GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Office of the Executive Engineer (P.W.D.), Nadia Construction Division, Krishnagar, Nadia. ABRIDGED NOTICE INVITING TENDER NO. 16 OF 2014 – 15 of Executive Enguineer, P.W.D., Nadia Construction Division. (P.W.D.) Tenders in sealed covers in printed tender forms as specified hereinafter invited by the undersigned for the following works from eligible tenderers as per particulars given below and will be received by the Executive Engineer (P.W.D.), Nadia Construction Division, Krishnagar, Nadia up to the date and time specified there and will be opened on the same date at 2.30 P.M. by the Executive Engineer (P.W.D.), Nadia Construction Division, Krishnagar, Nadia. 1) Name of work : As per Annexed Sheet 2) Name of the Concerned Sub-Division (P.W.D.) : 3) Estimated amount put to Tender : As per Annexed Sheet. 4) Earnest Money to be Deposited : As per Govt. Order. 5) Contractors eligible to submit tenders : As per Annexed Sheet. 6) Printed W.B.F. in which tender is to be submitted : 2911(ii) 7) Cost of specific W.B.F. including upto date Corrigenda &addenda : Rs. 5.00 8) Cost of other documents : Rs. 750.00 9) Date of Publishing : 17.03.2015 10) Time of completion : As per Annexed Sheet. 11) Last date & time limit for receipt of Tender : 30.03.2015 upto 2.00 P.M. 12) Location of stack-yard or Godown from where materials are to be issued. : Krishnagar/ Ranaghat / Kalyani 13) From which Tender document will be available : Departmental Website ( 14) Place for submitting Tender document : To be dropped in the tender box lying in the Chamber of Executive Engineer, Nadia Construction Division, P.W.D. 15) Earnest money : 16) Validity of the Tender : The offer will remain valid for acceptance for 120 days from the date of receipt of tender. 17) Guiding schedule of rates for Supplementary items of work Krishnagar Construction Sub-Division No.--III Should be submitted in the shape of Bank Draft/ pay order at the time of submission of Tender from any Nationalized Bank only drawn in favour of Executive Engineer (P.W.D.), Nadia Construction Division. P.W.D. @ 2% of the estimated amount put to tender. : Schedule of rates of P.W.(Roads) Department with upto date Addenda & Corrigenda (w.e.f. 01.07.2014 for Central Circle (P.W.D.), Schedule of rates of P.W.D., W.B. for Building. [ N.B. :- In case of any bandh and holiday on the aforesaid dates, the next working day will be treated as scheduled / prescribed date for the purpose.] Contd. to page…………. (2) :-2-: 18) The Tender document and other relevant particulars (if any) may be seen by the intending tenders during the office hour in the office of the Executive Engineer, Nadia Construction Division, P.W.D. on receipt of permission from the Executive Engineer, Nadia Construction Division, P.W.D. 19) Permission will not be given to a particular firm for more than one work against this N.I.T. 20) Conditional Tender will be liable for rejection. 21) Time / Cost over-run and consequent cost escalation for any material, labour, POL etc. will not be allowed. 22) No mobilization advance / secured advance will be allowed. 23) In case of inadvertent typographical mistake found in the specification price schedule of rates, the same will be treated to be so corrected as to confirm with the prevailing relevant schedule of rates and / or technically sanctioned estimate. 24) The intending tenderer is required to quote the rate in his own hand writing in figure as well as in words mentioning percentage above / below or AT PAR on the basis of the relevant price schedule of probable items with approximate quantities. 25) Contractor shall have to comply with the provisions of (a) the Contract Labour (Regulation Abolition) Act, 1970 (b) Apprentice Act 1961 and (c) Minimum Wages Act, 1948 or the modification thereof or any other laws relating thereto and the rules and order issued there under from time to time. 26) The payment will be made as and when fund will be available from the concerned source. No Claim, whatsoever, for delay in payment, if any will be entertained. Contractors are requested to quote their rate accordingly. 