03-25-15 Newsletter - Yale Avenue Christian Church

MARCH 25, 2015
Disciples of Christ
Palm Sunday
March 29th - 6:00 p.m.
April 2 - 6:30 p.m.
In the FLC
We are now accepting donations of individually wrapped
candy and plastic eggs. Please drop off at the Church Office
by Friday, March 27th
Throughout the centuries, Christians have gathered during
Holy Week to reclaim, re-live, and assimilate both Jesus’ last
supper and the crucifixion. This year we will gather together
in the fellowship hall to remember and reflect upon the last
supper that Jesus shared with his disciples; we will gather as
a family and share a meal. Please put April 2 nd, 6:30 p.m. on
your calendar and join us for a time of remembrance.
Saturday, April 11th - 9:30 a.m.
Bob Althoff will join us Saturday morning, April 11 and talk briefly about the Garden of Eat’n
Project. Yale Avenue Christian Church and Christ United Methodist will revive its old relationship
and partner in this fun new neighborhood effort. We will grow friendships with isolated elderly and
target food insecurity in the neighborhood, including single parents, the working poor, the disabled
and veterans. Two large growing locations for a year round garden will be included – one at 36th
and Indianapolis. The only requirement will be the ability to play, have fun and be a friend.
Bob is Executive Director of Abba’s Family, a faith based Tulsa nonprofit. He has worked in Tulsa since 1979 in a variety of community
organizations. In the last 15 years he has worked with the faith community to increase its leadership role in the care of those left behind or
forgotten. He has masters’ degrees in religion, divinity and social work and is licensed as a clinical social worker and marital and family
therapist. Bob lives on Lake Tenkiller, just outside of Tahlequah.
Each Sunday evening over the past four weeks we have gathered in the chapel to pray. We have
come together to Honor God, to be Humble before God, to experience Healing from God and
praise God for Health (wholeness). This Thursday evening we will conclude five weeks of
prayer lifting up our hearts in HOPE.
You are invited to join us at 5:30 in the sanctuary.
Play and Learn Preschool, Inc.
7:30am - 5:30 pm M-F Ages 6 Wks. To 5 Yrs. 918.747.2440
Affiliated with and a Ministry of Yale Avenue Christian Church
YACC Disciples Women
Richard’s Reflections
My wife tells me that I have too many books! She might
have a point; I do have a few, I have always loved reading.
Many years ago, I would read forty or fifty books each year,
and of course I could never part with them, they were like
my children. Someday – maybe – perhaps – I will read
them again.
I even have books that I never knew I had. Recently I ran
across a little volume entitled, “I talk to myself a lot.” On the
inside flyleaf is an inscription “Grace from Faye.” Grace was
my grandmother’s name and Faye was her baby sister.
Somehow this volume made it from my grandma to my father and to me.
This little book has some delightful chapters such as: “Help!
My Arteries are Hardening”; and “I Know I Put it Somewhere”; and “Keeping the Spiritual Arteries Open.” The
author was also a bit of a poet.
Darling, I’m not growing old;
As to that let’s be agreed;
Wisps of silver here and there
Do not mean I’ve gone to seed.
But my darling, I’ll admit
That I’m not quite as young and spry,
Nor near as nimble or as fit
As I was in days gone by.
I lose my thimble,
I lose my thread;
I’ve even been known
To lose my head.
I lose my socks,
I lose my shoes;
I lost most everything
A person could lose.
Of things I lose
There seems no end,
But God grant that I
Never lose a friend.
The poems, like the prose, are humorous sometimes whimsical but they demonstrate a desire to share warmth and joy
with the rest of the world, just as this little book was shared
between loving sisters many years ago. We are reminded
to share our joy, our humor, our caring with one another.
God Bless You,
The snow is gone!! We don’t have to consider the weather to
make our plans, now. So, what is coming up? OUR
BRUNCH AND STYLE SHOW! Aren’t you excited? This
should get us ready for spring and summer.
