����� 01 ( Th�� sinh l��m b��i tr���c ti���p v��o ����� thi ) C��u 1: Pick out the

NĂM HỌC: 2014- 2015
Môn: Anh Lớp: 12
(Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề)
Đề 01
( Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề thi )
Câu 1: Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words:
A. disappear
B. engineer
C. education
D. attachment
Câu 2: Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words:
A. writer
B. teacher
C. builder
D. career
Câu 3: Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words:
A. apply
B. anthem
C. appear
D. attend
Câu 4: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
A. compared
B. shared
C. hatred
D. repaired
Câu 5: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
A wood
B good
C food
D childhood
Câu 6: Choose the best answer :
_____________it not been for the intolerable heat in the hall, they would have stayed much longer.
A. If
B. But
C. Should
D. Had
Câu 7: Choose the best answer :
if you can’t remember his phone number, you can always______it___________in the phone book.
A. take / down
B. look/ up
C. find / out
D. bring / about
Câu 8: Choose the best answer :
It is believed________________causes insomnia.
A. too much caffeine which
B. that too much caffeine C. it is too much caffeine D. too much
caffeine that
Câu 9: Choose the best answer :
The harder you try, ___________________________
A. the most you achieve
B. you achieve the more
C. the more you achieve
D. the better achieve you have
Câu 10: Choose the best answer :
Maria: “ I’m taking my end-of-term examination
Sarah: “ ______________ “
A. Good luck”
B. Good day
C. Good time
D. Good chance
Câu 11: Choose the best answer :
Peter quit his job at the advertising agency, --------surprised everyone.
A which
B that
C who
D when
Câu 12: Choose the best answer :
I can’t help ----------- him in spite of his faults.
A admire
B admired
C to admire
D admiring
Câu 13: Choose the best answer :
Neil Armstrong was the first man ______ on the moon.
A. has walked
B. walking
C. walked
D. to walk
Câu 14: Choose the best answer :
The captain as well as all the passengers ______ very frightened by the strange noise.
A. is
B. were
C. was
D. have been
Câu 15: Choose the best answer :
Don't be late for the interview, ____________people will think you are a disorganized person.
A. unless
B. otherwise
C. if not
D. or so
Câu 16: Choose the best answer :
Our landlord had the broken window ________ before
A. fix
B. fixing
C. fixed
D. to fix
Câu 17: Choose the best answer :
Jack London wrote several________novels on adventure.
Câu 18: Choose the best answer :
Vietnam is now willing to__________part in the 24th SEA Games hosted by Thailand by the end of
2007 with a total 958 athletes.
A. play
B. lose
C. take
D. enjoy
Câu 19: Choose the best answer :
He’d prefer ___________ chicken soup rather than
___________ milk
A. having / having B. to have / drink C. have / drink D. had / drank
Câu 20: Choose the best answer :
_________my complaint to the manager, the waiter was sacked.
A.Because of
B.Thanks to
Câu 21: Identify mistake in following sentence: Because the heavy flood, many people are
Câu 22: Identify mistake in following sentence : The high the rate of inflation, the higher the
price of things.
Câu 23: Identify mistake in following sentence
In my opinion, I think this book is more interesting than the other one.
Câu 24: Choose the best answer : You _____________keep it secret or they will kill you.
A. must
B. neednt
C. might
D. may
Câu 25: Choose the best answer( closest) : We depend on species diversity to provide food,
clean air and water.
A. popularity
B. existence
C. development
D. variety
Câu 26: Choose the best answer ( opposite)
We ought to keep these proposals secret from the chairman for the time being.
A. lively
B. frequented
C. accessible
D. revealed
Câu 27: Choose the best answer :
Have you ever read ________ "Oliver Twist", ________ interesting novel written by Charles
A. the / the
B. X / an
C. X / X
D. an / the
Câu 28: Choose the sentence that has the same meaning with the given sentence
They could not go for a picnic because of the bad weather.
A. The bad weather prevents them from going for a picnic.
B. The bad weather prevented them from going for a picnic.
C. The bad weather stops them from going for a picnic.
D. The bad weather stoped them from going for a picnic
Câu 29: Choose the sentence that has the same meaning with the given sentence
“Don’t tell anyone or you’ll be sorry.”
A. She said she was sorry as I didn’t tell her
B. She warned me not to tell anyone.
C. I would be sorry if she didn’t tell me.
D. She said that I should apologise to her
Câu 30: Choose the sentence that has the same meaning with the given sentence
Despite feeling cold, we kept walking
A. Althought we felt cold , but we kept walking B. .Althought we felt cold , we kept walking
C. However cold we felt, but we kept walking D. However we felt cold, we kept walking
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Stress is our body’s reaction to events or conditions that we cannot easily manage or control.
When we are troubled by something, we usually experience some types of__(01)___. There are
thousand conditions that cause us to become tense. These may be major and horrible fighting for our
lives in a war, being imprisoned or facing death. On the other hand, minor__(02)___in our daily
lives cause stress as well: waiting in lines, taking a quiz, or asking for or accepting a date. Although
we usually think of stress as something caused by __(03)___events, pleasant happenings also bring
As a new__(04)___is done on the effects of stress, new techniques are developed to help cope
with anxiety. One aid is to plan for situations that we know will be stressful. Some imagine the
event before it happens, thus preparing their minds and bodies for the tension. Others pretend they
are on a pleasant beach__(05)___in the sunshine; soon their bodies relax and tension melts away.
Other people believe strenuous exercise helps the body handle the problems of daily life. It matters
very little which method we use to relax; what does matter is finding the time to temporarily reduce
the effects of modern life on our brain and body.
B.which lies
C.to lie
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Many species are now in danger of becoming extinct. Among the threats to endangered species are
business that buy and sell animals for their skin and other parts. Unfortunately, the people who run
these business are not discouraged by fines, which they see as just another business expense. A
better way to control the problem would be to force whoever is caught buying or selling products
made from endangered species to do community service should require work that helps protect the
animals they are harming. Such a law should be quite effective. If people trafficking in illegal
animal products were forced to help endangered species, they might understand how destructive
their bussiness is. Also, their community service tasks turn them into helpers rather than destroyers.
Some might say that community servive would not be an effective way to protect endangered
species because it would not really convince people to abandon a profitable business. However,
community service would be much more effective than fine alone.
We must do whatever we can to save all species so that the complex web of life is protected. For
this reason, we need stronger, more effective way penalties such as the one I am proposing...
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. business that buy and sell animals for their skin and other parts. B. community service.
C. a law to help protect
D. endangered species
2. The word ‘they’ in line 5 refers to . . . .
A. endangered species
B. the people who run the business of buying and selling products made from endangered species.
C. business that buy and sell animals.
D. the animal which are harmed.
3. The word ‘trafficking’ in line 5 refers to . . . .
A. buying and selling something illegally
B. going on the road
C. getting stuck in traffic
D. bring something from one place to another place
According to the author, an effective way to protect endangered species is to force whoever is
caught buying or selling products made from endangered species. . . .
A. to do community service
B. to pay a fine
C. to abandon a profitable business
D. to go into the prison
5. Why must we do pour best to save all species?
A. to get profit from animal
B. to protect the complex web of life
C. to keep them in wild life
D. to help them survive for future use
Writing:Write a paragraph about the reasons why you want to work for an organization
(you should write at least 80 words)
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