First Baptist Church of Royal Palm Beach Weekly E-Newsletter March 18, 2015 this week’s issue Next Week’s SOAP 01 University of Christian Life 02 Church Life 03 Worship Arts 04 Children’s Ministry 05 Youth Ministry 06 Men’s & Women’s Ministry 07 Connect Church West 08 Next Week’s SOAP The Promised Messiah This Week’s SOAP from Pastor Josh M– Zechariah 8:1-2 T– Zechariah 8:3-5 W– Zechariah 8:6-8 Th– Zechariah 9:9 F– Zechariah 9:10 S– Zechariah 9:11-12 Scripture: Obadiah Main Passage for March 29 Zechariah 8:1-8; 9:9-12 HCSB Observation: The judgment of God being pronounced on Edom seems abrupt and almost undeserving. Why is God being so harsh? Well, the history between Edom and Jacob (Israel) goes back over a thousand years when Obadiah gave this prophecy. Edom has spent centuries at war with Israel constantly rekindling the tension between their forefathers Jacob and Esau. God is now stepping in to bring a much deserved judgment on the brother nation of Israel. As a brother he should be blessing, not harming his brother. Memory Verse: Zechariah 9:9 Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout in triumph, Daughter Jerusalem! Look, your King is coming to you; He is righteous and victorious, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. HCSB Application: God is slow to anger and abounding in love. Though He will bring judgment on the ungodly, He is unbelievably patient and merciful with hopes they will return to Him. Though God will eventually show wrath to all who do not turn to him, His desire is to show them love and mercy through Christ. Prayer: Lord, help us to share the truth of your wrath and love to everyone! Amen! University of Christian Life Discipleship Core Studies MasterLife MasterLife (Spanish Version) Richard Cooper Isaias Acala [email protected] [email protected] Experiencing God Karl & Andrea Burt [email protected] Lord Change My Attitude Ned Prusila [email protected] Baptist Faith & Message Pastor Chuck [email protected] **Discipleship Core Study classes currently meet Wednesday nights in the Worship Center at 7 PM.** Additional Studies Story Thru the Bible Basics of Biblical Greek Battling Christian Cults Basics of Biblical Hebrew 33 The Series (Men Only) Chrystal Fernandez Jesse Grenz Pastor Josh Tayler Zaskey Duval Madrigal Visit our Resource Center Philip Yancey offers a new & different perspective on the life of Christ and his work- his teachings, his miracles, his death and resurrection- and ultimately, who he was and why he came. From the manger in Bethlehem to the cross in Jerusalem, Yancey presents a complex character who generates questions as well as answers; a disturbing and exhilarating Jesus who wants to radically transform your life and stretch your faith. Pick up your copy in the Resource Center today! Hours Sunday- 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM Wednesday- 6:30 PM to 8:30 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Wed. Wed. Sun. Sun. Tues. 7 PM 7 PM 8:15 AM 8:15 AM 6:30 AM Worship Center Worship Center Room 201 Activity Center Activity Center Explore the Bible– SOAP Study Groups Hutcheson Group Rowell Group Ladies Group Men’s Group Middle School High School Young Families Young Adult Middle School High School Young Families Peterson Group Sistas Group Gurney Group Ladies Group Men’s Group Adult Bible Study Ladies Group Prusila Group Nordine Group Sun. 8:15 AM Sun. 8:15 AM Sun. 9:00 AM Sun. 9:30 AM Sun. 9:30 & 11:00 AM Sun. 9:30 & 11:00 AM Sun. 9:30 AM Sun. 9:30 AM Sun. 6:00 PM Sun. 6:00 PM Sun. 6:00 PM Sun. 6:30 PM Tues. 9:30 AM Tues. 7:00 PM Wed. 7:00 PM Wed. 7:00 PM Wed. 7:00 PM Fri. 1:00 PM Fri. 6:00 PM Flex Times Activity Center Coffee Shop Activity Center Activity Center Activity Center Activity Center Room 201 Coffee Shop Room 201 Activity Center Off Campus Off Campus Off Campus Off Campus Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Coffee Shop Off Campus Off Campus Visit for additional course information. Workbooks are available for purchase in the Resource Center. Church Life Teaching Pastor Schedule Our pastors are now speaking on a monthly rotation schedule in order to accommodate both campus locations. March 22, 2015 First Baptist Church 9:30 AM Dr. Dale R. Faircloth 11:00 AM Pastor Josh Sharpe Connect Church West Pastor Jim Sims Dr. Dale R. Faircloth Adult 5 & 6 Fellowship It’s time for fun, friends, and fellowship once again. Senior Adults