27) The intending tenders will have to enclose a Xerox copy of PAN Card of Income Tax, Professional Tax Clearance Certificate, Vat Registration Certificate etc. after self-attestation with full signature at the time of dropping of the Tender. 28) Registered Unemployed Engineer’s Co-Operative Societies Ltd. and registered Labour Co.-Operative Societies Ltd. will have to enclose a Xerox copy of current Audit Report, No objection certificate in support of their registration, Bye Laws, PAN Card of Income Tax, Professional Tax Clearance Certificate, VAT Registration Certificate etc. copy after self-attestation with full signature at the time of dropping of tender paper. 29) Representation in Tender in connection with tender submitted by Co.-Operative Societies :The Chairman and the Secretary or three directors including either the Chairman or the Secretary shall execute and sign all deeds, documents. tender papers as per act or the Bye -Laws of the Co-operative Societies, failing which the tender will be liable for rejection. The copy of the last Audit Report (full) including copy of the minutes of last A.G.M has to be submitted along with application for verification of the authority. 30) In case of partnership firm, the intending tenderer shall have to produce authentic document in respect of firm registration obtained from the Registrar of Firms. West Bengal Pursuant to the Indian Partnership Act 1932 (Act IX of 1932). 31) No credential will be considered unless it is supported by payment certificate, work -order and completion certificate mentioning the date of completion issued by the competent authority not below the rank of Executive Engineer or similar rank. Priced Schedule of the work should also be submitted at the time of submission of application so that the quantum of similar nature of work may be verified before issue of tender paper. If due to ambiguity, quantum of similar nature of work cannot be ascertained clearly from completion certificate / credential documents, it will be verified from the price schedule of work. 32) Periodical quality test of materials supplied by the agency and final products are to be made as per guidance of schedule of P.W.D./IS/I.R.S./M.O.R.T. & H at contractor’s cost. Normally quality control test of supplied materials / final products will be done in the Department Laboratory. Otherwise testing of materials / final products will be done from the outside recognized laboratory at the discretion of Engineer-in-Charge. In both the cases necessary cost of testing charges will be borne by the agency. 33) All tenderer or his authorized representative is requested to present personally during the opening of the tender and to sign tender opening register as witness. 34) No person will be allowed to quote rate on the basis of Legal Power of Attorney conferred to him by the Firm / Agency except in circumstances where necessary Govt. approval has been obtained. Contd. to page…………. (3) :: - 3 - :: 35) During the process on subsequently if it is found that the. Documents submitted by the intending tenderers during their application for obtaining tender paper are false, fictitious etc. then the person / agency will be liable to criminal offence and action will be taken accordingly. 36) The Tender Inviting Authority is final and binding regarding decision of Tender paper. The Tender inviting Authority also reserved the right to issue or rejection any or all of the Tender as received without assigning any reasons. The tender inviting authority also reserves the right to cancel the N.I.T. without showing any reasons. 37) The successful contractors will have to abide by the provision the West Bengal Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Rules, 1972 and obtain License from the appropriate authority as persaid Act. And Rules, if applicable in this case. 38) In case of any Bandh and Holiday falls on the last date scheduled for Receipts of tender, the same may be treated operative just after the next working day upto the time as scheduled. 