E Operotion Deserl Shield Augusi 90 * Jonuory 9I Y I I E A L R B E K l N o 3rd Bottqlion 4l sr Field Artillery 24th lnfontry Division (Mechonized| Operotion Desert Siorm Jonuory 9I * Morch 9I o o K /o /na,L"L Qorr Tom, My congratulations for the great job archiving over 10,000 pages of Taro Leaf Magazines on line, as well as numerous other documents and information. I never realized all the potential information available on the Association's Web Site. (have it Bookmarked, have passed details on to other Victory Division Soldiers). My name is Steve Lutz, and t am a Life Member (#2185) of the 24th Division Association. As a Field Artillery Officer, served two tours of duty with the 24h Division at Fort Stewart, GA (1981- 8a; 1989- 91). During my second tour, I t commanded the 3'd Battalion 41st Field Artillery- and we deployed as part of the Division to Saudi Arabta/ lraq for what turned out to be Operations Desert Shield/ Desert Storm from August 1990 through March 1991. Part of our Division's Battalion duties, when we were at Fort Stewart, was to maintain Community Relations with the various towns in the vicinity of the Post. Our Battalion was assigned responsibility for the Georgia towns of Vidalia and Lyons in Toombs County- home of the famous "Sweet Onions". That turned out to be a great and friendly relationship between the towns and our Soldiers; with the Battalion providing Soldiers to support various Community Activities, and those towns really treating our BATTLEKING Soldiers very well. When the Division redeployed from lraq, the Antler Printing Company in Lyons, GA offered to print our Battalion a Souvenir Book of our Combat Tour in lraq. As a result, our battalion took our collective photos and created a Booklet, and the Antler printed us 1O0O Copies - that they gave us "Free of Charge" for our Soldiers. That has become a very valuable and memorable booklet for our BATTLEKING/ Victory Division Soldiers over the years since our deployment. After seeing the 24th Division WebSite that you maintain- I would like to nominate our 3'd Battalion 41't Field Artillery, 24th lnfantry Division 'BATTLEKINGS Yearbook" for inclusion on the 24ft Division Association's WebSite. Our unit was an integral component of the Division Artillery, with the mission to provide Direct Support Fires to the Division's 2nd Brigade. We are certainly proud of our service in the Victory Division, and I know of several former members of the unit, who, like myself, are either Life Members or Members of the 24th lnfantry Division Association. Enclosed in this envelope is a copy of the 3- 41 FA "Yearbook". I think it is a valuable and interesting Document from a battalion !eve! in the Division's History. Hopefully you will agree - and the Booklet willfind a permanent digital home on the Division Association WebSite. ln the future, I will also locate an interesting picture passed down from my Grandfather to my father to me. My Grandfather, MSG Edward Lutz, was an Army Recruiting Sergeant in Newark, NJ for many years. One of his 1920's Enlistees did service with the "Hawaiian Division" at Schofield Barracks- and during a trip back to Newark, gave my Grandfather a picture of the "Hawaiian Division Insignia" - comprised of Soldiers in a mass formation in a Taro Leaf configuration. I received the Photo from my father (retired Army Officer) during my first tour with the 24th Division (had it framed; it always hung in every office I occupied for the remainder of both my military & civilian careers). t will locate the photo in my attic, get a good copy made- and also send that for archiving onto the Association WebSite. lt is a classic photo of hundreds of Soldiers from the mid- 1920's - with various photos of Schofield and Hawaii on the edges. Thank you for the tremendous work you have done as WebMaster for the 24s Division Association. Hopefully our W Battalion Yearbook can be scanned ",rO ,"d:ft Division's history on the same website. :"":. [email protected] (260)341.7555 Lineoge ond Honors 3d BATTAIION, 4lsr Constituted 5 July Division Orgonized l0 l9l8 August FTELD ARTILIERY in the Notionol Army os Bottery C, 4'lst Field A*illery, on element of the l4th l9l8 ot Comp Custer, Michigon Demobilized 6 Februory '1919 ot Comp Custer, Michigon Reconstituted 'l October 1933 in the Regulor Army os Bottery C,4lst Field A*illery .l940 Redesignoted I October os Bottery C,4lst Field A*illery Bottolion, ond octivioted ot Fort Lewis, Woshington, os on element of the 3d Division (loter designoted os the 3d lnfontry Division) (4'lst Field Artillery Bottolion relieved 6 April l95l from ossignment to the 3d lnfontry Division; 2 December 1954 to the 3rd lnfontry Division) ossigned lnoctivoted 1 Jvly 1957 ot Fort Benning, Georgio, ond relieved from ossignment to the 3rd lnfontry Division Redesignoted 30 June'1959 os Heodquorters ond Heodquorters Bottery,3rd Howitzer Bottolion,41st Field Artilleryi concurrently wilhdrown from the Regulor Army, ollotted to the Army Reserve, ond ossigned to the First United Stotes Army (orgonic elements concurrently constituted) Bottolion octivoted 8 August'1959 with Heodquorters in Brooklyn, New York Ordered into octive militory service'l October 195'l ot Brooklyn, New York; releosed'12 August 1962 from octive militory service ond reverted to reserve stotus (Locotion of Heodquorters chonged 20 September 1962 to Fort Tilden, New York) Redesignoted I October 1963 os the 3rd Bottolion, 41st Artillery lnoctivoted 30 December 1965 ot Fort Tilden, New York, ond relieved from ossignment to the First United Stotes Army Redesignoted 1 September l97l os the 3rd Bottolion,4lst Field Artillery Withdrown l6 