The Window The news of Black Mountain Presbyterian Church March 29 through April 11, 2015 Dear friends, The months have flown and now it is time for us to give thanks for the relationships that have developed and the work that has been accomplished during this interim season, as you prepare your hearts to greet your new pastor. I feel such joy for you as you anticipate the arrival of Mary Katherine and her family. I have only met her briefly, but it was immediately clear that she will be easy to love. LOGOS kids making boulders for the Easter Garden. I have been blessed to serve alongside your remarkable staff, session, and deacons–and to come to know so many of you–what thoughtful and devoted teams of leaders you have, and what a remarkable congregation you are. You will remain in my prayers, and I will look forward to crossing paths in Black Mountain. My last day to worship with you will be April 5, though I will be in the office on April 7 to tie up loose ends. In the meantime we will walk through Holy Week together. If you are in town I hope you will come worship on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday (there’s more information about both services inside this newsletter)–I’m confident that such experiences will deepen our celebration of Easter. May the joy of the resurrection abide with you in every season. With love, 828-669-2725 Fax: 828-669-2727 117 Montreat Road, PO Box 39 Black Mountain, NC 28711 A con g r e g at i on of t h e P C ( U S A ) Black Mountain Presbyterian Church Permit No. 36 U.S. POSTAGE P A I D BLACK MOUNTAIN, NC Non-Profit Org. calendar Many other groups meet here, but only BMPC events are reflected on this calendar. Sunday, March 29 Sunday, April 5 From Friends of Creation Church office closed Now that we’re seeing warmer weather, we encourage you to get out and enjoy God’s good earth as you travel to church. Listen to the sounds of spring as you walk or bike your way here. It might even improve your outlook before that committee meeting! If walking or biking are not options for you, you can still do our world a favor by carpooling to church. Thanks! 7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Presbyterian Women Circles meet New Small Group Gathering 7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Service 10:00 a.m. The Window folding ministry Palm/Passion Sunday Five-Cents-a-Meal offering 8:30 a.m. FirstLight 9:40 a.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Tuesday, March 31 1:00 p.m. PW Bible Study 2:15 p.m. PW Coordinating Team 7:00 p.m. Prophets Easter Sunday Communion One Great Hour of Sharing offering 8:30 a.m. FirstLight 9:30 a.m. Easter Brunch in courtyard and celebration of Margaret 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Monday, April 6 Wednesday, April 1 Tuesday, April 7 Thursday, April 2 Wednesday, April 8 Friday, April 3 Church office closes at noon 12:00 p.m. The Window deadline 7:00 p.m. Good Friday Service Handel’s Messiah (Part 2) Thursday, April 9 1:30 a.m. Red Cross Blood Drive Friday, April 10 5:00 p.m. HS Youth Camping Trip April 2 Maundy Thursday 7:00 pm – This service recounts, in scripture and song, the final events of Jesus’ life. As darkness descends throughout the service, we will gather at the table and experience again the depth of God’s love. April 3 Good Friday 12:00 noon – Black Mountain United Methodist Church 7:00 pm – Chancel Choir performance of Messiah (Part 2) by G. F. Handel Guest soloists and accompaniment by string quartet and organ Sunday, April 5 Easter 7:00 am – Tabernacle United Methodist Church, Sunrise Service 8:30 & 11:00 am – Margaret LaMotte Torrence preaching text: John 20.1-18 special music and Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Brunch for everyone in the courtyard between services One Great Hour of Sharing special offering received Please bring flowers to enhance our Easter Palm Cross outside the narthex. Are you searching for a way to form a deeper connection with some fellow church members? Whether you are single or married, a parent or not, even if you are a grandparent – you are welcome to come and connect. The non-structure of this group is developing as we go. A few discussion topics that we are