Corrigendum - Empanelment of contractors for civil, electrical and other works Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur Regional Office has issued an advertisement for "Empanelment of Contractors for Civil, electrical and other works" on 24.03.2015. There is a slight change in "Trades and Categories of Empanelment of Contractors" as indicated in the advertisement. The complete advertisement with changes is appended. RESERVE BANK OF INDIA Estate Department, Nagpur Empanelment of Contractors The Bank proposes to prepare a panel of contractors for undertaking works/supplies in various categories costing upto `. 50 lakh in one instance in respect of the following trades. The panel will remain in force for three years. Trades General Repairs 1a Road Carpeting 1b Civil and Sanitary and Plumbing work 2 Painting works 3 Steel / Aluminum Fabrication work 4 Water Proofing of Terrace, Sunk Slab etc. 5 Supply & Repairs of Wooden & Steel office Furniture 6 Carpentry works, Aluminum Partition Works and Glass Replacement Works, Repairs 7 Horticulture and Gardening 8 Interior Decoration works, Venetian Blinds, PVC Flooring, False Ceiling Interior painting/ partition 9 work( Alluminium and wooden), M.S. Work Pest Control and Anti-termite Treatment 10 Disposal of Scrap and Waste Papers 11 Fire Fighting Installations and Equipment including wet-riser system 12 Cleaning of Water Tanks 13 House Keeping/ Supply of labour 14 Electrical Installations for L.T.Supply, Switchgears/Panels etc., Installation, Additions , 15 Alterations & Maintenance Electrical Installation for H.T., Transformers / ACBs, VCBs, Cables etc. 16 Maintenance of D.G. Sets up to 1010 KVA 17 Supply of SMF / Fire retardant casing batteries for UPS and Automatic, Tabular batteries for DG 18 sets, Inverters etc. Repairs / Servicing of Domestic Water Pumps / Air-condition Plant Pumps / Submersible Pumps 19 etc. Supply of Electrical Goods for Day-to-Day Maintenance Works such as bulbs, tube lights, CFL, 20 LED lights including fans etc. Servicing & Maintenance of EPABX Systems / Telephone Wiring / Networking etc. 21 Servicing & Maintenance of Window Air-conditioners, Split Air-conditioners, Package Units , 22 tower units etc. including Supply Supply & Repairs of FAX, Photocopiers etc. 23 Maintenance / Repairs of Water Heaters / Fans / All types of Electrical Appliances 24 Supply of T.V./Refrigerators/Washing Machines/ Domestic items. 25 Purchase of DFMD, HHMD, X-Ray Baggage Scanners, Walkie-Talkies etc. and their AMCs. 26 Maintenance of Security Alarm System, Fire Alarm System, CCTV etc. 27 Experience: Similar works with at least 2 works each equivalent to 50% of cost of highest range of category applied should have been carried out by the Organization / Contractors during the last 3 financial years . Yearly Turnover: Minimum amount of yearly turnover during last 3 financial years should be 30% of highest range of category applied Details of PAN, VAT/TIN, CST & Service Tax numbers with documentary evidence Application forms can be obtained from the Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Estate Department, Nagpur on any working day from 11.00 AM to 4.00 PM from 24 March 2015 to 15 April 2015. You may also visit the Bank’s website for full details. Downloadable tender forms are also available on the Bank’s website i.e. Duly completed applications should be submitted in sealed covers to the Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Estate Department, Nagpur, on or before 24 April , 2015 up to 4 p.m. The intending applicants, before obtaining the application forms, shall have to satisfy the Bank with documentary evidence in support of their possessing required eligibility criteria as mentioned above. The intending applicants who download the application form directly from the Bank’s website shall also furnish documentary evidence in support of the eligibility criteria The Bank reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof. BANK OF INDIA, ESTATE DEPARTMENT, NAGPUR APPLICATION FORM FOR EMPANELMENT OF CONTRACTORS FOR RENOVATION / MAINTENANCE / REPAIR WORKS / SUPPLY GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The Reserve Bank of India intends to prepare a panel of reputed Contractors for undertaking, execution, and maintenance and repair works of the Bank's properties situated at Nagpur. These works are estimated to cost not exceeding `.50 lakh at any one instance in the respective trades. 2. Applicants are required to indicate on the top of the application form the trade and category in which they desire empanelment as per list enclosed. 3. Intending applicants are required to furnish details about their Organization, technical experience, competence and evidence of their financial standing as per the enclosed proforma. 4. A format of client's Certificate as per Annexure-I and Banker's Certificate as per Annexure-II is attached along with blank application form. The applicant has to submit the said Client's Certificate from at least two of their clients for whom they have carried out "Eligible Works" in terms of pre-qualification criteria described in the notice inviting application in a sealed cover. Similarly, they have to submit the said Banker's Certificate from their banker/s. Such Certificates should be addressed to the application inviting authority of Reserve Bank of India and should be submitted along with their application in a sealed envelope. Client's Certificate issued by a Government/Semi Government Organization of a PSU should be signed by an official of the rank of Superintendent Engineer or equivalent and must be supported by adequate proof of payments received by the contractor for the work done by them. The Client's Certificate issued by the private organizations shall also accompany Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) Certificates. Applications received without the specified certificate in specified format shall be rejected and the Bank shall have the right to independently verify the submitted certificates. 