August 1988 from the Army Reserve ond ollotted to the Regulor Army; concurrently ossigned the to 24th lnfontry Division ond octivoted ot Fort Stewort, Georgio Compoign Dccorolion Crcdir WORTD WAR II * Algerio-French Morocco (with orrowheod) * * * * * * * *' Tunisio Sicily (with orrowheod) Noples-Foggio Rome-Arno Soulhern Fronce (with orrowheod) Rhinelond Centrol Europe Centrol Pocific SOUTHWEST ASIA * * * * *. Defense of Soudi Arobio Liberotion of Kuwoit DECORATIONS Presidentiol Unit Citotion (Army), Streomer embroidered COLMAR French Croix de Guerre with Polm, World Wor ll, Streomer embroidered COLMAR French Croix de Guerre, World Wor ll, Fourrogere HEADQUARTERS 3rd Boitolion 4Iri Field Artillery "Bottlekings" Fort Stewoil, Georgio 31314 I Dec 9l Bottlekings of 3/41 Field Artillery: '1990 off into the unknown of the Perwe begon o greot iourney together sion Gulf. Our mission wos initiolly to defend Soudio Arobio from lroqi oggression; then to liberote the 2 million people of Kuwoit from Sodoom Hussein's terrible rope of their country. Your dedicotion ond service con be summed up by the words of o currently populor song, "lt wosn't olwoys eosy, it wosn't olwoys foir, but when freedom colled, we were there." ln August - you hove been o port of the You con be extremely proud of your occomplishments greotest mechonized worfore operotion in history. We completed Generol Schwortzkopf's "Hoil Mory Ploy" by driving 340 kilometers deep into lroq in less thon 36 hours. We fired more ortillery thon oll units of the 24th Division Artillery combined ond oll units of the 2l 2th Field Artillery Brigode combined! We fired the only combot Copperheod mission in the Victory Division ond completely demolished on enemy observotion post. The Bottlekings olso sent mony lroqi Republicon Guord soldiers to on eorly meeting with Alloh, os we completely destroyed Joliboh Airfield ond the RGFC ommunition depot with owesome, occurote fire. The chopter in Bottleking history you hove writien will stond forever, ocknowledging 3 wounded in bottle ond the only DIVARTY unit to hove members receive the Bronze Stor for volor in combot. - STAND TALL! BE PROUD! This book will serve to remind you of your combot service the "Bottlekings" of the 3rd Bottolion 41st Field Arwith the best ortillery unit oround tillery. I hope you enioy it for mony, mony yeors to come. My sincere oppreciotion to Horold Rhoden ond his Antler Printing Compony in Lyons, Georgio for publishing this entire book out of respect ond odmirotion for our bottolion. And olso to LT Steve Myers who mode numerous trips to Lyons os well os set up the book, ideos ond ortwork without his work, this proiect would hove never been reolized. - - Agoin I tell you I om proud to hove been your commonder. I will olwoys remember our times together in the Notionol Guord oreo, Dommom, As Sorrir, "BK City," reheorsols, AARs, combot in lroq, ond most of oll, the flight home ond reunions on Cottrell Field. Whot on honor for me to serve with you trememdous soliders! Moy God gront you heolth, hoppiness ond success in the future. BAITTEK'NGSI F'RSI TO FIGHT! VICTORY M. IUTZ LTC, Field A*illery STEPHEN Commonding d tW!:*W (w 1' ,:,L'. I tt',.'llr,!:a:' ';:,1 't ::::)i:'tt ":1..t .., u"! ::' : I 1:.]]. |t: : ,, *. w {w \f {***U ffi*r d r, J r,-{' e1 *i, ,'!t \ #''j ,t,,f L , { L]r-TI" a**r fo 'ry' LTC Stephen €# . ffi 7 , 1'"$ &frriy M. Lutz, Bottolion Commonder l2 Morch l99l Bosroh Ploin, Eostern lroq SOLDIERS OF THE 24th MECHANIZED INFANTRY DIVISION: .l,800 26,000 soldiers, ormored vehicles, ond 6,800 wheeled vehicles of the 24th Mechonized lnfontry Division Combot Teom ond the ottoched 212th Field A*illery Brigode ond 36th Engineer Group ottocked into lroq. Our primory purpose wos to destroy ond ogressor ormy ond to free the two million people of Kuwoit. We hove occomplished our mission. .l00 ln iust hours of bottle, you ottocked 370 kilometers deep into the enemy's flonk ond reor. We severed the lroqi lines of communicotion through the Euphrotes River Volley ond systemoticolly onnihiloted the 25th Commondo Brigode, 47th ond 49th lnfontry Divisions, ond four Republicon Guords Divisions. You destroyed over 353 tonks ond ormored personnel corriers, 3.l4 ortillery guns ond mortors,207 onti-oircroft guns, 1,278 lrvcks, l9 FROG missles, 22 MRLs, 25 enemy highperformonce fighter oircroft ond helicopters, ond coptured over 5,000 prisoners. The Victory Divi.l,300 sion olso detonoted over ommunition bunkers with more thon one hundred-thousond tons of munitions. The offensive copobilitgy of the lroqiArmed Forces hos been wrecked. SoudiArobio ond the Gulf Stotes ore now sofe. On24 Februory 1991 , the The 24th lnfontry Division's ottock speorheoded the ground offensive for the Allied Coolition Force. Our odvonce moved forther ond foster thon ony other mechonized force in militory history. The speed, violence, ond determinotion with which you fulfilled your mission completely destroyed the enemy's will to fight. Tocticol victories such os Tolill Air Bose, Bottle Position #102, Joliboh Air Bose, Bosroh Ploin, ond the Rumoyloh Oil Field ore now engroved in the history of the 24th Mechoniz- ed lnfontry Division. Eoch of you will return to fomilies ond to on Americon public filled with o greot sense of pride ond respect for your personol couroge ond socrifices. Your occomplishments, together with thousonds of other soliders, soilors, oirmen, ond morines who took port in this bottle, hove reindled o new spirit of potriotism throughout our greot country. You hove revitolized Americo's confidence in our Armed Forces. Americo is more sofe ond prouder becouse of your strength, discipline, ond volor. We must not forget our follen comrodes. Eight Victory Division soldiers were killed ond thirtysix were wounded in this compoign. We will remember them with both dignity ond honor. Their legocy is two million free Kuwoti citizens ond en enduring messoge to both free ond oppressed people throughout the world. . . There is hope; Freedom is never without cost, ond; Americons will fight ond die for our principles. FIRST TO FIGHT ts> BARRY R. McCAFFREY Mojor Generol, United Stotes Army Commonding Generol # lha , l: "f ioi % \-*- ,:;#-,,. 