No 1895 29 March - 5 April 2015 What can we learn from Passion Sunday? Well, our first reading gives us some details of the sufferings to be endured by Christ during the Passion, when he will be spat upon and struck with hatred. This man of peace will put up no resistance – show no violence. Our second reading states clearly that Christ was divine, yet lowered himself to the level of man - to be a slave to us, accepting death on the cross for love of us that we might share in his glorious Resurrection. The Gospel, full of violence and hatred, is a powerful reminder of the institution of the Eucharist, emphasising Christ’s love of us that, knowing what sufferings lay ahead, he was thinking about us and the gift he would leave us. We, by staying close to Christ, can follow his example by caring, listening and lightening the burdens of others, even if we have our own personal problems. Our hearts must surely ache for the rejection Jesus experiences – betrayed by Judas; denied by Peter; feeling of alienation from his beloved Father, as he cries out: “My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” The passion shows that Christ served us with an unlimited giving of his life. As his disciples it can be a difficult path to thread. However, we may take courage from Paul who, on finding the going tough, asked for help from God, who replied, “My grace is enough for us; my power is at its best in weakness.” (Cor. 12:9) The saying of Rabbi Phinas rings true too “Let us draw God into the world and all the need will be quenched.” Lectio Group __________________________________________________________________________________ We Welcome Luke James McMahon, Maggie Easter Time Schedule Rose Lundy, Patrick James Farrell, Many thanks to all those who packed and Briona Aisling Russell, Lucy Bea distributed the Easter schedule. Your support and Costello and Ria Katie McGirl-Kelly help is, as always, very much appreciated. who were recently baptised. Healing Mass Our sympathy is extended to the family and A ‘Healing Mass’ in honour of St. Peregrine, friends of Harry Loughrey, Shenick Road Patron Saint for cancer patients, will take place on and Magda Piotrowska Gurdek , The Mon. 30th March at 7.30pm in the church. The Moorings, Kellys Bay who died recently. Sacrament of the Sick will be administered to May they rest in peace. those with cancer or related illnesses along with the blessing of the Relic of St. Peregrine. The Anniversaries & Intentions. Friends of St. Peregrine, a new novena to St. Tues 31st 10am: Maurice McAuley, May Walsh, James C Walsh, Jack Greene, Michael & Sheena Peregrine, will also be launched. All welcome. Flavin Wed 1st April 10am: Bernadette Marry, Abby & St Vincent de Paul Society Michael Conlon, Deceased member of the Reid & Advocate Collection Grant families. The annual church gate collection for Sun 5th 9.30am: Brian O’Loughlin, Michael Chance, Sunshine House will take place this James McGirl weekend, 28th and 29th March outside all 11am Hilda McMahon, Kitty & Walter Howlett & Masses. This collection will replace the family usual monthly Society collection. It is the only way Follow-Up to Week of Guided Prayer. the Sunshine Fund can finance much needed The recent week of guided prayer was a very sea-side holidays for approximately 1,000 less positive and spiritually nourishing experience for fortunate children. Please be as generous as you all participants. But what next? can. A meeting will be held in the Canon’s House, South Strand on Tuesday next, 31 March at Confirmation 7.30pm to explore ideas, options and suggestions Congratulations to the children from Réalt for the future. Fr. Richard invites all those who na Mara and Milverton schools who participated in the recent week of guided prayer received the Sacrament of Confirmation and the previous week in 2013 to attend. last Thursday, 26th March. Why not visit our Parish Website at: Divine Mercy The Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Rosary is recited each Friday in St. Patrick’s church at 3.00pm. It only takes 45 minutes and our Lady constantly asks us to pray for peace and for our children and grandchildren. So come and join us in our prayers and ask Divine Mercy to guide us and protect our country and the world and to put our divine trust in Him. Our special Mass ‘Divine Mercy Sunday’ is at 3.00pm on Sunday 12 April. Celebrant Fr. Littleton. Standbymecommunity Next event for senior members is called the Wednesday Club taking place on the Wednesday 1 April in the Windmill at 12.30pm and will be held on the first Wednesday of every month after that. Serving dinner, tea and coffee, with vinyl records being played after dinner in the snug by Dermot Cassidy. So have your requests ready for Dermot please. The cost is €10 per person. Standbymecommunity is sponsoring this event from our own funds that we have raised. Each event raises money towards the next event. The Standbymecommunity is a non-profit group and all donations will fund events for the Skerries community. If you would like to find out more about being a sponsor please contact me by email:[email protected] or on 018494715. Thank you again and keep going! - Anne Watson, Co-ordinator of Standbyme. Trip to Knock Sunday 26 April. Leaving outside the Church at 7.00am and stopping on way to Knock for a snack and on way home for dinner. €35 per person. Contact Jimmy 089 4542627. Skerries Tidy Towns Volunteers needed. On Monday 30th March, weather permitting, Skerries Tidy Towns will paint the white pier wall. If you have an hour to spare any time from 9.45am please come along and help out. Also a reminder that our annual door to door collection will commence after Easter. Without the financial support we receive from the town we would be unable to continue our work. We thank everyone in the town for their continued support and help with our efforts. Citizens Information Centre Call into your local office in Skerries if you require any information on passport applications. We stock passport forms and affidavit forms (If required for sole guardianship). One of our information providers is available should you need any help completing your form. Thank you Mary O’Shea would like to thank all who helped her at 11.00 Mass on Sunday 22 March. 30 Years ago in our Parish Newly baptised was Sinead Lynch. Area Lenten Mass was for residents of Townparks, Newtownparks, Selskar, Shallock Hill and St. Patrick's Close. • Collectors for the annual Advocate Collection were sought. • Skerries ICA had 'Gourmet Potatoes' as their competition theme. • Congrats to the leaders of Tiger Pack, Gillian McGloughlin, Jane Woodlock, Sinead Woodcock, Michele Healy, and John Rice who had braved the waters of Skerries Harbour to raise funds for the new Den. • A knitting circle to produce blankets for Ethiopia was being formed. Knitters and spare knitting wool would be welcomed. • Annual Milk Run in aid of Irish Cancer Society was taking place. • • Skerries Chess Community Games Skerries Under 16s won the Community Games Chess Dublin Finals on Friday 20th March in Jobstown! The U13s won silver in their group. See for details. Fuair foireann na Sceirí faoi 16 an bua i gCraobh Contae Átha Cliath Cluichí Phobail Fichille, Dé hAoine 20ú Márta i mBaile Jóib (Ráth Miontáin). Fuair an foireann faoi 13 an dara áit ina gcomórtas féin. Féach ar Skerries Harps GAA Club Fixtures Sun 29 March: Junior Hurling V Ballinteer St. Johns Home 10am. Minor Football V Whitehall Home 11.30am. Stacy Cup Junior Football V Naomh Barróg Home 12pm. The Annual Easter Primary Schools Hurling and Camogie Tournament (3rd to 6th classes), sponsored by the Sports Shop, takes place from Mon 30 March to Fri 2 April, 3pm to 6pm each day. Entry is FREE and more info from Stephen GPO 085 1559546. Congrats to Donal McIlgorm and Stephen Smyth who won the Leinster Minor Football league with Dublin last weekend. Zingo Result 6-3-1-2-4-7-5. No Winner. J/pot now €3,500. The club extends its sympathy to Paul and the Doherty family on the recent death of Danny Doherty. May he rest in peace. Check Naul Gardening & Flower Club Easter flower arranging demonstration by Chelsea medal winner Christopher White will take place on Wed. 1 April in the studio at Three Gates Naul at 8pm. Contact 8413494. 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