5. While deciding upon the selection of contractors, emphasis will be given on the ability, experience, performance, value of works executed and competence to do good quality work in accordance with the specifications and within the time schedule. 6. The application form shall be signed by a person on behalf of the Organization who is duly authorized to do so. 7. If the space in the application form is insufficient for furnishing full details, such information may be supplemented on a separate sheet of paper duly signed. Satisfactory completion certificates for works done for different employers should preferably be furnished along with the application. 8. Application along with a covering letter or any document shall be submitted in duplicate. 9. Application containing false or inadequate information is liable for rejection. 10. The Bank reserves the right to reject any or all the applications without assigning any reason thereof. RESERVE BANK OF INDIA ESTATE DEPARTMENT NAGPUR TRADES AND CATEGORY OF EMPANELMENT OF CONTRACTOR 1a General Repairs Yes Above `. 2,00,000/but upto `. 10,00,000/Category II Yes 1b 2 3 4 5 Road Carpeting Civil and Sanitary and Plumbing work Painting works Steel / Aluminum Fabrication work Water Proofing of Terrace, Sunk Slab etc. Supply & Repairs of Wooden & Steel office Furniture Carpentry works, Aluminum Partition Works and Glass Replacement Works, Repairs Horticulture and Gardening Interior Decoration works, Venetian Blinds, PVC Flooring, False Ceiling Interior painting/ partition work ( Alluminium and wooden), M.S. Work Pest Control and Anti-termite Treatment Disposal of Scrap and Waste Papers Fire Fighting Installations and Equipment including wet-riser system Cleaning of Water Tanks House Keeping/ Supply of labour Electrical Installations for L.T.Supply, Switchgears/Panels etc., Installation, Additions , Alterations & Maintenance Electrical Installation for H.T., Transformers / ACBs, VCBs, Cables etc. Maintenance of D.G. Sets up to 1010 KVA Supply of SMF / Fire retardant casing batteries for UPS and Automatic, Tabular batteries for DG sets, Inverters etc. Repairs / Servicing of Domestic Water Pumps / Air-condition Plant Pumps / Submersible Pumps etc. Supply of Electrical Goods for Day-to- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sr.No. Name of the Trade Upto `. 2,00,000/Category I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Above `. 10,00,000/but upto `. 25,00,000/Category III Above `. 25,00,000/but upto `. 50,00,000/Category IV Yes Yes 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Day Maintenance Works such as bulbs, tube lights, CFL, LED lights including fans etc. Servicing & Maintenance of EPABX Systems / Telephone Wiring / Networking etc Servicing & Maintenance of Window Airconditioners, Split Air-conditioners, Package Units , tower units etc. including Supply Supply & Repairs of FAX, Photocopiers etc. Maintenance / Repairs of Water Heaters / Fans / All types of Electrical Appliances Supply of T.V./Refrigerators/Washing Machines/ Domestic items. Purchase of DFMD, HHMD, X-Ray Baggage Scanners, Walkie-Talkies etc. and their AMCs. Maintenance of Security Alarm System, Fire Alarm System, CCTV etc. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Note: - Contractors may select one or more categories for which they apply for Empanelment ANNEXURE – I CLIENTS CERTIFICATE REGARDING PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACTOR NAME & ADDRESS OF THE CLIENT: DETAILS OF WORKS EXECUTED BY SHRI/ M/S 1 Name of work with brief particulars 2 Agreement No. and date 3 Agreement amount 4 Date of commencement of work 5 Stipulated date of completion 6 Actual date of completion 7 Details of compensation levied for delay (indicate amount) if any 8 Gross amount of the work completed and paid** 9 Name & address of the authority under whom works executed 10 11 Whether the contractor employed qualified Engineer/Overseer during execution of work? i) Quality of work(indicate grading) Outstanding / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / poor ii) Amount of work paid on reduced rates, if any 12 i) Did the contractor go for arbitration? ii) If yes, total amount of claim iii) Total amount awarded 13 Comments on the capabilities of the Contractor a) Technical Proficiency b) Financial soundness c) Mobilization of adequate T&P d) Mobilization of manpower e) General behaviour Outstanding / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / poor Outstanding / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / poor Outstanding / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / poor Outstanding / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / poor Outstanding / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / poor Note: All columns should be filled in properly "Countersigned" Signature of the Reporting Officer* with office seal * Officer of the rank of Superintending Engineer or equivalent ** Supported by adequate proof of payments received by the contractor for the work done by them. Client's report issued by private organization shall also accompany TDS Certificates (Reports must be submitted in sealed cover addressed to The Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Estate Department, Main Office Building, Nagpur). ANNEXURE-II FORM OF BANKERS CERTIFICATE FROM A SCHEDULED BANK This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information M/s./Shri ________________________________having their address at _____________________________, a customer of our bank are/is respectable and can be treated as good for any engagement up to a limit _________________________________________________ of `.