Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology – Belgrade, Serbia organises 58th INTERNATIONAL MEAT INDUSTRY CONFERENCE MeatCon2015 October 4-7th, 2015. “MEAT SAFETY AND QUALITY: WHERE IT GOES?” THE FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS Venue place: Hotel “Mona” Zlatibor, Serbia 1 INVITATION It is our pleasure to inviting you to attending the 58th International Meat Industry Conference to be held in Zlatibor, Serbia, October 4-7th 2015. CONFERENCE PROGRAMME - TOPICS FOR PAPERS SUBMISSION Please refer to the Conference web site: to obtain the further information on the Conference Programme. The Conference Programme encompasses the three main pillars, i.e. Meat Safety, Meat Quality and Risk Communication. Within these three pillars, the range of subtopics grouped in four tracks are provided (1. the food chain - risk assessment; 2. the food chain - risk management; 3. the food chain - meat quality; and 4. meat safety and quality - risk communication). The composition of the Conference Programme emphasizes the importance of the holistic approach to the food safety and quality issues, in the continuum `from farm to fork`. Note: Please take into consideration that Conference Programme also offers the opportunity to addressing other food chains of animal origin, apart from the meat chain only, e.g. milk/dairy, eggs, fish/shellfish, honey, feed. Therefore, we strongly encourage all delegates to submit their research results and/or review papers reflecting the most relevant issues and novel approaches in the chain of food of animal origin. THE CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS A traditional multidisciplinary character of the Conference is reflected through the key topic of the Programme: "MEAT SAFETY & QUALITY: WHERE IT GOES?" The Conference will also mark the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, Serbia which has been always shaping the future of meat safety and quality in Serbia and within Southeastern Europe region, by providing a forum for dissemination of interdisciplinary and international knowledge and exchanging of ideas with colleagues from across Europe and internationally, working in industry, government and academia. We do hope that you will be joining us for the 58th International Meat Industry Conference to sharing our experiences, innovative approaches and setting up the new milestones. We look forward to welcoming you in Serbia. Warm regards, Ivan Nastasijevic, DVM, MPH, PhD Chairman, Conference Programme Committee Branko Velebit, DVM, MPH, PhD Chairman, Conference Organising Committee All queries related to [email protected] the Conference Programme and Organisation should be sent to: Official languages at the Conference are English and Serbian. Simultaneous translation will be provided. 2 ТHE CONFERENCE ACTIVITIES: Main activities within the Conference will include plenary lectures, poster sessions, round table(s), as well as networking and socializing opportunities. CONFERENCE PUBLISHING OUTPUT: `FOOD SCIENCE PROCEDIA` by ELSEVIER All accepted abstracts/papers will be published in `Procedia Food Science` - a special issue of the `Elsevier`, dedicated to the Conference. In addition, all accepted abstracts/papers will be made available on in perpetuity (without restriction in time) and with free access (open access). The Conference Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Fries, DipECVPH Director, Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany In addition, in agreement with the Executive Publisher of the journal `Trends in Food Science and Technology (TIFS)` by `Elsevier`, the best quality conference papers (numbers to be determined after the Conference) could be published in expanded form as the invited review with reference to the Conference and after the usual peer-review process by TIFS editors. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF PAPERS: The paper should state the purpose of the research or review, the principal results and major conclusions/recommendations. The length of paper should be minimum 3 pages long (5400 characters, no spaces) and maximum up to 4 pages (7200 characters, no spaces), including figures and tables. Each typescript page (A4 format) should have 1800 characters (no spaces). Papers must be in format Times New Roman, 12 font and be one and half (1.5) spaced. 