39) A Cess @ 1% of the Gross Bill value of the work will be deducted from the bill so as to remit to the “West Bengal Buildings and other Construction workers Welfare Board” constituted under the Labour Department’s Notification No.-1182-1R, dated 20.09.2005 and in accordance with circular No. 599 A/4M-28/06 dated 27.09.2006 of P.W.D. Accounts Branch. Tender received along with Earnest Money in any shape other than specified above viz. in the form of cheque/cash/BG/NSC/KVP will not be accepted / considered and will be declared informal at the time of opening the tenders. 40) 41) The successful contractors will have to produce original documents to the estimating section for checking and should be kept at least for one day if necessary, before issuing of work order. 42) In case of partnership firm registered partnership deed shall have to be produced along with application. 43) During construction works of road, which is open to traffic, suitable barriers with security arrangement are to be kept to segregate the area of work. Red lights are to be provided at such barriers at night during poor visibility night Chowkiders have to be considered and it should be included in the rate quoted by the firm during submission of tender. Executive Engineer Nadia Construction Division (P.W.D.) Memo No. 476 (27) Dated, Krishnagar, 17/03/2015 Copy forwarded for information to giving the publicity through Notice Board to the:Sabhadhipati, Nadia Zilla Parishad with 4 (four) copies for information. Superintending Engineer, Central Circle, P.W.D. (in duplicate) / District Magistrate, Nadia /Superintendent of Police, Nadia / Executive Engineer (P.W.D.) Berhampore Division No.I / II / Nadia Division / Nadia Highway Division/N.H. Division No.VI / Social Sector, Krishnagar / Assistant Engineer (P.W.D.), Ranaghat Sub-Division, Krishnagar Constn. Sub-Division No.- I, II, III , Kalyani Construction Sub-Division, Nadia Contractors Association, Krishnagar /Nadia District Central Engineers’ Co-operative Society Ltd., P.O. Krishnagar, Dist Nadia/Federation of Labour Co-operative Association, M.M. Ghosh Street, (Near Foara More), Krishnagar, Nadia / Nadia Progressive Contractors Welfare Association, Kalinagar Kaltala, Bagula Road, Krishnagar, Nadia/ The Superintendent, Nabadwip S.G. Hospital. Directors of Information, Information and Cultural Affairs Department, Govt.of West Bengal, Writers’ Building, Kolkata- 1 for information, wide publicity in reading Dailies both English & Bengali, one publication in Sunday paper is requested. Divisional Accountant/Cashier/Office Estimator/ Notice Board /Office Files. District Information Officer, Nadia, Krishnagar for information and necessary action. Executive Engineer Nadia Construction Division (P.W.D.) Krishnagar, Nadia. List of works for N.I. T. No. 16 of Executive Engineer (P.W.D.), Nadia Construction Division, Krishnagar, Nadia during 2014-15 Sl. No. 1 1. Name of Works 2 'Urgent repair and maintenance works to proposed Blood Bank Building at Nabadwip State General Hospital under Nadia Construction Division, P.W.D. during 2014 - 2015. (Civil Works ) Estimated amount put to Tender in Rs. 3 3,36,253.00 Earnest money ( in Rs.) Cost of W.B. F. 2911-ii & other documents Eligibility of Contractors Time of Completion 4 6750.00 5 No fees to be deposited by the Bidder initially but to be submitted by lowest Bidder on Demand. 