BARR BEACON SCHOOL - STATUTORY WEBSITE INFORMATION The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 came into force on 1 September 2012. This requires specific information to be published on the school website. 1. Contact Details: Barr Beacon School Old Hall Lane Aldridge Walsall WS9 0RF Telephone: 0121 366 6600 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Twitter: @barrbeaconsch Executive Headteacher: Dame Maureen Brennan 2. Admissions Arrangements School Admissions Policy 2015/2016: 3. Most recent OfSTED report: 4. Key Stage 2 results – not applicable 5. Key Stage 4 exam results (2014) Best Entry 76% achieved 5+ A*-C GCSEs (or equivalent) including English and maths 34% achieved the English Baccalaureate 89% of pupils made expected progress in English 87% made expected progress in maths MB/DL/WebsiteInformation/February2015 First Entry 58% achieved 5+ A*-C GCSEs (or equivalent) including English and maths. 33% achieved the English Baccalaureate 73% of pupils made expected progress in English 72% made expected progress in maths 6. School Performance Tables published by the Department for Education: 7. Curriculum information a) At Key Stage 3 pupils take the following subjects: English, mathematics, science, art, dance, drama, geography, history, ICT, modern foreign languages (French, German, Italian, Spanish), music, PE, PSHE, religious education, technology More detailed information can be found in our curriculum guides here: b) Although we do not teach Key Stage 1 phonics, selected groups of Year 7 and 8 pupils follow the Fresh Start reading scheme. c) At Key Stage 4 pupils follow a personalised pathway. i) All pupils take the core subjects of maths, English language, English literature, PE (not examined), PSHE and Double Science Award OR separate sciences (biology, chemistry, physics). Option subjects are: French, German, Spanish, Italian, history, geography, catering, child development, citizenship, dance, music, drama, DT product design, DT textiles, DT food, economics, PE, sociology, psychology, computer science, media studies, philosophy and ethics, religious studies and statistics. ii) We also offer BTEC First Awards in art and design, business, digital media production, ICT, health and social, media, sport, construction and the built environment and hospitality. Further information about each of these courses can be found here: Information about Key Stage 5 courses can be located here: MB/DL/WebsiteInformation/February2015 tml 8. The behaviour policy can be found here: 9. Details of the previous year’s Pupil Premium spending: This year we have been allocated £249,645 from the Pupil Premium grant. In 2014-15 we intend to repeat the strategies that had the most significant impact on raising attainment and achievement in 2014-15, as well as continually striving to find innovative means to reduce the gap. Specific strategies to raise the attainment and achievement of Pupil Premium pupils at Barr Beacon School are informed by academic research (principally from the findings of Sutton Trust research). The school assesses the individual needs of eligible pupils, personalising the support they receive. • Reduced class sizes in core subjects to facilitate individualised support, intervention and feedback. • One-to-one and small group tuition in core subjects to support learning and progress. • Additional afterschool Catch-up sessions across the curriculum. • Out of term-time workshops designed to bridge the gap to peers. • Provision of high quality information and guidance and careers advice to raise aspirations including visits to universities and colleges. • Removal of potential barriers to learning such as equipment, travel costs, or educational visit subsidies. • Attendance mentoring and target setting by pastoral leaders. MB/DL/WebsiteInformation/February2015 In addition to the Pupil Premium, we are committed to removing any financial barriers to students’ progress in the Sixth Form through focused use of the 16-19 Bursary Fund. Further information can be found here: 10. The SEND policy can be found here: Our SEND statement is here: 11. Charging and remissions information Practical Subjects Where parents have indicated in writing that they wish to own a finished product, the school will make a charge. The charge shall not exceed the cost of the materials used by the pupil. Transport Where a pupil travels direct from home to a place of work experience and vice-versa, parents can be asked to meet the cost of such travel. Optional Extras A charge may be made for optional extras wholly or mainly outside school hours except where such activities are provided: To fulfil any requirements specified in the syllabus for a prescribed public examination. Specifically to fulfil statutory duties relating to the National Curriculum. Specifically to fulfil duties relating to religious education. Participation in optional extras will be on the basis of parental choice and prior confirmation in writing is required from the parents that are willing to pay charges. The charge per head cannot exceed the actual cost of providing the optional extra, divided equally by the number of participating pupils and may include elements for: a pupil’s travel costs a pupil’s board and lodging costs entrance fees to museums, castles, theatres etc. insurance costs MB/DL/WebsiteInformation/February2015 Board and lodging costs are covered below. 12. The school’s ethos and values: You may have heard that I have a reputation for supporting the traditional values of discipline, courtesy, good manners and respect. We expect pupils to come to school to learn and achieve their maximum potential. At Barr Beacon we will not tolerate anything or anyone who prevents this from happening. The staff, parents, Governing Body and pupils of Barr Beacon share these values. I appreciate that these views are not shared by everyone, but we believe that they will achieve results for all at Barr Beacon. The school aims to achieve the best for each individual pupil. We are committed to ensuring that our pupils are prepared for global living as society becomes more international in outlook. Barr Beacon pupils will be well placed to become leaders with an international global perspective. Dame Maureen Brennan Headteacher Last updated: March 2015 MB/DL/WebsiteInformation/February2015
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