1&Wj;. 1r!.!: i t. - ,.,tt rA W W M *' ,'w '4 a ,.: ,;.@,. , . l:.. W .a::' ' ,l tc# 4:;:..,::, , 'i:::;i'.1,::' .i :* tt: i. :::::,.... :..41:. ,, @ %t @tu;,@,.tu*& 1!/,;,.\@/: ", aa a:'ii. iu. ".' :' W f{ru ft ^ wi,, I GEN Borry R. McCoffraf t Commonder, 24th lnfontry Division (Mechonized) CLASSIFIED UNTIL I Morch 1991 VICTORY DIVISION l5 Februo ry 199\ 24th tD (Mech) GENERAI ORDER TO ATTACK we now begin o greot bottle to destroy ond oggressor Soldiers of the Victory Division Army ond free two million Kuwoiti people. We will fight under the Americon flog ond with the outhority of the United Notions. By force-of-orms we will moke the lroqi wor mochine surrender the country they hold prisoner. - The 25,000 soldiers of the reinforced 24th lnfontry Division will be the First to Fight. Our mission is to ottock 300 kilometers deep into lroq to block the Euphrotes River Volley. Our obiective is to close the escope route for 500,000 enemy soldiers in Kuwoit. On D-Doy , 24th lD (M( will be the point of the speor for o generol offensive by 700,000 Coolition Allied soliders. The Victory Division ottock hos the centrol purpose to smosh into the enemy reor ond destroy their will to fight. The shock oction ond violence of the 24th lnfontry Division ossoult will sove thousonds of Americon lives from the blood work of fighting through the fire trenches of Kuwoit. There will be no turning bock when we ottock into bottle. One hundred thousond Americon ond French soldiers of XVlll Airborne Corps will fight on our flonks. We hove the weopons ond the militory troining equol to the tosk. We proy thot our couroge ond our skill be bring this wor to o speedy close. ln WWll, in Koreo, in Soudi Arobio. . . the soldiers of the Victory Division hove never foiled Americo. We sholl do our duty. B, BARRY R. McCAFFREY Commonder - Victory Division OPERATION DESERT STORM COPY 2 OF 46 COPIES HEADQUARTERS 24TH rD (M) SAU DI ARABIA The Commonding Generol Tolkes to the Bottlekings November 1990 , . ?l.,w +ri **.L'r. ,.,., :) Heodquorters *. '#.* Chonge of Commond ws d Jffiffi'* tfsffi December 1990 %$ .E{" n \** Awords Ceremony ot The Folks Who Bottleking City Moke lt HopPen Fun & Gomes ot Bottleking City! W:M Chorlie Bottery CofC With Bottleking 5 Chorgin' Chorlie Alpho Stud Dogs With Bottleking 6 Heodquorters Bottery Eyes of Deoth Fire Support Christmos r 990 Merry Christmas And A Peaceful New Year from 24th lnfantry Division (Mechanized) Fort Stewart, Georgia / Saudi Arabia Steve Mortin Visits Chorlie Bottery Operotions WHERE'S IHE POPCORN? At Bottleking City, soldiers ossembled under the big whiie tent io woich TV. Soldiers were s€nt their fovoriie TV shows ond movies from friends ond fomily bock home. W DINING lN. 2LT Gore ond other HHB officers held o Dining ln ot Bottleking City. The funciion wos oltered o little in thot no olcohol wos served ond the men didn't weor Dress Blues. lnsteod, lhey wore outhentic Soudi heoddress. One doy out of the week, soldiers got to go to Bottleking City to relox ond wotch TV, reod or ploy sporh. The Eottolion fomred o footboll, volleyboll, softboll ond soccer leogue. TIME OUI - l W SOFIBALI CHAIIPIONS. Top: 2LT Aherron; SGT Thomos; SGT SPC Woshingron ond SPC Lee. Bottom: SGT Ascue; SPC Rodriquez; SFC Sonders; 1 SG Shoup; SPC Holl ond SGT trozier; PFC Curtis; Whiteheod. SOCCER CHArulPlONS: Top: SPC C-orpio; 2LT Horvcy; 2LT McLoughlin; I LT Hockett ond SPC Hernondcz. Eotlom: CPT Churchwcll; SSG Golon- zo; SPC Evons ond SPC Rodriquez. ,,N t .:t' ./ I SGT Billy Morrin SGT Chorles Monroe 1161 FIST Commo PGT Timolhy Roiner SGT Donold Reetz 3/r 5 F|ST 3/1 5 F|ST SGT Bennie Thomo: SGT Commo SGT Rondoll Morris 3/15 Boliolion Melvin Thomprcn Medic FSE SGT Jomes Musgrove SGT Poul Nettles 3/69 8rig. Commond Group Wilberl SGT Presley Commo F|ST SGT Quenton Swoin Commo SGT Gory Tolley SGT Andre Toylor Commo Commo Suruey SGT Somucl Word SGT Kenneth Whitchmd SGT Leroy Willinghom CPL Sommy Poyne 3/',t5 FrST Suwey SGT Michoel Robinson 1161 flSf 3/15 FIST ; \ -..".....-.. $,'',&$.$ i*{k} - \'&'I ii'W kw"-.u\ j. SPC Dovid Ames , SPC Stcvcn 3/r5 Commo -t"q Andercn F|ST SPC Kerry Eollord r/6,r Frst ffiJ:: SPC Adrion Bmlcr Brigode j SPC Luke Brqdford SPC Commo FSE 8ruce Brown s-3 ffi $.M VIr{ # ]* 5PC Vincenl Corpio Surucy SPC Doniel Conoll 3/l 5 F|ST ? r,)$ jr, i,r;$ SPC Rqul Cqrrillo Commo SPC Eric Chqre 3/rs FrsT SPC F.l Jimmy Childers FDC John Childres Brigode Coh SPC tll rr ,t.ll lr'r ; lr ''' HOTIiTIAD Jt E CHXISI}IAS TREE ,,,- - PFC Moore ond PFC Evons stond under the Bottery's Christmos tree. The tree wos mode from chem-lights ond onlenno poles. \\ THE CHRISTIiAS D. J. At the Bo$ery Dining Tenr, PFC Evons D.Jed the Christmos music while the soldiers ote their Christmos dinner. The dinner consisted of turkey, hom, fruit ond lots more. - The Bottery Christmos Tree inside the LOTS OF GOODIES Dining Tent wos decoroled with ornomenis ond Piciures sent from home. The tree wos surrounded with fruit ond condy for the soldiers. - WHAT A MEAL! SFC Rodriquez ond PFC Willioms help themselves lo more food on Thonksgiving Doy. The soldiers hod the troditionol