6 Experienced contractors having credential of similar nature of Govt. works valued minimum 40% in a single work of estimated amount put to tender. Last 5 (Five) years credential will be considered as valid from the date of issue of this N.I.T. 7 30 (Thirty) days. Executive Engineer (P.W.D.) Nadia Construction Division Krishnagar, Nadia N.I. T. No. 16 of Executive Engineer (P.W.D.), Nadia Construction Division, Krishnagar, Nadia during 2014-15 Tender No. Date of Publishing 1 N.I. T. No. 16 of Executive Engineer (P.W.D.) , Nadia Construction Division, Krishnagar, Nadia during the year 2014-15 2 17.03.2015 Inviting Authority Brief Description of work 3 4 Executive Engineer, P.W.D., 'Urgent repair and maintenance works to proposed Blood Bank Nadia Construction Division, Building at Nabadwip State General Hospital under Nadia Krishnagar, Nadia. Construction Division, P.W.D. during 2014 - 2015. (Civil Works ) Executive Engineer (P.W.D.) Nadia Construction Division Krishnagar, Nadia. Last Dates & time limit for receipt of Tender 5 30.03.2015 upto 2.00 P.M. Office of the Executive Engineer (P.W.D.), Nadia Construction Division , Arabindo Sarani P.O. Krishnagar, Dist. Nadia N.I.T. NO. 16 OF 2014-15 OF E.E., N.C.D. (P.W.D.) Priced schedule for probable item of works, quantity ,unit, rate and amount for the work of ''Urgent repair and maintenance works to proposed Blood Bank Building at Nabadwip State General Hospital under Nadia Construction Division, P.W.D. during 2014 - 2015. (Civil Works )'' Description of Items Sl. No. Quantity Unit R & B SCHEDULE Rate ( In Rs.) Amount (Rs) 2 19.00 380.00 2 740.00 2220.00 606.00 1727.00 2 22.00 3762.00 2 968.00 12584.00 2 794.00 7146.00 2 799.00 5593.00 2 821 3284.00 1 Stripping off worn out plaster and raking out joints of walls, celings etc. upto any height and in any floor including removing rubbish within a lead of 75m as directed. 20.00 m 2 125 mm. thick brick work with First class bricks in cement mortar (1:4). In First Floor Washing and cleaning with oxalic acid powder using 33 gms./sq.m. (b) Floor/ dado other than marble Grinding to marble / mosaic floor including remaining stone, if necessary, after cutting with manual labour / machine, where necessary 3.00 m 285.00 %m 171.00 m 13.00 m 9.00 m 3 4 5 Supplying, fitting & fixing 1st quality Ceramic tiles in walls and floors to match with the existing work & 4 nos. of key stones (10mm) fixed with araldite at the back of each tile & finishing the joints with white cement mixed with colouring oxide if required to match the colour of tiles including roughening of concrete surface, if necessary or by synthetic adhesive & grout materials etc. (A) Floor. With Sand Cement Mortar (1:4) 20 mm thick & 2 mm thick cement slurry at back side of tiles using cement @ 2.91 Kg/Sq.m & joint filling using white cement slurry @ 0.20kg/Sq.m. (b) Area of each tile above 0.09 Sq.m. (ii) Other than Coloured decorative including white. In Ground Floor. 2 (B) Wall. With Sand Cement Mortar (1:3) 15 mm thick & 2 mm thick cement slurry at back side of tiles using cement @ 2.91 Kg/Sq.m & joint filling using white cement slurry @ 0.20kg/Sq.m. (a) Area of each tile upto 0.09 Sq.m. (ii) Other than Coloured decorative including white. Ground Floor In First Floor. 7.00 6 Supplying, fitting and fixing Black Stone slab used in Kitchen slab, alcove, wardrobe etc. laid and jointed with necessary adhesive Cement mortar (1:2) including grinding or polishing as per direction of Engineer-in- Charge in Ground Floor. (b) Slab Thickness above 25 mm and upto 37.5 mm. In First Floor. 4.00 m 7 (a) M.S.or W.I. Ornamental grill of approved design joints continuously welded with M.S, W.I. Flats and bars of windows, railing etc. fitted and fixed with necessary screws and lugs in ground floor. (i) Grill weighing above 10 Kg./ and up to 16 Kg./sq. mtr. In Ground Floor. 0.40 Qntl 9051 3620.00 In First Floor. 0.30 Qntl 9141.51 2742.00 m 8 9 Supplying, fitting and fixing windows and ventilators with or without integrated grills conforming to IS 1038-1975 and manufactured from rolled steel sections conforming to IS 7452-1974 with non-friction projecting type, box type hinges, glazing clips, lugs locking bracket, handle plate etc, including hoisting in position, straightening if required, fixing lugs in cement concrete (1:2:4) with stone chips 20 mm down cutting holes and mending good damages to match with existing surface complete in all respect excluding glazing. In Ground Floor. (b) Openable steel windows as per IS sizes with side hung shutters and horizotal glazing bars with/without fixed type ventilators.