that code. SB 586 makes an appropriation. SB0608 No LOCAL LIQUOR EXCISE TAX & RATES Scheduled: in: Sanchez, Michael S. [9] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee [25] DP-Senate Finance Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Oppose Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 608 (SB 608) authorizes counties to enact ordinances imposing a local liquor excise tax of up to six percent upon approval of the voters. SB0613 No CREATE DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE CODE Scheduled: in: [10] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee [29] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee No NMRA Ivey-Soto, Daniel NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 613 (SB 613) recompiles sections of the Motor Vehicle Code, creates the Driving Under the Influence Code and the DUI Act and repeals sections of law. Latest Action: Do Pass as Amended HB0198 No ALCOHOL SALES AT MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSES Scheduled: in: [3] HRPAC/House Judiciary Committee-HRPAC [10] DP-House Judiciary Committee [14] DP [16] PASSED/H (61-5) [22] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [30] DP/a-Senate Judiciary Committee No NMRA Maestas, Antonio "Moe" NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 198 (HB 198) pertains to licenses for governmental entities or their lessees to sell alcoholic beverages at governmental facilities and expands the type of alcohol which can be sold at municipal golf courses. HB0326 No LODGERS' TAX AUDITS Scheduled: Gonzales, Roberto "Bobby" J. [7] HGEIC/HBEC/HWMC-HGEIC [28] DP-HBEC [33] DP/a-HWMC No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: in: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 326 (HB 326) amends portions of the Lodgers' Tax Act (Act) to allow municipalities to choose a vendor to audit for compliance with the Act, bring an action to enforce the Act, removes the ability of the attorney general/district attorney/vendor to enforce the Act, amends penalties of the Act, and amends the Created by LegisTrax 13 3/16/2015 composition of the lodgers' tax advisory board. SB0346 No TAX REFORM Scheduled: in: [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [10] DP/a-Senate Finance Committee No Sharer, William E. NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 346 (B 346) is a tax reform bill which, generally, amends, removes or repeals certain provisions of tax law, and establishes new tax rates. Specifically, this bill establishes a flat income tax rate of 2.5 percent. SB0646 No PROTECT WORKER RIGHTS TO WAGE & LEAVE Scheduled: in: Wirth, Peter [10] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee [39] DP/a-Senate Judiciary Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 646 (SB 646) clarifies the meaning of “wages” for purposes of Sections 50-4-4 and 50-4-5 NMSA 1978 pertaining to payment of wages owed a discharged employee or an employee who quits. SB 646 also liberalizes evidentiary rules for determining whether someone is an “employer” pursuant to Chapter 50, article 4. Latest Action: Do Pass as Amended-Temporary Calendar HM0002 No PARENTAL PAID-LEAVE WORKING GROUP Scheduled: 3/16/2015 in: HCAL 10:30 AM Chasey, Gail House Pre-filed Legislation [3] nt prntd-nt ref com-tbld [4] w/drn-prntd-ref- HHC/HBEC-HHC [23] DNP-CS/DP-HBEC [35] DP/a No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Oppose Priority: Synopsis: House Memorial 2 (HM 2), proposes a memorial requesting the University of New Mexico’s Bureau of Business and Economic Research to convene a parental, paid-leave working group to make findings and develop recommendations for the establishment of a publicly managed Parenting Workers’ Leave Fund to the Legislative Health and Human Services Committee. Latest Action: Do Pass-Temporary Calendar HB0339 No SMALL BREWER & WINEGROWER RECIPROCITY Scheduled: 3/16/2015 in: HCAL 10:30 AM Garcia Richard, Stephanie [7] HRPAC/HBEC/House Judiciary Committee-HRPAC [9] w/drn-HBEC [23] DP/a-House Judiciary Committee [36] DP No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 339 (HB 339) creates retail reciprocity between small brewers, winegrowers and craft distillers, allowing up to 30 percent of their gross receipts to be from the sale of a