April Schedule:
April 2 10:30am
April 16
April 21 7:00pm
April 23 10:00am
April 25 10:00am
DW Board Meeting (necessary for
fund-raiser planning)
Brunch and Style Show (Styles
from Zella’s)
Esther Group at Pat DeBoard’s
Bunco at the church
Rachel Group at the church
Ladies, save these dates. We want to see you.
Nancy Hamilton
Memory Verse
Psalm 105:1-4
“O give thanks to the Lord, call on his name,
make known his deeds among the peoples.
Sing to him, sing praises to him;
tell of all his wonderful works.
Glory in his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
Seek the Lord and his strength;
seek his presence continually.”
Praise God for …
Prayer warriors! All
those who pour out
their hearts in lifting
up others to God in
prayer, to those participating in the prayer
vigil, the prayer fest
and all others who
listen for God’s voice.
Reflective Prayer
O God, who has folded back the mantle of the night to clothe
us in the golden glory of the day, chase from our hearts all
gloomy thoughts, and make us glad with the brightness of
hope that we may effectively aspire to unwon virtues through
Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen
Ancient Christian prayer for cheerfulness c. 590 AD
The Yale Avenue “Son” Times is printed every Tuesday and published every Wednesday, and the deadline for submitting articles
to [email protected] is the previous Friday by noon. The next edition will come out on 4/01/15. Deadline for submission for this
issue is 3/27/15 at noon.
The Yale Avenue “Son” Times is emailed by 5:00pm every Tuesday and mailed via USPS every Wednesday morning
2 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times
March 25, 2015
April Serving Schedule
April 5
April 12
April 19
April 26
Jan Roop
Mark Clemons
Robin Sheets
Pat DeBoard
9:00 Bread &
Wine, HB
Jim Roop
Van Luster
Larry Hall
Becky Foust
Jack Pontious
Ferne Lassman
Joel Garringer
Nancy Hamilton
Ella Jean Greeman
Frank Holdsclaw
Jennie Cleveland
Peggy Clemons
Phyllis Holdsclaw
Susan Trussell
Bob Massey
Mike Vaughn
Kari Matthews-Vaughn
Missy Massey
Sara Busch
Joie Holder
Barbara Cortright
Karen Silvis
Jim Dunne
J.J. Dunne
Dave Spencer
Cathy Spencer
Bill Sterling
Bobby Keef
Freda Keef
Don Beil
Judy Beil
Emma Nichols
Jennie Cleveland &
Peggy Clemons
Joie Holder &
Sara Busch
Dave & Cathy
Freda & Bobby Keef
Phyllis Holdsclaw
Missy Massey
Karen Silvis
Judy Beil
Frank Holdscalw
Bob Massey
Greg Silvis
Don Beil
Leader, HB
9:30 AM
April Birthdays
Bobby Patten ................................ 4/1
Donna Andrest .............................. 4/2
Anne Gore..................................... 4/2
Abbey Ojeda ................................. 4/3
Alex Allen ...................................... 4/5
Cheryl Clark .................................. 4/7
Gwenn Hurlbut .............................. 4/7
Tony Cardenas ............................. 4/7
Sei Touthang................................. 4/8
Robin Sheets .............................. 4/11
Sammie Utter ...............................4/12 Kathy VanderHayden .................. 4/27
Valerie Corgill ..............................4/13 Ann Broostin ................................ 4/27
Tracie Wareham ..........................4/13
Jodie Gilliam ................................4/13
Jennie Cleveland .........................4/17
Jarrod Moore ...............................4/17
Hannah Champlain ......................4/18
Lindsey McKee ............................4/21
Frank Holdsclaw ..........................4/23
Eugene Snyder ............................4/24
Deep Thoughts
There is a sense in which a man looking at the present in the light of the
future, and taking his whole being
into account, may be contented with
his lot: this is Christian contentment,
- but if a man has come to the point
where he is so content that he says, “I do not want to know
any more, or do any more, or be any more,” he is in a state in
which he ought to be changed into a mummy!