[The extra rate admissible for the openable portion only] 4.00 m (iv) Two point nose steel handle including fitting and fixing. In Ground Floor. (vi) Steel peg stay 300 mm long including fitting and fixing. In Ground Floor. Easing and oiling, cleaning collapsible gate and repairing to locking arrangements. 3.00 2 2031.00 8124.00 Each 41.00 123.00 6.00 Each 29.00 174.00 11.00 m 17.00 187.00 2 10 Wood work in door and window frame fitted and fixed in position complete including a protective coat of painting at the contact surface of the frame exluding cost of concrete, Iron Butt Hinges and M.S clamps. (The quantum should be correted upto three decimals). (e) Sal : Malayasian. In First Floor. 0.10 Cum 87600.00 8760.00 11 (i) Brass floor door stopper. In First Floor. 5.00 Each 134.00 670.00 12 i) Hydraulic door closer of approved quality as per I.S.I. standard fitted and fixed complete. (c) Light (I.S.I. size 4). In First Floor. 3.00 Each 1443.00 4329.00 13 Anodised aluminium barrel / tower / socket bolt (full covered) of approved manufactured from extruded section conforming to I.S. 204/74 fitted and fixed with cadmium plated screw. (iii) 100mm long x 10mm dia. bolt. 2.00 Each 61.00 122.00 14 Anodised aluminium butt hinges of approved quality manufactured from extruded section conforming to I.S. specification (I.S. 205/66) and fitted and fixed with cadmium plated screws: (iv) 75 x 63 x 3.2mm. In Ground Floor 3.00 Each 72.00 216.00 15 Anodised aliminium D-type handle of approved quality manufactured from extruded section conforming to I.S. specification (I.S. 230/72) fitted and fixed complete. (a) With continuous plate base (Hexagonal / Round rod) (vi) 150 mm grip x 10 mm dia rod. 2.00 Each 111.00 222.00 16 Panel (made of single plank) of door and window shutters to design as directed: In Ground Floor (Payment to be made on area of exposed new work). (In case of non-supply of single plank penal rate of reduction to a maximum of 30% will be made). (ii) 19mm thick panel of 30cm to 45cm width. (b) Sishu, Gamar, Champ,Badam,Bhola, Mogra, Hallak. 1.00 m 1223.00 1223.00 2 17 Wall panelling / partition with Melamine faced 3 layered flat pressed wood particle board of approved make and brand as per direction of Engineer - in - Charge of requisite grade bonded with phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin conforming to IS: 848 - 1974 (excluding the cost of supporting frame work and teak wood battens / lipping) In Ground Floor. (B) Prelaminated particle board conforming to IS: 3087 - 1985 and IS 12823 - 1990. i) One side decorative laminated. (b) Interior Grade. 9mm thick. 11.00 m 18 Supplying, fitting & fixing fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) Composite door shutters as per approved design with glass fibre reinforced plastic moulded skins and a special sandwich core, so as to impart monolitaheic composite structure as per approved technology of Department of Science and Technology (DST) to satisfy IS:4020 door testing performance criteria. (ii) 25 mm thick 2.00 m 19 Supplying, fitting and fixing fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) Composite door frame as per approved section with glass fibre reinforced plastic moulded skins and a special sandwich core, so as to impart monolitaheic composite structure as per approved technology of Department of Science and Technology (DST) to safisfy IS: 4020 door testing performance criteria.. (ii) 66mm x 70mm 5.00 Mtr. 20 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off or chamfering corners as directed and raking out joints including throating, nosing and drip course, scaffolding/staging where necessary (Ground floor).[Excluding cost of chipping over concrete surface] (i) With 1:6 cement mortar. (c) 15 mm thick plaster. In First Floor. 