hoping to cover are Personal Faith Journeys, Raising Kids in Today's Technological World and the Different Make-ups of Today's Families. For more information contact: Kristi Morgan ([email protected]) or Kim Reece ([email protected], 231-9648). We are glad to be gathering! Come join us! WHEN: Sunday mornings 9:40-10:35 a.m. WHERE: upstairs classroom – Room 14 New CareNotes now available (in the rack by the narthex seating area) provided by your deacons Easter is Margaret’s last Sunday as our interim pastor. Between worship services, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., we will have brunch in the courtyard. This will be a time to speak to Margaret and say thanks. Please bring your cards of thanks and appreciation for her leadership and put them in the special basket in the narthex. We will have cake and celebrate together! “What Everyone Should Know about Dementia” “When Memory Loss Begins” “Helps for Alzheimer Families” “Keeping Up Your Spirits in the Hospital” “Help with Depression or Anxiety” 3 Youth Middle School March 29Palm Sunday and Spring break (no evening program) April 5Easter (no evening program) 12 Montreat Hike, 5-7pm, meet at BMPC 19 Presbytery MS Rally, 2:45pm, meet at BMPC 26 Youth & Parent Social Media Program at First Pres Asheville, 4:30-8pm, meet at BMPC High School March 29Palm Sunday and Spring break (no evening program) April 5Easter (no evening program) 10-12Camping Trip 19Spiritual Practices 26Youth & Parent Social Media Program at First Pres Asheville, 4:30-8pm, meet at BMPC Meal provided 4 Stamps for Mission As a stamp collector, I am regularly on the lookout for a meaningful way to dispose of duplicates. I have found a source in Harrisonburg, Virginia, who sells stamp accumulations to dealers and uses the proceeds to fund mission work in Congo. Last year she was able to send more than $6,000 for various projects including construction, new Bibles and scholarships. If you are a stamp collector, or would like to "do something" with stamps that come in the mail to you, please speak to me about how to send them to this re-seller. I can give you details about what to save and how to prepare the stamps so they are salable. –Mike Barker adult church school Becomers March 29 Daniel, chapter 9, Daniel’s Prayer and Gabriel’s Message Biblical Perspectives March 29 John LaMotte, Seven Last Words From The Cross Faith Builders March 29 Caroline Roy and Lily Morgan share their faith journeys and involvement with WNC Presbytery Youth Council Bible Class Study of Thessalonians No Church School on Easter Join us in the courtyard for Easter brunch Presbyterian Women The Weekday School Giraffe class searched for leprechauns on St. Patrick’s Day. Lenten Prayers for Hungry People prepared by Bread for the World Holy Week March 29-April 4 Jesus is anointed for burial Isaiah 50:4-9a Philippians 2:5-11 Psalm 31:9-16 Mark 14:1-15:47 While Jesus was at Bethany... a woman came with an alabaster jar of very costly ointment of nard, and she broke open the jar and poured the ointment on his head... Jesus said, “She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for its burial.” –Mark 14:3 and 8 Pr ayer O Christ, grant us grace and hope as we prepare for Good Friday. By your crucifixion and resurrection, you overcome death and all the powers of evil. May this gift of new life inspire us to see that all people benefit from the abundance of God’s creation. Amen. ac tion The weeks following Easter are an ideal time to explore how we can be agents of new life in God’s world. The spring recess is also a good time to meet with your representative in Congress when she or he returns to the home district. Visit to find suggestions about arranging these face-to-face visits with your Congressional representative. Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. Working through churches, campuses, and other organizations, we equip and inspire people of faith to persuade Congress to address the causes of hunger. On Tuesday, March 31, Bible Study teacher, Florence Shelor, will teach lesson 8 to the circle study leaders. Join us in the library for the study at 1:00 p.m. The topic is “Power, Authority, and Honor Are Not Always What We Might Expect,” 2 Corinthians 11:1-32. The Coordinating Team meeting will follow in CR-1 at 2:15 p.m. Please plan to attend as final plans will be made to host the PW-WNC Presbytery on April 25. PW Circles will meet on Tuesday, April 7 Elizabeth Keithie Knowles, 39 Wagon Trail, 10 a.m. Esther Beverly Highland, meet at church, 10 a.m. Miriam Carolyn Cordell, carpool from church, 9:45 a.m. Priscilla Shirley Gunn, carpool from church, 9:45 a.m. Sarah Virginie Pomeroy, carpool from church, 10 a.m. Ruth Pat Thrailkill, Nancy Sprinkle, Johnnie Wood meet at church, 2 p.m. Rebekah Carey Jo Elam, Highland Farms, 3 p.m. Naomi Alice Schweitzer, meet at church, 7 p.m. Red Cross Community Blood Drive at BMPC Thursday, April 9 – 1:30-6:00 sign up in the narthex 5 Happy Birthday! March Youth Mission Retreat The Presbytery of Western NC’s Youth Council, led by our own Beth Gunn, hosted a Presbytery Youth Mission Retreat at the Black Mountain Home for Children on April 10-11. Five of our high school youth serve on the Presbytery’s Youth Council this year and helped lead the weekend retreat: Matt Begley, Lauren Nalley, Caroline Roy, Lily Morgan, and Kali Fleagle. BMPC also had five additional youth attend the weekend mission retreat to serve the Black Mountain Home for Children, Youth, and Families. Our church family can be proud of the way our youth help lead in the Presbytery and also help serve our neighbors right down the road at the Black Mountain Home for Children, which is one of BMPC’s oldest mission partners: In Our Community Black Mountain OPEN TABLE A community outreach that happens every Wednesday providing a place for friendship and food for all 11:30-1:00 p.m. First United Methodist Fellowship Hall 101 Church Street Please Join Us! Great volunteer opportunity! 6 Sign up sheet is available onsite. Mantreat at Montreat Montreat is hosting its first “Mantreat at Montreat” April 24-26 and we'd love to see YOU there. We are hoping to create a space for men to connect to others in their personal journey through stories and activities. This event is intended for men ages 21-99. Best of all, it will be led by our very own Dan Davis! We will have leadership and community time but will also have some fun workshops. Friday and Saturday evenings will include campfires, music, and good food. For more information: Registration: $107 per person 29 30 31 Martha Murphy Judith Burt Phoebe Duncan Bob Grove Page Campbell April 2 Betty Hill 3 Bridget Leary 4 Brittany Williams 5 Bob Peacock Kiersten Edwards Ethan Banks 6 Bill Gilliland McCain Farish 7 Frances Kennedy Bill Mohr 8 Jane Collins 9 Tommy Hay Ann Herring Ginny Lindsey 10 Mike Morse Melzer Morgan April Roy Lily Morgan Graham Roy 11 Susan Jumper Chad Williams Grace Drummond Joy Drummond Rylan Van Note ThankYou BMPC family Dear Friends of BMPC, We thank our friends of BMPC for their cards, calls, and prayers. A big thanks for my Sisters in Ruth Circle for their love, visits and a delicious meal that was enough for several meals. I look forward to be able to join you in fellowship soon. To John Snell we thank you for your visit to Keith and for the helpful advice given to our daughters. You are indeed a disciple of Christ. To dear Margaret, who came on the coldest, snowy days to visit us. Her lovely smile lifted our spirits and when she held our hand and prayered with us indeed the Holy Spirit filled us with His healing love. I also appreciate the prayers for my neice, Shelia Murry Thomas, who has stage four of kidney cancer. Thanks, Keith and Johnnie Wood Confirmation Students and their Covenant Partners Please keep the following 8th grade youth and mentors in your prayers as they explore their faith together. Jacob Allen – Bob Tuttle Drew Banzhoff – Jim Layman Rachel Beaver – Kitty Fouche Cayden Bemis – Andrew Bowman Lillie Chilton – Margie Boyd Stansell Josie Davis – Jane Collins April 12, 4:00 p.m. April 19, 9:40 a.m. May 3, 12:00 noon May 17, 8:30 & 11 Michael Gun – Bob Tuttle Grace Martin – Leslie Carreiro Adron Morgan – Andrew Bowman Graham Roy – Jim Layman Chloe Stiles – Jill Edwards Creeds and Faith Statements Sharing Faith Statements Meet with Session Lead Worship and Join Church 7
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