Thonksgiving Dinner with oll t" of the trimmings. T CHOW IIME The soldiers of HHB held rheir Thonksgiving dinner ouiside of the dining tent. The dinner wos the some os home's but the set- - ting wos definitely different. tr"ffi ""m {'l* r\j .'l\ It\ t la'{ 3 Peter Cooper 3/69 F|ST Y SPC Elmer Cuevos Medic 5rL Jeremy uetgooo 4/54 Commo \*t & tF \L\. $t SPC Fronk Douglos SPC lomont Evons SPC Ricky Fields Commo 3/l 5 FlsT SPC Borry Goskin SPC Joffree Guillord Suruey Medic SPC John King FIST i n SPC Shown Fitzgerold SPC Doniel Flores SPC Tony Fowler Bottol. Comdr. Driver Medic Medic SPC Jomes Golberth r /64 F|ST it" SPC Willie Gross Commo SPC Dorren Hotch SPC Chris Hernondez SPC Gene Holmes SPC Bruce Kkby 5 Commo Brigode Colt 3/r 5 F|ST 3/1 FIST SPC Jomes Lee SPC Poul Moxon SPC Roy McCoy Cook Survey Survey SPC Nelson Nomood 4164 ilST SPC 3/59 Williom Power HHB Commdr. Driver FtST SPC Terry R6se Commo { SPC Jomes Rice 3/15 F|ST SPC Eugene Robinson Commo SPC Philemon Shork 'll54 Bottolion FSE SPC George Shivor Brigode Colr SPC Shown Smith S u rvey SPC Mork Toylor Commo SO'UIE IIKE tI DRY. While woiting outside of their vehicle, PFC Moore, PFC McNeol ond PFC Evons bottled the dust of the dry, hot desert. The heot the deserl wos snot the only obstocle the soldiers hod lo overcome. The sondslorms olso cous- ed problems. SOME IIKE ITWET. 2tT Brumogin, ILT Borthwick ond SPC Quevos stond in omozement ot ihe edge of o pond which wos formed overnight during o thunderslorm. The desert is known for hoving o roiny seoson. This seoson usuolly lost o month. i. I "1&ji STANDING PROUD. SFC Wooding poses on ihe M-l Abroms Bottle Tonk ot 4-64 Armor. SFC Wooding hod iust finished toking o ride in the tonk. FISI PREPARES FOR oul from A.A, Hinesville. The trock ws procticing moneuver in lhe deseri. There were l5 vehicles in HHB. FIST .,#'** qP-"'' v' i,n{ HHB REIURNS. The Bot- lery moved bock to A.A. Hinesville ofter o live fire exercise wos compleled successfully. The exercise occurred Ronge. WAR. A F|STlonk moves r:*,1 ot King Foisol SPC Dornell Thompson SPC Doniell Tollmon SPC De:sie Trovis SPC Vernon Thomos Commo PAC Choploin's Assistont 4164 flST SPC Henry Willioms SPC Jeff Wohl l/64 Bottolion Medic FSE * $i:S ,rr$.*, SPC Michoel Willioms Medic SPC SPC Michoel R. Willioms Bottolion CSM's Driver Worren Wright Medic SPC Rondolph Youngblood Brigode PFC FSE Robcrt Borncfi Medic PFC joseph Buschelmon PAC \ t ! PFC Richord Compbell PFC 't164 FtST Brion Courtright PFC Brodley Doty Commo PFC Don Gordner PFC PFC Erion Govin Alexonder Goldmon C' FDC FDC ,: '.":Sl FDC ,x PFC Vincent Hording Medic PFC Doryl Horlow 3/15 Bottolion PFC FSE Mork Hotfield 4164 FtSl PFC Jeffery Hovener 4/64 PFC Seon Hrggrns F|ST Brigode Colt v'1 1.ffi PFC Eddie Howell 3/15 Bottolion FSE PFC Willie Johnson Commo PFC Coley Kiser Bridode FSE PFC Dovid Lieuollen 3/',t5 FrST PFC John Moson t/64 FtsT PFC Normon McNe,r Commo jir.,,',,|,:h,:.,: ti:)i!!;t:l |*' ..] ''*!' l:t, **. 11,1i; A, ::'j '" r1 .:* ,: .: IHE IOC ilOVES OUI. The TOC begon moving on Sundoy, Fcbruory 21,1991. They were on iheir iL. .,., ,.liitl*':. BEING BRIEFED. SFC Wooding briefs the bottery on ihe mission to ottock lroqi. The otlock wos to begin the next doy. woY f,o Obiecfive Groy. .l MORE POWS? POWs were tronsported bock io the Bottolion TOC. There they were interrogoted by Ml personnel. LOOK WHAI I FOUND! ISG Shoup tries out his lroqi molorcycle. The motorcycle wos brought bock for the Division Museum. PERFECI POSE. CPT Golietto, Bottery Commonder, poses with o coplured coche of lroqi weopons. The weopons were loter destroyed. \.- lN IRAQ - ISG Shorp, SPC Averos, CPT Gollietto, 'l LT Borthwick ond SPC Powell stond in lroq on Thursdoy, Febrvory 28, 1991. The lond wor hod been going on for five doys. Alt THE GANG'S HERE Top: ILT Tombling; CPT Homowih; SSG Colon ond - SGT Roiner. Bottom: SPC Fields; pVT Morgon ond PW Curtis. This picture wos token on the site of o RGFC division heodquorters. IRAQI AIR DEFENSE. @ '@' SPC Averos ond SPC Perez check oui o coptured lroqi Air Defense Weopon. 4*"**t A.* t ,t **, L *-* a. ew W ru KEEPING A COUNT The FDC shelter disploys rhe picrures of destroyed lroqi equipment. The soldier working in the shelter ensured occurote ond timely - fire missions. W SMOKEY SK|ES. lroqi equipment burns in the distonce, os Heodquorter Bottery set up comp ofter the ceose fire. Deoth Row Block Beouty ..1 :t .t:,n;tl l 'l *- Hell on Wheels! l ,,.. Stud Dogs Alpho Bottery 3-41 FA t7A, CPT Roymond Binghom A Btry 1st Sgt Bruce King + A Btry 1SG BC I & t' 'lLT Brion Rhonehouse I st Plt Leoder I LT Eric Moore 2nd Plt Leoder .;SFC Jesse Crowford 1st Plt Sgt I LT Sieven Lewis 'lst Plt FDO I LT Done Borksdole 2nd Plt FDO SSG Joseph Wore 'lst Plt Gunnery Sgt 2nd Plt Gunnery Sgt 4' \1 Jnr SFC Robert Kimble 2nd Plt Sgt SSG Edwin Contes CUSTOMS CHECK - PFC Wider wotches os SPC Fitzgerold get inspected by o customs officiol. All vehicles ond equipmeni hod to poss inspection. LOAD'EM UP! FIST trocks enrouie HET uplood siie. The trocks were looded onto floibed trucks. io the ., . -,..'.,',-...-.-***.tr W WETCOME HOME! On his flisht bock io Fort Steworl, SPC Holmes got some extro otlention from the flight ottendonts oboord. Most of HHB orrived in Sovonnoh on Thurs- doy, Morch 21, 1991. OPEBATIO ffi , NH$f,RT STOHM (/i,.;.",, $*lf !r9l ilr iiil:]i THE END OF IHE STORM - A commemorotive Operotion Desert Storm Postcord wos nol oll thot could hove been purchosed. There were tee shirts, hots, cups, posters ond books to remind people of the wor which hod iusi ended. .M y.#/ .