20.00 m 21 Neat cement punning about 1.5mm thick in wall,dado,window sill,floor etc. 10.00 m 22 White washing including cleaning and smoothening surface thoroughly. All floors : (a) One coat. 112.00 %m 23 Applying Exterior grade Acrylic primer of approved quality and brand on plastered or cencrete surface old or new surface to receive decorative textured(matt finish) or smooth finish acrylic exterior emulsion paint including scraping and preparing the surface throughly, complete as per manufacturer's specification and as per direction of the EIC. (a) One Coat In Ground Floor In First Floor 202.00 %m 328.00 %m Protective and Decorative Acrylic exterior emulsion paint of approved quality, as per manufacturer's specification and as per direction of EIC to be applied over acrylic primer as required. The rate includes cost of material, labour, scaffolding and all incidental charges but excluding the cost of primer. (Two Coat) a) Normal Acrylic Emulsion. In Ground Floor 202.00 m In First Floor 328.00 m 24 25 (a) Priming one coat on timber or plastered surface with synthetic oil bound primer of approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering etc. In Ground Floor. 96.00 m 2 983.00 10813.00 2 3046.00 6092.00 525.00 2625.00 2 155.00 3100.00 2 38.00 380.00 2 1358.00 1521.00 2 3404.00 6876.00 2 3476.00 11401.00 2 73.00 14746.00 2 73.72 24180.00 2 41.00 3936.00 (b) Priming one coat on steel or other metal surface with synthetic oil bound primer of approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering etc. 15.00 m (A) Painting with best quality synthetic enamel paint of approved make and brand including smoothening surface by sand papering etc. including using of approved putty etc. on the surface, if necessary : (a) On timber or plastered surface : With super gloss (hi-gloss) (iv) Two coats (with any shade except white) In Ground Floor. 96.00 m (b) On steel or other metal surface : With super gloss (hi-gloss) (iv) Two coats (with any shade except white) 15.00 m 27 Supplying best Indian sheet glass panes set in putty and fitted and fixed with nails and putty complete. (In all floors for internal wall & upto 6 m height for external wall) (i) 3 mm thick (weighing 7.4 kg/Sq.m) 8.00 m 28 Renewing worn out putty of glass panes : (a) Panes not exceeding 0.2 Sq.m 30.00 (b) Panes exceeding 0.2 Sq.m but not exceeding 0.5 Sq.m 29 30 2 31.00 465.00 2 89.00 8544.00 2 86.00 1290.00 2 611.00 4888.00 Each 35.00 1050.00 10.00 Each 53.00 530.00 Supplying concealed type heavy duty PVC headed aluminium tower bolt for double leaf doors as per approved make and brand as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (c) 300 mm long. 4.00 Each 88.00 352.00 Supplying bubble free float glass of approved make and brand conforming to IS: 28351987. v) 6mm thick clear glass. 5.00 m 2 726.00 3630.00 vi) 6mm thick coloured / tinted / smoke glass. 5.00 m 2 789.00 3945.00 31 Supplying 4 lever mortice lock or any approved make and brand as per direction of the Engineer- in -Charge. i) 150 mm. 2.00 Each 451.00 902.00 32 (A) Supplying Aluminium casted body hydraulic door closer as per I.S.I. 2.00 Each 757.00 1514.00 (C) Supplying Heavy Duty Aluminium Handle (EBCO Type) (Natural White). 4.00 Each 114.00 456.00 (D) Supplying Aluminium casted body Butt Hinge (KOBRA type). (Natural white) 6.00 Each 68.00 408.00 Supplying, fitting & fixing of partly glazed partly panelled or fully glazed single leaf Aluminium swing door of all aluminium sections viz door frame ( top and side frame), shutter( top rail, bottom rail, lock rail, door vertical) , glazing clip made of Aluminium Alloy Extrusions conforming to IS: 733-1983 and IS: 1285-1975, annodized conforming to IS:1868-1983, fitted with all other accessories viz. EPDM gusket,cleat, angle screws etc. including labour charges for fitting and fixing of aluminium door with door spring,/aluminium hinges, glass / Panel board all complete as per architectural drawings and direction of Engineer-incharge. (Excluding cost of glass/ panel board, door spring/ Al hinges, door closer, door stoper, handle, tower bolt and locking arrangment etc) 10-12 Micron thickness Annodizing film Natural white (unit wt of to Top & side frame @1.366 kg/m; top