Henry Ward Beecher
3 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times
Church Humor
I once heard of a pastor
who was offering a series of
children's sermons on the
symbols of the church. On
one Sunday the pastor was
speaking about vestments
and asked the question,
"Why do you think I wear this collar?" To this question
came the response, "Because it kills fleas and ticks for
up to 5 months."
March 25, 2015
Joys & Concerns
Week of March 22, 2015
Many within the YACC family are
prayed for daily. Please remember
these specific needs:
Coming Soon
Week Of The Young Child Celebration
Weekend of April 25 & 26 Sat & Sun
A fun weekend for families
Health Issues:
Jeri Cochran continues to be at the Villages at Southern Hills in rehab.
She is improving but is in a lot of pain.
Jim Dunne will have surgery on 3/25 at Hillcrest South.
Lois Fencil continues to need our prayers.
Arlene Kennedy is in the ICU at St. John Hospital.
Ferne Lassman fell on 3/16 and broke her hip. She was in St. Francis
Hospital but was released on 3/23 and is now home.
Michelle Kice (Terry Gentry’s daugher) is having a flare-up of disease.
Sue Lower continues to be at Montereau Rehab and hopes to be home
in early April.
Pator Richard’s brother, Mark, has been diagnosed with Multiple Myloma.
Don & Bryan Petersen continue to struggle with health issues. Bryan
had surgery on 3/17.
Pastor Sei’s sister is in the hospital in India.
Ann Snyder lifts up Kenneth Snyder (Gene Snyder’s brother) who is
moving to the Claremore VA Home this week.
Janet Towne had a blood clot in her eye (not a stroke) and has temporarily lost vision in that eye.
Tracie Wareham lifts up her friend, Katie, who has colon cancer.
Marian Pittman was able to be in worship on Sunday.
Others Lifted Up for Prayer:
We lift up Linda Weathers’ son, Eric Weathers. Linda also lifts up her
cousin, Chris.
Jean Herbert lifts up the family of Ron True who passed away last week.
Cathy & Dave Spencer ask for prayers regarding career and the way
that impacts life.
Ongoing Prayer Needs:
Wanda Bousquet; Tony & Dorothy Cardenas; Sharon Chambers; Jeri Cochran; Jean Covey; Jay DeGeer; Lora Dewitt’s daughter; Barbara Jean;
Patricia Dobbins, Lois Fencil, Hettie Green’s daughter; Mary Griffin; Sue
Goodner; Carolyn Goolsby, Ronda Greer’s friend Mike; Katelyn Hanafin;
Theta Hendricks’ friend, Nora Clark; Tom Ivy; Michelle Kice; Gene & Sue
Lower; Rob Massey; Kenya missionary, Jeff Osborne and his wife, Lucy;
Dennis and Rosemary Moran’s daughter, Rebecca Sayer; Paul Todd (friend
of Dennis & Rosemary Moran); Debbie West.
Rehabilitation Facilities/ Homebound:
Lora Dewitt; Lillian Johnson; Arlene Kennedy; Lee Keeling, Gene & Sue
Lower, Jeri Cochran
We pray for our country & its leaders, all nations, and our military service men & women. We pray for our church & its ministries, staff, lay
leaders, the Food Bank, and Play and Learn Preschool.
Sat 25th 11 to 2 pm Family Circus
Sun 26th 9:30 & 6 Worship Presentation
Come one - Come all— Children, Dads,
Moms, Grandparents, Friends
Join the celebration!
Play and Learn
Preschool would like
to extend a heartfelt
THANK YOU to all
who contributed to the
Pennies for Play and
Learn Project. They
surpassed their goal with $517.39 collected and the MidFirst bank will match
$500, for a total raised of $1017.39!!!
