Lanark: St Nicholas Parish Church Parish Profile Lanark: St Nicholas Parish Church High Street, Lanark, ML11 9EA Website: Lanark: St Nicholas Parish Church. Charity No. SC011368 Our history in brief Lanark: St Nicholas Parish Church, with its beautiful stained glass windows, stands proudly at the foot of Lanark High Street at the cross. The church was constructed in 1774. It is a 5 bay, 2 level rectangular Church with a tower. A major internal and external restoration took place in 1994/95 at the cost of £600,000, half of which was raised by the congregation. The fine Foster & Andrews of Hull pipe organ was restored to its original specification at the same time. About the local area The Parish of St Nicholas covers half the town of Lanark and two outlying villages, Nemphlar to the west and New Lanark to the south. The area is mostly rural with many farms and small hamlets on the edge of the town. It is 25 miles from Glasgow and 30 miles from Edinburgh. The population of Lanark is around 8,855. There are four primary schools namely Robert Owen Memorial Primary School, Lanark Primary School, St Mary’s RC Primary School and New Lanark Primary School. Lanark Grammar is the main Secondary School. The Manse is in the catchment area for Lanark Primary and Lanark Grammar Schools. Wishaw General Hospital, 12 miles from Lanark, is the main hospital. The Lockhart Hospital, which is a community hospital, is located in Lanark. There is a residential care home and various care homes in Lanark and the surrounding area. Lanark has excellent transport links, with a bus and railway station. Trains to Glasgow are very regular during the day form Lanark, and trains to Edinburgh are available from Carstairs Junction (10 minutes drive). A wonderful sense of community exists within Lanark, none more so than during our Lanimer Celebrations that take place in June each year. A recently built swimming pool and fitness complex, along with a new mountain bike track and multiple adventure play areas for children and young people ensure that there is plenty opportunity for exercise and fitness. New Lanark World Heritage site offers outstanding walks and activities around the falls of Clyde, and with a strong musical tradition, various groups including Music in Lanark, bring world-class musicians to the town on regular basis. St Nicholas has four neighbouring churches. They are Greyfriars Parish Church (Church of Scotland), Christ Church (Scottish Episcopal Church), St Mary’s (Roman Catholic) and Lanark Congregational Church. Worship The mission of St. Nicholas Church is “Following Christ’s example to be a caring Church central to the life of the community.” We believe that worship is at the core of our mission and life together as a congregation. The main service of worship takes place on a Sunday at 10.30am with an average attendance of 150. A transport service is provided for those who cannot walk to Church and CDs are available to those who are not able to come. Children are usually present for the first part of the service before going to Sunday Morning Group (Sunday School). There is also The Group for older children from primary 7 to secondary year 2 who meet for half an hour on Sunday morning before joining the morning worship half way through the service. The beautiful flower arrangements which adorn the Church every Sunday are delivered by our team of distributors after the service to members who are ill, housebound or have suffered bereavement. There is also a short Wednesday service at 10.15am. Special services are held during Holy Week and on Christmas Eve. The Bible Study Group meets every two weeks for most of the year. Holy Communion is celebrated at 10.30am and 6pm on the second Sunday in March, May, September and December and on other occasions during the year. Home Communion can also be arranged. The Church role is currently 508. There are 43 Elders. During 2014 the Minister conducted 15 baptisms, 5 weddings, 51 funerals. Our Choir is superbly led by our Musical Director Roy Henderson who is also the organist. The Choir is 24 strong and consists of 9 Sopranos, 7 Altos, 4 Tenors and 4 Basses. The well balanced four-part choir sings at all Sunday morning services. The Church building itself plays a huge part in the civic life of the town as it is the centre point for the Lanimer Week celebrations in June. The celebrations commence with the Kirkin’ of the Lord Cornet elect on the Sunday. The annual Remembrance Service in the last few years has also been held in St Nicholas, and bi-annually the Church hosts the annual “Sing a Song for Christmas”, organised by the local Christian Aid Council, involving local schools and uniformed organisations. Areas of Ministry St. Nicholas Church offers many opportunities for members of the congregation to develop their own ministry. One of the key endeavours of St. Nicholas Church is to ensure that