rail @ 1.296 kg/m; bottom rail @ 1.974 kg/m; lock rail @ 1.590 kg/m; door vertical @ 1.412 kg/m; glazing clip @ 0.167 kg/m.) 35.00 Kg 430.00 15050.00 26 33 34 Supplying, fitting & fixing of Aluminium fixed partion wall of all aluminium sections viz top, bottom and side member, intermediate member , glazing clip made of Aluminium Alloy Extrusions conforming to IS: 733-1983 and IS: 1285-1975, annodized conforming to IS:1868-1983, fitted with all other accessories viz. EPDM gusket,cleat, angle screws etc. including labour charges for fitting and fixing of aluminium fixed partition wall with glass / panel board all complete as per architectural drawings and direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Excluding cost of glass/ panel board) 10-12 Micron thickness Annodizing film. Natural white. a) for unsupported length of vertical member upto 1.50m. height of both ends of vertical member restrained but panel with in 0.90 sqm. (unit wt of Top, bottom & side member @1.366 kg/m ; intermediate member @ 1.443 kg/m; glazing clip: 0.167 kg/m respectively) 125.00 Kg 35 Supplying, Aluminium Grill with F channel frame of approved make and brand having ultimate tensile strength of 19 Kg/Sq.m. and modulus of elasticity 7000 kg/ sq.m., with 15 micron anodising fitted & fixed with necessary screws etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.Grill made with 10 mm wide and 5.2 mm thick aluminium sheet having expansion width of 66.00 mm and weight not less than 3.26 Kg/Sq.m. 10.00 m 3.00 36 S & P SCHEDULE Supplying, fitting and fixing G.I. pipes of TATA make with all necessary accessories, specials viz. socket, bend, tee, union, cross, elbo, nipple, longscrew, reducing socket, reducing tee, short piece etc. fitted with holder bats clamps, including cutting pipes, making threads, fitting, fixing etc. complete in all respect including cost of all necessary fittings as required, jointing materials and two coats of painting with approved paint in any position above ground. (Payment will be made on the centre line measurements of total pipe line including all specials. No separate payment will be made for accesories, specials. Payment for painting will be made seperately.) (A) For Exposed Work (a) (ii) 15 mm dia. medium quality 436.00 54500.00 1859 18590.00 Mtr. 220.00 660.00 2 37 Supplying, fitting and fixing Peet's valve fullway gunmetal standard pattern best quality of approved brand bearing I.S.I. marking with fittings (tested to 21 kg per sq. cm.). (Note: Item (i),(ii) and (iii) to be done as per specific direction of the Engineer-incharge.) (ix) 15 mm dia 4.00 Each 631.00 2524.00 38 Supplying, fitting and fixing bib cock or stop cock. (a) (i) Chromium plated Bib Cock short body (Equivalent to Code No. 511 & Model Tropical / Sumthing Special of ESSCO or similar). 4.00 Each 689.00 2756.00 (b) (i) Chromium plated Stop Cock (Equivalent to Code No. 513(A) & 513(B) & Model Tropical / Sumthing Special of ESSCO or similar). 12.00 Each 629.00 7548.00 (g) Supplying, fitting and fixing alloy iron with brass spindle bib cock/ stop cock of approved brand and make, spray painted and tested to 21 kg per sq. cm. (i) 15 mm 2.00 Each 195.00 390.00 Supply of PVC pipes & fittings (medium duty) conforming to ASTMD - 1785 and threaded to match with GI Pipes as per IS : 1239 (Part - I). (A) PVC Pipes (Dia) 50 mm 3.00 Mtr. 298.00 894.00 (C) Elbow (Dia) 50 mm Labour for dismantling G.I. pipe with fittings. (i) 15 mm 2.00 Each 119.00 238.00 6.00 Mtr. 6.00 36.00 39 40 41 Refixing G.I. pipe with fittings after cleaning where necessary. (i) 15 mm 6.00 Mtr. 6.00 36.00 42 Removing chokage in G.I. pipe including cleaning pipe. (i) 15 mm 6.00 Mtr. 7.00 42.00 43 Renewing C.I. clamp for pipe including cutting hole in wall etc. and mending good all damages with cement concrete(4:2:1) with jhama chips and cement plaster (6:1) to match with and curing. (i) 15 mm 15.00 Each 28.00 420.00 44 Supplying, fitting and fixing 10 litre P.V.C. low-down cistern conforming to I.S. specification with P.V.C. fittings