**'Sls* 'tN w PFC TommY Moore Comnlo PFC Sruort Stucbing PFC Christopher Rceves ,t/64 Bottolion PFC Edword PAC PV2 Aoron Newby PFC Poblo Rodriqucz PFC Eric Seckinger Supply Brigode Colt PFC Dorrell Willioms PFC Juon Zombrono FSE Wider !, Suruay S-3's Driver 3/r 5 F|ST PV2 Jomcs Rivero 3/r 5 FrST CPT Doniel McDonold 2[T Byron Greshom SGT Foomofi Foomofi SGT Alvin love SPC Eric Bellond SPC Dovid Stickelmon PVI Dorrell inox Commo Phofos PFC Edword Stokes 3/59 PV2 Chorles Eristow 2t64 FtSf PAC PV2 Joseph Kennedy 3/r5 F|ST PVI Frederick Morgon 3/15 F|ST Not Avoiloble SGT Dorryl Ellis SFC Somuel Tribble SGT Michoel Brown SGT Thomos Moddy SGT Chorles Wode SGT Lonnie Williom: SPC Royol Curtis SPC John Dygerl SPC Joson Fronklin SPC Dorrell Moore SPC George Murchison SPC Eornest Thomos SPC Cloy Tidwell SPC Wendell Turner SPC Michoel SPC Jomes Widemon SFC Tommy Bloodworth Woshington SPC Michoel Zimmer PFC Doniel Stowers FIST PFC Normon Bouges PFC Christopher Curtis PFC Sieve Wotis SGT Williom Willioms \Vor Art ;.,..,:, \ :r: .r,tt.i;,:,..1.11 ..,1:111r,..;..1r,,rr.1,,... ft:{efiwww , W:' Bottleking 5 ond Commond Sergeont Moior on Vocotion The Drivers Heoded North! Our Eyes in the Dork .r'tr l:-\ ur.s s\S - :.:!::!: :r:rir:l :': I I Lr;iir'iil;:'1. lil i'lii';'n "' ;$,1'' ;tl ,: ''i;:L*: -l+- ..f-'*u1 The Enemy Our Wor Mochine - Ml09 A2 {.i,t;, # &_ . ,::dvfr.. b ..,:,. * '&**a -rc )j t" *tl:;i#'':lril' :::'' : LTC Stephen ::;;: M. CSM Ashley luke Lutz Bottolion CSM Bottolion Commonder s MAJ Arnold Smith Bott. Exec Officer tr \ MAJ John House Bottolion S-3 MAJ Tom Torronce Brigode FSO CPT Curtis Binney Bottolion S-l CPT Ronnie Stewort Bottolion S-2 CPT Michoel Golietto HHB Commonder 1SG George Shoup I LT Jomes Borthwick HHB First Sergeont HHB Executive Officer "ffi W' ff CPT Michoel Anderson CPT Oscor Arouco CPT Jett' Brown CPT Cordon Crowford Choploin Assistont Brigode FSO Bottolion FDO Assistont S-3 { {;;1 ,114 CPT Poul Goosbeck Assistont S-3 CPT Robert Hozen Spec. Weopons Officer CPT Lowrence Heckel 1/64 Bottolion FSO ,u CPT Shown Koley 3/59 Bottolion FSO ,ry .'.,, '' , ,i' ,., 'rW TX: M , '.r "wt' *bi ,r.ffi ',..w w; .,: v #r ".: ,P ffi 'w,"w ;t "r t* it iw ry, md CPT Michoel McPheorson CPT Robert Murroy CPT Gregory O'Horo Assistont S-3 Assistont Brigode FSO Bottolion Moinlenonce Of CPT Rodney Perolto 3/l5 Bottolion FSO 'lLT 1 LT Leonord Hocketl Bott. Chemicol Officer John McGill l/63 Compony 1 LT John Shonklin 3/15 Compony FSO FSO l LT Todd Tombling 3/15 Compony FSO t ,\ ,A 1,t,,4 ILT Deon Zelner 1164 Compony FSO - I LT Dorrell Aherron Commo Plot Leoder 2LT Michoel Brumogin 2LT John Ford Bottolion RSO 3/15 Compony FSO W$:;ir. &..,ii "i r.* t 2[T Jimmy Kim 1/64 Compony FSO Williom Lockord 3/15 Compony FSO 2LT 2LT Scott McLoughlin 2LT John Royfield Assistont S-2 4/64 Compony FSO ") r f ISG Milton Young CW3 John Bell Bott. Physicion's Aide Combot Troins' ISG MSG John Adoms Moyor-Bottleking City SFC Jerry Allen 1164 Bott. Fire Support '.,l..st * ,ll.':' , 1." r, E SFC Howord Dixon PAC NCOTC SFC Doniel Hoyden SFC Jomes Joyner SFC Louro Melendez Bott. Mess NCO s-3 NCOIC 4154 Bott. Fire Support t'-'' ;E *-tF- SFC Chorles Peorson Brig Fire Support NCOIC SFC Jon Postoloff Bottolion FDC NCOIC SFC Somuel Sonders Bottolion Survey NCOIC SFC Cobrin Wooding Bottolion Commo Chief SSG Dovid Bogue SSG Alex Golorzo 3/15 Bottolion Bottolion Medicol NCOrC Fire Support NCOIC .' , .i, '. ,;, ,,,,, ' s"-j" d d*#"* .W, rt", " sw't""*-*: t*'{#*#{t%E i'tl tI- ''ffi.p..:, s *,. .i,: r* "$' e{ ':, | .,, o{*ii ++ ,1$1, + {$C WETCOME TO THE DESERT! This wos HHB's home owoy from home for seven months i *'*, ^ A +*"@n' *#x, **wffiw t, ITS HOMrying to beot the heot, I LT McPheorson sits under his como lent with o wet towel over his heod. The temperoture in the desert ronged from I '100 to 1200 during the doy ond from 45o to 35o ot night. feXtXC A BREAK - At AssemblY Areo Hinesville, CPT Hefner, former Botiery Com- monder, ond SGM Bender toke o breok from the move to ihe new oreo. TAIHER UP - PFC Moxon, olong with other soldiers, tried to keep cleon bY toking o shower in the shower stolls which orrived in Soudi in October. & CHANGTNG COMTUIAND - On December l, 1990, CPT Hefner turned over lhe commond of HHB to CPT Golietto. CPT Hefner went to reploce the FSO ot 2-4 Cov. :, tii: :|, i: GUARD DUW PFC Delgodo stonds 1:) tu guord over A.A. Hinesville. soldier hod guord duty' EverY to w Pull ffiG WHICH WAY 15 HOME? HHB develoPed signs ot A.A. Hinesville to ,* T help the desert seem more like home. The signs olso reminded ihe soldiers of the fomilY ond friends theY hod left behind. 1';*,1'#fihl SSG Trumone Anderson Supply Sergeont SSG Joe Colon SSG Ronold Cole Brigode 3/15 FSE F|ST SSG Poblo SSG Louis FDC Brigode Dinkins Colt SSG Kenneth Edmonds Bottol' Chemicol NCO Wr \, t \" "{ *rm; rf"r"i- h, SSG Gerold 3/1 s Jonc F|ST SSG Jeff Ros 'r164 FrST SSG George Skipper 3/t5 FIST SSG Estebon Torras 3/r 5 F|ST Word tli54 Bofiolion FSE SSG Gerold SSG Edrick Weolhers FDC r, r SGT John Averill SGT George Brqo Supply Commo SGT Flovours Fletcher SGT Moriinos Frozier Brigode Coh PAC SGT Michoel High FDC SGT Eric Holfert Cook SGT Uoyd Burleigh 4/6,{ F|ST SGT Doniel Hodovonic 3/l 5 F|ST SGT Jomes Huhn 1i54 F|ST SGT Chorles Clork Commo SGT Eeniomin Guy l/64 F|ST SGT Jomes Jockson 4164 flSI SGT Richord Cobb Suruey , SGT Jomes Cole FDC Molik Horvey 3/69 F|ST SGT Thomos Heitier SGT Chris Knopp SGT Roger Lcscrynski s-3 SGT s-2 Medic r') fi Rl 1 '3 - j - $. !/:.ll SGT Donold Bornes 3rd Howiizer Secl SPC Bobbie Abner 6th Howitzer rU -w Ammo SSG Gorry Hunt 6th Howilzer Seci Chief SPC Roderick Hodo I st Howitzer Seci ry .litrri \M. :-'d SPC Ernest Jockson Sect , l L r SPC Timothy Allen 'lst Howitzer Sect PFC Augusiine Aguirre 2nd Plt FDC SPC Eilly Higgoson sPc SGT Mirchell Grffin I 7th Howilzer B. C. Driver Sect ry""\ ffi.