20th Anniversary Celebration
April 8th, 2015 - 10:30 a.m. Program - 12 Noon Lunch
$10.00 in advance - $15.00 at the door
Keep up with all events online @ www.neatstulsa.org
Sunday Attendance on March 22, 2015
9:30 a.m. ................................................................... 108
6:00 p.m. IMF............................................................ 101
WORSHIP TOTAL ...................................................... 209
Sunday School/Enrichment Opportunities .................. 48
6:00 p.m. Destination Children & Youth .................... 35
4 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times
The texts for March 29th are:
Psalm 118:1-2,19-29
Mark 11:1-11 or John 12:12-16
March 25, 2015
Yale Avenue Christian Church
The Yale Avenue “Son” Times (USPS 456-450)
is published weekly, except the week of Christmas
by The Yale Avenue Christian Church of Tulsa,
Oklahoma, 3616 S. Yale Ave., Tulsa, OK 741355536.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “The Yale
Avenue Son Times,” 3616 S. Yale Ave., Tulsa, OK
74135-5536. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK.
(Disciples of Christ)
3616 S. Yale Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74135-5536
Phone: 918.747.1304
Fax: 918.747.7175
Website: yacc.org
Play and Learn Preschool: 918.747.2440
Mission Statement
The prayerful mission of Yale Avenue
Christian Church is Caring, Sharing and
Serving in the name of Jesus.
Regularly Scheduled Events
9:30am ............................................................... Worship Service
10:45am ......................................................................... Fellowship
11:00am ...................... Sunday School & Enrichment Opportunities
1:00pm .............................. AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room
6:00pm ............................ International Mission Fellowship Worship
6:00pm .................................................................Destination Youth
7:30am-5:30pm (Monday-Friday) ................Play & Learn Preschool
12:00noon (Mon-Sat) ........ AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room
6:00pm ............................................... Adoration Singers Rehearsal
1:00pm (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) ........................... YACC Stitch Group
7:00pm .............................. AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room
7:00am ................................................................... Men’s Breakfast
10:30am (2nd Wednesday) ............. NEATS Meeting and Luncheon
5:30pm ...................................................TLC Small Groups #4, 12
6:00pm .................................................... Praise Ringers Rehearsal
6:30pm ......................................................Ladies Group TLC Study
7:00pm .. Al-Anon & Al-Ateen Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room
5:30pm .............................. AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room
Palm Sunday, March 29
9:30 a.m. Worship
Elders: Becky Foust, Nancy Hamilton, Pat DeBoard
Deacons: Bob Massey, Mike Vaughn, Kari Matthews–Vaughn,
Missy Massey, Sara Busch, Joie Holder
Communion Prep: Jim Dunne
Welcome Center: Missy Massey
Greeters: Bob Massey
Thur., Mar. 26
Sat., Mar. 28
Sun., Mar. 29
Thur., April 2
Fri., April 3
10:00am ........................................................... DW Bunco
5:30pm ............................................................ PrayerFest
6:00pm ........................................ Church Growth Meeting
10:00am ............................................... DW Rachel Group
.....................................................................Palm Sunday
6:00pm ....................................................Easter Egg Hunt
6:30pm .................................... Maundy Thursday Supper
.... Good Friday - Church Office and Play & Learn Closed
5 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times
Ministers ................................. The People of Yale Avenue Christian Church
Transitional Senior Minister ............................................... Richard Newman
Pastor of Community Outreach.................................................. Sei Touthang
Interim Worship Pastor .................................................................. Ann Moyer
Administrative Pastor ................................................................. Cheryl Clark
Administrative Assistant ............................................................ Debbie West
Play and Learn Director ............................................................... Carla Story
Organist ................................................................................... Lizanne Keith
Childcare Attendant ............................................................... Bethany Seaton
Custodian .............................................................................................Khuppi
View Newsletter online at yacc.org.
March 25, 2014