beverage of a license they do not hold. HB0482 No REDUCE SOME UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS No Scheduled: 3/16/2015 in: HCAL Larrañaga, Larry A. 10:30 AM [13] HBEC/HWMC-HBEC [27] DP-HWMC [36] DP NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 482 (HB 482) relates to unemployment compensation; requests amending (B)(1) of Section 51 -1-4 NMSA 1978, reducing an individual's weekly benefit amount from fifty-three and one half percent (53½ %) to forth-five percent (45%) for insured work paid to the individual in that quarter; and amends (B)(1) by adding that no benefit computed may be less than ten percent or more than forty-five percent of the state's Created by LegisTrax 14 3/16/2015 average weekly wage for all insured work. HM0038 No STUDY MINIMUM RETAIL UNIT PRICE FOR ALCOHOL Scheduled: 3/16/2015 in: HCAL [5] HSCAC/House Judiciary Committee-HSCAC [23] w/drn-House Judiciary Committee [36] DP No McQueen, Matthew NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: 10:30 AM Priority: Synopsis: House Memorial 38 (HM 38) requests a study by the Department of Health of the possible public safety, economic and health benefits of establishing a minimum retail price for alcoholic beverages based on the alcohol content. HM0049 No COOPERATIVE BUSINESS ECONOMY TASK FORCE No Scheduled: 3/16/2015 in: HCAL Martinez, Javier 10:30 AM [7] HBEC [35] DP NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Memorial 49 (HM 49) recognizes the significant benefits of cooperative and employee-owned business and proposes a task force to study methods to foster growth for cooperatives in New Mexico's. Latest Action: Passed House HB0030 No ALCOHOL SALES TO INTERLOCK LICENSEES Scheduled: in: Egolf, Brian F. House Pre-filed Legislation [3] HSCAC/House Judiciary Committee-HSCAC [6] DP/a-House Judiciary Committee [10] DNP-CS/DP [12] PASSED/H (45-3) [15] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Neutral Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 30 (HB 30) aims to prohibit the possessor of an ignition interlock from purchasing alcohol, and require ignition interlock licenses and certain identification cards to indicate when and for whom the purchase of beverages is prohibited. HB0075 No EMPLOYEE PREFERENCE ACT Scheduled: in: Roch, Dennis J. House Pre-filed Legislation [3] HBEC/House Judiciary Committee-HBEC [4] DP-House Judiciary Committee [11] DNP-CS/DP [21] fl/a- PASSED/H (37-30) [27] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 75 (HB 75 ) enacts the Employee Preference Act which prohibits mandatory labor union membership or payment as a condition of public employment. The bill also provides for enforcement and penalties for violations of the Act. HB0243 No LIQUOR LICENSES & DEFINITIONS Scheduled: in: Rodella, Debbie A. [4] HBEC/House Judiciary Committee-HBEC [15] DP/a-House Judiciary Committee [27] DP [29] PASSED/H (64-0) [30] Senate Judiciary Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 243 (HB 243) makes several changes to liquor control laws, including adding powdered and freeze-dried alcohol to the definition of "alcoholic beverages," allowing licensees to establish alternating proprietorships for their facilities and equipment, and allowing certain licensees to create cooperatives. Created by LegisTrax 15 3/16/2015 HB0250 No WORKERS' COMP RETURN TO WORK & BENEFITS Scheduled: in: No Crowder, Randall [4] HBEC/House Judiciary Committee-HBEC [11] DP-House Judiciary Committee [23] DNP-CS/DP [27] PASSED/H (66-0)- Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 250 (HB 250) amends sections of the Workers' Compensation Act to add requirements of when an employee must return to work after being temporarily disabled. HB0409 No PREGNANT WORKER ACCOMODATION ACT Scheduled: in: McMillan, Terry H. [9] HBEC [25] DNP-CS/DP [33] PASSED/H (63-3)- Senate Judiciary Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 409 (HB 409) relates to employment and pregnancy; enacts new sections of Chapter 28 NMSA 1978. Creates the "Pregnant Worker Accommodation Act", ensuring reasonable workplace accommodations for workers whose ability to perform the functions of a job is limited due to pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition. Provides guidelines for employees and