people are cared for, both within the church and within the local community. Health & Wellbeing Good 2 Talk - The Good 2 Talk Group has now been in existence for nine years. This group provides an opportunity for people who have suffered a loss in their lives to get together and provide support. Church Visitors/Pastoral Care - The Church visitors provide a link for members of the congregation who are housebound. Twelve people are being visited although more people are visited on an informal basis by friends and other members of our Church. The Lanark Exercise Group, addiction charities, Lanarkshire Association for Mental Health and The Blood Transfusion Service also use our halls on a regular basis. Spiritual The Guild - The Guild meets every second Wednesday at 7.30pm. There are about 30 members of the Guild. Bible Study – A group of members meet regularly to deepen their understanding of the Bible and prayer. Christian Aid - St Nicholas is whole-hearted supporter of Christian Aid. We host Lenten Lunches organised by the local Christian Aid Council, sponsored walks and participate in the annual house and street collections. Hear for You – An independent charity, started and developed by members of St. Nicholas, Hear For You is a project to counsel people who may be contemplating suicide and to help and support families and friends who have been affected by a suicide. The project has 3 counsellors and operates as a separate charity and has its own board of trustees. Fund raising through the Church of Scotland’s “Go for it” was provided for the initial 3 year period and St Nicholas supports the funding of the project through a “match funding” arrangement. Children & Young People Alongside the Sunday activities for children and young people mentioned earlier St. Nicholas also offers activities throughout the week. Girls’ Brigade and Boy’s Brigade - The Girls’ Brigade numbering 50 meet on Monday evenings in the Church Hall and the Boy’s Brigade numbering 20 on Wednesdays. St Nicholas Toddlers and Playgroup - Although not now a church organisation, the Toddlers and Playgroup are very valued and welcome users of the Church Hall, having been established by St Nicholas Church over 45 years ago. Social & Recreational Fellowship Group - The Fellowship Group organise a number of activities to not only provide additional funds for the Church, but also ensure that the members of the congregation grow together in friendship. In the past the group have organised a annual Burns Supper, a Spring Fair and various concerts, most recently when the Phoenix Choir entertained the community. For many years, a Saturday Tea Room took place in our hall to raise funds for the work of the congregation and provide an important meeting place for many within the community. The following shows the areas of ministry at a glance Communication St Nicholas has a Church magazine A.D. mail which is published four times a year. It is the main general communication tool for our Church groups are encouraged to contribute to this magazine. School Chaplaincy The former minister was the Chaplain for Lanark Primary School and was a member of the Chaplaincy Team for Lanark Grammar School. Engaging with the local community As can be seen from our profile, engaging with the local community is an important part of our Church life and encourages us to try to fulfil our mission statement “Following Christ’s example to be a caring Church central to the life of the community.” Outreach to the local community enables us to engage with many people who have no other contact with the Church. As a congregation we believe that encouraging local groups to use our suite of halls ensures that our church stays at the heart of the community. The Church Halls provide suitable accommodation for the various organisations referred to above. They consist of a suite of three halls, kitchen, toilets and office space. The halls were restored in 1984 and further work was carried out to the main hall in 2013. The Manse The Manse at 2 Kairnhill Court, Lanark is a beautiful, well-maintained, modern split-level detached dwelling built in 1992 and is situated in a quiet residential area within walking distance of the Town Centre. The Manse comprises of 3 Public Rooms, 4 Bedrooms, study, 2 bathroom/shower rooms, toilet, kitchen and utility room and a Double Garage. One of the public rooms is a sun room offering splendid views across the Clyde valley. The Manse has a well maintained garden and is situated on a corner site. Finance The principal source of income is the offerings of the congregation. St. Nicholas meets all ministry and mission contributions and the Kirk Session count it a privilege to support the work of the Church of Scotland through their contribution. A stewardship campaign was carried out during 2014 and resulted in an increase in income of £23,710. The total income raised