join us this Friday, March 20th, at 6:30 PM in the Activity Center. Remember to also bring a main dish to share. Easter Service Times Due to the increase in attendance during our Easter weekend by family and guests we are adding an earlier service on Easter morning. If you are an early bird, you might enjoy coming to our 1st celebration service at 8:00 AM. Or join us at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM. All 3 services will be identical, so don’t you won’t miss anything by adjusting to the new time! Seminary Advantage God has called all of us to some level of ministry. Whether it be sharing the good news of the gospel with a neighbor or friend or discipling someone and sharing with them all the things Christ has taught us. Whatever ministry the Lord is calling us to, we need to be equipped for the task. For some, this may mean taking educational courses in seminary, though going back to school can create a lot of challenges. We now have an option for training and education that will help us confidently answer the call to ministry. Seminary Advantage is a one year program where you can receive a sound foundation in practical theology. Sign up for the entire program or just take one course at a time. Classes will be held Monday evenings from 6 PM to 10 PM beginning April 6. Financing options are available and Seminary Advantage is now accepted for 30 credit hours at Palm Beach Atlantic University. Please speak to Jeff Lee for more information. 561-345-5382 or [email protected] For additional information contact Clayton Hutcheson at 561-379-6465. Meals on the Patio Make plans now to enjoy dinner on the patio with your family and friends before Kids Praise, Awana, Area 51, and Bible Study class each Wednesday evening. Meals begin at 6:00 PM. Tonight’s dinner will be lasagna, salad and a roll. Next week’s meal will be subs and chips. All meals are $5.00 per person. Worship Arts Good Friday Worship Experience A somber and moving worship experience remembering Jesus’ final moments, featuring powerful musical and dramatic elements all enhanced by media and lighting. Join us April 3rd at 7:00 PM at the Seminole Ridge Community High School as we remember, reflect and respond to this powerful story. Good Friday Choir The Worship Arts Ministry is inviting singers to join the worship team in a moving and reflective worship experience during Good Friday. Choral experience encouraged but not required. Rehearsals will begin tonight, March 18th, in the sanctuary following UCL. Additional rehearsals are scheduled for March 25th at 7:00 PM, March 28th from 10:00 AM to Noon, and April 1st at 7:00 PM. Brass Ensemble Easter is coming to town and we would love to have a small ensemble during our services. If you play a brass instrument (ie: trumpet, trombone, F. horn) or know someone who might be interested in joining us for this celebratory experience, please contact Pastor Will. THIS IS the STORY, THIS IS the SONG “How He Loves Me” Originally by John Mark McMillian John Mark was close friends with a youth minister named Steven. Steven had been praying and praying for there to be a movement among the youth that he was leading. One morning, when he and John Mark were meeting to pray, Steven said, “I’d give my life for this if that’s what it takes to see a movement among these youth. Do whatever you need to do God.” That evening Steven died in a car wreck. John Mark wrote the song in memory of his friend. As he processed his anger, frustration and confusion with God, he was overwhelmingly met with God’s love. Speaking of the lyrics, he said he needed these words, he needed this conversation with God. …and heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss (talking about his friend finding God) And my hearts turns violently inside of my chest ( his anger) I don’t have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way the He loves (his repentance)... Stage Décor and Handyman Opportunity The Worship Arts is currently looking for volunteers to help with staging. If you are have experience with staging, power tools, woodwork or just have artistic eyes, this might be a great opportunity for you. For more information contact Pastor Will. Will Lopes Worship Pastor [email protected] Children’s Ministry Children’s Sunday Morning News A Break for Spring Break AWANA and Kids praise will not be meeting this week. Enjoy your Spring Break! This month our