complete,C.I. brackets including two coats of painting to bracket etc. 4.00 Each 1181.00 4724.00 45 Wash basin vitreous china of approved make (without fittings) supplied,fitted and fixed in position on 75mm X 75 mm X 75 mm wood blocks and C.I. brackets including two coats of painting of C.I. brackets (v) Surgeon's wash basin 650 mm X 450 mm 1.00 Each 4896.00 4896.00 46 Supplying,fitting and fixing approved brand P.V.C. CONNECTOR white flexible, with both ends coupling with heavy brass C.P. nut, 15 mm dia. (ii) 450 mm long 2.00 Each 96.00 192.00 47 Supplying,fitting and fixing approved brand 32 mm dia.P.V.C. waste pipe, with PVC coupling at one end fitted with necessary clamps. (iii) 900 mm long 6.00 Each 89.00 534.00 48 Supplying, fitting and fixing Waste fittings complete. (a) C.P. over brass (ii) 32 mm 1.00 Each 245 245.00 49 Supplying, fitting and fixing pillar cock of approved make. a) (i) CP Pillar Cock - 15 mm. (Equivalent to Code No. 507 & Model - Tropical / Sumthing Special of ESSCO or similar brand). 4.00 Each 713.00 2852.00 50 Cleaning wash basin/ sink with acid. 4.00 Each 16.00 64.00 51 Supplying, fitting & fixing H.C.I. bend without door conforming to I.S.S. including jointing complete and painting two coats to the exposed surface with approved paint complete. (Payment of Painting will however be paid seperately). (a) With valamoid joints including sealing the top with cement mortar (4:1) (ii) 100 mm dia. 4.00 Each 568.00 2272.00 52 Supplying,fitting and fixing cast iron 'P' or 'S' trap conformimg to I.S. 3989 / 1970 and 1729 / 1964 including lead caulked joints and painting two coats to the exposed surface. (Painting to be paid seperately). (A) 'P' Trap (iii) 100 mm Supplying, fitting and fixing cast iron extension pipes for using in Traps only (connector) conforming to I.S.3989/1970 and 1729/1964 including lead caulked joints complete and painting two coats to the exposed surface with approved paint complete. (Payment of Painting will however be paid seperately). (iii) 100 mm X 300 mm 4.00 Each 1094.00 4376.00 4.00 Each 607.00 2428.00 54 Removing chokage of H.C.I. or S.W. pipe with split bamboo. (a) Underground. 12.00 Mtr. 11.00 132.00 55 Supplying, fitting and fixing Orissa pattern water closet in white glazed vitreous chinaware of approved make in position complete excluding 'P' or 'S' trap (excluding cost of concrete for fixing). (i) 580 mm X 440 mm Supplying, fitting and fixing Flat back urinal (half stall urinal) in white vitreous chinaware of approved make in position with brass screws on 75 mm X 75 mm X 75 mm wooden blocks complete. (i) 590 mm X 390 mm X 380 mm. Supplying,fitting and fixing 32 mm dia. Flush Pipe of approved make with necessary fixing materials and clamps complete. i) Polythene Flush Pipe. 4.00 Each 2026.00 8104.00 4.00 Each 2990.00 11960.00 4.00 Each 181.00 724.00 53 56 57 58 Supplying, fitting and fixing glass shelf with aluminium guard rails. (a) Ordinary type with 5.5 mm sheet glass. (i) 450 mm X 125 mm 4.00 Each 432.00 1728.00 59 Supplying, fitting and fixing towel rail with two brackets. (a) C.P. over brass (ii) 25 mm dia. and 600 mm long 4.00 Each 554.00 2216.00 60 Dismantling Orissa pattern W.C. including taking out of base concrete, if necessary, complete. Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement,if any, in gound floor as per relevant IS codes. a) Pakur Variety In Ground Floor 4.00 Each 45.00 180.00 0.50 CuM 6071.82 3036.00 62 Washing and cleaning with oxalic acid powder using 33 gms./sq.m. (b) Floor/ dado other than marble 35.00 %m 2 606.00 212.00 63 White washing including cleaning and smoothening surface thoroughly. All Floors : (a) One coat. 62.00 %m 2 1358.00 842.00 61 TOTAL 336253.00 (Rupees Three Lakhs Thirty Six Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Three only) RECOVERY RATE OF GOVT. MATERIALS : 1. STEEL: Rs. 53,900.00 / M.T. 2. CEMENT : Rs. 8,100.00 / M.T. Executive Engineer (P.W.D.) Nadia Construction Division Krishnagar, Nadia.
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