{ SPC Terry Gilberl 2nd Howitzer Sec PFC Anthony Coughley 4th Howitzer SSG Joime Gereno 'lst Howitzer Sec Chief Jtrtr SGT Alvin Coley SPC Dorren Frederick lst PLT FDC SSG Erroll Clemons 4th Howitzer Sec Chief Sec SGT Duke Fox Spec Weopons NCOIC SPC Chorles Clork 7th Howitzer Sec SGT Fronkie Goode 2nd Howilzer Sect QF{kh \r'r PFC Dorin Foshonf 3rd Howitzer Sec SFC John Choron Dining Focility Monoger PFC Howord Dormon 8lh Howitzer Sec SGT Joseph Costillo 8th Howifzer Sec \iq l,' SGT Timothy Corier 5lh Howitzer Sec SPC Troy Coin 4th Howirzer Sec \;; hJ SGT Brodley Buechner 8th Howitzer Sec SPC Dexter Brown 8th Howirzer Sec SPC John Bone 2nd Howitzer Sec SSG Corl Birt Commo/BOC NCOIC t } SGT Dennis Jones I st How Sec SSG Edword Lopez 2nd Plt FDC Chief SPC Thomos Mores SPC Roul Mezo A Btry Clerk/lSG Driver 2nd Plt FDC Weopons SPC Julio Perez SPC Ulys:es Poke SGT Tony Porter SPC Elios Lowson 5th How Sec SPC Michoel Lloyd , ,s tl SGT Kenneth Odle 6th How Sec Dorrell Porker 3rd How Sec SGT Ammo 3rd How Sec 4th How Sec Sec SPC Dimitri Powe Supply Clerk Ft :&. \ &i" SPC Cedric Richordson Commo BOC Oper " .srt;*.irxi} SPC Enrique Rivero 5th How Sec t .t, ; kl; 3rd How F'$l+,, 3rd How 5th How 7th How SGT Jose Rodriguez 5th How Sec Sec SPC Ollie Ro:s Commo BOC Oper *l-. PFC Jonolhon Sontos Sec SPC Edlred Robertson hL;. ,J -,-. Sec q.) . ..,f* Fg- 5PL - PFC Donovon Rivers Sec PFC Mork Scoggs lSI PII FDC CPL Clevelond Shelton SSG Roy Stonford Ammo Ammo NCOIC b, SGT George Viccico 6th How Sec CPL Douglos Woller 2nd How Sec SSG Donny White PFC Gregory While NBC NCO 2Nd PII FDC SPC Jemol Wiley 4rh How Sec SSG Doryl Willis Supply 59t r$ >'\t# A,M*. SGT Roderick Wilson 7th Howitzer SPC Sec Gory Womble 'lst Plt FDC SPC Ross Yniguez 4th Howitzer Sec Phofos Not Availoble SPC Rodger Bornett Ammo Sec SGT Corlton Brown 'lst Howilzer Sec SPC Ronnie Bell 3rd Howitzer Sec SSG Chri:topher 2nd Howitzer Sec Burt Chief PFC John Bowers 6th Howitzer Three the Hord Sec woy SPC Douglos Cotton Speciol Wmpons p. #. SGT Jeffery Dodson 2nd Plt FDC SPC Sieve Forley 3rd Howitzer Sec SGT Nellord Gibson Ammo SPC Morcus Hood 5th Howitzer Sec SPC Prezell Duckeil SPC Croig Gibson 2nd Ph FDC SPC Glenn Johnson SGT Scott Lomor Speciol Weopons 8th Howitzer Sec SGT Willie Rondolph Commo/BOC PFC Fronk Serrono I sr Ph FDC Chief SPC Freddie Steele 7lh Howitzer Sec PFC John Woters l st Howilzer Sec 8lh Howitzer Sec 4th Howitzer Sec PFC Donold Pendleton Sec 5th Howitzer PV2 Polmer Reed Sec PFC Bemin McCroy 5th Howitzer Sec PFC Leron Peterkin 6ih Howitzer Sec SSG Mork Silver CPI Rondoll Spencer Ph FDC Chief Tobron FDCTBOC SGT Gregory lst Plr SSG Clinlon White 7th Howitzer Sec Chiei Going Notive PV2 Joel Love 8th Howitzer SSG Edwin Rivero Botlery Hmdquorters 'lst 4:t 2nd Howitzer Sec Sec 7th Howitzer F*: 7* Sec PFC Benlomin Hicks SPC Dovid Mortin I st Howitzer Sec 6lh Howitzer SPC Scott Gore 7th Howitzer Sec PFC Jocob Morquez PV2 Anthony Mercodo Eosley SPC Hoyword Fields PFC Donold Lotlimore Sec Williom Ammo Sec SPC Kent loney 2nd Howitzer Sec 2nd Howilzer SPC Unit Armor/Supply 5lh Howiher Sac SSG Fronk Wolker 8th Howitzer Sec Chicf SGT Keith Willioms I st Howitzer Sec Bottleking Six Visits the Dog Pound Stonding Toll ond Looking Good! So-Long Stud Dogs "The Bottery ls Formed Sir" A Bottery Chonge of Commond 9 Dec 90 Stud Dogs Going To Wor Just Coolin' ffw;i, rW;M Fire Mission, Shell-HE, Fuse PD, Chorge F Red Bog THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM w ffi \ SHAKE, RATTLE AND ROLL! DEUCE ON THE LOOSE i KING FAHD AND HIS MERRY MEN : :"i/ q STUD DOGS LIKE TA' PARTY HEARTY THE DOG TEAM IN ACTION Desert Pheosont The Duke of Dog Food Operotion Sovonnoh Cores , t\ ., ,{lt, *itffi *"_*.',i;,,., Setting the Stondords in the Sond ,w Blood Bowl '91 w- w i . . ',|,,i:i .. .,!:r, l' # **& ' : *., 1 1: ti.:. -tjre:'::+' .l 1 Holy Smoke! How For Do We Hove to Pull This Howitzer? A Reol Army Hoircut Brovo Showing Off Lieutenonts Their Stuff t"t I LT Dovis ond I LT Buck Geored Up For Bottle Bus[wAe( E Rs r CPT Dewoyne Alford ISG Edword Cooper Jr. Btry Commonder Btry ISG ,w-&.$ I LT Williom Soscio I st Plt FDO I LT Shown Buck I st Plt Leoder F, b -P 5FC Robert Stornes I st Plt Chief of Smoke It 1 LT Joseph Dovis 2nd Plt Leoder I LT Wolter Morgon 2nd Plt FDO '1 $s .il SSG John Horris I st Plt Gunnery Sgt fi $ SFC Glenn Johnson 2nd Plt Chief of Smoke SSG Dorrell Woodoll 2nd Plt Gunnery Sgt re;\ m*$ George Anderson SGT Lorry Alford 'lst Plt Ammo Sec SPC Michoel Anderson Btry Cmdr Driver FDC SSG jimmy Arnold 3rd How Sec Chief SPC Doniel Boird SGT Kennelh Austion 4th How Armorer Sec 7ffi* W jiilj i **wl t SPC Cecil Boker 2nd How PfC Eric Boylor Ammo Sec Sec SPC Chris Erown SGT Dovid Brown 7th How 2nd Pli FDC S* SPC Steven Bell 2nd How Sec lrcoc Brown SPC 'lst How Sec SGT Roy Brodshow lst How Sec SPC Troy Erown Commo 2nd How Woyne Deloney 7ih How Sec SGT Poul Divers 2nd Plt FDC t,' NA, 7th How Sec SPC Michoel D6oriso SPC Stephen Coles 7th How 2nd Plt FDC Sec l I L SGT Terry Hunter 2nd How Sec Sec I SPC SGT Tilford Briscoe SGT Monle Briggs SPC Allen Eddy 5th How Sec PFC Klieon Elwin 4th How Sec Mork Hoyden 8th How Se SPC Freddy Jennings 4th How lst How Sec fl' SSG Anthony Gregory 2nd Plt FDC Chief :ffisi I i SGT SGT Eric Green ,..s Sec SPC Brion Jones NBC NCO SSG Jomes Jordon SSG Roberr King S* Chief 7th How { &,a :*. ;"w t a'tl!, b1 SPC Jomes Kirllond 3rd How SPC Celidus 6th How Sec SGT Donold Lindblode 5th How Sec Mortin PFC Edwin Little 8th How Sec McWhorter 4th How Sec SPC Roymond Sec SPC Reginold Lomnick 8th How SPC Sec Motthew Medley Firsl Sergeont