preschoolers are learning lessons from the Bible that relate to real life situations. Take the time to practice with your child to learn the paraphrased verses. The memory verses for March are: God will help you and love you. Zephaniah 3:17 The land will be God’s. Obadiah 21 Jesus is coming to you. Zechariah 9:9 Join us instead at 7:00 PM for a Derby Car Work Night and a special ministry project. Hope to see you there! Don’t forget: AWANA Grand Prix will take place in April. We want to help your family growing spiritually. Research shows that children mimic what they see! If children see their parents, grandparents, and older siblings spending time in God’s word and memorizing verses, then they are more likely to try. Each child who can say the verse gets a Disciple dollar. Each child also gets a dollar for attending church and bringing his/her Bible. The D store is open after both services. Vacation Bible School AWANA Listeners The AWANA Team is in need of adults and youth to listen to the clubbers recite their verses and to help with special events. If you would be interested in helping out weekly, twice or even once a month, please contact Wendi Bean 561-512-1455 or [email protected]. VBS is for all children who have completed kindergarten through the 5th grade. The registration fee is $25.00 per child and covers their daily craft, snacks, and a framed picture. Registration can now be done online at VBS will take place June 22 – June 26. Find the VBS link to register, or register in person in the Resource Center. All payments must be made in the Resource Center or can be dropped off at the Church Office during normal working hours: Monday – Thursday, 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. T-shirts can be purchased for $12.00. If you would like to contribute a scholarship for a child(ren) to attend VBS, your donation may be submitted to the Resource Center. Josh Sharpe Pastor of Ministries [email protected] Cindy Tidd Preschool Coordinator [email protected] Jamie Wright Kids Coordinator [email protected] Teressa Lee AWANA Preschool Coordinator [email protected] Wendi Bean AWANA Kids Coordinator [email protected] Youth Ministry Sunday Mornings Middle School meets in the Activity Center at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM. We are working our way through "Bible Studies for Life". Join us for a small group lesson/discussion that will help you discover what it means to live out your faith in this crazy world. High School meets at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM in the Activity Center. We are involved In topical studies that will hit many relevant issues that a High School student will face in our culture. Manhood Minute Tayler Zaskey has been sharing a “manhood minute” with our middle school boys each week as a part of our their Sunday School curriculum. Here is a sample of what he is teaching: “For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment.” – James 2:13 To show mercy means to have compassion or give forgiveness to someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm. In the days of knights and nobles, battle was a common place event in their lives. They trained for it from a young age, and went to war for their king when they were old enough to fight. These battles were fought with rules and guidelines in order to allow the nobility to maintain honorable status even though they were soldiers. One such rule was that if a soldier could not defend himself and requested mercy, the honorable noble would grant him mercy until he could defend himself again. He had mercy on someone that he could have easily killed. Let us show mercy to those who are unable to defend themselves, whether physically or verbally. It’s one thing to defend ourselves, but it is not necessary to continue once he has clearly been beaten. Let us show mercy to those who ask for it, remembering that God has shown us a great mercy and required us to show mercy to others. Matthew 18:21-35 tells the parable of the unforgiving servant, and it ends with Jesus stating that the fate of the unforgiving servant would be our fate if we do not forgive others from our heart. "For judgment will be merciless to those who have shown no mercy." Sunday Nights Join us from 6-8 PM for some serious fun and games. Middle School will meet upstairs in the Worship Center and High School will meet in the Activity Center. High School