employers. HB0478 No STAGGERED LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL DATES Scheduled: in: Trujillo, Jim R. [13] HSCAC/HBEC-HSCAC [28] DP-HBEC [33] DP [36] PASSED/H (63-0) [39] Senate Judiciary Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 478 (HB 478) provides for proration of liquor license fees and staggered license renewal dates. It also repeals and reenacts certain sections of the Liquor Control Act. HB0489 No INTERNET WINE SALES Scheduled: 3/16/2015 in: SCORC 2:00 PM Irwin, Dona G. [13] HBEC [25] DP [27] PASSED/H (64-0)- Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 489 (HB 489) amends a section of the Liquor Control Act and permits licensed winegrowers to sell wine via the internet. Latest Action: Passed Senate SB0100 No NM MAGAZINE AD SALES PROCUREMENT EXEMPTION Scheduled: in: Burt, William F. [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Public Affairs Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [15] DP-Senate Public Affairs Committee [29] DP/a [30] PASSED/S (38-0) No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Monitor Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 100 (SB 100) relates to procurement; exempts from the Procurement Code, the services of Advertising Sales Representatives for New Mexico Magazine. SB0258 No SALE OF ALCOHOL GROWLERS Scheduled: in: [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [6] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee [22] DP [27] PASSED/S (37-1) [28] HBEC/House Judiciary Committee-HBEC No Candelaria, Jacob NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Created by LegisTrax Position: Priority: 16 3/16/2015 Synopsis: Senate Bill 258 (SB 258) allows persons issued a winegrower's license or a small brewer's license to sell wine, cider or beer in a growler for off-premises consumption. SB0265 No LIQUOR TAX PROCEEDS FOR HOMELESS Scheduled: in: [3] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee [5] DP/a-Senate Finance Committee [10] DP [15] PASSED/S (41-0) [23] HHC/HWMC-HHC No Munoz, George K. NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Unknown Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 265 (SB 265) amends certain sections of Municipal and County Gross Receipts Tax relating to the authorization and use of local liquor excise taxes. It allows a governing body to amend ordinances relating to this tax. SB 265 requires that after July 1, 2015, if the governing body enacts or amends a local liquor excise tax, the revenue from this tax must be used to fund the prevention, evaluation and treatment of substance use disorders, including for juveniles, and for winter shelters for the homeless within the county with at least one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) mandated for winter shelters for the homeless. SB0440 No SMALL BREWER & WINEGROWER RECIPROCITY Scheduled: in: Martinez, Richard C. [5] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [22] DP-Senate Judiciary Committee [30] DP - PASSED/S (36-0) No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 440 (SB 440) revises the Liquor Control Act to create retail reciprocity between small brewers and wine growers; It repeals laws 2001, chapter 248, section 2, thus reconciling conflicting amendments to the same section of law. SB0471 No BREWER FACILITY ALTERNATING PROPRIETORSHIP Scheduled: in: [5] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Corporations Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee [25] DP-Senate Corporations Committee [30] DP [33] PASSED/S (41-0) [38] HBEC No NMRA Sapien, John M. NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 471 (SB 471) allows an alternating proprietorship to be established so that the manufacturing facilities and equipment of one small brewer's licensee can be used by another. SB0565 No LIMIT FILM PRODUCTION TAX CREDIT Scheduled: in: Payne, William H. [6] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [25] DNP-CS/DP-Senate Finance Committee [33] DP [39] PASSED/S (35-0) [38] HBEC No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 565 (SB 565) makes several changes relating to the film production tax credit, including limiting the types of expenditures that may be applicable for additional credit, excluding payments to certain