Driver 1tffi frb' PFC Mitchell Luiono SSG Dovid Moddox I st How Sec 2nd How Sec Chief PFC Chorles ln PFC Ronnie Miller Morrison 7th l-low Plr FDC Sec .w s s, ry.. :.. SGT Hugh Myers 2nd Ph FDC SSG Ronnie Nosh Ammo Sec ." PFC Jeffrey Oliver I si How Sec SPC Anthony Oudems 8th How Sec PFC Mork Petty PFC Vincent Phipps Commo 5th How Sec { PFC Donold Poai: 3rd How Sec SGT leffrey 3rd How Reed SSG Joseph Reynolds Sec 4th How SPC Lonce Ripley 8th How Sec Chief Sec SSG Eugene Seoborough SSG Richord Seeney I st How Sec Chief Ammo Sec Chief m V4;". SPC Derrick Spikes 6th How Sec SGT Ricky Sleele lst Ph FDC W PFC Rolph Steword Gunnery Sgt Driver SPC Anthony Stronge I si How Sec SSG John Topper 5th How Sec Chief SPC Ronold Thomos 6th How Sec Phofos Not Avoilable SPC Abson PFC Loir -v.. SGT Joe Thorpe 8lh How PFC Anthony Vogts 'l5t Ph FDC Sec SPC Kevin Worner 3rd How Sec SPC Bruce Wheeler SPC Eric Wesley 2nd How lst How Sec Sec PW Smiley SSG Evons ' SGT Monthei PFC Smith PFC Fowler SPC McNeely SPC Steptoe SSG Jones SPC O'Doniel SPC Spredlin SPC Kelly j" SGT Terry Willis SSG Henry Willioms 5th How 8th How Sec Chief Sec SGT Clorence Young 6rh How Sec SPC Robert Zonder 5th How Sec SPC Borrington Whittinghom Ammo Sec SGT Wilborn SGT Worthom LTG "LB" briefs the long owoited plon the doy before the BUSHWACKERS cross into lroqi ond begin the "100 Hours Wor." *, .9-t'','/4,i The wor's over ond it's time to go home. Brovo loods up io return to the port ond homel Sgt. Hoyden Receiving on ARCOM from Gen. Powell The Brovo BC in Action W , .'. f, i.i, :':.ii:i;;, SGT Reed Crushes lroqi Weopons With o Little ;:", :;. ", .rr" 11;ii::;) - A -, t ;; :' Help from SSG Arnold . . ;;: 4' i:n" r :t,i.41ta :: ' I : : .i, ::':*: :: :: l'I ,.r r:l . l:ii i. .lt,, .t,r; :::]: ::, i Smoke Stornes ond SGT Austion Leod o Group of Bushwockers in Checking Out Some lroqi Geor ::i1\ I I ,', . i:.:iit . ':i:i .u ,I,, ..t i.i!: L .t.*r . '.",t.r -+ .. ,,. "No More Little People!" WW CTORY! h* #W ryffi { i.' , #.. b& Y "Of Course, There's No Worronty." s $ -{$t{*}nffi 1st Sgt Lewis Jones CPT Christopher Arnherter Bottery Commonder I LT Steve Myers I st Plt Leoder 'lLT Perry Howle 2nd Plt Leoder I LT Dove Kemmerer 1LT Sumpter l st Plt FDO 2nd Plt FDO WW SFC Hercules Mobley 2nd Plt Sgt SFC Willie Johnson I st Plt Sgt M* SFC Michoel Bornes SFC Steven Thomos Plt Gunnery Sgt 2nd Plt Gunnery Sgt { t ffiry Steve Mortin Briefing "The Plon" This ls Where Rumor Control Stort t -e*"fr, rffi iiw SPC Gulllermo Acevedo 8th Seci Connoneer pf.\r t**r*x' - ;*y , |t ' J, .r" ( ':1 SS.:x SPC Williom Adoms 'lSG Driver SPC Troy Alemon 4th Secl Connoneer UT Wt'P"" s,* * *41 Willie Anderson 7th Sect Connoneer SPC Anthony Andrews SSG Edgor Arroyo 8th Sect M548 Driver 4th Sect Chie{ SGT Gustovo Bueso PFC Oennrs Butlucr PFC Joseph Burtcn 4th Sec Ammo Teom Ch Wire Mon B.C. Driver PFC {t*r M's $ *-o W- -x lft*:, .;' I n-- PFC Lorry Arthur 8th Secl Connoneer SPC Kenneih Asbury 2nd Sect Connoneer SGT Doniel Bourosso BCS Operotor -{., /ry- "IW mn $1" a^ Morio Cevollos st Sec Connonneer SPC I Timothy Chorlie 2nd Plt FDC SPC Dovid Clork 8th Sec Connoneer SPC Donold Copper 'l SSG Henry Cotton st Sec Connoneer 5th Sec Chief SPC Derek Croig 6lh Sec Connoneer F$l "* PFC Thomos Crenshow 4th Sec Connoneer SPC Sho'rn Dent 6th Sec Connon"er SPC Edgordo Descolzo 8th Sec #l SGT Korl Evons 2nd Sec Gunner PFC Robert Eggloff 'lst Connoneer Plt FDC SPC Jomes Frozier 5ih Sec Connoneer t,iYg.t, SGT Erion Freelond 5th Sec Ammo Teom Ch SFC Thomos Freemon SPC Poul Freuchte Mess Sgt Bottery Assist Armor SPC Tommy Goddis PFC Shown Gollop 3rd I Sec Connoneer sl Sec Connoneer SPC Lewis George Bollery Ammo Sec I 2nd Section st Section Plotoon lst Heovy!! FDC ffi 3rd Section 4th Section 9. i3 4 ,n i\ t.H ?,,, L; rflx" SGl$ront Goins 7th Sec Ammo Tmm Ch I PFC Eric Gore 6lh Sec Connoneer SGT Vincent'Griffin SGT Morcus Grohom 6th Sec Ammo Tcom Ch Supply Sgt SGT Bruce Hoines I st Seci Ammo Teom '.ffI ** I""{ ft SSG SGT Kevin Horris lorry Hormon 6th Sec Gunner 7th Sec Chiel SSG lst SPC Terry Horris torendo Horrit 8th Sec Assist Gunner Plt Gunnery Sgt ,/ -.x, SGT John Hilton I si Sec Gunner PFC Doniel Holmcs lst Ph FDC fr ffix F,, I ldffi PFC Steven Hovey 4th Sec Connoneer SGT Chorles lngrom SPC Russell Kendricks 4/41 Attochment 3rd Sec Connoneer SPC Glsn Kcrnurky 2nd Ph FDC SPC Michoel Lone 4lh Sec Connoneer SPC Anthony Lowrencc 5th Sec Connoneer i+" F SGT Jomes 2nd Plt BCS lowrcncc Opcrolor PFC Terry Morlin I sl Sec Connoneer PFC Horriel Moy 7th Sec Connoneer SPC Ronold McCtcrrond SGT lvon McKinney Sth Sec Connoneer 4th Sec Gunner SPC Kevin C. Medwid 5th Sec Connoneer fr, :1 "',1,; PFC Soveo Metu:elo I 7lh Sec Connoneer , 7,W SGT Ronold Myers A:sisl Commo Chief PFC Jon Noie:ki 6th Sec Connonecr SSG Dole NeSn,rth I st Sec Chicf SPC Juon Pobon BOC Driver SSG Alberton K. Pickcl 3rd Sc Chief er$ 6th SECTION sth SECTION The Light Fighters 2nd Plotoon!! "-( 7rh sEcTtoN ffiru W;, ;: lD aNa t a j:: # 8th SECTION al sl s :"{ ! "trF$ ffiI ,"aH, SPC Scott Pommercning SPC Wesley Pugh PFC Dovid Purvis SSG Michoel Roy SPC Tom Rooch PFC Thomos Robcrts BOC Operolor 3rd Sec Connonccr 3rd Sec Connoneer 2nd Plt FDC Chief 3rd Sec Connonaer 3rd Sec Connoncer ,# rF-{ 's Robcrtrn SGT Dwight Robinson Zih Sec Connoneer 8th Sec Gunner pFC Moryin i.* /7;"I{ Jffi SGT Fronk Rodriquez 7th Sec Gunncr SPC Dove Ruckcr );i 6lh Sec Connonecr itui t PFC Bryon Sorrozin 4th Sec Connoneer h r,j d SPC Joseph Sellers Eottery Ammo SSG Perry Royslcr 6th Sec Chief SPC Fronci: Smith PFC Jomie Soulio 2nd Plt FDC Sec iW i ,w 2nd Plt ;.