3 Formatting support: “MS Word Template” is provided by `Elsevier` to help the author preparing and submitting their articles and may be found on Please refer to the Guide for Authors for further instructions regarding preparation of papers for `Food Science Procedia`: Manuscripts should be uploaded online ( and registered in the system with no reply. Note: The Conference Programme Committee together with a Guest Editor will be making decisions on the format of the presentation of accepted papers – either in the format of power point presentation (mostly for invited plenary lectures) or as a poster. Advertising activities 58th International Meat Industry Conference offers the opportunity of advertising activities (exhibition area, presentation, promotion and advertising within the Conference Programme). More detailed information regarding conditions on these Conference activities may be obtained from the Chairman of the Organising Committee. REGISTRATION FEE Conference registration fee: EUR 150 The payment instructions may be found at: Booking at the venue place: Other accommodation opportunities: DEADLINES Submission of abstracts/papers Abstract and paper submission: June 9th, 2015. Notification of acceptance: within 10 working days after submission of abstract/paper Final notification of acceptance: June 23rd, 2015. Note: Delegates are strongly advised to submit their papers by defined deadline, since no late submissions will be possible due to the administrative arrangement with the publisher of Conference `Food Science Procedia` (`Elsevier`). ADVERTISING ACTIVITIES Registration for advertising activities: June 15th, 2015. CONTINUAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Participation in the Conference allows to delegates the acquisition of the credits intended for the continual professional development for extending the state license in Republic of Serbia. This is in accordance with the Rulebook of the Veterinary Chamber of Serbia on obtaining the license for performing veterinary activities. 4 Address of the Conference organiser: Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology 58th International Meat Industry Conference 11040 Belgrade, Serbia Kaćanskog 13 P.O. Box: 33-49 Phone: + 381 11 2650655; 2651530 Fax: + 381 11 2651825 Conference E-mail: [email protected] Conference web page: Contact persons: Ivan Nastasijevic, DVM, MPH, PhD Chairman, Conference Programme Committee e-mail: [email protected] Branko Velebit, DVM, MPH, PhD Chairman, Conference Organising Committee e-mail: [email protected] 5 58th International Meat Industry Conference MeatCon2015 4-7th October, 2015. Zlatibor, Serbia “MEAT SAFETY AND QUALITY: WHERE IT GOES?” 60th Anniversary of the Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, Serbia [email protected] THE CONFERENCE PROGRAMME I MEAT SAFETY Track I General Topics T1 THE FOOD CHAIN – RISK ASSESSMENT T1.1 T1.2 T1.3 Safety of Meat and Meat Products / Bezbednost mesa i proizvoda od mesa Slaughtering and Meat Processing / Klanje i prerada mesa Risk Prioritization of Biological and Chemical Foodborne Hazards And Control Strategies / Prioritizacija rizika za biološke i hemijske alimentarne opasnosti i kontrolne strategije Climate change in the food safety context / Klimatske promene u kontekstu bezbednosti hrane Environment-Animal-Human Interface - `One Health Concept` / Međusobni odnos životna sredina-životinje-ljudi – `Koncept jedno zdravlje` Food Chain Information (FCI) / Informacije iz lanca hrane Risk Based Meat Inspection (Modernization of Meat Inspection) / Inspekcija mesa bazirana na analizi rizika (Modernizacija inspekcije mesa) Food Microbiology – Novel Approaches for Rapid and Reliable Detection of Contaminants in the Food Chain (e.g. omics technology) / Mikrobiologija hrane – novi pristupi za brzu i pouzdanu detekciju kontaminenata u lancu hrane (npr. `omiks` tehnologija) Predictive Microbiology Tools Used by The Food Industry / Alati za prediktivnu mikrobiologiju primenjivani u industriji hrane Veterinary Drugs Residues and Environmental Contaminants – Analytical T1.4 T1.5 T1.6 T1.7 T1.8 T1.9 T1.10 1 T1.13 Challenges and Perspectives / Rezidue veterinarskih lekova i kontaminenata životne sredine – analitički izazovi i perspektive Safety and Control of Food Additives / Bezbednost i kontrola prehrambenih aditiva Food Allergens and Adverse Health Reactions / Alergeni u hrani i nepoželjni uticaj na zdravlje Healthy Food and/or Organic Food / Zdrava hrana i/ili organska hrana T2 THE FOOD CHAIN – RISK MANAGEMENT T2.1 Monitoring and Surveillance of Contamination in the Food Chain / Monitoring i nadzor nad kontaminacijom u lancu hrane Monitoring and Surveillance of Zoonotic Foodborne Pathogens and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in the Food Chain / Monitoring i nadzor nad zoonotskim alimentarnim patogenima i antimikrobnom rezistencijom (AMR) u lancu hrane Longitudinally Integrated Safety Assurance (LISA) System in the