artists from the tax credit, and reducing the credit maximums and types of expenditures paid to nonresident industry crew or performing artist. Created by LegisTrax 17 3/16/2015 Latest Action: Signed HM0025 No NM FOOD & FARMS LIST Scheduled: Maestas Barnes, Sarah [3] nt prntd-nt ref com-tbld- w/drn - PASSED/H (70-0) [4] SGND. No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. in: Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Memorial (HM 25) declares January 28, 2015, "New Mexico Food and Farms Day" in the house of representatives. HM0054 No GROWLER DAY Scheduled: Egolf, Brian F. [7] nt prntd-nt ref com-tbld- w/drn - PASSED/H (70-0) [8] SGND. No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. in: Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Memorial 54 (HM 54) declares February 5, 2015 as "Growler Day" in the House of Representatives.. HM0071 No STUDY IMPACT OF ALCOHOL Scheduled: in: Martinez, Javier [11] HHC/House Appropriations & Finance Committee-HHC [23] DP-House Appropriations & Finance Committee [28] w/drn [33] PASSED/H (70-0) [34] SGND. No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Memorial 71 (HM 71) relates to alcohol. Requests the Department of Health, in cooperation with several other departments and committees listed within this act, study the impact of alcohol on the economic, health and well-being of New Mexicans. Requests the DOH report findings to the Interim Legislative Health and Human Services Committee and the Legislative Finance Committee. Latest Action: Without Recommendation HB0491 No REDUCE MULTIPLE TAX RATES Scheduled: in: Harper, Jason C. [13] House Transportation & Public Works Committee/HBEC/HGEIC/HEENC/HHC/HWMC- - /House Appropriations & Finance Committee [27] w/o rec-HBEC [35] w/o rec-HGEIC No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: House Bill 491 (HB 491) makes many changes to the Tax Code, such as reducing the rate of corporate income tax, gross receipts tax, repeals many tax credits and creates new tax credits, requires Medicaid funds to be state-supported, not county-supported, and appropriates $820 million to the state road fund. SB0183 No EMPLOYEE PREFERENCE ACT Scheduled: in: Senate Pre-filed Legislation [3] Senate Public Affairs Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Public Affairs Committee No Sharer, William E. NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Support Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 183 (SB 183) enacts the Employee Preference Act which prohibits mandatory labor union membership or payment as a condition of public employment. The bill also provides for enforcement and penalties for violations of the Act. SB0274 No HOLD HARMLESS & FUND DEDUCTION CHANGES Scheduled: in: Smith, John Arthur [3] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Finance Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [15] w/o rec-Senate Finance Committee No Created by LegisTrax 18 3/16/2015 NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 274 (SB 274) relates to taxation. Converts a distribution from Gross Receipts Tax to a municipality to a Municipal Gross Receipts Tax. Eliminates the Food Hold Harmless Distributions; changes the Food “Deduction” to a “Credit”, in the amount of State Gross Receipts Tax. Creates a “credit” against Gross Receipts for Municipal Gross Receipts Tax Liability. Increases the Working Families Tax Credit; decreases the Gross Receipts Tax Rate and the Compensating Tax Rate. Repeals the Municipal and County Hold Harmless Gross Receipts Taxes. SB0464 No LODGERS' TAX AUDITS Scheduled: 3/16/2015 in: SJC 1:30 PM Cisneros, Carlos R. [5] Senate Corporations Committee/Senate Judiciary Committee-Senate Corporations Committee [15] w/o rec-Senate Judiciary Committee No NMRA NM Restaurant Assoc. Position: Priority: Synopsis: Senate Bill 464 (SB 464) amends portions of the Lodgers' Tax Act (Act) to allow municipalities to choose a vendor to audit for compliance with the Act, bring an action to enforce the Act, removes the ability of the attorney general/district attorney/vendor to enforce the Act, amends penalties of the Act, and amends the composition of the lodgers' tax advisory board. Created by LegisTrax 19 3/16/2015
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