Hymn: Ride on Ride On In Majesty Benediction and Blessing including Doxology Recessional Walk In The Light Stay for international finger food brunch Music is reproduced for these services with permission from CCLI No. 299396 Hosanna! “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another. By pleased. Gen 1:11 God at everything , anddisciples, he was very thislooked everyone will know he thathad youmade are My if you have love for one another.” John 13 - 34-35 P: Your energy powers the universe and gives and sustains life in all its forms. L: God of ‘burning bushes’ and ‘Pentecostal fire’ we are in awe of your presence P: The common ground of our humanity becomes sacred and all life is infused with your divine image. L: God, who in Jesus burns brightly and makes the ordinary sacred P: Help us to experience your burning presence in the centre of our personal lives, church life, and in all the communities to which we belong. L: God who in Christ came as a burning, cleansing flame P: Inflame us to fight injustice and to be peacemakers in our communities, families and relationships. L: God whose Spirit comes to empower us and burn deeply in us P: Renew in us a spirit of prayer that we may live the presence of God with passion yet with the tenderness of Jesus L: God who in Jesus, came riding on a donkey as King of Peace offering the gospel of love. P: Help us to offer your love and hope to all who live and work in the city - the poor, the marginalised, the frail. May migrants come to make their home with us L: God in Jesus, whose spirit works through and enlightens your people. P: Thank you for those whose faith and goodwill has helped make our new buildings possible; planners, architects, builders, decorators, donors and volunteers. L: Jesus, the inspiration of the first St Heliers Presbyterian Church, who formed the church to be His own body in the world …… P: Lead us to find new ways of serving and honouring Your purpose. May our newly renovated buildings welcome and benefit all people to the glory of God. L: Hear our prayers that our Church and Community Centre will be a light of hope, belonging and new beginning in our community. P: Jesus is the light of the world. Amen Hooray! Finished our journey at last. Or are we just starting? St Heliers Presbyterian Church and Community Centre March 29, 2015 Today’s Hospitality Team Jan Byrne, Betty Bullot, Fisher Wu, Barbara Spiers, Graham & Margaret Mathieson, Bill Duncan St Heliers Presbyterian Church & Community Centre 100 St Heliers Bay Road, Auckland www.sthelierscentre.org.nz Ph 5756098 or a/h 5851084 Church & Community Centre open weekdays 9am-5pm Minister Rev Pauline Stewart email: [email protected] Assistant Minister Rev Stan Stewart email: [email protected] Visit our Website - www.sthelierscentre.org.nz Welcome to Sunday Worship at St Heliers Here everyone is part of “Reaching Out and Welcoming In” A SPECIAL WELCOME to those of you who are visiting with us today. Please make yourself known to us and fill out a visitor’s card. Haere mai Welkom Bienvenida Croeso Bienvenu Sawat dii Sie sind uns jederzeit willkommen Добре дошли ! G’day (sohm swaakohm) Today is Palm Sunday. We remember the welcome Jesus received. Though the welcome was fickle in many ways, the day was about the One they were welcoming;- the greatest king coming in humility on a donkey. Today we celebrate in worship the opening of our new Redeveloped Centre. Today we celebrate the accomplishments of hard work - we have a future serving our community and sharing the light of Christ with all. There is more hard work to come. Today we welcome former members and former Ministers. In the past they have done in a different way what we have done in this Redevelopment – ensured there is a future to serve the community in the cause of the love of God. Today we welcome the leader of our national church, the Moderator Right Rev Andrew Norton. It is a privilege to have him with us. Today we welcome community leaders such as Toni Millar, who support our work as they network in this city. All in all it’s a very happy day. I welcome all of you. We can’t criticize the people of Jesus’ day for changing their cheers to jeers. We do that too. God knows our humanity and fickleness. It is in the nature of God’s love that we see our faults and that we have a future in loving and serving; Jesus led the people that day in humility. Jesus will lead us too and we can do “all things in his purposes" Rev Pauline Giving to the Work of Our Church The work of the Church is dependent on the generosity of people giving particularly regular committed giving. We have internet banking, Direct Debit, (01 0262 0010575 000 – St Heliers Presbyterian Church) or envelopes, as well as giving in the plate each Sunday. If internet banking, it is important you include your name in the reference so that a receipt can be issued to you. Strict confidentiality is observed. John Spencer ph 575 4942 Message: The Right Rev Andrew Norton ST HELIERS CHURCH PALM SUNDAY SERVICE 29th March 2015 10.00am Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand Minister: Rev Pauline Stewart Music: St Heliers Chorale and Musicians :Denis Lozica Organist & Music Director CALL TO WORSHIP: Led by Joshua Yang, Joanna Weijie, Curie Choi and Kourosh Badindahesh L: It is good for us to be here. We come here on this Palm Sunday with joy and excitement We gather as God’s people. We have the new centre. Not too much has been done to this Church part but we love all the changes in our redevelopment. They are great! A long time ago the people welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord P: Hosanna! they shouted. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. It is Good to be here!” It is good to be here St Heliers Chorale Procession Children welcome the special guests and worship leaders with Palms Processional Hymn Children of Jerusalem Psalm 118: A Prayer of Thanks and Praise led by David Carden L: Open to me the gates of the temple I will go in and give thanks to God! This is the gate to the temple. Come in all who would worship God. P: I praise you God because you have heard me. You have given me victory. L: The stone which the builders rejected as worthless turned out to be the most important stone of all. This temple belongs to the Lord and what a wonderful sight it is! P: Let us be happy and celebrate ! L: May God bless the one who comes in the name of the Lord. The Lord is God who has been good to us. With branches in our hands, start the festival. We march around the altar. You are our God and we give you thanks. We will proclaim your greatness all our days. P: God is good; his love lasts and endures forever. Prayer of Gathering led by Sandy Carden & Jose Galaverna L: We light the Christ candle but this week we call it the Passion Candle -Zoe Holder P: Christ is the light of the world Formal acknowledgements & Greeting one another Rev Pauline Hymn: All Glory laud and honour What happened on Palm Sunday from the Gospel of John 12: 12-19 children and young people Our theme songs: Love is the key & The Heart Will Sing Rev Stan Stewart Offering Song The Heart will Sing the children receive a gift bag "Meet some in our community" with Welcome Home Denis Lozica, James Merrill, and Alister Louis (Dave Dobbyn’s song) A/V prepared by Anna Storck Bible Reading: Exodus 3: 1-14 God calls Moses Vivian Wu Good News Version Message: Burning Bush Moments Right Rev Andrew Norton Eyes and Hands of Christ St Heliers Chorale Prayers of the People Shirley Kilgour & Scottie Murdoch L: God of cosmic energy and supernova power, we marvel at your creative purpose
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