* PFC Dorren Tote l5t Pli FDC PV2 Joe Whitfreld 2nd Sec Connoneer SSG Christopher Wilson SPC Morvin Willis 2nd Sec Chief 5th Sec Connoneer SPC Henry 2nd Sec Wimberly Connonet SPC SPC Richord Stone Boltery Ammo Sec FDC Truiillo Connoncer PFC Justin PFC Brion Unongsr F Sec lsl Williom Wofford 2nd Sec Connoneer Sec Connoneer Photos Not Available SGT Jomc Cogcr SSG Guolberto SSG Laon Grccn SGT Avery Dovis SPC Joel Blochly SPC Roy Chorlcs BOC Opcrotor 2nd Scc Connone€r 3rd Scc Gunncr BOC Operotor SPC Doleon Johnson SSG Doymon Soltcrs SGT Gilbcrt Willioms SGT Ronold Willioms Supply Clerk 4/41 Attochmenl NBC Chicf 2nd Sec Gunner 8th lnglcr Ammo Chicf Sc chief SGT Dorryl Young Ammo Scclion SGT Robcr Womock 5th Scc Gunner r w*ffi Proctice Mokes Perfect "They Left Me" t I q *b* -.a! r \ How 'bout o Lube Job? Th-Th-Th-Th-Thot's All Folks! s\ YouC&[]["". $ lSG Chorles Smith Svc Botry 1 st Sergeont CPT Horry Green Svc Btry Commonder \rry \, \ffi M kflT I LT Michoel Swiney Svc Btry XO SFC Percy McKnight Svc Btry Moint SFC Anthony J. Espinolo I LT Donold Throsher Amrno Pltn Leoder MSG Vincent McMqhon Motor Sergeont C Moint Teom SFC Roger Thompson SGT Hector Romirez Svc Btry Ammo SFC Rickie Merz Bn Moint A Teom Moint NWS M"N \, sNS NN N $n-,i r\s' ffi NS* ..$ SPC Clifioro CurrT SSG Donold Dovir Svc Blry Ammo Svc Biry Ammo SPC Williom Eo:ley Ammo PFC Todd Gogolowski "C" Moint Teom SGT Peler Henry Svc Etry Ammo SGT Elliott Henry Jr. Recovery Gory D. Holl HHB Moint SPC SSG Clorence Hinton Speciol Wmpons SPC Jomes Dovis "C" SGT Leon Delooch SPC Dovid Droper POt R<overy Moint Teom SGT Roymond Etchinson Svc Blry Ammo SPC Kenneth Horrell Svc Btry Hoelyfield Moint SGT Tyrone Bn SPC Mork Escolonte PFC Teom Moin Svc PFC Michoel D. Howell "C" Moinr PFC Eroin Horlley SPC Eddie Horris "A" Mork Flclchar "B" Supply Moint Teom Moinl SGT Scott Dyko Recovery SGT Poblo Goloviz BW Moint SPC Timothy Horuay "8" Btry Moini PFC Dovid Joggli SSG Gregory Jenkins Bn Moint B Brry Moinr \ p3 .r{i ,'l PFC Jomes Johnson "8" Btry Moint PFC Toby Kidney "A" Teom Moint SGT Leseur "C" Teom Moint WN JM,, SPC Corolos Livingslon PIL Clerk SPC Lorry lopcz Svc Moint PFC Monoul D. "C" lopcz Teom Moint l t ? $ SPC Albcrr "C" Lynch Moint Teom SGT Robert Mopp s-4 SPC Rob€rt MoBhon Supply SPC Wilson mcerimmon "8" SSG Dole McCuiston NCO|C AIOC Btry Moint SGT Ersel McCullin Ammo l!' t" PFC BW Moini PFC Jose MeJio Chorlcs McWillioms Svc S-r[ "C" Moint Teom SSG Dovid K. Moormon HHB Moinl Teom Chief SPC Donold Newmon "8" SGT Chorles Notice Moinl { SGT Jerry Poge NBC SPC Fronk C. Roberts HHB Moint SPC Chrislopher Porxer SPC Roy Phillips SPC Jesse Ployer HHB Moint Svc Etry Ammo "A" SPC Johnny Rogers SPC Scott Rogers SPC Trocy "8" Svc Blry Ammo Btry Moint Teom Moinl A. Rosebrock Reovery SGT Mock Polk PFC Williom H. Poole Svc PtL Clerk HHB Moint Arthur Sodler Svc Biry Ammo SGT Michoel Somple SGT Peter L. Sieiner Svc Btry Moint SPC Anthony Stuort SGT BW Mqint b L. SPC Edword Seorle SPC Richord E. Selmon R<overy HHB Moint sPc Shonley Michoel Svc Moint PFC Moxie Slover Rxovery s-4 Photos Not Avoiloble SFC Lorry Anderson 8n Moint SSG Dovid Avery SFC Poul Werner SPC Erensto Alcivor Bn Moint 8n Moint Bomberg HHB Moint SPC Curtis L. 8n Moint SGT Cedric Borbee Svc Btry 3/41 FA Ammo SGT Joe Bonks Bn Moint SGT Edword Bechdel Ammo PFC Williom Beechom Bn Moint ( ft SPC Roger Bornett Ammo ufi CW2 Jomes Elock 8n Moinl SGT Nothoniel Britt Ammo '.? -*!f PFC Todd A. Erelsford C Moint Teom SGT Dovid Brinson HHB Moini PLL Clerk PVT Johnny Cogle I SPC Cephus Brown Btry Moint Bn Moint SGT John Brown Bn TAMMS/PLL qt SPC Ronold Bullock \,,f; \,i5 \; ) ri ", PW PFC Seom Chondler PFC Kennelh Clork B Biry Moint Bn Moint Ire SPC Russell Cole "C" Teom Moint PFC Mork Coron "B" Teom Moint SSG lsooc Cobb Ammo SSG Ronold Collins "C" Teom Moint R*overy SGT Brodley Cribbs Ammo SSG Floyd Cunninghom Ammo SGT Erion Dunning "C" Teom Moint SSG Jeffrey Ebright Supply SPC Botisto Ferron "C" PFC Brion College Supply SPC Adonis Cooper POL Teom Moint SPC Michoel Collins SPC Joseph Colvin SGT Conner Bn Moint C Btry Moint Teom PFC Fronklin Horris POL Svc Teom Moint SSG Rorell Cooper Svc Btry Ammo Mork tox 8n Mornl SGT ,.,: .,11"r'i:lit' :l:i"t:' :::!1t,,' & ***e& &* *W:"'i B&TTLTIfiNG l.'l: (W Soudi's Premier Resort - Volet Porking "Hey! Who's Been in My Stocking?" Fridoy Night oi the Movies , w," l; ,,,..,ji I .:11. Hoppy Thonksgiving Just Like Mom's Ar6i$*d AOrTl"tS"&{ ..' By ffi ODN &&N ff M2M &iA$3!*1t$T"F!,OE&{ilOu$lRY .$lix: ttisli$i,idlk pq !ts4 &11 t(rilt wqt ip !r 6t tF 'r .gli.i&I,$IF 6qS ..,- *ei*.ls 8oe ,'. .. ,s" ."+ &ii*lt3 i;$:ll *ar.*"!t nulr l-qiladltd!$i;;i{i;Ejie :,|:"**1+ . -F& n.',.\rL,s{ sA ft{ o?rd*} wrru ttr Nr@sr M o4l Yda, (& ' *.: &rqi,rdltB,rlff s mt*&+oir 33 * SXI e/*{'J r\"& ', *, * ;.* r w .:1 . .r. *:**:*:jjljljj::3 To lroq & Bock! l;ei ilL'1t €lj E!-r'i ry- tts;l .:tr, . *<.f- o[;J l1r3.iY . ir; l'i-.L:It +Jr!l i,i -;! UuJl .r[.Elt (i, t6-Jl.:t-I.^Jlr! ,tr;l .-l )l LEAVE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY (*r! u.u-l ,};l ,f,r ,h u dJJ; r<:. -.t1,_ oi Oue to Military necessity we must ask you to fo{low our instructions to ensure your safety. We are not here to harm you. Military operations ar6 imminint. you need to leave the area immediately. Do not return until told to do so by the authorities. V/elcome Home Bottlekings!! 3no BerralroN 4l sr Frclo Anru-leny 24rn lNrnNrny DrvrsroN, Fr. Srewnnr, GeoRcm T"BATTLEK'NGS" ..STUDS OF THE EUPHRATES'' >r?r Redlegs Extraordinaire! 2No Bnrcnoe's D.S. AnTTLERyMEN MVER IN RESERVE, LEADERS OF TI{E ATTACK, DEEP INTO IRAQ, CUTTING THEM NO SLACK, JACK! Cnn Torr Fner: I -800-TOP-GUNS AVERAGE GUYS DOING A HERO'S JOB! Antler Printing - Lyons, GA
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