will have a monthly outing, so be sure to check for updates. Summer Camp at Teen Valley Ranch It’s not too late to sign up for Summer Camp. We are going back to Teen Valley Ranch in the Blue Ridge Mountains from July 12-18, 2015. It is going to be another AMAZING week and space is limited, so don’t miss it. The cost is $450, but there is still a lot of time for your child to earn that money. Let them get creative and encourage them to work (it’s good for them)! Students, you can sign up at the Wednesday Night Youth Service or directly with Pastor Tate. Tate Soles Youth Pastor [email protected] Tayler Zaskey Middle School Intern [email protected] Stephen Kimpel High School Intern [email protected] Men’s Ministry Men’s Breakfast Fellowship Gentlemen join us this Saturday, March 21, 2015 at 8:30 AM in the Activity Center for breakfast. This is a time of fellowship, great food, and a study entitled ‘Fighting for your Manhood.’ Make plans now to attend as we grow closer to Christ and His mission for us at FBC. Men’s Ministry News Join us every Tuesday morning from 6:30 to 7:30 AM in the Activity Center as we sit, drink day Retreat coffee, train, and enjoy fellowship. This time prepares us to better handle our and times: work April 24-25, 2015 begins at 3:00 PM on Friday, and week. Positioning other men around us helps to attain a better perspective on life. Studying 8:30 PM on April 25th. God’s Word and with other men will help us discover our blind spots and avoidconcludes costly mistakes. Car pool beRadder Jerry We are currently studying “A Man and His Story” from 6:30 - 7:30 AM. Both experts andtransportation will Ministry Director arranged the dateMen’s draws closer. regular guys offer guidance in how to learn from our past, come alive in our present and as enjoy [email protected] God's best in the future. Lodging is two to a room hotel type rooms. Women’s Ministry Women’s Summit Conference What is the call God has on our lives as women, wives, mothers, daughters and friends? Event: Women's Summit Conference Speaker: Rosa Madrigal Date and Time: Saturday, April 19th from 9:00 AM - Noon Let's explore scripture together, emphasizing on Proverbs 31. This a time of learning, uniting, and searching God's Will for our lives as women. We will learn to uncloak the conventions of society, to then clothe ourselves in His righteousness. There is no fee for this event. Light refreshments will be served. Rosa Madrigal Women’s Ministry Director [email protected] Connect Church West First Soft Launch Last Sunday, March 15th we engaged in the frontier challenge of beginning a new church, Connect Church West. Please continue to pray for those who will actively serve on this new campus and for the families that will remain at FBCRPB to serve the Lord on the main campus. Acreage Easter Egg Hunt & Family Activity Day The Hunt is almost here! It will be held at the Acreage Community Park located on 140th in Loxahatchee on March 29th. Schedule of Events: 7:30 AM Prayer walk (Contact Diane Klopfenstein to register for this time of service- [email protected] ) 8:00 AM Set Up 10:00 AM Worship at the Park 11:45 AM Prepare for Guests to Arrive 12:30 PM Registration and Family Fun Day Begins 2:30 PM Drawing for Prizes 2:50 PM Egg Hunt Instructions 3:00 PM Age Group Areas 3:10 PM Egg Hunt Begins Where can you get involved? You can email Pastor Jim at [email protected]. Please include your phone number along with how you would like to help. People are needed for set up/tear down, helping with food service, assisting with face painting or games and working at our craft tables. The power of God within you is greater than the pressure of troubles around you. Joe Stowell from ‘Our Daily Bread’ Become a Ministry Partner! For those who were not able to attend the February 22nd Church Orientation the next one is scheduled at FBC on May 6th at 7:00 PM. Upcoming Opportunities March 22. Soft Launch March 29. Acreage Community Park Easter Egg Hunt April 5. Easter 9:30 and 11:00 AM 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM 9:30 and 11:00 AM Be Blessed! Pastor Jim Sims Photographs contributed by FBC Royal Palm Beach photographers Dennis Jordan & Gaby Altman To view additional photos visit Media-photo gallery. 10701 Okeechobee Boulevard Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 561.793.2475 phone 561.793.0930 fax
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