__________ [_Rupees ]. This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the Bank or any of its officers. (Signature) For the bank Note: 1. Bankers' certificate should be on letter head of the bank, sealed in cover addressed to enlistment authority – The Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Estate Department, Dr. Raghavendra Rao Road, Civil Lines, Main Office Building, Nagpur – 440 001. 2. In case of partnership firm, certificate should include names of all partners as recorded with the bank. APPLICATION FORM BASIC INFORMATION 1 Name of the organization 2 Type of Organization, whether proprietorship, partnership, private limited, Corporate Body etc. 3 Name of the Proprietor/Partners/Directors of the organization 4 Registration(firm, Company etc.), Registering Authority, date, Registration number etc. 5 Experience in maintenance/ repair works/ effecting supply etc. (in operation since ___________ ) 6 Whether financially sound to undertake works for the value up to which the application is made. If so, enclose Banker's Certificate and latest Sales Tax & Income Tax Clearance Certificate 7 Name, address, telephone, fax no. of the Bankers 8 Yearly turnover of the Organization for the last 3 years* (Income Tax Year) 9 Details of PAN/VAT/TIN, CST & Service Tax numbers with documentary evidence. 10 Copy of Electrical Contractor License (for applicants applying for electrical works) 11 a) Registered Office, address, e-mail id, fax, and telephone no. b) Office address, through which the work will be handled and the name of the Officer-in Charge/ Top Executive 12 13 Whether working with any of the Govt./ Semi Govt. Undertakings/ PSU/ Financial Institution as approved contractors and if so, furnish details thereof Details of Service Set-up at Nagpur 14 Whether any technical personnel are employed in the organization and if so, details of their experience, qualification etc. 15 Details of skilled, unskilled, qualified licensed PWD Supervisor/Wireman (for applicants applying for electrical works) 16 Indicate if involved in any litigation 17 Any civil suit pending in any of the works executed. Give details 18 Yearly turnover of the organization for the last three years2011-12 2012-12 2013-14 *Minimum amount of yearly turnover during last 3 years should be 30% of highest range of category. Audited Balance Sheet duly certified by a Charted Accountant in this regard shall be submitted along with the application. Place: Date: Signature of the applicant EXPERIENCE List of similar works executed by the Organization during the last 3 years with 2 works each equivalent to 50% of cost of highest range of category should have been carried out in last 3 years Sr.No. Name of the work Name and address of the owner Nature and specification of the work The name and full address of the Officer/ Competent Authority under whom the work was carried out Amount (`) Whether work was completed in time (Give stipulated time and actual time taken / present stage of work) Remarks Note: a) Attach copy of relevant valid license, if applicable, and professional qualification, if any, from the competent authority for undertaking major (HT/LT equipment/ DG sets etc.) and minor electrical work, repair and maintenance of firefighting equipment, pest control treatment, repair and maintenance of telephone lines, water proofing etc. b) Documentary evidence of having carried out said works (such as Work Order, Completion Certificate etc.) should be submitted along with the application Place:Date:Signature of applicant Supplementary Information, if any, regarding Technical Personnel in employment and experience Name Qualification Experience Name of work handled Numbers of years employed in the organization/firm Remarks Place:Date:Signature of applicant Declaration Form to be filled in and signed by the intending applicant I/We also agree that I/we have no objection if enquiries are made about the works listed by me/us in the accompanying sheets or any other inquiry on the information. 1. I/We have read the instructions appended to the proforma. I/we understand that if any false information is detected at a later date, any contract made between us and the Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur on the basis of the information given by me/us, will be treated as invalid by the Bank. 2. I/We agree that the decision of the Reserve Bank of India in selection of the Contractors will be final and binding on me/us. 3. All the information furnished under Parts I, II and III is correct to the best of my/our knowledge. Signature of the applicant Place: Date:
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