U n i t e d Nations ;:X'^ • T ,K V ^^y^ VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER 2015-SPC-75926~DPKO DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS 15 May 2015 POST TITL£ AND LEVEL Policy Planning Officer, P-3 DUTY STATION BRINDISI ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT DEPARTMENT OF PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS INDICATIVE MINIMUM GROSS ANNUAL U.S. Dollars 79,954 REMUNERATION (NOT INCLUDING POST ADJUSTMENT! CIRCULATION LIMITED TO MEMBER STATES. APPOINTMENTS ARE LIMITED TO SERVICE ON POSTS FINANCED BY THE SUPPORT ACCOUNT OF PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS. R E SPONSIBILITTES: Under the direct swpervision o f the SPC Tenni Leader, ihc incumbent assists in the development, rcfmc implementation o f various law enforcement policy and planning tools associated w i t h establishing and maintaining effective a U N Police operations. The SPC i.s a U N Police mechanism for starting up police compouents i n new U N peace operations a assisting existing peace operahons on a continual basis, it is envisaged that the Jicumbent will deploy lo tuissious and be away fro station for an initial period from three to six months. More generally, the incumbent works w i t h other Si*C staff to ensure t preparation and dissemination o l r c l c v a n t reports, concept papers and action plans on international police issues relevantto SPC's field activities (nddi-essing both broader policy and technical administrative issues inherent in T I N Police mtindat spccifica.l!y, the iiicuinbeiii foeiuscs on developing, implementing and/or updating Concept:^ o f Operations ((.•on(.)ps). Integrate Implementation Plans ( I M I P s ) , mission assessments, mission plamiing and other policy and planning tools for U N Police perspective o f the specific field assignments given to the SPC. The incumbent assists in developing, refining and updating S and directives lhat are i n line w i t h the strategic vision o f the Police Division and the SPC. The incumbent also assists other SP as directed in other law enforcement thematic areas outside o w n area o f focns. When JU headquaiters in B r i n d i s i , the mcum works closely w i t h other SPC members to integrate and balance tlieir activities into respective ConOps and IMIPs in support o o w n terms o f reference for its ossigtunenta. S/he develops atmual SPC workplans i n l i n e w i t h Results Based Budgeting ( R B B ) members w i t h developing individual workplans. S/lie also prepares brief country reports and security analyses o f the nii<;s which the SPC is being sent. When deployed i n thu field , the incumbcnl review.-? U N Police operations and aunlyseb th developnieni o f national law enforcement agencies w i t h a v i e w to facihlating required improvements and changes in ("^nnOps bearing in m i n d the strategic mission o f the U N Police, w h i c h is lo b u i l d instinitional law cnforccnicnt capacity in conflict eonllicl environments. COMPETENCTF^S: ProfcssionHlism:. Knowledge o f democraiie policing, law eiifoiceniciit c o i i m u n i t y safety and capacity-building; ability lo re calm in siressful situations; good research, analytical and problem-solving sViUs. Cominitment to implementing the goal o f equality by ensuruig the equal participation and full involvement o f wumcn and men i n a l l aspects ol"peace operations. P l a a n d O r g a n i z i n g : Develops clear goals lhat are consistent agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignmcnis; a priorities as required^ allocates nppropriatc amount o f time and resources foi completing wurk; foresees risks and allows f contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as neeessaiy; uses time efficiently. T e a m w o r k : Wo collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; .solicits input by genuinely valuing olherTi' ideas and expertise w i l l i n g to leani from others; places team agenda belbre personal agenda; supports and acts i n Jieeordaiice with final group even when such decisions may not entirely reflect o w n position; shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts j o i n t responsibility for team shoitcomings. OtlAUFlCATIONS: E d u c i i t i c n : Advanced university degree (Master's degree or ec]uivalcnt) i u iLc applied sciences, stxiial sciences or other rele first level university degree w i t h a combinaiion o f relevant academic qualifications and extensive experience i n law enforceme accepted i n lien o f the advanced university degree. Graduation from a certified police academy or similar law enforcemen institution Is required. W o r k Fxperience: A m i n i m u m o f five years o f progressively law cnfoiccmeiU experience in active national police, w i l h a curre at least Chief Inspector or Superintendent or M a j o r , equivalent or higher rank is required. Experience in law enforcemcni pla formulation/implementation o f policy is required. Peacekeeping or other international experience in the U N or other organiza advantage. Languages: English and French arc the w o r k i n g languages o f the U N . For the post advertised, fluency i n oral and written required. Knowledge o f a .second official U N language, picfcrably French is highly desirable. Preference will he given to equally qualified women candidateit. Date or Issuance: 13 March 2015 hltD://WWW.un.ore/cn/peacckceninj'ysit«/nnIirr
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