Food Chain / Longitudinalno integrisan sistem za osiguranje bezbednosti u lancu hrane Current Issues in Food Safety and HACCP System / Savremeni aspekti u bezbednosti hrane i HACCP sistem Current Issues in Accreditation of Food Testing Laboratories (ISO 17025) / Savremeni aspekti u akreditaciji laboratorija za ispitivanje hrane (ISO 17025) Animal By-Products and Waste Management in the Meat Chain / Upravljanje pratećim proizvodima klanja i otpadom u lancu mesa Food Chain Incident Management (Emergency Preparedness: Weather Emergency, Floods, Fires, Earthquakes, Power Outages) / Upravljanje incidentima u lancu hrane (spremnost za urgentne situacije: vremenske nepogode, poplave, požari, zemljotresi, prekid napajanja strujom) Sustainable Development - Global food and agriculture systems / Održivi razvoj Globalni sistemi za hranu i poljoprivredu T1.11 T1.12 T2.2 T2.3 T2.4 T2.5 T2.6 T2.7 T2.8 II M E A T Q U A L I T Y Track 3 General Topics T3 THE FOOD CHAIN – MEAT QUALITY T3.1 T3.2 T3.3 T3.4 Quality of Meat and Meat Products / Kvalitet mesa i proizvoda od mesa Global Consumer Preferences, Perceptions and Meat Quality Trends / Globalne preference potrošača, percepcije i trendovi u vezi sa kvalitetom mesa Meat Nutritional Properties and Human Health / Nutritivna svojstva mesa i zdravlje ljudi Novel Approaches in Production of Healthy Meat Products – Regulatory Issues 2 T3.5 T3.6 T3.7 T3.8 T3.9 T3.10 T3.11 T3.12 T3.13 T3.14 T3.15 T3.16 and Consumer Challenges / Novi pristupi u proizvodnji zdravih proizvoda od mesa Fat and Salt Reduction Strategies in Meat Products / Strategije za redukciju masnoća i soli u proizvodima od mesa Meat Alternatives - Market Development and Health Benefits / Alternative za meso – razvoj tržišta i dobrobiti po zdravlje Traditional and Functional Meat Products / Tradicionalni i funkcionalni proizvodi od mesa Scientific basis of Nanotechnology, Implications for the Meat Sector and Future Trends / Naučna baza za nanotehnologiju: uticaj na sektor mesa i budući trendovi Foodomics: Applications in Modern Food Science and Nutrition / Omiks u hrani: Primena u savremenoj nauci o hrani i ishrani Farm Production Practices and Impact on Meat Quality / Proizvodne prakse na farmi i uticaj na kvalitet mesa Recent Advances in Food (Meat) Packaging to Ensure Quality and Safety of Foods (Bioactive Packaging: Extended Shelf-Life, Temperature Control, Antimicrobial Capabilities) / Najnovija dostignuća u pakovanju hrane kako bi se obezbedila bezbednost i kvalitet hrane (npr. bioaktivna pakovanja: produžen rok održivosti, kontrola temperature, antimikrobna svojstva) Quality Assurance Models in Meat Processing and Distribution / Modeli obezbedjenja kvaliteta u proizvodnji i distribuciji mesa Genetics, Breeding and Zootechnological Issues: Meat Quality Implications / Genetika, uzgoj i zootehnički aspekti: uticaj na kvalitet mesa Animal Welfare and Implications for Meat Quality and Safety / Dobrobit životinja i uticaj za kvalitet i bezbednost mesa The Cost-Benefit Analysis in Assuring Food Quality and Safety / Analiza troškova u obezbeđenju bezbednosti i kvaliteta hrane Past, Present and Future Needs in Meat Quality / Prošle, sadašnje i buduće potrebe u vezi sa kvalitetom mesa III R I S K C O M M U N I C A T I O N Track 4 General Topics T4 MEAT SAFETY AND QUALITY – RISK COMMUNICATION T4.1 Risk communication: Official Controls in the context of consumer protection, food safety and quality, animal health and welfare, nutrition – The Relationship between Consumers, Competent Authorities, Research/Academic institutions and Food Industry / Komunikacija rizika: službene kontrole u kontekstu zaštite potrošača, bezbednost i kvalitet hrane, zdravlje i dobrobit životinja, ishrana – odnos između potrošača, državnih organa, istraživačkih/akademskih institucija i industrije hrane Evidence-based assessments of food products, substances and claims submitted for T4.2 3 T4.3 T4.4 T4.5 authorization in the EU (e.g. GMOs, pesticides, additives) / Ocena rizika bazirana na naučnoj evidenciji u vezi sa odobravanjem proizvoda, substanci i drugih zahteva, na nivou EU (npr. GMO, pesticidi, aditivi) The application of risk communication strategies to food standards and food safety/quality matters / Primena strategija za komunikaciju rizika na propise za bezbednost/kvalitet hrane The Role of International Organizations in Food Safety Risk Assessment, Risk Management and Risk Communication / Uloga međunarodnih organizacija u oceni rizika, upravljanju rizikom i komunikaciji rizika u vezi sa bezbednošću hrane Global food trade issues / Globalni aspekti u trgovini hranom 4
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