by the congregation, including income tax reclaimed in 2014 was £94,563. Income from Hall Lets was £19,945 and the balance of income came from weddings, funerals etc. The Expenditure incurred was £142,560. At the end of 2014 the congregation held reserves of £151,634. Copies of our 2014 income and expenditure, as well as our 2015 budget are below: Income Voluntary Income WFO Scheme Ordinary Offerings (Open Plate) Tax Recovered on Gift Aid Charities Aid Foundation Congregational Organisations Donations Activities for Generating Funds Use of Premises Investment Income Dividends Received Actual 2014 Budget 2015 65,965 10,336 16,693 248 250 1,071 94,563 60,000 10,000 15,000 240 0 300 85,540 19,945 19,945 20,000 20,000 7,010 7,010 6,500 6,500 Incoming Resources from Charitable Activities Weddings and Funerals 2,331 Fundraising Events 5,000 Saturday Tearooms 6,666 13,997 Hall Restoration Grants Other income 105 TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES 135,620 Bequests 30,573 TOTAL INCOME 166,193 2,000 5,000 0 7,000 0 119,040 119,040 Expenditure Costs of Generating Funds Offering Envelopes Charitable Activities Ministries and Mission Allocation Presbytery Dues Minister's Travelling Expenses Minister's Telephone and Broadband Minister's Other Expenses Pulpit Supply Other Salary Costs Fabric Repairs and Maintenance Heating and Lighting Water Charges and Insurance Council Tax Cleaning and Laundry Other Buildings Costs Printing, Stationery and Photocopying Licences Office phone, Post, Clerks Exp, Equipmnt and Depreciation Congregational Organisations Publicity and Advertising Organ, Piano and Music Expenses Flowers and Christmas Decorations Child Sponsorship, Care 2 Share, Holiday Club, Other Expenses Accountants Fees Church Restoration Hall Renovations Actual 2014 Budget 2015 270 270 270 270 66,500 1,295 4,610 446 384 645 17,393 6,888 14,805 4,077 1,941 1,344 400 639 406 1,926 1,451 1,504 288 484 1,560 68,000 1,500 4,500 0 0 150 19,000 15,000 15,000 4,500 0 1,400 400 1,600 400 4,700 2,240 1,500 100 300 500 1,500 128,986 142,290 TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED 129,256 142,560 TOTAL INCOME (excluding Bequests) 135,620 119,040 Surplus/ Deficit 6,364 -23,520 Full copies of the annual accounts are available on request from the clerk to the nominating committee. Professional Staff Appointments The continuing work of the Church is supported by a small professional parttime staff team. Musical Director and Organist; Church Office secretary; Church Officer; Hall Caretaker/ Cleaner Working with other Churches As a ministerial team within Lanark, we are looking forward to welcoming the new minister of St. Nicholas Church into our group. We meet once a month for lunch and planning, with a lot of fun and laughter thrown in. The churches in Lanark work well together and frequently join together for services, initiatives and fellowship. From Holy Week services to Songs of Praise gathering, nursing home worship to Carols around the nativity there is always something for the new minister to be doing ecumenically. Twice a year, at Easter and Christmas, we join together and produce publicity to go into every home in the town, assuring people of a welcome in any of our churches. We cover each other pastorally, support each other prayerfully and genuinely enjoy each other’s company and friendship. Many people in the community, both within and outwith the church, speak of how heartened they are in the positive relationships that exist between the churches and ministers. We look forward to working with the new minister of St. Nicholas Church and look forward to new and exciting ideas and initiatives in the years to come. Rev Susan Durham (Congregational), Rev Dan Gafvert (Scottish Episcopal), Rev Bryan Kerr (Church of Scotland) and Fr. Jim Thomson (Roman Catholic) Our New Minister With the support of the Kirk Session and congregation, we would like our new minister to have the capacity to • Nurture our faith • Inspire us with their preaching • Help us to reach out to the missing younger generation • Provide strong leadership and encourage others to develop leadership from within our own membership • Be a good listener who supports the needs of others • Have lots of energy and a good sense of humour In return, the Kirk Session and congregation offer our new minister our prayerful and practical support in working to bring people to church where they can see and experience the love of God. This will be a stimulating appointment for someone with a passionate vision of how, through God’s grace, the Parish Church of St Nicholas can move forward to greater achievements in the twenty first century. Contacts Laura Watson, Clerk to the Nominating Committee E: [email protected] Informal enquiries to Rev Bryan Kerr, Interim Moderator E: [email protected] T: 01555 663363
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